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Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Nov 1966, p. 13

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Control Of London Times, Lord Thom son Faces Fight LONDON (CP) --A rival rroup said to include both na- ona ol lanning to chal newspapers is planning to chal- lenge Cenndien + born rd Thomson for control of The bp the ailing queen of Brit- Fleet Street was awash in lation and reports about the identity of those behind the s Among those most promi- nently named was the compan which controls both The G |. jan, one of The Times' chief competitors among Britain's "serious" mornin, ilies, and the Manchester Evening News. The Observer, a weekly which is the chief competition for Lord Thomson's Sunday Times, also was mentioned in published reports, But there was no con- firmation of the reports, By eariy today only two men were definitely known to be in- volved, both with past personal experience of Thomson's opera- tions: --Claud Morris. 46, chrirmes" of Voice Newspaper invest-| ments of South Wales, who only two weeks ago fold ovt his 50- per-cent share in » company plicated deal whereby The called Voice of British Industry to the other part owner, Lord Thomson. Morris said in a 1963 autobiography that Thomson had helped him considerably to build up his business, Anthony Berry, 41, Conserv- ative member of Parliament for Southgate and deputy chairman of Leopold Joseph and Sons, a London merchant banker, He is the youngest son of Viscount Kemsley and was a director of the Kemsley group of newspa- pers which Thomson bought in 1959 in a deal which gave him the now - prospering Sunday Times, CRITICIZES OFFER "We think Lord Thomson's offer is not in the public inter- est,' Berry told reporters Fri- day night. Morris was even more blunt, saying: "Lord Thomson fs not a kind of benevolent Canadian teddy bear. He is newspaper owner, If Lord Thomson controlled The Times it would cease to be a British institution," Thomson and The Times an- nounced six weeks ago a com- in. the Times and The Sunday Times would be merged into a single company, with the Thomson or- ganization getting majority con- trol and the newspaper bein, run by an independent boa which would include represent: atives of the Gavin Astor fam- ily, The Times' current owners, The proposed merger has gone before the government's monopolies commission, which has been hearing evidence con- cerning the move and must re- rt on whether the merger is ublic interest, Morris said he has been be- fore the commission ready with his alternative plans and is expected to return next Friday with a firm bid and details of his backers who, he Said, include several types of British newspapers, BANKS WILL HELP on ps hag said their con- amost aggressive|Sortium has between £3,000,000 a ($9,000,000) and £5,000,000 ($15,- 000,000) at its disposal, and ad- ditional help would be available from some London banks if necessary. Lord) Thomson comment on the rival bid at- wice al- declined to BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, November 19, 1966 13 Fin es Im 1 On Youths ed guy 1 meagan ws . panne gui and suspend: For Liquor Act Offences Fines totalling $300 and costs eB ace rare a Frida: ; stretched youths who appea n arate cases at Oshawa magis-|in Oshawa. A part-bottle of|ttial before a judge and jury trate's court, All pleaded guilty, Each was fined $50 and costs, John Alexander Godfrey, 18,|4, 17 Kent St, Ajax was founda 1:25 a.m, In one other case, Claude|#40 AND COSTS Iarsden, $3, of Port + Petty, An i8-year-old West Hill was fined $50 and costs or a Lorne Dunbar, was days for being intoxicated in ajfined $20 and costs when he pu)' place, i) pleaded guilty to a charge of at.9:50 p.m, Nov. 4 drinking under age. eeehed oul under some cana, ATAX, (Sul, Tye O*t IRRROR NO BLP in the back seat of a car parked 'An improper licence number on the summons did not help Alison Fleming of Unionville when he appeared on a charge of having liquor in a_ place other than a residence, Magis- on six sep- vodka was found in the car, | following preliminary hearing John Brian McQuinn, 20, RR| Thursday in the Ajax Magis: Bowmanville, was arrested|trate's Court. Oct, 29, Police} Norman Edmonds and Har- asked him what the troublejold Hanson elected trial by iceness, tempt but replied to a ques. tioner; "I -don't look worrled, do I" ering Beach, was charged Nov,|Whitby Sportsman's Corner FIND YOUR NEEDS And while several rival morn-|4 after police stopped him onjStore, The Great Bazaar of Istanbul, ing papers splashed the news| Williams Street and smelled al-) Magistrate Addison