12 'THE OSHAWA TIM8S, Monday, February 13, 1967 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top Record-Holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) FAMOUS HANDS East dealer. North-South vulnerable. » DONALD DUCK NORTH 4109 e064 HAMACO, ITA T KNOW IF THE SILVER ISIN S3its HEY, C ae VE WA L DON'T KN IL saneeie vane tonaas || Sia Mane Re EePT] | GARONA eg ON | gwar RAID, leoves: evooee 43 READY: OUT OF THE CAVE? LETS 60!) by THE MINE c.NO# BUT THE SILVER BARS erSirers Sans Bone, i " 8 LEFT THE ery) o964 SAnS j 1 ! 4 ] --_ oe BH] ave | \ 3 * ea : sour a a Ser - ( / * ee fe|| OF Ze \ = + Fi s oe 1073 3 : \ SAKQICSS 2 [] g The bidding: @ y East, 1 club Dble.; South, 3 NT; West, Pass; North, Pass. | = » Opening lead -- queen of ira Ee ke ||, 078 - A strange disease has appar- ently infected some of our top bridge players. It is called the gambling three notrump. According to this convention, used mostly in tournament cir- i , cles, an opening three notrump tighten their é . js 3 fa LIMITED BY 3 NAF bid (or overcall) is based not on opposing oper- : es Y SECURITY. |, "4 jthe standard 25 to 27 high-card ations about her ee / : RE, points, but rather on a long and Marina Viadchek : Lager lee powerful minor suit and with- continues her YA t '@ Re hig out regard to the distribution of i the other suits. Sometimes there is a trick on the side sometimes not. "yuu The convention has the out- HH 1 standing merit of serving as a } {il preemptive bid if partner has 2 Y 2 poor hand, and as a means of . obtaining a good result if part- ner has either a moderate or an exceptionally good hand. However, the convention is fraught with danger, for, once a player has become addicted, the urge to use it is next to ir- resistible. Unless a partnership knows exactly how to treat the disease, it may prove fatal -- as . it did in-this case. . ' » The deal occurred during the ) seul P| 1965 European championships in the match between Switzer- land and- Italy. Bernascon! (South for Switzerland) over- HE'S OUR LI'L. SON, AGIN" LI'L ABNER 7 THERE WHILE? pO see Tk 7 NO INDIANS ARE AROUND! Sy ISN'T ED SMITH STILL PRESIDENT OF HIS GOT THREE KIDS IN COLLEGE ; h, : sh x called the (artificial) club bid Wiel s-16 : with three notrump and bravely passed when East doubled. a = pik Bald ishou! ave rescue; lour F UR, FIN AND CAMPFIRE clubs -- it was obvious that Bernasconi's long suit was ona * ay ag TBs & clubs. Since Ortiz was looking 'Shanna ionamin are § cos i bMasletrate's Cour More. hints for fisherman i ' . virtually no strength in the anne 'oron HE. Cat --Dating Game ONG three side suits to offset his 'ochestegy WHEN PREPARING A SHORE WELL TO TAKE A\ e 8 0! Ehanne) Sobuttale Toasty Special paar Dyke show DINNER, CLEAN FISH AT WATERS 'SPAPERS, GOOD partner's known weakness in STARTING FIRE, WIPING rs Channe) 6--Toronte 4--I've Got @ Secret 12:00 NOON EDGE, FILLET AND FRY OT | Sor cevie PANS AND those suits, it was sheer suicide Channel 4--Botisie 3--Probe 12--Cartoon Party FLOU NA SACK TEN PUT. OTHER USES INTHE WOODS. to pass the double. Channss 3--Buttate Wisersesschew | thine bredte INSACK HAKE The result was certainly @ Weather snd Sports 1--Money Mave record of some kind. West led MONDAY EVENING | ¢ viewin Se es Wee a heart and East took the ace, 5:08 PM, gee was uM 3--Popaye ind wee felling South's king. The de Veo Tires Siccges i i axe Fob Wester, tor| oa fence then had no trouble cash- 8--Superman 4--Skling with Stein N--it's A Match ing six hearts, five spades and tot aremie 1:38 P.M. > on Weather, the A-K of diamonds to produce pron kone 24-Johnny Carson eave Due a nine-trick set -- a resounding 5.30 P.M. his 64--Search tor Tomorrow 2,600-point penalty! 