TORONTO TRUCK driver Lloyd Bouder told police he witnessed the fatal shoot- ing Tuesday of Janet Pons- ford, 18, in Burlington, Ont. Miss Ponsford, of Burling- ton, was shot twice as she fled from a_ parked car. Mr. Bouder is shown talking to Burlington Police Const. . Lloyd Gorzynski. William Lotocki, 34, of Burlington Ontario, By ARCH MacKENZIE WASHINGTON (CP -- The state department agreed Tues- day to ask the Canadian gov- ernment for its views on On- tario and Quebec joining an ad- visory compact of eight Amer- ican Great Lakes states. Rufus Z. Smith, director of the department's Canadian sec- tion, said that would be a neces- Quebec Sought For U.S. Lake Compact sary step before the department itself took a stand one way or the other or before any Cana- dian province could join. | Smith was testifying before the foreign relations committee of the House of Representatives on bills seeking congressional approval for the eight - state compact concerning itself in an advisory capacity with Great Britain Means To Keep Her Role East Of Suez MONTREAL (CP) -- Arthur Bottomley, British minister for overseas development, said Tuesday Britain has an interna- tional responsibility to retain its influence East of Suez. Mr. Bottomley, interviewed at Montreai iniernaiiviai Airport waere he stepped ever en route to Ottawa, said he believed the crisis area of the world at pres- ent is the East. Europe was peaceful and pre- occupied with economic ad- vancement instead of military exploits and Russia was more concerned with its eastern bor- ders than its western. The minister was on his way to Ottawa to attend the Com- monwealth Parliamentary Asso- ciation Conference. He is leader of the United Kingdom delega- tion. Mr. Bottomley said he did not think the Commonwealth was going to split up over the con- troversial issue of sanctions against Rhodesia. He predicted that Ian Smith's government will be brought down early next spring when Rhodesia has to try to sell its tobacco crop. A large amount of tobacco was being stored be- cause buyers couldn't be found and when the next crop comes a true crisis would develop. He said mandatory sanctions would have a much more pow- erful effect on the country than the prssent optional sanctions since it appeared that South Af- rica and Portugal would heed the call for mandatory sanc- tions, Computer Ciied As Education Aid PRESCOTT, Ont. (CP)--Wil- liam Davis, Ontario minister of education, says the computer's potential is so profound that it soon will influence the basic structure of education. Speaking Tuesday night to the Grand Valley section of the Computer Society of Canada, Mr. Davis said the computer will never replace the teacher but, instead, will be regarded as a definite asset. "The analysis of student edu- cational experiences made pos- sible by the computer will allow tailored programs to suit indi- vidual needs," he said. Mr. Davis. said, however, there is a critical shortage of teachers qualified to conduct courses in computer science and data processing. Training of such teachers is one of the most important needs in the through the United Nations immediate future. Lakes matters such as water levels, pollutiov and the like. Smith noted that the partic- ular bill under study rules out participation by Ontario and Quebec. He said in response to a request from Republican Con- gressman James Fulton of Pennsylvania that he would be "very happy to take it up with the Canadian government." Smith said the state depart-| ment has no objections to the! proposed legislation other than some minor changes of lan- guage to nail down the state department's role as the com- munications channel with the federal government of Canada. The Great Lakes compact has been operating effectively for 10 years and twice the Senate has approved bills to extend con- gressional blessing to it--but never the House of Representa- tives. Chances for passage of this attempt may be slim because of |the rush to get finished before the Nov. 8 congressivaal Sicc tion. Representative Delbert Latta (Rep. Ohio), sponsor of one bill, testified that the main