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Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Oct 1966, p. 23

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NOW FINISH WITH MUSTARD, PICKLES AN? pagina oh ae i TO SEE A FATHER PASS ALONG A | GREAT HERITAGE TO HIS SON 1r6 50 EXCITING | -AND TROT STRAIGHT AHEAD, | HOPE. SHE THINK 1 GOOD ENOUGH .- FOR YOU? ) THE LONE RANGER eaTuNe | The SECRET AGENT X9 thr ; a6 4 special Petisen to ae the Fate oF silent es 1ancng place TELEVISION LOG Channe! 11--Hamiltea 9--Toronto Channel Channe) 6--Rochester Channel 7--Buftalo Channel 6--Toronte Channel 4--Butftale 3--Barrie 4--News Special 9-1 7--The Fugitive 7--Johnny Carson 4--Late Show 6--News, Weather, Sports or Saenns: QLATER..+0 LAREDO! GENERAL PAZ/ Br 'S GONE! TUESDAY EVE. P.M. 11--Family Theatre 7--Laramie @--supermen 6--Passport 3--Fury 3:30 P.M. S--Leave It to Beaver 6--Music Hop 3--Laredo 2--Passport Two 6:00 P.M. 7--Movie é--Reach for the Top @-4--News, Sports with Chuck Healy 6:30 PLM, W--Pierre Berton ws j Weather; Sports 8-2--Huntley, Brinkley 4--News 7:00 P.M. Ti--Little Feopie 9--F-Troop &--America 6--T.B.A 6--Viewpoint 11.25P, 25P.M. | 1--Plerre Berton |6--News, Weather, Sports | Tr. PLM, | &--Johnny Carson | 7--Movie | 3~Inspector Maigret 11:40 PLM. | 700 AM. |ll--Mystery Theatre WEDNESDAY 8:00 A.M. 4--Captain Kangaroo 8.30 A.M, 1i--Albert J. Steed 9--Romper Room 6:55 A.M. 7--Dialing for Dollars Girl Talk | 9:00 A.M, li--Ed Allen |9--Uncle Bobby 4--Bonnie_Prudden 8--Smile Time 2--Bozo's Big Top 9:30 A.M, 8&--Dialing for Dollars, Bonnie Prudden | %-Torento Today +-2--Jeopardy 4--Sports, Fitness Test 3-6Newsmagazine 1:30 *.M. 6-3--Sense of Peace 11:00 FM. 1:15 PLM, 2--Johnny Carson 6--Viewpoint 14:20 P. t--News, 36--Luncneon baie 12:30 P.M, 3---News; Weather; 12:4. PM. 64--Guiding Light 1:00 P.M. N--Theatre 9--Movie Girl 1--Ben Casey 6--Luncheon Date 2--Merv_ Griffin 3--Movie 1:30 P.M. b--Let's Make A 2:00 P.M. 7--Newlywed Game 4--Password 6--Hancock Weather and Sports Weather, Sports 8-2--Swingin' Country 6-4--Search for Tomorrow 8--Dialing for Dollars Talk 4--Meet The Millers &4--As. The World Turns Deal TELEVISION IS A VAST, INTELLECTUAL WASTELAND-- --A\\ e { BUT IF YOU WANT TO IMPROVE IT, SHOW MORE WRESTLING . MATCHES-THEYRE GREATS oF poe Wz" 4 If you are a defender, your knowledge of declarer's hand, will usually come mostly é his bidding. Generally he will have described his hand to somé* extent during the bidding, and any additional information you may need to pinpoint his values" will | either your partner's plays or from declarer's choice of plays. For €xample, suppose you have the East hand and part- ner leads the king of spades- on which you play the deuce and declarer the six. West con- tinues with the ten, which South wins with the ace, Right at this point, if you bother to think about the mat- ter, you can predict the out- come of the hand. You should: pretty much know declarer's' hand, and you should also know that he will eventually go down exactly one. It is not difficult to pinpoint South's values, He has ms up with nothing in spades but the ace and he is also bound to have the ace of clubs, if the two bids he made are to be believed. There is nothing else left for him to have. So when declarer leads a dia- mond at trick three and fin- esses the jack, you take it with the king and return the king of clubs! This unusual play sinks de- clarer without a