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Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Nov 1966, p. 31

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fy Ail tweeters, e BIRTHS CARD OF THANKS ~ nd Pissed (nee| JERMYN -- Bata de tee ' the |hearttelt od cher ht ie ye fn a al Saturday, ., nia" for are Wien ine Naripbatl, sb ~ wera the Oshawe General | se nati ral ma fost Bitna ari, A sister iytls, - and Maril are pa dls the birth hele fe mcie fs. C4 Sam, i i, 1 at aim O8 'er gems al. io Dr, Ors, b fpemereen ane untzner and 4th floor sta' wish 10 @xpress our 'eciation to our relatl and neighbors af ripe att, Peres os ipl cally mh fo thank he Or Rownell the Oshawa General Hos ng ni "Funeral Chobel. 'own Funer: apel. oMr, ond Mra, H, Jermyn and Family, York REIN = j wish to thank all my and the es Re- of Davohars nd Lodge, oiMtcors 21 ork ot fis PRA, Nort hminsier Churen haga and Rev, Mellow for flowers, visits and cards re ceived, and also Or, OD, &. Smith, w«Mrs, Anne Larkin, we Govenien, Ange Marearet, aus days October 30, At at the + General Hospital, om Phil ond rie war aiid i Seen birt Geter 90, 1966, ROOKH. -- Terry and Lynda 4 Fisher) are thrilled to announce the rival of their first daughter, Wendy 7 Iba, 1 of8., on Wednesday, October 2b, tac at the Gohawe Berara Bhs Jud: Sun} MCCABE -- | would like fo express my awa i] ar Gul ithewt Kepiican Chureh, the init" ot the Gertrude Colpus '|Home and School Association for thelr mane visit a Mae Sa and other Hite, ks Rev. R.A, yng for fe visits, LE: Br, J, A. Patter- Mn of 2A for their wonder care @ kindness and to all | nel on 2A for thelr kind- my recent illness, wolirs, Bernice L, McCabe (nee tenawy 'A brother We and Richer British Turf Men Finally Replace Barrier Gates By JAMES CONWAY LONDON (CP)~The Jockey Club's decision to allow start- ing stalls for most flat-race seetings next season has failed as a decisive sae teva" modernizing British racing, The present barrier gate will be replaced for many races including all the clas- sies, These are the 2,000. Guineas, the 1,000 Guineas, the Epsom Derby, the Oaks and the St, Leger. The stalls, a familiar fea- ture of North American race- tracks, will be used on 135 days of racing in 1967 at 29 of the 39 flat-racing tracks in Britain, Their first appear- ance will be at the Cravea meetings at Newmarket in- Suffolk April 17, Tuesd Derek Malcolm, racing cor- respondent of The Guardian, says: "The spectacle of well- fancied sprinters being hope- lessly left at the post was al- ways a grievous one for punters and trainers," Some racing men ave res- ervations about using stalls in races with large fields such as the Derby, which usually thas more than 30 entries, Nervous horses drawn first may fret after being shut in while waiting for the rest of the field to be locked into their stalls. "There are a lot of dis- advantages with a_ highly. strung thoroughbred," sald Noel Murless, chairman of the Newmarket Trainers' Associ- ation, ' Dear Red and (nee He iene lay, oo DELBERT F. CLEMENS ovamber ia, ela. Ps | In, failing. heath for 18 } sewn Conerey: Feet | months er . Clemens, wire et ee \sit Ritwon Road North, died | Nov, 1, at the Oshawa General | Hospital. He was in his 72nd DEATHS : | A son of the late Frederick jand Ethel Clemens, the de- Jit CAMBRON, Genevieve, Wine At the Alax « Pickering 'anera hag es on Tuesday, November |, vieve Wineck, age 5! years, seated eine | ne: | at Hampton, Ont. A resident of ve Wineck, age $1 year, belo. Oshawa and district all his life, of jate Bertram Alexander Camero he was an employee of Gen- pe A Heeane Avenue its) ana |eral Motors prior to his retire- Richard J ot ' Sorvived a Min ay ment eight years ago, kiana | Lene, 3 son, Moun Aer Ali r with the 116th Battalion during barton, 'son Pvvllg Sante, | jthe First World War. He was. a| Restin * 'ne Willy Af Steyrin | most successful. gardener. neral * 0. ighway, icker | Mat gant et "Harwood" Avenue Norm,| He is survived by his wife, | Alex) from 7 p.m. 'en Prien evening ithe former Olive Morris and a} n Pr morn * oonmner. eeey ee: son, Douglas, of Oshawa, Brakine Cemetery, Sue. | Also surviving are a ape |Mrs, James Slavin (Irma) 0 1SHOLM, Linda May a "osnews General Mospite on Tyas] Oshawa and two gyi day, Nove ' a inda ay § s en im, aged two mania, beloved in pe des Sharon an usan fant daughter 'of Stewart and Mary| Clemens, Cramer, °. Vicor sree Bowmen) The memorial service will be 'lle, de er nie, Gary, Gloria, | Wark Mvient and' Laure Resting at ine(held at the Armstrong Funeral Paes pore Soeee yee ee Home at 3.15 p.m. Nov, 3, In- rf service on nesday a' ve Inferment Bowmanville Cemetery. terment will be in Oshawa dante: Cols e jUnion sr ect er ---- 4 , able Archdeacon H, D, Clever- int 5 n So fuael cottastern Nevomber don, rector of Christ Memorial eral Hospital on Tuesday, November |, 1966, Delbert F. Clemens, beloved hus! Anglican Church, will conduct the service, band of Olive Morris, father of Dougia: Clemens, Oshawa, brother of Mrs, peal yf Oshawa, in his 72nd y enti ine Armatrong Funeral Home, os ihawa, 'with funeral service in the chapel Thursday, November 3 at 3.15) p.m, Interment Oshawa Union Ceme- tery, WILLIAM HALEY Following a very short, seri- ous sickness, the death oc: curred Nov. 1, at Hillsdale Manor, of William Haley, He was in his 90th year, late Maude Mary" Monarchy ee ee Dec. 21, Misa Bolt 'erento, Mrs 1876, the deceased was a son Ai cig abate, ron, (of the late Mr. and Mrs, Ed- Masts Mrs, William Lassie (Fenny) end|ward Haley, A resident of Can- ire. dullan Bamver, England irewgjada and Oshawa for 44 years, he worked for the postal and HALEY, William Entered into rest in Hillsdale Manor, Oshawa, on Tuesday, November |, 1966, William Maley, beloved husband of the se oA Monarch, fat Oshawa, with funeral service in the chapel Friday, November ceased was born April 7, 1895,| Mr. Clemens served overseas, 4, at 2 p.m, Interment Mount Lawn Ceme- Oshawa. (Friends are asked not to tail' a" the funeral Home before Thurs selective services and for many years was employed by an Oshawa textile firm, The Jockey Ciuv tims such féars are unfounded, A committee set up under the chairmanship of the Duke of Norfolk selected the design from more than 50 submitted. Tests during the summer