edence Is THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdoy, Janvory iW, 1967 7 y i Iways and Inflation are among today's ;guage rivalries Inside the party)last July the government had ee : hg By Papel rf ibd uae add| most serious problems and need lin power. 372,900 employees. The tata ier Canada Cabinet tion caiiaat sworn in nearly 100 new faces to his cabinet. Walter |the undivided attention of a min-| Another factor is the fast-,comprises about 120,000 civil) . Pearson years ago. Gordon's return last week, as a'ister and his staff, jgrowing work load carried by|Servants in departments re iat l Di t t 'as prime Sir John A, Macdonald doub-/minister without portfolio for) Since taking office in 1963, the |ministers, who often put in 10 ministrative agencies, abou & era 1S ric : vcinet > La the time being, was long advo-|Liberals have set up four new|to 16 hours a day shuttling be-|105.000 servicemen and 148,000 Mt pedi Grows In Size led as prime minister and -jus- jcated by the Liberals' so-called! departments -- industry, solici- ltween their office, cabinet ses-|!n Crown corporations and semi | net he- tice minister and had 12 col-|jef, wing. tor-general, manpower 'and reg-|sions, the Commons, pub1ic|autonomous agencies. ] 1945. Mr, jleagues. The federal ministry} ' ASE DEPARTMENTS istrar-general. Several other de- jappearances and constituency) Ministers receive a total in-| ee ing (@ | e a minis. By RONALD, LEBEL more additions expected within grew to 20 members during the INCRE. 'em partments have been reorgan-|business. /demnity of $35,000 a year and) gee fp righ Mig 'nite, Mme sroup wow is ae _| eee. | The federal government is! the consensus in political cir-) OTTAWA (CP)--Mayor Don'day to discuss the province's ain's cabinet was trimmed to 21| Prime Minister Pearson's' The ministries of Louis St.|ing for the creation of two de- The steady expansion of thejoasily the biggest ACUEATHATION igs is that most of them earn|Reid and his four - member 'position on the capital area' bee IED members from 23 lasf week, the | ministry, representing a popula- | Laurent and John Diefenbaker partments--housing and consu- Iso been spurred'in Canada, The prime minister's income|hoard of control will meet Pre-coming a federal district. ' y 5mer affairs. They argue that|Cabinet has als w to hit pap err roe © foe ee ee: joage oag, le] Seah a creeps ad cog) \the mushroom growth of cities by regional, Ideological ant lan- | The latest statistics show that is $40,000. Imier Robarts in Toronto Thurs-| Mayor Reid has said he is op parks, ord size o S, { OTTAWA (CP) -- While Brit- posed to the idea unless it has support from the majority of Ottawa citizens. Premier Ro barts has assured the mayor the city will be given advance notice of any such plan. Carleton University Professor Donald ©. Rowat, without the city's knowledge, prepared a ree port on the feasibility of a fed- leral district. The board hopes |the contents of the report will |be disclosed at the Toronto meeting. A committee of federal MPs has been formed to study a fed- eral district for Ottawa, but Mayor Reid believes the final decision on any plan rests with the Ontario legislature. The Rowat report is rumored |to recommend a new type of federal district with local gove ernment in the hands of a coun cil composed of both publicly. elected and federally-appointed officials. The mayor and controllers are also seeking special: provin- cial aid for an extensive road network, including a $50,000,000 ,downtown,* underground -- free- way, in the Olttawa-Hull area jand a freeway link to Highway 401, 50 miles to the south. Crowds Tour er ep ar nee emt mE Frozen Foods! Savings on Canned Foods! j ip rs oranceiuce] ALPHA-GETTI 2°49. 12-0z 12-fl- (BEEF & KIDNEY, BEEF, CHILI CON CARNE, CORNED BEEF HASH OR JAMBALAYA) poly bags oztins ¢ 8-ox tins Reg. 2 bags 45¢ -- SAVE 14 4 6-fl.-oz. tins 89¢ VEGETARIAN STYLE CLARK BEANS 3-49 7 || Ottawa Site ONTARIO'S APRICOTS ox tn 2 g uQBTANA CP) -- Rr a | app SALE 0 : | FISH STICKS 0x 469% | | C6p Fish cakes :39. WHOLE PEARS - GRAIN FED WHY PAY MORE? "oe ss "| COME SEE...YOU'LLSAVE '2° | Canada Farms (Cocoanut Creme, or Coffee Mocha) / CREME CAKES 3-:»1.00 Clark (Beef, Chicken or Turkey) FEATURE PRICE! MEAT PIES 4 8-02 pkgs eg. ' mece Oc¢ctood Buys! Baus A&P Brand Breaded "a nm a =a A house at $1 a head. The grey stone mansion on the bank of the Ottawa River now is the residence of the British high commissioner, Sir Henry Lintott. Blonde, attractive Lady Line tott will guide the half - hour tours which will include a view of the room where Sir John A. died, and his study with its es cape route to the garden. The tour plan has proved se SAVE CASH AT AaP! | pcos svterenit Canada's first prime minister i lived at the house from 1883 te | 1891 and "_ it is name, crowd tours what used to be his POUND FAST FRY LOIN , | wrorromes * 5S 9=20-PORK ROAST fac: 3 9.. 