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Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Oct 1966, p. 22

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evsatonl yen enn mses A ny hoe ms herpes seg et i one cana arg tas ge ett, Fah em Bai 95 ah ga in ees em Ais bon i? be i a atte that Anca ait oe * "92 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, October 28, 1966 26--Apartments for Rent, |26--Apartments for Rent |26--Apertments for Rent _(27--Rooms for Rent 30--Automobiles for Sale 20--hutomebile tr Sole [20--Astemeie for Sale NR CARN RNISHED (Tiaeceahs Sten bat aero, w Wor RGaN fel" eat Gh Aa 7 For Sele r Rent reverts et = A DARTMENTS. | rina 0 a sperma flone we Mere "rea os =e WI NTE RI E| & nee ee i For Prestige Living Lg MN aT hatchet i cing ever re OPEN HOUSE : : cog Pit ete al etn, RARE wt na Row Ti Pas oa fa N OW 723-6322---729-6911 AT LAKE LA CONTESSA T |fWO-BEDROOM SC Gin sree re ils nat noe airin phone phone . ( : Ps ree Wi 2 APARTMENTS Grenfell ' aaa pa See rote ase, Se sa ei See One "Your RAMBLER Dealer" rd aR Gtarionat onariment 10d et] teeter -- ji Se ee S yare Fe ae Couple it th ayy esis 7 caling cs Ho Shs oe t/a: . Of These Dealers NICOLE Mone Sane mimater_ ftom" Peterebrough, LOCKING FOR: q $s, Parking, Tears te tia-si01, a ea hm. risny,| CARS. ROOM cooking and "sot For Quality Service | a Not us se a all « season road, ; paid dh tikes: 4UEOND STOREY of hours, two bed THREE ROOM naene romani aparl 'aan feng trance. Apply V1 Home-sized rooms with | |1 ond 2 guaieun eite @ ree bus, ve aren vist #90 |woman | ner Tale parle. ctl two > ROOM furnlahed basement abs ish MORE CASH rooms, private aan 'and drive, close ample stor space, fi tment , tr }ement, seul rane tenons veperete Free hydro and slectic ad Immedie occ Manca het, 1, roa pa manny si YOUNG WORKING™-GOUPLR Tr or aa ial Telephone" Y nisi a IT'S TIME NOW! Pold for Good Clean Cars heat ee ie eee Wr Gay care, ot or Hharen: Jaren, "anny Br eretuns Avatiable tndiue noe Bia tne Mai ove: To winterize your Trade up or down, Liens peid. : Call BROOM pavement ae. "wute in] THRU ROOMS and bath, fri | trove, | Nines 'automobile DODD MOTOR SALES ma sb Mere 'and. refrigerator, WARHEr! private entrance, Athol and Wilson area, WHitsY -- rooms, single « Sauna Room Grenfell: Square ' and are arenes " sana efore nauite i f = a ti Kitchen te, share, Fg ove an W | N ne E R | vs E BODY REPAIRS 314 eet Swimming Pool hie Rental Office CECH-EONTAINED, eneeai Tah, Sentral, aay a3 yey Bd we wane forbs Bn Don't let the first cold snap SPRAY PAINTING phone | phovin Recreation room with 723 51 1 1 Rent > {neluden all" services, further information please, Telephone} catch you unprotected, Now iy DOWN-----$30 MO, reom ' Weare " ee _____| i the time to bring your car | Free estimates. Insurance 59 « 61 model ranch Bank, corto, a0 kitchen facilities ARGH" TWOROOM UF ent ore 5g Pg 9 aRiont) GRAS em| into... work a specialty. "your choice! ' piu ayy Fabric Draperies 380-385 GIBB ST. [parking rik 'Falophone' Vasase. A Falaphote "Pai bei, |keobino Ground Wear -- bachelor Te SeNNETT "reer 4 ; Beisel | Pgs eure Le eae ree ele eed ™| OSHAWA | OSHAWA |W) dh a signs. corridors PRINCESS oni | Seana bulla O22 Glen 8 Apt 806. ee Gare leh. rn "anna ORT : or advence informacion ane sols ead ' ne i rimaat mesic goie, Breektin ook ~ E