the hoped - for announcement ---- ee : , |Americans' [Russia Workers cic io.» |probably the liveliest and most * Pit i le Eid mI t +: ft ia a pe | ; '66 E e colorful 4n- Soviet times. Stores i were jammed with shoppers, | conomy Lose Hol idays trees were aglow with lights Let i | and gape Father Frosts : f were in evidence in more stc ! ! «5 + : : Set Record By JOHN BEST on the coming holiday and gen- windows and at children's tee ae | MOSCOW (CP)--The Soviet erally getting in the mood for ties--and they looked more like 'S STO KS : ' Ini . as ood party that night. Also fest' laus ¢ : , IGTON ¢ Phe; Union has gained--at least on'@ 800¢ party : 480/the West's Santa Claus. TODAY | BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT inter ae Erling oe paper--a cool 800,000,000 work- pecs org of work closed ------_----______ Bad oh ndEx dividends re | 'aim. ce duced a record $739,500,000,000/!"& hours in its drive to catch sie tee awiieiien MOLSON'S APPOINTME r "exowarrents, fet chenge 1s ' | i ane Ince waar |UP economically with the West. FELT AFTER-EFFE rights, xw--Ex-warrants, Net change |s/ in goods and services last year, i meant that Russian workers, Or. the following Monday they be NT e ° from previous board-lot closing sale. | Burns Fds 250 $1278 12% 12 j Peers 5 ¥ ' Py ' | car Tem ii $a @ a | ova CO 10an 1S an S font a ade pe elgg se ldidn't get a New Year's holiday were back on the job but: those on EB ote rh ee a ee I saw Were noticeably-unenthu- 0. Stock Sales High Low a. 0 MINES ban Cem p 72100 $2s\2 2 73 i 'i , this year 1 i Soeur gas cre tee tee ig jelly ns re " In the West, when a holiday siastic about working, presum- i Stock Sales High & ta cre Gen Perm 100 S$ilta Mia Nl year ago. : falls on Sunday the working ably because they were still i Mh ae te ee ee | aL 100 $31 3h at a Oo arvest n P Ose population gets the following feeling the after-effects of the | Ronis ap Wt 12) Wat Sta oe a a ee ; The gross national product \fonday off. In the Soviet Union New Year's Eve celebrations. a See ee ee os oe the value of all goods and serv-\the worker is out of luck, al- Perhaps they would have had| Ang, Ruyn 200 136 1% 138 +6) Coepr eas as HALIFAX (CP)--Some | 4,000 record-breaking span. More is)the proposed Arichat plant 1s to]/°¢e Produced in the econemy though he tends to be philosoph- just as much trouble settling Area 700 328 328 38s | Simp Bnk 415 $6? Glia 2 + 'Slpackers, filleters, and other on tap in 1967 as the province's |be designed for a 60,000,000 309.000.000 F pty: si °°." ical about it. down to their labors on Tues- Argosy 4000 70 70 70 --24 SIL os? Wo Betginii nhs) oak beat ; ' ai aiial mananily 300,000,000 in 1966, up 8! Per' "Christmas is not a holiday in day if Monday had been a holi- 1 PR ? $58> o rocessing workers were busily pivotal industry answers the|pound annual capacity. nent fi he pri gti M Pelt i ve ae a= © ba oe ee ee ee at 8 tava Baniia Hai i "fl tian | : ; cent from the previous year. ine Us.s.R. but New Year's is day. In any event, the state did Arcadia 3500 28 27) BC+ 1 | CC Petrotin §=800 $11 Nite 1 «/engaged in 180 Nova Scotia fish worldwide demand for salted.! Riyerport Seafoods, Ltd., in-|the depart ded j ANC C 800 93 93 93 +1] © Refract IW Sida Idle | ' 3 r ; ; beach ital Meet le "department added supposed to be realize some working benefit - 0 $1578 1 1g plants in 1966 on a record sea smoked, pickled, fresh and vested $1,500,000 in plant expan- DP ; Benkfieis oon ee ed Carioen 40 210-210 'lharvest frozen fish: fishmeal, oil and by- | sig a t Kraut Poin Tanannaes About 36 per cent of the in- The country has a population from the decision to make Mon- j Belcher 1400534. 