a SS EASE ina are ne eee : - - a ae aia . eek eal da a atl oly spe -- icp Pouly (eee ie uae Sak oian ae wey Po GEOG iain die ae ain ae ek dae ate de andi otk nee, pt ee THE OSHAWA TIMES, 19 Saturday, October 29, 1966 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top Record-Holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) North dealer, . North - South vulnerable. ul PERFECT SO FAR. SHHH, MY SON. PLAYED FIVE. MEM GAMES... WHAT KIND OF A SEASON KARE YOU HAVING? = BUZ SAWYER AJ1096 Whe bidding: North East South West 1 1@ #19 Pass 1 Pass 3h Pass 29 Dbis. | Reasing lead + eight of dia- years ago in ' team of four championship. The jones eon fl TNESERS ¥\ . . bidding might not be approved Dee ns oy / , ee by Good Housekeeping, but Nebh- Cg ' Cay & « Me |that's the way it went. West led a diamond, East winning the trick with the queen. East returned a heart, on which South played the nine. West could have won the trick with the ten, but, in an effort to mis - lead declarer in trumps, he won the nine with the queen. West's unusual play paid ex- traordinarily dividends after South ruffed the diamond return and played a low trump in the expectation of finding the adverse trumps divided 3-2. Had this turned out to be the case, South would have wound up going down one. But when West won the trump with the ten and then cashed the A-K, eating-up all of declarer's trumps, South was in serious trouble. East discarded three spades as the trumps were AND IT'S A CREAN IF EARTH, SPINNING AROUND ITS TINY SUN ON THE RIM OF ONE LITTLE GALAXY, WERE THE CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE, THe IDEA MIGHT BE LAUGHABLE. BUT 'THE UNIVERSE I6 BIGGER THAN TEXAS! _, SECRET AGENT X9 NO ANTENNA PERFECT RECEPTION 10 CHANNELS able to cash his remaining dia- monds, The outcome was that South lost four trump tricks as well as five diamonds and went down six for a loss of 1,700 points! ' South would have done much better if he had avoided the trap so artfully laid by West. He would have gone down two instead of six had he further trump leads, and have lost 500 points instead of 1 »700, as It is interesting to note that West's play of pa the nine with the queen p) him in & position where he had every ing to gain and nothing tt lose. He knew that the play might encourage declarer to look for a 3-2 trump break and he also knew that his four trump tricks would remain intact even if South adopted a more cautious method of play than leading trumps. West's attempted de- ception was certainly not pro- found, but it was sensationally effective. DIAL 723-5278 600 KING STREET E. (IN THE EAST MALL) There's More To See With Cable TV TELEVISION LOG 11:00 AM. 7~-News, Weather, Sport 1--OHA Junior Hockey &--Johnny Carson 9--Meti Ph P.M. 11.40 P.M, bora: a 12--Alfred Hitchock 11:45 P.M, 7--Movie CROSSWORD ACROSS 45. Man'sname 1, Boo 46. Strong in 5. Petty smell or quarrel taste 9. Net-like DOWN 1, More succulent nes 0g. 2. Otherwise ened 3. Eel: old a. 13, So. Am. Eng. 4, Legal pack animal action suit 14, Frost 5. Slivers 15,Musicnote 6.Chum 7. Swiftly 16. 100 years: 8. Domes- abbr. 11, Girl's ticated nickname 9. 3-legged 18. Reach hot-plate across stand 11, Without: 20. Namesakes 32. River in nickname Mr, poetic 12119-0 Ation Sulli - pets a 11 van Ponce Bobby 21, Blenny-like oi |, 4--Bonnie Prudden | fish - 2--Bozo's Big Top | 24, Game fish 9.30 -A.M, | God of é--Meta Schools &Dialing. for Dollars the east wind oie on $11-12-Ontario Schools a von dg 2--Jack Le Lenne 31. French river Headland 35. U.S. soldier, for short 36. Retired Tantalum: CIAL INMEIVIETS} Channe! eta Channe) 8--Christopher Program 7--Bullwinkle Show rch service 3-4-12--Church Service 2--Falth for Today 1:30 AM. 9--Wish You Were Here &--Social Security in Action (Spectrum 12.30 @ Joe Carlo SATURDAY EVE, 8,00 P.M, é 1l--My Favorite Martian VEISMAMIASE Kar bg a ripe oo Yesterday's Answer jam or! 4--Beat the Champ 2--Horse Race $6-12--Frankenstein Jr, 5.30 P.M. ll--Flipper @--Gadabout Gaddis $-6-12----Bugs Bunny 2--Buffalo oar P 6:08 FM. N1--Littlest Hobo Lene &--Movie $12--Life and the Land 4--News, Weather guage 27. Impera- tiveness 28, Shoots at from ambush 30. Candienut tree fiber 31. Peer MONDAY £00 AM, 4--Captain Kangaroo itallan Album 2 thal aeecd EM