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Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Sep 1966, p. 20

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'> ere peer ap AON iii cc Nl erapnigeae base: Srp aa ie 20. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, September 19, 1966 Murder Of Girl, 21 Clouded In Mystery KENILWORTH, Ill, (AP)-- Police said they were without a suspect, motive or hard clue to- '\day as they investigated the ~ |mystery - shrouded murder of _ LIBERAL CHOICE 'Don Jamieson, 44, a New- foundland television execu- 'tive, is Liberal party candi- date in the Sept. 19 federal byelection in the Newfound- land riding of Burin- Bu rg eo, considered a "gafe"' Liberal seat. It is his first entry into active politics, --CP Photo New Party Organized SUDBURY (CP) -- Forma- of a new political party, Canadian Progressive » Was announced Sunday secretary, T. J, Terrell, , of Sudbury. In_an interview, Mr. Terrell said the "will definitely" contest both federal and provin- cial elections, About 26 persons at Sunday's 'meeting. lent of the new party is d. A. Shapelie, 26, of Sudbury. git sz ed Walaria Perev. daughter of Re. puplican Leader Cnaries an. rr Valerie, 21, blonde and pretty, was beaten and stabbed to death in her bed early Sunday while the Percy's and two other children, including the victim's twin sister, slept in nearby bed- rooms. Percy, 47, is the Republican candidate in the November gen- eral election against U.S, Sena- tor Paul Douglas and has been active in politics on both the state and national levels. A day-long search of the 17- room house and grounds on the fashionable North Shore turned up potential clues but nothing of immediate 'significance, police said. "We have no leads at all,' said Kenilworth Police Chief Robert Daley. "There are no clues that would help us in any way." Police pieced together this story: The intruder approached the Percy home, situated on the shore of Lake Michigan, appar- ently shortly before 5 a.m. CUT GLASS TO ENTER He cut an opening in the locked screen door, then cut a slice out of a glass panel of the inside door, unlocked it and en- tered the house. The Percy family slept and a Labrador retriever in an at- tached garade did not bark. The intruder crept up a stair- three doors, He chose Valerie's whether accidentally or by de- sign is not known. Percy and his second wife, Loraine, the victim's step- mother. were sleeping in 'a bed- f00M @uuuL ov agce ssuus ver erie's. Mrs. Percy told police she was awakened by a moan. She walked into the hall, unaware that Valerie was dying of a crushed skull and more than a dozen stab wounds and unaware that the killer was still in the girl's bedroom. As Mrs. Percy entered Val- erle's bedroom she was blinded by a flashlight beam. She ran from the room scream- ing and pushed a burglar alarm button, awakening her husband. Percy telephoned police, then went to Valerie's room, The kil- ler had fled. Mrs. Percy tele- phoned a neighbor, Dr. Robert P. Hoff. Valerie was dead when he arrived, Mrs. Percy was unable to. de- scribe the killer, Dr. Andrew Toman, coroner of Cook County, said the "at- | Scuttled Church Union| Talks Seen TORONTO (CP)--The Angli- ean Church of Canada cannot proceed with formal union ne-! gotiations with the United Church of Canada because the dependent Anglican journal. In an editorial in The Com- municator, published in Winni- peg, the editor, Rev. Maurice Hardman, says that. since last week's United Church general council in Waterloo did not un- equivocally approve the princi- ples of union, formal .union talks should be called off. Last year the Anglican Chureh's' general. synod ap- proved the principles of union, a document prepared by a com- mittee of both churches, but the general council approved the document only as 'a working document . . . subject to such revisions and additions as. may become necessary. .. . Dr. D. R. G. Owen of Trinity College here, chairman of the Anglican Church's official com- mittee on union, said he feels "some sympathy with Mr. Hardman's questions," tacker obviously came into the house to murder someone." But Police Chief Daley was unwil- ling to commit himself to this theory or to one that the crime had started out as a burglary. Valerie, a June graduate of Cornell University, had been working in her father's cam- paign. Percy's campaign manager said Percy is still in the race for senator but that campaign- ing will be suspended. Senator Douglas said he, too, was call- case. At the top landing where ing off his campaign. A party statement said Mr. Shapelle is an office worker with International Nickel Co. of | Canada Ltd. | PLATFORM The statement also outlined the "s tive-point platform: trols through legislation Skilled Trades May Quit UAW DETROIT (AP)--Joe Dunne- fh curb