16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Jenuery 17, 1967 26--Apartments for Rent 26--Apertments For Rent Available February Ist. | | SAVE $ $ $ THIS YEAR By Moving To GRENFELL SQUARE No Reasonable Application Refused FREE HEALTH CLUB SAUNA STEAM ROOM @ SWIMMING POOL (IN SEASON) | Oshawo's Largest Suites French Provincial Kitchens Indoor Parking Available Outdoor Guest Parking 1 and 2 Bedrooms Also Furnished Apartments For Please Phone 723-511] 380-385 GIBB STREET Renta! Information OSHAWA'S FINEST APARTMENTS INDOOR HEATED POOL Double windows fer and draft control stat In eoch suite. COMFORT CONDITIONED noise thermo- OPEN 2-9 P.M. DAILY SAT. end SUN. 11 @.m. to 7 p.m. Oshawa's largest apartment building offers the best fee- tures. Sauna Steam Bath, 6' x 18' Balconies, 20' x 18' com- bination Living and Dining Rooms, 4 quick elevators; 2 Olde English Decor Lebbies. Bus stop at door. Model suite Broadloom by ANGUS GRAY- DON, Furniture by WILSON'S FURNITURE. PRINCESS ANNE APARTMENTS 1221 Simeoe St. N., 725-9934 The best velue in epertment living can be seen at 349 MARLAND AVENUE § CLOSE TO SHOPPING CENTRE APPLY OR TELEPHONE THE RENTAL DOLLAR APARTMENTS A lovely place to live. Modern ond convenient, with electric heating. The feotures of this beautiful building must be @ PREMIER ®@ 321 MARLAND AVENUE GET MORE @ REGENCY TOWERS ® PH. 725-2227 AND PH. 728-6722 MODERN 1 AND 2 BEDROOM SUITES NEWLY DECORATED STOVE & FRIDGE BALCONIES CLOTH DRAPES LAUNDRY FACILITIES FREE HYDRO BROADLOOM IN HALLS ELEVATOR LOCKERS CONTROLLED ENTRANCE AMPLE PARKING ABOVE NUMBERS FOR YOUR CAVALIER seen to be appreciated. FREE TAXI SERVICE BY APPOINTMENT CALL 728-4283 for appointment or see Henry at 340 Marland Ave. Apt. 111 and barbe: an NEW BUILDING $$ $$ START THE NEW YEAR by. Moving To GRENFELL SQUARE SPECIAL BONUS TO EVERYONE MOVING IN JANUARY ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT Close to Oshawa Shopping Centre. Adults only. 723-6455--723-6944 6 -- 9:30PM. __ TWO-BEDROOM apartment in Free washer and dryer. Downtown, Wil- liam Street West, Telephone 725-9328. |26---Apartments for Rent |27--Rooms For new building, electric heating, large balcony. > ATTRACTIVE furnished bedroom,|1967 RAMBLER sedans, hardtops, and |kitchen and laundry privileges, parking | Stationwagons. Easy to finance at Nicols space. Shift worker welcome. 574 Crerar| Motors Ltd., Whitby, Dundas and Thick- Ave. 23 ELGIN STREET EAST -- Furnished |1966 BUICK Special, fo | room for gentleman, housekeeping priv-|good condition, automatic, radio. ie Close to downtown. Please spply |oupier: $3,050 full price, Telephone 723- 1887. after 4 p.m. | SINGLE and double housekeeping rooms, |SAVE DOLLARS! Several good used business | cars, |. Telephone 725-| Terms arranged. R. B. Motor Sales, 509 | Bloor E. sink in room, large lady only, very centra 9559. LIGHT HOUSEKE! jed, comfortable. {towels supplied, north and west plants. Ll Refi SUBLET. One bedroom apartment. $122 ferred. 119 Agnes St. See monthly, heat and hydro included. Clos€' FURNISHED ROOM for rent, suit one vertible, V-8 automatic Lic, 319255. Easy kitchen privileges,|to finance at Nicols Motors Ltd. Dun- |from $7.50 up. Apply anytime. 428 Park das and Whitby, 668-3331. if South General Motors. Telephone 723-|o, two gentlemen, 9919 | naman ~mininntenainceisinemerte | ONE-BEDROOM apartment, stove and re-/ Road North. frigerator. Heat and hydro $110 monthly. Telephone 723-8900. . built-in cupboards, stove and refrigera- jtor, hardwood floors with broadicom In FURNISHED housekeeping | front room and hajis. 725-7577. * | THREE-ROOM furnished apartment, | vate bath, entrance. Hydro, heat supplied. sonable. Telep! 728-6697. FREE @ HEALTH CLUB @ SAUNA STEAM ROOM two-bedroom' apartments, laundry facil- lities and lockers on each floor. Large 'suites with utilities and drapes. Thermo- | statically controlled in each room, under- ground parking available. 190 Nonquon | Road or telephone 728-9726. |ONE-BEDROOM basement apartrhent, | stove, refrigerator, drapes. Electric heat- jing, $100 monthly Includes all @ Oshawo's Largest Suites @ French Provincial Kitchens @ Indoor Parking Available @ Outdoor Guest Parking 1 and 2 Bedroom Furnished Apartments For Rental Information please phone 723-5111 380-385 GIBB ST. lices. Available February 15. Telephone | 723-1282 "iat | MODERN three - room apartment, four- trance. Telephone 723-0406. ADULTS. Lovely five rooms, two bed-|ROOMS for rent. Gentlemen. rooms, large medern apartment, balcony, Somerville Avenue. 723-1386, n triplex. Stove mediate occupancy. 