WHITBY DAY - BY - DAY Whitby Garden Club Planning Fall Show WHITBY -- William Laird, Maple Grove, will show colored flides entitled "Our Canadian Heritage' at the Oct. 13 meet- ing of Whitby Garden Club to be held at King St. school. Mr. Laird is well known for his beautiful pictures for which he has won many prizes. His method of presentation will please you. All members urged to attend and bring a friend. There are still some lovely flowers in gardens and for those who would like to show them off to the best advantage the following classes are included for competition. 1, Vase of hardy chrysanthe- mums, arrangement to count; St. Mark's Group Holds "Granny Tea" A most successful "Granny|Harold Quantrill, Tea" was held in St. Mark's United Church assembly hall last Friday. In the receiving line were Mrs. Abbott Price, president of United Church Women; Mrs. R. A. Smith, leader of Unit No. 3, assisted by Mrs. K. Mc- Kelvie and Mrs. David Fallow. Mrs. L. F. Richardson and Mrs. Cyril Heard were conven- 2. Arrangement of fruit, flow- ers and leaves; 3. Rose, one stem, any variety or color. 4. Collection of Dahlias, not more than five blooms, any varieties; 5. Any other flower not listed above, one bloom or stem. It is hoped everyone enjoyed the colorful addition that the Garden Club boxes made to the front of the Municipal Building. Also the display of petunias, cleome, etc., in the bed at the corner of Henry and Dundas Sts. Are you planning or planting a 'Centennial Rose." Now would be a good time to order it. It wouldn't be surprising if there was a special class for it in next year's Rose Show. Mrs, Ida Gordon Farn- dale, Mrs, Leith Jones, Mrs. William Davidson, Mrs. Ed- ward Breen, Mrs, Joseph Ward and other members of the Unit. Mrs. John Smith and Mrs. George Smith presided in the old fashion sittingroom, Mrs. Richard MacCarl, Mrs. James Anstey, Mrs. Harold Boys, Mrs. Thomas Farndale, Mrs. H. T. Simpson, Mrs, School Group Plans "Teachers' Night" Plans have been made forjers. Night." the first regular meeting of the Colborne Street Home and introduce the Each teacher will speak on the Principal Carmen Sarles will teaching staff. School Association to be held/subject that he or she presents Oct. 18 at 8 p.m. Classrooms|in the rotary system, which will will be opened from 7.30 till/be of interest to everyone. 8 p.m. This meeting will take the form of a Refreshments will be served "Meet the Teach-\at the close of the meeting. BOWLING RESULTS WHITBY MIXED BOWLING (Monday) Team Standings -- Whitby Cleaners 28, Rockets 26, Big Five 20, Headpins 19, H. Dick Pontiac 18, Lucky Thirteens 16, Woodpeckers 15, K.P.P.'s 14, County Bowl 13, Night Hawks 12, Candles 11, Blowers 10, Neighbors 9, Pipers 7, Slick Six) 4, Pin Heads 2. Triples over 600 Jenn Fowler 791 (309, 267, 215); Vi Jordan 780 - (288, 252, . 240); Clare Holter 755 (248, 266, 241); Ron Childs 732 (281, 267); Chuck Gill 718 (267, 223, 228); Doug. Rowden 711 (257, 257); Doug Peggs 686 (302, 258); Dave Mac: Gregor 676 (254, 280); Ron Pas- coe 671 (253, 247); . Hans Zimmer 668 (233, 259); -- Carl the other Units were in charge of country fair variety and Pascoe 645 (200, 249); George, Chase 641 (263, 218); Jordan 637 (270, 201); Sandford 632 (200, 249); ard Sandford 630 (223); Hendricks Adair 626 (265); 612 (202, 201, 209); Bev Childs 612 (276). Marty Verna Rich- John (252); Chris Sam Peake 630 WHITBY LADIES' CANDY BOWLING LEAGUE Poinis for the day: Allsorts 2; Gumdrops 2; Humbugs 3, Jelly Beans 4; Life Savers 0; Lolli pops 2; Peppermints 2. Maple Buds 1 and Triples over 500: Gladys Wiles 707; Ede Walker 616; Ber- nice Moase 590; Rose Peleshok 549; Florence