and reports from other countries confirm that experienced han- diing teams can control the horses and eliminate delays, Several trainers have al- ready accustomed their horses to the different start and British horses that have raced in Europe under the system have done well. Experts now hope that bringing Britain into line with North America, Australia and the F uropean countries using stalls will give British horses a better chance when compet- | | judging a start as well as his ing overseas as well as pro- | ability to drive his mount to viding bettors with a fair | | its uttermost, "shake at home. | Trainers and racing experts generally welcome the change. "The starting stalls are long overdue,"' said leading Trish trainer Paddy Prendergast. "The traditional. start has given rise to too much contro. versy and bad feeling," The main drawback of the old gate, with horses milling about behind it until the bar- rier was raised at the start. er's signal, is the advantage it gives a jockey who can anticipate the starter as he is about to signal the "off." One of Britain's most fa- mous jockeys, Sir Gordon | Richards--now a trainer--was } almost unbeatable over one mile because of his knack of Ted, Fas _ OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS -- iach. unit sueeey. fleur OLD COUNTRY CLUB ww | WLING Points Taken Cellar Owellers 7 High Trips = pil Smith 789 (280, Corner Pink 0) Handicappers §, Dead 338); Lovie Kelemen 693 (249, 248)) Mac! tosses 2) Geordies 5, The Dufty's 2) Hit | MacDonald 625 (24, 211); Ken Sm'th 627 | ang Miss 2, Rolling Stones § and The | (241); Ted Smith 620 (225, 225)) Jimi Nuts §, The Skittles 2. Over Hutehiaon $19 (200, 243); June Hill 612 dbo' -- bas' Shelley. 293, 264, 970 (226) | ' Jim. Smith 266, _Nel:| (eon (245, 205); Vi Brown 602 Bill Velteh 210, 145, 256° (431); | High Singles ~ Lougheed 251, mi, 114 (617); Erie} son Wilson 263, Peggy Pacey 260, Gord | P04 252, 165, 188 (608); Ron Brown| Brown 230, Doreen Kelemen 224, Steve! ais 191, 209 (415); Bob Fenton 190, 3144 Roznik 719, Henry Ouellette 219, Tony | }97 (635); Ernie Mcliwraith 208, 245, 1 | Becta. 1 ee Pye 244, 209) Barb) | (47) and Lillie Finch 216, 235, 191 that) ml 2, n Pye 22) er 210 -- Arthur Watts 238, Jim 'eam Standings -- Top Cats 23, Steam- igo 219, Alf Liles Fait Brian Whitemarsh ers 2), Die Hards and Green Horna 20, 223, Kathy Bowm. 215, Caroline Shel. | Corner Pins 18, Smilers 14, Meselee Vl ley 213, Phil Addington 233, Jack How: | Aimers and Mustangs 12, All Stars 7, ia ¢ 231, Al Baron 211 and Dave Whorral | | i League--Mamile Gibb 79, Doris 705 (425) Watts 81, 6%, 56, Mona Alr 97, Ann 25)) | Henderson 92, Barb Lioyd 78 and may Mctiwraith 79, CEDARDALE LEAGUE High Triples -- John Griffin and Joan ke 658 (254) 600 Over -- Danny Rukaruck 738, Jim Montpetit 705, Mike Tutak 603, Sid | Parsons 609, Adeline Robinson 608, Glad wyn Maclean 652, Ivy Craddock 627, Peter Cernigol 606 and Fred Montpetit oes =~ Danny Rukaruck 279, Phillips 257, Nick Olesulk 257, WIRE AND HARNESS weal" Standings: Hi Los M4, F Head Pins 23, Gay Six 21, Hi B Ruby | Jesters 2), Pin Pickers 19, Alley Cats 18, Lioyd| Go