the rising cost of liv-|beck, president of the Interna- 3 tional Society of Skilled Trades, ' --Greater and more equaliza- oe Seer © . a distrit threatened Sunday night to take ee ceed Fhe skilled trades out of the revenue; Formation of a Northern| United Auto Workers "by force Ontario province for 'reasons of socio - economic condi- tions;" of schools; Provision for greater dis- tribution of wealth to upgrade ving standards of lower in. come groups. Mr. Terreli said that aitnougi there were only 26 at the found- ing meeting, the party has about 350 supporters who will if necessary' in 1967, Dunnebeck spoke at a rally called to get an expression of|nationwide Free education at all levels|opinion on skilled trades dis-|expires in 1967. UAW production has no official membership. workers are covered in the same pact. He also announced plans to organize the auto industry's 10,- 000 tool and die makers in in- dependent shops. Skilled workers may have to pay dues to the UAW for "'the few remaining months of the contract,' Dunnebeck said, "but when we're ready, we're com- ing out. Legally, if possible," he said, but "by force, if neces- sary." Asked to elaborate,: Dunne- beck said: "Whatever action is necessary, we'll take it. If that means strike, we'll strike." Currently, Dunnebeck's union About 80,000 of the 100,000 skilled trades workers in the U.S. are employed in Big Three auto plants. This means Dunne- beck would have to win bargain- ing agent elections at the Big content with the UAW. Some|Three automakers, Chrysler, 2,500 persons attended. Ford and: Ge mera! . Motors. Dunnebeck said he hopes to|fy lure the skilled workers away [| A. E. JOHNSON, 0.D. from the UAW camp in a new OPTOMETRIST bargaining agent election when 1 » the current contract for 100,000/f] 14/2 King St. East skilled tradesmen| 723-2721 karno as a figurehead presidentjarmy to test student response. {ideas were' implanted in hie to maintain what Indonesian} panggabean told the students|Mind by: outside forces. unity is left. ) that even though \, Seharae did ™ ie per the Pompe el t enunciation of|make some remarks not in line|issue ig either on FA ged predic: ac plans for| With Indonesian beliefs, such as|against Sukarno would eventys the president and the govern-|saying he is a Marxist, theselally fade away. Army Set To Thwart Anti- Sukarno Moves _ it snitsa"s.terats By T. JEFF WILLIAMS _ could trigger a bloody response won Soggy ie ee JAKARTA (AP) -- Indonesian|from his supporters in Central pondents the armed forces will army leaders are starting to ap-jand East Java. not topple Sukarno. ply the brakes to student plans} More {mportant, y r Custom-Made or Gen. Su-| The settlement has been re-| ¢ Ready-To-'ang : to launch massive demonstra-|harto, leader of the new govern-|ceived in some diplomatic quar- tions aimed at toppling Presi-|ment, is intent on keeping Su-'ters as a trial balloon by the dent Sukarno. Cue Student leaders and oreaniz- \e ee Draperies ers ~ a ee a two- OVEK 40 TEAK ak = epee = week campaign aga' ukarno Take advantage of it! 24 hour ser- ; ' Sunday and progressively build (int-and ode eeguuned wie @ SLIP COVERS @ BED SPREADS it until Oct. 1, the anniversary of last year's unsuccessful Com- munist coup attempt. But this sprawling, sun-baked capital re- mained quiet and no assem- blages of students were to be seen, Reliable sources in military and student circles said the army is moving to counter the student demonstrations because SUPPLIES a major drive at Sukarno by militant youths of West Java EATON'S HOUSEHOLD aah the ready to serve you, Tb "Fuel Oil Budget Plon evolloble. (@) NOW IS THE TIME TO CONVERT AND CALL McLAUGHLIN ome 723-3481 @ DRAPERY HARDWARE OSHAWA'S INTERIOR DECORATING SERVICE WARD'S. -- SINCE 1919 -- Simcoe St. $. et Athol 110 725-1151 SEPTEMBER SALE OF -- INENS CONTINUES... contribute to party funds. SHOVELLING ABOARD LOCKEPORT, N.S. (CP) -- The trawler Cape Beaver set something of a fishing record this summer off Nova Scotia by hauling in an average of 10 tons of fish an hour. The day's total catch was 170,000 pounds of cod, sole, perch and pollock. WALL AND CEILING SCUGOG CLEANERS 524 Cromwell Ave. Oshawe Every Budget Exclusive HAIR STYLING Cemet 723-1159 bes son dani Lettering, "Branch Stores" : z Statues, ete, ; Wa . r ie Simcoe HN OsHAWA ee An 728-3111 id St. PORT PERRY 85-2332 £66 View OSHAWA nia oad South J. N. MARTIN, PROP. 1290 Brock St. N. | WHITBY 728-6007 Located 1% Mile Eost Of City Limits Priced To Suit On Highway 2 Puts an end to patching cracks every time you paint. Tuff-Kote used with Tuffglass SHORTY'S CIGAR STORE BRIGHAM BRIAR PIPES * Guns Ammunition * 100 Kinds of Pipe Tobacco Hours: 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily 121 Brock N. 668-8361 COMPLETE NURSERY CENTER * Highest Quality Nursery Stock * Open 7 Days A Week * For Free Estimates Call . , , John Brouwer Garden Centre & Landscaping 668-3396 Located West of Whitby On Hwy. 2 Neer Red Wing Orchards MERCURY TAXI . "P 3 . 