purpose for seeking congressional ap- proval is to enable Quebec and Ontario constitutionally to enter as full members. But subsequent witnesses, in- cluding the commission chair- man, Edgar Whitcomb, said that is not an objective--that there has been informal discus- sion with Ontario and Quebec in the past on mutual matters of water levels, pollution and the like and such co-operation will continue informally. Nicholas Olds, assistant attor- ney-general for Michigan, said the compact is "not trying for an international flavor." "Our record is clear that wherever we desired or felt it necessary to discuss Great Lakes problems with our Cana- dian neighbors and friends, we have done so with the advice and consent of officials of the state department." Site NEW INDONESIAN AMBASSADOR Lt. Gen. Hidajat Mar- tatmadja, newly-appointed ambassador of Indonesia to Canada, arrives Tuesday at Government House in Ot- tawa to present his letter , " of credence to Governor- General Vanier. (CP Wirephoto) Against Any VANCOUVER (CP) -- T..C. Douglas, New Democratic Party leader, Tuesday prom- ised an all-out fight, against any government moves toward a wage freeze or compulsory arbi- tration to combat inflation. He told the International Woodworkers of America B.C. convention: "Wage freezes and compul- sory arbitration are not the an- swer. No government in a free 'country has the right to set the price each man will get for his labor and at the same time al- low the price of things he has to buy to look after his family to continue spiralling sky-high." He said that "unconscionable, NDP Leader Vows Fight Wage Freeze TORONT O(CP) -- Donald MacDonald, leader of the New Democratic Party, told a nom- ination meeting Tuesday night that food retailers' profiteering}. is responsible for food prices shooting "into the heavens with the astronauts." Patrick Lawlor, a lawyer studying philosophy at St. Mi- phaalla ow er o chacl's Colisss, Unfversite: of Toronto, was nominated to con- test Lakeshore riding in the next provincial election. The NDP. leader said staple food items like meat have gone up 20 to 30 per cent in weeks with only a small percentage accounted for by dvertime and extra - shift costs at packing THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday! September 28, 1966 3 , nab later was charged with. cap- ital murder. The rifle in the 'car at left was seized by police. (CP Wirephoto) Driver Sees Woman Shot BURLINGTON, Ont. (CP)-- | Janet Ponsford, 18, of Burling- ton was shot to death Tuesday plants. "Most of the boost in meat prices arises from the greatest exercise in profiteering ever seen in Canada's history. Retail outlets, particularly the big chains, have boosted prices un- consionably."" greedy profiteering" by big cor- porations, not wage increases, is pushing up the cost of living, and compulsory arbitration leg- islation by the federal govern- ment and the Saskatchewan government is the first step to- ward fascism. YOUNGSTERS COMPARED WITH YOUTH UNDER NAZIS MOSCOW (Reuters) -- One of the Soviet Union's political commentators says American youth is in the same position as German youth during the rise of the Nazis. But, writes Vikenty Mat- veyey in the Soviet govern- ment newspaper Izves- tia, there is one significant difference -- more and more young Americans are joining a protest movement against their government's policies. Matveyey compares the not turned the authorities from their "reckless, danger- ous course,' they have not been able to overcome U.S. public opinion and "make sure of a peaceful, reliable rear, as the Nazis did." Suggestions in the U.S. for the formation of a "national youth service" and a proposal by former president Eisen- hower for general military training for youth show how some persons are "dreaming of a resurrection on home soil An unidentified man Is as she fled from a car parked on Highway 403 in this commu-| nity near Hamilton. Lloyd Bouder, a Toronto) truck driver, said the girl] running towards his parked oil| tanker when a man stepped out! jof the car and shot her with ja rifle. | The girl fell to the ground