Getters 16 and Lucky Strikes 15, Plume 227, Theresa Patt sen 233, Jerry| Over 625: Rick Wilson 720 (291, 231); Manilla 229, Sonny Lawrence 224, Harold | Leo Gorman 686 (252, 220, 214); Lowery a, Jim Montpetit oe and Mike | Ouellette 480. (238, 235, 207)) Frank Sweet Tutak 263. | O71 (240, emons -- Loote Grant @, Brya Carey 65, fit Mike Tureski 642) Diane Gow 68 and ayaa an a (238) and Harvey Singular 626) 226, 205); A keen sports fan, Mr. Haley KRANTZ, Keith (Red) Entered into rest In the Oshawa General Hospital, an Monday, October 31, 1966, Keith (Red) Krantz, beloved husband of Cricket Club. eat RUGthe Koch ot Sanit Ste: Morie'| Predeceased, May 4, 1948, by au " . . Bo Tagg Wien ak ge his wife, the former Maude mer san of Mrs. Susen Krantt o'lMary Monarch; Mr. Haley is i Hores) of Prince Albert, Mrs.|survived by two daughters, Robert" Hull Taettys of Wwitowaste, Leo|Miss Dolly Haley of Toronto of of Qonawa. and Gerald of $Y, Lente Me.) Mo.) and Mrs. Bert Hill (Lillian) of were Sunerel Home, Shank with N. Oshawa and a son, Albert of neral service in the chapel sin gael He was predeceased daughter, Florence, in SEXSMITH, Mary Adelaide [haland poten Ay Memorial' Heaplisl, Bowmanvitie, on| Also surviving are three Tuesday, November |, 1964, Mary Truil sisters, Mrs, Hannah Carbine of of 21 Contre Street, age 71 years, De|/Roston, Mass, William ret "Norma. Urs. avid Preston' ot] soya ny woes py vers jowmanvitie, and James of Oshawa, sis) Mre ulian Bamber o ong: (hrm AL MK, dough othe ioe {land; a grandson, Robert Hill Penanie. Roving a the Noriheutiveea|oe_ Oshawa and three greats Smith Funeral Home, Funeral service 2/@randchildren, He was pre- o'clock Thursday afternoon, interment|deceased by a brother, Charles, Deanenvine: Comenery. who was killed during 'the WARD, pony Lavriann First World War. Hecate ate thes, "Buoy icurern|, The memorial service will be Ward, infant daughter of Mr, and Mra.jheld at the Armstrong Funeral Rebar wer tat Deven sire. Oxvent| Home at 2 p.m., Nov. 4, Inter Toronto. jment will be in Mount Lawn oe apes ;Cemetery. Rev. A. Woolcock, rector of St. Mark's Anglican Church, will conduct the serivce, Friends are asked not to call at the funeral home before | Thursday, was the first president and an r 3, at 2 p.m, Interment Mount Lawn Cemetery, Kindness beyond Price, within reach of all GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL) 390 KING STREET WEST Telephone 728-6226 yet | | FUNERAL OF | MRS. TERESA E,. BROAD The funeral service for Mrs, {Teresa Ellen Broad, who died at the Oshawa General. Hospi- IN MEMORIAM tal, Oct. 27, in her 87th year, FREEMAN -- in loving memory of my Was held at the Armstrong Fu- jactive player with the Oshawa | 3 cane wite, Alice Maud, who passed away Y tay Tips cannot tell how | miss her, My heart cannot teli what to say; God alone Knows how 1 miss her, ina hore that is lonesome today. -- George, neral Home at 2 p.m, Oct. 31. The service was conducted by Rev. £ Herbert, minister of Rev. L. W. {King Street United Chureh-In-) terment was in Zion Cemetery, The pallbearers were Lloyd in loving memory of a husband Dennis, Clarence Shurter, Wal- Joseph