a tig Ay gy COUNTY JUNIORS PLOWING CHAMPS eames Onatarina ae in the Inter-County Plowing Competitions at the International Plowing Match at Seaforth, Ont., this week, were coach L. Fair, from Uxbridge, and con- testants Ted Smith, from Blackwater and Ron Mc- NY hg iy gare eager Guckin, from Mount Albert. The team topped 19 other county mae competing for over $900 in prize money providea vy Dismay Acct can Oil, sponsor of the event, and won the BA trophy and $150 in first prize money. i Citizenship WHITBY -- Sixty-three resi- dents of the district were pre- sented with their certificates at a session of the Citizenship Court held last week in the Ontario County Courthouse at Whitby. Those who received their certificates were: Mrs, Vera Carapic, Mrs. Her- mine Klara Benak, Laszlo Berg- mann, Miss Alina Borun, Fedele Cavallari, Wladymyr Chrobak, Germano Cucinato, Mrs. Barbel DeJong, Mrs. Anna Gijsbertje Dougherty, Klaus Wolfgang Josef Pickert, Mrs. Helena Gorny, Mrs. Anna Hewark, Francisues Leonardus and Mrs. Arnolda Wilhelmina Maria Hoefs, all of Oshawa. Istvan Karikas,' Mrs, Katha- rina Kisel, Wolodymir Kurhan, Jakiw Melnyk, Mrs. Anna Maria Parker, Dymtro « and Mrs, Ewdokia Paziuk, Paul Helmut Daniel and Mrs, Gerda Petschulat, Mrs, Olga Rim- land) = Miss Christa Roschok- Seidel, Michael Rupka, Gabriel Alex and Mrs, Agapi Servinis, all of Oshawa. Michele Siciliano, Janez Sku- mavec, Paolo Troiano, Gera- dus Petrus and Mrs. Adriana Van Schyndek and Mrs, Vik- toria Winkelbauer, all of WHITBY DAY - BY - DAY Religious Beliefs Of Indians Cited John Serres, spokesman for several of the Indian Nations, was the guest speaker at Kath- leen Rowe Home and School Association. He said there are almost 70 different nations on the North American Continent who had an extensive relig- fous life and beliefs long be- fore the white man arrived. He said there are long and complicated ceremonies which are connected with the religious life, the shortest of which last- ed four hours. Mr. Serres asked if anyone knew the exact meaning of "Canada". His explanation is fhat when the French explor- ers asked the Indians for the name of the place they had reached the Indians very 'po- litely asked them to "'Ka-no-ta" meaning 'Come to our Home"', so the country now is known as "Canada". Group Tours Occupational Therapy Unit Members of St. John's Anglican Church Parish Helpers prior to their meeting toured the Ontario Hospital Occupa- tional Therapy House, The tour proved most enlightening, as patients' work such as weav- ing, art, etc., was displayed, Mrs. John McKibbin opened the meeting, at the home of Mrs, James M. Sheedy, with prayer. The advisory council reports were read and also thank-you notes, Volunteers were asked to sit with small children each Sund: orning in the church hall during the service. Indian Affairs is the centen- nial project for the Home and School Federation so it was most appropriate that the spea- ker wore a full dress Indian cos- tume and headdress. The president, Karel Schaaf, on behalf of the large atten- dance, thanked the speaker for a most informative and humor- ous talk. Mrs. W. J, Barton chaired the short business session. It was with regret that the resig- nation of President Bruce Hand- scombe was accepted. , Karel Schaaf was elected by acclama- tion. Attendance banners were won by Mrs. Delaney's and Mr. Clement's rooms. It was an- nounced a "Games Night" will be held Nov. 10, Principal Catherwood intro- duced the teaching staff. Tea hostesses were members of the executive, which were donated to the sick and shut-ins after the Harvest Thankoffering Service. A quilt was on display with the green centennial symbol on a white background and bound with green. Embroidered on it are the dates 1866 to 1966. The quilt belongs to Mrs. W. W. Brady, and the work was done by members of St. John's Par- ish Helpers. ° Mr. McKibbin closed the meeting with prayer. Tea hostesses were Mrs. W. W. Brady assisted by the rector, Mrs, John McKibbin and Mrs. Cyril Styan. Mrs. George Roberts had the Rev.: John McKibbin spoke concerning the "Cornucopias" Presbyterian Group Plans Bazaar Whitby - St. Andrew's Pres- byterian Women, Group No. 1 met at the home of Mrs. Geor- ge. Anderson, R.R. 2, Whitby, The president; Mrs. Thomas Sloan, presided. Final arrangements were! made for the bazaar to be held Dec. 3 at the church hall. The general so. is Mrs. Geo- rge Anderson. Each Group will be represented by the following WHITBY PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Munns and their son, Todd and Mrs. George Munns, Sr., motored to Niagara Falls and were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, E. H. Wightman. Mrs. Munns re- mained for an extended visit. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Gray Naharah a 'a Wischeiter with her pa- rents, Mr. and Mrs. William} Lioyd. Mrs. Gray and her) daughter remained for a sil more days.' Mrs. Ed. Finan, 221 Hallett Ave., is entertaining members of her CWL travelling bridge and euchre today. Present will be: Mrs. Joseph Corrigan, Mrs. bse Mackey and Mrs. Frank Mr, and Mrs, John Gray and children visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Murdoch, in Bowmanville. Mrs, Jack Freeman, Bobcay- | returned home during! Se "weekend after spending a marked tea cup and won the door prize. members: Mrs. Donald Wilson. Mrs.~ James. Ross, Mrs. A.K, Craig, Mrs. Russell Bradley and Mrs, G.C, Dalgleish. Rev. W.J.S. McClure was in | charge of the Bible study "What lis Christian Responsability". The hostess served refresh- ments, The next meeting will be, Nov. 14, at the home of pa Dave Zilstra, 210 Palace t. week the guest of Mr. and Mrs. James Smyth, Dundas St. W. Other visitors during the week were Mr. and Mrs. And- rew Keavenay, Port Credit. Several members of Whitby Royal Canadian Legion Ladies Auxiliary will attend the Bow- manvill 20th birthday celebra- juonus Ins. evening. A Small Boy Is A | Pain In The Neck . when he is around ali-the, time, end @ pain in the vt when he is net. | guess boys wil be and so will e let of middie age men, A boy becomes @ man when he walks around a puddle instead of } / Oshawa, Mrs. Gyske De Jong, Hielke and Mrs. Marine Adriana Hol- kema, Leendert Johannes and Mrs, Leentje Koornneef,. Sieg- fried Ercih and Mrs. Liselotte Ulrich, Albert and Mrs. -Geer- truida Van Essen, all of Bow- manville, Mrs, Anna Eggenhofner, Karl Gores, and Mrs, Linda Horack, all of Whitby. Wilhelm and Mrs. Margarete Grassner, Goddwood; Mrs. Esther Grzywatz, Fairport; Mrs. Hilde Hennings, Picker- ing; Henderikus and Mrs, Matje Frieda Wally Lohr, Pickering; and Miss Verena Geissberger, Sunderland, Mrs, Marianne Keeping, Mrs. Erzsebet Mullen, Mrs. Henri- cus Maria Francusca Soetens, Miss Petronella' Soetens,. Mrs. Stefania Szwajkowski, all of Ajax and Jacob Wanninkhof, Port Perry. Mrs, A. A, Archibald and her group will be in charge of the program for the regular meet- ing tonight of St. Mark's Uni- ted Church Women Unit No. 1 and 2. Mr, and Mrs, Peter Hooger- dyk, 1631 Charles St., Port Whitby, have left for Europe, from Dorval Airport Montreal. Mr. Hoogerdyk will spend three weeks abroad where they will visit members of their families Mrs. Hoogerdyk will remain for an extensive tour of Europe. The Whitby Senior Citiens' Club met in All Saints Angli- can Church hall. Forty mem- bers and two visitors attended. Card games and a delicious lunch were enjoyed. Mrs. E. Bell played several musical se- lections, The next meeting will be Oct. 21 when it is hoped all members will attend. Almonds United Church is holding its 'Anniversary Thank- offering" Service, Oct. 30, at the morning and evening servi- ces. Rev. R. H. Wylie, pastor of Almonds Church, will speak at the 11 a.m. service. Rev. Fleetham, of Greenwood, will address the congregation at the will be under the direction of Miss Beth Atkinson, organist and choir leader. Mrs, J. H. Ashby, 1103 Wal- nut St., has returned by plane from Sheboygan, Wis., after a three - month visit. with Dr. and Mrs. Arved Ashby and fa- mily. Mrs. S. H. Bolte, Belleville, is spending few weeks visiting at the home of Mrs. EF. N. Granger, 305 St. Ww. Members of the Pickering Tawnehin municinal staff are moving today from the 132 - year - old building at Brougham to the new build- ing located at the»tutersec- emer PICKERING TOWNSHIP STAFF IS MOVING TODAY cost of approximately $348,- 000. The council chamber in the new bullding wili nave a seating capacity of 75 and ee ioe, ey for an- Ouies ustetnet tion of Highway 2 and the Brock Rd, The new_ build- ing, which