QUEST? OH, NOI! H NOT THAT BEASTLY? SECRET AGENT X9 BEGINNING (Fx KEMO SABAY/ THERE UNDERGROUND RIVER BELOW PUEBLO! MAYBE THEY TAKE ASHLEY OFF BY RIVERS -- Channe) 11--Hamiiten 7:20 P.M, 7--News, Weather, Sports 4-Wild Wild West MICKEY MOUSE i ' MS A Unite put tor LISTEN, GRANDMAZ.,, H-M / ADP A COUPLE OF GUITARS, ROY; AND YOU MIGHT HAVE A HIT TUNE ON YOUR HANDS / TELEVISION LO 100 P.M, 9--Mission Impossible Channe) %~Toronto 7--Milton Berle 6--Movie Channel &---Rochester 4~Movie Channel 7--Buftale 3--Girl from U,N.C.L.E, Channel 6--Toronte ' "0 PM. Channe) 4--Buftalo 1i--Rat Patro! Channel 9~Barrie Re a Caonnet 9=Betiale 1--Merv. Griffin 2-8--Laredo capes ge aol We Are Not Alone 3--Time Tunnel 11:00 P.M, FRIDAY N97 -6434-News + 6:00 PM, ree Family Thestre 8 PLM, man 2--Johnny Carson 7--Laramie 4--News, Weather, Sports 6~--Fiipper 11:20 P.M, 6--Viewpoint 190 PM. 1:25 (PLM. Leave it to Beaver § = [11--Plerre Berton o--Let's Sina. Out News, Weather, Sports 'apd 1:98 PLM, 6:00 PLM. 8--Tonight 04--News, Sports witt| 7--Memory Game Movie '. 6--Run, Buddy, Run aa 9--Seaspray Movie 6:30 P.M, 1--Plerre Berion SHR ade Sa 9-6-3--News, Weather 12.00 A.M. 2-4--Huntley-Brinkley iui' action 4:00 A.M. PM. Davey and Gollath 1--Outdoors Uniimited 7:00 1l--It's About Time 9--Prultts of South- 2--Clutch Cargo hampton vagercat gag Wonderful World 7--Rocketship 7 6--TBA %--Cartoon Playhouse 2--News, Weather Ni--Sonnitze! } &--Three Stooges 2--Hercules : 9:00 A &~Ontario. Schools 4~--Fun to Learn Sports 4--People Are Funny 3--Wonroes 1: PM, aus RM, Vi--Time Tunnel --The Sonins ¥--Iren Horse 3--Ontario Schools go lear' tiorset 2--Stingray 6--Rat Patrol ot seiner Secret Squirrel 7--Casper 4--Supermen ues AM. TlYour Home end Garden 8--Skipper Sam 7--Maailla Gorilla 9--Beat p wire Bi Jetsons 4--Lone Ranger 3~Cemarron cy 12 NOO 11--ducational TV 9--Ri escue 8 7--Bugs Bunny 4--Road Runner 6--Uncle Waldo 28--Top Cat 12:30 P.M, F-Spemneventine Bowl- ing 9--Movie 4--Beagles 6--Super 6 3--Ernie Lindell 2-44--Smithsonian 1:00 P.M, 11--White Hunter +6 Championship inooker 4--Rural Review 2-8--Animals Secrets 1:30 P.M. 1--Donna Reed &--Movie 7--Buffalo BIll's High- lights Ig! 4--Science Reporter 2--Sea Hunt 1.55 P.M. . li--Saturday afternoon at the Races 2:00 P.M, 7--College Football ar 3-4--Pro Football 2--Topper 2.38 P. 4--Bat Nasjorenn le P.M, --Mov' 3:00 P.M. 4--Forest Rangers 9--HI-time 3:98 1--Outdoors_ Limited 4~Science Fiction Theatre, 9--Stingray 4:00 P.M, 8:00 PLM, 7---Popeye, Gumby Ti--Wrestling 3--<Time Tunnel 4--Frankenstein Jr. 9--After Four jet Smart 34--Principles of Union | 8--Bowling £190 PM ined a Ps 4-N-F.L. Countdown . tt IMac nee teen 24-11----Man From UNCLE | 11Hobby Time 9--Wide World of Sports eefaery ses mo] ee Hat | ta 4-Hegan's Heroes 7--Beatles Review" oe . ACROSS DOWN pause aaa . Perry of 1. Site of ° SIL IOINIDMEM TU TLTS) = ay eene iting COIN SE eT ow, LIUES wii Ss ti Aus. fi term court Al MRAIVIETR| 9. Early 2. Farm OBIE ISIE! invader animals ALTE of 3.----~ Blane England 4, Canadian 10, Surpass province; 12. Catkin abbr. . Mus 13, Female 5. Saturated note Yesterday's Answer ruff 6. Hewing 27. Meteor- : 14.A narrow tool ologist's line 33, Field opening 7.Fragrance 28.Jerusalem 38, Mine 15. Part of 8, Cut is its entrance "to be" 9. Bank capital 39, Tennis 16. Born depositors 30.Crowd term 17.City train 11, Dregs 31. Brightly 41. Naval 18. Beverage 15. Affix colored officers 19. Bursars: 18, Site fish abbr. abbr. of US. $2. Ancient 42, Land 20. Round, Naval gold coin mea- domed Academy of Persia sures buildings 24, Severe ips hy 6) i YY 25. Shinto V1, Y temple 9 / n gateway V, 29.Anonymous {i2 Z Y 31, Harem eh TS room 14 34, Seed Y ~ ZZ wy 5 vessel 7? ! 