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Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Feb 1967, p. 3

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ATS cross be- nd the al- pounds of rerrmsemsneneatr DICATE W anager of h Region, } that Mr, of over im-among Company e seventh re annual i¢ million Investors bsidiaries oup, the s kind in d mutual lutual of } Growth and In- Mutual ils @ nsion nt ta ritten ering uyer, coll rs of free inter, 169 on ing Ow. Two North Carolina resi- dents died today when this 35 - ton earth mover fell CAROLINIANS KILLED lice identified the dead as Francis Bourgault and Mrs. Irene F. Steen, both of Hen- off a tractor - trailer truck onto their car on Atlanta's Northeast Expressway. Po- dersonville, N.C, Two other persons were seriously in- jured, (AP Wirephoto) New Charter interpretation Has Race Betting Privilege By TOM CLARIDGE ting a society to lease its rac-,to conform with provisions of TORONTO (CP)--A new in-|ing dates to another society in|the Criminal Code on pari-mu-} terpretation placed on charters that set up Ontario's agricult- ural societies will permit them to hold race meets. with betting privileges. Provincial Treasurer Charles MacNaughton told the legislat- ure Friday that as a result the government is moving toward setting up four regional racing circuits on the basis of applica- tions from the societies. Until now, only 22 of the prov- ince's 240-odd agricultural soci- eties have been conducting race meets with betting privileges under charters that specifically permit betting. However, a new _ interpreta- tion of the other charters is that they permit 14 days of racing a year with betting. Mr. MacNaughton said that following talks with the federal department of agriculture, which has jurisdiction over wa- gering at race meets, it was de- cided to set down rules allow- ing societies to hold up to 42 racing days a year. This will be done by permit- the same county, but limiting|tuel betting, the racing wil! be any society to three sets ofjrestricted to societies incorpor- dates. The leases will be Jim-jated before 1912. However, Jited to five years. jnearly all the province's socie- jties were set up long before |PREVENTS TAKEOVERS that. McKee, vice-chairman | He said societies without fa- \of the Ontario Racing Commis-|cijities will be allowed to "en- sion, said the lease arranze-| page racing associations to con- ments will prevent large bodies|quct and manage race meets from taking over a group of | under the auspices of the agri- dates. jcultural society." "The basic aim will be to help; "'It is felt that not every agri- fall fairs in small towns and vil- | cultural association will want as lages,"' he said. | much as 14 days' racing and Mr. McKee said the agricult-/Some will only want two days." ural societies will be invited to) The minister said the federal apply to Ottawa for permission|@epartment plans to set some lto hold pari-mutuel racing and| time limit within which the so- dates will be allotted by the|ciety must have held a race racing commission in collabora-/meet to have its charter vali- tion with the federal depart-|dated for racing. : ment, Last 'year in. Ontario H id th d ibl |were 59 days of harness racing on Tree and Possibly on other than major rtacks and four racing circuits will be set wagering amounted to $2,093,- up this year, in southwestern, 6 Lecce central, eastern and perhaps és northwestern Ontario. PLANS RESTRICTIONS Intelligence Mr. MacNaughton said that Renwick Denies Statement WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Washington Post says the NDP Tried Folding Trust Co. ix, sre. 633 TORONTO (CP) -- James Renwick (NDP -- Toronto Riv- erdale) denied Friday a state- ment by a Progressive Conserv- ative member that the New Democratic Party tried to bring about the collapse of York Trust Co. The statement was made Feb. 9 by Allan Lawrence (PC --Toronto St. George) while the legislature was giving final reading to a bill providing de- posit insurance for trust comp- anies incorporated in Ontario. $1,000,000 since 1961 from the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. The