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Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Oct 1966, p. 5

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FESO a EE WHITBY DAY - BY - DAY Anniversary Dinner Plans Are Discussed meeting of St. Mark's United Church Women, Unit 3, plans were discussed for the anniver- sary dinner to be held Nov. 15 with two 'settings, the first one at 4.45 p.m. and 6.30 p.m. The leader, Mrs. R, A. Smith, opened the meeting with'a pray- er by Robert Louis Stevenson. Mrs, Leith Jones was in charge of the worship service on the theme "Our God is Not Dead." Mrs. Smith reported on the successful "Granny Tea" and thanked members for their co- operation and help. The next meeting will be Nov. 1 at 2 p.m, in the assem- Harvest Dinner Final arrangements were made for the Oct. 29 'Harvest Dinner Dance' at a Whitby Council, Knights of Columbus, No, 4895 meeting. The eveni wiii commence ai 6 p.m. with refreshments, Din- ner will be served at 7 p.m., followed by dancing from 9 to midnight. William Goverde is chairman of the dance, assist- ed by members of his commit- tee, Tickets are available from all members and also at the door, Invitations were sent out Land Rovers V The First Whitby Land bly hall with Unit 3 In charge of the worship service. Mrs. L. F, Richardson was in charge of the program. She gave a short introduction on the new study book 'Church and the World." A skit "The meeting of the United Church Women," written by Mrs. Rich- ardson, was presented by Mns. Harold Quantrill, Mrs, Edward Breen, Mrs, L. F,. Richardson and Mrs, R. A. Smith. This was followed by a discussion period, Tea hostesses for the social hour were: Mrs. Ida Simpson and Mrs, R. A. Smith. Dance Planned to all district councils to attend. There will be door prizes and spot dance prizes. Past District Deputy, James Smyth presented a picture to be hung in ine haii when Coun- cil No. 4895, received its char- ter, Appearing in the picture are: Grand Knight at the time, (1961), James Smyth, receiv. ing the charter from District Deputy J. J. Tracey and Past District Deputy J. J. Bawks. isit Stee] Plant father, jwho is Carole's The sub-executive Rangers visited the Lake On-| Visit was an excursion for one) tario Steel group were; Nancy Pollard, Co. plant. In the Gaye Courtice, vail Schell, | Carole Avent and their leader,/was entertained at the Avent's| Mrs, Harvey Whale. The girls are all 15 and 16 years of age.| They were shown the opera-| | tion by Mr. Avent, an employee Almonds UCW Lays Plans For Bazaar The main topic at Almonds United Church Women Even- ing Group's meeting, held at) the home of Mrs. Ivan Barrett,| jof their Ranger tests. The First| |Whitby Land Rangers is newly - formed one. Following the tour, the group jresidence where light refresh- ments were served and plans made for the Nov. 3 Rangers' meeting. Otter, baketable and other members assisting. Mrs, William Hicks thanked a F the | THE MEMBERS Whitby Township Council | held their first meeting Monday night in the new | township building at Brook- Ajax Council Seeks Money For Municipal Complex | lin. In the upper picture members of council are seen settling into their new surroundings. From left, are Councillor James onda | Brady, Deputy Reeve John Batty, Reeve John Dryden, Councillor Gordon Hanna and Councillor Neil Grandy. Township Clerk William Township To Agnes Moorehead and Hans Wallace is seated in the foreground at right. The exterior of the new building is seen in the lower picture. --Oshawa Times Photos. HEAR FAMOUS VOICES |Conried provide the voices for ithe Black Widow and Prof. Su- ;mac in the Lone Ranger cartoon BROOKLIN (Staff) -- An as- surance to Brooklin residents, who are concerned about road- works in their area, was given Monday by Reeve John Dryden at the Whitby Township Council meeting. : Referring to a storm sewer project at Hazelwood Drive, he said: "I think residents feel their lawns and drives are going to be upset but I would assure them that when the con- struction is completed there will be no dissatisfaction, If some- thing gets messed up it will be taken care of." Another project causing "a great deal of concern and im- patience" is the Meadowcrest project to provide satisfactory slavatian drainage and road THE OSHAWA TIM ES, Tuesday, October 25, 1966 Reeve Alleviates Fears Regarding Road Projects surfaces to three streets. Reeve Dryden asked residents of adjacent projects to be patient. It was not the munici- pality"s intention to disturb Just Arrived... NEW FALL MADE-TO-MEASURE CLOTHES ROM House of Hobberlin Tip Top Tailors --at--- uss EEVE MEN'S SHOP 129 Brock St. S., Whitby PHONE 668-2091 their lawns and driveways and anything upset would be re- verted to its normal condition, eeeeeeneeneeaeedl Columbus Club 133 Brock St. N. WHITBY EVERY TUES. NIGHT Doors Open at 7 P.M. Bingo Starts at 8 P.M. SHARP Admission 50¢ No Children Under 16 Yea of age please. A little self-satisfaction is good for you! Hire Lawyer BROOKLIN (Staff) -- Whitby the hostess for opening her jhome, Members are meeting at jon TV. mail--and every Canada Permanent office is open a full business day. Especially when you see how fast your was the bazaar of Noy, 12 to savings grow at Canada Permanent, AJAX (Staff) -- Finance Com-|chased a 129-acre parcel of res- be held at Almonds Church. jmittee Chairman Ed Wetheralllidentially zoned land in the Mrs. Rea Armitage is general| convenor, assisted by Mrs.