723-7284. j nh ravine oa [ONE-BEDROOM apartment, stove and refrigerator, balcony. Heat and d in rent. Telephone 725-6155 days| 5-4389 evenings WHITBY -- three-room and bath, fur- aht, water included. Immediate posses THREE-ROOM upstairs apartment, pri-| vate bath only $85 monthly. For more particulars telephone 728-5040, home. Central. LIGHT _housekeepin, Phone 723-1832. nished apartment, $110 monthly, heat, LARGE double room for two, newly decorated. Also single bedsitting room, n. Telephone Perry Real Estate, 723- nicely furnished. Close to North and West General Motors, Street East. ROOM for gentleman, private television, | (parking, Telephone 723-1671 | MODERN one bedroom apartment, stove,|CLEAN, quiet room, light housekeeping refrigerator and drapes, newly decorated |if desired, close to hospital, bus stop at 725-2520. hopping centre. | Street. Apply private $10. Whitby 668-5: FURNISHED room, suit two gentlem close to North GM and downtown, 64 a Brock street east or call 728-6319 from '36 PONTIAC, two-door\hardtop, six cyl- to 2.30 p.m. evenings. 8 am. 723-2050. ROOM beds, kitcher downtown. Rent closets, rigerator, 102 Westmount /1957 PONTIAC sedan, V-8 automatic, i201. After rn linen, s close to hospital and|at Nicols Motors Ltd. Whitby, Dundas Gentleman pre-|and Thickson 668-3331. included, |i aRGE clean furnished room for two to| 60,000 miles. | will guarantee this car. i saddhd id haMeadasn i i share, private entrance and bath, TV and|Best offer over $100. 368 Pine Avenue, |FIVE - ROOM apartment, tile kitchen, |radio, single beds, $10 each per week, | 723-5522. room, suit-| old, hardtop, 9,000 miles. Best of able for one or two gentlemen, close to |Phone 668-2788. Very central. Parking. Television. Re®- FURNISHED bedroom, central. Car park- reasonable, excelient transportation. Tele- 4 i ah m ing, Gentleman only. Telephone 72-0644, eSeReAPe Ue THUNDERBIRD TERRACE -- One- and cincie ROOMS $12, fo share $10, semi- 1958 PONTIAC Parisienne, also 283 motor en, Telephone 728-9134, 30--Automobiles For Sale 38--Coming Events |son, 668-3331. four-door sedan, One '55's and up. Trades accepted. - |$275, FULL PRICE for '61 Vauxhalb Envoy. License 129080. Easy te finance $795 FULL PRICE for '61 Pontiac con- 1951 CHEVROLET, original condition, ) months ler. Tele- 1966 MUSTANG, V-8 automatic, turquoise, body and motor good, very phone 725-0473 after $ p.m. | rebuilt automatic transmission. -- | Everything going for $300. or best offer. 4, \inder standard, black, 'good best offer. Telephone 723-8632. condition, --one gentleman or lady or two 1956 CHEVROLET; good fires, good bat- serv- friends to share large room with twin tery, 1967 plates. 723-5342 after S p.m. | ath, all furnished, close to 5026. 1958 PONATIC 261, six cylinder, radio, FURNISHED BEDROOM, kitchen privi-\motor. Many replaced parts. 723-2488. piece bath, laundry facilities, private en-/leges. Middle-aged woman only. In a good must SELL -- 1963 Volvo, 544 sedan, Telephone ' FURNISHED ROOM, centrally Hite Telephone 668-2466. downtow! no damage deposit, sound proof. Avail-|door. Telephone 728-5984, jable immediately. 170 Park Road S. 723-/ A GiRL to share large furnished house | _|with five other girls. Close to hospital.| ZOLTAN and NICK'S 8844 725-5191 nm. 128 William THREE-ROOM apartment, good location.,Own bedroom. 725-9557 after 5 p.m. antenna, Located at 240 Ritson Rd. South. CAVALIER VISCOUNT DIPLOMAT eo) stove @ possession. all schools. 728-4283 Apt. 111 340 Marland SHELDIAN MANSIONS 1, 2 and 3 bedroom suites south GM. Children welcome Two baths in all three bedroom auites. 728-7942 (LUSANNE VILLA 330 GIBB STREET Exciting prestige building, Centrally located, electrically heated. Roomy breakfast nook and kitchen. Tennis court One, two or three bedrooms new available. Mala Glen apartments, 835, Oxford St. Close to South General Mot- ors. Now open for inspection. Telephone 725-0657, 728- 2226 or 728-6883. end 2 bedrooms @ refrigerator @ broadioom in halls @ inter- com @ F.M. @ Balconies @ $99 ond up @ Immediate Close to shopping centre and Swimming pool, opposite two and | TWO ROOM, completely furnished apart- |ment, on third floor. Close to hespital, north General Motors, All conveniences paid. 728-7283. gentieman to Street. and noon. (Banas and Board share, refrigerator, washer, FURNISHED ROOMS, single and double, condition. Telephone 725-4555 after 4 p.m. dryer, and extras. Newly decorated. Im- for gentiemen. Telephone 723-6542 or 563 Ritson Road South CERNE f | located. | Call 728-3030 between 5 - 7 p.m. @ room Yor rent, Tele: 31--Compact Cars for Sale | Heavy duty stove and refrigerator, TV /sasEMENT furnished, Kitchen, bedroom| o jand bath, jApply 214 Arthur Street _!beds, Telephone 723-3388 or apply 533 Lorraine single | excellent condition. Telephone 723-4918. | Apply 605 1963 CHEVROLET Bel-Air stationwagon,| V-8 motor, radio, power throughout, top FORD TRACTOR model 8N hydraulic; furrow plough and cultivator; $600. { % VOLVO and PEUGOT | % MERCEDES BENZ General Repair and Auto-Electric Service Jake and Bill's Garage 449 Ritson Rd. South Oshawa 728-0921 Your Authorized Datsun and Fiat Dealer Specializing in Volkswagen Repair and Service 160 Simcoe South ONE-BEDROOM basement apartment. | Near lake. Telephone 728-1169. APARTMENT FOR RENT. Apply 221 Arthur Street TWO ROOMS, unfurnished, heat Apply 102 Agnes St. or and! hydro supplied. telephone 576-0737. ue ss A 'PERMANENT TENANTS required for sm all attractive ground floor apartment. ;Newly decorated. Couple or business girls. Parking. $70, Call Mrs. Haltom, Ro9mM AND BOARD for gentlemen. 