BUSIM one SiGORGRReeeeeeeeeee! CO T negotiating com- REST AFTER LABORS THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, February 8, 1967 LOAN FOR JAMAICA he 182-to-10 vote) TOULOUSE (AP) -- Guy Cas-| é s 24 FT | oa ig Pe Canada is lending Jamajcation of an im- "4 : suy Cas-/ a rt $575,000 for the construction put declined fur-|{e!! wants France's laws) tt } low-cost rural housing to st. until after dis-|changed to permit renting! New Home Recipe the flow of unskilled agricynion officials. | a _|ural workers into Kingston, tracts 'with' the a by the hour ride 50 of e capital. An agreement sigr Feb. 17. The|*te '@y- The change would be} Re ucing Plan 9 Tuesday at Kingston makes accused the un-|800d for the modern traveller's| T , KS BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT money available for the pur ing more money|digestion, says hotelier Castell, | t's simple how quickly one|lose bulky fat and help regain ase of Canadian building mans have already | | may lose pounds of unsightly fat| slender more graceful curves; if ials for 278 two-bedroom ho since a short siesta after a yight in your own home, Make/ reducible pounds and inches of Banff ic S8YS) One example: After some/35: ¢ 39. -- %/ cs ?'|gasoline, lubricating oil; house-jtold by our h + te Beet 16000 2 24 24 pS said 1 3 ) as, such i 0 251 251 251 +1 |hold products like detergent and/one, "Besides A less ex- TSG early. i Aer tea Butter prices: Agricult: FRESH DAILY For 1B 1000 44 ae dd + VLE Chico "B00 gis. oes. ae. 210 |margarine; and liquor. jas men's cosmre a month| would increase chicas th din stabilization board tendere : 1 ae ss us | C,flamesid 100 298 228 B +5 | They probably will soon be|pensive thamfiss-the-board|trinutors one her cent, aboppert carlots; Buying 40 score POWER GRADE Bi M4 14 14a + 31 Sow te 140 $1154 i196 'idate 14] forking out more for cigarettes} ago. It's n |jreported to the Consumers' As- buying 39 score 58; selling FE "Ay 500 20 20 20 Suh I ee ee and oie fe ea i show. he © says it isn't) sociation of Canada that the re- C ie ie i Fargo 400 320 AEA i ect ladon a Fe t doing busi-|'2ii Price on some brands had BOND MARKE' ' $0 steve i uw Gr' Ploins D $124 "24 124 | Inglis 250 $10, 10 10 | "The ing," on re ais yh 'an anes . cho ar Pal | ; : : , -per- ss Gessler ot ee aa a 4h +2%2| Ao ene 0 385 380 385 +0] Inland Ges TE Oe 6 nt Me ir is Mot absorbing the Lary Meg eee BO cag eh Phin. Ih sa a Conlagas 1000 57 87 7 ee re a Int Nickel 263 $96 96 96 + %|Plains. #from the manu-' A. J. McKichan, manager of|ally unchanged in quiet tra 100 002. , 2 26 2 2% Bl Bay 2300 114 11¥e 11h TOROM ited a Aohetee | " A we Net | heavy meal would allow '"'the! this home recipe yourself. It's| exce "t di Teron Exchenge--Feb. e Fata eno ve ery ne Se beg Be sepa peptide) operations|vapors from a good meal to! easy, no 'rouble ateall and jai haek chon pow gore fed oe | Co ear gel stenrek ae er ae a Es ax Tre: "ig a 28-day strike|disappear." little. Just go to your drug store| calves and ankles just return the em Bx-warrants, Net change |s| Steep R 2200 595 590 595 +10 | +. Of the railway | eemeenansnanamian and ask for four ounces of Naran| empty bottle. for your money from "zie ee ere et ee oe oe oe ee e PRODUCE efused to cross Concentrate, Pour this into aj back. Follow this easy way en- p Hebei me 8 8 e e up by 80 strik- LEWIS pint bottle and add enough/dorsed by many who have tried MINES | Trin Chib 1000 10 10 10 --¥s trices TORONTO (CP) -- Whole:: apefruit juice to fill the bottle.