} Lorne Atkinson, Mrs, Carl Pas-| coe, tea convener, Mrs. Fred| Rebekah Lodge Pl The Noble Grand, Sister)sembly. Sister McLean, will be his committee is investigating! Verna Attwood, presided at Benevolent Rebekah Lodge} meeting, when final arrange-| ments were made for the Oct. 26. special meeting. when the| vice-president of Rebekah As-| the Hicks' resideste to prepare articles for the bazaar. |reported to Ajax Council, Mon- day night, that the town had |town and iniended to construct The next meeting will be held jost $39,000 for the building of|541 homes. The request for the Nov. 15. ans For Reception cision to cut off the Municipal) ..; making her official visit, | |the Municipal Complex because new subdivision which, if re- | Township Council agreed Mon- bd to authorize the hiring of a) lawyer, at an estimated fee of| of the federal government's de-| alized, would make it the larg-|$500, to represent it at 'the }Loan Fund. Mr. Wetherall said ways of picking up the money expansion of the town to date, was referred to- the finance committee for study. On the same evening the in-| by means other than a tax levy.| Councillor Wetherall said a bal- stallation of officers for the 1966-67 term will be held. At the close of the meeting refreshments were served. Scouts Are Coming To Blair Park The Blair Park Vista Rate-| payers Association is !ooking| know how Scouts will be formed| in the district, Mothers are for a good turn from parents|also welcome. | who have boys between the) ages of 11 and 15 years. Come if you are interested in helping your boys become good scouts and good citizens. | The district commissioner will) attend the Oct. 27 meeting at the home of Hatry Houston,| 237 Lupin Dr., at 8 p,m. WHITBY PERSONALS | The House of Windsor Chap- ter, IODE, is sponsoring a cooking demonstration "Cook- ing with Your Hat On." The) Whitby General Hospital Wom-) this project. Hats will be mod-| elled during the evening. 'bead event is being held Oct. 26 at! Henry Street High School at 8 p.m, Tickets available from any Chapter member and also at the door. Co-conveners are|"Games Night," Oct. 27, at the/Ontario government for addi-|asphalt from Cook Paving Co.| Blair Park Vista Teeners held a car wash last Sunday between 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. They raised approximately $15. It is re- grettable more parents did not turn out to help their teeners) have a busier afternoon. | Thanks are expressed to all! The Royal Canadian Legion Ladies' Auxiliary is holding its social this evening, with Mrs.) Phyllis Barton as convener. She| will be assisted by members of) en's Auxiliary is assisting with|her committee: Margaret} Dewsbury, Mable James, Jean Ferguson, Dorothy Ormiston, Jessie Lalonde, Zetta Fitchett and Frances Foster. The Whitby Association is holding a PUBLIC THANKS Councillor Mary Reid thank- ed council members and the citizens of Ajax for their sym- pathies expressed at the death of her husband, Jack, last week. Mrs. Reid said her husband had loved Ajax and its people. UNICEF Students at the Ajax High School were given permission to canvass door to door in the town on Oct. 31 to collect coins for UNICEF. DYSTROPHY Ajax volunteer firemen were |those who supported this pro-| granted permission to take part Come out and make sure you! ject. in an all-American canvass for Muscular Dystrophy in Ajax from Novy. 6-13, inclusive. DOG CONTROL | Council appointed Ken How- arth, 80 Hurley Road, as part- ment of Ben Severs as bylaw enforcement officer was also | announced. RESOLUTION ENDORSED A resolution from Richmond Hill was endorsed. The resolu- | municipalities to petition the Mrs. Roy Howe and Mrs. John|Whitby Royal Canadian Legion|tional revenues as suggested by Wall. All dishes cooked that eve- Hall at 8 p.m. Co-conveners are: Mrs, Tom Henstock,. Mrs. jthe recent Goldenberg Report. Richmond Council said Metro ning will be drawn, also door Frank Sevcik and Mrs, Eugene| Toronto was reaping the re- prizes and favors. Legion Uni Revived BROOKLIN (Staff) The Brooklin branch of the Royal Canadian Legion has been re- vived -- after a 33-year gap. The new branch has the same number as: the old one, 152, and two of the original mem- bers belong. The branch has been granted a charter following a meeting with Toronto organizer Reg Cleator and other officers, but this has not been made out yet. The Charter Night and a benefit dance for the Brooklin branch will be held at the Port Perry Legion Hall in De- cember. The original Brooklin branch began in 1929 and folded up four years later. j President of the new 15-) strong branch is Fred G. Phil-| lips. Other officers are: second vice - president, Fred - Evans; | third vice president, Jack! York; secretary treasurer, Pete Barker; executive: M. Lakey, P. Barker Jr., Eugene Bailey, Raymond Craddock and| Alec Brough. | BROCK - Whitby THIS THEATRE CLOSED For a few days DUE TO URGENT BUSINESS OUT OF TOWN! Quantrill, Prizes will be award- - }ed to winners and refreshments served, Tickets available at the door. nits U , 2 and 4, St. Mark's United Church Women, are holding a joint mieeting this evening, at the United Church assembly hall. Mrs. L. F. Rich- ardson will be the speaker. Past District Deputy James Smyth and Past Grand Knight Ed. Samanski of the Knights of Columbus attended the-Cobourg Council to present a charter to a newly formed Circle of Squires of Cobourg Council, Knights of Columbus Weekend visitors at. the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Simpson, 306 Henry St., were the Misses Berdetta and Ar-} dena Land, Parry Sound. \ BROOKLIN CONCRETE PRODUCTS LTD. jwards in assessmer@ from the dormitory municipalities. CENTENNIAL .COOPERATION Council referred to its Cen- tennial Committee a special re- quest from the Village of Pick- ering to co-operate with Ajax in some special events to cele- brate Canada's 100th birthday next July 1. NEW INDUSTRY Council announced that Gode-|500 youngsters attend the dance} rich Tube and Steel Co, had Jo- cated in Ajax in a leased 27,000 square foot building on Mill Street. H. H. Bartels was ap- pointed general manager of thé new Ajax industry, SUBDIVISION PROPOSED Wimpey Homes Limited ad- 'vised council that it had pur- ance of industrial - residential assessment should be maintain- led in the town, LANDSCAPING The tender of John Bouwer {Landscaping of Whitby, in the }amount of $20,397, for the Cen- {tennial landscaping surrounding the Ajax Municipal Complex \was accepted. A change, sug- | gested by the architects of the ae will add $1,153 to the CHANGE ORDERS Two library doors in the new {Municipal Complex will be changed to swinging doors at a cost of $1,079 council was in- formed. Finance Committee |Chairman Ed Wetherall said total changes to date would cost $6,835 or about 55 per cent of the expected change costs. A me dog conirol officer at a transformer relocation will cost) monthly fee of $50, The appoint-| °67 RISING ASPHALT | Public Works Committee Chairman Owen Ashley said the cost of asphalt had increased by 7 per cent since last year. Mr. Ashley reported that his Conservative tion asked the aid of all Metro}committee had accepted a price | of $7.74 per ton for 1,540 tons of POLICE AUCTION Protective Services Commit- tee Chairman William LeGross said the Ajax Police Depart- ment will hold an auction of un- claimed items at 1 p.m. on Noy. 12. EARMUFFS SUGGESTED |hearing of an assessment jappea 1 filed by Cambridge | Leasehelds Ltd. The hearing is | Nov. 16 at the Court of Revision. The solicitor the county asses- sor intends hiring is Bernard Chernos, a specialist in this field, who has won. 17 out of 18 cases. Deputy Reeve John Batty said if council won the case it would gain substantially more in taxes than the lawyer's fee. Councillor Gordon Hanna agreed it would be "good busi- ness" as it hoped to establish a | precedent, Start saving the Permanent way and see how rewarding it can be. Canada Permanent offers the security and experience of Canada's largest trust and mortgage complex. Established 1855-- Federally incorporated and supervised. Once you start saving the Permanent way, there's no stopping you. It's a beautiful sight to see your balance building so quickly. With both Regular and Special Savings Accounts, you earn higher interest. You can make deposits by Do it the Permanent way. SAVINGS « TRUST SERVICES » MORTGAGES Canada Permanent Trust Company A Complete SERVICE © Heating © Plumbing ® Kitchens COMPLETE COMPLETE PH. 668-2991 Oshawa Shopping Centre, 728-9482 J. WwW. Froud, MANAGER 2 © ton ¥ WHITBY ONT. | Parents of teenagers are be-| jing asked by the Ajax Recrea- |supervisors for Saturday after- jnoon teen dances at the recre- jation centre, Councillor Clark Mason reported that more than }eack Saturday. i NEW FACTORY Duffins Creek Estates Ltd. advised itil} jconstruction on a new 37,500 |square feet factory building on ;Commercial Road Oct. 24. It is | council | tion Committee to volunteer as | expected that the building will be leased to a new industry. DURA STEP ONE P e FOR REPI IECE CONCRETE YOUR NEW HOME ACEMENT FOR OLD SURFACE ON AND PLATFORM PHONE 655°3311 HEY! LOOK US OVER! Nicols Motors Have The Cars This Year... REBEL-SST The Most Luxurious Cars Ever Offered by American Motors Test Drive One Today... And See For Yourself ! | @ AMERICAN @ REBEL © AMBASSADOR | | 220, 440, ROGUE 550, 770, SST 880, 990, DPL | American Motor's have more features listed os ta' stenderd equipment. then ever before. NICOLS MOTOR SALES LTD. Hwy. No, 2 -- West of Thickson Rd., near Whitby 668-3331 5 Year or 50,000 Mile Top Trade-in allowance Warranty for your old car Bank Financing Rates

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