Moore 546; Grace Surridge 546; Grace Sandford 531; 518; Katie Loyst Farquhar 511 and Joyce Pick- ard 503, Jean King 526; Joyce Cox 515; Marg homebake table. A number of the ladies were dressed in old fashioned cos-) tumes which added to the at- Fallaise who are leaders of mosphere of the social event. WRAP UP WARM Canada's coldest-ever tempe- rature is 81 degrees below zero, recorded at Snag, Y.T. ;|\don, Whitby Town Line, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, October 12, 1966 7 Miss Lena Riley, Barrie, spent the holiday weekend at the home of her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Smith, 909 Bayview Ave. Another visitor was their son, Wilfred, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Rich- ardson and their son, Garnet, were callers over the Thanksgiv- ling weekend st the home of his mother, Mis. V. D. "Richard- son. They also visited his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Treen, Euclid St. Mrs, John Graff, 829 Green St., is home after spending a month in Cobalt, Haileybury, New Liskeard, Kirkland Lake and Larder Lake where she visited relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gor- and their grandson, Scott, spent the » | Thanksgiving weekend in Port Loring at a lodge Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Thomp- son, of Moira, are spending the week visiting at the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Graham, 933 Donovan Cres. Mrs. James Harding, 135 Byron St. S:, was the Thanks- giving guest at the home of her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Don Richards, Maple Grove Rd., Bowmanville. ers of the tea assisted by Mrs. WHITBY PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Scott and son, Graham, are house guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Seaton Graham, 901 Beech St., before establishing residence in Oakville. Richard, son of Mr. and Mrs. ee John Graham, celebrated his 13th birthday Oct. 7. To cele-| Zi brate the occasion the family took Richard to dinner. 3] TAKE CASH AWAY Swedes holidaying abroad took 1,128,000,000 kroner ($225,- 600,000) with them last year while foreign tourists spent less than half as much in Sweden. BEST BUY ! -- SAVE 22c! ASPIRIN WILL MAKE YOU FEEL for COLDS and Qoperrpricrberpersrsretotbeprres BETTER FAST WESTON OR SUNBEAM RASPBERRY ICED Buiter Horns 6 TO PKG, POP-UP ECONOMY 400' , | KLEENEX TISSUE 3=85' BEST BUY ! -- SAVE 17¢ -- WHITE OR COLORED BALLET TISSUE 899° BEST BUY ! -- SAVE 14c -- AYLMER 10-0Z. TINS VEGETABLE SOUP 5-59 BEST BUY ! -- SAVE 18c !--CLEAR - VITAMIZED ALLEN 48-0Z. TINS APPLE JUICE 3-99 BEST BUY ! -- SAVE 6c! -- PRE-SWEETENED CEREAL POST HONEYCOMB--29° BEST BUY ! -- SAVE 4c ! -- DAINTY 4 FRIED RICE =--_ == 35° BEST BUY ! -- SAVE 18¢! -- 10c OFF PACK STA-PUFF LAUNDRY RINSE ---69° NEW LOW PRICES -- RED & WHITE BLEND Red & White Bog Early Riser 7-Ox, Jer COFFEES - 83: 99° -- Assorted Flavours Twinkle 15-Oz, Packs 100 to Cello Beg 4-89 rexnacs AOE 1-Lb. Tin Best Buy! Save 14e! -- Kraft 7¢ Coupon Inside -- 2-Lb, Pkg.?¥™ Giant Pkg. CRACKER "BARREL DETERGENT wot" we waite, und en 2e OFF! 16-02. HIGH LINER FROZEN FOODS!! BIG SAVINGS! hide fil < ea tiie IN HEALTH AND BEAUTY AIDS FILLETS of COD ANACIN TABLETS 60's mies SAVE 10c! -- HIGH LINER HADDOCK RESDAN Hal FISH and CHIPS air Conditioner $1.28 >, REGULAR $1.25! '4 DRISTAN Mist or Tablets si 07 SUNSHINE FRESH PRODUCE! CRISP RUBY RED { 9g McINTOSH Fach 35° APPLES ag 6-Qt. Basket rm" 8° CAULIFLOWER eke All. Purpose + No, 1 --YELLOW BROOKLIN, ONT. rexate ORIGINAL ONE CENT SALE THUR ruRD ocroper FS SATURDAY 22 Great 10 Day Sale on Hundreds of Rexall Quality Products