728-6246 ju Private bath and entrance. Close to bus 'S and shopping. Telephone 723-0406. ary 22. Apply 574 Cartier Avenue. wi monthly. Available February 15. Phone 723-4921 |IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Couple only. | P |Near north General Motors and hospital, ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman. Telephone 728-' Lunches packed. Central location. Close to |bus stop. Apply 130 Tyler Crescent or call one-bedroom apartment. 6502. BACHELOR APARTMENT, corner Sim-|town, Telephone 728-5455. coe and Rossland, partly Mel dal liga a0 ROOM AND BOARD for two gentlemen m small truck with cash difference. 723- ele-'willieg to share. Single m workers welcome. Central Whitby, Tele- SINGLE ROOMS and BOARD Apply: 25 Division St. arge, clean reoms and treet East. 725-2938. illing to share room. hone 668-6330. |New "two-room basement apartment | 723-0355. av | ailable February 15, sult one or two! ROOM AND BOARD for 2 gentlemen to gentlemen or couple, $60 for one, $70 for | share. Lunches packed 6 days weekly. gat | Enene 725-7755. = pace |30--Automobiles for Sale \two, 728-9288. |TWO-ROOM furnished epariment In e for babysitting while fandi Re an home cooked 1961 ENVOY Van, low mileage, new THREE ROOM, downstairs apartment. | meals. Centrally located. Apply 147 Brock brakes, tires, paint, $320. Days 725-4774, beds. M |CLEAN HOME for gentlemen, parking,| 1959 G.M.C. half ton. Good condition. |THREE-BEDROOM upstairs apartment, home-cooked meals, TV. 43 Garrard Rd.,| Evenings 5 to 7 p.m., 1056 Ravine Road, |modern heated in new duplex, close to by K-Mart. -- 7 1a) a Ne ee ae Oshawa Shopping Centre. Available Janu-| RO9m AND BOARD for one gentleman JEEP, four wheel drive, fully equipped, Close to down-| with plow, station wagon type body, ex- shitt 5387 728-0051 |1962 ACADIAN Stationwagon, automatic, six cylinder, radio, whitewalls, 36,000| miles. Very good condition. $895. 725-1690. 1962 VOLKSWAGEN Deluxe, radio, A-1 condition, Telephone 623-7066. '99 VOLKSWAGEN, standard, motor like | new, two new snow tires. $210 cash. Tele- |phone Bowmanville, 623-2401, 32--Trucks for Sale __ |nights 728-4314. Apt. 1. 728-9374, cellent condition, will consider trade car 33. . Wanted | CARS WANTED Buying A New Car ? Sell your used cor to 'Ted' Talk 'Cash' to the New Car Dealer and "Save". TED CAMPIN- MOTORS 'Aah hil chang works. 728-1075 or apply 238 Drew Stri SUBLET, two-bedroom apartment, stove and frig, $130 monthly. All utilities in- |cluded except telephone, 725-2090. mi -----.| |WHITBY, furnished two-bedroom du-| plex, $150 monthly, children permitted. | |Fetephone 725-3109 before noon. | | TWO - BEDROOM apartment, avaliable! |March 1, $85 monthly, stove, refrigerator | heat and hydro included. Telephone 723- 9800. CONVERTIBLE TOPS Nylon $89.00 up Repairs to all makes of cars. Antique upholstery storation, and re- BILL'S CUSTOM AUTO TRIM 409 Brock St, S., Whatby | Days 668-8101 Eve. 655-4575 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Cars bought, parts for sale. Iron and metals |bought. 89 Bloor Street East. 725-2311. | |WANTED -- 1963 Chevrolet or Pon-| tiac, two door hardtop, V-8, good condi- | tion, Telephone 725-2995 after 6 p.m. 34--Automobi le Repair FURNISHED, self - contained two-room apartment, two-piece bath, suitable for |two. For further Information telephone |723-2013 after 6 p.m. | THREE-ROOM apartment, stove, refrig- jerator, washing machine, private en- trance. Northend. Suitable for couple. | Telephone 723-4452. | FOUR-ROOM apartment, second floor In| private home. Children welcome. Apply | 495 Simcoe Street North, between 11 @.m.,/ 4 p.m. RAMBLER SALES -- SER and PAIN VICE T New and used cars. NICOLS to finance at MOTORS LTD. WHITBY -- 668- 3331 THREE ROOM basement apartment, unfurnished. $75. monthly. Children wel- jcome. Day care available. Apply 375! |Westminster Avenue, off Roxbor: |near Adelaide before 8 p.m. 723-9110. | -- --_----------- |LARGE basement apartment. Private Jentrance and bath, Telephone 728-3427, jartment Rossland fl ing. stove, frig, laundr: Phone 728-5262. FURNISHED three-room apa piece bath, suitable for busin no children. Apply 310 Richmond East or 728-8792. FURNISHED and UNFURNISHED 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apart- ments. Controlled entrance, Twin elevators, swimming pool, fenced playground. 