36 -- 2. | Chemce 38 Sita Wala M2'4 ©) Expansion of existing plants,| products : County The firm is aiming at{ets® WAS the result of infla- of about 230,000,000, of whom day a "working" day. Boe aa teh oa a le Doel: elalrtos Seg Pe aa facilities, more workers|WILL OPEN IN July | 45,000,000 pounds annual proces- ak half are employed. Given the Until a week before New i SL Newk MO ee pel ie oe oe Se additions to the modern| Acadia Fisheries Lid. new By with ark for 330 persons The department's figures are usual seven-hour work day, the, Year's many Russians were ' A i jumbi $s) se} Es Q Ls pee fe 3 ate picke $05 an-'sti i y ow Bronswn 40) 940.794) 7910.7 5 | Cominco Tis4 saute auie a3ie+ ta/trawler and dragger fleet prom-|$4,500,000 plant is expected to| Sealife Fisheries Ltd., a new|Preliminary and subject to,state picked up 805,000,000 man- still hoping they would get the NS4 $33te Ste 33) { ' 88 P : A hours by bringing workers in on extra day. This had happened j Bunker fy 100 $l0% 10% 1048 + *a/ise continued momentum in an/begin operation at een IN! company, hopes to begin opera-;change next month but they go nase jan. 2 : once-or-twice after the new | imo it 5 MS NS +8 fy sangeet % BoE : : »places |; Aer? Rasen ae B a ay, Jan. 2 e Camp Chib 200 350 350 350 industry which has broken rec July. The plant which replaces 'tions of its $2,000,000 herring re |far beyond the $722,000,000,000 "mat inay have been only in leadership of Leonid Brezhnev j ¢ Tu 249 You 9 9D lords for six consecutive years. jone destroyed by fire early in'quction plant at Middle East a x . 7 . : ¢ Faraday 580 $2412 242 243 | Fisheries Minister E. D. Hali-/1966, will employ 275 and will) pubnico in the spring. The plant; ~SXe, Of take $5,000,000.000-- theory, however. Some ac- and Alexei Kosygin took over in | € Keely {00 82° 22° 2+ t/burton predicted that 1966 land-|have an annual processing ca-| will have an initial capacity of Projected in --. youn area rng tec ee eg petite ygloeong Fribiendar set . | Ws 35 24; , <c - pacity 000,000 pounds of we , son's economic report lay: Jan. befor e rs many Rus- gov € y i ' cane Crain, Fo oe $4 33'2 332 3 eos mint Mee pri of 30 Pi 1,000 tons of herring a day. ae sians spent their working time|extra day to bridge the gap and R. K. Hayward | ot ' r $ W $idi2 Isla Ista y * * US. ae ' res 3 ~wm~ncratiiating . a ? bey Chime "11 Crush tnt! 720 $1212 122 1212 + ts, Cause. of a decline in the price, Atlantic Fish Processors Ltd.,, EXPAND PROCESS ; The economic report, sched: consratulating then colleagues' make a three-day weekend. But The appointment of Mr, K. k | Coch Will ro yams a 3,7 * |for lobster and scallops, net- a new subsidiary of Atlantic Su- At ae go oscige Brit-juled to be submitted to Con Hayward as Sales Manager fo: | - ygnu: 2 7a 7M Bs ds Mahathir as . He -tish Col ackers, Ltd., ex-| cress ek is expected to . 