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Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Feb 1967, p. 5

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J ee WHITBY DAY - BY - DAY R ° : t S ! J THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturday, February 18, 1967 § ession that Str 1 B tifi h esidents uday WHITBY BOWLING aig Sota ee eau 1 1Ca 10n ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST MIXED ROCK Created To com ans For Merger 3.) (ats Janta Mf economic D B lls 18; Ae aie. 4 Requirements emberment iscusse y Dalle 15) Headpine 18) Jerks M4; Creep. a sears. : erc an BROOKLIN (Staff) - Morejmaintaing a new force would|ner vin't Bombers 2 nts 7 CP) ly Yours, WHITBY (Staff) -- Plans for|Club as a fund raising project. than 100. residents of Whitby/equally spread among taxpay- site 550 and over -- A. Taylor 692 Fischer, the decoration of the streets and |Home owners will be able to Township were told last night/ers. Debenture-wise, amalgama-|21): Para Cn : Horton places of business in the down- Place orders at ihe Yaak, a that by 1985 the current prop-|tion looks good for the Township|t23); "8" covesdet sas ante ate | STAFFORD BROS. P rio town area were discussed, | jeast part of the cost of deco- osed amalgamation for the! which would broaden its base to cme 405 Tae ei a, Cae iat a rag nah gra grr rating the streets, operators of township and town of Whitby|get'debentures by linking with conker nun. sc, ML. valet " eautification meeting by busi-|businesses are being ca ; ithe town. : SORED nessmen, professional men and|The town councifwrll pear arog . acane ot govern| Df. Faludl told the meeting |catias, 3nd over -- p. Morrow 476 MONUMENTS merchants in the council cham-|to this fund when it strikes its ment would have to be found| Without amalgamation the town-|$chatzmann, 420, (233, 222), G. Reger 668-3552 es that the ber of the municipal building. eras and it might be a_ regional ship would reach the point where |Gauaet jay To Whnee fe ce A 318 DUNDAS EAST 'ousel Inn' For the convenience of mer-| It is planned to place Can- government, Dr. FE. G. Falude,|it 10 longer would have the/Chiasson so; m McGriskin $05; D. Council re- chants a display of flags willjadian, Centennial and Ontario planning consultant told resi: base to get debentures. He|Kemeke $0 | ebiscite be be placed in the office of the/flags on each light standard in dents gathered for' about two|Said the estimated per capitia ; Oshawa to Bank of Montreal. Those wish-|the business section. Each flag hours at the community hall to|¢ebt by the end of 1967 was| ST. ANDREW"S ST. MARK'S 'e for said ing to make purchases to deco- will be three feet by six feet and study and question amalgam-|344 for the Township and $318 F f ie "teesed"? rate their stores will be able to|will be hung below the light so ation for ,the town. PRESBYTERIAN UNITED CHURCH | of control oe oF ay and place or-|it will be illuminated at night. He said that under current| Corner Byron ot St. John Centre & Colborne Sts. ne of their poe ys ys . a the Heed flags will also be far enough amalgamation plans, already GET A WARNING Whitby Rev. J..M. Smith, B.A, B.D, y of think- oe derad tr tae Wats i is cag ge ground that they can- approved in a bylaw by Whitby| Three quarters of Norwegian Rev. W. J. S. McClure, B.A. Mls lio, Newton, Degeanea d term "'In P y the Whitby Lions'not be removed by vandals. town and still to be sanctioned|criminals under 17 are let off} ' 8. S Devereux, Organist Mr. Gordon Harle, B.A., Organist plebiscite, * * Bae by 'the Township, a ward sys-|with a warning on their first pager sthers" are Kinsmen Plan Miss Centennial Pageant Sos af povernenint lo peapased Aftosion. SEC er tied of F 4 1d be autticient CHURCH SCHOOL. CLASSES 11:00 A.M Regret 'hy Members of the Whitby|day six entries were received é with one noeth of Seuntan Hoel 11:00 A.M.