| this plan and help bring back i Wet | Un Keno" US 300 300 34 1ves 1se to retail carton eggs aver SSS OPTICAL ake two tablespoons full a day/ alluring curves and graceful stee "~ ~ - = Ch'ge| Un Keno 7s ee eas ee . weighted prices quoted by OT SILENT cenit te Geran es eae and follow the Naran peneeee: oa how quickly 4 | Urban Q 15% 154 15% ach «(80 r 70 cen r ; e i PED ,. . * | bloat disappears--how neces, Yoo 33 1333 + | Vespar a ane TBy JANE BECKER pers and the forecas Tetallars, coals 76 Gents th Same ncaa peep pre ee 10% King -- West If your first purchase does not | ter you feel. More civ vealed sgema" 2000 12 12 12 +2) Windfall ? ,| TORONTO (CP) -- Since thejers, manufacturers Stributiets. nie ena ged ae 725-0444 | show you a simple easy way to|appearing and active ang 2°, fd ter as ele Yale Lead 1900 +\federal sales tax increase took|tors. : One manufacturer says the dipiole eak, ey ooo 10 10 10 ay Sean et jeffect Jan. 1, prices of a lot of| But discovering 4 as trouble is that however small] Esss: .Wholesale prices Are £000 375 70 375 +10) Zenmac 500 26 'everyday things have spiralled.|sponsible is like . 'oylthe manufacturer's increase,\CUntry stations fibre ci mo 3 = More will almost certainly rise|down the culprit prices almost always rise a|@uoted by the Toronto Boar; AScep 200 103 103 103, +1 OILS, GAS this month. ' Mason mystery. Jj, .11m.|/minimum of one cent'per unit oe -- bees d 'Au, St ae as 1 | Alminex 700 480. 475 Canadians are paying more] The Druggist s@ 'we're|at the retail level. ers; Extra large 41; large Be 700 725° 725-728 Am Ledue 6000 21 21 lfor many drug store items;| "We charge | 39; medium 32-34; small 26 | | ! | } } a e s = 8 Re > va s ¢ Halll 70 54 54 54 +41] Blanco G Int Util 595 $26¥2 26% 26%4--Yelprice ff\e're not passing] V a ' Provo Gas he adds eryptic-|{he Retail Council of Canada, | Tuesday, pocner x Int Util pr 300 S29% 2% 2% -- Ve facturi er ree Se ee ae predicts the end result of the} Short - term Governme sales tax increase will be what|Canada bonds were off 15 | Ww peaches 350 300 300 500. + 2 |. ettereon 35 $28% 28% 28% + YA he calls psychological pricing. jcents with the 4%4-per-cen | W Decit w 100 155 155 "155 | Jockey" 100 395 395, 395 -- S |him# most of our prices|sE_ECTIVE INCREASES 1, 1967, issue closing at 99. 5 U 1] Intpr Steel (925 480 475 475 it on pie ~1] Inv Grp A 1100 $10¥4 Ove 10% + Yel ally, 2 "aM 4k + M4] Yandoo 289 289 Tae pee 2) James Sti 130 400 400 400 +5 Labatt 208 $214 21% 21% " and 99.70 asked. 4 7 =) $13% 13% 13% + %| Ri 15 ' Lafa 45. $112 Nia Wa-- Ve htly since the sales a INDUSTRIALS Lontcem 475 $54 54 SV ar@ise," one says. "But|,, Some increases are accepta:| Tongterm Canada an 136 135 135 <1 | Abitibi 409 $11% 11% 11% + Ve| Lau Fin 300 $5¥e Sve Sve , ble to the public, others not," 954% 5446 54% Alta Gas T 100 sais aise sie? | Lev F 63w 100 90 90 90 --15 |(amthe dealer whether he he eays "Retailers will try se vincial bonds ended the d. $42 Algoma St 125 $2376 23% 23% Lev 375 $182 18% 182+ Yel|it@em on.' changed with the 4%%-pe sf Algonquin 