newspaper says the sub- sidies, to finance a broad inter- national program, were made by four private foundations that do not file public tax records. "At least one of them, the Andrew Hamilton Fund of ' Philadelphia,"" The Post says, tactics. : "was identified Friday by gov- Earlier Friday, Mr. Rown-|ernment officials as a CIA front. tree, in answering another] Spokesmen for the remaining question from Mr. Renwick, ex-|three either were unavailable plained why the Ontario Secur-|for comment or else refused to with its financial statement and reserves exceeded require- ments. Mr. Lawrence said Feb. that tactics adopted by the Lib- eral and NDP parties had cre- ated an emergency situation for York Trust. He said he was dis- gusted with some of: the NDP there Record Brought Down In Two West Budgets By THE CANADIAN PRESS i $303,086,320 and expenditures Record budgets were brought}! peal hi hd ane puntent eur: down in two western legilsa-|P!us Would be $321,900. tures Friday with no additional He said that for the third con- tax bites on residents. secutive year the government An had balane s Poincak Treanuer A. 0. iad balanced its budget and . produced a surplus. Aalborg's Alberta budget calls | Thirty per cent of the budget for record expenditures and aninas been earmarked for educa- over-all deficit, the second in altign. row. In other legislatures: Saskatchewan Premier Ross| Nova Scotia--Health Minister Thatcher, in his role as treas-|R. A. Donahue introduced a urer, brought in a 'modest sur-|bill which would ban persons plus" budget. junder 16 years of age from Legislatures also sat in Nova|marriage in the province. 1 Scotia, Ontario and British Co-|" Welfare Aides lumbia, | Mr. Aalborg told the Alberta| | Port Hope Girl expansion which Alberta is ex- ort ope Ir periencing during the present PORT HOPE, Ont. (cP)-- of $834,428,491 and revenues of|Welfare has assumed responsi- | $766,952,024. The deficit of $67,-|ility for an 18-year-old girl who house the budget "reflects the} dynamic growth and economic decade." The rehabilitation department It calls for total expenditures/of the Ontario department of : 2 has been unable to pay her bills 476,467 will be financed from ac-|since being admitted to the Port cumulated reserves which total|Hope and District Hospital after about $646,000,000 a car accident last Sept. 30 John Davis, hospital admini- lag oer oe a for eduentine ateator, told the hospital board \The health "department is * the girl has been transferred to RE-ENACT PLAN TRAIN ROBBERY TERRACE, B.C. (CP)--A plan to re-enact Canada's first great train robbery -- using the Confederation Train as a prop--has been nipped in the bud. : The RCMP has _ quietly passed the word around there'll be no "holdup." The train, due here today from nearby Prince Rupert, | Was going to be stopped on Arm In Union the tracks by a stalled lumber truck while Indians raced around it on horseback and the townsfolk held a square dance. "A bunch of the boys had it all set up," said Ruth Hal- lock, editor of the Terrace Herald. "But it's all off now." She said word leaked to Canadian National Railways authorities and they in turn contacted the RCMP detach- ment. The plan was to re-enact the country's first big train robbery, when Bill Miner and his gang staged a $57,000 holdup at Mission in the | Fraser Valley in 1904. PARLIAMENT AT-A-GLANCE By THE CANADIAN PRESS FRIDAY, Feb. 17, 1967 The defence: committee came alive with a shouting match between Defence Min- ister Hellyer and retired Vice- Admiral Herbert Rayner, Allan J. MacLeod, peniten- tiaries commissioner, told a parliamentary committee new prisons were needed badly-- and now. Prime Minister Pearson re- ceived an honorary degree from University of Ottawa and urged students to get in- volved in politics. In the Commons, the gov- ernment put down two Con- ait amendments to a ill ities Commission did not insist say whether they were conduits establishing collective iclose second with 20.24 per cent Peterborough Civic Hospital for j Premier Thatcher's budget psychiatric examination was based on expected revenues| He said the bill for the