about 50 feet from the car, Mr. | Bouder said. The man jumped) into the car and drove up to) the girl. } There, as the woman lay on! the ground, the man put the| rifle to her head and shot her a second time. | Police said Miss Ponsford was! still alive when the first officers! arrived minutes after the shoot-| ing. She died without regaining consciousness. Police captured a man with- out struggle at a roadblock in a Tae ele namin | Binh onan. sugn specs ey! acer a Overturned. Boat Seen On Ocean LONDON (Reuters) -- An up- turned boat, believed to be the Puffin in which two British newspaper men set out to row the Atlantic, is in an area cov- ered by American or Canadian aircraft, a British defence min- istry spokesman said today, The 15-foot Puffin, carrying David Johnstone, 34, and John Hoare, 29, left the Virginia coast May 21 and was last seen 47 days ago. The upturned boat, said to be about 20 feet long and painted red and white, was sighted by the master of the 13,581-ton pas- senger liner, Ocean Monarch, about half way between New- foundland and Portugal. The defence ministry spokes- man said this was out of range of RAF Shackleton aircraft, which would not therefore search for the upturned boat. But aircraft on normal Atlantic | patrols or training flights would | still keep a lookout. | Tuesday night, Colin Mudie, the boat's designer, said the up- turned boat was extremely lik- | ely to be the Puttin: | Union Postpones | Airlines Walkout NEW YORK (AP) The | Transport Workers Union (AFL- CIO) announced today it was postponing its scheduled strike | against American Airlines for 12 hours 'in view of progress' made during all night negotia- tions. | The strike postponement was |announced by a union spokes- |man just 45 minutes before the} strike was to start at 6:45 a.m. | EDT. NEED A NEW No Down Payment--First Payment December--Call emerged from the car and was| ° Midway in the tubing was a} | three-way stopcock, he said. HE DIDN'T KNOW | His pre-trial testimony, taken before a commissioner of evi- CALL OR SEE DIXON'S FOR | OIL FURNACES | SERVING OSHAWA OVER | 50 YEARS 24-HOUR SERVICE helped by police officer after he was hit by rocks thrown by crowds milling of the Hitler youth," Mat- veyev says. Matveyey also says the cult of the British pop - singing burning by Nazi Hitler youths of works of classical liter- ature with "fires on the land of Viet Nam from American reported several Negroes were break- INJURED IN RIOTING about in the Hunters Point housing area in San Frdan- cisco Tuesday night. Police ing store windows and throwing rocks at police hundred = ©88- {AP Wirephoto) group, the Beatles, in Britain and the U.S., was seized on by ruling circles there to dis- tract the attention of youth from politics, bombs and napalm." But he says U.S. authorities are powerless to 'cope with a growing protest movement.. Although the movement has Senator Queries Misuse Of Water BILLINGS, Mont. (AP) -- Al U.S. senator questioned 'Tues- day the right of sections of Can- ada to waste water while other sections of the North American continent do not have enough to meet their needs. | Senator Frank E. Moss, a Utah Democrat, also called on Canada and the United States to study their water resources and predicted the results would point to a continental distribu- tion system, Without mentioning Canada Doctor's Testimony Given In Malpractice Suit Hearing TORONTO (GPY -- A Britishjdence, said the stopcock should doctor's testimony, describing ajhave been closed but he did not 1962 operation, was read Tues-|/know what its position was. | day to a court hearing a $740,-| Dr. Porteous said he inflated 000 malpractice suit against Aline bulb on a te: : ron manometer con- Toronto anesthetist and the jnected to the venous system onto General Hospital. Elizabeth Aynsley, living in|after Dr. Matthews went into the Homewood Sanitarium in|a monitoring room and waved ATTENTION FARMERS! WHY PAY MORE? SAVE ON ... PREMIUM QUALITY Farm Tanks And Pumps Available Out of Oshawa, Whitby and District CALL COLLECT 668-3341 DX OIL by name, he told a conference on water: "Thera iz = question in my Guelph and described as a men-| tal comigelunt, is suing Dr. 5 raheroetge the mercury level L. Matthews and the hospital ee again for $800,0v0 Gamages. squeezed and gestured to Dr.