S S 0 BODY SHOP Inapoetion call: on = pth Tago os hand ANNE cooia"enrenny ia ee He haa me, Saal or FURNISHED double roa i EE gong CONVERTIBLE TOPS i Pct nlyeRV, Glen Street or call 723 en. RY PALLY =, anbRoom cl na tani. haul General Motors, <P Fihote n jOsnawe bia SEKVICG Cé N iit 7 Nylon $89.00 up Py Metra, |S. Bowking es APARTMENTS __ [Hiv Regie sparimani sieve and fle Stove. velenone rata South or teleprane Taba KING W, -- PARK RD. 25-8332 Repairs te ell makes of cers. controlled entrance Glove to buts Neer shop. nae nen Antique upholstery end ree re ety to protect you MObURN FWONEDRGOR lien a ae TS ni|28--Room end Board coe ESO SERVICE 109 BLQOR E. cae rev 9780 of oe nl w Apply BOWES and COCKS LTD, | Transportation at tect heat, free hydro, drapens stoves) apartment number 4. Posies your diet ier uray ali SASSO] pon "RAW. reeieom we SINGLE ROOMS | We Buy & Sell | OZ Biases, MAU 9 ¢ pM inet setvele tba Telephone 723 | Tel, 742-4234 A home you will OL Twos Seer ee an Basin oxtaren we tt sae and BOARD 728-1601 Ue Cars & Trucks om NTIAC Laurent Cavreniion 1 inden no. : pile 'ohio a hg be proud to show | groapLoomed SUN DECK <= bedroom coriry_ apart ontne ase} or epply Tt Ea fas Apply: l Wirquelve, 16 Tio ri. Bom. . REE CARE th ree bedroom fully, fy it iy f Tented -- 400, ished cott Ue 7 X 200, epartment 1 city conveniences, Senool ove) Whitay. a y auiek KR Catabre, tours dio, fgets Tai Wt VISIT one aun rea (aera ce: ae ee ora es|_25 Division St at a Ea ant ¥ " tures, una Steam Bath, 6'x | SUBLaT = very spacious _Tnodern "wart Se ruth two. 'Olt, Telephone gO | ROOM AND BOARD for pentieman, DON T WAIT war "Soa KIN} aaa, Rie a 22--Lots tor Sele LA CONTESSA 18" Balconies, 20°18 com. damape oe air grepsids chivdren wel BEAUTIFUL vow large apartment one parking, close te BA, AIRE IMS siophone| matic, bucket ate, white with red ins bination ponies 'and Dining |femae et bedroom, | Vara living. ream, Ite aN a 7abetba " i : IS YOUR CAR UNTIL terior, Telephone 668-6607 after § pm, 12 Large L ots 140 Nonquon Road Rooms, 4 quick elevators, one = NEOROSR apartment, close to mecigeis abit. Say "Stive-Wilsen aree.|/ROOM AND BOARD sullable for one SICK OR WON'T mae yh ec] 2 miles from city, in attrac Olde English Decor Lobbies. jdsnawa Shopping cores, Aveliaate Ae | rae gentiomen fo share, Centrally located GO? IT'S TOO LATE 4 WUE Minvieta™ te tour-doop oof Naraion, 1D ft lady: | Paved street, Close by public Model. Suite Furniture by |Wo:BEOROOM --apariment, © avaliable Sepoait reeuired. Pavohone 7238013 ater mite ore em Burt rel " atin CALL DOC ree el ; Winterize Now! 1940 Hudson, 'all T FIVE ROOMS in modern bi qalow seit unite, No ehil: i j h parts Intact, Ri tor roeterttes' rune Paice ro. Seu OPEN 2-9 PMA, DAILY (RING ROOME oder sorRan Many amerseacen, fRlpheneeiddoi °|ont'Buang ies Avene, Single ba wot, open Teak |4ss gg sg bo I | @ Licensed Mechanics B 0 Y D S reckers, - t for 8, ROOM AND BOARD fo Hlemen, © $3, 495 725 9934 _--_ fabless bedreom and "lichen al Cambriage Avenoe--or- Teen hone PN 280. Mer eaten Telephone Noavote re Ww @ Good Supply of Parts re mi tardy pe palni ainted Candy ou, sultaale, tor Cevree rally THREE ROOMS ond "Bath, around floor, | Breck Eas pete, Burt via ker tive area, Some treed lots. 725-1 48) Bus stop at door, Peed anise mp 60 My wee "Hacker male "ana Sleprone. 