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Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Nov 1966, p. 7

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~husiliddindiiaiiidiaiiniane te ee |e wTTICITT TTT) vA eh PPE eC Le Lad 9 MARKET icine 0) "i frocks bt I ids "n Fe.' pie wn iD a Oe Go eGividand, Bi ard pant hve Be warrants, Net ehange 'om previous board-lot closing sale, 5 thi Eb vim ene Hi Fz = == 33222382 2s73.2 Low as i =! +s = + =f re = . - 7 10 232 55s55 33285S=2 3g88G2sedsitcs z233r~2s22 225.5 38 =3 4 570 870 870 = 10 We 14 le a 4 4 + 9000 85 AA 45 I HY He 200 340 (380 3000? 37000 100 800 oN 00 is $274 224 Diam Ve wm & 4" aM +" By] Ny 75 Louviert Marchant Martin Maybrn Me Adam Mewat Mentor woo oF) 68 13500 «19% 19 3000 1200 700 V4 00} i] 31300 08 1400 184 i} 80 a4 "4 « "Wt n Me MAY } =i | = 5232 - =< > 64000 Oo 4800 4700 400 0 8100 "O 25. 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Can Suptest od Texaco Tor Om Ok Tor tren W Traders A Traders Sp Transair Tr Can PL se svs- & 5 200 24 1M 2M 00 $20 «0 46! ry) wy | OS) MM MM al soe 10% 04+ 0S 8h oo 440 440 44} 1400 $25 aM 8 pod m4 a 12! 1090 fie a he = W) 21S $2089 220 oof S10 10% lo ro 30 wo a ad a" fe i) 300 8 ish P | ea 5 4 ain Wale Ow Weate'at Wert ind Weston A we a ass in " 200 195 \ 400 Sidte Mi tate Zenith moo 180 180 180 Bales te 1) a.m: 918,000, RORWION "FRADING "MoM OM 'ee YOO 375 20 S80 0) 200 1 300 4S oo 30 yoo «998 Place Gas Prove Sinene Titled Hero Wins 'Greenwood Feature TORONTO (CP)--Titled Hero, |three - year + old winner of the | Queen's Plate and Breeders') Stakes earlier this year, Tues: day won the featured seven-fur long seventh race at Green wood track The $1,050 purse boosted his year's winnings to $95,574 and jtotal earnings to $196,650, Titled Hero was ridden by | jockey Avelino Gomez, who won i three races Tuesday to boost his season total to 277, the best in Canada and enough to keep him in contention with Braulio Beara at New York Aqueduct for the North American title, Gomez rode Pink Phantom to victory in the fifth, He also won the eighth with Leader Lane. | THE HEINTZMAN PIANO RENTAL PLAN | Here's &: novel plan for parents who with to test their children's | muiical ability before purchan. | ing a piano, Heintaman will rent | you an attractive, new. amall piano for 6 monthe--if you de cide to purchase it, the ais | month's rent and cartage will he | allowed on the purchase price, The balance on Heinteman's | Own Budget Terms. } 79 SIMCOE ST. N, 728-292) 4 | son's part of the Canadian publisher's planned expansion in the tourist | industry "ad ee b | ee sell Biss ow bas aries Kitchener Frame Plant orrects Trade Balance nw J Canadian Press Business Editor KITCHENER (CP)--A §22,- 000,000 offshoot of the United States-Canada automotive trade pact soon will be banging out car frames -- the last major component of an automobile that still has to be supplied by imports, Testing of equipmant ranging up to gic! 800 + ton presses in SIAmping out frame pleces already has started at the new Budd Automotive Co, BUSINESS BRIEFS By THE CANADIAN PRESS N.8. LIKES YANKS T, C, Achilles, American-born bank manager from Halifax, ad- dressing a luncheon of New York businessmen Tuesday, said: 'There is little agreement In Canada on how much U.S, capital should be tolerated." But in Nova Scotia, 'they like Yanks," W. S. K, Jones, minis: ter of trade and industry, said the province welcomes invest- ment capital from any country, ASSESS FREIGHT Canadian revenue freight was "\loaded on 88,741 railway cars during the week ended Oct, 21, an increase of 10.8 per cent over the previous period but a de. cline of 4.6 per cent from the same week last year, the Do. minion Bureau of Statistics re: ports, Cumulative carloadings since Jan, 1 were 3,268,419 this year, an increase of 2.8 per cent from last year, EXCHANGE SHARES Power Corp. of Canada sald in Montreal Tuesday it will ten- der its 46-per-cent holding in Bathurst Paper Ltd. to Consoli- dated Paper Corp, in response |- to a share-exchange offer by Consolidated, Power Corp. cur- rently holds 925,000 of Consoli- dated's