200 130 125 130 410| Life Invest 225 $7% 7% 7% recover costs by raising prices Sept. 1, 1983, issue closi Alcan 3100 $36 = 35% y i 19. --5 -} 200 | Alcan pr 100 $41%4 41% ss ine o My rH 'ave " Hee 's| #n--and then some. The/0" items that can. stand it, and 89% bid and 89% asked. SIMCOE BRAND 'Alumin 19% 194 191 Lob B 25 38% 84 84+ keeping them steady on others, pr 250 $194 194 19% ob Co tax was raised to 12). . Day-to-day money trac > a Alumin 2p 25 $4l%@ 4)\a 41% Loeb M 965 $134 13% 132+ which couldn't become more ex- y" y ey | Anthes A 23 (223 4| Maclarn A 900 $22% 22% 22% tt from 11, but many re- ensive without markedly re- 4% per cent. 1 0 Argus C pr 1 4 TY MB Lid 525 $28Ve 28% 28% ices are up anywhere|? 0 y 1 8 Asbestos 260 $2 Va 241 Magna El 800 $10 9% 9% t qiducing sales. 31 30% 30 | Ashdwn 8 5 M Lf Mills 200 $19 19 «19 + ygtwo to 10 per cent, an : | Atl Sugar : , Mass-Fer 18% 384 25% + es more. ed agp that clothing bo 000 645, bord bert --10 | Avon a Ya x Molson A verything's going ui hid 8a pro ly cos more soon, - . 16 134 IDA Vs) Bank Molson B 280 $2078 207 207 hea thedrcstone. "Tooth: cause generally it still 's priced| » e that used to be 69 cents| below the "psychological limit. 5 cents. Some face tissue is| "When Finance Minister aw =S 0 Mon Food 125 $8 $8 | Montex w 200 170 170 170 | Nore 178 $94Va 94. 94a 8 154 153 184 4] Bell Phne 3 | Brazilian Mh 7% 1s Brdg Tnk p 215 $40 40 40 Morse A 275 $22'4 22% 22% 895 890 895 +20/ Br Am Bnk 7225 $70 6 70 Morse B 100 $20% 20% 20% $24%e 242 24% | BA Ol! 575 $35 35 35 dhurphy 250 $7% 7% _7: $69%4 69% 69%4-- %) BC Forest----270-$23-23%4 23% Mrphy Pr 75 $28 288 8% 8% 84+ %| Br intl Fin 500 385 375 385 +8] Nat Drug p 25 $12% 12% 1 cents where it was 22. And/Sharp said the increase wouldn't roll of black and white filmjaffect the price of food he fosts 66 cents now, a cent more|wasn't being quite fair," says han on Dec. 31." F. C. Kennedy, sales director i ae Burns Fds 100 $13 13. 13 Norands 700 $587 58s . $1. One brand of mouthwash,'of A. and P. Food Stores. %6 % 1% 107 105 106 --¥| CAE Ind 100 39% 9% 9h Nor Ctl @ 4864 3. 1 Calgary P 225 $25 25 25 Ocean Cm 3 1% 18 Calgy 540 p 155$105 104% 105 +) Ogilvie 29 28 29 al CD Sugar 240 $22% 22% 22% Oshawa A 144 112 «114 +4) Can Cem 40 $41% 41% 41%4--Y%| Pac Pete $12 W% 12 | Can tron m5 $21 1 21 Pembina 140 140 140 Can Malt 250 $21% 21% 21% + %| Pow Corp 65 65 65 Cdn Brew 3990 $74 7% 7% Prem tron 1400 160 $$ 14% 15 + Ve! CB AIA Ww 200 400 400 400 Price Com Y Ml 3 3s. 2s € Dredge 100 300 300 300 QN Gas 3785 THE 20000 18 16% 18 +8! C imp Bnk 780 $64%4 64% 64% QNG 5.4 p 7 610 610 610 | C Ind Gas 3055 $12¥a 12% 124--%| ONG 5¥%2 pr $ 9 9 %W +4) CIL 2150 $182 18% 18% QN Gs 63w i 2 24 24 --1 | CPR 727 $6238 62%e 62% + %| QN Gs 66w 12 :112--«112 | CPR pr 400 $8% 8% 8% Rank Org 1000 oD Chemcell 270 $13% 13% 13% Relchhold 2 1000 iy jan 2, ai Chrysler 185 $39 39 «639 «+ %| Robert gut Ye -- Cominco 1285 $325 32% 32% Ronald Fd Computr 210 39% 9% 9% Rothman Me SYSTEM & OF FINANCING 14 148 44+ 50 Conduits 100 $5¥a. Sve S¥e--Vy| Royal Bnk % 1% 7% Con Bidg 4200 150 145 145 Salada 5 10 110 «110 Con Paper 940 $42. 42 42 Sayvette e s 0 62000 28 26 2% +2) Con Papw 310 $10% 10 10 Selkirk A 4000 rovides loans tailored to fit 135. 