1M@ OSHAWA TIMES, ONCE 1 COULD BEAT ANY \ THE BOATS Silat an i THEN BUILD RAFTS! USE THESE r AN Mo AGE Sours GOT BY US, [ BOATS! THE MISSILE AND CONTROL 1 GET TMS RESIN SPRAY RIG INTO OPERATION! Tuesday, Jonuary 17, 1967 12 fa COMRADE \\ VAN MUST BE RECAPTURED, Pore tive Bacal o TO BE IN THE | pes COMMANDER, i--) RIGHT FRAME Ba io OF MINO, PAL-- CONFIDENCE 1S a By B. JAY BECKER x = n (Top Record-Holder im Masters' S BS Individual Championship Play) TOI rn} North dealer. bacgaay! Both sides vulnerable. Toronto $i be pire pore 4 , xd--| ° ights, i--Ex-t arts NORTH from 'previous bos 864 WW rHeee rr -- aE Ska | Mt Mt ASAIN! 5 THESE STONES ARE SOME THAT RIDER CAME OUT OF THE Zases 62 ee 5S BWO FEET FROM THE WATER'S} | CREEK HERE. SPLASHED W WEST EAST pyealy in EXPECT ME TO EDGE..... AN' THEY/RE WET _/] | OVER THE STONES. ONLY THE Bia ie SLEEP WITH ! ON THE BOTTOM! TOPS OF THE STONES HAVE HAP o° eee Aeicho 1000 fay [vou sxcans iz TIMETO DRY OFF: BA 958642 995 pee ager LIKE THAT? bad : @ 1097632 o84 Am Moly 2000 =] i) $5 HAKS Ang Ruyn 900 Ansil 1000 cs SOUTH S ret Area 100 3 AJ5 arnesy 5730 K10 rcadia 2000 " = $As5 co = #1074 Block Bay 0 wi The bidding: Brunswk 250 | Nerth Bast South Weat Comming 1000 1@ 2NT Pass Camftlo 1200 Cc Chib 8NT "Tong 2500 ene Opening lead -- queen of c Keely 25028 NLY-URP/- SANE spades. aver 2100 4 : Can-fe 100 vase IN { apy 4 shyla BUT-SOBENOW In' most hands the defenders canire 1500 v1 | IN' WAS IN TH' RACE'LL must cooperate very closely if pd mae HAWKINS DAY TO GIVE. HONEST BE HIS PAPPY!! 52 they are to achieve the best re- Chestrviie 1000 sult. ib Kay 1000 Chim 3700 © 2 4 They do this mainly by sig- Con-key 3000 Inaling for the continuance or Soap ale 4 hal S boi C Callinan 500 o discontinuance of a_ suit, by . alt 1000 showing strength or weakness ee ae pee in a side suit when unable to © Rene. S008 | | bag follow in a suit that has been Sm =| |led, by uniting in an attack on Conwest "$0 © a suit where declarer is weak, Cpcorp 10500 Ps and in many other ways too Sd aes 19008 : numerous to mention. Cowich 3500 But in some hands one de- Cotes 2000 | fender is entirely in charge of i Deer Horn 2900 the defense and his partner, to : perisen bets all intents and purposes, is out | Dicknsn 122 3 10 CHANNELS °PERFECT R 7 Haas picture. In such hands . eee. oe lefensive signals become mean- East Sull 525 | ECEPTION e NO ANTENNA ingless, since they cannot help coe ee ch J OY T goed -- may help declarer. Sn Maset 2750 1 T lefender should be able to ae oo HE BES iy TV eager -- St oe tn Serr 2 tain of the defense, and should gutce | ee adjust his play unilaterally to Granduc. 300 FOR '67 the particular circumstances of | pill aan the hand. | Gulch 600 0 Here is a,case of malfeasance eh a A 800 KING ST.£ in defense. West led the queen Hastings 200 | There's M -- of spades and East signaled for Headway... 