24 HOUR SERVICE "Radio cabs, as near as your telephone!' 1 14 Albert St, Oshawe 725-4771 Fabric doesn't fill cracks, it bridges them. Never hardens, shrinks, swells, chalks or Gries out and it's invisible "Featuring This Year" i kis When pated oF Waiipapered. Py Clean and easy to use. No 14 Ft. Aluminum fa sanding. LAPSTRAKE : eee o RUNABOUT | eper Seats, Filet Vinyl, Floor, DEMONSTRATION || ffs: ffbo"sgp | OUR bey DURING PATTES | OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN Harbour 723-1901 FOR PAINT | 85 Years at 85 Simcoe St. N. 725-3529 | a8 | DOLLARS ON =|. Bata | SUPREME 88's MEN'S DESSERT BOOTS 5.88 MEN'S DRESS SHOES 6.88 NURSES' OXFORDS The Market Place FOR ALL YOUR NEEDS THE TIMES CLASSIFIED PAGES 723 - 3498 HOW TO WIN Each week for 26 weeks you can win ao "Night on the Town", compliments of the participating businesses on this advertisement. All you are required to do is read through each advertisement carefully, There will appear in a num- oer of the advertisements each week, the letters forming the name of one of the participating businesses. Cor- rectly identify the business each week and send your answer along with your name ond address to "Night on the Town". Contest Editor ¢/o The Oshawa Times. The first correct answer drawn each week will win a night on the town. Entries must be received no Oshawa's Finest Hair Styling Shoppe THE HOUSE OF WOMAN 27 King St. E. 725-4321 later than Friday noon of each week. YOU RECEIVE Hair Style for the lady et the The House of Women. Hair Style for the mon et Rudy's Hairstyling for Men. One Cosual Dress and one man's suit dry cleaned at Scugog Cleaners §, Transportation for the evening by Mercury Taxi. 3. Dinner for two in the Rib Room et the Genosha Hotel. Win Two Guest Tickets te the Regent Theotre, See "The Tenth Victim" * GLIDE'S BODY SHOP Formerly Cook's Body Shop "Complete Collision, Body and Fender Repairs' @ FREE ESTIMATES @ 728-8542 s 175 King St. W. Entertoinment In the Startlite Room of the Genoshe Hotel. "MY ANSWER" 307 Eulalie Ave. Name oe nceees ee tee As oil ac. THE RIB ROOM Town ee Hrs. 11:30 - 2 P.M. & 5S - 8 P.M, RUE LO COE~S Gus Mon. to Fr Mrs. P, McDonald 70 King : oe 723-4641 CUDDLE UP FOR FALL IN A WOOL BLANKET The light bright wool blanket for Fall and Winter has a colour-toned. 6" satin binding. Best of all, wool is so downright cosy! Double bed size 72 x 90" in Pink, Blue, Green or Sandalwood. 4 99 SALE, each... a eee reso ereeesseseeeere A Lightweight Year-Round Covering, Made by Esmond. Soft to the touch and pleasing to the' eye . . . its cellular weave construction maintains warmth in winter (just adda light cover), yet allows free air circulaton to keep you cool in summer. Exclusive 'Perma-nap' finish greatly reduces shedding and pilling; adds additional warmth through higher loft. Soft and lovely shades of white, antique gold-colour, rose, blue, sea green, sandalwood, 6-inch Nylon binding in matching colours. Poly Bagged. 3.99 Linen Tea Towels 24 x36" of durable linen, multi - checks of blue; green.and.rose. These gay towels brighten' almost any kitchen with ease ! Buy them now and 79 Save! SALE, each ® SALE, 6 FOR 4.49 COON bite esas eer Reg. 2.99. SALE, pair imo .ce see Zippered 20% Off Eatonia at Mattress Cover Lace Dinner Cloths Sturdy cotton protects bien owe sane = your mattresses, while a oe ements elegant din- strong zipper makes it so Be a ; easy to remove for clean- x : 6 ing! Bleached or un- SALE, each ... 4d bleached for Twin, 34 or 58 x 80", 5 56 double beds. 3 98 SALE, each ....VUe SALE, each..... a 70.x 90". FASHION FLOWER TOWEL ENSEMBLE Thick, cotton terry bath towels in vibrantly coloured print . . . floral with beautifully blended colours on white ground. They wake up a "tired" bathroom ! Fringed ends on bath and hand towels. Blue, gold-colour floral, pink. Bath Towel, approx, 22 x 42". 1.99 Reg. 1.49. SALE, pair ......... Hand Towel, approx. 15 x 25". EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 236-436 Wash Cloth, approx. 12 x 12", Reg. .35. SALE, each... i ose 1.29 SALE, each .... 7.16 25 PHONE 725-7373 Genosha Hotel ENJOY OUR CONTINENTAL BUFFET CHILDREN'S CASUALS 3.88 Ledies' STACKED HEELS 5.88 Bata SHOE STORE a) ib hg: th gad ARMSTRONG AVAILABLE IN TWO CHOICE LOCATIONS ROLLING HILLS SOUTHWOOD PARK ESTATES COMFORT LIVING WATC % H FOR IT! COMING SOON! EATON'S TRANS-CANADA SALE! HARWOOD AVE. SOUTH Grandview St. at Olive Ave. OSHAWA R AJAX MODEL HOMES OPEN FOR INSPECTION WEEK-ENDS e STORE HOURS: 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Saturday, Open Thursday and Friday Nights Until 9

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