131 135 +4] Con Papr p 50 $25 25 25 + W| Shell Inv p 1895 a +. oat va Corby vi 215 $26%4 264 2614 Shell tay Ww A ons Gas 293 $15% 15% 15% ell Can h d f b ° 200 $25 $25 $25 +8] Corby B 75 $25%% 25% 25% Shop Save t e needs 0 your usiness: 34 32:0 «32 -- 3 | Crain RL 100 $37 36% 37 Simpson $ isha ha "| Estas EE Ae) See rus! nv jeter mere mm yas a 0 450 ss Sogemine to finance the purchase of land, buildings, and gnus 22 $8% 8% 8% io OM +1) Dist Sag 390 $3746 37% 37% -- Vo Stee! Can equipment, or other expansion programs... to V ome Pete 2125 $402 40V2 40) 'exaco . * n * 10 10 10 +2] D Bridge 610 $i9%s. 19 194+ Val Thom N P provide additional working capital or replenish 23.23 23 --Vs| D Electro 100 $14% 14% 14% + Ve| Tor Dm Bk vw ° 9 9 9 Detasco 250 $21 12} Traders A / 200 200 +8 funds spent for fixed assets... to consolidate 2 My re +t sill Store 1283 $202 20% 204+ ¥) Trader 3 hy 414 47" " ri i | d bt t 1 b I jomtar 3135 $18% 18% 18%+ %! Tr Can PL /im 47 4; oe - 10% 10% 10% | Dupont maa o | Tr Gan Pi goo ° a0 + :| and refinance existing de' : eign tek . - alcon. 2083 $89% 89% 89%4--%| Tr Can Pw 17% 1 4 n $10, 605 505 | cam Play 220 $3336 33% 33% Trans MtPS 275 275 +20 nesses or start new ones pape? aver ' y Ve -- ee! '9 500 68 «668 68H 2 Tru-Wall £228 22 22 4 eo br * EPE el a $20Ve 20Ve 20Ve+ Ye} Un Carbs 11 11% amounts of $25,000 to $1,000,000 or more, for 5 5 n pr 235 $80 79% 80 Un Gas #475 475 475 2 ol? old au | EREET at oa ae Virssit Basie 26 stb = Ye terms of 5 to 15 years. For assistance with any 260 $80Ve 80% 80Ve Vv til 14% 14% 14% . 375 375 (375 Goodyear 808170. 169 167 --1 | VieG W 10, 125,130 + 8 industrial or business project call: Pax int 300 16 «16 «16 GL Paper 75 $25% 25% 25% Walnoc@? $31% 31% 31% + go Sad = « ou 7 +1 ab ao al | Hea 23% 23% + Ve} Walk 400 400 «400 ; FAX, MONTREAL, TORONTO, ife 652 65¥2 65Va--1'4| Weill & 3! 0 225 -- id Point Lied pal ree bid ' Guar Trst 100 $10% 10% 10% -- "| Well 60 ies 90 190 --5 RoyNat Ltd, at HALI f G Y fe reston 4 M%--~Ve| Hard Carp 35 $35 35 35 Wo 27% 27% 27% -- Ve oes Purdex 1000 9 9 9 +%!] Hard Crp A 225 $302 20% 304-- Ve West oo sists 15 15¥a + Va WINNIPEG, REGINA, CALGARY, or Pyramid 150 380 380 280 +5 | 100 125 125 125 +10| W M100 $5% 5% S%-- Ve Oe oe, mm 4 M aly +" Hela s 200 465 465 465 -- Ww 195 $1934 1934 19% -- Ve or enquire through any branch of. ++ mi} | Home A 2450 $23% 23% 233 Ne Ya 21a 21% Quemonf" 200 10, 10, 10, -- We] Home B28 $25i4 2814 4 Well 200 210210 210 THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA BANQUE CANADIENNE NATIONALE a ay Co 200 $16% 162 l6e--Y) Z -- Radlore 500 5757.57 Hi Ol Ges 844 Sus ae a el apogee MONTREAL TRUST COMPANY THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY Rayrotk 100 133 133 133 Imp Olt 19 $596 59 594 + %| ae eee GENERAL TRUST OF CANADA Rio Algor 2161 $24% 24% 245% Imp Tob 350 $14¥2 14¥2 142+ Ve SOREIGN TRADING San Antoni 1364 24 24 24 Ind Accept W5 $24% 24% 24% m 200 450 450 450 Satellite 1000 23% 23Ve 23% Ind Minerl 130 $11 11¥e 11'%e--% 200 180 180 180 --4 Sherritt 700 445 440 445 Ind Wire 1850 $6% = 6Ye 2700 140 140 14 --5 Slivrtlas 210 320 320 320 | Ingersoll 225 $11 u mae SPECIAL! 20 Cu. Ft. 229-95 Soup 'Bone va ai NT FANCY RED SOCKEYE Limo °F bist CUT ae 15 Cu. Ft. You knc s could be th 5 Year Food Spoilage Plan Included (Oshaws) LTD. 90 Simcoe St. South