girl's ~|stay at the hospital was $3,027. He said the girl had left a No Defence Without U l ou ». Ottawa ifoster home in Ottawa two lyears ago and had since wand- LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- Can- The girl could have been re- ada would be entirely at the|!eased from hospital in mid-No- jered from city to city. She was injured in an accident on the {Macdonald - Cartier Freeway |while travelling in a car from power if it ever isolated itself/money, no warm clothing and from Europe, External Affairs|"© Place to go. Minister Paul Martin said Fri-, ae day. | Mr. Martin made the remark| while telling students and fac- julty at the University of West- jern Ontario law school that Canada could not withdraw from NATO and declare its neu- trality. The minister said there is no danger of U.S. military action against Canada but added that all possibilities must be consid- ered while formulating policy. Canada has an affiliate in Europe as long as it remains part of NATO, Mr. Martin said. "It would be a very serious thing to be isolated from Eur- ope." A student had asked why Can- ada did not withdraw from NATO and become neutral. Mr. Martin said the U.S. pro- vides the bulk of Canada's de- fence. This, ec 'm'cd with in- jvoivement in ommon- |wealth and other considera- tions, preclude neutrality, he said. THE MANSFIE portation and SHOPPING THEATRES *" "~ HOTEL mercy of United States military |Vember, he said, but she had no, AN ADDRESS OF DISTINCTION e e New York's Best Location! | FIFTH AVENUE AND 44th STREET NEWLY DECORATED ROOMS and SUITES . RADIO CITY - BUS MINALS - DINING ROOM and COCK- TAIL LOUNGE, Special Weekly Rotes To Canadian Guests THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, February 18, 1967 3 factured at Huddersfield, hometown of British Prime Minister Wilson, but 60 per ~cent of the fibre came from South Africa, Tailor and Cutter says. Kosygin Cets New Suit LONDON (AP) -- Soviet Premier Kosygin is getting some new suits made of wool from South Africa, a country whose racial - sep- aration policies have been repeatedly attacked by the | NO NEED TO CLEAN Rabbits' teeth are rootless and continue growing through- out their lives. legislation would not apply to a female who had medical evi- dence she was pregnant and jhad obtained the permission of |her parents or legal guardians | At present there is no age| Russians, the weekly maga- |minimum in the province for} zine of British tailoring re- | |marriage. ports. JOIN Ontario--The legislature was Tailor and Cutter says ' jtold that a new interpretation] the premier and his party | FOUR SEASON'S TRAVEL placed on charters that set up} returned to Moscow from his British visit last week [Ontario's agricultural societies with 45 yards of top-quality will permit them to hold race on their SUNTOURS meets with betting privileges.| lightweight wool worsted | TOUR to Provincial Treasurer Charles} and South African kid mo- | u MacNaughton said that as a| hair he bought here. f | The cloth was manu- EXPO 67 result, the: government is mov-} ing toward setting up four reg | ional racing circuits on the |basis of applications from the \societies. British Columbia--Six Liberal jmember of the house were ac jcused Friday of representing the major oil companies in the province by trying to delay on} procedural grounds a_ legisla-| + ewes ne Every Friday (7:00 p.m.), Bus leaving for 3 doys. Every Mon- | day for 5 days (including Upper fF Canada Village and Ottawa). All accommodation, transporta- tion, passes, return included. 