a 17--Female Help Wanted 18--Male Help Wanted 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sole THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, September 12, 1966 1Q For oa tates, Ltd, 1253 King St. E., Hamilton, Ont. EXPERIENCED tap man ond waiter. Fang) Gansraska Hotel, 30 Ontario Street Hope. No phone calls please. TOOL AND DIE MAKERS -- Good work- conditions, end 8 Trends Canada Lid. A _ Tole 923-2730 and ings 942-2087. ----w je--mars fey Sone? requires MACHINISTS and INSPECTORS centre lathe, turret, boreing mills, grinders. mills, Double shift (rotating work) Enjoy a long weekend. Second shift is 4 doys, 40 hr, week. Fringe benefits company paid TELEPHONE BOB CAMERON or - MRS, WAUDE 942-3100 SALES REGISTRAR Well established Canadian musical firm requires young mon age 19 - 29 for the above position. Must have late mode! car, willingness to work, previous sales experience helpful, knowledge of music not nec- essary, good references. Upon qualification applicant will receive extensive train- ing program at company's ex- pense. Salory and commis- ly Usuel company bene- its Replies in strict confidence, WRITE BOX 42861 OSHAWA TIMES or Yelephone WESTON 247-4952 HERE'S YOUR KEY TO A BiG INCOME -- MAIL TODAY THE W. T. RAWLEIGH CO. LTD., Dept. 1-310-HY, -|DO YOU WANT TO MAKE part or full time? Sell "Capri-50", the hand cleaner that removes paint, tar, grease, carbon, efc., without water. Write: Lemille inc. P.O, Box 147 | all purpose TIME STUDY METHOD ENGINEER GRADE 13 PREFERRED Apply in Person To the Labor Office, GOOD YEAR TIRE and RUBBER COMPANY of CANADA LTD. BOWMANVILLE BUSES & CARS have 100 ready-to-go! oll western cities Gos Allowance AUTO DRIVEAWAY CO. 137 Yonge St., Toronto 1, Ont. / 362-1391 We COOK must be experienced Apply Chef Genosha Hotel Station Youville Montreal, MAJOR SEED COMPANY requires full or part time sales representative for the area. Highest commission, good opportu- nity for retired farmer or man with farm background. Apply Box M42807 Oshawa Times. BARBER required. Musi be experienced plus commission, hop, 1198 Wecker Guaranteed $80 week! Lake Vista Barber Drive. Phone 728-0422 or 723-4712. Ask for Joe. | XPERIENCED waiter wanted. Apply Queen's Hotel, 67 Simcoe St. N. AMBITIOUS MAN with car to sell and service the product of Electrolux ge x perience not necessary, 723-4163, Ask for ada Limited. Full or _ part-time. Mr. McNally. SEVERAL TRUCKS heeded for hauling from approximately October 10 to December Christmas frees all local work, 10. Phone 263-2359. LEARN THE ART of professional sales- manship. | urge you to Investigate this! wonderful opportunity. Your sole Invest. | ment Is 15 to 20 hours » week. For fullest details, telephone 723-4163. buTcHE Company benefits. Telephone days -- 852-6076 nights. DRIVE and provisions, Permanent job for reliable man. Company beneifts. 19--Male and Female Help Wanted MONBY, Capable man for frozen food company. Good job for right man. 368-4073, For delivery of appliances poe ele- phone 368-4073 days -- 852-6076 nights. " TAX! DRIVERS Part or full time, Minimum age 25. MERCURY TAXI 725-4771 CARETAKER for li-svite apariment in| Cobourg, man and wife. No children, Write 42054, Oshawa Times. MAN AND WOMAN for assistant super- intendents in a medium size apartment buliding. Telephone 725-0657 for appoint. ment, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal, P.Q., Gentlemen: | am interested in the world famous Rawieigh | Line on ( ) part-time besis € ) full-time bosis () Pleose me. PREE Book and catalog: with IT details. AME. ccveeciecrceese ADDRESS Quality Control SUPERVISOR GRADE 13 PREFERRED Apply in Person To the Labor Office. GOOD YEAR TIRE AND RUBBER CO. of Canada Ltd. Bowmanville o CABINET MAKERS, UPHOLSTERERS, FINISHERS for Toronto Custom Cabinet Skilled people only, apply, top wages. PLEASE CALL 757-3004 | L. S. INTERIORS LTD. or Apply in person to: need Mc 20--Real