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Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Nov 1966, p. 22

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22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturdey, November 19, 1966 ON TELEVISION Haley Mills Has Star Role In Disney s Moon Spinners Jack Cassidy, (Channel 4 at JACKIE TOLEASON -~ Anj9:00 p.m.) outlandish blackmail plot greets the globe-trotting Kramdens b wll Nortons as they continue their misadventures in Spain. Gone annel 9 at 7:00 p.m. and el 4 MONDAY PERRY COMO -- The first of Perry's shows this year features Angela Lansbury, Bob at 7: 1:30 .m.) Newhart, Emmy and Peabody HOLLYWOo ALA __|award winner and the Young , is Vincent| Americans, a singing and danc- dn, Guestevéwclude Jullet|iNe, group. (Channel 3, 6, 8, ; pianist, Peter Nero; | 8" and 12 at 9:00 p.m.) Rowan and Martin;| LENA HORNE -- Lena gives t Morse ar at and the/@ solo performance in this one , the Stan-/hour show filmed in London, wi (Channel 7 re} o: 00 p.m,)|Lena' husband, composer- SUNDAY oe 4 oe ve ~ luc e orchestra, (Channe : WALT DISNEY -- ye Smeal? , ers, & drama s Haley Mills and and story tells of 2 at 10:00 p.m.) Eli Wallach, sree = pag her Auni|* Frances, a musicologist, who arrive in the. village of Aghios Georgias Crete to record provincial folk songs. (Chan- nel 3, 6, 12, at 6:00 p.m. and Channel 2 and 8 at 7:30 p.m.) + GARRY MOORE -- Garry rs a full-hour version of the dway musical hit of the ite 1940's, High Button Shoes. uest stars include Maureen O'Hara, Carol Lawrence and LIBRARY NEWS Continued From P, 21 aay in the Auditorium at 2:30 TUESDAY , GIRL FROM U.N.C.L.E. -- pril {Stephenie Powers) and NEW a : FICTION > A Door Fell Shut by Martha 'Abrand The Early Life of Stephen Hind by Storm Jameson ' The Green Man by Henry ce * Old Lamps for New by Har- wld Acton : Panic in Box C by J. D. Carr FAMILIAR HERE Tommy Hunter can be heard singing his familiar Country and Western num- bers at 8.30 p.m, on Fri- days on Channels 3, 6 and 12 at 8.30 p.m. Tommy ap- peared several times in Oshawa at such places as The Red Barn and Jubilee Pavillion in recent years Confederation to 1949 by R. "Cc. Brown Congo Kitabu by Jean-Pierre Hallet "ae of the Nation by IW. M. Kilbourn Will the Real Gordon Mark (Noel Harrison) assigned to thwart a THRUSH smugg- ling operation are shipwrecked on an island ruled by Genghis Gomez VIII (oMnty Landis) who considers trespassing a crim- inal 'offense punishable by bizarre ordeals, (Channel 2, 8 11 at 7:30 p.m.) WOJECK--In this, the final show of the series, a young Italian construction worker dies as the result of sickness brought on by conditions in an under- ground excavation, Wojeck (John. Vernon) 'orders an in- quest. Guest star is Bruno Gerussi as Mario, (Channel 3, 6, 12 at 9:00 p.m.) WEDNESDAY YOUNG PEOPLE'S CON- CERT -- On the first of four programs this year from Phii- harmonic Hall in New York's Lincoln Centre, Conductor-nar- rator Leonard Bernstein dis- cusses, What Is A Mode? (Channel 4 at 7:30 p.m.) HOCKEY -- Chicago Black) Hawks vs Toronto Maple Leafs at Maple Leaf Gardens Toronto. (Channel 9 at 8:30 p.m.) THURSDAY SMOKEY THE BEAR -- James Cagney narrated this musical fantasy about the bear cub who grew up to become the symbol of the U.S. Forest Service fire prevention pro- gram, (Channel 2 and 8 at 7:30 p.m.) MOVIE -- Jason and the Argonauts, with Todd Arm- oo and Nancy Kovack, on the Greek legend of the quest for the Golden Fleece. (Channel 4 at 9:00 p.m.) FRIDAY WORLD OF ANIMALS Lorne Green of Bonanza hosts the show, It's A Dogs World, From the high-priced show dogs to the family mutt, cam- eras examine the lives of canines around the country. (Channel 2 and 8 at 7:30 p.m.) GREY CUP PARADE -- Hosts of this live coverage of the Grey Cup Parade in Van- couver are Bob Quintrell and Dinah Christie. (Channel 6 at in\§ SHOW TIMES AT MOVIES REGENT -- Starting tomor- row for three days, two hits in technicolor. Uncle Napoleon and Uncle Illya are back. Those two all-American agents you love the