1 BE nls < %4 ' d,€-h08S 2ey $1246 1z4y 120 landed value probably would not gar Refineries Ltd., has an-jish Columbia Packers eX-/gress next week is expectec Ontariéd has been at Pane j UsieR pr 309 's# 9° 9° --%s top the 1965 figure of $49,800,- nounced purchase of a site at panded the ca pacity of its!predict a GNP of about $785 renc inister Nn at er hy GR uno. Viee-Pron | SS Ce ea ne aa OO: Arichat, across Chedabucto Bay |$1,000,000 herring reduction|000,000,000 to $790,000.000,000 fo dent Marketing Molson's i L uiidge ES ee es Some $20,000,000 has been in- from the Acadia fisheries new plant to 800 from 500 tons a day. | 1967. 4 Brewery (Ontario) Limited | ; ge DOM Coal 300 lola jola j0'2 + * vested in new construction and plant construction, Although Superior F oods, Ltd., another} -------------- onore y er 00, e e He replaces Mr. H. C. Sher. i | ' 455 $20% 20'» 20% + t modernization of equipment and construction plans and time- new company, hopes to have an- wood who has been appointed i . 20 5) Ye re facilities during the five-yearitables have not becn released, pee ; Loud? ee aye Tobacco Sales SHERBROOKE, Que. (CP)-- Dr, Robert Debre is president. Assistant to the Vice-Presi. i i 2 2 2 oa ager | . ------------<<«= plant to be located on an island} Finance M ter Michel Debre of th es i . x aiid dat i 1300 ' t 490 918 Wis 78 estat : e a | inance Minister Michel Debre of the Academie de Medecine dent, Marketing. Crafigmt S25 $13. 2%4.17%4 4 14, Domtar pr 160 Sila IB 18a in Yarmouth Harbor in opera-) 9] 637 067 P. d of France and his father, Dr.|de la France. i F 9 Supe? 4500 13 Wa is +) TL leg 2 a 2 i) apy? tion in the summer. ' ' oundas Robert Debre, both received =---- etc enenliinieniet veering Or | ss seit ' : Seren ee Buse ty] ere m ue aes 38s FOTN? HEAVY joi seers Mes) seavrrony cep -- ro loorarydacoats, gturday Adal (DE aes ATA TA | Bam Py. 100 $M Bin . oe i shia ¥ end|bacco sales so far this season night trom the French-language SALE PP 2 a year, or will this year, spen ' ; University of Sherbrooke. Danaide 6000 22 21 «21 --1)| Fed Grain 300 $64 ble ble : , i lat Tilsonburg, Delhi and Ayl-|~')**'") : Dunraine 1500 52 $18} Ford USA 220 $47\4 47'4 47! between $100,000 and $600,000 6 ' Granting of the degrees came : FRE P 100 $18\> 1819 18 | : jmer amount to 91,637,067 8 8 j East Sull 300 $45 S45 fas EPR Plon 100 Siva lee evn each in plant expansion, fleet . rice of |@5 Part of ceremonies celebrat-|| Major Rubber Co. requires retail salesman for loca! F'west T 1000 10! 10% 10\¢-- ts, Frase! 190 $22 2 22 ; di sat | Pounds at an average price of a 4 : Gtomes M0 i im us Ft Gen Boker 228 teu eu oh rig Be ee eee eeeriieay cant h pound, the Ontario|!ng the inauguration of the unl-/) branch. Outstanding opportunity for young men 2 1 a ry " i 2 iJ ' i * * ) Goldray 1004 Ta 1 | rio $40 80 goer In' the Nova Scotia|Flue-Cured Tobacco Growers'|Vérsity's new medical faculty.