Thorp and Cecil Tacka- _ Aw pin = a Yast gift, 2, 1984 remembr an family. wicHoLs -- In | FUNERAL OF deat triend, Pamela Nickoin, who pasted | MRS, MAY LOUISA BROWN Oe ho akins tes, The funeral service for Mrs. Ne one mien her more than ts May Louisa Brown, who died nd when res WS Of? (use /Oct. 30, at the Norfolk General be ot a Sealy, missed by her trienes, Porky, Hospital, Simcoe, Ont., was Jerry, and Arva Erva held at 2 p.m., Nov. 1, at the George W. Baldock Funeral STEPHENSON -- In loving memory ot Home, Si a sear rae ara Marather Chest in Oakwood Cemetery, Simcoe awey wi se a. Mrs. Brown, who was in her ein Ge wari ah aes 78th year, is survived by her The family chain is Droken now, husband, George Brown and Gut memories last forever three sons, Ronald George . of Gar rataniee valve." sone low ciitiord Washington, _ D.C.; William and grandchildren Joseph of Streetsville and Rob- ig UR ~jert L. of Ottawa, who former! A LASTING TRIBUTE lived in Oshawa, r For Permanence ond dignity - eds We UG OOUNT LAWN GOLFERS HONORED MEMORIAL PARK PALM BEACH GARDENS, BRONZE MEMORIALS Fla, (AP) -- Billy Burke has Four courteous odvice please been voted into golf's Hall. of visit the Park Office Fame and Billy Casper has 723-2633 --. named the 1966 Golfer of) TAKES r | the Year, Results of the bailot-! SN rigg diath hewaiaggh lin ing were announced Tuesday floral arrangements for ell night at the annual president's! peeessiorlh dinner of the Professional Golf- OSHAWA SHOPPING ers' Association, Burke won the ' CENTRE 1931 U.S. open championship in 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE an epic, 72-hole playoff with : 728.6555. ; George Von Elm. Casper's earn- After hours 725-7928 loos amount to $116,623 this ear. ce Ever remembered by wite Eve and berry, 4 |30-inch fabric, itern, Send 50 are Marg Hurren 309%, Elmo t Bosley 91, eer ahs burner 275, Peter Ayer, Nag an Raich. " npg concn SOCIAL LEAGUB ltecn Bh prooiay Ay A\ 3 fy um Bornean See | er Moreau 46 Bil) smith as 'i 1, Wik iT oreen ramo! O oP Sik 22; Wild Cate | oy' and Ethel Atkinson 230. | Lemon League: George Keenan 99, Noreen Solomon 97, Susan Frankiin 94, {0% 60 and Larrayne Pleau a4. | | 266, Ew Bil "warding | Bud Myers! WESTMOUNT UNITED CHURCH Games over 600: Norm Naish 688, Aud- G./ rey White 646 and Ken Cobb 601, P, Hansen) 200: Maurice Woodcock | + Rovse 222, & Konarowsk! 221,/288, Murray MacPherson 281, Joyce %, G. Smith 22), O Fuller 219, @.|/Lamb 277, Cec Lamb 256, Bill Barton | Attwell 219, T, Dewell 218, F. Clements | 236, Mabel Smith 234, 213, Jack Jarvis 26, J, Griffin 215 and D, Hobbs 215, | 230, Thelma Owen 220, Anne Naish 216, | ove = B, Attwell 93 and > | Resty Clark 213, Annabelle Cobb 213, Doug Smith 212 and Mai Veenhot 206, an" 62) (271) and $. Smycnulk 419) 215 Games -- M. Clemente 258, Wallis 246," J, Weroski 233, 4634 | W4Vee24¥e SANTA DOLL BY ALICE BROOKS MAGIC TRIANGLE A 12-inch tall Santa--a merry, | merry doll designed to delight BY ANNE ADAMS tots, Start him now. It's a Magic Triangle -- the) Santa -- perfect for a illusion created by eye and pure/child to hold, hug, love. line» makes you look taller,/him of