W--Albert J. sieved a . Superpal Club %--Romper Room Du Cote de 33. Gape 38. Stiffly decorous 40. Its capital is Charlotte- town: abbr, 41, Girl's 8:53 A.M. Dialing For Dollars, Girl Talk 12:38 P.M, \l--Father Meehan 6--Nature of Thin 3--Herald of Trut 2--Buffalo 0 Slag 3--Lost In Space 2--Death Valley Days 6:38 P.M. SALES INCREASE Chain stores sales in August were valued at $407,515,000, an increase of 12 per cent over last year's corresponding total, the Dominion Bureau of Statistics reported in Ottawa Thursday. SALLY'S SALLIES 12--Love on @ Rooftop 'i--Canadian Football 9--Flintstones 7--Gubernatorial Debate 6--Sounds '67 4--Amateur Hour 1:00 P.M. 12--Calvary Calls 1--Continental Miniature 9--Spectrum 7--Movie 3-6--F. D, R. Documen- tary t-4--Pro Football 1.15 PM, 7:00 P.M, e--Jackle Gleason 4--Round Table +6-12--Beverly Hillbillies pee Weather, ~ 's 10,00 A.M, N--Its a Match ral solgd Phrases &-2--Eye Guess 3-6-12---Ontarlo Schools 4--Candid Camera HERE COMES THE SQUAD....TIME FOR GET CUTT 12--Cartoons 4--Pro Football 1:38 P.M, li--This Space Age 9--Platform 3-6-12--Pro_ Football 8:00 P.M. | 11--Special Presentation Wien ve iw THE ROCKS... POMPOLING HAS PUT GENERAL PAZ AGAINST THE WALL..... 10.3% A.M, ii--Morning Time rae reonnratt = He 'oncentration aod 38. Vitality 7--Denna Academy Performance | 2--Pigase Don't Eat the Daisies +6-12--Hockey 8:28 P.M. \1--Dance Party '--Lawrence Welk 2-8--Get Smart 4--Pistols 'n' Petti- 4--Mission: impossible 24--Movie 9:30 P.M, Great Music 7--Hollywood Palace 10:00 P.M. 9--Combat 4--Gunsmoke 10:15 P.M. 3-6-12--World of Music 10:38 PLM, 3-6--World of Musi¢ 18:48 PM. 3-6-12--Sports Profile 1:00 P.M. 7--Movie 9--News | 9--Pro Football 2: MM. 7--Issues and Answers 1--Colorful Canada 7--Dialogue 3:38 P.M. 1--Horst_Koehier 7--President Johnson's trip 3:45 P.M. 4--Pro Football 4:00 PLM. N--Dennis the Menace 8--Meet the Press nee 7--First Name Only 3-612--Country Calendar 3-6-12--Sports PM, i--Tarzan 7--Movie 3-6-12--Umbrella 4--Beverly Hillbillies 3-6-12--Friendly Giant 11.00 AM, 12--Romper Room \1--Marriage Confidential 9--Mr. and Mrs, 8-2--Pat Boone 7--Supermarket Sweep 3-6--Butternut Square 4--Andy Griffith 11:25 A.M. 3-6--Emergency Ward 10 11:38 A.M, ll--Mike Douglas 9--Magistrate's Court 7--Dating Game #-2--Hollywood Saueres 4--Dick Van Dyke 12.00 NOON 1%--Cartoon Party 9%~--Toronto Today 2---Jeopardy Movie e and Pals é--Luncheon Date 4--News and Weather . Giraffe-like animal 41, French river 48. Divided country of Asia 44, Heroic poems YOUR HEALTH Hormone Perks Up Some Older Women +é--Wiid Kingdom 5.0 P. | GE College Bow! 12.8 P.M, 12--Movie omitted. Perhaps your daughter had an allergic reaction to a dose of the earlier type of By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD Third, there is an increasi] tear Dr. Molner: My dauch- finished a book which extois the|trend to use of hormones injtey js 9 junior in college, very use of estrogen, to being around older women like yourself in the] attractive and popular, but a the middle 30s,'to eliminate the/70s, Such treatment perks them] year ago hair began to grow on upsets and do away with meno-|up a bit, but it is not a cure-all |her face and show dark. Could pause, so that menstruation will/nor does it set back the cal-|this be a matter of hormone continue for life, endar. imbalance? If 'we have the hair I am in my. middle 70s and) 50 while it is fatuous to expect| -smoved electrically, haw.do we somewhat skeptical. However I|the impossible, judicious use of) fing out who does this work?--- am interested in knowing if such|hormones, at the right time,/Mps. J. p, treatments are now being suc-/makes good sense. A further) 'There is a large variance of cessfully used or are only in the benefit is prevention of certain normal hair growth, and unless experimental stage.--Mrs. B. P.|bone changes (osteoporosis) |it is extreme and there are I've read excerpts of the book|Which often occur as natural] other abnormal symptoms, it is you mention, and think that|hormones should be used only pointless to hope that there is fundamentally the theme is well-/Under supervision of a physi-/, 'hormone imbalance" that taken -- the use of estrogen| cian. The amount must be con- can be corrected to solve the which is one of the important|trolled, and the woman should |p yohiem, female hormones. aware of certain verre Electrolysis--the only method At the same time I think your |Periodic spotting is one, and/or permament removal--is being skepticism is justified if the use|When this occurs Pap smearsidone very widely, and you will | of estrogen is interpreted as|must be done to make sure that /nove no trouble finding tech- some sort of foundatin of youth the bleeding is due to the hor- nicians in the yellow pages of will keep women young indefi-/(mones and not to some other|tne phone book in any large nitely and prevent menopause. condition needing correction. city. First of all, healthy women : Many technicians make it a in their 30s do not need extra| Dear Dr. Molner: A MY! practice to see that dermatolo« estrogen. Their systems produce| daughter had her first polo shot />ists and other physicians have it abundantly, The exception oc-|She broke out in strange welts), chance to examine the results curs when the ovaries have been|@ll over her body. She didn't feel of their work. Your own physi- ill and after a few hours they]; Tae eave i Night | removed, and then estrogen, to|were completely gone. Her later eg th pg can refer you to 'eae 4:00 P.M. phe oes what vel ~-- is being yg -- didn't rg bey (Funny Company secreted, is useful. all. Can you explain why?-- SOE Por teDey feather, Sports $=! Love Lucy Second, menopause is not| Mrs. S. BID FOR TAKEOVER pat yd Bs eliminated. It is a natural pro-| It might help if I knew thé) Britain's Burmah Oil Com- 3--Hymn Book cess of aging. When it occurs,|dates of her inoculations, but|pany has made a £38,000,000 2--The Answer and if there are unpleasant;here's an educated. guess: The|($114,000,000) bid to take over écoue A. sumptoms (this is usual but not/early polio vaccine had penicil-|Castrol, the world's biggest in- §--This is The Lite invariable) estrogen does won-|lin as a preservative. Some/dependent lubricating oil group, Up and Live ders in making women more|people are hypersénsitive to it,/it was announced in London comfortable, so later the penicillin was Thursday night. 9--Brand New Scene vaccine. 8-2--Swingin' Country 612--Hymn Sing rch for Filpper | ! } | 4+3-6-12--News 1.2 .M, 4--President Johnson's 'omor: Tris i 6:00 P0A. 2--News, W Sports| Dear Dr. Molner: I have just "190 P.M, | &--Tom Decker and Com- 12:45 P. | yd $4--Guiding Light 1,06 PLM. 11--Theatre | 9~Movie 8--Dialing ag Dollars 'alk | o-Loet in Space | 9--Voyage | 3-6-12--Walt Disney 2--Conference Call 12--Movie 9--Talk Back as 6:30 P.M, | 7--Man Who Never Was | 2-8--News Special | 4--Meet | Movie | 2--Merv Griffin 1.90 P.M. &--Let's Make A Deal @4--As The World Turns HE'S TOO LITTLE TO | 7:00 P.M, TIME, GRANDMA / 1--Walt Disney 9--Monkees 7--Voyage To The Botton of the Sea 3-6-12--Hey Landlord 4--Lassie 7:38 P.M, .! .M, 9--F.B.). 8-2--Days of Our Lives 4--It's About Time 7--Newlywed Game 3-6-12--F lashback }-4---Password +-8--Walt Disney's World 2.0 P.M. 8:0 ?.M, 12--Calendar fe fag 9--People in Conflict me | 8-2--Thi 3-4-6-12--Ed Sullivan Show $A time Fer Us 6--Coronation Street 4--Linkietter's Party 3.00 PLM. 9--Words and Music 8-2--Another World 7--General Hospital 4--To Tell The Truth 3-6-12--Take 30 3.25 PM. 3 SUNDAY 7:00 A.M. N--En France 7:38 A.M. li--Mademoiselie De 'aris 3--Heraid of Truth 2--Agriculture, U.S.A. 8:00 A.M. \1--Sacred Heart 8--SHHHI Children 238 P.M. 9--! Dream of Jeannie | 28--Hey Landlord! 3 Skins Ferme eke Weld ns vere d of 2--This Is the Life 8.30 A.M. 'Oral Roberts 9:00 P.M, 7--Beany and Cecil 9~--Peyton Place 4--Comedy Capers 7--Movie 2--Funny Company 4--Garry Moore 9:00 A.M. 2-3-6-8-12--Bonanza N--Cathedrat Chimes 10:00 FM. 9--Cartoons 9--W-5 (neue camo une, ba ie, ope toes "UP ow LY : y om }-6-12---Mr. Kennedy, Mr. WELL, GEE, caster bape ; ») 9:30 A.M, Regan i Ks Os % tt--Andy Williams GET THE NEWSPAPER 3.30 PLM. li--Little People %--It's Your Move #2--You Don't Say MA! T DONT '--ttatien Journal --Linus 4--Uncle Jerry's Club 2--Church Invitation 10:00 A.M. 10:30 P.M, 4--President Johnson's trip Detectives Diary 3-6-12--Communicate 2--Mike Douglas 4:30 P.M. Fireball XLS 9--Movie 8--Yog! Bear 1M 7 4--Movi 3-4-12--Forest Rangers "*MUGGS AND SKEETER p= "2--Insight 3~Spect Candid Camera