|| 21 to 27 with grade 12 education. Sales experience : Goldrim 200 32 32 2 } 110 $48 404 4084 +14 lati ae Marketing Board reported| The elder Debre was awarded] ©, asset but not necessary. Complete traini is Gradore 500 2214 2'h 224 -- Ve ie Sis Bis Bit J (ARIE, Ont.;Wawa, where a company sub-/fish processing industry is Na-|¢ jan honorary doctorate of med- pu ped ; ble miplete training Grandue 260 385 365 385 | GL Power 20 $2%-2 2s SAULT STE. N E, bey pany : Saturday. rye orary A oe ded. Appl t bi bi d willi i Granisie 340 550 S48 880 +18 | GN Capitel 300 270 270 270 (CP) -- Steel mills and coke sidiary operates iron mines, tional Sea Products Ltd. Dori of tt : k 2.708../ icine while the finance minister provided. Applicant must be ambitious and willing Guit L 30 9 0C(U8CO + 1 | CGreyhng $65 $2\'« 7) <l'« + % ovens at the giant Algoma Steel when the railway workers re- no) a During the past week 2,7 ~lreceived his degree in com- to work for a future. Gunnar ie 1 i Fat Cee tt eB : Corp. Ltd. plant were prepared fused to cross picket lines. LARGEST IN WORLD $15 pounds were sold at an av-| merce Herd Rock 4000 10. 18 Cae raictiad Mogae ch Ee: for asian today after the : The completion two years ago/erage price of 74.15 cents aj}--------~ PHONE 728 222 Hollinger 235. $23%% 23% 70 Hawker pr 25 $85 surprise settlement Sunday of a RESUME AT ONCE , of subsidiary Lunenburg Sea) pound. | SEA YIELDS METAL 6 Huds Bay #0 $484 a aie Bl A Ho a4 : strike by 80 bricklayers Douglas Joyce, vice-president) Products, Ltd., $5,000,000 plant! Friday's sale was 2,706,615, Nearly all the magnesium FOR AN APPOINTMENT % U D jerisat 3» 2 1 7 * ry " "re cf <. * 2 Pitty ted = irish Cop 1000 184 18 Is Home A" 4052 3264 Jom ZW + W But threat of @ new-strike-by of sperations at _Algoma,_an- sty 2 sone Site near Lunen- pounds at an average 74.15| used in the United States comes OINT: T-% + me 8B 155 $26% a 265 y a nounc: after 5 n urg, Drought Nova Scotia Wi 7 i * i so Nip 1a) 4a a0 | Horne Pit $26 280275 ays" s {members of Local 606, Brother- ot operations would resume atjis regarded aa the largest st paaildh Et es escalate ee - -1 ' 4 15% 1584 -- Ma i i nd ; '| | Heol Ges 208s sae aya 2 Hood DE Neiiicey ra een & once. Men will be recalled as; most. modern fish plant in the Iso Jaye Exp 750 18 #41 1B Jelex : required and as various units) world. 500 24 24 24 HB Oil Gas 2055 $2814 2734 28a + % | Joliet 18400 64 61 62 Huron Eri 135. $92 9¥a 9M | Local 611, Brotherhood of Loco-| | Husky Oil 857 $13 12% 12%+ %|motive Firemen and Engine- Jonsmith 2600-284 28 2814 ; Soutel 200 100 100 100 +3) Husky B pr 25 $48 48 48 +'%\men continues to plague Al- of the plant mH ready for pro It or persons and is Jowsey , 2000 54 84 SA + Husky D w rd §10, 500 510 +10 | goma duction, he sai : iat she eae --_ bya fleet of 11 company- Kam Kotla 350 395 395 395 +5] Imp 4 Ve 004 -- Mu! 2 sett D nt ow vessels. Ce Pe Be fect ee eae ope 22 + el with the two unlbns over a new ti 7 i ue Y oR h: an a Ar epg K oper 500 57 57 sy 1 m ire va . Var ve ni 1 ive ays time, Miants in alifax, socKweport, fa \ nd the members cou!d ; ' 4 " Kirk Twns 1000 12° 12) 12 -- 2 Inland Gas 140 $94 94 Gla contract a "The first steel will be tapped Digby, North Sydney and Louis- L Dufauit 600 $137 13% 13% + Ve Inland G p 200 $167 16% 16%+ %s\be in position to go on strike P La Luz 250 $1914 194 194 Int Nickel 512 $9538 95%» 95% + * in a orth if talks are unsuc-|0ut of the open hearths on ihe burg, fed by a fleet of 39 com- Int Util 50 $284 284 26% |first turn on Wednesday and! pany-owned vessels as well -as Langis 10000 41 4) 4) +2] Inter Pipe _ 80 $91 90's 90'2-- ") cessful. Leitch 600 $00 500 $0 --5§ i ishi CL Lee 200 175. 