Estate for Sale | REALTOR 519 BROK ST. SOUTH WHITBY 668-5868 OWNER MOVING Modern three bedroom home hes rec. room with bor, large kitchen with lots of cup- boards. The owner must move with his work ond is anxious to. see an offer, Close to schools, paved streets, side- walks, plus we can arrange terms to suite any reason- able down payment. Ask for Ivan Kellestine MUST SELL The owner of this home has made a mistake -- he pur- chased a new home before the old one wos sold. If your @ handy man this is for you, if you have all cash you might do real well, There are four bedrooms and oa large fomily tyne kitchen. Asking $14,500. but anxious to see an offer. Ask for Ivan Kelles- tine NORTHERN HEIGHTS The hard work is all. done here, completely fenced yard, poved drive and o good rec. room. This home is well de- 85 Nontucket Bivd. SCADRADN PUNCH PRESS SET-UP MEN PRESS OPERATORS MACHINE OPERATORS THE | CANADA METAL | OMPANY LIMITED 32 Upton Road, Searboro | Tel: 755-5247 | URGENTLY REQUIRED Tobacco Primers | No experience necessary. Rate of pay $16.00 per day with room and board. Traons- portation provided. Apply to the NATIONAL | EMPLOYMENT SERVICE | OFFICE, at 314 Simcoe St. | South, Oshawa or call 728-4631 | SALES SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Lerge International Company | has opening in Oshawa -- Bay Ridges Area for a mon under forty-five. Four months | training period at $100.00 | Per week followed by salary | plus commission. Average first | year income $7,000. Gener- ©us group benefits. Reply giv- | ing details to Box 42853, Times. coreted and very clean. Larae family style kitchen and three bedrooms. We can try any reasonable down payment here. Call right now and ask for Ivan Kellestine WHITBY Modern three bedroom brick home not quite three years old with full basement ond attached garage. The most important thing to say about this home is that if it were being built today it would cost at least $3,000.00 more than we are asking for this one. About $4,000.00 down will handle. Ask for Ivan Kel- lestine. AJAX Only two years old (better than new) six room split level home. This one really does have extras. Custom built two level basement keeps rec. room separate from regulor basement. Built in frigiddire 40" stove, plus something a women thinks she could never own, @ dish washer, humidi- fier, and gos dryer. also a good gas stove hooked up in basement. Decoration and landscaping is tops. This home carries for $122.00 monthly if you have @ good down pay- ment. Call now and osk: for Ivan Kellestine FOR RENT On Dundes St. in Whitby, « modern 2 bedroom apartment --electric heat, swimming pool, and many extras includ- ed. yeor lease. Children allowed. Ask for Ivan Kelles- 668-5868. Quay | | JOSHAWA, 3 BEDROOM BRICK, ONLY $2,700. DOWN - GORDON OSBORNE REAL ESTATE 218 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY DIAL 668-8826 48 SIMCOE ST. S., OSHAWA DIAL 728-5157 THOUSANDS OF SATISFIED CLIENTS OVER THE YEARS WHY NOT YOU! A MODERN HOME WITH SPACE -- $21,950. Many young families are getting crowded with the small 3 bedroom bungalow and need that extra space for real living. This can be what you have been looking for with four large bedrooms, 12' by 11' dining room and a kitchen that the family can use Not only this but you have a. finished recreation room with ornate fireplace. 