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Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Feb 1967, p. 12

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DONALD DUCK THIS IS COR. SAWYER, MR, HAN, HE THINKS HE SAW YOU |) LAST NIGHTSAT THE BOMBING OF THE FLOATING RESTAURANT, 1 AM OFTEN MISTAKEN FOR BUZ SAWYER OH, NO, I WAS WITH.MY WIFE AND FAMILY, ESPECIALIY BY AMERICANS WHO HAVE TROUBLE TELLING 3] ONE VIETNAMESE FROM * ANOTHER, 7. 18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, February 18, 1967 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER . © King Featires Syndicate, Ine, 196 THAT HERB I). pAGwooo-- 7] [Here BOUGHT mm | e1e0 BRAN GUESS WHAT? | |, TOOTSIE A NEW FUR BLONDIE WELL, JUST ONCE INA WHILE, '0 LIKE TO HEAR A CHIRP , OUT OF YOU! STOP DANCING, YOU DEMENTED KIDS !! THERE'S NO MUSIC /' YTV RTC CER 3 . ABNER S pp Vet: *@ IT'S QUIET ASA _-- GRAVEYARD'. THERE CAN'T BE ANYONE IN THERE DANCING!!! LI'L ABNER BUT LIKE THERE 1S, b YOU SEE, BEN? THERE ARE Two WOMEN! ONE 15 JANE! JANE ARDEN YOU'RE VERYQUIET, \ TODAY, MISS VLADCHEK, SECRET AGENT X9 7. _(NO..IM JUST] AT Genes / TALL: Trt ri ACROSS TOWN, © King Feeturee Spads OFF YOUR ME! YOULL SEE WHERE WE CAN HIDE FROM TH TRAPPERS IN THE LAKE! THE LONE RANGER SJ WN SS Wie NUBBIN HENRY HUBERT BY THE TIME WE GET vy -- 4 TLL Be \---- ae a. [2-18 _Winanls ee VLADCHEK SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED! \} x eo, RNY. Z. TELEVISION LOG Channel 12--Peterborough Channe} 11--Hamiltea @--This Is The Life 4--Look up and Live 10:30 P.M, 1--News Special Channel 9---Toronto 2--Insight 4--What's My Line Channel &--Rochester 11:00 AM 100 P.M. Channe! 7--Butta N--Jr, Hockey 2:3-4-6-8-9-11-12--News, Weather, Sports +B: 9--Meta pened son 8--Christopher Program 7 1:15 P.M. Channe! 2~Buttale 7--Bullwinkle Show --Movie 4--Church Service 11.25 P.M, SATURDAY EVE, 6--Concert Populaire 4--Skiing Tips 5.00 P.M. 3--Hymn Book | 11:30 PLM. i >t ed 2--Faith tor Today | 11--Spectr 1--Little People pectrum 7--Wide World of Sports 11:30 A.M. 4--Movie 9--Wish You were Here | 3--Movie 4--Beat the Champ 3-6-12--Frankenstein, Jr. 2--Buffalo Jamboree 7--Discovery " 67 8--Johnny Carson 8--Social Security 2--Merv Griffin -- HOW COME EVE WELL, UM NOT THE ONE TO SAY; "PON'T GOT HERSELF THROW GOOD MONEY INVOLVED WITH AFTER BAD... A RESTAURANT, - TUNE? FARL LOANED SOME MONEY TO A FRIEND... AND I THINK THEY'RE. TRYING TO GET THAT MONEY BACK, POPS, _/ JULIET JONES WE. BOTH KNOW THAT EVE WOULD THINK YOU'RE \ALKING ABOUT SOMEBODY ELSE= NEVER HER! : ©1967 'Wak: Productions 'World Rights Reserved WILL YOU HELP ME WITH "THE DISHES LIKE YOUR UNCA MICKEY HELPS AUNT MINNIE? MICKEY MOUSE WN-THAT HAPPY, RUGGED YO-LAY-TEE-OH! TEE-OH? FY COUNTRY, IT WAS AN EASY J OLAY-TEE-Ho ~ gus Per MUGGS AND SKEETER SURE! THEY YODELED, COUNTED THE ECHOES....AND DIVIDED BY Poca OF MOUNTAINS ! AG ( coo! ) 7 3--Spectrum ae FM, 2--Youth Searches PPO ge based 1i--Flipper | &--Gadabout Gaddis 12:69 NOON 11.40 P.M, 3-6-12--Bugs Bunny '12--God Is the Answer 12--Alfred Hitchock 2--Go to the Races 9--Italian Album | 9--Insight 6:00 P.M. wie eledba In Para- l1--Littlest Hobo 7--Dialogue MONDAY 9--Thunderbirds 8.00 A.M. $F ii 6--Cote de Quebec Hain ae Ipper 3-4--News, Weather 4--Captain Kangaroo 6--This Land of Ours ft 4--News; weather sports S-Senaie Report 3--Lost In Space 12:13 P.M, 2--Death Valley Days 4--Let's Look at Congress 8.30 A.M. 11--Albert J. Steed 9--Romper Room 9.00 A.M, 6:38 P.M, 3--Living Word Pee 12--Love on a: Rooftop 2--Movie ayer 'ey 11--College Basketball 12:30 P.M. 8--Crossfire 9--Flintstones 11--Father Meehan 4--Bonnie Prudden &--Wovie --ABC Scope 12-3-Ed Allen Time pemsicphice "7 6--Extension 2--Pick A Show 4--Face the Nation 9.30 A.M. erp Weathers Sothis Land: oF. Ours PUP ports 2-6--Meet the Press 4--Love of Life 3-6-11-12--Ontario Schools 2--Jack LaLanne 7:00 