a man's. size-12 sock. more slender all the way down,/Pattern 7460; pattern pieces, Choose wool, rayon, 'directions for doll, clothes. Printed Pattern 4634: Half} Thirty-five cents (coins) for sizes 1444, 16%, 184, 20%, 22%, jeach pattern (no stamps, | 24%. Size 16% requires 3 yards/please) to Alice Brooks, care} of The Oshawa Times, Needle-| Fifty cents (50 cents) in coinsicraft Dept., 60 Front St. W., (no stamps, please) for each/Toronto 1, Ontario, Ontario resi- pattern. Ontario residents addidents add 2-cent sales tax. 3-cent sales tax. Print plainly/Print plainly patter number, size, name, address, style num-jname, address, ber, | 210 Most Beautiful Needle- Send order to Anne Adams,icraft Designs in new 1967 care of The Oshawa Times. |Needlecratt Catalog! Knit, cro-/ |Pattern Dept., 60 Front St, W.,/chet fashions, afghans, quilts, Toronto 1, Ontario lembroidery, toys, gifts. 2 free Fall's 130 Best Designs --j/patterns, Send 25 cents today. lively school, sport, career,| 12 remarkable heirloom quilts glamor styles, all sizes, extra|-- complete patterns in color in features in new Fall-Winter Pat- |Museum 'Quilt Book 2. Quilting tern Catalog. Clip coupon in; motifs. Send 60 cents. Catalog -- choose one free pat-| Send also for Quilt Book I-- cents, 16 complete patterns, 60 cents. ig small Make Baton, Dally double: Third--Purse ns 88 olds and up, 1 Lel M. Snap. Tricky Scamp (Walsh) Time: 7 45 tr ny eats ti GREENWOOD RACEWAY halen"? Loa Phy 4year-olds, a joey (nou ey Train teers) Time: 165 Sky Fleet, Hi So Smart Hubert, Fab- ius Faéfitiy, To the also ran, Seiad earoids Bid Up, fur yeah Rew'd *ixnbim) ti 210 2,40 Gay Pageant 480 3.10 Ace ty (Robinson) Time: y For a Time, Martin, A roa fost Billy What @ Th ns Ww Dust, Pifth..Purse $2/800, old fillies, Pink it ident, | Titled | Briet | Royal Magerines New Renewel OD Areosy (The Man's Megerine) .... CD REDBOOK Popsaysno, See ae year-olds and Cantidad 2nd Tomboy Pe Tuiren Time: Autumn Rose, Erin River Phantom Elsie Whistier's Wife Time: af Superior Sal, Broom, Late serateh: mi Clark Exactor: Sixth--Purse furlongs domes be bY Six Bits (Boweut) Time Regal Dancer, Third Rule, Past Pres-| Good Ol Late scratch: Seventh--Purse $3,000, 3 + year - and up, 7 furlongs }also ran. Hero ( Attire Encounter (>) MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY .. ~ THE MONTREALER ] HUMPTY DUMPTY (Ages 3-7) ' Bay } BETTER HOMES & GARDENS 3 yrs, ) CHATELAINE MAGAZINE } TRUE STORY 3 WARE anne {ne tne Rnd TN ea THURSDAY, NOV, 3 FIRST RACE -- Purse $2,400, Maiden, ing (3000). pe, (6), Zerotasto, No (CP)--Greenwood results) Fr fl 200, claiming, % and Nourt Diritech 2 claim jou: mite : Du Nord, Fitzsimmons 118 a'r Nd M00 "ea 7.10 Narameta, (inou' 7.00 4,590| SECOND RACE -- Purse $2,000. Claim-| Alibinaut, No Boy | 5,20} ing (3000), Three- and four-year-olds. 7| Jacket O'Bive, Furlongs (18), Miss Telso, No Lady Parnell 107 idle lar, ane o Windy ahan, Fitzsimmons 108 pont rind Able Ruler, No Breery Boy 108 Also @ yAbing Bunty, Brownell X105 jagic Queen, No Boy 109 Fair and Levely. No Boy 105 rt AcComb 165 Wild Fabius, North Duel Dititach 2 s, Harris 100 00] Ledsham, No Boy 113 Dixie Pet, No Boy 109 Golden Game dtr Walsh 113 Also Eligible: Gartan Girl, No Boy, 2; Blazing Tommy, No Boy, 112) Aca- dian Flirt, Ne Boy, 107; Grand Manitou, Whittle, 11:2 Mazel, Griffo, X105; Altona Miss, Robinson, 109 THIRD RACE -- Purse $2,000, Claim: ing (S000), Maiden two-year-olds, foaled in Canada. 