1% baths and a neat car port, Extras include built-in radio and record player. Norge. dryer, T.V, Tower and others. Not too much lawn to look offer, just right for the busy father. As low as $4,000. down may take this fine family Oshawa - East End home » MACKENZIE AVE., OSHAWA NEAR ADVENTIST CHURCH This immaculate 3 bedroom bungalow is just as nice inside as outside with sharp, clean decoration and fine workmanship, A new owner will appreciate thé thoughtfullness of the present American. owner in planting trees for future shade and comfort, Finished recreation room gives that extra living space for the entire family, Why not drive by this neat property and make appointment to see; Owner transferred says sell for $20,300. WHITBY -- CUSTOM BUILT -- $20,900 You will agree this ig not just another home with the fine work- manship and quality of materials, All six rooms are tastefuly decorated and ready for immediate occupancy. Let us show. you this brick and stone bungalow with attached garage on popular bse street near schools. Some trees here too for only $4,000, iown, OSHAWA -- 112 STOREY --3 APTS. 11 room brick and stucco home divided into 3 apartments for interesting income, Live in One apartment and let rent pay the bills Equipped with coin operated washer - dryer, gas stoves, refrigerators. Asking price for the whole package only $21,500. RECREATION ROOM AND EXTRA BEDROOM $15,700 Whitby three bedroom brick with extra bedroom in basement. Near Publi¢ and High Schools, Double paved drive and extras for better living. If you have a good down payment, interest on mortgage is. only 6%. Owner moving ATHOL ST., WHITBY -- $18,200. Five year old brick with three bedrooms, Hollywood style kitchen, start on recreation room, all new decoration, 4 piece bath with vanity. Paved drive, hedges, walkout basement, sun deck. School is close by here too OSHAWA NEAR DOWNTOWN WITH INCOME This nine room brick home with qarege has three kitchens, two bathrooms, seporate electric service to make income. for you, Live on one floor and let income pay your payments and taxes. Make good boarding house too: Asking price $20,500 With many extras including exhaust fan in kitchen, low 614% interest on mortgage, extra nice kitchen cupboards, Tile bath and e@ neighbourhood you will enjoy. Why settle for less buy where your investment is sound. Asking price $17,900; with $500. winter works bonus to come off this price 2 STOREY EXECUTIVE IN WHITBY -- $27,000. 8 rooms in all, in this spacious home on popular Cochrone St, Whitby, A large family will enjoy the 2' baths and the sensible YW x 14' kitchen space. Has built-in stove and Oven, separate dining room, fireplace and cozy den. You must see this beouty and oppreciate its setting on 133' frontage lot, Taxes are sur- prisingly low OSHAWA, ON JAMES ST. -- ONLY $12,900. 2 storey brick with low taxes has 2 apartments renting for $155, monthly. Looks like good income for wide awoke landlord or if you want a family home and rent one Opartment for income Less than $2,000. down may buy this sleeper if you can see the possibilities. COLBORNE STREET EAST.--.OSHAWA INCOME Home with 2 apartments and rentel income from parking lot Owner retiring to England wishes quick sale on this 8 room, 2 storey home near downtown GM. Some extras include stove rotor T.V. aerial etc. You can live here and let apartments and Dorking income pay the bills. Not much to do here with clean decoration to greet you. Asking $24,000. with reasonable down Ppoyment GREENWOOD CRESCENT, WHITBY -- $15,000. Like o. quiet street with nice yard neor schools If so, why not let us show you this 3 bedroom brick home with portially finished recreation room, all clean decoration and a*fine 6% motrgage monthly payments only $109. includes taxes : NEAR OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Two storey brick twin home with dining room, three bedrooms and family size kitchens. Clean decoration, modest heating cost and low toxes, Neat fencing surrounds the play area of this 8 year old property. Monthly payments only $88, including taxes. CENTRE STREET WHITBY -- $14,750. Need o three bedroom home- This could be yours with broadioom in living room, ceramic tile bath, enough material to finish recreation room and a 6% interest mortgage. Schoo! hand here too. Need $3,000. down. ais «g died EYE-CATCHING 2 STOREY Nothing like it in Whitby or Oshawa is whet you will say after Inspection of this 6 room, 2 storey brick with 73' by 143° lot