9000 ere's More To See (EAST MALL),.723-5278 a continuation by playing the Hollinger 42 With Cable TV ' seven. When South "ducked, feat aa? ia | West, having no more spades, laa f 0 i shifted to a diamond. Joliet 9000 ee Beatces + E L Declarer won the dia cuter sine g mond in Joutel 1000 | AND CrickeTs/ V I S I O N i. O G HUBERT dummy and played a club, fore- Jowsey 500 ing the Ler East returned Kerr Age" aie | Channel 12--Peterborough, 7--Fucitive 3-612 C1 UTo te 7 _ ja spade and declarer success- Kelly Dsd 500 i Channel 1i--Hamiten | 4--CBS_ Reports | te Hollywood 'Saueres HUBERT HAS A BIRTHDAY "T Wowell' |tully finessed the jack. But Lee eo Sa & P Channel §--Rochester Racties dig 12:00 NOON bye MONTH - SHALL WE . when eer then forced out the Leke Lyn m6 a 2 Consent: GTeonne alla 12--Cartoon Party AKE HIM A ~\ ace of clubs, East was out of ho sei] 2 cronte | : aie We ; ; L Shore v4 i channel ae | Usa ase New spe ie | CAKE? 4 RY; business and declarer wound up La Luz 205 anne! 3--Barrie | Nie Bk | Luncheon Date | NY "4 |making four notrump. Latin AM 1000 Channs: 2--Buttale Viewpoint - | 4--News, Weather, Sports _-- i Had Leiteh 4650 | int | ScPeptie eas Pals = 3 A ad East been more alert, the Lorado 4900 -- | 11--Plerre Berton 2-4--Jeopardy = C 2 SH! contract would have gone down. essed Be | TUESDAY EVE. | &--News, Weather, Sports 12:38 PAM, ? : Instead of signaling with the Matigml 200 § i ae oo |e i : seven of spades af trick ene sone, as 4 Ti-Femily Theetre movie om [ets 8 Match an idle gesture, since West Me intyee OS | pings Movie he ag a ° could have no more spades if Merrill 200 | nev es ea @ South had his two notrump bid-- Rae eeaenaee Avengers Merv. Griffin @ @ East should have overtaken the MonlMi 1200 | : ; 11:0 PLM, ne PM. queen with the king in order to vad pied ve 12--Movi . New Cel} | 2--Monkees aay 12- sihow e ++-Gviding Light ws A (Ww) be able to continue the attack Newconx 100 : cae me! lnm --_ -- renee" ims iovie Me 2--Passport Two 12:00 A.M. | 9--Movie Had he done this, South's N Hosco 2200 | 000 P.M. | 1---Mystery Theatre | &-Disting er Dollars goose would have been cooked. N rane pt 7--Movie WEDNESDAY 7--Ben Casey I THINK ILL KNIT East would have established his N Senstor 500 bs CCEA Bown eesti eengiroe | eee he ah HIM A PAIR OF prc gecnip epee ve fhe tewagne i on bak. Se a phe +--Movie illers tablish his clubs, and declarer Norbaska «800 12--Girl from UNCLE pee pad J. Steed 1:38 PLM. 9 would have gone down two. bere ol a }Prerre Berton | : pa Nae wg StzAs, The World, Turns Normetal 725 4 ae --Dial in ake 1 02 Huntiey, Brinkley Gir te a 0PM | SALLY'S SALLIES w Borgy too aronews Little' Peosle" peter Na Nertaat i 7:00 P.M. | 3-12--Ed Allen bebe O ber Li N Rank 500 11--Captain Nice | 9--Uncle Bobby ves Obaska 1000 Mane be | "@_smile time 2:30 PM. Opemske 460 | @--America | 4Bonnie Prudden 12--Calendar Orchan 100 ; TBA 'Pick a Show %--Pesple in Confiiel Pamour 500 4--Honeymooners | 9:30 A.M. 8-4--The Doctors Patino 223 | 3--Petticoat Junction | 4-Love of Life 7--A Dream Girl Pce Exp 131400 'i 2--News; Weather; | &-Gloria Coronation Stree? Peerless 1000 ' Sports J-6-11-12--Ontarlo Schools 4--Linkietter's Party Pine Point 195 | 7.20 PM d--Jeck LoLanne bf 3:00 P.M. rhleeg 0 i . " ' a i ' res : 4 7--News, Weather, Sports 11_e4 Alien time | Pe relay: age psig al Preston Be " a : | Fractured Phrases &-2--Another World Pyramid 1600 q 12--Musical Showcase | 6--Meta Schools | 7--General Hospital Que Chib 500 B RT Bae ats | Sa -Reach For the stars | 4--To Tall the Truth Seg Bae one se panier sence. Lamers Take 30 us an 0 S 3 rsh pga + beets Schools 