P.M. 9--Jackie Gleason 4--Round Table 3-6-12--Beverly Hill- 1:00 P.M. 12--Calvary Calis 11--Continental Minia- billies ' ne. 10.00 A.M, --Spectrum 11--Ed Allen Time apes Weer | 8--Meet the Press 9--Cartoon Playhouse | 7--Challenge 8-2--Reach for the Stars 7:38 P.M, | 6--F.D,R. 4--Candid Camera 12--1 Spy | 4---Amateur Hour i 10.30 A.M eae "i | 3-Herald of Truth | \--Morning Time Bie sd leason 1:30 PM. 9--Fractured Phrases ren 1--This Space Age 8-2--Concentration 7--Everybody's Talking 4--Beverly Hillbillies 3-6-12--Friendly Giant 11.00 A.M. 12--Romper Room 11--Mike Douglas : 9--Mr. and Mrs. 7--Supermarket Sweep 4--Andy Griffith 7--Issues and Answers 9--Platform 4--Bishop Visits 3-6-12--Country Calendar 2--Movie 700 P.M, 9--Academy Pertormance 2--Daisies 8:30 P.M, 1i--Littie Theatre 7--Lawrence Welk 2-8--Get Smart 4--Mission: Impossible 2:00 P.M, 12--Farming '67 N1--Dance Party --Hocki 9--Hockey 3-6-12--Hockey J--Newlywed Game 3-6--Mr. Dressup Mens grace sUacenoe) | Gaddis 2oMatches and Mat T--News Special 3-6--Chorus Gentlemen ! ates 2-4--Movie 2:30 ®.M, 11:25 A.M, 9:30 P.M. ue 3-6--Dickie Henderson 7--Hollywood Palace 4--Pistols 'n' Petticoats 11:90 A.M. 9--Magistrate's Court 8-2--Hollywood Squares 4--Dick Van Dyke 3:00 P.M. 7--Dating Game 4--Sports Spectacular 3-6-12--Counterpoint 10:00 P.M, 2--Meet the Press 1i--Let's Sing Out 4-9--Gunsmoke M baa? 10:15 P.M. 3-6-12--Sunday Musi¢ 12.00 NOON 3-6-12--In Person een © or 12--Cartoons 10:30 P.M. 3:30 P.M. 9--Toronto Today 11--Movi . _-- 1--Horst Koehler 8-2--Jeopardy 7-Movie 4:00 P.M, Meyadld etd sehr uncheon Date 10:45 P.M, 11--Dennis the Menace 4--News, Weather, 3-6--Sports Profile ee, Sports ft | 12--Outdoorsman hildren's. Films | 3--Popeye and Pals eee 3-6-12--Heritage ica ess 2-8--Experiment --Movie 4--News ere OY iets w Match 3-6-12--News 4:30 P.M. | 8--Eye Guess :15 P.M. \1--Tiny Talent Time 3--News, weather, sports 3-6-12--News 9--Daniel Boone 4--Search for Tomorrow &--Movie 3-6-12--Eyes of 2--Merv Griffin 2--News Tomorrow. 12.45 P.M, 11.25 P.M, 5.00 P.M. 4-6--Guiding Light 4-Skiing with Stein ee Singdom 1.00 P.M. 11:30 P.M. ge Lt | 11--Theatre sow fa a a el Weather, 3-6-12--Nature of Things Ebling for Doliars 4--Movie 5.30 P.M. --~PR.Ben Casey 1:35 7--Movie 6--buncheon Date 6--Movie " 6-12--Winter Games 4--Mee) Millers 3--_Movle 9--Brand New Scene 3--Movie 11:40 Pe 4--Student Mood 1.30 P.M. 12--Movie - 3--Flipper 2-8--Let's Make a Deal 9--Answering Service 2-8--GE College Bowl 4-6--As the World Turns 11:45 P.M, 6:00 P.M, 2.00 P.M, 2--Movie 11--Lost in Space 7--Newlywed Game 9--Voyage +-4--Password 8--Tom Decker 2-8--Days of Our Lives SUNDAY 4--2ist Century 2.30 P.M. 130 | 3-6-12--Walt_ Disney 12-Calendar 11--Mademoiselle de Paris |. 2--Bishop Sheen 9--People in Conflict 7--Herald ot Truth | 6.30 P.M. 7--Dream Girl 2--Agriculture, U.S.A, 2-8--Battle for Asia 6--Coronation Street 8:00 A.M 4--News, Weather 4--Linkletter's Party 11--Sacred Heart | 7:00 P.M. #4--Doctors &--SHHH! Children 11--Walt Disney 3.00 P.M. 7--Christopher Program | 9--Monkees 11--Marriage Confidential 4--Word of Life 7--Voyace 9--Words and Music 4--This Is the Life 4--Lassie 7--Genera! Hospital 8.30 A.M, 3-6-12--Hey, Landlord! seus tell The Truth , la }-6-12--Take 30 Hea ha cach PE foe aus 2-8--Another World 4--Comedy Capers 4--It's_ About Time 3.25 P.M, 2--Funny Company 3-6-12--Flashback 4--News 2-8--Walt Disney 9:00 A.M. 11--Cathedral Chimes 3 8:00 P.M ic Rarmar's 'Gat 9--Cartoons | 11--Movie Nolte Tee Hart coy Beovil 7--Superman Show Porky Pig | 3-4-6-12--Ed Sullivan 9-4-6-12--Edge of Night 9:30 A.M. | Show 2-8--You Don't Say Italian Journal 8:30 P.M | 4:00 P.M, .9--I Dream of Jeannie 7--Beany and Ceci? 2-8--Hey, Landlord 4--Uncle Jerry's Club | '1--Super Comics 9--I Love Lucy 2--Church Invitation 9:00 P.M. 3-6-12--Communicate e 9---Peyton Place 2--Mike Douglas jae On 7--Movie 8--Match