most are at it again, in their hottest ad- venture yet. Robert Vaughn and David McCallum in One Spy Too Many. Shown daily at 1.30, 5.25 and|, 9.30 p.m. Also on the same program, Cary Grant and Eva Marie Jerry Lewis In "WAY WAY OUT" Deen Martin In "FOUR FOR TEXAS" All Colour Show (Adult) Open At 7 P.M. Show At 7:30 fet. & Sun, Open S P.M, Show 6:30 Children Under 12 Free Free in-Cor Heaters BAY RIDGES bern ear m-ames 668-2692 839-3621 SATURDAY NIGHT DANCE heed BLACK HARBOUR N, B.'s LARRY THOMPSON AND THE ANCHORMEN FEATURING KARL MURPHY Oldtime and Modern RED BARN DANCING Admission 9 PM, TO 12 $1.50 SES BEEBE GEILE: ¢ , ' Saint in North by Northwest. A mystery thriller, Shown daily at 3.05 and 7.10 p.m, Last complete show at 7.10 p.m, Starting ofr "Wednesday for an extended run from the most powerful best seller of our dec- 'ame Carol Reed's production of Diane Cilento, Shown daily at 2.00, 4.20, 6.45 and 9.05 p.m. Last com- plete show at 9.05 p.m. PLAZA -- iow playing until next Tuesday, Dead Heat on a Merry-Go-Round, Coburn, Camilla Sparv. James Bond type of spy thrill maroc ABLAZE OF COLOR AND A slab atl ------ THRILLING GYMNASTIC DISPLAY COMPANY of 150 iN THE Peterborough Memorial Centre 21, cs Monday, Nov. 8:15 p.m. Prices 3.00, 2,50, Telephone end Mell Welcome. 743-3561 with ohana Bh er, James Coburn as the man of many names. In color. Shown daily at 1.30, 3.25, 5.25, 7.25 and 9.25, Last complete show at 9.10 p.m, Starting next Wednesday Wil- liam Holden and Richard Widmark in Alvarez Kelly, a western story during the U.S. Civil War. Also in color. Shown daily at 1.30, 3.25, 6.25, en 7.25 and 9.25, Last complete show at 9,10 p.m, NEW ODEON -- Today only, Dean Martin, Alain Delon and Loey Bishop, a swingin', fun romp western comedy _ that features the frontier, Texas Across The River, in color, 9 Entertainment er. e ali Shown today, continuous from 1,00 p.m. Starting tomorrow, powerful and provocative is Rod Steiger in his magnificent role in The Pawnbroker, A role for which he was nominated. for an aca- demy award, Admittance re- stricted to persons 18 years old and over. Sunday continuous from 2.00 p.m,, weekdays at 7.00 p.m, and 9.15 p.m. Saturday contini- ous from 1,00 p.m, MARKS -- Today and tomor- row only, The Ghost and Mr. . On the same pro- Joan Stale " wild Winter, with gram Wi 'Gary Clarke, ( CROSSWINDS with CAROL CRAIG Sounds Unheord of -- end one Sultry Songstress e Seturdey 4 P.M, to 6 P.M, LICENSED ¢ | Sinclair Please Stand Up? by Gordon Sinclair : NEWS - Mrs. M. Buttars, reference Mbrarian, attended the Ref- 'grence Workshop held at ~~ 'University on November -- the main topic discussed 'was "Regional Reference Serv- fice in Ontario." Miss Ruth Brooking and Mrs, W. V. Mc- pv ely women the first news presented by the Pub- lic Relations and Publicity Committee of the Ontario Library Association held in Toronto November 2nd. Miss Edna Jamieson attended the School and Intermediate Sec- tion of the O.L.A. on Nig 8 22 in Richview Library. 9:30 p.m. as he made his way to the | 9:00 p.m.) top of the ladder in the Country and Western music field. 'ij * SATURDAY x §f Dancin' and Romancin' For Courtin' Couples & Mames end Pepes. JERRY REIDT and his orchestra Reservations---723-2143 Soupae-taab r od ONE WEEK ONLY W. B. BRYDON HUNT OF EVES, 8:30 P.M. Mon.-Thurs, and Mezz $3 00 steam $00 Balcony 2.25 BOX OFFICE OPENS 11 Bole. THE ROYAL LOCATIONS Please Order From Your Nearest Store PEPI'S PIZZA PALACE 18 134 Simcoe S. 728-0192 STORE HOURS: Mon. to Thurs. 4:15 P.M, to 1 AM, & Set. Fri. 4:00 P.M, te 2 A : 4 P.M, te 12 Midnight PEPI'S PIZZA PICK-UP 64 Rossland W. 723-0241 Sun, to Thurs.--4 to 12 P.M, Fri, to Sat. -- 4 P.M, to 2 --s -- NOV. 21 to 26 CLAYTON CORBIN N-- THE SUN ---- MATS. 2 P.M. Fri.