648-0132, rape hh high school and |" AR Cherney's Furniture World, | November 18, beside North GM. Tele) § p.m, aad. men GRENFELL Broadloom by AnguGrevden: TT eas STUDIO APARTMENTS, slo" two: and) WANT TO FEEL AT WOME? Room ond ludes heat and hy ° ' J i Phone 728-5579 OPEN COE STN, (Rar aumento, ME at TCS SREMOOM™ ssarimon_ wend Te n|tome fg aswe arion.rore we] © 24D". hong allel du eesslen, Roahen. YJ iH) tases, 10 acre lots hardwood bush i en : und fieer, = vr on good rood lust 14 miles Immediate lic oat catch Siest"| beat Feat Fa, MT | UTS Yao fer'uaggetage Peee| © Lowest Prices ESSO SERVICE __|itie"sem'a'in'showioom cana, he GNEBHOROOM apartirventy UN OBAEN: | nme nme | HOYT, Board eptlonal, mm all wreath Oshawa, $200, down, $39.60 i ments in PONTIAE siatlonwagon, Lauren menthiy makes you lend own Possession Stove tgnrerngeraar nee ieee" Hele: 27---Rooms f fo Rent. | RooW "AND BOARD, tor "getemen wil ! OPEN 24 HOURS y ' cylinder astomalle eiuneee eh r, Telephone 668-6942 or Features 1, 2 and 3 VISCOUNT wnone he "ATTRACTIVELY. [pucxee. Parking. 'Telephone 723-0866, Rabo mille, Ratconae bp di Sy 725-9592 evenings. bedroom suites [tained = SEBROM, spacial, i Tee FURNISHED ROOM he pO ARRARD "ROAD, near K-Mart, Licenced Mechanic 668-2231 iT ove érlooking elty, ked 1 king, clean, qj og 1 iton han DIPL( YM AT bas Tae, Available in private home. [Ruler home, Lact wetkere welcomed Tune-ups i, BON peg gf AE ee, HERVIEHD Veluedle lot for sale, or x TWO. ROOM furnished @pariment, 870! CoH between 5S and 7 Pm. [ROOM AND BOARD for one gentleman, , trim, 4,500 original miles, 7259197 after | Telephone 725:9388. Towing = Road Service 100, Ideal location, among quality, herm- e@ FREE |witting to share room. King and Park 8 ts. "olenmer Ave. (North et Resalend: @ | and 2 peeneee' © ® THRE = ROOM "Bese art 82 PARK RD. N, [Road area. rants Majer end Miner Repeira | MaI7QUNUKIE past "aase poten Giddens, Lew price, TI HEALTH CLUB stove © _ refrigerator [Reve arr renthty. Thar | 728- 8 671. |ROOM AND BOARD for female teacher : sellt Apply 108 Bloor She, Telephone broadioom in halls @ Inter- viet lady, fiveday week, ras.aamt 23--Real | Estate te Wanted com @ FM, @ Balconies ree sna Bea agi ; nae {fs *eidte to' DUS atop.' Telephone 728: 1600 KING E KING & THICKSON RD, hab OLBENBNILA Iain, Capa hare room : : power brakes mit @ Immediate possessio: "apa re CIDDV'C v aTEAme Cie to sonning cere and Ge 3 'sit ie oe WHITBY HOTEL | sma ROOK or beers. hareonene| 728-7781 | 725-7622 Oe tye orne, Five days @ week ¥ 723-1697 STEAM ROOM | | #l schools FW" ANS" THREW = BEDROOM vou \eeer: Te Tea RE Hi = Wiaait on "Tide ia = Me 728-4283 merle new Guns Coleen, mit Rooms to rent by the week, [Wilton Rd, 8, Telephone ® 34766 rt av nen ara, ova, "readin tne |WHITEV¥-- Room or room "and | Board, ia Sey Sel ma Nong weliyt @ SWIMMING Apt. 111 Sion 798-3108. 