common shares. The fig- ure represents 15.6 per cent of the outstanding shares. THOMSON PLANS HOTEL A subsidiary of Lord Thom- organization will lease and run a $2,000,000 hotel to be , | built in Malta, a company offi- "{elal said in London Tuesday, The hotel, to be completed in early 1968, will be sponsored by a consortium, The official said this leasing operation will be } Canada Ltd, plant, with produc» ps scheduled for early next yea When the factory is running at capacity, it will use about 100,- 000 tons of steel a year to pro- duce 450,000 frames, "Until the plant) goes on stream, it really is virtually meaningless to talk about a made-in-Canada car," says one sneak enn ami 4 fadustry official, "since aoant for a few specialized jobs all frames had to be imported," "Almost all came from the U.S. and that's been a major factor in the adverse baiance of trade on auto parts. "And until the trade pace came in, everyone sald frames were one component that could not be produced economically in Canada," PROBLEM REMAINS Despite the auto pact, the problem of trade balance on auto parts remains serious, In the 12 months ended last Marchthe latest period for which the Canadian Motor Ve- hicle Manufacturers Association has figures--parts imports were valued at $963,000,000, compared with $690,000,000 in the previous 12-monitii period, Included in this, although de- tailed figures are 'not available, | were the frames needed for the| 700,000 cars Canadian producers turned out in that period The new plant, which will em- ploy between 750 and 1,000 per: sons, covers 340,000 squaré feet of manufacturing space, Rolls of steel weighing up to} 30 tons will come in at one end) $0 cents, Dec. 15, record Dee. 1.| jbuying 39 score 58; being | |18 cents, Jan,- 16, 1967, record) of the plant and, after banged and shaped, welded, painted and baked along a quar- ter + mile - long assembly line, come out as completed frames to be shipped to Ford of Can- NET EARNINGS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Chemeell Ltd, nine months ended Sept, 30: 1966, $7,444,000, 52 cents a share; 1965, $7,761, 000, 54 cents, The Sherwin-Willlams Co. of Canada Ltd., year ended Aug 31; 1966, $710,864, $2.09 a share; 1965, $825,359, $2.60 British Columbia Forest Prod- ucts Ltd., nine months ended Sept. 30: 1966, $7,800,000, $2.18 a share; 1965, $7,900,000, $2.30. Quebec Natural Gas Corp., year ended Sept. 30; 10966, $2,- 552,642, 52 cents a share; $2,078,402, 52 cent presents Look into braemor gardens for your child's good All schools -- public, walking distance, One 3 Avail sep- arate and high -- within EXCLUSIVE AGENTS MILLEN REAL ESTATE LIMITED Pe 168 BN es a i aoa © 1065, _1182-day bills at 5.25, tise ined an A {ACCT at | Wiesaik er | | alt alae ada and General Motors of Can- ada assembly plants, The plant is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Budd Co. of Philadelphia. J. H. MeNeal, 39 . year - old president of the Canadian op- eration, says at least 90 per cent of the plant and equipment came from Canadian suppliers, including more than $7,000,000 warth of nresses built at Galt! « and Acton, Ont. He says the decision to set up the Canadian operation was a Mirect result of the U,8.-Can- a-dn mant Gua trace Pact, "Before the pact opened the way to rationalizing the auto- mobile industry on a continent. wide basis, it would have been foolhardy to think of building a plant of this capacity." Opportunities to export given Canadian car makers under the THE OSHAWA TIMES, 7 Wednesdey, November 2, 1966 STOCK MARKET TORONTO (CP)--Prices were mixed in moderate trading on the Toronto Stock Exchange Tuesday after being fractionally higher for most of the session, The industrial index eased ,02 to 145,33, Inco Jed the decline, falling % to R614. Interpravincial Pipe Line dropped % 3 81 and Bell Telephone 4 to 46 International Minerals gained | 1% to 42%, Texaco % to 61 and) Simpsons and Moore Corp. % each to 20% and 81%, Golds suffered the largest) group loss and the gold index declined .41 to 149.07 after touch- ing a 1966 low of 147,21, Dome was off % to 39% and Giant