35, Con- LU) V1. TIO" junction 20 ai }22 23 si UG, 37. Siberian 24], Y 26 [27 [2 gulf PA ZG 38. Seaweed Y AZA22 30 40, Pert, to W ez Y, Wan -- an area, 32 {3 42. Worship V/: VL 43. Langu: 36 GY 3 38 39 northern 40 at Y India a 44, Competitor 43 45. Machine 7 parts 4s ".Branch Za V, HUBERT HO-HUM! WOULD YOU LIKE A CUP OF COFFEE, SON J WOULP I-- Gooprse \_{ you Go To THE STORE AND BUY A POUND OF COFFEE, AND ILL PUT THE WATER ON RY THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, October 21, 1966 95 BRIDGE (Top record-holder in Mas Individual Championship Play) BIDDING QUIZ. You are South, neither side ee Se Soe has mn: : f What would you bid now with each of the following four hands? 1. Spades: AQJ95; Hearts: Q6; ge eS Diamonds AJ86; | Clubs: Q97 13. Spades: KQJ982; Hearts:K 73; Diamonds: AQJ4; Clubs:-- 4. Spades: AK963; Hearts: 10; Diamonds; AQJ75; Clubs: K8. 1, Three, notrump. A good hidder knows how to s as -}well-as receive, He must be. careful to represent accurately the walnoe he Kas. both in high cards and distribution, and also be able to interpret or receive any messages his partner sends, These are the basic require- ments for a good bidding part- nership, ' It would be wrong to bid only two notrump with this hand. The spade bid and the two dia- mond rebid could have been based on minimum values, for example, only 13 high-card points. Since there are 17 points which have not yet been por- tra) they can now be identi- fied by a jump to three no- trump. A two spade bid would be incorrect on two counts, It would understate our high-card values and would also fail to -- the balanced distribu- ion. 2. Three clubs, Here we have a different type of hand, so we send a different type of mes- sage. We can't bid notrump, since the distribution is unbal- anced, Our high-card content is minimun, so we do not jump the bidding, The three club bid also serves to identify the heart shortage, since by now spades, diamonds and clubs have all been bid. The picture drawn is complete, The rest is yp to part- ner, 3. Three spades. Again a dif- ferent type of hand. This time we don't bid notrump because 6-4-3-0 hands don't lend them- selves to notrump play. We can't support clubs because we don't have any, and we can't hearts with only i is justified by the 16 high-card points. If we were to bid only two spades, partner might. think only 12 or 13 points. bidding with one diamond with a holding of four spades '#hd five diamonds. "niin The extra high - card values are simulateously revealed, since with a weaker hand con- taining the same distribution we sould bid two spades to show a hand of the minimum clas8, YOUR HEALTH nant but I am still about five pounds overweight. I weigh 123 pounds and would like to re- duce to 118 before I start put- ting on weight because of preg- nancy. : is it ali right io Giet now? When carrying my first baby I put on too much weight. How can I precent this? I have had a weight problem all of my life. --Mrs. N. D. Actual reduction during preg- nancy is not usually feasible un- less a woman is very much overweight, which