7 Furlongs (18). Ze Just Sailed, Tawse 115 Eriline; No Boy 115 Vinny's Redhead, Grubb A-X110 Rascoe, y 18 a Hot R " 100, @, Grubb A-X110 Alliance, Ne Boy, aed furlong ng Bunty, No Boy 118 Brownell, X11. ittf'ch) 90 12.30 5.90) Bye Bye Fin, Souter 6 'erine) 16.80 8.50) Sunday Cruz, Gomez SIXTH RACE -- 5a Cassie. Sala, Griffo xi Archer" Allowances, 127 Dark Assauit, ne -- lie - Bright Coleen, Tinds Lily, Platt XXX iling biiak; 'No Bo) Pan, Andrea inet, Aged) Sy ee ee Geom xp13 Right Page, Gomez 1 ' Bxatie Red. Grubb Paity aisc Bob, Little Crown, me on pint i Mople Sugar Prom, Jokadey, -- ard, $2,000, claiming, % cut, 10%; (Gritto) 127 6 nday, Ni ifaienion: S-year- (comm) 530 i" $581 IR Pr Firalights per (McCauley) Black, iso ran, ie Prop Lin, Gandio claiming, + Ne Boy, Quali, No Boy y; B-115) Alice Parkes, Goma, B-115; Run Around Sue, Coombs, X10; Cairn Man, No Boy, 118; Sun 4.0 3.60 3.00! | Wrack, Brownell, X-113 29.00 6.80) A---V Stark, M and S Passero Entry. 270) a8 Sweeney and Dane Hill 'Acres! Entry. Princess Selket, Off the! Bronsolene also ran, claiming, 2year- 1 mile (Gomer) (Harris) (Boweut) SEVENTH RACE hal Claiming (4000) Dark Sin, No Boy 1) FOURTH RACE--Purse $2,000, Claim Pretty Wise, Dittfach 04, GREENWOOD ENTRIES Cloudy and Fast Three and (Divn, of and), 7 ya 08). Dohnforall, Robinson 115 jasephi Queen's Jéessamy, Promised Corba 104 Tctkie dao Vale, M " No Boy, jie; Madely: iia) Vinvage rot, No Soy, 1 FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,000, Claim- ing (3000), ee rnge Ch 'veg up, foaled t) Y¥, No Boy 119 rave, Bradfield XXX16 roth of @ Boy, No Bo; aries W4 arne Select Sin, McCauley X108 122 Linebacker, Swatuk, XXX106; ob mod x107 Cusmax, Dittfach 107 Lawless Maid, No Boy 107 (EXACTOR WAGERING) . . Three-year-olds, and one-sixteenth wine (10). 0 tages MOHAWK RACEWAY RESULTS TUESDAY, NOV. 1 aRINET RACH -- 1 Mile (Trot). Purse) HXACTOR, NOS. # AND 6, PAID 917.20 1-Pert Volo, Given 5.60 9,70 3.5) SEVENTH Ras -- 1 Mile (Pace bLady con ie bitin 4.0 3.2¢) Purse $800 (8), 3. Bonn! wae ie. SBlue. Boy Ay a + . Can, cient Harry,|\-Jean Third, onal dr Midnight Great Remus ir, Fastry, bagooene Hi four-year-olds. 109 Also Started Lietin } mised Pros, and |S-Margo MacDoH, Farr ond. Old Sistve ace Purse $900 Roda, 1-The Gi 5-Mach vy biog *105 " Aaiis (Pesed* 9.90 in if ¢ SECOND RACH -- 1 Mile (Pace). Purse "$800 (6), Sinnocent B: "| 2-Meadow Waddell 5-May Trust, Weiwood 50 joral Gale, Leo M Wann, iso Started: ju BtnDALE Jerry, DALY DoUSLE, | ANG s rate giidtg) Also Started: aor: ~Gornie Rhythm, Rebel Land Harry, and Mi Ti RACH -- 1 Mile (Trot), Purse| joe : we 7-Chy Herrington. 9.30. 