18¢|PORK' chops | +89" | carci s SUPER- | "rerar' *49:-20./PORK ROAST .227", »49.-18«sonk'cios «59. | DockHandStol pao Ne aaaaiegg 'Gallons Of Rum RIGHT Sao * 5 5-20: ROASTING HAMS 272: »6.9:-20.| errmsg, | ssi ett ig SIDE PORK BY na PIECE -- eee aa ul rum stolen from the Canada porrionsait * S De= 20s 69-10: conus 379. Steamship Lines terminal here Sunday, January 29. LOIN last September. SAVING PER POUND 20¢ f ID: Be PO R TENOSRLOIN th ? SIDE PORK SLICED lb 6 9. si 1 Ox CENTRECUTS ot ert, a dock han, vi J (Cs tq ; arrested by police who stoppe PORTION -- Sliced @) PORK - |his car Sept. 11 and found the Ib c | ' F bs BONELESS ne Dae rn § 9 i & & five-gallon plastia RIB HALF 5 7 1 SIDE PORK RIBS Ib 5 9.. 1 Or Sea About 100 workers walked off ¢ LOIN Ib (= & SPARE SIDE B ACON" PAG 49 {oliowing day when Bera mas %a-lb pkg ¢ ired hey returned to work the SAVING PER POUND 4¢ ol son a eee : win' 667-18 PORK LIVER <= +39. 6 ie | WELL HALF LOIN 's C 8X BRAND | Port Credit is 15 miles west WIENERS. 2.1b bag 99. of Toronto, erga" +75.-20|MINCED PORK ~~ 59-10) neem is € pi inlocienslaneie - TRIMMED ROAST Ib '7 ¢ . ALLGOOD, SMOKED, BLICED, RINDLESS 'CBC To Screen : s Lear 'Top Neo-Nazi 679-20 "rom le J c= | Qe (= C PORK i 2 Centre Cuts : Pe tiartcealy "Tusedey thet Age ihe. Netoatl Btnelatis baits ' n ri wae vettaon *O9=16/PORK HOCKS +3 3:- 2 ian Ae st ame Cut into 9 to if chops on the public affairs program Monarch Pouch-Pak CAKE or ICING MIX Reg. Price pkg. 980 -- SAVE 4e 237. FEATURE PRICE! T.V. Snack * y' LIDO COOKIES Ue 89. Nine Lives FEATURE PRICE! Maxwell House (20¢ Off Deal) 100% Pure Corn Oil Reg. Price btl. 8ic--SAVE 6¢ ee 7G. Reg. Price jar $1:13 -- SAVE AN EXTRA 4e Last week, the Canadian Jew- ish Congress issued a statement | expressing opposition to the re- | ported appearance of the official lof the party, which is said to |have pro-Nazi leanings, on a 'CBC program. At that time, however, a CBC spokesman said ven Thadden | was not scheduled to appear on | any CBC Program. Plastic Milk foo Facial Tissus, White. or Coloured FEATURE PRICE! TUNA 3 6-oz 49 INSTANT 6-0z 09 read ae Rep. geo A . me 100 Waring lesuad KLEENEX S2ee.00 CAT FOOD. 0 "SF 7° corre 1. ig ere ae | aM ne Quaker Oatmeal Cookie & Reg. Price pkg. 59e -- SAVE 4e Esquire (Black, Brown or White) MUFFIN MIXES =» 5 5 CUFF KOTE Liquid Reg. Price Jug 49e -- SAVE 4e JAVEX BLEACH s+torisdh 5« Chicken Parts or Beef Stew, Mix'N Match FEATURE PRICE Reg. tin 35¢ -- SAVE é¢ F POSH De White or Coloured Reg. Price i. 55¢ -- SAVE be SCOTT rowns Qe Kraft Pure PET FOOD socer 3 veri Qe. Reg. Price jar 780 -- SAVE 100 STRAWBERRY a TA Petroleum Jelly VASELINE Plain or Salted Premium £39. (18¢ Off Deal) Laundry Detergent Reg. Price box 83c -- SAVE AN EXTRA 14¢ DETERGENT "= QO Qe FEATURE PRICE! ubpks > Se oa HEINZ KETCHUP i CRACKERS CHRISTIE'S Betty Crocker Reg. Price pkg. 356 -- SAVE ile PUDDING MIXES 2.1: 59 (Chocolate, Caramel or Lemon) cree 37. FEATURE PRICEI MARGARINE "OQ SOFTIQUE Heinz (In Tomato Sauce) SPAGHETTI ~ (i in Tomato Sauce) HEINZ BEANS Carnation EVAP. MILK 2%-floz bt 1.39 48.--fl-oz tin 49 48-fl-oz tin 49< FEATURE PRICE 4 15-fl-ox tins 6 LC \ Salutes Canada's way / / 100th Birthday! 'ote ALL PRICES IN THIS AD GUARANTEED THROUGH SATURDAY, JANUARY 14th, 1967. milk consumers against putting liquids other than milk in ree | turnable plastic milk jugs. The warning came after a five-months-old baby girl was kept in hospital for observation jafter being given milk from a | jug which smelled of turpentine. | Council Appoints | | Division Director OTTAWA (CP)--The National Research Council Tuesday an- nounced the appointment of Wil- liam A, Cumming, 40, as direc. tor of. its radio and electrical engineering division. A native of Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., who joined NRC in 1947, he was project engineer on the council's new 150-foot radio tele' scope in Ontario's Algonquin | Park.