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Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Jan 1967, p. 10

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him help to guide the spoon of to put some of the food into his mouth with his fingers. As soon as your baby begins b! feed himself he will not eat/™ 10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, January 16, 1967 ANN LANDERS | WEDDING ALBUM |'HLD GUIDANCE A record for your Wedding Album ts provided by The | Never Force Child To Eat Oshagva Times Women's Page. Forms are available at The Oshawa Times office. Early publication of this wedding Dear Ann Landers: I'd like to the woman with the jealous husband. Mine was like that, too, and for absolutely no rea- son, Finally I asked him to tell me why he was so suspicious. He replied: "Because I'm in- gecure. You don't pay enough attention to me." That evening he asked me to listen for the telephone while he took a bath. I told him to heck with the telephone, I warited to keep him company. I perched myself on the rim of the tub and described my day. (I ig- nored his sighs of boredom.) After his bath he went to the den to read the newspaper and I curled up in his lap and stayed there until he asked me to please get off because I was getting heavy. Then I insisted that he come to the kitchen and keep me company while I did) the dishes. The next day I telephoned him at work three times to say I was lonesome for him and to Absurd Routine Cures Husband's Jealousy Dear Ann Landers: I recently read the letter from the mother centrating on the three Rs. I wish the mother who wrote me for 24 hours. For the last with delinquents and criminals. While many lawbreakers are poorly educated, some have had excellent schooling. They get into trouble not because they are uneducated but because they have had no character training. I would like to tell the com- plaining mother that she should be thankful for teachers who talk about honesty and integrity because some students never earn about these things at home. The child who grows up with 'no character training and no example to follow is a men- who lambasted teachers who) ; : : : "waste" school time trying to| Saint Joseph's Roman Catho-|plain peau de soie holding @ children die from hunger. build character instead of con-) 30 years I have been working|pR 3, Oshawa, to Murray Al- record is facilitated by submitting the completed form and a picture of the bride to the Women's Editor as soon as possible after the ceremony. You are asked to submit the names_of out-of-town guests attending the wedding to the social editor either before or the day after the wedding. Lockie - Laviolette \lic Church, Calgary, Alberta,|double shoulder - length veil of Saturday afternoon, of Marie|cascade bouquet of pink aris- and Mrs. J. Edward Laviolette,|thers of white carnations. The maid of honor was Miss lan Lockie, son of Mr. and/Ferne Bowness, Calgary. The Mrs. Frank William Lockie,/flower girl and ringbearer Calgary. were two cousins, Miss Colleen The Reverend Father Triene-|Lockie and Michael Lockie, also kens officiated and the soloist,/of Calgary. Mrs. Merrill Strong, was ac-| The bridegroom's brother, companied by Miss Kathleen|Donald Lockie, was the best man Wright, both of Calgary. and two more brothers, Dorsey Given in marriage by herjand Douglas Lockie were the |brother, Robert Joseph Lavio-| ushers. ilette, Oshawa, the bride was| Following the reception held |wearing a forma! decollete|at the Beacon Hotel, the couple lgown with bell - shaped skirt/left for a honeymoon in Oshawa jand shoe - string straps topped and outlying areas. For travel- . | i > t : please come straight home. He/@¢e to society. One of the best |. 