-- OEUNG ORE sand dol- Kinsmen Club are encouraged after an advertisement was and three on the south side 1963 - The King's Challerige Rejected grag pig ecg ated plebi- by the initial response to UNE Ge hereat eer ee owen with the possibility of a fifth! THE FINAL CHALLENGE" Ray. George | --_ se the cost plan to hold a Miss Centennial| wil) be received in ihe ae ward that colud be created to} MERCU RY Conrevetien eurme Diving Werle SUNDAY SCHOOL es of those Pageant in conjunction with/future. handle additional a prog Hodis k tea tess Saab sincAlin 9:30AM. & 11:00AM. d be taken the observance of Canada's} Mr. Ottenbrite, who is re- ee ee a al : Voters list. centennial year. 'ceiving the entries, said no defi- on a tig vil bri changes fv. Completely refinished ond §| | ----____ ur sgl fa- J. Ottenbritge, chairman ofjnite date for the pageant has ee the were E.G. Falude gitaleed aubincl era bat Megat W e us tax- the committee which is ar-|been set. It is hoped it will be i i nt i HI y biowine ik ranging the pageant, said Fri-'held in the early spring. Cocheuttante Led. rina and $] 295 00 BAPTIST REFORMED ng i i sdBtlaey és e pars and if M4 M4 regional planners for planning ir idea of Area Artists Display Water Colors and area government aspects, G.M.A.C. FINANCING eee ae roped 403 Rossland Road West to get the The first grand opening in|William Hunter, RCA, two well- Totten, Sims Hubicki and As- TRADES ACCEPTED Orgonist Rev. Harold Hesselink sel Inn it Toronto of the East Central|/known Toronto artists. sociates Limited, consulting en-| Mrs. W, E. Summers, A.T.C.M. axe) , have no Ontario Art Associations' An-| Artists from this area having gineers, for engineering aspects; | --_---- 10:30 AM ayers hard nual Exhibition 1967 was held|pictures selected for the show and Glendinning, Jarrett, Gould) 11 A:M:<<!*The Absentee'? ' a . at the Don Mills Regional|were: Mrs. Barbara Hart, Mrs. and Company, chartered Aes area ee slabee English Service and a council, Branch Library, 888 Lawrence|Laurine Sage and Peter Van counts, for financial aspects. | 7 P.M.--"Fooling With Sin' S ee Sch 1 1 a mayor Avenue West, Don Mills. Gils, Whitby and James Residents were told amalga- wllig Meats first order George Speck, council mem-|Kraemer, Oshawa. es would 'td | ] 9:45 ao _-- 7 PM. and cut ber of the association, intro-; This show will continue dur- with a new police force to re-| | ible Study oni ning and duced the guest speaker, Mrs.|ing library hours for two weeks, place Ontario Provincial Policelj CHEV. OLDS. Fil prayer Wed, at 7:30 P.M ENGLISH SERVICE few dollars se egg de or'eneg nie hoi when it will be open to the tye pot peg ead _ 300 Dundes st. . WHITBY | |] EVERYONE HEARTILY WELCOMED i Mrs. Fairhead who recently|public. Further showings will le cost of introducing an A Pag had an exhibition of textured|be: April 17 to May 6 -- Downs- Re enone Ione ot ener ip aaa -- -------- rs enough water colors at the Sobot Gal-|view Regional Branch, 2793 hey allow lery, Toronto, has been an in-|Keele Street, Downsview. May t na sand structor at the associations|8 to May 20 -- Bathurst Heights . washing painting weekends and work-|Branch, 3170 Bathurst Street, : . pe aa shops, and was instrumental in/Toronto. May 22 to June 17-- IN wg Hed arranging for the shows first|Main Library, 5126 Yonge Street WINTERS CUTS THROUGH COPPER RIBBON ad en opening in Toronto. Willowdale, Ont. .»» Andrew Antenna Co. Ltd., In Whitby 0 find. out She praised the exceptionally} Local people attending the Ss are and high quality of the paintings|}opening were: Mrs. Joan Stac- 4or booze. submitted, and was especially|ey, Mrs. Maureen Remington, : : up es el that if pleased with large number