175 175 Intpr Steel 7920 $57 5% 5%4-- | 'The two railway brotherhoods from the oxygen shop on the| private fishing craft. : Loredo $00 110, 110. 110 -- | Grp AY 358 $07 10% so' + uw Were the key in Algoma's clo-, Second turn Wednesday. Altogether National Sea's i 1714 17% 17%4--1! 5 , i i Vov: coti i F Medes ay | see, Bm Be ee Inpro Dec. 9, a week aller a| Ne said operations should bei Nova Sootia operations employ ° Marertle io oe? ss gs 7S) Hockey C175 0 a ao +5 [strike by members of Local in Wawa by Wednesday patie ee cessing 110,000,000 arin 15000 oe? 27 27 --o\y| Kelly DA 200 485 485 485 +15 |29, International Association of ; : Da Se | Sc acaeah. Sse ela Match 2000 8 88 Kewner 1 S88 8 t,|Bricklayers, Masons and Plas-| But the first payday for most/pounds of fish annually. Meee, He tet | tee 4 Bs" a™ NTH Corey IF and 10. it takes the company ee ce eee ee vey car - pag " a Algoma ©2110 1 a1 5 sald vagpenay to four weeks to preseas| McWat 2100 40% 402 40% | Laura Sec oa plant was closed because mem-) k R b Wh Levy 30 $15 15) 15 : Py 4 | Main ee ee Te ok ten 8s bers of the railway unions re- Cheques and total hours of work emember en aoe a z E by each man Mii Lob Co B 225 $83 8% 8% | fused ricklayers'| Dy eac! F Monae 70 17 | | Laem Ss sine toe the [fused to cross bricklayers'/°y,°o sible strike by the two) People Danced P > Hite 4 Tl me tta 1600 $25%4 25 2514 -- | Picket lines. The unions seagate Pin linloak' Wan pecaghited New Cal 00 pe Magna El 200) 394 ¥\4 948+ Yalthe company locked them out.| k N #100 500 Sw ssy Zip | MU Gard 100 $26 26% 6a + 1 pati |Friday after J. D. Speranzini, eek-to-Chee S00 S40 415 Neonex w 5500 35 35 de AP i ce eS NEGOTIATE ALL DAY lprovincial conciliator, an- instead of kneecap-to- Paps 4 ie No Harrl" 2000 164 18h 16v4 Molson: B | 210 Si9te 1984. 19% 288 NN dart Moniex 3200 325 325 325 Settl it was a breakdown in nego- N iment 16500 8 386 ie $3 peaee et le $10%s 008 10Ve a statement by Algoma and the'tiations. . kneecap? N Kelore 7500 9129 slat Moore, "93. sfiuq 91% 91% +t bricklayers that said negotia-| Contracts between the two csemwwwmg The way the cost N Que Ragl 700 470 460 M 5 | of living is risin Nae) i a ee iio Be oo 'i, +} tions opened Friday night and|brotherhoods and Algoma ex- i tase ndiihg pid Norgoid $00 10 10 10 +% Nai bry ) $i0%a 1030 10s continued all day Saturday.|pired July 31 and union officials ee Noriex 29000 2% 2 ' 9 ZIV $10 1044 104 y nticlals | cheaper by the Nhe 30 a4 0 > Bah Norenda' 1193 $54va S4ve 5430+ Ve Members of the bricklayers'|last week sought conciliation I doesn't Nortigat 200 S10. S05 $10. +5 Nor CitG p "155 $26 26" ae" union ratified the settlement services in their negotiations for fl : é ani 2000 3219 32 32 -- We 5 'Sunday mornin new ones Did you ever no-/ ; North Can 1500 147 -) Nor Tar Ch 150 $8 8 8 + \/ Sunday 8. es. ie | 4 f N Beave' 22) 23 123 '93 been ace Fe Pee Details were not released ex-, Mr. Speranzini said he sought} jtice that the} oe ae | Opiivie ne tis? 2? 