trace. Regard-. less of what he does, he winds. up with only eight tricks. e But if you had not been pay- ing attention to the bidding, or to the significance of your part- ner's play of the king of spades followed by the ten, you might not have made the key play of the king of. clubs. Yow might have returned a low club, or some other silly card, and in that case declarer weuld wind up with a minimum of nine tricks. in the diet appears to have no connection with gallstones. As to osteoporosis, adequate cal- cium in the diet plus hormones to correct altered metabolism may help. : 2--News; Weather; $-2--Days of Our Lives Sports 2:30 P.M, %--People in Confile $#--The Doctors ALL a | 4--Love of Life SALLIES | 36--Qntario Schools S Y s 2--Jai LaLanne 10:00 A.M. 1l--It's a Match | 9--Fractured Phrases 6--Meta Schools 3:00 por! 4--Honeymooners 3--Petticoat Junction J--A Time For Us é--Coronation Street | 4--Linkietter's Party PM. 9--Words and Musi¢ 7.20 P.M, 7--News, Weather, Sports 7.3% P.M, 9--Star Trek MICKEY MOUSE a King Foon Speen tar Tt Wonks i I HIDITSOTHE KiDs WOULDN'T FIND IT AND 1 COBBLE IT uPp/ é YOU KNOW...ITS A NEW KIND THAT DOESNT LOOK NEW! TEN PAIRS OF si OSE! a EDDIE ONE LOOK AT THAT ENVELOPE I LIFTED FROM PAVANE'S APARTMENT AND YOU'LL, KNOW WHO KNOCKED OFF THE Guy/ ey le eg IN THE CLEAR. I »] SOLVED THIS THING, y WELL, EDDIE-- YOU CONVINCED? 11-8-2--Girl From U.N.C.L.E, 7--Combat 6--Rounders 4--Daktar! 3--Gilligan's Island 8:00 P.M. 63--Red Skelton Hour 8:30 P.M, N--Laredo 9--Musical Showcase 7--Rounders 4--Red Skelton 2-8--Occasional Wife 9:00 P.M. 9--Love on a Rooftop 63--Wojeck 7--Pruitts of Southampton 2-8--Movie 9:30 P.M. 9--A Singin' 7--Love on @ Rooftop 411--Petticoat Junction N--The Merv Griffin Show |8-2--Eye Guess |4--Candid Camera |3--Luncheon Date 10:30 A.M, 1i--Morning Time 9--TV Bingo ¢-2--Concentration 7--Denna Reed 4--Beverly Hillbillies 3--Time Out 11:00 A.M. |8-2--Chain Letter |1l--Marriage Confidential !9--Mr. And Mrs. 4--Andy Griffiths }3--Ed Allen Time | 7--Supermarket Sweep 1:30 A.M. | 1l--Mike Douglas | 9--Magistrate's Court | 3-Ernie Lindell | 7--Dating Game |4--Dick Van Dyke | 12:00 NOON 7--Money Movie 8-2--Another World 7--General Hospital 13-6--Take 30 3.25P.M. 4--News H-Little Peopie 9--It's Your Move 24--You Don't Say |7--Superman Show |11--Funny Company 9-1 Love Luc; ¥ 8--The Match Game 63--Communicate 4--Secret Storm |2--Mike Douglas 4:30 P.M, | 11--Woody Woodpecker | S-Movie 4--Mov' 4--To Tell the Truth | 3-4-6--Edge' of. Night 4:00 P.M. YOUR HEALTH Birth Control le ' 3-6--Time for. Adventure | Dear Dr. Molner: My daugh- ACROSS 1. Pains 6. Units of | illumina- tion 11. Topic 12. Half diameters 13. Egyptian god of day 14. Command 15. Blunders 438. Insert 44. Sand dunes 45. Plague DOWN 1. "City of the Violet ing ers 19. Holly- wood name 20. Biblical verb 22. Beige 10. Warn- signals 16. Weigh' watch- t. QEUDESsHOonDDe Oma S P le) ih Yesterday's Answer 23. Before 24. Friar's title 26. Overhead trains 27. Raised 28. Energetic 30. Oozes 31. Make larger, 33. Congo river: poss. 36. Cook 37, Win- dow part 38. Handle out title 41. Abyss 40. German 2 13 6 |9% | ter is soon to be married, and after asking our doctor about the safety of oral contracep- tives, had decided to take them '| for a couple of years. After reading the enclosed article she is concerned. Can you add anything to the sub- ject?