"= + cw OF ST OT CTH SF EHR ESR go -8 SR FP a eh ne yee . vy awe We ew ee -- Oe Ne a et ¢ 1¢ which, ff an re violated ana 23 THE OSHAWA TIMES, ill be taken Wednesday, January 11, 1967 - it emphatically that mass pun- be meted out. 's action fol- r sit-demonstra- mers that ended THIS IS WHERE IT ALL STARTED! t FARMER uces more than rtilizer a year, relieve Use Dodd's Kidney Pills for prompt relief from the systemic condi- tion causing the backache. Soon Disaster strikes! $2,000. fire forced IMMEDIATE removal of entire stock because of smoke damage! STOREWIDE EMERGENCY SMOKE i| SALE The fire ow 9 was done. t Representative North and South -- Mrs. E. J. ' xs were ur cee Wadsworth and John Miller, : : for avout an ho' eat : es 172; Mrs. J. A. Silgailis and E. gcene ithe blaze, THE SS syn" s a A ( i urs } . Coles, 157; Mrs. J. A. Mac- ng \ m:. a D. Coles Mrs. J. A. Mac : ys first fire of a B 8 = aia ae ENTIRE $65,000. STOCK OF NEW FURNITURE, TV'S APPLIANCES, STEREOS MUST BE LIQUIDATED FAST! R. Drew, 149; A. Little and R. vent other aamaze fT? East and West -- Mrs. K. Hunter and Mrs. W. Heron, 159; j ; S. Hall and W. Clarke, 157; Mrs. F. J. Rundle and Mrs. H. B. James, 147; R. Normoyle [= NO HOLDOUTS M. Maly, as ' Mire B Mortis. nd Mrs, E. Let's face it +. we're stuck ! That 2,000 fire damaged our sign and ate its way into our ceilings. K. Marden, a: Mr. and Mrs. ag Prompt action of the fire department saved a major disaster, but the smoke damage has forced sa af Jan, 3 Ape removal of the entire $65,000. stock. EVERYTHING MUST GO without exception. You will find it tirsdh and' Joh" Woiter:: §s° difficult (if not impossible) to detect any smoke odour in the bulk of this stock and certainly sample appliances will not be affected to any great degree, but we have decided to liquidate it all AT ONCE, No holdbacks or holdouts. All the good has been lumped with the bad ! No prior bids will be accepted nor any reservations or.en block sales. This merchandise is ALL being made available to the public. Time means money -- and we're losing both. We must get this sale out of the way fast to allow us to get back to our regular business, Everything goes ! RIGHT TO THE BARE WALLS. Make no mis- take about it! There are bargains for you at Yolles Oshawa Shopping Centre if you'll come down. FIRST COME -- FIRST SERVED. DON'T MISS IT ! rest better. Dee pend on Dodd's AERTS TER 6 BACK FROM HANOI ] Grace Newman, 39, one 01 of four American women Sea who spent Christmas week in North Vietnam, sits in her apartment in New York's Bronx borough to- day and fingers an orna- cones ment she brought back from _ Hanoi. Mrs. Newman said MERRIE she spent 11 days in North Vietnam with three other "@-f-c-h-? women as observers for the Women's Union of the U.S. peace movement. She ex- pressed horror at what she y, termed the results of U.S. Cs bombing in Hanoi. "The UB only thing they're not drop- . ping on Hanoi is napalm," she declared. (AP Wirephoto) BRIDGE SCORES AY The winners and high scores} in games played by the Osh- FE F awa, Brooklin, General Motors and Golf Club Duplicate Bridge Clubs were: cou ne VOR So, ed 300 Grenfell £ wilding- ment at awa ared in with! Hs the Osha. ment b tn aparl D0 Year Clipping From The Oshawa Times Mrs. M. R. Clarke and K. Adams, 75; John Condos and Peter Kalikonen, 71; Mrs. Sil- coe gailis and Mrs. M. Kashul, 71; R dl f t : Sirs, Bh cup and Mrs. egardiess of Condition A. Rundle, 69. East and West -- R. Fergu- gon and Pe acorg hg honk = Mrs, E. Jeffery, 70; Mrs. K. i : ek Hunter and 44 Niglis, 65; R. We will hold back nothing! Even the bulk of the merchandise that is in Normoyle and W, Neil, 64; R. Morris and D. McCualg, 