4 ,,| cept that the new agreement is dismissal of threatened legal patialott and aida, | 4 ' e i | th gets the great- Patino 200 920 920 920 +5 | Olt Steel 330 29 2 for three years. jand disciplinary action by the) pa fa Bo Ne RO +8 Bec rate ae tee ae at Ml In their original demand, the|company against the brother-| : oo apogee Pine Point 225 $si3m Site Site' | Pac Petew 370 425 425425 --10 \bricklayers wanted wage in-|hoods, but the company refused. e edges. | Purdex. Uh 8, Ma] Comene ORs SiG Te \'4 + Ys creases of 50 cents an hour over! Algoma has sent notices to 129) 4 says in the bible that it is not! Greiner a ME +S Brice Com 'sa Size tres tates Dasic pay Of $3.28. Main issue!members of the: brotherhoods goog for man to be alone -- but! | Radicre 1000 66 66. 66 +1, QN Gas 555 $10\2 1014 1012 + Ye» Was a union demand for doublejnotifying them that they face sometimes it is a great relief. Bayrock 0 18 19 1 = 11 Ravens Wee dele alba" [ume fOr weekend work. |suspensions of five to 30 days Rio Algom 285 $24% Ms rn | Romfield 1500 75 70 75 +10 | When they struck Dec. 17, sy for failing pe pd for ba sie Did you eng ig es re Rix Athab 1000 25 25 25 --¥ rsa dlr | S75 $27 268% 26% + Ye company was offering a 60-cent-|when the bricklayers picket|conscious wife who complaine eh ek ae haat | Phe ny ide Meee lade Ah tee) er increase without the'lines were up . . lher husband: 'Darling, you've 8. +10 ssell 78 $1234 1234 12% : if ; ii i Slivrfids 7000 335 325 330 + § | Salada Xb Slo los Joe + vel Weekend double time. The company has also said it)been making it slower than | ean| 2 . a) eet ee Shell Inv p | 225 $28 2828 | More than 8,000 workers were is planning legal action against/sPend it again. | Silmq 3000 58 47 47 --i%, Shell tw 2342 870 830 850 +430 1... i ; dithe brotherh ds for d: | | e e | e Siecoe 1200 395 380 38D = 5) Shell O 18490 S24'5 24 24a + I laid off in Sault Ste. Marie andithe brotherhoods for damages.) 4 geyen-year-old who had just 1 nu -- Si 1 7 Rat und Steep R kn ee" inenoas 110 $29% 29% 2978 seen a movie of Cinderella and ; 4 7 = Teck Corp 330 53) 525 525 Slater st" ie Hed we ay bes was osked if she lived happily Ll a Lode Hy 4 4 80 +1 | Slater A wt 150 420 420 420 420 | easona e ecove ate": after, replied: "No, she got n Tombill 1600 110 (110 7 outham Be aS | ry \married." 4 | $ 0 +85 ST Radio 235. $232 23:4 23'4 Tribag 1600 129 125) (125 | 2 | ; | Steel Can 202) $224 22¥e 22e+ Ve Frequent cleaning prolongs Trin Chib 1000 10 10 --¥s| Suptest od 230 $22 22 22 | | | Un Ken 2800 495 005 +30 Texaco 75 $70% 70% 70% | t fabric wear caused by abrasive dirt| 4 : roa - hom NP 250 $193 195% 19% i | Vespar 400 37% 35 35 --3| Tor Dm Bk 30 sl al att '| n or rus 0. OC. porticiex: ice-a- ay 6 West Mine 200 470 465 470 --$| Tor Iron W 275 $34¥e 34 34 Wilco 3000 41% 41 41 + 'a! Traders A 265 $9% 9 | He 924 | : hed Windfall 5700 34 33 34 +14) Trader 65 w 200 145 145 4S +10| TORONTO (CP) -- _ Share- of the assets of Great Northern| G ll a , Win-Eld 90 19 1 #1 Trader 66 W 100 235 235 235 ) j ar $149 \ Yale Lead 3000 20 20 2 +2 + §/holders of Victorian and Grey|Capital, parent company of At: Transai 1000 $6! ! ' : Younes 003 94,92 MS +3) Te'Cen' pL ita sae 202 ig [Trust Co. have been told that|iantic Acceptance, but there are, CLEANIT SERVICE LTD. Yuken C 1000 102 102 102 + 9/| Trans Mt 275 $i8\e 1778 We |many assets of British Mort-\various lawsuits going on as to Un Cerbid 278 sx) 212) 4 14 8age and Trust Co., Previously Ipriorities of Atlantic notes. Un-|PRY CLEANING, SHIRT LAUNDERING Un Gas wos Noon considered doubtful, may yield|ti] these were disposed of 'we | ; Alminex OILS » GAS 360 Vercarh . "as bad bag and u [Ma reasonable rate of recov-|cannot expect 'ay poem on the 725-3555 | 21-Doy Economy Excursion" Return Fare from, Torente A bed 2400 aan 2424 Wense 6 in se 210 210 + 5 |ery." investment." (Effective December 16, 1966 -- April 14, 1967) Bent | 1050 $17.17 17 -- 16) Weldwod" a0 'seme "ois "aig" President Walter Harris told | Bralsa 209 100 100 100 Wourne 3100 145 (145145 Victoria and Grey's annua! | CS Pete 3200 237 233-235 -- 4! Westc'st 450 $26 25% 257% + Ve i is week that with the} CH Gee 20505 0 Ses, SS 451 West nd oe oe eae meeting this week that with the | This wi j ; i € (Gridolt 990 740 725 730 +10) West Ind A 100 385 3e5 965 --g lexception of "the Atlantic anc| inter, for the first time, you can fly Air Tampayst. Petersburg? Air Canada, this Got the urge to go? Then, go see your ¢ Homesta $0) 5 265 265 | Wester! 250 $194 19 19%4 allied securities" British Mort-| PELIGUE adeaacthy Ebel" 20500 Sin" ise inet ac, Werecitlc 150 85. 95 S420 | ts were well secured. | OWA Enten 0 MME EH ies es Meme hg oh, "eG 21 lnge asse } 0% Dynamic . 2200 244 241 244 --1 | Woodeg a sop sag ioe let te) British Mortgage was hard] 70) + § Canada through to Miami, because we will jet oe hie on Hag Mody hp holi- Travel Agent and get all' the easy-to ; ' S " ne West Coast of Florida. take i there twice-a-day via Tampa from Toronto. There, the swimming, sunbathing, sail- Canadas bestoree dally fight sched. Gr ee mm ame (tert Seana! collagen of Fae Tan Od eikx in marvellous Miami, offexcp and tne axing around onthe a" absipetaly, while youre there Gr Plains 1760 $1213 1206 1213 + "| Sales to 11:00 a.m.: 1,088,000 ee Sr ee Ml 0 R FE IN T E R F ST | far from Old Jack Frost and let the Sun toast oes pal beaches is very easy Package Vacations avaliable ae oe id ' ' ; '0 take lying down. Lo ight- § ; : Bia ae at EB | cue "Man" Tenth, tered wh Vitoria and Gey you @ happy, healthy holiday. Just be sure to eae Siete: SoS at EN se cium nthe Sup yee a n Sot 1% . ; . 2 Suier, 2 a nada s c: N Cont 4 7 76 78 +3) Coch Will 500 210 FbbgTR ay ts) Mr. Harris said a major por- reserve your seat to the Sun soonon one of Places such as the Sunken Gardens... Golf Tour of Florida, anada's grea Numec' 2000 235 203 203 2 Kom, Kelle 100 430 450 450 +55 |tion of the British Mortgage in- | Air Canada's daily flights to Miami vie Eyeress Gardens; .. Circus Hall of Air Canada also has special di t horse wt mas sas cg | Bk hake $90 el tah, 181, 5 | vestment in Commodore Bus- | : a ally tlights to Miami via Tampa. re -.. Weeki Wachee Spring... fares for family travel and Fly Now Permo 12500 t} Rayrock 800 130 130 