12-Gilligan's Island 11.38 P.M, a--Merv Griffin This unexpected windfall did é--Music Hop Profile 12:45 P.M, 2--Of Land and Seas 11:40 PAM. &4--Oulding Light not harm the Italian cause at s--MeHale's, Navy 9--Court Martial 1:08 PAM all, and they went on to win the eitoule. . a boas (7h ene Urineaire aie by a comfortable mar. igan's tslan 6--Girl From U.N.C.L.E.| 8Dialing for Dollars gin. 48-12--Weather, Sports 12.00 A.M. Girl Talk ET HANDY.| CHECK FIRST FISH 'YOU CATCH 3-Gilligan's Isiend NeMystery Theatre 7~Ben Casey HAVE A LANDING NI NTS 30 P.M, K FISH OUT STOMACH CONTENTS. Ipers Beran runoay | EXP Stn | SPWATER.URENEY ANbBE | WLLuaveWHOLEMNNOWS | SALLY'S SALLIES feacNete Whelton, Contain Kergaree | CAREPULIN sussicblaia | epee yr', : Sports 6:30 A.M, Ye wort hd, Wes ie Noapeniieed" | Secale Bea Jed) / 0 PM. 2:00 P.M. ~ q . In| H-Gilll hc pl F-Dielinn Far' Bollerts Winners Circle ie Ve sce nena Girl Talk é4--Password ' TBA. noun eee 2-8--Days of Our Lives 2-13] soMidwestern Hayride | Ins ced Alien sendin stoma | ecpemnngere |S e THE KIDS AT AND WE NEED AT DON'T BE A = --Dakteri 8--Crossfire Bir rus pony 7 sil WENUS MAGAZINE Least ANOTHER TEN 9--Lucille Ball 2--Pick A Show 7--Dream Girl EARL DELMONICO FINDS HIMSELF SADDLED WITH BARNEY WILL CHIP 1 GRAND JUST 10 GET : Tope Free oe ae AM. 4 Baking Contest ' BANKRUPT RESTAURANT--AND WITH EVE WHO A 36-12--Don Messer " te , we HIM TO TAKE OVER THE MANAGEMENT! 3-4--Monkeos Senttis--Onterle Hemertane vconndentiel o 8:00 P.M. Schools 9--Words and M : B f S-Rewitched 2--Topper s--Pat. Boone Kis HA Ginsu Tie. f runt j ba) m|':| SUGGESTED... Se witit cercnvet eee {tae AM. #2-Another World e 6 < f d fe Genera | e PLACE=-THAT'S €2000, J . He ia © : ; S| WH i emily} $--Cartoon Playhouse To Tell The Truth YOUR HEALTH ia (e~ © || reer 1 CAN GET . ig , y TEVes N--Occasions! Wife 8-2--Reach for the Stars! %-6-12--Take 30 Ltd ry 9--Andy Griffith 4--Candid Camera | 3:28 P.M. "Lieutenant, weren't there 7--Ret Patrol 36-12--Canadian schools | 4 News ANY girls in South Vietnam ?° tee PM 1)--shorning vine" tcBarcntn Beran 4 Sad set 11--Farmer's Daughter s ®DELMONICO'S M--Petticoat Junction 9--Fractured Phrases Lire Beoe M h Ge H b PELMONICO's SY | eer tne an | eacincrratn | Fesuneran Set others Get Habit GILLIS - McGRANDLE BOUT ) 4--Andy Griffiths 4-Beverly Sbiities, 38-You Dan't say" EDMONTON (CP) -- Cana- See ete ee | Tecan, Slant | 4:00 P.M. dian featherweight champion 2--Movle $-412-Chez_ Helene V--Super Comics a 0 uc Billy McGrandle of Edmonton 7:90 P.M, 11:08 ALM. ool tere ay will defend his title here March pegs a ar 4--Secrat Storm : 20 against Les Gillis of Ne JoPeyton Place Tole Dougies Vince | eee ee, We Waterford, N.S. Gillis ts Cans- 4--Jane Morgan 7--Supermarket Sweep &--Mike Douglas a, M8, is ana- 10:00 MA, 4-Andy of Mayberry) =| | 4:30 PM Dear Dr. Molner: We are twojuric acid. We're told that his|4ian junior lightweight cham eis rion Page 2-Matches end Mates +Movie, boys, aged 14 and 16, and our|body cannot use t up and cry-|Pion. The bout will be Me- Challenge ee TE AM a es aed question concerns the necessity|stals of it in the joints cause|@tandle's fourth as a profes- 4-To Tell The Truth > hawrence of wearing hats in colder|the pain. How can we cope with |Sional. He won the title last w : weather, We are both healthy, it?