5.40 3,90 re ; wekmor, . Herr \ ue S-Famous Wick, Camppell 490 3.40] NINTH RACH -- 1 Mile (Page). Pirie ¢ Tedd: Raymond, Ingles 8) ried! Have Maitland, |&Gvines Mite, Gelsel 7.20 4% K WR, Fines irted: Widower's Neetwood & Hava Julep, king f Lee, Martys Trailer, and Genoa's i B Seaton Lu oy" Grattan, igh 2,477, Total Pool, $166,947, a \ Parnell 34,00 te ia = % 2.40) i ween Hon Ga iy y ii4 Prince. FOURTH RACH = 1 Mile Purse $800 (8) 6Smash Brooks, gee Boy, Jack: Kip, Feagan ve Also Started: Sam's Sam, 1 A Dream, Rocky Direct, Big Red Grattan, and lene Signal, Fo ti RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace), Purse 2-Ca Direct, G'braith 4.10 Hy 13 1-Superior Mark, Wellwood Pgs Mary Ann C, Carroii Also Started: Maybelle K.C., Judy, Another Parlay, Victor High ee |Ann Hal, SIXTH RACE ~~ 1 Mile (Trot), Purse $1,400 (6). S-Evergreen Pat, R'lard 3.90 2.80 2.50 6Arawana Lady, Furness 5.9 3.00 3-Happy MacDutf, Pacey 60 Also Started: Li ent Dares, Arm: ated Flame, and Billy Hal, (Paec). gi 3.60 10 te 3.00 Stautfer, 122; Top Cadet,! Purse $2,800, eun| Two-year-old fillies, $2,300, One Purse Ww, Time: 1,25 4-5 Plain John, Fomous 12,50, $142.30, | er Road also ran.) Dark Numb $2,400, 2-year-olds, 7) BighthPurse 3.90 2.70 2.30) year-olds and up, 3.70 2.70 (oscar Lane 3.10) Cruise Control Our Gem (Kornblum) 3100| Time: 1.39 1-5 jing (3000), Mitzl's Folly, Shuswap|ed in Canada. | Mile Bench Warrant, Gay| Elm Wood, No Boy \tsfordem, Tall 3-| The Hangman, Gomer | Paraguay, No M eecilnivn (Harris) finger (Walsh) 1,26 45 j@ Pete, Zacata also ran.| Albertarama, Cat, Nardoo, Ette Rule | Sal, Duby olds | Bride, |What A Question, Bow omen) (Boweut) A (Harrison) 2.90 2.40 2.10 2.90 2.30) Attendance: 2.60 $471,806 i mutuel handle: iganen jum Swamp, Inouye Srining Mark, Hie va tho |Majestic Sal, Barroby 11) 's, Stauffer 110 | Sunny James, Harris 112 oy 660 4 is Lofty Visitor, Ditivach 110 BIGHTH RACE -- Purse $2,200, Claim: | setoye Soo, Steve, X112; Mad Flyer, No Three-year- an and up, foal:|Boy, 120; 16 indian Luredale, Kornblum A-X112 | Twilight anne McComb 115 Thunder, Coombs X111 |Vital Mahn, Dittfach 113 | Caledon Colonel, Annee "6 | Wee Annie Dory,' No Boy 113 Claymond $v, No Boy 113 | Sail Along, No Boy ie {Judge nei No Boy A Eligible: Jiveoli, ns Ws "He Coombs, X108; Lemarte!, Pot 6; Sky 7 Spark, Swatuk, XXX108. A--B Campbell and « Simonsen Entry. X--5 Ibs AAC XX--7 Ibs AAC XXX--10 Ibs AAC POST TIME 1 P.M, LO PREMIER E, C. Manning is Prem-.., jer of Alberta' and leader... of the Alberta Social Credit.~ Party. (CP Photo) cut 120 YOUR reading pleasure for the entire family! OSHAWA TIMES, Wednaaday, November 2, 1966 9] 9 OSHAWA TIMES | proudly presents an outstanding reader service for the entire family! THE ECONOMY READING PLAN. NO DOWN PAYMENT. + ONE SMALL PAYMENT ON YOUR CARRIER'S REGULAR COLLECTION DAY COVERS THE COST OF BOTH YOUR NEWSPAPER AND THE MAGAZINES. YOUR MAGAZINES WILL BE DELIVERED BY YOUR POSTMAN. YOUR NEWSPAPER WILL BE DELIVERED BY YOUR REGULAR CARRIER, A GUARANTEED. OFFER THERE WILL BE NO PRICE INCREASE ON: THE MAGAZINES YOU SELECT FOR YOUR FULL SUBSCRIPTION PERIOD. CHOOSE 4 MAGAZINES-All from Group A 3 OR "2 MAGAZINES-2 from Group A and es a from Group B 2 MAGAZINES-Both from Group B GROUP A Magorines New Renewal Oo Mecatu's . 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