Builder has reduced his price by 20% to sell this dinstinely dif- ferent family home on Byron St., Whitby. Includes 1% baths, three large bedrooms, family room open. fireplace, modern kit- chen with pantry, walk-out balcony .from upstoirs living room ond all completely decorated and landscaped. Take advantage of the reduced price of $19,900 OSHAWA 1% ACRE LOT -- $5,000. With city water, paved rood neorly 400' depth. Plon now to build next year and save, Not many like this, so act quickly 6 ACRES, TREES AND FOUNDATION -- $5,500. Completely finished basement here 10 blocks high 24 x 44° all ready to start building the house Commuting distance to Oshafa and Whitby just off Highway No. 35, EXCELLENT WHITBY LOCATION -- $10,800. 2 bedroom with dining room, large kitchen, electric heat. Older home newly made over waiting for retired couple wishing to have low overhead. See this little beauty only 10 minutes walk to centre of town 3 BEDROOM TWIN -- $12,700. Beat the. high cost of renting a home with this economical property in the centre of Whitby. One down payment and you pay only $86. monthly for interest, principal and taxes. !f you don't have enough to poy down increase your monthly poyments, but hove o home of your ewn, . 723-2265 Over A Quarter Century of Service OPEN DAILY 9 A.M..TO 9 P.M, WESTDALE ST. Attractive Cape Cod Style 2 starey brick home Kitchen with buitl-in range and oven, separate dining room, Only six years old and nicely land- scaped, Lot size 69' x 115° in an excellent residential area. BEDFORD AVENUE Beoutiful 6 room bungalow on a quiet street in north west area, Double Garage, Spacious living and dining room with broadloom, floor to ceiling fireplace, 2 baths, finished recreation room with fireplace, also a panelled of- fice, Very nicely decorated and landscaped. A luxury home well worth inquiring about, 4 BFDROOM HOME on a good siged lot. Full price $10,000. Owner anxious to sell, Call for details, INCOME HOME -- AGNES ST. Very central -- older home now converted to a duplex -- in excellent condition and oc- cupied by good tenants, List- ed $16,900 with $5,000 down ELEGANT COMFORTABLE Bungalow nestled on the side of a lovely favine lot with babbling brook, The gracious foyer of this family home ad- mits you to a spacious living room, Ultra modern kitchen with builtin dish-washer, re- frigerator, stove and oven, 4 spacious bedroony. Master bedroom has 5 pc_ ensuite, double clothes closets, white broadioom and door leading to a private balcony, Lower level has den, family room with builtin bar, open stone fireplace, walk-out to patio, 5 pc. bath, 2 car garage. 7% open mortgage. Call for an appointment to ingpect. WOODLEA CRESCENT Most attractive colonial bung- alow with double garage and poved drive. Many desirable features such as a formal dining room, finished family room, 2 pc. bath off master bedroom, and completely dec- erated to your choice, ALMA STREET Two bedroém bungalow only a block from hospital. Low taxes. Try your down pay- ment on, {Sis one. BALDWIN STREET Attractive 5 room bungalow with carport, in excellent res- idential district, close to schools and churches. Has finished Rec. Room with bar, This home is on a good' sized lot, beautifully landscaped and is only five years old. Call now and arronge to in- spect QUIET RETREAT 11 acres --- partially wooded a strearo -- 3 bedroom cottage, all this reasonably priced and within We hours drive from Oshawa. VARCOES RD. NORTH This 6 room frame home can be yours for as little as $2,000 down payment. Lot 40 x 150. Toxes $179. Total asking price $9,800 | OPEN 'HOUSE | N || BEAU VALLEY DAILY 6:00 -- 9:00 P.M. SAT. ond SUN 2:00 -- 5:30 P.M. For. full perticulars*eall 723-2265 Irene Brown 725-3867 Marg Holl 723-1358 |__Mel Dale 623-5638 | Bill Johnston 728-1066 Ed Drumm 725-9345 Maible Boudreau 728-2233 Irwin Cruikshanks 728-5205 Mike Belmonte 725-8300 Reg Aker 725-0201 Bill McFeeters 