Game ee OULey, 4--Smothers Brothers 4--Secret Storm 4--Lamp Unto My Feet 2-3-6-8-12--Bonanza 8--Faith For To-Da' | 4:30 P.M 7--Rocketship 7 f yg 100 PM. | \--Fireball XLS 2--The Answer | 9--WS | 9--Movie | 4--Candid Camera 8--Yog! Bear 10:30 A.M. | 3-6-12--Sunday 4--Movie @--Cartoan Plavhouse 28--Andy Willleme 3-412--Kino's Outlaw {Top Record-Holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) East dealer. Both sides vulnerable, NORTH @A654 #742 $2108 kA102 WEST EAST aK2 431087 9 QI96 #K1083 17543 9 74 &QI08 SOUTH 4993 WAS @AK62 &KE5B rhe bidding: . East ...South West North Pass iNT Pass 3NT Openinglead -- Queenof hearts. It is sometimes difficult to tell whether a declarer plans a 'squeeze or whether he just falls into one, but when the player is Jean Besse, the great Swiss star, you must assume that the squeeze is not accidental This deal occurred during the 1963 European championship in the match between Switzerland and Italy. Besse was declarer at three notrump and West led the queen: of hearts. East signaled with the eight, South playing low, and West continued with a low heart, the king forcing the ace. Besse now led a diamond to the queen and another diamond back to the ace, hoping to catch the single- ton or doubleton jack in either and. When East discarded a heart on the second diamond, Besse could count only seven tricks. To build up two more tricks looked next to impossible at this point, but Besse playing for the chance that West was dealt spe- cifically the K-x of spades, led a spade to the ace and a low spade back. When East played the ten, Besse followed with the nine and was pleased to see West win the trick with the king West then cashed two hearts and shifted to a club, which |South won with the king to pro- duce the following position: | CROSSWORD ate 10 Ao ACROSS 2. Til-nae ID] West East 1.French ~ tured . 'Immaterial 4310 author 3. Chief iG] hQs 6. Oil of rose 4, Insects INI South petals 5. Observe g IS] 4Q 11. Silly 6, Exclamae spree ) K 12. Singer: tion 26, Fish- ol : Ses Lena---- 7. Now ing RIT P| [EIR] 13. Chopping 8. Trayel boats aaa (| Besse now cashed the king of Bown ' cag 29. id RIE|D} diamonds and East was Scot. . Eng. o' Squeezed, s is 15. Bump queen Bashan Yesterdsy's Answer wraat eliow South py sau the | mark 10, Soaks flax $2, Electri- ba queen and lead a club; a club 16. Snares 14, Auction fied 37. Uprising discard would allow So ' South to (game) 18, Capital on particles 38, Hair on ash the d lead a 17, Arouses the Vistula 33. Cubic horse's neck |°# niga ig per bbuiniy erveishong from sleep 20. See 1 across meter 39, Region }0 Besse made three notrump. 19.Womanin 22. Girl's 35. Net-like 42, Thin . white: name material cushion | abbr. 23, Legendary 6. Italian 44, Overhead Sensory Handicap 20. Fleece Celt river train in "4 rel a gad 2 Is 14 Js Poe Ti Pp 5 To Hits One In Five | 27, Miss - n A teacher of perceptually | Barton | handicapped: children in Osh- 28, Detecting 13 T awa told a Queen Elizabeth | os hers Home and School Association . Or ATT meeting that one in every five | ex ca ks Gu children are perceptually handi- | eee a Y Y, 6 ig and most of them are +a 2 25 Y 24 Miss Marjorie Lake, a teacher me Weadte,- at Queen Elizabeth Schoo! who "Hike pate |} Y 29 teaches a class of perceptually anti handicapped children, said the 38, Abuse perceptually handicapped do not 40. One of the hear. or see properly, have Great Lakes Yi) trouble with "simple body co- 41, Scanty Ly ordination, become emotionally 43, Sound in upset easily, are easily distrac- the night ted and have poor memories. 