SEHOLD DRUGS VITAMINS | SUNDRIES ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL MULTIPLE BACHELOR RUBBING COMPOUND VITAMIN SMOKERS TOOTH POWDER 16 on, Rog, 896 32 on. Reg. 1.69 TABLETS with SODIUM PERBORATE 21 90¢ 202 1.70 rag Reg. 800 = wor Bie BRONCHIAL SYRUP pad Mi 3] pn 6 on, Reg. 980 16 on, Reg, 1.59 2 for 7.99 OR POWDER 21 99¢ 2 1 1.60 Rep. 2 von 70¥ MK OF MAGNESIA DENTA TAL FLOSS -- 30 yards 'TABLETS - MINTED 2 we Sif asin 2 ior 7i¢ ate» 2 for 1.48 MINERAL OIL Heavy Americon U.S.P. % a Roe oe GO? WITCH HAZEL 4 on. Reg. 456 8 ox. Reg. 83a Zw Ab¢ 2 we 867 GLYCERIN SUPPOSITORIES ADULT OR pate: wk. 2 woe 66/ TAMBLYN YOUR FAMILY'S HEALTH IS OUR FIRST CONCERN 50's Reg. 2.29 100'. Rog. 3.98 2530's Reg. 7.98 Phage QUIK-TEL MONOGRAM % 2702 1,96 %% 2 we 151 ABSORBENT COTTON onwin 2 ror 50¢ akin 2 vor 70¢ ADHESIVE TAPE xs win i ad aB ta: 7¢ 2 for S0¢ GA UZE BANDAG Gs x 10 yds. Reg "ire 50% 210 607 2 we 997 0 om Rep. 1.29 16 on, 'Rep. 2.00 2/136 2/201 +) ADRIENNE HAND LOTION on 2 oe 769 atts 2 For 1.26 hesatunient 2 vor 1.26 fee, 1.28 GLOS - KREME HAIR. DRESSING neste 2 OR OOS BACHELOR DEODORANT srick, = 2 wor 1.26 2 vor 1,01 ADRIENNE Aunt Mary's ~ "BF Save 34c! -- Bonus 1-Oz. Free With 6-Oz, NESCAFE Instant COFFEE Save 10c! KLENZO or Mi 31 LIQUID ANTISEPTIC Mal 2 vor 80 Reg, 790 Kidney & Bladder Pills 50's Reg. 890 1008's Reg. 1.39 212 90% 2 1 1,40 MYDROGEN PEROXIDE 10 VOLUME U.S.P. 4 on. Reg. He 16 om, Reg, 730 30.36 2 we 76¢ SACCHARIN TABLETS EFFERVESCENT 2 7O¢ 210 Sif WRITING PADS A Jon lap Seen BLUE LI Aigo 2forlé¢ 2for36¢ 2 for 46¢ an EVEL OPES MAK -- BLUE LINED OR LIME % 2 we 267 ie 2 we 169 COMBS 2 roe 61¢ 5 ox, -- Reg. 900 2 roe 91¢ SPECIAL 25th ANNIVERSARY BONUS GIFT OFFER SUPER PLENAMINS Canada's Largest Selling Vitamin Mineral Product Save 9! CAKE MIXES Sove 6c! -- HOT eunent AT? AR NRE RB Bd Borden's 7) When > ter Batibie ae| ete sae | 72 ain orig MN a Folge 2 fr he 13.98 | 7. 98 498 & CHRISTMAS © CARDS REXALL 0 wed yen | SA SEXALL wit pe | SEXALL wil: send you @ = # | es borus ae 7.98 bottle hl 2 y. | os © bonus, 2 m= 1.08 sere toblets os © bonus. 2 ior 30¢ 2 for 'ir ie ale aiateiatiia eal Save 12¢ -- Laundry BRYLCREEM HAIR DRESSING wrrn | COMB us 68 BUFFERIN Fest Acting poin reliet COLD TABLETS . 63¢ Reg. 790 VICKS VAPO RUB For head & chest colds "mre 99¢ Reg. 1.19 LAVORIS ORAL ANTISEPTIC Mouth Wash and Gorgle 17 ounce 99, 1.25 Veluwe RESDAN DANDRUFF REMOVER CONTAC-€ All-Day All-Night Reliet ® every va nouRS CREST COLGATE TOOTH PASTE Dental Cream with SOFTIQUE | BEAUTY BATH OIL Smooths & Softens the Skin veiw ae D Value SCORE HAIR DRESSING For Good Grooming amet 49% FACT TOOTH PASTE REDUCES DECAY ae... OFF 1.19 Values HEET LINIMENT Relieves Menculer Aches & Poine Reg. 8¢ «=| BP BOWLING SHOE BAG 'in §=1.79 Navy alled ) in ister 1-LB, PKG, 39 1Y_-LB, PKG. Aids in the Prevention of Cavities 1.19 93 ¢ GILLETTE World Series Specials SINUS MISERIES vio 147 Rog. 1.49 Specially Selected - Value Check'd - Short Cut ~ Chef Style Prime Rib ROASTS For Frying! --- Mild Seasoned -- PURE PORK SAUSAGE. u. 65° "You Save Twice with Trim and Price' -- Tender <- Juicy RIB STEAKS u. 89° | COOKING ONIONS LEAN-CHUNK STYLE Ideal for frying, or, baking (by No. 1 Grade - Garden Fresh --- SMOOTH the piece)--P! w, 99¢ Braising Ribs ,,, 49°| BACON WAX TURNIPS SPROULES "WILSON FOODMASTER CORNER SIMCOE AT MILL C Adjustable Razer in Styrene 'Travel Com with & Super.Stainless Steet Blodes AND CONDITIONER is «CAS Se 147 te FREE! ALL-DAY DELIVERY SERVICE OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 728-5101 6 KING ST. EAST DOWNTOWN 723-3143 WILSON RD. 5, SHOPPING PLAZA Bi Pe Dy Po Be Bit oy Be As Bal