207 Dundas St. W. -- |WHITRY= Room of roam ton Apely| IT' S GETTING Wit 04 Pat ae aaa tre, Avaliable Severrenr 1. Telephone ena Street, 24--Stores, Offices, Storoge EXECUTIVE aane eo Modern Living |a¢--Wented Te Ret | een YOUR CAR | tahenst ies, xr ant | One: WDROON anergy Sts bide | ST SUITE eames Rem] Foe rw cee pene la | Nelle 5,000 SQ. FT. r OUTSIDE ! BE READY * Y rtmen sarden Street, Whitb' 728-7576 POOL congue TW, Uneese Sanne. Sheng Can 668-2337 a ae C.0-0-0-OLD ii. BODO ora -- @ Oshawo's Largest Large top floor, 2 bedroom | #6 30) Cordova, 723-4815, motel in Whitby, Four piece | Couple, No enildren, both working, | In) i FUREECBEOROOM apartment, In amall tile bath, kitchen facilities lOanawa of Bowmanville, Telephone 72) Suites apartment, two baths, two | Diiiemciose to Shopping Centre, re) Refrigerator and television, 784), | Better be nice to your FC YR THE FIRST funy term Licence He5080, payment dant balconies, private garage, ex- Rie "as 4 . of Floor Space ° om Provincial Sahay letatien end ew Wigereter and steve Available Immedl:! *Teleshone 30---Automobiles for Sale | °°. How? Why, take CIERS BAIG GRE We Wade war dome: in. Downtown itchens i. a abseil an Ben sper ' apartment, 0° 8170 it to Len Wall! Don't Choane from ever , : BY APPOINTMENT ONLY, | ONEBEDROON "sperimeni. "Stove, ovo 668-8 rom, over thy " a. PARK LANE APTS | swe: ROBN hosted "Taraiaeed 'apartment, LARGE housekeen Foom,. avilable for] NICOLS bik you may be too COLD > w 7 rried couple, ae single housekeeping | ' Third Floor-- @ Outdoor Guest 725-7732 coer ee ee en eee ee BETTER CHECK THAT MORNING ? both passenger and Parking eee ini bs MOoueN siupneena 5 heat, here TWO ROOMS, completely Torniihed, tor MOTOR SALES | CHARGING SYSTEM light rigera:| j jeluded, Chitdren allowed, freight elevator services Rental information THUNDERBIRD |Sopancy. Telephone. TaDAbed afer WM. We we Sole cn se @ Alternators Stop in Today at... e; 5 * CALL TERRACE Meauy, ana eahcterel LAROI. rahi trnlsned trent Tere YOUR @ Generators ie . T. L. WILSON Cra end two, bedrosm apart; | team stuth on. ea, --_" [gangs german ety, Two MS) RAMBLER DEALER | @ Batteries AL PRESTON'S Fecha age 723-5111 ster cas yates ard eset She aac pe runes wr ,"G8"| BIG SAVINGS ON NEW | ® Stafters 86 King Street East 38.385 GIBB st naa vcheaeneaty soe entra ona Tee} mm Koel Suitable for quiet lady er gentieman. 66's TO GO Slow battery charging SUNOCO Phone 723-3474 , trolled in each room, Un. |TWO - ROOM turnihed cparirvant, Wet $86 ROOM lichen and bathroom, and rentals de d_ park WWable, -- | seetion, close to DUR. Sv a rate, N ren Two girls or | IBEING SOLD BELOW COsT| : eee anne a ae "OSH AW A'S | 4 oF Woseeaa rind gg lable sections lane 0, bus. suite fe two busines Shots sre ae a "LEN Rust-Proofing) | SERVICE phone 720211 Telephone 728- 9726 FOURROOM apartment, on main floor, as -- INIT a WALK south chains 1963 CHEVROLET : WALL' S SYORE FOR RENT -- wulladie tor 3 adults, or couple, Clase te moanltal f mao pletely furnished, large bed: | | : or business, ren Seely FINEST } ~ eee Bary eee re he Velephone | iting rooms. | large, kitchen » private ens! Stotion wagon, V-8 WHITE ROSE 925 Simcoe N. ated, in Whitby, A P) trance, private arene, Mines | eutomatc. owner ¥ 1 AW Ho) ROYALE ONE three-room apartment, stove "and dishes ene. nw . . mate: One % Streat South, Wait ls 448.8807, $026. y. APTS refrigerator, Apply 86 Grenfell Street] Sise-surviahed veormas aivale beaes Bente cor, Licence X7501. 