2.25PM. YOUR HEALTH 2 ea 1900 a 3--Gilligan's Island Fr 10:28 A.M, (News Petia he ke J} [28 Girl trom Ment ns Dated sis oak Radiore 500 = i tw en #.2---Concentration Farmer's Daughter R F Rie S00" Pr "3 + fy --Denni eed had r 3] |2412-Red Skelton Hour «Beverly. Hilbillies Soins Your Mave ose rever ergy Rio Aigew 75 § = z ee sad Pm, +612 Be Re y Giant 7--Superman Show pre €n 70 : |] (ohege weenie [ee | Me ig ea m1 |7--Invaders --Mik 200 PLM, nton! M 4--Red Skelton 9--Mr Pag ta 1--Super Cine ay Spur Asthma amen 2000 S| | -Occasional wite 4-Andy Griffiths | 9-1 Love Lucy - Hee Satel 11500 | 9:00 P.M. 7--Supermarket Sweep | $--The Match Game Shercitt | 2100 2612-Quentin, Durgene | H+ Butiormt Savers | {esol stern By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD will drink #s much as three Siivma 3500 1t--Movie gis Ra nee Mates | Mike Douglas : : ae -of milk or buttermilk siscoe tie |11--Merv Griffin 11:25 AM, : Dear Dr. Molner: 8 i ally, I'm sure it' bd is | ne , ' 4:8 PM. . Moiner: For several)tions it's not healthy Su |iBettcoat Fe eer mt '* | Li-Moody Woodpecker |years I have had an_ allergy Sas sine aad Gor port self-'to do so. Please explain why it Texmont 1000 7] Kegs ha | $--Magistrate's Court 9 Woody Woodpecker which appears to be rose fever. | increasing the shoe gi pend ay "ig f can show him.-- Tomb 200 ta | iene ite | Ppeatng, Same Lo ees 'It occurs mostly from May to|system builds up some ier mee Me Trin Chip 2578 ak Rt i ' > 3 ; A | r oO | mid-July, and this last year it/ance. It is precisely the same), 5°'ry, but I don't know why U" Asbestos 7270 = be ibe di all. _ |as treatment for hay fever ex- it wouldn't be healthy for him U Butfedn 1300 ie | ACROSS 5. Cereal 23. Number PREEEPSRERS tic fa Ma ais says that statis-/cept that different extracts are|*° long as he isn't allergic to it Un Macfie 1000 | 3. Happen grain 24, Flowing OPEIREMMCURTIE] |cusree eases becor out of three| used. Given carefully, the injec-|--2"d evidently he isn't, Urban" 1000 ea 3. Strikes 6. Wood holly pais RIESE] reed cases become asthmatic tions are unlikely to involve West Mine 5800 es big te path 25. Malt ao Sos = |! tage niger Pane _ [side effects. The injections Note to Mrs, M. 8.: I do not Yk Bea ty 3 aoe 7. Amateur Becks. AE rio te anti histamine|should be started well before|S®® Why you are so doubtful, Nhe A iy " radio age a apsules, which do not help|the season started well before|%@S, of course there is such a Zenmac 225 ee: -- operators 27. Part r much. My doctor says these are |the season involved. Hence you thing as enteritis. It is inflam- | ee 8. cau of of Bue aaa woo just for temporary relief andjshould not delay the tests and|™Mation of the intestine, usually OILS 44 Absumutab izar an IHL eISMNBIE INI] feels that a_ series of tests treatments to prepare for the of the smaller intestine Alminex yard pape ulate 9. Faithless hr. ElEIRI EMMPlerRi-] |should be made to establish ex-|1967 season ig ------------ Am Leduc 1400 "Old Curi- | 10. Hog-call: 29. Chan- DREISISMMAISISE) |actly what I am allergic to, and! «Cure js cave Van Pong Bhop dial. nel Yesterday's Answer |then I should take weekly injec- | ¢¢ Cure" is usually much too| ct the ay 46, Littie girl 16. re ig » 81. Navy, tions during the allergy season. 