--Mrs. R.A. The article is a report given on melasma at an American Medical Association meeting. Melasma is a brown or tan splotchiness of the face. This occurs occasionally in pregnant women, but it clears up later. The new report, how- ever, says that some women get this same splotchiness from use of birth control pills and that the skin, in that case, does not return to normal coloring. I have not seen the original data on which the report is based; neither have 'I seen this type of skin blemish in many women who are taking the pill. The doctor making the report, Capt. Sorrell S. Resnik, of the United States Air Force, says that about 25 per cent of the pill users he has seen have had such blemishes, and that of those with the discoloration, 80 per cent had it during preg- nancy. WATCH CONDITION The prevalence he_ reports seems high to me, but I base my remark on observation; he has done some studying and counting. Therefore my conclu- sion can be only that at the moment: The condition is worth watching very carefully. If the discoloration proves to be prev- alent, we need to know why it happens, how long it takes, what other circumstantes (such as Pregnancy) may play a part in MD Must Approve Pill By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD it, and certainly we need to find out whether or how it can be corrected. You can be sure that research already has started on these questions: As with many medications, the more they are used, the more we learn about them. There is no question any longer that the pill in various forms is highly effective in preventing pregnancy. We know also that some women may have side ef- fects--headache, nausea, these skin changes, and others. Some women cannot use. them. MINDS EASED On the other side of the ledger, the pill sets the minds of many women at rest, and is effective as well in. correcting certain menstrual irregularities. The best I can say at ihe mo- ment is that the pill should never be used except on the ad- vice of a physician, and that concerning the skin condition, 'a woman who has melasma dur- ing pregnancy evidently should be much more wary than oth- ers. Personally, I still see no ob- jection to recommending their use to women who want them, particularly for a reasonable time, but we must certainly keep our eyes open for further findings. And, of course, the pill doesn't have to be used just because it is available. Some of the older|j contraceptive methods are still in order. Dear Dr. Molner: Is there a tea that cleanses the kidneys and bladder?--Mrs. W.S, No. If the organs are healthy, they cleanse themselves. If they are diseased, you need more than tea. Note to Mrs, M. B.: Calcium can increase your earning power--Begin a career -- add to your education --ac- quire new employable skills & knowledge at the OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE NINE CAREER-DESIGNED DAY SCHOOL COURSES from which to choose ---- Registrations acs cepted as graduating students: | make space avoilable. F; EVENING CLASSES" ambitious people may start any TUESDAY or THURSDAY eve- ning. Choice of subjects. SPEC. IAL COURSES FOR HOUSE. WIVES. Attend mornings or afternoons. Choice of subjects: SHIFTWORKERS--Attend both "dey and evening class. Choicé of subjects. SATURDAY MORNING JUN. 1OR TYPEWRITING CLASSES for young people from Grade six through high school. FREE LITERATURE available upon request -- Get the foct# -- Then oct. ' Dial 725-3375 10 Simcoe Street North"

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