723-2347 Immediate Occupancy One and two bedroom aport- ments, close to Oshawa Shop- ping Centre. Adults only. 723-6455, 723-6944 Between 6:00 and 9:30 p.m. @ FOR RENT e@ Apts. Houses, Rooms, Room and Board. Office Hours: Tues. to Fri. 10:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sot. 'til 3 p.m. LANDLORD'S ASSOCIATION 55 Bruce St. GOVERNOR MANSIONS 2 bedroom suite, adults only. 723-1712 or 728-2911 tor appointment. oor, two-bedroom apartment by leski Realtor. apartment: SUBLET, two - bedroom apartm contained, 668-6347. QUIET COUPLE or single person for basement apartment, stove, frig, private bath, parking, kitchen, bed-sitting room. ~ Available January 15. p.m. $85. month. TWO ROOM furnished apartment, sunt-| able for working couple or one. Heat, hydro included. Tele; apply 343 Ritson Road Nort parking. 1 and 2 bedroom aportments. Avoilable anytime. Te view please telephone 728-5282. ROYALE APARTMENTS ta $70. MONTHLY, three entrance, stove, North-east area. Telephone 728-0976. NEW APARTMENT, four rooms, slove and refrigerator, close to North GM and hospital = . Brock Street East or telephone 728-6319 |COMFORTABLE ROOM for one gentle. Pag 2.30 p.m, evenings after |man, close to North General Motors. 8 room ined apartment, electric heat. refrigerator One child welcome, apply 8 a.m, te 2038, ~ REGENT ARMS -- 728-1070 artment in new build- bedroom apartment, . Bus service at door. Electric heat, monthly. 330 Buena Vista, Apt. T, be-| (82514) Stove, refrigerator supplied, Possession. Telephone 728-5282. Immediate tween 2 and 8 | ossession._Telephone 728-5282. __--_--_| CENTRAL WHITBY. Room. with house- Phone GENTLEMAN with fully furnished, two|keeping privileges. Suit young gentleman. bedroom apartment, willing to share|Or room and same with Anglo - Sa: background. Write B: APARTMENT with me | Phone 668-4928. view. See this top'trance, main floor, priva Pointment. Cali Jeannette Nugent, 723- a Se ae Td 4651, Don Str si FOR RENT -- Two iM Possession Quiet adults only. Rent $110. Telephone fely. Telephone 723-6134 or 723-| 668-8755 after 5.00 p.m. X= | to broadioom, y facilities. Please ent, 3 ) $65 Telephone Whitby monthly. Available February Ist. For 723-8839 befcre 9 phone 723-4817 or orth. ent, four- couple, if-con: | ELGIN STREET EAST -- vate Abstainers. 64 Two api East. February |. Stove, refrigerator, washer, dryer, main floor, parking. $110. DOWN--$30 MO. 59 - 61 models your choice! BILL BENNETT MOTORS 484 K ing W. 723-0371 monthly. Adults only. 725-1310, 728-5034. |FURNISHED bedroom and kitchen, all conveniences, Suitable for couple. Cen- trally located. Apply 141 Church Street.| CENTRAL two bedroom apartment, all conveniences, Vacant February 1. Rea- |sonable. Telephone 723-0553. |APARTMENT for rent, heat end light supplied. Telephone 723-1671. THREE and two bedroom apartments, | |heated. Fifteen minute drive from Osh-|_ awa. Immediate possession. Children| welcome. Spacious background. Tele |phone 623-2488, |THREE ROOMS and bath, newly ren- jovated, second floor apartment. Heat, hydro, water included. $85. monthly. | Immediate possession. Perry Real Estate 723-8123. $98 -- ONE - BEDROOM apartment in |modern building near shopping centre, refrigerator, stove, dra supplied. | Available March Ist. Telephone 723-2570. 723-8311 MORE CASH Paid for Good Clean Cars, Trade up or down, Liens paid. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH noel ee WANTED cars Good clean cash, local for MORLEY STALKER ___| Ontario-Willlam Street area, __¥23-6322 [ONE three room apartment, and one 463 PONTIAC Parisienne. Custom Sport. '67 licence two room apartment, furnished. | Parking space. phone 728-1300. TWO ROOM apartment, stove, refrigerator. Telephone 725-3756. THREE ROOMS and kitchen, laundry |facilities. In private home, with one both Private entrance. Power brakes and steering. Tele-| plates. Excellent condition. $1,650 or best offer, Telephone 655-4850. unfurnished, $495 FULL PRIC ter than average condition. |Easy to finance at Nicols Motors Ltd., | Whitby 668-3331. '58 Chevy sedan. Bet- Lic. 37723, couple, Suitable for couple, one baby wel-|1963 PONTIAC Parisienne, four new tires, speed record come. Apply 37 Fairbanks Street. ONE |February 1. Telephone 668-6972 after 5 p.m. |THREE-ROOM furnished apartment, Wodels our speci suitable for working couple, heat and |hydro included, parking, private | Avenue. |power aerial, reverb, fou ; je Plyer. A-1 condition. $1,850. Telephone - BEDROOM apartment, available (48 a449, ,GRILLS, radiators, ou! en- LIENS PAID OFF. \ trance. Available January 15. 747 Hoskin Choose from over 60 |ment. Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 728-7375. pecialts "trade up, down, rs. No down pay- Il car parts. Late 'y Courtice Auto NEAR CREDIT UNION building. Two-|'64 PONTIAC Parisienne, two door hard- couple only, board. Parking, TV. Tele FOUR - ROOM apartment. Private en-|>#! te ; $110\top, power steeri 'rear its, Uniroyal master speaker, A-1 shape, 723-8846. '66 PONTIAC Laurentian, V-8, steering, 2-door, windshield dio, tinted windshield, white walls, seat Telephone 723. undercosted, four. automatic, tires, v-8, § radio, $1,795. Tele- washers, ap-|Telephone 725-1608. PRIVATE. bedro door coach, > bed apart- ment on ground floor, Available now.| Must sell. 668: apartments, in apartment building, close |to schools and shopping. Telephone Ajax | 942-0130. hr |ONE BEDROOM apartment, retr jand stove. 910 Grierson Stree! jappointment, 725-1551 or. 723-7011. 27--Rooms for Rent ~~ ATTRACTIVELY ; FURNISHED ROOM Available in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m, 82 PARK RD. N. 728-867 Pri ly. rge furnish- ed room with refrigerator. Parking. $12 weekly. Art Cox OAA, East, 725-1497. FURNISHED, large bedsitting room with cilities. Supper if desired, Telephone 3. 13 Elgin Street! son an Apply 278 Jervie Street, walls discs. vate. Telephone 725-756). 723-705). 668-3331. power 1960 {RAMBLER four-door sedan, auto matic six-cylinder, new tires, motor and body in excellent condition. Radio. maculate interior, Must sell immediate im- $1,595, FULL PRICE for '64 Meteor V-8 stick, This car must be seen to be ap- preciated, Lic. H68510. Easy finance at Nicols Motors, Ltd. Dundas and Thick-| $595, FULL PRICE for '59 Chevy V8 stationwagon. License X8627. Easy to fin- ance at Nicols Motors Ltd., Thickson, 668-3331 LIENS PAID OFF. We trade up, down id even, No down payment. terms, Gue Brown Dundas and Easy Motors Lid., 728-7375, |$894, FULL PRICE for '62 Ford Fair- lane in lovely condition. Lic. J10309. Easy to finance at Nicols Motors Ltd. Whitby, | Dundas and Thickson, 668-3331. 1966 PONTIAC Laurentian four-door, eight cylinder automatic, radio, Tinted windshield, iteering, 12,000 miles. One owner, 728-6125 after 6. '6 PONTIAC four door sedan, forced sale of three month old car, V-8, powered | radio, white walls, discs, terms, 725-9854 evenings. 1966 BEAUMONT Sport Deluxe, auto-| white- matic, V-8, radio, bucket seats, vinyl top. | power re- 196 Pontiac Laurentian, 2- 6 automatic. A-1 condition. 22. | | AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION CENTRE 1038 Simcoe St. N. 728-7339 Business -- Repoirs, Adjust- ments, Exchanges. All Work BINGO ------ Entered into rest, in.the family residence, $1,450.00 IN PRIZES Oshawa Lions Club 2 Jackpots Nos. 52: and 58 |*.": ONE MUST GO $300 in 52 Nos. or Less $200 in announced Nos. $25 Consolation Prize PLUS $10 per line both games floor shift. Body excellent, reconditioned| Early Bird Game 7:45 Sharp Guaranteed Minimum $5.00 Per Line $25.00 Full Card $150 Jackpot Game | 20 Regular Games at $20.00 | !n the Oshawa General Hospital on Sat-| Double in 15 Nos. or less Lost 5 Games $30 per game ADMISSION 50c Bus Service leaves King and Simcoe Streets at 7:00 and 7:15 p.m. The biggest prize money in the area for a 50c admission charge. EVERY WEDNESDAY All Proceeds to Charity Jubilee Pavilion BURNS 2 Memoriam | 'SUPPER UAW HALL Friday, January 20 6:30 p.m. The Hon. T. C. Douglas M.P., will give the toost to the immortal memory of Robt. Burnes. Dinner, Concert, Dance, Bar Facilities Tickets $3.50 can be obtained from Transmissions ore Our Only |H. G, Roughley, Insurance 187 King W. 725-6585 DEATHS 742 Emerson Avenue, Oshawa, on Sunda' Casimir Lesnick (Anne) both Resurrection Cemetery. funeral home, Tuesday at 8 p.m.) | | PALMER, Hector Wilfred By THE CANADIAN PRESS As Jacket Coates well knew, all that an old sweat needed to beat the army system was a humble and contrite spirit, exhibited on suitable occa- sions. To a veteran in the art of snagging the cushy job, in At the Oshawa General Hospital, Satur-| beating the raps and just get- jday January 14, 1967 after a prolonged lillness, Hector W, Palmer, beloved hus- | band of Gladys Helen Kinton, dear father of Mrs. R. Pascoe (Betty Marie), William H. and Robert H., all of Whitby, Mrs. F, Courtney (Helen Elizabeth), predeceas- ed, in his 61st year. Resting at the W. C. Town Funeral Chapel, in the chapel, .30 p.m. Interment Mount Lawn Cemetery. Minister, Rev. J. Smith. SIM, William Gillan | Entered Into rest in the Oshawa General Hospital on Monday, January 16, 1967, William Gillan Sim, beloved husband of Estelle Audrey Brown, brother of Mrs. F, Alexander (Rosemary), Bowmanville, Frederick, Toronto and Robert, Tyrone; in his 74th year. Resting at the Arm- |strong Funeral Home, Oshawa, with fu- neral service in the chapel on Thursday, January 19, at 2 p.m. Interment Mount | Lawn Cemetery, There will be an 100F |service at the Funeral Home Wednesday at 7 p.m. SNOWDON, Baby Girl |urday, January 14, 1967, Baby girl Snow- and Mrs. Interment 'don, Infant daughter of Mr. |Brenton Snowdon (stillbirth). was