725-2211 FOUR SEASON'S TRAVEL ture committee on B.C. gasoline | "Home-Nursing Care, for i | 57 King St. E. prices. The charge was made EVERYONE Ph 576-3131 by the NDP opposition leader, |f RED FEATHER AGENCY one 7 Robert Strachan, who was told) " fli scomrseupane by Liberal Leader Ray Perrault he "should be ashamed" for making such a suggestion NEAR G.M. PLANT For a Superb Selection of 1, 2 or 3 BEDROOMS TEN MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM @ FREE HYDRO FREE PARKING LAUNDRY AND LOCKER ROOM ON EACH FLOOR @ DIRECT MAIL DELIVERY RECREATION ROOM @ DRAPES A CASH BONUS OFFERED TO TENANTS SIGNING LEASES DURING FEBRUARY TELEPHONE 723-8701 275 WENTWORTH STREET WHEN YOU NEED "HOME-NURSING" CALL A V.0.N. Nurse good names to remamber If you have a Commercial Property To Sell or Lease REG AKER, pres. BILL McFEETERS, vice-pres. SCHOFIELD AKER 723-2265 Over 33 years in Business LD is convenient to all trans- within walking distance of CENTRES . BROADWAY - - UNITED NATIONS - OPEN TODAY EVERYTHING'S EN O.K. $S ON PLANNING A NEW HOME THIS YEAR? BUY A HALLIDAY *'FAMILY-TAILORED" HOME BY APRIL 15 AND GET THIS BIG BONUS se free broadloom in MY INCOME # TOOK IT TO BLOCK! We on ts woy . . . ccevraty, trovble-free, guoronteed . .. COMPLETE ead ® didn't toke me TEN RETURNS OAINUTESI Saved anyself some money on deductions, fool Why sot do your tox fU like I did... TAKE §f TO PROFESSIONALLY INSTALLED BY STRADWICKS! IFE It was repeated Friday by J. H. White (PC -- London South) who said: "You asked a question every| that Prudential Finance Corp.,|for the government's clandes- put a stronger warning on ajtine intelligence arm," it adds. June 14, 1963, prospectus. The other foundations, the ; | The company, which col-|newspaper says, are the Broad- t tart t) ; é ey Bele a Mgeag a Tun OM apsed last year, was seeking High Foundation of Columbus, Mr. Renwick said the NDP|Short - term promissory notes|Ohio; the Chesapeake Founda- A land the commission ordered|tion of Baltimore and the Gra- questions, many of them posed nery Fund of Philadelphia. reflected the party's interest in the stability of the financial) community. He had asked whether the company had filed a financial) return and whether it had liquid | reserves amounting to 20 per cent of deposits, both conditions required by law. STATEMENT LATE | Leslie Rowntree, minister of! financial and commercial af-} fairs, subsequently informed the House York Trust was late by himself, were pertinent rors its prospectus warn invest- ors the notes were not secured| The Guild represents editor- and that further borrowing may|ial, commercial and some be necessary to honor them, |Maintenance employees on Mr. Renwick asked whether|"€WSpapers, magazines, wire the commission had considered|Services and some broadcasting adding these words--"these se-|media. It has locals in the curities are speculative' -- to|United States, Canada and bargaining for civil servants, A bill establishing the Ca- nadian Deposit Insurance Corp. was given royal assent in the Senate. MONDAY, Feb. 20, 1967 The Commons meets at 2:30 p.m. EST to consider a bill amending the Excise Tax "Act and the Old Age Security Act. The Senate stands ad- journed to Feb. 21 at 8 p.m. CHOICE OF HARDING OR CELANESE! your living room! ' You'll have no trouble qualifying for your luxurious free broadloom hts RaDay s if you act now. What's more... you'll save up to $1500.00 or more HOMES when you build the Halliday way. Contact your Dealer today for full information. This year a Halliday Home is a better buy than BLOCK TODAYI We GUARANTEE of every tox return, we will the HR we make ony errors that cost you or interest. LOSES in. 'ony penolty er interest, the warning. Puerto Rico. ' Mr. pe said there was|, The Post says the guild's in- no record kept of the commis- ternational activities are' chan- sion's discussion of the prospec- |"¢lled through the International tus but noted the commission|Federation of Journalists, with "does not embark upon evalu- headquarters in Brussels, Bel- ating the merits of securi-|Sium, and the Inter-American ties Federation of Working Newspa- permen's Organizations in Pa- Operation Not Total Success Gin maroc For Big Hearted Young Girl TORONTO (CP) -- Five-year-| old Allyson Burleson of San Jose, Calif., is learning to speak French--and that is both good and bad for the little girl who underwent complicated heart surgery 11 weeks ago. It means she is alert and in- terested, and that is good. But it also means that she has been in the Hospital for Sick Children longer than usual for patients after her type of surgery, and longer than medical officials ex- pected. ; Most other patients who have had the, great vessels of the heart Mhasposed in operations