4 short - sleeved bolero. The ling the bride chose a beige said he'd. be home at 6:15. When he arrived at 6:25 1 asked | him why he was late. I said I was worried. definitions I have ever heard is} this one: '"'Characteris what you are |brocaded peau de soie gown)wool double knit suit with when you think nobody is|was énhanced by a detachable brown accessories. On their re- looking." You have my permis-|train of plain peau de soie fall-/turn, Mr. and Mrs Lockei will sion to print my letter and myjing from the waistline. Her/make their home at 1916 19th If He Doesn't when they. are hungry; that is, most do. But with half the world going hungry, there must be millions of hungry babies who don't eat. In North Amer- \ica not many babies and young Most mothers are able to pro- was the setting for the marriage,|nylon tulle and she carried ajvide their children with abun- Jdance of food, often highly nu- tritious food. However some of that letter could stand behind|Reta Cordelia, daughter of Mr.|tocrat roses surrounded by ~~ these mothers haven't been able to cultivate in the baby andj young child a good appetite. Whether the infant is breast- fed or bottle-fed, if he doesn't choose to eat or eat a reason- able amount, consult your pe- |diatrician (baby specialist), if at all possible. For 4 few moth- ers this does not yet seem pos- sible, and you and I and the community should be con- cerned. Don't try to force the infant to eat. Don't push the nipple into his mouth against his re- sistance. Observe this simple rule with all foods as he grows older. The infant is most likely to enjoy eating in a relaxed calm and quiet family atmos- phere while held gently and tenderly. CHILDREN HELP Though it may seem conven- Want To | By GARRY C. MYERS, PhD |in this liquid. If a mash, it Babies and young children eat|could be no bigger than a pea. } |FEEDING SELF Many a mother beginning to feed the baby from a spoon puts far too much on the spoon and pushes it into the youngster far too fast. After the baby has taken semi-solids from a spoon enjoyably, its mother fs in- jclined to push such foods into him too fast and beyond the time when he wants any more, even when he closes the lips against it or ejects the foods. Try to let the child feed him- iself or help feed himself as eas- ily as he reasonably can, letting what he doesn't want or more) than he wants. While the baby may at times | welcome your helping him a bit as he grows tired of handling the spoon, watch yourself lest you push food into him against his resistance. Always keep in mind that he will eat when he is hungry. Be concerned about cultivating his appetite more than about the food he con- sumes. ANSWERING QUESTIONS Q. Is it better to ask the child of the second or third grade to let you hear him read to you or for him to ask you to hear him read? A. The latter, of course. 4 i I r : Dy Pag Pere Baten ot Magia = name. I am sheriff of New|headdress was a crown of al-javenue, north - west Calgatyjient for the nursing mother to | Gent finally he asked me to Jeave|Haven County. -- J. EDWARD |ternating petals of brocaded and' Alberta. rock gently in a chair or to lie : | wore SLAVIN | down while feeding the infant, NOW ON -- REDUCTIONS TO 50% {| ath him alone. I told him I was only trying to make him feel secure.| Dear Sheriff: Many thanks for y she does better, as a rule, while | He said, "I am so secure now |a superb letter. I hope thou- Le Good ll sitting up in a non-rocker. While ; | I am suffocating. Please get off |sands of teachers from coast to vine se a lying down she may fall asleep | my back." neon will see it--and I'm ony In the Brickell Town Houses and thus a the baby's | M. i 1 they will. A recent survey made * eating habits. Or if in a rocker e | sai Cas tee ak 8 de by the National Educational As-|Miami Beach, Florida, on Sat- she nay put him '6: ico 7 STORES TORONTO * HAMILTON + OSHAWA | trace of jealousy.--Victorious {sociation revealed that this col-|urday, January 7, Dianne Carol soon. SELASSIE ESPN Tc Dear Vic: Thanks for letting|umn is read by more teachers|Goodall, Miami, Florida, Where there are older. chil: us in on the great experiment. |than any other column. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. dren,.one of them may énjoy|™ The wife with adhesive qualities |George Parkin, Oshawa, was holding the baby several months Osha does not make her husband feel| Confidential to Needed Anjumited in marriage to Arthur of age, with his bottle. This can 154 a\ secure, she merely underscores| Unbiased Opinion: You should|Robert Levine, son of Hyman Sortie the tateat with bens '< tei her- own. insecurity. Moreover,|not have discussed your per- Levine, Miami Beach, and the gently held and can cultivate in cafete she displays a sorry lack of con-|sonal troubles with those two. late fs. Ethel Levine. PaaS the older child kind and tender servic fidence which can cause bitter|The only people who will listen| | F' "Sent © se the Gino. Will relations 'with the baby. Hospil resentment. Too many peoplelobjectively to both sides of an|the East 'epg noe 8 A da wish or tee calles Dr. never learn that the surest way |argument are the neighbora-- poe = pork wn oul rf a Ge is nna' pari of-the to put out a fire is to smother jand to them it's purely enter-|¥°S' street, ami, . Mitch it tainment. Florida. duces early foods other than tor of i ' milk > te the ry food, 800-ho : strained semi-solids at first, nit: Jewel Designing Is THE STARS SAY oh hg = oleh Be ge ) #00 an Ty ome mothers are temp' r) hare By ESTRELLITA poo > tatent peor long on 80414 . s s trained and chopped foods 600-ho FOR TOMORRO " : : Fi ascinating Occupation Carefully Soead changes in thus delaying his opportunities 17, wt p : your methods could save time, | jto develop chewing. As you can credit: By ROBERTA ROESCH for the Pakistan pavilion for the | money and energy now. Make! see, normal early chewing ex- Mario Barbara Anton is one working |recent New York world fair.!no drastic alterations where : D tcote | relgte to enjoyments ward, girl with a jewel-like purpose That and other major commis:|things are running smoothly, of foods later. ward, f sions brought her opportunities|however. You may come up Whether you introduce new also r in life. to appear on radio and TV and|with some unusual ideas but, semi-solids with the milk or and 41 "My mission is to educate|to contribute feature articles on|before presenting them, be sure) |feed them with a spoon, the in- Mrs, every woman in the world to jewelry design to trade publica-|they are workable. \fant may make grimaces or of in-s the fact that she can own a/tions. rok Suk eanrenay payed reel . og ¥ \) et 0 table Pr fap precious jewel," said Barbara/ALSO FOR OTHERS If tomorrow is your birthda Gradualness should be von y ur and s who works with diamonds, cul-| In addition to her major com-jyour horoscope indicates that,| guide. If, for instance, you feed ® hour-s tured pearls, natural pearls,|™issions, Barbara designs aj while your job and financial af-|™ carrot mash in a spoon the first onig E. ( emeralds, topazes and fine rgd ce el -tdabaage for pri- pont Rage Bog lagging et MRS. ARTHUR LEVINE | Offering could be the liquid left e Romi metals. Her jewelry designs| « . th: on the tip of the spoon bathed anle The requests I receive are|months you will enter an excel oe have won her awards here und|as varied as the people who|lent period for advancing these a BEEBE BEB EE G@ 4 silver abroad. make them," she said. '"'Once,| Matters. In fact, the weeks be- th t li 4 ing di _"T want every woman to|for example, I received a rush gg Fos Rb...4 hg iy BEGINNERS ARCHERY CLUB a ves tor 20 " « ».{call for a gold and diamond e know," she said, "that there's| oii15 to nord 'a wrist that was|Capricornians on practically all at the YWCA forever and Auxili something available to her in|broken in a ski mishap. The|fronts. Not only will you see a For men and women, end boys end girls aged 14 end up. Cansh @ beautiful metal and gem at|jewelry design.I delivered cre-|'efinite improvement in the |] instructor, MR. RAY MACDONALD. Mr. MacDonold le en Archery Evenii every possible price range."" _| ated such a sensation, my client |@forementioned interests, but 1] Champion who hopes to try out for the Olympic Team. liary, 'As a jewelry designer, Bar-|!0d me she wouldn't -mind the month will also be pro- presen bare "Anton ot Letuie," NJ (breaking her other wrist." pitious for both romance and Wednesday 8:00 - 9:00 which eery geg pone Eine) "Fine jewelry is eternal,"| travel. Other good periods for Fes . . . $5100 ger totes Uen-Manh) pin, a