130 --§ |iness Machines has beeh recov- They're a cinch to be very popular. ee ay Pay Later Plan that's tailored for bud cervy ao 70 210 mio 9 oo laved: Round-Trip Economy Fare from Toronto get-minded travellers. Place G 5900 175 «173:«174« «+ 8 istribution ef Treasury Sheres H id Vict i: d G6 - em $134, The Toronto Stock Exchange h e sal ctoria ani rey eee" ey ae. oes rel been saviseg vinat ihe fellowing' com- held slightly more than $3,000,- 2 a Be jes have enter: x Boden aoe fas 1s age a 7") and option agreements which 'may @jcoe in debentures and shares of Book early through your travel agent -- or write to us in Toronto at 130 Bloor Street West. Tried Oj} 2250 215 25 215 +3 Hal ay bens Gree mice lod behoagier oo nig haere | i 3 x i r- 7 '% Union Gil ae 4 33 4 +2 Really throven the facilities of the co bk wld ack i eee SAVINGS DEPOSIT RECEIPTS | Al R CANADA Anglo American Molybdenite, re leben- . Pe INDUSTRIALS eet sim Canes aot rn ere tures shares and deben a Se ses | He wm, Copper-Man ni or | Pig Al Roitpl NGS SINE Te THM Hom Mines, Gradore Mines, irish cop.) "Physical assets of the com- | ids ap iy ; Alta Ges T 250 $4 34 34 | Shines MMin.ore mines, Norper: Nowy [pany were sold and we were Interest on daily balance | Ae ow 15 ee Ot aan Northern Exploration Ltd, to realize over $1,700,000) ; | vermaque nil Ltd., i rr 1 '4 T "4 = flees St We HRM oe Beat te Ta. "Tesore Mines Lid. Unates Mecie [tp bets ae Cad tn payment ef| MINIMGM DEPOSIT $5,000.90 FOR RESERVATIONS AND TRAVEL INFORMATION CALL Rican or "ap Sate whe | Neuse Cae ne MSIE | Pe romissory notes." | | Alumin. 2. 40 $40 4 4 +t)_" pes Lic: | ' ain i : er faek Presta eects wens | GUARANTY TRUST. || DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE Argus NS sige 14 18a CLEAN UP DUSTMEN lors. of Atlantic have sold most Argus B 25 $6% 4% 4%-- 7% | CME! ME} : Argus, C pr 6s $113 pe We i Pocock pa England (CP) -- GOVERNMENT OF CANADA INCORPORATED AND SUPERVISED OSHAWA--WHITBY--BROOKLIN Asbestos z 2 ;, Municipal authorities in this SPREAD OLD BISON ws 99 9) 9 j a aver 100 $26%4 2634 2644 + 14 north London suburb want to) WHIPSNADE, England (CP) Capital and Reserve $25,000,000 102 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY, PHONE 668-8867 sek ee ee on ane poke eed nego gas Magy ajThis open-air Bedfordshire zoo} Deposits in excess of $350,000,000 | . Bathurst 50 $29 290« + -"e|White-collar worker. ey are|has acquired six of Eruope's| ses Bathrst A 65 $38 Ls = + 's/ordering new automatic dis-|largest and rarest animals, Rein Hermatare, Manoger CALL FOR COMPLETE TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS rig oad $372 Zose ase + we POSal trucks and will issue new|European bison. The species 32 King St. E : ep '; Es EEE ies ce eo here tie tnd ote oe MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE + Bree ee ee ee tia sow dt jo | 00d Bie is no reason why|World War except for a few el. 728-1653 Yi | BC Forest 200 $20 20 20 the men should not wear white preserved in Poland and there i BC Super $0 $3 $14 214 -- |shirts with collars and tivs,"|now are only 200 European bi- 25 KING« ST. E. OSHAWA PHONE 723-9441 Brin Fin a0 $8 45S said a spokesman !son in the world. : a sy 4