of|Mrs. Janet Ferguson and J. i ul 1n dition any other water colors selected. Raimer, Oshawa, Mrs. Molly ' heir Place The 52 paintings in the show|Mitchell, Mrs. Barbara Hart, -- were selected by a _ two-man|Mrs. Laurine Sage and P. Van- . . ° ayer have jury, Karl Schaeffer, RCA and'Gills, Whitby. | d B wae : Opened By Trade Minister 0 pay sky iow who is WHITBY PERSONALS WHITBY (Staff) -- An ap-jand accessories for radio and{other countries. The company 'that Biot During February St. John's)Show" sponsored by Groups gives Casadien exten come -- genet. ee ee ae an interest -alcan Church Parish Help-jand 4, \in the Sunday school. |pany was officially opened by see saa et much as text sna) enne On, ioe. at Orland Fark, . Further ; are doing cloth work. Also|Mrs. E. Ryzek of Anne's Fabric\Canada's trade and commerce police dispatch systems, micro-|Ill., near Chicago and now em- > is forced a centennial project Feb. 21|will supply hats. Mrs. G. Con-|minister last night -- who don-|Wave systems like those used to|ploys 130 persons -- including i $ p.m. Canon A. A, Chotelant will be the commentator.|ned insulated gloves and pro-|Carry telephone and television|50 additional employees as a re- advise the r.|n g Pp i ll show slides of the Holy|Co - convenors will be Mrs.|tective goggles to cut his way signals across Canada and!sult of the latest expansion. rs truly, ond at the church. Proceeds|H. Town, kitchen; Mrs. J.|through a copper ribbon with ld Oley, will be given to Wycliff College.|Speers, servers; and Mrs. A.|an acetylene torch. uon Rd. Sneaker at the 11 a.m. service|Scott in charge of models. | More than 400 people turned \ { : Mar. 5, will be Mrs. Ruth Pog- Paes out to see Hon. Robert H. Win- ek NV, ee son. The Parish Helpers will Boenptog! pe will bejters officially open Lo aa Were -------- meet Mar. 9 at the home ofjhe y the St. Mark's United|square - foot expansi to / \ . piogt lta White, 1118 Wat-|Church Women at the home of|Andrew Antenna Qo. Jad. at | wee BIBLE \\ CHAPEL son Street, Beech Street. nell -- ia a |Mrs. T. Akey, Centre Street % 7 lt, Mr. and Mrs. 'Renneth San-|South, Monday. Bn whee te eaveradeent ee ee A 'és \ \ i elaine ford and daughter, Marilyn, for- i : a \to the company and empha- e merly of 110 Ferguson Street,| A film entitled 'The Parable sized, along with Whitby Mayor MEETING AT R..A. HUTCHISON PUBLIC SCHOOL are living in Rexdale. Mrs. San-|Will be shown at the Cocowyalne ond Newman, it was a (4 block South of Blair Park Plaza) ll ford has been transfered to the|Program Feb. 19 at 4 p.m. with good "'corporate citizen", show- band of Nova Scotia branch|@ 'discussion period. This willlin, effective, efficient and in- SUNDAY in Weston be followed by a Folk Mass/15,° : ; me fir ine r at St. John the Evangelist|'Wstrious progress, 11:00 A.M.--Family Bible Hour and Sunday School ound. Ev- The Whitby Brass Band Ladies|Church. All young people of| Established here in 1953, the|! For Information re Other Services, Phone 668-4576 Sign an Auxiliary met in the social|High School age and up are|ComPany's continuous aren d: "This room to make plans for the|welcome. business has Jed to the expan- 'able and remainder of the year. A St. a i |sion Ha Pye age ag Pi FAITH BAPTI T or blood trick's party will be held Mar.[ lhe, Oshawa _ Presbyterial/Sduar 'ceo aeakcaed, Breby acs pga caled Aare and home.|ChtStian Education Workshop| Square feet in 1961 and, with| S CHURCH ~ assumes bake sale will be held April|Will be held at St. Mark's the latest major addition com-| 419 BROCK STREET N. to person 22 the co'convenors are Mrs.