-Sat. $6.00 4.50 if Sun. Wed. Mat. Sat. Mat, $3.50 ry 74 3.50 2.75 i: So A.M. to 9 P.M, any Os HISTO @ MUSIC November gpa ee large be MR, C, Tax Deductions will @ Membersh Poet. Mr. Tooley's district. The public RE ROE ATE. RS © Special Opening of Henry House Museum Featuring Traditional CHRISTMAS ACTIVITIES From 2 to 5 p.m. Admission Adults 25¢ Children 10c. Groups may make special er- rengements for other times. @ Robinson House Restoration Fund it to the museum during the special opening or they may be sent to . CORNELIUS, Treosurer, 282 Baldwin Street, Oshawa . be made out to the . . SE REL LE SR & hawaand District RICAL SOCIETY @ REFRESHMENTS @ NEW DISPLAYS 19 and 20 and November 22 to 27 atk or small, to this worthwhile project are welcome. Donations may Cheques should . Oshawa ond District Historical Society. Receipts for Income be issued ip Meeting Will be held in the McLoughlin Public Library Theatre on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 28th. ot Bom... . The speaker will be MR, RALPH TOOLEY, Oshowa's Pioneer colorful reminiscences will delight everyone interested in the is cordially invited to attend. and Saturday at ES LE EGGS: > THIS WEEK See You Next Week "Glin Gl TECHNICOLOR ' a MAE ye » STARRING : GARY CLARKE + CHRIS NOEL SPECIAL GUEST STARS! esteem JAY {Xe AMERICANS S| BEAU BRUMMELS BEAU BRUMMELS DICK ANODEE DEE 4] THE ASTRONAUTS JACKIE ANDGAYLE J] & vaio SONGS CoP MUSIC MAN BOB MERCER COMEDY PLUS TWO GORGEOUS GALS Entertainment Nightly et 9 P.M, MATINEE SATURDA' FULLY Y 4 P.M. TO 6 P.M, LICENSED DUNDAS S1 WHITBY presents Big Leugh Comedy Exciting Ex (THE SLICKEST, SWINGIN'EST CON-MAN | WHO EVER TOOK THE WORLD ss A RIDE! LIVERPOOL RO. WAT 401 942-1250 TE PEE DRIVE-IN SHOW Starts At 7:30 P.M, -- In- AGENTS? Children Under 12 Free Box Office Opens 7:00 P.M, Heaters FREE WAYNE The CADIL DANCING NIGHTLY Coming NEXT SPOTLIGHT REVIEW 300 Ib. MR. T.ILN.Y. (Al Mason) AN EXTRA PLUS MISS CINDY LOU-oooh ! TOMMY DANTON, M.C. and THE IMPACTS fecturing MeKINNON, organ Mr. Bonney's Showcase T.N.T. and Song at its best otic Dancing LAC HOTEL 9900 0060050606866660C8 0000008008008 9 to Midnight in the Dining Lounge WEEK To The a ROOM" ON THE HONKY TONK PIANO with Vocalist of Gay 90's Vintage TONITE ONLY -- CHUCK ALLAN TRIO eee UNDER UOR CONTROL pon D> OF ONTARIO Georgian Motor Hotel Thornton Rd. South at Champlain Ave. Chicken, with Don Knotts and Shown Saturday continuous from 1.00 p.m, Sunday continu- ous from 2.00 p.m. Starting next Thursday a documentary, in color on na- tive life. It's Macabro, A re- Stricted picture, Also as an added feature Who Killed Ted- dy Bear, with Juliet Prowse and Sal Mineo. This is also a restricted picture. Shown Saturday, continuous Saturday and Sunday evenings at 7.00 p.m, | dren's matinee on afternoon beginning START; RELIVING HIS TORTURED PAST IN THE PRESE "wy (ANA cd OLIVER A. UNGER prone THE 39 KING ST. EAST 'STARTS THE UNCONO There will be a special chil- TODAY ONLY! TEXAS ACROSS THE RIVER ODEON THEATRE p.m. and on Sunday afternoon beginning at 2.00 p.m. CLAIM CLEAN RECORD Bulgarian authorities say no murder or serious crime in the last 20 years has gone unde- tected IZZA Phone 723-0241 or 728-0192 SUNDAY NT "BEST FILM NEW PHONE 725-5833 SUNDAY! UERABLE ARE AT IT AGAIN! Napoleon and Illya are roped into the wildest adventure yet... facing one close shave afteranother! /, ®. 1 TH: PRONE. UAL CRY GRA AND ALFRED CACO YE TE YU SY MIC SUSPENSE 8 MART RECTION TODAY "ONLY ! ELVIS PRESLEY 'SPINOUT' oe IN COLOR ae life for your chil music with a Great musicians -- performers and composers = constantly help to make life more.enjoyable. Can any- thing then be of more importance to your children? A knowledge of music will bring to them an appreciation of the finer things and lead to a fuller, richer life. With music, your child will find so many other ways to develop . . . greater self-expression; mental alertness and a development of their personal charm. Choose a Mason & Risch piano for it's glorious tone and responsive touch, choose the finest -- a Mason & Risch -- for the budding artists in your family, More parents do, The finest instrument -- on the easiest terms, Eastern Ontario's Largest Music Centre WILSON & LEE Lid. 87 SIMCOE ST. NORTH 725-4706 OPEN THURS. & FRI, 'TIL @ P.M.

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