in Resurrection Cemetery. WHITBREAD, Samuel Suddenly at Oshawa General Hospital on Sunday, January 15, 1967, Samuel Whit. bread in-his 80th year, dear brother of George cf Oshawa and Ernest of Ux- bridge. Resting at the Gerrow Funeral Chapel, 390 King Street W., for service in the chapel on Wednesday, January 18, at 2 p.m. Interment Union Cemetery. Kindness beyond Price, yet within reach of all GERROW |FUNERAL CHAPEL 390 KING STREET WEST Telephone 728-6226 GALKA -- In loving memory of a dear | | wife and mother, Marjorie Lorraine Galka | who passed away four years ago. | A silent thought, a secret tear, | Keeps her memory ever dear, | Time takes away the edge of grief, But memory turns back every leaf. | |--Ever remembered by husband Jose; |and chiidren Gail, Joseph and Susan, | KING -- In loving memory of my dear parents, Thomas King who passed away January 17, 1958, and Laura King who passed away January 19, 1959. | While your dear parents rest and sleep! Your memory we'll always keep. in-law Will and grandsons. | SHEWCHUK -- In loving memory ef a dear mother, who passed away Jan-| vary 17, 1950. In our hearts @ memory is kept forget. --Lovingly remembered by Amelia, son - in - law Mike and grand- children, | rett of Peterborough, Mrs. J. | _YOURKEVICH --- In loving memory of a dear daughter Li! (nee Logeman), who passed away January 17, 1957. There's a sad but sweet remembrance There is a memory fond and true; And a token of affection, daughter, Guaranteed. FRED STONE Brooklin Phone 655-3653 @ Motor Rebuilding @ Cylinder Reboring @ Pinfitting @ Resleeving @ Automatic Transmission @ Crankshaft ond Valve Service 35--Lost and Found LOST -- Man's white gold ring with black stone, vicinity Polaris restaurant January 10. Reward. Telephone 7: |LOST -- 20' hook ladder from a truck, |in area of Oshawa and Brooklin, on Sat- iereaye January 7, 1967. Telephone 723- 18131. a ' BS CAS, ne | LOST -- Grey tabby cat, neuvtred, male. Telephone 725-9292. LOST -- Male cat, long grey hail Persian, vicinity St. Lawrence East Brock South, Whitby. Missing since uary 10. 668-4482. FOUND -- Fox Hound, white, black and tan, one mile east of Hampton and north of Taunton Road. Telephone . 263-2296. '36--Legal Notice To BINGO DNIPRO HALL EVERY TUESDAY 7:30 P.M. All regular games $10. Shore the Wealth Jackpot $150. 59 Nos. or $20 Consolation Good service for greater attendance. FREE ADMISSION DNIPRO HALL __Comer Blooy_ ond. Edith, Sts. ANNUAL MEETING WHITBY TOWNSHIP |re PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE |kindness and sympathy shown us in the ASSOCIATION FRI., JAN. 20, 1967 ODDFELLOWS HALL, BROOKLIN 8:15 P.M. GUEST SPEAKER HON. M. STARR EVERYBODY WELCOME Whitby, for ser- Tuesday January --Sadly missed by daughter Amanda, son. | He For a Mum we loved and will never |< dauohter/ert Hugh, all of Whitby. Mrs. H. Welcome; two brothers, Thomas and Harvie (Hap), both of Bow- ting along, the last thing in the world he wants is to be a hero. He doesn't want promo- tion. The last thing in the world that Jacket Coates wanted happened--he won the Mil- | itary Medal, in Korea. The private, comfortable war of Private Jacket Coates was ruined. Me was a hero. Pro- motion was imminent. Mar- riage and a settled life threatened. Lively, hilarious, perhaps a wee bit bawdy here and there, The Private War of Jacket Coates (Longmans) is the down-to-earth story of a Sec- ond World War veteran of the Canadian Army who joined Canada's Special Force for the Korean War, not from a sense of patriotism but from economic necessity. He sets out in matter-of-fact fashion to do his bit in as easy a manner as possible. He suc- ceeded, too. What happened | to Jacket Coates really wasn't his fault, Author Lt. - Col. Herbert Fairlie Wood knows his army | and his men. He's been in it Yoav renege eiixeenteeen 'PICARESQUE NOVEL SHOWS : CAREER OF ARMY VETERAN January 15, 1967, Helena Dobranski, be- loved wife of Michael Koziniak, mother of Mrs. Howard Powers (Adeline), and Mrs. of Oshawa, Peter of San Diego, Califernia, in her 68th 'year, Resting at the Armstrong Funeral j Home, Oshawa, with Mass in St. George's Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, Wed- nesday, January 18, at 10 a.m. Interment (Prayers at the for 25. years, throughout the war and in Korea as officer commanding, the 3rd _Bat- talion, Princess Patricia's Ca- nadian Light Infantry. The adaptability, the cheerful dis- regard for regulations, of the Canadian soldier prompted the book, one of the better ones to come out of the Cana- dian or any other army. Christilot Hanson had barely finished high school when she was competing against adult veterans at the Tokyo Olympics in 1964 as Canada's representative in the dressage and became an equestrian celebrity over- night. She tells the story of the strains and trials, the loneliness