725-1726 | Member of Oshawa and District | Real Estate Board | WE LIST EXCLUSIVE AND M.L.S. MORTGAGES ARRANGED 360 King St. West. Free, easy, safe parking $1,500. down, if you qualify | puts you into your dream Armstrong _ Home | 8 models to choose from Features include clay brick Alcan aluminum siding, built- in oven ond range, vanity bathroom, sliding petio doors, walkout basements, plus mony more conveniences. INHA FINANCING Drop out to . SOUTHWOOD PARK ~AJAX Open 9 a.m. to 9 pm. daily GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE LTD. | 942-3310 SCHOFIELD-AKER GU REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. BLOOR STREET WEST 1 @ This 4 roomed bungsiow mey have future possibilities. Reasonable price, Call to-day for full particulars. Il @ Large income home, pres- ently netting $150, per month, for sale in South East area, Pur- chaser can live fee the price of taxes per year, Renjals will carry mortgage and interest charges. ithin walking distance of down- town, Wall-to-wall broadloom in living room and downstairs bed- room, Large bright modern kit- chen will appeal to the women, Act now on this profitable invest- ment, tomorrow could be too late. INCOME PROPERTY Ili @ This attractive large brick bungalow is located in the preferred section of the City. Six extra large rooms with gar- age, Large beautifully landscap- ed lot, There is a two bedroom basement apartment with private entrance. Many more extras, We will be very glad to show you this excellent home, Call to- night for an appointment. JUST LISTED 1V @ A lovely six room bunga- low in our preferind north west section of the city, This home is nicely decorated, and feat- ures a beautifully finished rec- reation room with ber, plus o fourth bedroom, Located on a good sized lot, Phone now for more information, JANE STREET V @ Lovely 2 storey, custom built brick home with breeze- way and attached garage, four large bedrooms, separate. dining and living room, family kitchen and finished recreation room with natural fireplace, Call for appointment to inspect, JUST LISTED VI @ Compact home one large lot 99 ft. x 121 ft, on outskirts of town, garage, all convenien- ces, school bus at the door, Call for further details BEAUTIFUL RANCH HOME Vil @ On Highway No. 2 be- tween Oshawa and Whitby. You may capotilize on the large lot 150 ft. frontage by 195 ft deep for commercial use. Rea- sonable down payment, Owner' will take back on an open mort- gage. Inquire now MASSON STREET Vill @ Six room, two storey brick home. Lovely lot -- just Hsted exclusively. Immediate- possession, For full particulars call. to-day. NORTH EAST AREA 1X @ This beautiful 3 bedroom bungalow with spacious living room and family sized kitchen is situated in the northern. sec- tion of the city. Located on a quiet street and close to public school. Call now for an inspec- tion CLOSE TO SHOPPING CENTRE X @ 4 room bungalow, only o few blocks from the Oshowa Shopping Centre. sLow asking price, If Father is a carpenter you can make a dollar on this property. Coll now for further details MUST SELL XI @ The vendor of this attrac- tive brick bungalow in the East- erly port of the city must sell os he has already purchased o large home. Ideally located on lot of 50 x 120 fget Roomy dining room, hollywood = type kitchen with built in stove ond oven, large living room of 19' x 12' with @ bright southern exposure, entrance hall with closet, three large bedrooms overcome with closet space. This is a very comfortable home, hurry 6nd colt rnow~-for--full! porticulors. GOOD INCOME POSSIBILITIES XI @ Good brick home, present- ly divided into 3 apartments. This home is excellent condition and is located in a quiet dist- trict. You can't aford to miss out on this, so coll to-day and we will be happy to show you through, CUSTOM BUILT BY OWNER XII1 @ Completely finished rec- reation centre is the outstand- ing feature of this immaculate