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Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Feb 1967, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, Februery 20, 1967 A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE Smallwood Denies Lung' Cancer Story ST. JOHN'S, Nfld. (CP) -- Premier Smallwood says there are no indications of further cases of lung cancer .among fluorspar miners at St. Law- rence, Nfld., since implementa- tion of safety measures several years ago. Mr. Smallwogd, in an inter- view, criticizéd the emphasis placed in press reports recently on lung cancer among the miners. The press reports concerned the report of an enquiry com- mission which studied New- foundland's Workmen's Compen- sation Act and tabled its findings in the legislature earlier this month, "There is no reason in the world to suppose that lung can- cer has been caused since the implementation of the recom- mendations contained in the de- Villiers report," Mr. Smallwood said. No Nuclear Use day night should use its full air and sea power to "destroy every work necessary to end the war. "TI do not think it will be nec- essary to use nuclear weapons tired general said. '"'But I would have, if the situation demanded it. "Should this strategy fail, we might have to mount a land in- vasion. But that is very remote. In my opinion,-the Communists would seek an end to the war jlong before their country was |destroyed." Condition Fair t WASHINGTON (AP) -- Gen. Showed today. Curtis LeMay, former U.S. Air| Force chief of staff, said Satur-| wives and children to two moth-|said the committee conducted the United States ers-in-law, of man in North Vietnam' if! $355,000. not rule out any strength we 9 | On Payrolls | TORONTO (CP) -- The disci- plinary committee of the On- : tario College of Physicians and WASHINGTON (AP) -- Atisurgeong, sitting for eight days least 41 members of the U.S./between April and October, Congress have relatives on the|1966, heard charges against congressional payroll, some mand doctors, found four guilty |salaries topping $20,000 a year,|and dismissed charges against an Associated Press survey' three. The January report of the col- The relatives ranged fromilege, released Saturday, also an inquiry into the professional Salaries paid to relative-em- Conduct of a doctor no longer |ployees last year exceeded|living in Ontario and granted jone application for restoration New. menibers of. the House|'® the special medical register. of Representatives are allowed) The report said the disciplin- 10 or 11 aides, depending on the}#"Y -authority of the committee to accomplish this task," the re-|size of their district, at an an-|as been changed in three ways nual office roll 1 .|by amendments to the Medical DAYTON of APOE 100 ot th 1068; 1, The committee was given authority to suspend a member from, the register for periods up to 12 months. 2. The committee may direct 09. The size of a senator's staff depends on the size of his state. |Payrolls in some Senate offices |top $150,000 a year. | More than a half-dozen other immediate suspension or trans- fer to the special medical reg- ister of a member found guilty of professi | | e, effective until the council of the Congressmen' Disciplinary Committee Permit Kin IF inds F our Doctor Ss Guilty |were urged Saturday to help|the two-culture problem. In disciplinary cases heard last year, the committee re- turned findings of not guilty against a doctor charged on three counts of submitting college makes a final d or there is an appeal. 3. Appeals from orders of the committee can be made to the council or to a Supreme Court judge, with a further right appeal from their orders to the Appeal Court of Ontario. RESTRICT SCOPE The council said that to avoid the appearance of a physician being shielded from '"'the rigor- ous penalties a court might im- pose for a criminal offence," it will no longer investigate and prosecute cases of alleged fraud by its members against insurance companies and pre- paid medical plans. Investiga- tion and prosecution now will be left to the police and the courts. Congressmen hired kin at the taxpayers' expense some time! WEATHER FORECAST last year. | No law bars nepotism, al- though Representative Nea 1| fr a to a pre- paid plan; a doctor accused of charging, a grossly excessive fee; and a physician charged with incompetence in the care of two patients. Dr. George V. Berner of Tor- onto, found guilty on one of two charges of failing to provide a patient with a reasonable expla- nation of his account, was rep- rimanded, ordered to refund the Overpayment on the account and charged the costs of the hearing. id Dr. Kenneth Francis