hh Barbara said, "and I'm so de-|finances: mid-August and late ; direct through happy accident. November, but do be conserva- Starts. . . Jon. 17 -- for information coll Prog. Office the 50 "In college, I studied art;' seanen i make that clear tol sive for the rest of the year and 723-7625, 2-5 Miss tan * |everyone that one of my friends | = e e RTH. poe a on Z pea M come always says to me: 'Anyone as consolidate rol ge you will vail aa Pp . (W) candy: r 8 on A 1 @ i. far out as you on a mission| make San er, since your see ntre St... . New Building nurse never actually planned t0/ shouldn't be a jewelry designer. |"ext, 8° financial "'breaks un~aA A A A A BA BSB eB BB WB [cares have a career in it. You should be an astronaut." | Won't come until late December on the ASK FOR DESIGNS | "|and the first three months of) , e However, Barbara married a jeweller, and soon some of her husband's customers began ask- ing her to design jewels for) them. | "They always wanted some- thing unusual," she explained, "so their requests got me started. I got into the field more deeply when I enrolled in courses in gemology. Finally, I was doing so much jewelry de- sign I had no time for anything else." The quality of Barbara's de- signs has been widely hailed in her field. In the 1963 Diamonds- International Awards, her dia- mond pagoda clasp for tur- quoise beads won a prize. Later she won three other coveted awards in the cultured pearl design contest. Through the publicity of her awards, Barbara was invited by the European diamond council to exhibit jewelry designs in 12 countries in Ewurope. Subse- quently, she was commissioned SOCIAL NOTICE ENGAGEMENT Mr. and. Mrs. George Young, Oshawa, wish to announce the engagement of their eldest Gordon Allan Perkins, son of plans will be announced later. daughter, Jeanie Elizabeth, to| however. They could prove dis-| Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Perkins, , i Grand Bend, Ontario. Wedding suit te mute a soosectel 68. | Aside from the aforemention| April-May period, other good! cycles for romance will occur in| late June and late July (the) latter two months especially) good). Don't take mid-March or) October romances too seriously, | appointing. A child born on this day will BUY ONE successful linguist, artist or writer. BRAND NEW SPRING ARRIVALS 463 RITSON RD. S. to design the jewelry collection Sale! Sale! Sale! Full Length Formals AND BRIDESMAIDS GOWNS SARGEANT'S | And Get " Another PAIR FOR | | | | | 725-3338 All-wool yarns, dyed worsted er Grey, Dark Brown, Olive, $ Men! "Cash-In" On This! MEN'S SLACKS ! only Tailored from the finest English and Domestic smart neat checks and plain colors. In Bank. and. flannels in late Blue, Black SALE during JANUARY STERLING | SILVER FLATWARE Offer Expires Jan. 21 TORCH SALE CONTINUES 3 Famous Makers Available Regular 6.95 Sale! 4.? 3 The long leg panty girdle with special multi-diamond front panelling for extra tummy con- trol. Lycra® powernet. Waist- ca ind Cha 1. Ri i 5 aE chine INTERNATIONAL WALLACE s # Sizes 28 to 44, @ Rhapsody © Stradivori line style with nylon tricot * @ Royal Danish @ Silver Swirl = * annie FIRST SLACKS EXTRA SLACKS YOU SAVE : ta dea " ee crotch, Hidden garters. In ; super Bakery Specials 5) := ie te) ca Ute. ee en on j @ Rose Ballet s a RANGE 14.95 1 00 1 3.95 HEIRLOOM eA BAKED FRESH DAILY IN OUR KITCHE HAND . et a N a pyaee 19.95 1.00 18.95 ¢ Grande, ss. ; Vv Sailr @ LEMON ORANGE TWIST | ¢ USE YOUR CREDIT e = 3 Yome lave ie @ MERINGUE PIE | Pay as Little as 10% Down THE HOME OF THE BRANDS MADE Wt aa AND DONUTS a , ¢ . : : ' OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE ai SPECIAL y ; SPECIAL * Co 728-4626 weitin & WEEK THIS WEEK 1 a jaeciee and Carpe ing th * FANCY ASSORTED SANDWICH * 36 KING EAST AND OSHAWA seagieited NMANVILLE 6235 's ® j CH TRAYS * DOWNTOWN OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 20 SIMCOE NORTH ee Sees have. | $3.95 Serves10 -- $6.95 Serves 20. = Open Friday Thurs. & Fri. Ges Midave TiN 9 tive unti until 9 ouse' EE RRR RRR eee eee ahs

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