by Dr. William Mustard, a car- dio-vascular surgeon, have been able to leave hospital within a few weeks. Allyson, her recov- ery hampered by what the hos- pital calls nutritional problems, has still to progress beyond the hospital's recovery room. A hospital spokesman said that doctors are assessing the case to determine what future treatment, if any, can be under- taken. Nevertheless, Allyson's mother remains cheerful and looks upon recovery as just a matter of time. "She'g sitting up now, says| mama. BOSTON (AP)--People who) worry about mini-skirts and| modern hairdos must _ have| "mini-minds," the British am- bassador told a Rotary Club Bea Burleson who made the Fast Action HOUSE SALES! Call a Member of the OSHAWA and DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD and List Photo Mays: MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE your key to greater value) ever before, because there are... nd 4 Po ee { HALLIDAY HOMES LIMITED 13 1 551 MAPLE AVE, BURLINGTON, ONT. TRAM cieissnrienscinseseens ! STREET., I CITY. ..cccccccccccccbecccovces HOWNAIOR. 0 1 YES NO TELEPHONE RUSH NEW HOMES | CATALOGUE! J ee eed 3,000-mile flight by U.S. Air here. Sir Patrick Dean said, |n | @ NEW DELUXE KITCHEN Is $ vawuasur Getic | "US THE ADDED LUXURY OF FREE BROADLOOM A. J. R.R. 2, Newcastle y Phone 987-4288. THE HALLIDAY HOME DEALER IN YOUR COMMUNITY Conede's Largest Tex Service with Over 1500 Offices in North America 22 ONTARIO, ST. | | @ MORE STYLES -- MORE FLOOR PLANS THAN EVER BEFORE! | | CABINETS AND VANITIES! @ MAJOR KITCHEN APPLIANCES |] Weekdays 9 a.m. - 9 p.m.--Sat. 9-5, Rh. 723-7071 INSTALLED UNDER A SINGLE MORTGAGE IF YOU WISH! NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY SERVICE STATIONS | OPEN THIS SUNDAY 7:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. McGILL. Force plane from Oakland, Calif., with her daughter last December. "Soon she'll start walking and then she will be out in a ward." Allyson was born a blue baby, "Mini-skirts are there, anyway, for all to see. And some are quite attractive.' He said jour- nalists should remember there are other aspects to modern Britain, the skin's blue appearance indi- cating. a deficiency of oxygen in the blood stream. Since the operation, her skin has become a normal healthy pink. But Ally- son, always a poor eater, still is not eating well. Mrs. Burleson spends from 11 a.m, to 8 p.m. with her daugh- ter, and feeds her twice a day. Allyson eats better when she | talks of home and the 'other four | Burleson children, her mother | said. | Last week, when her father | flew up from California on a three-day visit, Allyson walked a few steps "'just to show off." And on Monday she lost her} first baby tooth. Allyson spends much of her| time under an oxygen tent. Her | mother says she nevertheless is captivated by the city she} sees from her window. Snow} fascinates her, and she pictures | the old city hall clock tower as CUPID Perfect Love & Marriage Now in Canada for different, particular and lonely people. Confidential introductions by mail, not by chance, but by an 1,B.M, computer using the scien- tific selective process for a new, exciting venture in life. Send now for your application and information, enclosing 25c plus is advertisement and state " CUPID COMPUTER DATING SERVICE 50 Chicora Ave. Toronto 5, Ont. This offer good for only 7 days | after _printina YOT18" PRINCESS ANNE apartments 1221 SIMCOE ST. NORTH Where Living is a luxury at moderate prices. Spacious suites, Indoor Pool, Sauna Room You Relax,, we do the work. 1221 Simcoe St. North Phone 725-9934 Open Daily from 2 p.m. till 7 p.m. SATURDAY and SUNDAY 11 A.M. fill 7 P.M. | CROWELL'S SHELL STATION 22 BOND STREET SARGANT'S TEXACO STATION 278 PARK ROAD SOUTH MEADE'S SUNOCO STATION 74 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH BRAMLEY MOTOR SALES 1271 SIMCOE STREET NORTH STATHAM'S B.A. STATION CORNER KING STREET and RITSON ROAD OSHAWA TUNE-UP CENTRE 222 KING STREET WEST } 351 WILSON ROAD SOUTH CORNER WILSON and OLIVE AVENUE RUSS BOSWELL SUPERTEST STATION "a rocket ship ready to go off." {

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