5 rong a word to use with se-| © Dehi 200 | 97 S0'kin a fae kidney 86. Lion'sneck | What is your opinion? If tests! vou allergies. If you are wise, € Grol: 0 Caesar's 20. Nobl ac hair prove it to be rose fever,|°co will avoid as well as you © Homestd 2100 = day 21, Sclentist's $2. a " peti what medication is usually em- fe a vy? ospetertoseigas © bashed Gent Del) 3580 | 3 21. Ninial cua 4 u "/found to be sensitive. E: " | FT loyed? Are th 2 e. Exposure Chart ory sg ih So agg waved? Are there 'side effects? |strong enough to touch off an- Chietan D125 | = . jorshort '88, Ragout measure Possibilities Of] other attack may set you b Synemie Wo 21. Spears 22. Scare- 35. Grand- 40. Narrow Permanent cure?--Mrs. M. B. th 5! he Dong Hsia 3 24. Spanish monger . Your doctor's advise i 1- so that much of your desinsitiz- Fargo 17200 : cs parental inlet se Js excel-/ation will h French Pt 900 painter lent. Take it. Seems to me | have to be begun all Gr Plains 2750 | oS 26, Foreign rf E1557] _|there may be a misunderstand-|°"T, any « St COllsds 480 | 27. W ij ae j lerstand-| In any ev . Int Helium 4500 | 7. Wall ing as to when to have the in-! win) fin; event, you probably in city : painting n fecti : N-/ will find it wise t rr Mill City 2608 r jections. Did he say "'during the Be Seen Cont 1700 28. Belt allergy season," or before that some of the desensitization (or Helles 925 | an Y ep tolerance building) each year ane" 31. Close shi ' "Zs It's true that many people or bac ag of years. It is well ey 11600 * noisily, og Z GY with respiratory allergies de- babe pedis in terms of comfort Place @ 5100 | RATHER HECTIC..VICKIE HAD sygge (EEESE Lf: velop asthma. The statistics de-| : CONT a a one tuey cacioep To' jane hey ronson! 82. Type. es U1), Z J, ee %Y pend on how severe the allergy! Dear Dr. Molner: I am 71 penoer i tl , - oemgag 21 [22 |2> U7 sleek. Fs os og ~ at nee thick crust forms Tried" on" 1000 | » Ph JA ' -jat my navel. Someti j inion Oil 3425 $ a 34. Young ie Wie cause people did not take steps/raw and red but aby onl T s Wena UR Hd ag see? i to curb allergies. llook at this way, sometimes it Wpecalta 680 | View Fs "Rose fever" does not neces-|is good to let well enough a . ee - sarily mean sensitivity to roses.|--Mrs. M. G. yee MEL KRUGER INDUS! Zz 42. cme lad YG It can be allergy to other plants} Yes, but sometime it is better | z Abitibi 3760 | bg 7 Z ¢ LA = or flowers that grow in the/to clear up a trouble while it is Representative Acklands 4700 " & : 1 mira ' 8 44, Metal tag Y 4 YW Y Y) same season -- usually grass es email 208, This probably S N LIFE Se ty mes ows be P : a matter of great danger, Algo Cent = ¥ 4. Foreboding Y Purpose of the tests is to dis-|but you evidently have some] A c Meee te aes | = Ai, geanenes @ Gere 7 = cover what poilens are involved|sort of chronic infection Simple ssurance Company A a a 2 M7 I) 3. Not hot bs Y in your case. treatment now may avert in- of Canada Anthes A 250 | AWA 4. Not cut, Y PLANT EXTRACTS creasing annoyance and sore-}] Home: : Mer as at as bread icati whee ._,. |mes : BUSINESS: 225 | Medication primarily consists | 723-7900 725-4563 ae ee a of giving you very small injec-| Dear Dr. Molner: My husband shawn B00, : ' , e a.