45. Near: poet, Shoe lace tieing and skipping 46, Inn ry 44 Y a a rope cannot be done by some 47, Apportions, /) perceptually handicapped chil- as cards ae dren. DOWN 1, Shame children? Can they improve YOUR HEALTH Hayfever Treatment Should Start Early By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD Dear Dr. Molner: I am 14 and have had hay fever three years land this year was the worst of all. My eyes just about swelled shut. I took medication but it didn't seem to help. I read in your column that there was a |preparation which can be given 'by a physician to desensitize lyou to ragweed. How rapidly ldoes this work?--Miss J, K. rapidly, but it can be very ef- fective. This is how it does so. When Sehaee "hay fever," it means that your system can tol- erate little pollen, and you have an allergic reaction to it. Desensitization must be started many months before the hay fever season arrives. The physieian makes tests to learn precisely what pollen or pollens may be causing your trouble. (There are quite a few besides the infamous ragweed.) Then he injects extremely small doses of the offending pollen extracts--not enough to cause an allergic response, but enough so your system gradually builds up some tolerance. SERVES WELL This will not protect you against exposure to a large amount of pollen, but will serve you well if you avoid too much exposure. It isn't too early to start such Desensitization does not work|i treatments now in preparation for next fall's hay fever season. Dear Dr. Molner: Why do doc- t tors perform spinal taps? What information are they looking for?--Mrs. N. H. uite a wide assortment of}; Ss sure; signs of ence of white blood ¢ells as well], as actual germs); presence of|. sugar, presence of red blood calls, if Serological tests for syphilis are essential in some instances. basic cause or gradually get worse?--Mrs. R. 8 This is a bitter, dangerous disease, and I would not feel -|right in minimizing it. It in- volves difficulty in keeping the respiratory passages clear, and problems in maintaining nutri- tion because the system does not assimilate food efficiently. It used to be that such chil- dren died young. Today some of them are growing to adulthood, but it is a constant struggle with numerous medications neec- essary to loosen phlegm in the bronchi, suppress infection which is a constant threat, and 0 assist in digestion. Much progress has been made, but research people are till working to determine the Until we know hat, hope for a cure appears netxological problems can be in-| remote. Note to J. J. €.: No, emphy- "jsema is not contagious. True, the damage caused by tubers ulosis can contribute to emphy- ema as an aftermath, but em- |physema occurs when there has : A b trac brain hemorrhage is suspected.|2°°" "° 'race of TB. SALLY'S SALLIES It should be remembered that such tests often are performed to rule out certain possibilities, as well as for positive diagnosis. Dear Dr. Molner: I think 1 have venereal disease. What do I do to get rid of it? Does it mean I cannot have children when I am older?--L. I. There is only one thing to do: Go to a doctor. He is bound by his Hippocratic oath not to gos- sip about it, so do not let that worry you. Untreated VD can prevent subsequent pregnancy, so get treatment without delay. Dear Dr. Molner: Is there any treatment for cystic fibrosis in siete eae a ca "What's Chateaubriand for two?" | | ! | yor and I say ' "cen-te start ¢ baza ships, | straigh tionari: as the tenary, annive) "'cen-te ing ad can al centen! projett some 2 Ritso its cen of the school around are ma log scl Ritson stories school | Grad as well recipes These ordinat open. hi man of abeth EF borrow that we plays, | slates | may | school student: astic al terest efforts. ANO' shéw ti not mis (The F: Wisps) Auditor' Ever sii the pe Edward a ae sailor a cept to | wanted wealth I've ha have th thank fe a subsic Commis awa co a co travaga If Da that ki lell hi There's In this was rig will ove western Cross-Ci in Fort frenzied themsel oe Spor tinctly has t touch snowy time ¢ will be ski sl shown Ca 16

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