home in the North West Area, with, self-contained kitchen and washroom. Built-in Hi-Fi sys- tem with outside speakers for summer entertaining on the out- sized patio, Three very large bedrooms, living room with stone fireploce, separate dining room, colored fitxures in the 4 pe. bathroom. This is @ most unusual home, built by @ crofts- mon DIG THIS CRAZY PRICE XIV @ $13,900. for this com- fortable 2 bedroom home in a quiet area of Oshawa. Econom- 20--Real Estate for Sole 20----Real Estate for Sale IDE 723-5281 NORTH EAST AREA XVI--@- Don't mise the -eye catching three bedroom brick bungaiow witn atracned gorage, Completely finished recreation room, Hollywood. type kitchen with hood and exhoust fon. Carries for $112, interest, prin- cipal and taxes, Many extras included. Homes like this sell fust, so call to-day for on ap- pointment to inspect, DELIGHTFUL LIVING XVII @ Call us to-night on this charming eight year old brick bungalow. _ This home hos o Hollywood kitchen, living room, three good sized bedrooms an attached garage with paved drive, , Beautifully landscaped grounds, Hardwood and tile floors throughout, We are sure you will love it on sight. Make on appointment to-day. N.H.A. RESALE VIIl. @ Beautiful bungalow on @ quiet court in the east end "of the city, Completely finish- ed recreation room and den with extra washroom in base- ment, Large lot and paved driveway, For full particulars call to-day. CLOSE TO DOWNTOWN XIX @ Solid, 1% storey brick home within walking distance of shopping arec, schools, churches, ete. Home carries for $105, per month with low down poyment You couldn't rent o home os large for less, Call to- day ---- to-morrow may be too late. MAKE US AN OFFER XX @ On this two bedroom bungalow in the South East port of Chow. The house needs o bit of paint on the outside, has high basement, large lot, all newly fenced in for the safety of your children, and lots of room for a garden, Financing can easily be arranged, For an appointment to see, call to- night. ASKING PRICE $9,000. XX! @ Are you looking for o small bungalow on a quiet street? Then we have just what you're looking for. Opportunity plus! You moy call this two bedroom home having sun porch with awnings, situated on oa good sized lot. Call for further details, OWNER TRANSFERRED XXIl_ @ Six year old home on lovely size lot can be yours for a modest down payment. Con- sists of 3 bedrooms, separate dining room with chandelier. Ampie kitchen cupboards. Pric- ed at only $15,900. Try an offer. GENUINE BARGAIN XXHI @ House situoted on lot 45' x 118', House, which can be fixed up, has conveniences plus the benefits of living in Oshawa, At this distress price of only $7,000, you ore saving yourself at least $1,000. Give us a coll ta-night, WHITBY XXIV @ $17,900 full asking: peire for this smert, three bed-| room brick bungalow. Features) include nicely shaded lot, large, concrete Bar-B-O, very close to shopping plaza, schools ond bus service, Call now for full information. FAMILY HOME XXV @ If you ore disatisfied with your present home, or you are looking for your first home, call about this newly listed home on Evangeline Dr. This home is 7 years old and features large modern kitchen, 4 piece bath- room, 3 bedrooms, and get this! living room 20' x 14', Also has © fruit cellar or cold storage 16' 4'. Close to both public and separate schools ond bus serv- ice to downtown Oshawo. The back yord is all fenced in. If you have-tweto three thousand dollars and want to buy, give us a call and we will try and work something out for you. PREFERRED AREA XXVI_ @ We have just listed a three bedroom brick bungalow in the North West oreo of the city. It hos an L-shaped living room with built-in China Cab- inet in the dining area, The grounds are beuatifully land- scaped, and this home is equip- ped with storms and screens. We are sure you will like this one. Call us to-night. | EAST END XXVIII @ Nothing to do but move in to this immaculote three bedroom home, Beautifully landscoped front and rear. There's even o waterfall to soothe your nerves as you relax on the oversize patio, Colored both with vanity. Garage too,| See this one soon 4 YEAR OLD BUNGALOW XXVIIl @ =In. the preferred North West area. Ae well-built, 3 bedroom bungalow on « good sized lot. Broadloomed living room and master bedroom, Large finished recreation room, Call us to-day for an appointment. ical gas heating, living room, dining room, modern kitchen, | sun porch, large garden plot, A/ perfect retirement home, or the ideal inexpensive home for a/ young couple. What a bargain, | call us now. | BRAND NEW XV @ Electrically heated, 3 bedroom home. Featuring mod- ern, well designed kitchen, large eating area, divided basement with extra large single garage SPECIAL | We hove just listed a beoutiful ravine lot in Oshawa's preferred area. This large lot with all prepaid services is situated on @ quiet crescent with a com- plete picturesque view of the city. This property is a bargain for the price and won't last long, so call now for.an immed- jate inspection which will allow. mother to park her small car. Situated on @ quiet court in the midst of! larger quality homes. | GUIDE REALTY Call 723-5281 for full porticulars. Open daily from 9am. to 9pm, LIMITED Realtors | CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST RALPH. SCHOFIELD SUPERVISOR REAL ESTATE DEPT, GOOD FISHING 7 year old, 4 room cottage, frontage 74' on Rice Lake, 54 miles from Oshawa. Part- ly furnished, many extras in- cluding fishing boot and Johnson Motor, 70' Pine dock, Only $5,600, 10 ACRES--- INVESTMENT PROPERTY Garrard Road North of Ross- lond -- Excellent investment for future development. A built up area in tine of de- velopment annexation likely in near future: Asking only $18,900, 18 ACRE HOME SITE Within 10 minutes drive from Oshawa, we will help you to arrange construction of your new home on a bea- utiful acreage which includes both high land for the home and rolling land for natural beauty, On' the property are two fine cabins, a large pond and stream, bird sanctuary with Mallards, Heron, Phea- sants and Grouse: Perfect for Riding and Skiing: This is a truly beautiful. property which we'll be happy to show you as words cannot describe it, The price is reasonable, There are few remaining neor Oshawa which can compere so don't delay ---- call to-day. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Fully serviced -- 80,000 sq, ft, with 242' frontage on Sim- coe St, N. This choice loca- tion is perfectly suited for 88 suite apartment building or other commercial develop- ment. Act on this excellent investment opportunity. HORSELOVERS ESPECIALLY! KEITH PETERS REALTY LIMITED 728-7328 103 KING ST. EAST REALTOR 2 5 Oe a $15,500.00 Rossland Rd. district, 3 bed- room brick with wall to wall ® broadioom in the living room, «: ary vt drive, nicely landscap- » jot, ; GUELPH STREET - Full price only $17,990 --~~ completely finished lower level if desired, detached gor- . age, deep lot all add up to" -- the value of this 3 bedroom - brick bungalow, $2,000 down, $8,500.00 Compact bungalow, 3 piece bath, 'oil heating, garage," close to shopping and bus, HAMPTON 5 Immaculate brick home with' 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, oil furnace, large nicely land- scaped lot. COURTICE SPECIAL . Here is 40 acres of beautl-. ful high land with nice w 4 birch trees, located within walking distance to. new high * school ond bus service, zoned. . for 1200 sq, ft. home, Don't woit for next year and poy more --- buy now, ENNISKILLEN Large ranch bungolow with. double attached garage, © large front split entrance, - living room ceiling finished In natural stain, three bedrooms. This home offers o beautiful view, nicely landscaped on over a half acre of land. 10 ACRES Between Columbus and Rag- lan west of