| mind about the right of one a Her lawyer contends that nip | Matthews Who returned w ine ica of 2 country, or one section | ta vera «he entered her bloodstream during|9perating room and of a continent, to waste water-- preparations for a heart oper-|the bulb himself. to allow vast quantities of it to ation, her brain and leaving her with|not feel a pulse in the patient.jother sections do not have the mentality of a seven-year-|, . . The surgeons reported the|/enough to meet the require- old girl. heart had stopped. ... We gave| ments of their growing popula- Mrs, Aynsley's husband, Stu-| the patient pure oxygen." | tions."" art, 38, a pero coe oinigee "Dr. Matthews, just after or supervisor, is also suing for) about this time, said 'Oh, t ' $350,000 damages and claiming| valve,' or words 'a rl eeten| Don't Neglect Slipping an additional $40,000 for med-\pr, Porteous said. Dr. Mat-| FALSE TEETH ical expenses. |thews said afterward that the| "firs. AB res tb Be you talk, eat, fiugh or ences? READS TESTIMONY jpatient was full of air, he) wner Ralph Howie, one of Mrs.|#dded. F- much haedionea' RAs Aynsley's lawyers, spent the; In a later conversation with| alkal y second day of the trial in the)Dr. Matthews, Dr. Porteous Ontario Supreme Court reading|/Said the doctor told him that the pre-trial examination of Dr./air had leaked in during the Robert Porteous, given in Lon-|Calibrating, probably through squeezed| ing of added comfort. No gummy, gooey, y taste or feel- ing. today at drug counters everywhere. permanently damaging) Dr. Porteous said: "'We could|run to the sea unused, while]: don, England, two years ago. | the three-way valve. Dr. Porteous, a British-edu-; cated doctor yg nes Now Is The Time To Order post graduate studies a 'or-| ' onto General, assisted Dr. Mat-| Your Winter Fuel thews at the operation on Mrs. Aynsley. | Dr. Porteous said Mrs, Ayns-| ley was unconscious and para-| lysed from the anestlfetic and) he and Dr. Matthews were hooking up instruments leading) from the patient to a monitor- ing system in an adjoining room, | Dr. Matiiews "attached length of plastic tubing from a needie in a vein in Mrs. Ayns- On Premium Quality Save FUEL OIL PHONE 668-3341 DX FUEL OIL i Serving Oshawa - Whitby = Ajex- end-Disrrict I | | eee \ F wre sen Of Saving COMMON SENSE: meaning that now. is @ good time to be setting aside money just in case. At present, conditions generally are unsettled, to say the least and people who have money on deposit at 442% (Like OUR saving depositors) are realizing the full benefit of the first 4 C's of savings as well, THESE ARE COMFORT: that feeling that comes from knowing that you have cash available when you need It. CONVENIENCE: Longer saving hours daily and all day Saturday, CONFIDENCE: Knowing that yoy ere receiving the best rate of interest paid more often. CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST: decling with « COM. MUNITY Trust Company, local savings invest- ment growth, Central Ontario Trust & Savings Corporation 19 SIMCOE ST. N. OSHAWA, 723-5221 23 KING 8ST. W. 623-5221 BOWMANVILLE ley's arm, Dr. Porteous said, to register her venal impulses.) 313 ALBERT ST. | FURNACE? Lean, Meaty -- Blade Bone Removed 723-4663 124 PARK ROAD Underground and Level GEORGIAN mansions || BLADE Roast 30 69 69 Adult Building Central Location Rolled, Boneless Beef Fresh Cut Pork ROAST Fresh Cut Pork Prestige Address Boneless, Rolled Beef SHOULDER ROAST Economy Beef Roast PRIME ROAST 6th and 7th Rib Distinction Beyond Compare Parking LOIN END Swift's Premium By Appointment Only 723-1712 -- 728-2911 sera Lean, Boneless STEWING BEEF NORTH: OSHAWA ; SHOULDER Butt ROAST Pork Tanderloin 3-Ib. Avge C lb 09: 69: 79: 09: TROUD' FOOD MARKET, 04 SIMCOE ST. NORTH HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS Jd ONTARIO No, 1 LOCAL POTATOES 39: CAMPFIRE -- 1112-OZ PKG. 10-Ib. Bag MALLOWS 2c FRESH KILLED -- GRADE "A" Chickens 43: