PRO iy ONE yr a RT i fle hudielbin ladles Jatin bh ie) Bi pat deka 24 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, October 29, 1966 KEYSTONE CLUB STUDIES MUNICIPAL POLITICS Young "Aldermen" Trained Oshawa's young-aspirants to the world of politics may find the teen-age city council, a Keystone Club project, just a hop away to municipal respon- sibility. Though its actual power is nil, the authentically - repro- duced '"'youth" council made headway last Easter when it. rained to assimilate real city hall So. 'keen was the interest aroused in civie affairs that Keystoners are planning to re- organize the assembly again next year, The Keystone Club is basi- cally a young man's. organiza- tion intending to develop lead- ership, citizenship and personal fitness through "Service to Others." . Bernard Muyeen, now resid. ing in Calgary, Alberta, came up with the original idea and a junior council was not only formed but it took over the administration building on Centre street for three days during Easter holidays. The young men of the Key- stone club can be proud of their work because it is not the work of a "'scatterbrain" but that of a good citizen, says Ernie Whiting, one of two adult volunteer representatives for the club. The teen-age councillors and mayvr come highly recom- mended to their posts. Two students were selected from each city high school and Kings- way College. The mayor and clerk were Keystone . Club members. "These young people are out- sianding students and. athletes in their schools,' said Mr, Whiting. The unfortunate thing about a small city like Oshawa is that just a sprinkling of peo- people are doing everything in town,' says Gerry Gelette, assistant director of recreation in the city. But 26 young men in the club are learning the ways of pub- lic office. They get "first hand'® information about leadership and "where it is needed' from its many guest speakers. Each April, the club presents an award to a member most outstanding in citizenship and service to others. "They raise money for char- ity and give their time. and work to service groups in the name of Simcoe Street Boys' Club as a sort of repayment for what they received from the club as youngsters," said Mr. Whiting. In addition to their charity work, they make exchange visits to other Keystone clubs and the Bowmanville Boys' Training Schoo! "to foster brotherhood."' "We are the only chartered Keystone Club in Canada," says Robert Muir, a Doneyan high school student who is pres- ident of the club. Students in Oshawa have ex- pressed keen interest in resum- tug. juniar & activity and the Keystoners' president says the club is beginning to. organ- ize this year's activities, TEEN DECISIONS" The community college of Applied Arts and Technology, now in the development stage, received approval at the junior council's first meeting in April. The youth council thumbed down the Centennial Parkway by a narrow majority after a half-hour debate. Members of the council ex- pressed the need for: radical improvement in city parks; a@ full inquiry into the safety practices at the civie audi- torium; student prices at the auditorium; and a YMCA, They approved a motion to have a "within-the-city drag strip' and a ward system for elections.. The council vetoes school uniforms and improved Sunday bus service. ---- -- = a, * SATURDAY * i Romancin' for y eee Couples & Mames and Papas, JERRY REIDT and his orchestra NOW TWO LO pint | LIBRARY NEWS AND REVIEWS Tense Plot Highlights Beattys The Royal Dirk The following reviews were |as they go north to the Bar-; Saturday the Rabbi | s written by Miss Edna Jamie- pod for the purpose of bring-|Hungry by Harry Kenelman members of the Oshawa Public son, head of the Youth de- ing back Norse relics which! General Library Board and the staff) partment, McLaughlin Public |they hope to sell for a good| The Incompleat Canadian by|Were Present at the meeting. Library. |price in order to buy needed |G. R. Stevens i se The Royal Dirk by John and|supplies for themselves and the) London by Michael Foxell | mela HELP CRIME | Patricia Beatty. | Eskimos. The Long Trail by John! bank workers are worried that I Bonnie Prince Charlie, Cullo-| Farley Mowat, Canadian au-|Brophy television shows and movies of) 3\den Moor, and 18th, century|thor now living in Newfound-| The Prince in the Heather | crime techniques may help) *|Britain live-again in this ab-jland, presents us with an au- by Eric Linklater |bank-robbers, A. G. Brooks of| +|\sorbing historical novel. -- a. {Vivid picture of Eskimo life. | Out of the West by Louis jthe National Union of Bank'! ageous 13-year-old Alan Vivid descriptions such as that! Taylor Employees denounced "too crae, the fictional hero, ie, in lof the spring breakup of the) many clever films showing| a Scottish glen, eventually finds|river Innuit Ku, the deer hunt, NEWS methods of raiding banks." | himself in London. Here hejand Anoeeuk, a sudden gale| sia s Girls"'| rubs shoulders with all classes|which sweeps with tremendous| | Work with Boys ane "ists | of people, ranging from those|force over the ocean and the| 45 4 theme of or apiecaver who live by their wits, to those|Barrens, enable us to see more |for librarians an 'Aas he: of royal blood. jclearly what life there is like. pide the Central Ontario Re- COLD OLD RUSH IN N At Lest You ¢en See end Heer An exciting plot, and unusual|/!he problem of amicable) aggre rg ne Aenea Ae characters, for example, Jes-\human relations between _per- ll --, oes wien pr sie Cameron and Captain Geof-|S°ns having different cultural bddnss IN. PERSON frey Pride, and an Italian|backgrounds also raises its born dag womans or Re fencer, Maestro Filippo dijhead in this story. <cah 'stilts "Wana Entertainment Nightly et 9 P.M. Matinee Satu 4PM, le e@ FULLY LICENSED oe "er att HARA LOCATIONS Please Order From Your Nearest Store PEPI'S PIZZA PALACE 34 Simcoe S. 728-0192 STORE HOURS: Mon. to Thurs, 4:15 ge to 1 A.M, & Sat. 4:00 He to 2 A.M Sun.: 4 P.M, te 12 Midnight PEPI'S PIZZA PICK-UP 64 Rossiond W. 723-0241 Sun. to Thurs.--4 te 12 P.M, Fri. to Set. -- 4 P.M, to 2 A.M. Mrs. Maureen Adams, ton Public Library. luncheon at Simcoe United Church Hall, the visi-| tors toured the library. Miss Wallace and the Rev, N. F.) ;Swackhammer, Oshawa repre-| sentatives on the Regional | Board, Mr. Colin Robertson,|§ ! chief librarian, Richmond Hill) |Public Library, and secretary- Went|'reasurer of the board, most Bramp-| Before | Street | McMackin; in back row, left to right, are Tom Vann, program chairman; Greg Medinski, project chair- man; and Dane Tutlon, vice - president. The club meets each Wednesday night at the Boys' Club. vitally interested in munici- pal politics. The club's ex- ecutive includes, front row, left to right, President Rob Muir and Treasurer John THE KEYSTONE CLUB of the Simcoe Hall Boys' Club on Eulalie offers con- clusive proof that many young people today are --Oshawa Times Photo Robini, add their own unique), Boys from grades seven to oleae Licbenough frdancal quality to the book. We meet|ten will probably enjoy the| rth." Sorvice' Miss Enid briefly the famous actor, David|}0ok most. | Wallace, "Chief 'Librarian, and ~ nebo eg ae of King| NEW BOOKS Mrs. A. Foy, Children's Libra- whom has earned the unenvi- Fiction re ~ aes te tn hy ablé nickname of "Billy the I, The King by F. P. Keyes | ibrary arranged the program. | The Janus Lovers by Miggs " The speakers at the work-| Butcher. } The authors, a husband-and-| Pomeroy er et eo eee ; : | |Mrs, Alixe Hambleton, Elemen- | wife team, natives of Portland,| Maximilian's Gold by Jane! |tary School Librarian, Educa- Oregon, have done much care-| Barry |tion Centre, Toronto, Mrs, Con- ful research which has been| A Second Chance by Vian| |nie Corkum, 'Toronto Township summarized for us in nine is th | Libra | F pages at the end of the book sn oS |However, this novel. can rice on its own merits as a well-; 7 |written narrative, full of sus-} |pense, to be read purely tor Replace your old TV antenna, get Better Pictures witha New Super STARFIRE by LINDSAY'. . . with Bernard Muzeen, for- merly of the Simcoe Hall Boys' Club staff. --Oshawa Times Photo Club greets left to Kreasul. The. youngsters have good records at school and in athletics. The iden for. the club originated coe Hall Boys' four newcomers, right, as follows Bill Wayling, Rick Nicholls, Drew Allman and Robert NEW MEMBERS are always welcome at the Keystone Club, as this pic- ture clearly indicates. Doug Finney (centre) of the Sim- nie NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS "TEEN - POLL PROVES FIZZL Eastview Sports Program CIVIC POLITICS BORE 17 Has Variety For All | | week at "McLaughlin Collegi- } ate and Vocational Institute unconcern, according to our |Nair, Awasin, a Cree Indian Eastview Park serves an| The park itself lies . the area bounded on the North by|East end of Parklane Voff by The Oshawa Times turn- reporter - photographer team. |boy, and Peetyuk Anderson, son ed out to be a fizzle. Two Grade 11 students |0f Frank Anderson, an English the south side of King st. e.,|Marmony road n,) while the on the south by Olive ave.,|skating rink is located in the A total of 17. students were a aur haa h jtrapper who had married an asked: "Are municipal elec- *!™Ply laughed at the ques- | Eskimo wife. Angeline, Awa- on the east by Harmony Creek|lower part of the park and and on the west by Chadburnilies on the north side of Re- tions in Oshawa dull? If so, tions -- a Grade 12 youth |sin's sister, also plays her part how can they be made more mumbled something about lin their adventures in the lively?" the Federal elections and |Canadian North around Hudson CLEAR-UP ' : None of the students con- walked away with his head |Bay. | is 150 3 : iy nigger gE a Ben "oy Seearet yl tacted had any comment to wagging. Once more they pit their) YOUR Boys' Club, Eulalie ave. yee vie ; er the Park eguiar monthly meetings | Bagge Bh soto ye threejare held in Vincent Massey human resources against na- LV ture in all its cruel grandeur, oe , Pee Wee, School on the third Thursday pn: a er ecttball i with the/of each month excepting July en Tyke team winning the cityjand Aug. Ls lh veda a championship. A successfu 1} There are two annual events; ready tor AALA Squirt tournament was held,'the Park Opening is held as at Its best. with the Eastview team rea- closé to May 24 as possible ching the finals of the "A" /and' consists of rides, games, section. refreshments, and is foolowed With the hockey on on, BY 2 fireworks display. The an- #5 boys have for} nual Winter Carnival is held the Pee Wee, N e and "Mite! in' Feb. and consists "ot skai- <8°00t : students ' fing games, rides (particularly) Will do when they reach ma- groups. ity Based _| Ski-doo rides) and refresh -| turity and are looking for ac- The Park has a team enter: i. tivities to fill their leisure ed in the Neighborhood Parks' tine > , and partici-| The Sports program has ; cae Pe oe M the|been most gratifying; this oe has aoe og arplest Civic Auditorium. jyear there was a Pee Wee fone ras : : kang itional The Ladies' Auxiliary, which|Tefreshments, and is followed) es reli ar te ut he re- meets monthly on the last,hockey team which win the ria cpl » hardly Thursday, raises funds by eu-|Championship in Oshawa; a baal iti of thing for a free chres weekly on Mondays at boys Pee Wee baseball team,| That's whe tie bind edie $ p.m. in the Eastview room)a girls Pee Wee baseball team,| in this aber th es pi ny of the Boys' club. |@ girls Bantam team and boys] 53. int ane aa o gee New members always|Pee Wee socer team. The 1967 ities an . grec 0! welcome. Pee Wee Hockey teams are now! 49 i H og or Grade 11, Elected officers 1966: Presi- being formed. [epee ueak course that dent -- Mr. Jack Stone, 842; The adults have not been Gvidise they ---- in ac- | Regent Drive; Ist Vice-Pres.|completely neglected, but lack| goioy ac ad A oa continue' to -- J. Kilburn, 121 Eastmount/of a clubhouse has hampered the Pe ou. ud st.; 2nd Vice-Pres. -- Mr. W.|adult activities. So far one)... i vty ae ~ ten Spiers, 798 Eastbourne ave.;\dance has been held. More) ™'*: 80, tsning fly, ait and Secretary -- Mr. Fred Henry, are planned. More past-times| *P/M casting), trapshooting, or- 710 Eastbourne ave.; Treasur-| will present themselves for the! paar pan oh canoeing, camping er -- Mrs. D. McLaurin, 915 adult population. "a gg pecan Regent drive; Delegate to C. A building study Committee te paar i" ys : ed 4 C.N.A. -- Mr. Don Sugden, 915 is considering all the aspects| grams, boys and girls partici- ve. pate together and the empha- --. of a building and their re-) sis is on taking part, not BAKER PARK ports indicate. several obstac-| itinika. ee Baker Park . Neighborhood es its et mt | "I don't like the business of Association was formed in Sept. ture 'betterments. op T fU-) spectatorism and prefer to see of 1964, the motivating force|-- people involved," says Mr being the desire to have a hock- ' Babcock, head of the school's ey team for the boys in the CHURCHES CHIME IN phys-éd department, The pro- area to join. LUTON, England (CP) -- An} gram here is designed to get The boundaries of the Parkjold farm granary in Bedford-| as many youngsters involved are from Harmony Creek onjshire is' to be reopened as al as possible." the West'to the Town Line on Catholic church in November. In good weather a class the East, and from the North/Gifts from other churches] may be split between football City limits to Olive ave., onjhelped the £50,000 conversion| and archery. When activities the South, At the present|and a Congregational church| are indoors there may be bas- time almost 400 families are|sent the font and benches from| kethall and badminton or | members. its now-replaced building. other tennis-type sports. lalso be oF interest to. adults | have a taste for history. Curse of The Viking lates by Farley Mowat. A sequel to Lost in the Bar- rens, this book again intro- ranged from |duces us to Jamie, orphaned general apathy to complete jnephew of trapper Angus Mac- offer. Answers They're BACK THE GOLDEN GIRLS Gorgeous Girls Marvelous Musie Entertainment Nightly et 9 P.M. MATINE® SATURDAY 4 P.M. TO 6 P.M, FULLY LICENSED Unique Program Organized .. At Richmond Hill High RICHMOND (CP)--Bill Babcock is one of a growing number of physical education teachers concerned | boys, and they really made | our canoe trip,'" Mr. Babcock | says. "Girls have a rugged con- | stitution and they're definitely not. the weaker sex. There were some very beautiful young ladies who were carry- ing the canoes, too." Last year eight girls entered the school's trapshooting com- And in the spring a | mixed golf tournament was held, Future plans include bi- cycling and hostelling. Costs to the student are nominal, To enter a swim meet it's 25 cents, trapshoot- ing is $7 and ski equipment may be rented for $5 a week- end. One advantage is that there is something in the program for the student with little ath- letic aptitude. The trapshoot- ing champion was a 12-year- old fattie who can't run Have the SSF-10 installed and enjoy improved SPARK- LING black and white pictures. DUNDAS WHITBY HILL, Ont The regular school program is supplemented by an_out- door club in which students take part in everything from swim~-meets--to-11-mile--hikes and Ski weekends. Each student mast pass cer- tain tests before participating in a sport. "Two Cs and they flunk the canoe test, for ex- ample," Mr. Babcock says. Before they engage in a sport they receive classroom instruction in safety regula- tions. They're taught artifi- cial respiration, boat safety and how to build various types of camp fires. "On our Bruce Trail hike the girls stayed up with the 46 ahout whet AVAILABLE ~ tadav's a inner eel iN FIVE MODELS petition %e, Peeceee® *eeeee® Mr. Bonney's Showcase NEW SPOTLIGHT REVIEW STARRING The Hilarious Comie Antics ana songs MISS PURDEE The Exotie Exeiting Dancing of Sandra RICKSHA ""* Free Take Out Delivery Coll 728-1676 Now pen Sundeys from 2 P.M. te 12 P.M, _ The CADILLAC HOTEL pos SSF-16 are SSF-8 ENGINEERED FOR EXCELLENT and BLACK & WHITE TELEVISION RECEPTION TRIO ANTENNAS LTD. 35 Division St., Oshawa 728-5143 SSF-13 _ EA THIS WEEK Featuring: 2 899900008000900000000000000080000000008 > THE MYNA BIRDS SAT., Oct. 29th... at 8:30 p.m. > Ad 75¢ Non-M -- 50c Members F DRESS -- Shirt and Tie 0.C.V.1. AUDITORIUM NEXT WEEK:----THE SPASSTIKS i PUVVVCOCCCCS |