--Mrs. A.S.F. alse hers ag i eat well, are quite athletic and) that's tt i lugall of Sydney, N.S., oO. CROSSWORD neither of us has had more than | nai, patie i Pigoe poiog and defended it against Mac- = = a cold for five years. We havelnainful, Modern drugs (called Dougall in August. ACROSS DOWN 19.Regard [AMBISOME] laverage-length hair. uricosuric agents) are proving 1. Lean 1.Cockedhats 21, Female MALI ISr irom | It is our contention that hats very effective in helping the 5. Mexican 2, Eye of deer SUSMMMSITISIAILS) jare not necessary for walking\nody to discharge excess. uric say, Prewaly) x} dollar bean 22,.Capue [Sia] or driving in temperatures from| aciq '4 poy | AUTO 9. Cost 3. Sherbet chin IAT IRIOMINIAIBIS] 119 to 40 degrees. We do see thet Ng Heloful | " ; fHTUTC [L10} Jad tessa . Wi Ned Siicient\ SERVICE E 10. Sultan's 4.Compase monkey jiaie] Jeg |necessity for earmuffs, so we| Dear Dr. Molner: Will youll Efficient ) lecree point 28. Compo- don't object to all headgear.--|discuss nicotine poisoning? |§ © 12. Vex 5. Pastry nents 1 ec 8 2 33.¢1 GE § 94. Relieve ee f D.L. and ML. What are the symptoms? Is it 7. River in 27.German [PILIAIVIABBAIGIRIETE] Do I sense a familiar family|dangerous to health? I have T 14, Edible * Yugoslavia * spa SIAISISIVEESIHIE[OIS} | argument? Mother says: '(Wear been tired and nervous, have a UNE-UP NOW FOR root 8. Smell 80.Require Ssterdey's Answer |your hat or you'll get sick," and|fullness in my nose and earsiij/™ TOP PERFORMANCE 15.Continents 9. Nettle 31. City in you say the opposite, and tightness in throat and up- abbr, ri 11. Sea eagle Michigan 87.Time - Mothers come by'it naturally.|Per chest.--D.S.W, 16. Merit 13. Miss . $3. Breach gone by They get the habit while mak-| Nicotine poisoning could be 17.Left-han@ 15,Kitchen § 34. Bulging 39, Letter ing sure babies are warmirelated to your symptoms. It appliance 40, Forbid enough. It's hard to shuck the/can cause quite a variety, 42, Exclama> habit 10 or 15 years later. among them fast heart, dizzi- tion However, whether to wear alness, sweating, Nausea, vomit- Cua hat is mainly a matter of cus-|ing, diarrhea, visual disturb- e 474 \tom and comfort. You sound/ances, eo 1 Mm like healthy, vigorous fellows,| It occurs primarily in heavy and if you don't mind the chill/smokers, particularly those sen- wind or a few snowflakes, there |sitive to nicotine. It can, obvi- is no reason to wear a hat--if/ously, be harmful to health. The V7}! you're comfortable. only cure is to stop using nico- Y Ear muffs are a different|tine (tobacco). NOW ! BETTER 19 Z 4 matter, because frostbite is} Dear Dr. Molner: My 11-year- br Y Z common and ears are the most|old daughter told me the girls CAR SERVICE Y vulnerable. In cold weather,|at school made fun of her be- For Sefe Sure Driving Va head covering helps conserve|cause dark hair on her legs BRAKE and 27 , e e the total heat in your body. But |showed through her nylons. She @ FRONT END ALIGNMENT @ when such protection is needed,|doesn't want to shave them but SERVICE wn it's cold Seen 7 so you pape wants to use a a et cream (Up To Six Months Te Pay) y have to be told to wear a hat|/to remove them. Shall I let her? . * or hood, You'll want it. --Mrs. J.R. "fe tener ae tome iw Incidentally I knew a physi-) Yes, why not? Shaving is not A, clan who never wore an over-|harmful, either. Another an- COOPE § wR Zia coat in winter--hat and gloves,iswer is to use a peroxide $8 ZZ yes, but no overcoat. So longjbleach which can make the as he was comfortable, that/hairs almost invisible for prac- TEXACO = : was enough. tical purposes. Some of the) XY Dear Dr. Molner: My hus-|creams may irritate if her skin| 56 Bruce St. 410 Ritson Re. N. band has gouty arthritis due to'is sensitive, '