|United Church assembly hall pleted _ in 1967, to 65,000) REV. DELOSS M. SCOTT, Minister Ider must Alvin Church and Mrs. Stanley|Feb 19. "Building A Workshop |S12"° "i ts incl h behind. Redfearn, Members made ten-[service" will be the theme of| 1t* products include antennas the mad ative plans for the annual sum-|ihe, afternoon session and at SUNDAY SERVICES n i 30 p.m. he fe Bs ; z aor at Seen ier tt en ox [Fam ody | ctamaa'stevts JIS Gi roth Tadnes Ratio Broadcast ss te ae. ky next meeting will be) Rey, George Young, director By Our Locol ! .K.L.B. -- 1350 On Your Dial Ors eed arch 13. of Five Oaks Christian Worker's Servite Contractors | 9:45 A.M. Bible School with A Class 1 Railway Mrs. Geneva Curl, 819 Byron ype Paris, Ont., will address ' For You. 898, They Street North, is opening her lease att ae tas iy 11 a.m. SAWDON s of White home. Feb. 20, to Gardenview |-invict a Ponca United 11:00 A.M. -- AND 7:00 P.M. and com- United Church Women for its); Wit). in eme will be FUELS to White- meeting. :| Squiping The Saints'. | Pee pew GUEST SPEAKER: -- ar. 5 iota Bonnie Miller, daughter of M' ea, | St. Andrew's Presbyterian » daug of Mr. STOVE OIL AND 1 "ut " kable be- Women, Group 4, met at the and Mrs. Orval Miller and 244 Brock FOAL THE GIDEONS a battle home of Mrs. LeRoy Mowat,|tanddaughter Mrs. Kathleen rock St. S., Whitby Lg se 495 Henry Street, Mrs. W. J. S. pe haar col Papago typi on 668-3524 wa ee who McClu haired the meeting. ' sta} e Transpor- Mr. McClure was in charge ee Oshawa General Hospital. WEDNESDAY EVENING AB a the Bible study. The topic of | 7:30 P.M. TO 9:15 P.M th eting was making arran- : ' : ING 9 Fan $0 ements for the Feb. 22 "Hat! BROCK Evening Programs at 6:55 & 8:30 'Instructor: PASTOR JACK SHAKATKO. Skagway a Saturday Matinee At 1:30 nstructor: fe) a weuld , WHITBY urday Matinee At |: OSHAWA oirboy by Hockey Auxilia "THE PUBLIC SINCERELY WELCOME TO cd Hea 7 D adj ALL OF OUR SERVICES bin Hoot ee Planning Dance to the AJAX (Staff) - Final arrange- oor, His ments avere made at the Ajax y of the Ladies Auxiliary gg rahe to quit", jation meeting for the Feb 25 the build- dance at the Ajax Royal Can- O.H.A. and was adian Legion Hall. ; th Frank General convenor of the event Metro Junior "'B" eer, who is Mrs. Dave Graham who will . Smith's be assisted by members of her PLAY FF cart and committee rea as & For the March project mem- bers of the association will cir- NTS: culate a 'Traveling Basket" of OPENING GAME "built at geal asic reg Showing at Showing Once Only QUARTER FINALS The March 18 meeting will be 6:55 end J0 P.M. At 8:35 Best 3 out of 5 che bap- at the home of Mrs. William Last Complete Program At 8:30 ndmaker Black, 165 Burcher Road. "y Moun- AC let ss TOM LA ; 7:30 P.M. etro Jr. "B" Seoring Chompien vl om omplete || SAVE $ $ ON re ult Ste. Plumbing and . SUN., FEB. 19th iJ ' Heating Service AU TO IN SU k A NC E Whiih L Si | | It's a fact. A dime's worth of electricity will make three months worth of bacon -- @ ESSO HEATING -- 1 y asco ee ers | pie egg breakfasts for two people. That's the kind of bargain you get with ' EQUIPMENT P | electricity. : LLS ¢ KITCHENS If you are an Abstainer you save up to --VS.-- ' ae ; ; esti | $22.00 on your auto insurance. Low-cost electricity has hundreds more uses today than it had back in 1906 when ) | hydro first began. Yet, surprisingly enough, it costs less now than it did then. Asa F © BATHROOMS is: oronio or fee ers matter of fact, you pay less for electrical power here in Ontario than you would COMPLETE co almost anywhere else in the world. Any way you figure it, electricity is the biggest Phone 668-2991 ma bargain in your family budget. GD) 05 597 KING ST. E., OSHAWA i Whitby Community Ar ena The above example is based on the average cost to Ontario Municipal residential 7 +f customers of 1.13¢ net per kilowatt-hour. ritain : DIAL ADMISSION: 817 728-7567 Aduts $1.00 -- Sdents with Cords 50e | poeesnromsirraeetaF ET i

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