and exhaustion, of training for the Olympics in an autobiography, Canadian Entry (Clarke, Irwin). An integral part of the story of this 19-year-old Tor- onto girl is Bonheur, her special horse she rode at Tokyo. The. Haida Indians once ranged up and down Canada's west coast, a proud and cul- tured race, lords of all they surveyed. The coming of the white man in 1775 ended that and in 150 years the Haida culture was gone. The Iron Men, as the Haidas termed the whites, had great ships, firearms and brutal strength on their side, samen OBITUARIES HECTOR WILFRED PALMER Following a prolonged sick- ness, the death occurred, Jan. 14, at the Oshawa General Hospital, of Hector Wilfred Palmer, 310 Chestnut Street East, Whitby. He was in his 61st year. Born at Port Hope, Mr. Palmer was a son of Hugh and the late Edith Palmer. He was married April 3, 1925, in King Street United Church, Oshawa. A resident of Whitby for the last 30 years, the deceased had previously lived in Brockville, Cornwall, Oshawa and Dunbar- ton. An auto mechanic by trade, Church, conducted the service. The pallbearers were Richard Maudsley, Sandy McPherson, Neil Spencer, Duncan B. Mc- Intyre, Roland Kinton and "Bud" Heard. FUNERAL OF JAMES F. GROVES The memorial service for James Frederick Groves who died, Jan. 12, at the Ajax and Pickering General Hospital, in his 39th year, was held at 2 p.m., Jan. 16, at the Arm- strong Funeral Home. Rev. John Porter, minister was an adherent of St,|0f Westminster United Church, Mark's United Church. conducted the serivce. Inter- Mr. Palmer is survived by his Linviedlg in Mount Lawn wife, the former Gladys Helen ai Kinton; a daughter Mrs. R. Pascoe (Betty-Marie) and two sons, William Howard and Rob- Also surviving are his father; three sisters, Mrs. Evelyn Bar- Watters (Ann) of Toronto and Symons (Babe) of The pallbearers were George Taylor, Edward Kennedy, Wil- liam Greeg, Thomas Leask, James Smith. FUNERAL OF STEVE RIGO Requiem High Mass was sung in St. George's Ukrain- ian Greek Catholic Church at And @ heartache still for you. manville and seven grandchil-|10 a.m., Jan 16, for ~ Steve Da Tererer en cy Meo" 884 aren, Rigo who died, Jan. 12, at the He was predeceased by a ag General Hospital, in IACKE'C EIADICT daughter, Mrs. F. Courtney/his 73rd year. LOCKE'S FLORIST (Helen) and a brother, Howard.| The mass was sung by Rey. Funeral arrangements and The funeral service was held|J. C. Pereyma. Interment was el gal alco for all |at the W. C. Town Funerallin Resurrection Cemetery. : Chapel, Whitby, at 3:30 p.m.,| The pallbearers were A. pba F< eat Jan. 17. Interment was in Mount|Bino, J. Bino, F. Vilagi, K. 24 Hour Phone: Satwics Lawn Cemetery. Rev. John|Ferency, Edward Clarke and 728-6555 Smith, minister of St. Mark's|J. Kababik. After hours 725-7928 A_LASTING TRIBUTE For Permanence and dignity we suggest MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL PARK BRONZE MEMORIALS For courteous advice please visit the Park Office. 23-2633 |CARD OF THANKS | KEENAN -- In the midst of our sor- jrow, we wish to express our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to our many | relatives, friends and neighbors for their | of a beloved wife, mother and |grandmother Edna Gertrude Keenan. We | especially wish to thank the Rev, Frank for his words, all the donors of many heartfelt floral offerings, donations to the Cancer So- ciety, First Baptist Church and Mcintosh- Anderson Funeral Home for thelr kinde @Micient service. --Alex Keenan end family. TYCHYJ -- We wish Creditors and Others In the Estate of IDA MAY COOK RETIRED TEACHER Deceased. LIONS GOLF SCHOOL Golf Pro. H. Trudelle 86 Russet Ave. Call 7- 10 P.M. Mon. ond Tues. Only 576-0450 -- 576-0510 to thank the nurses of 4F and 2D, Dr. Kowalski, St. | John's Ladies Aid, Rev. Panczenko and| Rev. Samatz, relatives, friends and| neighbours for their kindness, floral | | tributes and sympathy during the loss) of our mother. The family of the late Mrs. N. Tychy] Negroes Begin against the estote of the above-named decesosed, late of City of Toronto, County of York, who died on or about the 23rd of October, 1966 are hereby notified to send to the undersigned Executor on or before the 17th of February, 1967, their names ond full NEW KINSMEN BINGO No. 53 -- $350. No. 50 -- $200. SEE SATURDAY'S AD EVERY TUESDAY 7:45 $1.00 ADMISSION Bahamas Rule NASSAU, Bahamas (AP) -- |An all-Negro cabinet headed by |Premier Lynden 0. Pindling | began ruling this British colony particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date, the estate will be dis- tributed, having regard only to the claims of which notice has been received. Dated January 6th, 1967. CROWN TRUST COMPANY, 302 Bay Street, Toronto 1, Canada. Someone EUCHRE Woodview Community Centre Cadillac Avenue North Wednesday, January 18, 8 p.m. sharp LUNCH and PRIZES