725-684] 725+2552 ) rere two-door, condition, low down payr bY" HYORAGE, spaciout, » available ter . atter 6 p.m, oF telephon Seo APARTMENTS 119 NONQUON ROAD [Fivé-roon fe ea apartment, | SSR Gy eh al 1962 CHEVROLET p' it ' nitdren, | perp manger "FRORE Torrent, sult INDOOR | 1 end 2. bedroom suites pgs pal ge Ph South ROOMS FOR RENT at Horse Ranch, 4-door sedan, like new, | | w TV, Privat 319558, eC icy 3 Keeani wy ne oS HEATED | ovailable QE SEDROOGM eparimeni, le OT welll cr' shate with, one "etter, Five. minve| esha ae ng CaN | View anytime known apartment building, drapes, stove./ drive from south GM and downtown, Tele- 1963 RAMBLER | i your siete ww AND MODERN spacious Silica en POO frig, Peati ter, electricity included ? n, A 94a, jeer St Stake = Ample parks) . L iu 728-5282 Tee Mea eer "orember 1. Aan | coeee _-- 'een | AMBASSADOR, o Wea. Sra Wahore UIE Lids Wak ine. Welle. Nox ahawa, ms i 3 ees Ferguson 223-870) GNE large frnished room, priva' | 1 fori GO G ae F OR on 25--Ho use s for Rent COND TIONED REGENT ARMS woes 'ream aperimanh I heat, , ae ine wey seat cao ave eka enone IN DOWN.. SAFE FALCON vediss white walle -- eed ie on or @ Ov. athty, Cait Perry Real Tatave npanes. bu ' $ RE as ry a $ ee Doub! p ua windows for noise CENTRAL, 8 pags off King East, Wir! ible Immediate Occupancy &. EBEOROOM dasement apartments [nian cn Ten ong iyhenee. BUICK Buying =~ Selling o foe gan be pn. og and draft control thermo: | 2 bedroom apartments close [private entrance, private bath Uuities jauit 'quiet gentleman, "Apply. above ee. INVICTA, 4-door hard | Avoid the rush get Be Ready For If, this is your prob: [stat in each suite, te Oshawa Shopping Centre, | Patt. £78_montniy, *yateonone TAD-4025, __ | dress | top, Just like new! Lie set for cold weather Winter | SUNSET" GARDEN COURT -- Simcoe! IP HLGIN STREET EAST -- Hoosekeen-| : } | Ne DONsrRabesk! «= $ | a9 PM DANY Se et a Sa pce | SEE eee Lona ea Realtor GeV Beods io: iain t TELEPHONE 723-6455 ino. waik-out balcony, bun ot oor, slang | Abstain a yi 1962 DODGE thermostats, tune-ups, | 723-465! a et erent epee' Between 6.00 and 9.30 ¥ al TWO LARGE ROOME Wraished, wi) Licence 83550, This i fee ue lee 3° § $ $$ H building offers the best fea- atween 6 i ine vas 9072 'tehen, private entrance, nary teelts| te rust be driven to { rad repairs, lubrication. | ROY ALLAN Ms PLYMOUTH Sor Fury, foe > eee FOURHEGROOM hoive, with tirenlace, tures, Sauna Steam Bath, 6°. oe ae au ih ny it ya sag rate th Wee SUNienle. for Tem, Loctite more | «ste appreciated | steering and brakes, Telephone 726-7075, FOURSEOROOM TOME Tiss orensly| 18° Balconies, 20°18" com: | = =@ FOR RENT @ TE eee ee Teen | a en Gircker | EINA PRODUCTS | for Tee CHEVROLET trmpela, tour» door Vedi Smee Norih, Ganawa, after 4M.) bination Living 'and Dining | A 4 R R Line north, Telepnone 725-1730. "FURNISHED ROOM. with Ritehen and| 1965 FORD | hardtop, radio, full power, 283, Via, auto ie heres, we Risers. ere Rooms, 4 quick elevotors, 2. | Cs eines eee. FEUR-ROOM apartment, dplece baths ee waneuee Nery 'wire Telephone V.8 outematic, power | 24 HOUR TOWING ) e Tune-Ups | a> wallts Ressonebie, ae aca, Shee Te pubic ona Cem tataue Toes] Olde Englien Decos Lobbies. | Tues, to Fri, 10:90 am. to nie possesion, Sioo'mentny. Alier'S Bl peust steering, Lie, 512925 @ Anti-F ip chavaRoat Soros " prone 725-000 or 725-867? | Bus -- at door, Broadioom =| 7 pm. Sot, 'til 3 pm m jRoussl EEPING ream single devble} nti-Freeze wr, ee Sts © Seek ti SMALE HOUSES 2 teams, partly tn; by ANGUS GRAYDON, : Tow lretrigerater and stove, Free parking! 1 O46 PONTIAC Vaux' n iter, Seis iertianed ter S caeke ay | -LANDLORD'S ASSOCIATION LARGE KITCHEN, private bath, bed: [Chose ee ts, ein Generali 1 760 TIAC MAPLE GROVE | @ Thermostats vent beat offer, Apply be eh ag Od | sitting room, private entrance, steve and} +. PARISIENNE, hardtop Suth end, After 4' pm. te | , f PRINCESS _SS_ Bruce St __728-1070 rere perator, C love to. seuth GM, Tele! a ROOMS to be rented separately in Licence H83S99 ROY ALLAN'S i) )GAOILEAE, "allow w power, tee Tires. Hipseseaoersrersoes one SWRBRGOM "apartment, centrally - wontow Tenants to share fiat floor) Perteck. located, ale \ranediately. Tele| ANNE FOR REN1 ONE-BEDROOM apartment, Nested, ie single en Meee Apety 34) 1960 CHEVROL ET FR ie . ne prane 6 SALE fer = rea ae a COMFORTABLE room we gone rer sadn A real | ESSO SERVICE cyiinaer, radio, | 31000 Sasi or inetd Keay es a ' Sa R.R. 3, BOWMANVILLE =e SE MONTREY, La Waaaee y Street ty apartment, $465 monthly, teen, beet, hot wa > | Poconane Nata pr Peewee ater APARTMENTS 12 ROOM HOUSE anartrest, "inueking, aren Sutter] Sag CARON Tiest Toate, Fa | 687512 , 288 Bloor Street {wwe "Sea OUAT, 4 or power sleer THREE-BEDROOM r Bonaalew, northwest or twa. Ne parking. (2e8RS [Private bath and entrance tor 2 men! 1063 RAMBLER 623-5329 | . Tetepene a ; chose } 422) Simcoe St.N 725. 9934 162 COLBORNE ST; new APARTMENT w= $80, monthly. 'worl Abstainers, Phone after 5 p.m. mess | ' oe \ bs nr, ria. trigerator, "stove heat and ee (coRy, erient 'rent Teor, charmingly! CLASSIC, 6 cylinder, = EAST Sur eats, 'ee sea. AVENE Sever rated with furnitore, built n| standard shift, Like At H 623-2822 omen anes -- V2, FESS, TENGE. ara, Soltente tor ene, Std weekly new, Licence 482433 ter outs ens ar even" STREET WORTH, Wit PREDSD, saat . so mpnacs ts he Fivecroom apartment with bath, enh, Teen ' : , : send Fe fee WENTWORTH 1g LT SY cn, (Salk aNURCER et Se sen somernese™ | OUooee PROM AT". DON'T WINTERIZE v = monthty, Teenrene | all modern conveniences, ele- 4), oa a Racene Tate WU EURWLENED ROOM for two pentlemen.| 3 | J82 each per week. 723-4542 er apply $6) rave gout event ts) MANOR | SS Hea ates. Nowe [ose ae ce oe So NICOL GE NOW! References required. hea | drapes. Free parking, Near FOURREDROOM apariment on " | r - ane phone 083.4279, schools. hoor, In el@hiplex, parking, laundry facil } ° , ae, CAROE" CLEAN, Wurnhad room int we | THREE SEORSEN WAG WN eet] © 275 Wentworth St ON shone 648.5347. Se Saget enn Ave HANNS ara saa"! MOTOR SALES CAUGHT Wa Tarn Aeirarien i? y. wolkaut pavement, fenced vrs mits| Oshawa ee TWO BEDROOM apartment with KUEN Cie LIGHT housekeeping room. Suitabie| Dealer, The man who is arent ty oehews. 10] REGENT ARMS wavirooms parking available. AIG 168! Re Genteman tn 8 quiet Nome. ABSA | be i Reed Temnene SN You will enjoy living in becroarn apertinett EN Tae ee Neier ADBIY. UPL Nensay. Street Qn Highway No, 2 Just West with a car that st equipped to perform i i men uper vi | Wentworth Manor, con ; ediate inky aig yes Wilkam Gast [Yee Ponies rouvekeening | rsa Of Thickson Road won't start, Call gaol lis Yea and N OOM apo ' "on-| bedroom, one or j Guardian verry atuated fs Wing | menty Adults on we ORS ara tos lees eet rene Stet] Whitby 668-3331 | "SEAWAY SAM" | Services site pu ' noo! no nitetren welcome Nt room | ' Oshewa, Within easy walk: Call 723-6455 yeaah sy wlin ene ether Tomity, Loree] 'Reninp amare ae ad, me diggonce of stores ond) Between 6 - 9:30 p.m packvard Ment suaplies 39S Monthly, /tora, Telephone 723-2408. and have your car | : cia " Telephone 720-4100 evenings. Ke THREE ROOMS, compiciely furnished he | ARIO aaa we eee ren WO --RGEN TorsishadSpartmeals ek [Two ROOM furnished "epartmanhy FtE [Private bem private "entrance, Suitabie| $2,795 | prepared for the cold INCOM! yAree Dedream Neuse with Hnished) . wate entrance and bath, $20 weekly i ivate entrance and Sarhreeen, vantanie! for couple or two gentiomen, Near south "i w hy tna. parity. fornianed | : ' cludes heat end hydro, Available October Iie occupancy, November first 'Geneeat aero ae no ay 1965 Ford Galaxie XL 2 door eather | ment which may be sodiet J, Apply WS William Street West Teleprone PIRORS? after 429 Am. wltepte | hardtop. ke this elegont | ~ Ma New. VS PRN oF 725-15) Heat ond hydro BROOKLIN -- Four rooms, two - bee liane TWO bedroom apartment, Adults | for WS Soon on Perkin Tocitities. Ap! cor yours to enjoy for years S E A W A ¥ FOUR ROOMA, bath. a bouewant,| fe room apartrnent,. heated, newly decor jonty, 385 Mary Street --. weme- Na w bail Road Soulh. 1 . rend 382 Merten Street, Also four foam me Stove ond refrigerator ated, tots ot cupboards and closets. jaiatety, telephone 725400 after 3 phone t's finished in a candy ap- ment at 4 Montrave: Avenue, Tele Porking aautte. Aruemers please, Available No! 7pe.4535 -- Si turnin "} ple red with block vinyl ine | M 0 T 0 RS SALES gran Fp s : BURNISHED Bachelor apartment In quiet : terior finishing featuring yeRee . BROOK Hie-atorey xa A choles 2 3 bed ONE BEDROOM aparimen' availadic im | rerrectadle Nome, all facilities Included | Tetepnone_ N eight cylinder, bucket seats type Douee, Finthed third Moor Extra) few choice 2 ond > Temediatety with electric heat, Rot and cold |in vent, Gus at door, Immediate PON A Gok" Sraner Welt, ' ' "a agitet tA basement. © ina, | room suites still eveiledle. water, Rydre, Stove and frkige at ony /sion, Telepnone 728635. Feame with Ritehen, aura floor console with floor auto- E TSS monty, Garage. TA Rental Office BLYO rROEALY. No Gamage deposit, SOV PUG REDROOM "apartment "Tn yredera| Qua at Close x pees e ai}, matic shift, power brakes, THaee BEGROOM House, Tee bale) = and Model Suite Bag Bangin Street Wests | FO aes on Lansdowne Drive, ateve and/ Moters. Telephone 720: | power steering, radio, white | : voor, S140 menthty, Telepnane Tatsa.| ; tt [recrigerater tnctuded, Aduity qnty, Tele - i i it oad | (Authorized GM Dealer for Open Daily PRIVATE forntahed teem, south end.) Wells and discs worrant fanebaeonson Teestorey Neure and from 1-9 P.M [REGENCY TOWERS -- "sow "aveitanie, phone 72S) eutet gentieran only, 8? weekty. Tele] your immediate inspection, Li- 1120 DUNDAS E over 40 yeors.) garage. Ciaie to sechaain, Dun ston and | eT ee ee cave (Coen een "upsiaira apartment, Apply | phon cence No, not evailoble WHITBY | a CNMTT! TELEPHONE ag ee yy apartment. partty furnished | i ) 140 Bond St. W. i cow * we trance, Beicenien end laundry facilities TWO:ROOM Wrrished eeatirent, Wiehe steve oe am wenuaee, Se" gqrneran/SEAW a veies cos" LTO) 5893 Real with, Grenlacs, 9) eal on cock fieor, MP Meriene Avenue | ard Ded dedroam, entrance, near or cau South week vin 668 ty Cali Dem Stradesk 723-8701 'RP. 'plate Apply od how Howard Street, an. i Ney 66 '| 725 6501

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