62. first class condition will be offered at liquidation prices in order to clean the BROOKLIN floors FAST ! We want it all out so we can get back to regular business. Dec. 21 : itech On Bak oo Mew & EVERYTHING GOES TO THE BARE WALLS -- and new stock is on the , Marden and Mrs. M. R. Clarke, : : : : $1; Mrs. W. Heron and Mrs. way in to replace every sample now in the store. Every item... every suite Mocvee' sos' Sota iltisr, 78: .. ., every piece will go. It's STOREWIDE .. . it's an EMERGENCY . . . we Mr. and Mrs. H. Barker, 75; A R tee : 7 F. Patterson and R. Niglis, have no choice but to clean out everything. FIRST COME FIRST SERVED. 65. No holdouts -- no holdbacks. No prior bids will be accepted. The doors East and West -- Mrs. S&S, Sheridan and J. Coles, 73; Miss open at 9 a.m. Thursday morning. Be first and get first choice of the best A. V. Drummond and P. Kali- konen, 71; Dr. and Mrs. of the lot. DON'T MISS IT ! Mickles, 70; J. H. Winter and R. Howe, 70; Mrs. Silgailis and E. D. Coles, 66. Dec. 28 Mrs. Wadsworth and Mrs. W. Medland, Mr. and Mrs. R. Mor- ris, 86; Mrs. Marden and L. Peel, 81; Miss Drummond and Mrs. H. Cruwys, gf LA be Fc A Ross and D. Morris, 70 e ALL SALES FINAL North ont Rian Mo Barker and Mrs. Wadsworth, Re a @ NO EXCHANGES OR REFUNDS Miller, 87; Mrs. Marden and Mrs. Clarke, 86. East and West -- Mrs. K. Hunter and R. Niglis, 116; Mrs. e NO PHONE, MAIL OR C.0.D. R. Barrand and Mrs. a 89; Miss G. Bovay an rs. . A. , 82; Miss Drum- ete Bi Ww. Mediand, 81. ORD ERS GENERAL ee Dec. itt: A Hina ana! @ IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ONLY Kalikonen, 62; Mrs: R. Morris : AS Tia needa gee i . +. all goods must be delivered by the end of the sale. Hall and W. Clarke, A. Vaillan- court and , 57. North and South --_ Mrs. e@ STORAGE PRIVILEGES CANNOT Marden and od eh ef Mrs. R. Drew and R. Niglis, 99, i ae Sk tals ond Poe BE ALLOWED $5; Mr. and Mrs. H. Barker, 83. East West re o conga d J. Drummond, 95; a Oe oti and Mrs. R. Fleming, @ USUAL CREDIT TERMS WILL APPLY 94; R. White and J. Condos, 92; J. F. Patterson and J. Millér, 88; Mrs. Hunter and Mrs. W. Heron, ye pee r) NO MONEY DOWN North and South -- Mr. and Mrs. R. Vickery, 76; Mr. and Mrs. A. Henry, 71; F. ge age ee ee ye @ EXTRA SALES STAFF TO SERVE YOU strong, 64; Mr. and Mrs. P. Chubb, 64. East and West -- Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Reid, 69; Mrs. J. Humphreys and Mfrs. K. Braith- waite, 64; Mrs. W. H. Karn and Mrs. H. B. James, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Elliott and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Austin, 64 MANY ITEMS GOING FOR A FRACTION OF VALUE Includes our entire stock of living room, bedroom, dining room, dinette furniture, mattresses, continen- tals, bedding of all kinds, bed-chesterfields, bed-davenports, refrigerators, washers, TV sets, stereos, 3-way combinations. Literally hundreds of items will go. ALL REDUCED FOR FAST SALE. Many One-Only's -- Everything Goes! No holdbacks or holdouts. All floor ples, and merchandise that was in the warehouse section of the store will be cleared. Merchandise will be tagged as it is sold and the goods removed from the floor. THIS INCLUDES EVERY- THING! All-these brand-name products too! Kroehler, Standard, Kaufman, Sklor, Vilas, Fleetwood, RCA, Liberty, Findlay, Hoover, Beverly, Serta, Springwall and many, many others. Our loss can be your again! NOW IS THE TIME FOR YOU TO SAVE. First come -- first served. All goods subject to prior sale. Many one-only's and samples. OPEN THURS. AND FRI. 'til 9 P.M. YOLLES Serving Canadian Homes Since 1896 : OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 725-3519 re