com-|Turkey, has 4,500 shops and is across their front pages, The Times reacted with editorial In a single paragraph at the bottom of the front page, the paper mentioned reports of the rival bid and added; Times has already announced and submitied to the board of trade the scheme which it .is sure is best for the paper, and that scheme is the only one in which it is interested," The new proposals apparently are designed to give the monop: olies commission an alternative to approving the Thomson plan, per hour in a 30 mile zone on trate Addison fined the accused was. He said he had been to ajjudge and jury after they were| soo tive dave. party and was drinking beer, j|charged with the break-enter David A, Marquis, 17, Pick-jand theft of guns from the cohal on his breath, mitted the accused men for Russell §. Sloboda, 19, 347/trial and set bail at $4,000 for Bloor St, E., was stopped at|/Edmonds and $10,000 for Han- ne! bd qe Nov, . = son, old police he had "two shots" at a United Auto Workers hall|/FEELING BETTER Harold Phillips, who asked to dance, Germain Thibault, 18, 25|be admitted to the Ontario {Hospital when he appeared on Grenfell St., was arrested Nov E tletes of 'venvanty Genel . yoga co gain -* se. ptt ro ~ ison = : i week reappeared after spend: age gly Shag ergs ing a week in the county jail Out of the six, Lukas was the/and told the magistrate he was oniy one to: face an adaitional|{eline much better, charge -- speeding at 60 miles} Magistrate Addison agreed i] more than 500 years old, BUY COLOR TV The number of color TV sets in use in the United States al- most doubled to 8,350,000 in the 12 months up to Oct, 1, 1966, LEWIS OPTICAL Established for over 30 years 104 King Street West 725.0444 "The ALWAYS ON CALL! McLAUGHLIN - COAL AND SUPPLIES LTD, \ ' 110 KING ST. WEST 24 hour on-the-reddy-to serve Oshawa with fast, efficient radio dispatched service, Get ready for Winter now and call 723-3481 that the accused seemed to be IN THE MATTER of Section 92 of The Highway Improvément Act, (R.S.0, 1960, ¢, 171) é -- and -- IN' THE MATTER OF an application by The Corporation of the City of Oshawa for approval of its proposed by-law 212-66, given first'and second readings on the 19th day of September, 1966 A TAKE NOTICE that an application has been made by the Corporation of the City of Oshawa to The Ontario Municipal Board for approval of proposed by-law 212-66 as amended, given first and second readings on the 19th day of September, 1966, to designate that part of the Centennial Parkway lying be- tween Highway 401 and Colborne Street in the City of Oshawa as a controlled-access road. A copy of the by-law and a sketch showing the location of the part of the Centennial Parkway proposed to be designated as a controlled-access road is given below. Any person or persons desiring to object to this application are required to file their objections ad- dressed to Mr. L. R. Barrand, Clerk of the City of Oshawa, within two weeks from the date of the first publication of this notice. The Ontario Municipal Board may approve of the said application but before doing so it may appoint a time and place when any objection to this application will be considered. Notice of any hearing. that may be held will be given only to persons who have filed an objection. DATED AT THE CITY OF OSHAWA, THIS 19 DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1966 being a by-law to designate Centennial Parkway as laid out and established by by-law 209-66 as a core trolled-access road. BE IT ENACTED AND IT IS HEREBY ENACTED as a by-law of The Corporation of the City of Oshawe by the Council thereof as follows: 1. L._R. BARRAND, ESQ, CITY CLERK, 50 CENTRE STREET OSHAWA, Ontorio, BY-LAW NUMBER 212-66 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA That Centennial Parkway as shown on Schedule NE attached hereto and forming part of this by-law be and it is hereby designated as.a controiled-access road and that no access be permitted to the said Cens tennial Parkway except as shown on Schedule "A", By-law read a first time this 19th day of September, 1966, By-law read a second time this 19th day of September, 1966. By-law read a third time and finally passed this day of 1966, MAYOR SCHEDULE "A" TO BY-LAW 212-66 Lie) eo Q 2 t 1 of f me ee PCr fin eat: - pene wens ~< tues nk ae eatiekep yy hot eo 'Sian ist Bey. BAL CN Saute Sasha Un Leh VST at H j a \y va) ae Dy | t OB er tt te 1s * 2 -- Ny - ~ \ SS ES Ot ogee ro Cats | eR Nery Eee: ° ; ee Th Nit. s ' : Sai ; ite 1 7 ee ae 7 YS est a! Oo \ . . S ~ ho) See Si Ha ' a ' wh i x « q -- i 7 > (>) y LE Soo Neb ae:

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