Highway. All workable ond fenced, asking $6,900 with $3,000 down. Call 728-7328, List your home, farm ond vacant land with this office, Magnificent modernized mon- sion of square-cut stone, set in 105 glorious acres two miles from bustling growing Oshawa. Splendid barn and stables for 30 horses, Also other auxiliory buildings, stream, pond, ete. An unique opportunity for exceptional. country estate with lovely views over Loke Ontario, Soon a "notural" for beau- tiful subdivision yielding. re- markable profit, THE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE OF CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST WiLL HELP YOU SELL er BUY LIST WITH CENTRAL TRUST PHONE 723-5221 AFTER HOURS PLEASE CALL Tom Houston 668-4416 Chorles Chaytor 668-2291 Allan Thompson 728-2870 Ralph Schofield 725-5067 Courtesy, Integrity Service H. Millen REAL ESTATE LTD. 1 LOVE YOU! That's what your wife will . scoy when you've bought this charming 2 bedroom bunge- low with a full acre of ground and fruit trees, All this for only $1,500 down, Call 728- 1656, NORTH STAR BUNGALOW $1,495 down. Really practi- cal for newlyweds. Fireploce in comfortable living room. Spacious kitchen. Very close 7 --- Centre Call 728- 6. SAILOR'S CHOICE $4,000 down. Country ranch style on a very large lot. Sal- ient feotures include; fire- place, income apt., attached gorage and dressed in rug brick, Owner is leaving the country. Call 728-1656. > "M FOR SALE | am one of the nicest homes you'll see in a@ long time. | have 3 lovely ; Large kitchen. Delightfully decorated. Detached garage. Beautifully landscaped. Oh yes, | have a goldfish pond in my back yord. | can be yours for only $4,400 down. Call 728-1656. $25 DEPOSIT Will hold any one of these brand mew homes on Waverly St. south of King. Maybe you would like your own sold. These homes are just west of W. L. Dougan REALTOR 725-1109 DUPLEX at $18,900 for newly decorat-- ed dunlex, rh, own." ers apt. featuring 3 large, bedrooms, large panelled live> ing room with open fireplace,"' Seporate entrance to one bed-.. room apt, Buy os an in- yestment, 153 ft, frontage on, Simcoe St. N, ' OSHAWA. N.E. Harmony Road North, just. outside city limits, 5 room Bungalow, detoched gerage, Lot 100' x 150', Asking. $14,500. Down payment te suit you, 4 BEDROOM ' 2 year old, electric heoted two storey. Tastefully decor. . ated t. Many exe tras. Fully finished ree. room. * ell landscaped. Possession to suit you, Lot size 75 x 200. Located north of K. Mart. SPECIAL Must be sold, 2 bedroom bungalow, Whitby. Listeed at . $14,200, will go for much less, $1500 down, Must be' sold immediately, VACANT, JUST LISTED S$. J. PHILLIPS SCHOOL 3 bed brick' bungol Detached garage. Fully mos. dern kitchen. FI 4,900 asking: -- Act now 'action want-~ After 9 p.m. . Lloyd Lafoy 725-0343 Bob Wells 725-0343 Bill. Dougan 725-1109 Gord Schofield BEFORE YOU BUY SEE SARICK HOMES 18,995 FULL PRICE 1,993 DOWN TO ONE N.H.A. MORTGAGE 725-2214 the Oshawe Shopping Centre. pe hg and see us "ball 728. COLLEGE HILL Beautiful 3 bedroom bunga- low with large kitchen. Broad- loom. Almost finished ree Our own trained personne! are the site to assist you, Browse in comfort -- no obli- gation --- no soles pressure. on room. $3,000 down will han- dle. Call 728-1656. SNOW WHITE Frame bungalow. Near French School. 3 bedrooms. Wash- room in basement. Rec. room $2,500 down. 1 open mort- 90g", for balance, Coll 728- MUST BE SOLD Lovely 1Y2 storey 6 room home with wide private drive and oversize' garage. The home is as neat as a pin. Price $15,500 but all offers considered. Call 728-1656. SCENIC LOTS We have a good selection of MODELS ON ADELAIDE AVE. E. -- AT CENTRAL PARK BLVD, BUILT @ BACKED and SOLD -- DIRECT -- To You Buy SARICK HOMES 723-8201 10 acre lots. Reasonably Pric- ed. Hard top road and school bus service Call Larry Cond 728-1678 or evenings 668- GET SPOT CASH WITH TIMES 8558, © ACTION ADS