will be officially opened by Prime Minister John Robarts at 2: 30 pm., uct, 20, ,was erecvied at a building at Brougham, which has been in use for sume years, was iormeriy « hotel. This picture shows exterior of the new building. --Mehawa Times Phata Holtrust, Uxbridge; Mrs. Jutta| 7s 7.30 p.m, service. Special music |k WHITBY BOWLING NEWS WHITBY LADIES CANDY BOWLING LEAGUE Points For The Day: Alisorts 0; Gum- drops 1; Humbugs 3; Jelly Beans 3) Life Savers 4; Lollpops 1; Maple Buds 3 and Peppermints 1. Triples Over $00: Doreen Kehoe 738) Bernice Moase 679) Muriel McKim 633) Gladys Wiles 626; Jean Ward 612; Joyce Pickard 7 Evelyn Jeppesen -- 567; oye Gough 552; eon King 550; Grace Sandford 538; Rose Peleshuk 520) Alice Anderson 515; Goldie Marshall 51) and Florence Moore 502, WHITBY AND DISTRICT MEN'S LEAGUE (Wednesday) Triples 660 and Over: Clarance Moore (298); a Scott 754 (301); Jake Kroon 711 (261); Ed Hutchinson 705 (290); Toni Stigter 693 (301); Harry Van paweren 69) (254); Barry Denyer 686 66); Bill Robinson 677 (254); Alex Robinson 676 (258); Hans Zimmer 663 Hele Ron Childs 662 (298); Jim Mifflin (265), gh Stendings: A and T Motors 11, Bathurst 10, Ramblers 10, Jokers 10, Wilson's Food Market 9, Jim"s Stage Door 7, Mitton Marne 4, Whitby Police Assoc. 6 J Real Estate 5, Whitby serier Galfers 5; Andrews 3, The Ollers Ltd, 2, Storrar Utd, 2, WHITBY AND DISTRICT MEN'S LEAGUE (Thursday) Triples 660 and Over: Ed Samanski G50 (341, 261); Marty Jordan 783 (308); Doug Rowden 761 (274); John Lge od Jim Ross 757 (304); Tom 703 (319); Doug Henderson 696 (260); Ed Brush 690 (283); Roger Reeson 69? (243); Frank Kapuscinsk! vo (278); Bilt Collins 677 (233); Joe Paplinski 673 (259); Myrie Reeson 667 (237). Team Standings: K. c. Wy, Wings 10, Kaiser loam 10, eanty Bowl %, Diamond inaulations 9 Ken Smith Const. a Rab al Ciger Store 7, Legion Old Swei pe Be (Ne, 2) & Firemen (A) igs Wed lionnaires 4, eat re 2. tile Dept. Store 4, F pores (8). & 5 Gitice ty Waituy. Hardwe PINCH A SNACK SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (AP) Thieves must have watched Jose M. Tosato lock up his res- taurant and take the cash home in a paper bag. Shortly after he reached home, two armed men rushed in and grabbed a paper bag from the kitchen ta- ble. But they took the wrong bag and made off with some as- sorted candy and not the money. PICTURE RE-PRINTS Aveilable At NU-WAY PHOTO SERVICE 251 King St. &., Oshewe 8 x 10 -- 1.50 each §x7-- 1.25 each: 20% Discount on Orders of 3 or More Pietures John St. MONEY ON TERM Mr./Mrs./Mies, . we we eee ther's cers. ~ One-Stop DECORATING DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. YA Ryenn fof Whitby PHONE 668.5862 There is nothing so aggravating jos a fresh boy who is too young/ ito ignore and too old to spank. A boy loves his dog because it is the only thing eround the house| thet doesn't find fault with him. When it comes to fault finding, we concentrate on ourselves That's 'couse we are alwoys trying to bring you better service than you expected, Gillard CLEANIT SERVICE LTD. DRY CLEANING, SHIRT LAUNDERING 725-3555 32 Ki N= St. Tel. 728-1653 YOUR (1 OR 2 YEARS) Capital and Reserve $25,000,000 Deposits in Exeess of $350,000,000 89% of our mortgages, Government Guaranteed Seema men nn see ce APPLICATION Please complete this coupon and mail it with your cheque Pe estore fro Signature... wees oversees ves GUARANTY TRUST Rein Harmatare, Manager x EARNS DEPOSITS er eo rrr E., Oshawe Golden Gate Restaurant 2, Lambert oli] \ WHITBY CLUB CALENDAR . MONDAY, Oct, 17 WEDNESDAY Oct. 19 Co-op Credit Union Banking |:|Whitby St. John Ambulance night Salvation Army Prayer and Ist Whitby Scouts Bible Study Whitby Baptist Church Benevolent Rebekah Lodge Explorers No, 182 Blair Park Vista Ratepayers |St. John's Anglican Church Association WA Blair Park Vista Teen Club Gardenview United Church Women All Saints Anglican Church Evening Guild Girl Guide of Canada District Association St. Mark's United -Church Wo- men Unit No. 9 St. John's Anglican Church Men's Club Pentecostal Church Women's Missionary Council Whitby Whittlers TOPS Club Knighis of Columbus Ontario Ladies College Castle Chapter. THURSDAY, Oct. 2% Whitby Baptist Church Cubs Salvation Army Women's Home League Faith Baptist Church -Women's Missionary Society St. Mark's United Church Women Unit No, 3 Whitby FRIDAY, Oct, 21 Pentecostal. Church Young People's Christ Ambassa- dors Co-Op Credit Union -banking night Salvation Army Timbral Brigade TUESDAY, Oct, 18 Whitby Shrinking Violets TOPS Club Whitby Duplicate Bridge Club Red Cross work room Faith Baptist Church Pioneer Girls SATURDAY, Oct. 23 Salvation Army Young - People's Band Women's Christian Temper- ance Union Almonds United Church Women Evening Group The Antique Club est| Ajax Kinettes Al-Anon Family Group SUNDAY, Oct. 23 St. Mark's: United Church Hi-C Group, OSHAWA TIMES |~ Out ofevery dollar spent byBell -- over mt cents This Is remarkable for two reasons, First Is the amount that's being spent by Bell Canada: over 275 million dollars for new construc- tlon and Sreeneet every year to meet ever-grow- Ing needajfor communications -- and this annual expenditure Is likely to grow in the future. And the second reason why this Is remarkable le that practically everything, from simple gear to the most advanced electronic switching and trans- mission equipment is manufactured in Canada and can be bought here! That means, it must be as good or better, in price and quality, as anything we could !mport. We must admit -- we and\Northern Electric, our manufacturing subsidiary, helped lots of small. companies to set up production facilities so that ~ «we could get things here Import them. But the big thing Is that it's now being done, and that we're working on getting the remaining small percentage made here, too, Encouraging Canadian Production -- one of the ways in which Bell contributes to our economy, . Bell Canada PICK WALKER OTTAWA (CP)--CBC execu- tive H. G, Walker has béen chosen to oversee a groundwork Study for the establishment of a Canadian . sponsored broad- casting centre in the Common- wealth Caribean, Mr. Walker, vice-president and general man- ager of the publicly owned cor- poration's English-language net- work, was a key figure in the blowup earlier this year over the dismissal of the co-hosts of THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, October 17, 1966 5 Health Group Gives Warning GENEVA (Reuters)--Doses of radiation uscd to preserve food for human beings could damage the food or develop resistance in its bacteria, a World Health we report warned to- The report by the organiza- tion's food experts said radia- tion could be-a valuable means of preserving food but only if carefully controlled, It said the advantages "are not a sufficient warrant for its indiscriminate use in all cir- cumstances, ... Many Sosential | eas nutrients, particularly certain of Ky the vitamins, are to some ex- tent destroyed when a food is ae (exposed to radia- ion Pag COLUMBIA PICTURES PRESENTS BROCK WHITBY One Complete P Each Evening et 7:30 ALSO 2ND FEATURE ATTRACTION BEGINS 7:30 "Everything's Ducky" With Mickey Reoney Buddy Hackett the television, This Hour Has Seven Days. ANTHONY QUINN + ALAIN DELON << f, ' Adult Entertainment -- Begins 9:00 Repeated radiation does which reill off some micro-organisms but not others could lead to the |development of an increasingly Moore pa strain, the report IF YOU ARE NOW TAKING A LAXATIVE ONCE, TWICE or THREE TIMES A WEEK oe THEN YOU SHOULD BUY WR TODAT? the Laxative Tablet with the GENTLE DIFFERENC REGULAR+ CHOCOLATE ears: JUNIORS we Take it easy. As It happens, we can't. Making whisky that goes down this hon easy Is a difficult job. It means selecting whiskles from our five distilleries across Canada (only Seagram's has five, by the way), Then blending and re-blending them to get 5 Star's easy taste, How can you find out if the taste Is worth all the trouble? That's easy, too, 5 Star. Easy whisky. 4 in Central Whitby location with two fireplaces, recreation room, three spa- cious bedrooms, family room, two bathrooms, office or studio and dining room. Decoration is real sharp and landscaping complete in this two storey Brick home and garage. Live in comfort here, Have an office and let the , business pay for some of the expenses. Asking price $22,800 includes large parking area. 218 Dundes 3. ©, Whitby Phone 668-8826 (2 doors east of Whitby Post .Offies) REALTOR 2 OFFICES TO SERVE YOU Phon 48 Simece $. $., Oshewe @ 728-5157 (Opposite Oshawa Post Office)