ADMISSION .50c | EUCHRE, Boys' Club, Euvlaiie Avenue, |sponsored by Eastview Ladies' Auxiliary | |every Tuesday, 8 p.m. SOc. » Tea Served. named himself to the important Monday. ! It marked the first time that the Bahamas Islands, where 85 |per cent of the people are non- | white, had Negro rule. Pindling, whose Progressive Liberal party scored a surprising elec- tion victory last week, called it a '"'new era." Pindling, 36-year-old m lawyer, 'post of minister of tourism and '|development. He said he will|29 Wants BIRTHS |strive to intensify the already 'brisk tourist flow to these. is- lands whose principal (n Your "Don't Wants" PHONE 723-3492 HILL -- Allan and Carol (nee Nelson) ~ sas are happy to announce the birth of a son | Ralph Grey, British governor of| NUMBER. Graham Michael, Monday, 1967, at Oshawa General Hospital. First grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hill, Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. George Nelson, Dunbarton. First great-grandchild for Mr.) and Mrs. B. MacGrath of St. Catharines. | !Many thanks to Dr, Morris and fourth January 16, are sun and sea. |3e Pindling was sworn in by Sir the islands, as the Bahamas' second premier. He swore alle- giance to the Queen and to the Bahamas, Pindling succeeds Sir Roland TWO blouses -- all easy-sew. Choose tweed, blends. Sizes 1214, 1414, 1644, 1844, 2044, assets|pattern. Ontario residents add NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE Send order te ANNE ADAMS, care of The Oshawa 'Times, Pattern Dept., 60 Front 6treet West, Toronto 1, Ontario. OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS Mh TO SIZE 26% By ANNE ADAMS Solve everyday what-to-wear ing jumper, jerkin, skirt and Printed Pattern 4618: Half Me, 24%, 2614. FIFTY CENTS (50c) in eoins o stamps, please) for each sales tax. Print plainly SIZE, Spring's Fashions are a JOY Museum Quilt Book 2. motifs. Send 60c. HIS'N' HER HITS tae SG ee colors, are always a delight to wear in wintry days. His 'n' Her slippers with bold rib design. Knitted on 2 needles, strands of worsted problems with this smart sep-|P: arates wardrobe. Includes slim- together, attern 7131: men's, women's sizes S, M, L. THIRTY - FIVE CENTS (coins) for each pattern (no stamps, Brooks, care of The Oshawa 'Times, Needlecraft Dept., 60 Front Street West, Toronto 1, Ontario. Ontario residents add 2c sales tax. Print plainly PAT- TERN NUMBER, NAME, AD- DRESS. please) to Alice 210 MOST BEAUTIFUL NEEDLECRAFT DESIGNS. in new 1967 Needlecraft Catalog! Knit, erochet fashions, afghans, quilts, embroidery, toys, gifts, baba Free Patterns, Send 25¢ oday. 12 remarkable heirloom quilts complete patterns in color in Quilting na Symonette, who was named|FOR ALL SIZES! See 115 A Courteous premier when the Bahamasjstyles, 2 free hat patterns, fab-|-- Ad-visor lint atgouncna tes Si oe ale Gone were granted self-government|rics, accessories in new Spring- will be ha ba a.4a Andrew, weighing @ Ibs. 3 ozs... two years ago. Defence and|Summer Pattern Catalog. Gift Ppy General Heswitcl, Mother end soe nwa|foreign affairs continue ander| CONpOE for free pattern in Cat- to help you well, : British control. lalog. Send 50c. 16 i Send also for Quilt Book 1 = complete patterns. 60c, Henderson and Fred -- Hball Awolt Loose, 6 bridge, Alta., @ whistle and pr By JAMES © LONDON (CP) Associatio nounced a plan te soccer clubs with from last year's victory. It plans to set | nent loan fund for ing number of fourth - division that are feeling t pinch. Low-interest loz available to helr Goalter In Pee Goaltenders 'sho portance during where four of eigt ed were shutouts, borhood Associati Lake Vista ha Park a 5-1 seth Mark Logan's fin The winners wer ard Markov wit while single goal by David Sherid den and Mike | Goodes score Park goal. Nortt tinued undefeate: win over Ferhhi Jarvie, the lea scorer, led the \ fine four-goal ef Scero and Robbit pleting the Nortt ing with two got hill marksman ' kitsch. Brookside blan 7-0 as Tom Bu the shutout. | scored two goals for Brookside, w' ing goals were § Wilson, Pete! Doug Beirness, and Paul Snell. Valleyview ca! a fine effort, Baker Park by : gin. Marcel Be both Valleyview goal, Phillip G: many difficult Baker goal Danny Kvasnak Eastview ove: 10 lead to take Woodview as € the way for Ea goals, while scored the ot Legere picked u score. Kingside took from Sunnyside strong defence tending by Bill bday acco Kingside goals the fourth, whil scored a single Nipigon dum 9-0 as Kim Zwic . while B joug Earhart n Single goals © Danny Morris 2 tenson. The stv by Peter Grills Connaught P first place with Rundle Park. offense was led and Dave Sn goals each whi Connauc Eastviev Connaught Cleaners ha: Park their fir season, in | Park hockey day afternoon M. Jenkin t game in goal | in their victor M. Prosser si with Z. Lov assist on eac