evidently you are not. To avoid gaining too much is quite another matter--and_im- to 20 pounds and sometimes less for the entire pregnancy is good for both you and the baby. It makes delivery easier and often safer, and it avoids the problem of getting rid of ex- cess weight after the baby is born. When you gain too much while pregnant, it means that you have stowed away fat in your body and you already know how hard it is to shed such weight. I regard your main problem as one of not gaining too much during this pregnancy. Actual reduction can come afterward. Extreme reducing programs are not advisable unless under the supervision of your doctor. You do not need a great deal of food during pregnancy, and the old wheeze about 'eating an excuse for people who just want to eat too much, But you do need the right foods--pro- tein, vitamin-containing foods,' calcium and other minerals which the baby-to-be needs. In Dieting Difficult During Pregnancy By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD e Dear Dr. Molner: I am preg- choosing the right foods, while portant. Limiting weight gain for two" has been overdone as |b avoiding the fattening ones, little guidance from your doc' can do a great deal of good, CONSULT DOCTOR As I've often said, the ti Se the pregnancy. cies, if any, can be corrected, and the devastating infections which sometimes occur can be stopped at once instead of lead- ing to disaster. Unless your doctor agrees on any attempt to lose weight, just keep your sights on not gaining more than the normal pound- age. Dear Dr. Molner: I am two months pregnant. At what month should I stop wearing a Any time it feels uncomforta- le. But you shouldn't be asking me, Every woman should start going to her own physician as soon as she thinks she is preg- nant, ' There are good reasons for | Delivery is easiest and CANADIANS PLACE LAKE PLACID, N.Y. (AP)= J. Mischa Petkovich, 17," 0f Great Falls, Mont., and Wendy Jones, 16, of Hershey, Pa., 'won the gold men's and gold wom- en's competition in the finals of the annual Lake Placid inter- national free skating champign- ships Saturday night. Second :in the gold men's was Charles Snelling, 27, of Toronto. Thi in the gold women's was Mary Church, 18, of Toronto. Dear Dr. Molner: Is there any danger of contracting ven- ereal diseases from clothing bought at rummage sales? Does dry cleaning or washing make them safe?--C. EB. The risk, even if the clothes aren't dry-cleaned or washed, is about as close to zero as you can get. Mere dryness would destroy most germs in a very short time. But after cleaning or washing (which in any case should be done) the clothin will be entirely safe. seit cerfainly carries the least risk en the doctor has seen the other periodically throughout More important, all manner of complications can be avoided --weight can be controlled and there can be checkups for anemia. Nutritional deficien- EARN UP TO $100."°- A WEEK OR Re~ BIG PAY JOBS . WAITING » for MARVEL GRADUATES Marvel Hairdressing Schools in principal cities offer ex- © clusive "MARVEL. TOUCH" training. Complete- course DAY or EVENINGS. For free brochure, write or visit a8 MARVEL BEAUTY... SCHOOLS Established over 40 yeors.. Dept. OT. 219 Bloor St. W.- TORONTO a tight girdle or garter belt?--- ts. P. H. JAN'S TEXACO GARAGE (Complete Repairs) MOVED TO 83 RITSON RD, SOUTH To Serve You Better 725-8371 So cette i yt