Yellowknife 10 cents to 8.50, Western oils continued to strengthen with Union Oil up % to ) 30% @ and Dome and Canadian Superics % cach te 2875 -and-25; On the speculative side, PCE Explorations skidded 41% to 25 cents on 304,000 shares while Windfall climbed 4% to 37 cents on 127,000, Advances outnumbered de. clines 203 to 198 with 250 issues | unchanged. Base metals gained .40 on in-| dex to 90.86, western oils .37 to 110,53 and the TSE .01 to 139.25. Volume was 3,044,000 "Mon-| compared with 3,177,000 Mon- auto pact expected to total about 200,000 units to the U.S, this year-provided the extra | productive capacity that made | the plant poss sible , offic lals say DIVIDENDS By THE CANADIAN PRESS | Canadian Westinghouse Co.) Ltd., 12% cents, Dec, 15, rec: ord Dee, 1, | Denison Mines Ltd., 15 cents, | Dec. 15, record Dee, 1, Bow Valley Industries, com- a . cents, Nov, 30, record Bridge and Tank Co, of Cam) ada Ltd., pref, $1.45, Dee. record Nov, 15, Versatile Manufacturing Ltd., Montreal Trust Co., common | Dec. 30, | BOND MARKET TORONTO (CP) -- The Cana:| dian bond market was generally | off % of a point in quiet trading | | Tuesday, Short-term Government of | Canada bonds closed about the -}same, as Monday with the 4%- jper-cent Oct. 1, 1967, issue at) 98.80 bid and 98.85 asked. Long-term Canada and pro- | vineial bonds were generally un- changed with the Government} lof Canada 44-per-cent Sept. 1, 1983, closing at 864% bid and 8644 | asked, Day- vpend money traded at 4% per ce arearry, bills ended the day with the 91-day bills at 5.16 and! BUILDING ASSOCIATES braemor gardens "OSHAWA'S MOST CONVENIENT COMMUNITY" FULL PRICE $20,600 of Many Finished Homes lable for Immediate Occupancy * Floodlite Models OPEN TONIGHT and all day THURSDAY 728-1678 1,| | day PRODUCE TORONTO (CP) -- Wholesale | | jto retail carton eggs average | weighted prices: quoted by the | department of agriculture as of | Tuesday: A large 66.8; A me-| dium 61,5; A small 48.4, Eggs: 'Wholesale price to jeountry stations fibre cases | quoted by the Toronto Board of | Trade from wholesale egg deal- ers; Extra-large 57-60; large 55- 57; medium 50-52; small 40; BI 42; C 35-36. | Butter prices: Agricultural |Stabilization board tenderable lcarlots: buying 40 score 59; selling 59. Ay eT REY Rie? he at oS oe THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3rd 1:30 to 4:30, 6:00 to 9:00 ot ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM, SIMCOE ST. N. Regulor and new blood donors are urgently requested to attend with or without en oppointment. Our Blood Bank Is desperately short and if we are : TO MEET THE NEEDS OF OUR PATIENTS IN NOVEMBER NO LESS THAN 500 BOTTLES ARE NEEDED FOR NEXT MONTH OUR SUPPLY OF BLOOD IS DESPERATELY LOW | | Tired and |@ Tied Do it! You'll find friend ersonalized service a ow prices. Big Store Prices Break Qut to Glecoff's Don't let big store fringe gimmicks get your pocket book down. Give it a lift, and youre self too! at GLECOFF'S PRESH PORK SHOULDER ROAST With or without dreasing LEGS OR CHICKEN PORK BACK BES e Fresh Tender GREEN BEANS, New Crop Florida Seediess GRAPEFRUIT Pink or White, New Crop Floride ORANGES, 1 doz. Ontario No. 1 HOTHOUSE TOMATOES, Ib. .. VASELINE, Reg. 49, SPECIAL parsed SELTZER, Reg. oe spect p doy a Rep. speci for LB. 49° BREAST 59° u 19 2 us, 79° 24 ox, Looves SUGAR 10 Ib. beg Ist Grede CREAMERY BUTTER, Ib. .... CARNATION INSTANT BREAKFAST 5 flavours te choose from, Reg. 79c. SPECIAL .... MAXWELL HOUSE 6 ox, INSTANT Corres, = WHITE SWAN BATHROOM TISSUE White, Pink, Yellow or Aque 8 FOR 1,00 ume 6 1.00 19 Lyons 100 2 cup TEABAGS with Instructions 79° 64 69° _ae Sus ott sg. poles. . 19 10 ron 68° ea: cna 39: inside for free Kitchen Utensila all for only .. . SAN! FOAM the new instant Push Button bethroom CLEANER, Sprey on end wipe clean for only RAISIN PIE, Family size. Reg. 49c, SPECIAL TOWN AND COUNTRY LAYER CAKE. oe Reg. SSe, SPECIAL . senna. Reg. Ble SPECIAL Open Daily 8 A.M, to 10 P.M. GLECOFF'S Cash Pay Cheques and Baby Bonuses LECOF F'S Supermarket RITSON ROAD SOUTH - OSHAWA TST

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