Walker of Niagara Falls, Ont., was found guilty of professional mis- conduct for making unauthor- ized disclosure of information of a medical nature about a pa- tient who was dead. Dr. Walker was reprimanded and charged costs of. both the hearings and = appeal to the college coun- cil. |DISCLOSURE IN MAGAZINE Dr. Walker made the disclos- Need Seen For Bilingualism At Municipal Level Today TORONTO (CP) -- Teachersjrelations and the need to settle get rid of prejudices toward French-speaking Canadians. Donald S. Macdonald, Liberal MP for Rosedale and _ parlia- mentary secretary to External Affairs Minister Martin, said bilingualism is needed at the municipal level, but added that |French is being given the same treatment as Latin as a dead language. Z Speaking at the two-day con- ference of Women Teachers' Association of Ontario, Mr. Macdonald said the major prob- lem facing Canada's future is basically a linguistic one with economic and social factors arising from that base. He was one of three politi- cians on a panel under chair- men Prof. Paul .Fox of the University of Toronto and Peter Reilly of the CBC. | PLANNING A.+. © BANQUET © CONVENTION JOSEPH SMALLWOOD Smith (Dem. Iowa) again has| Little Cooler Tuesday The investigation was started in 1956 by the provincial health department and led to a further study of the dust hazard in the mines by the federal health and welfare department, he said. Due In Court NEW YORK (CP) -- A Ca-| nadian actor will appear in court today to answer charges| of being a fugitive from justice) and trafficxing:in a drug. David Henry Britton, 24, at} one time a resident of Toronto, |°Ut: Mr. Levesque, former cabinet}, inister in the Liberal govers he only such unit in the area. jment of Jean Lesage, said he| couple early Sunday in a was arrested Thursday night! when his Air France flight from} Paris to Mexico landed for re-| fuelling. He appeared in court Friday| to face charges of being a fugi- tive from justice and charges of smuggling and trafficking in the hallucination-causing drug LSD. Levesque ..» No New Cases Revolt Remains VANCOUVER (CP) -- Rene|where they were undergoing there | special jshould be no doubting that the) monoxide poisoning. [social revolution is still on in| | Quebec: "In my estimation the situa jtion remains the same,"' he sai said Sunday jin an interview, {introduced a bill to prohibit it WINDSOR, Ont. CP)-- A 16-| Pht year-old girl and her boyfriend,|@°yWhere within the federal) ure in an article published in "or are we |22, were in fair condition in an|/S°Vernment. Smith has unsuc- Ohio hospital Sunday night treatment for carbon Dianne Russell and Lero |Campbell of Amherstburg, Ont., ;|were rushed to the hospital for jtreatment in a special chamber jin which oxygen is forced into "Either Quebec gets a new ti ' |deal or eventually it will get |P2 ents' blood. Maumee hospital, near Toledo 50 miles southwest of here, has Police said they found the ;wondered if Canada would be wise enough to see Quebec wer gg the edge of the secession coming, going to be blinded wf the} posturings of little politicos) throughout the provinces?" here and then by ambulance to Here to speak at Vancouver |City College, Simon Fraser Un- liversity and University of Vie. Both were un- jconscious, They were taken to hospital |Toledo. | Airman Dies Tops Conservation |is:i:, he said Union Nationale) 5,7 CENTRO, Calif. (AP)--A SUDBURY (CP)--A man who Sheree Mponsed on is 4) plane crash in the desert Satur- all active nationalists in Quebe stopped vandalism by showing youngsters how to tie fishing flies has been selected Ontario's| top conservationist by the On-| st tario Federation of Anglers and Hunters. Frank Dring of Dundas was, honored at the annual conven- tion of the federation Saturday) night. Dring edged out Ross Wood-| row of Orillia for the award. | But Orillia Fish and Game| Club members did not leave| the convention empty - handed. The Orillia club won the Mary Pickford Memorial Trophy as|\ the club doing the most for| conservation. li | Painting Sold | VADUZ, Liechtenstein (Reut- ers)--Prince Franz Joseph II of Liechtenstein has sold Leonardo, da Vinci's painting Ginevra dei) | Benci to Washington's National Gallery of Art, Dr. Gustav, Wilhelm, an adviser to the, prince, said here today. He declined to say for how much the picture had been sold. Published reports said that the gallery paid between $5, 000,000 and $6,000,000 for the painting, the highest price ever. Dr. Wilhelm said, Tobacco Crops new high of 215,000,000 pounds-- tobacco sales Nov. 10, a MBS ROBERT NIXON ..~ Sounds Alert . . Spring Election OTTAWA (CP)--Ontario Lib- "The deal has been definitelyjeral Leader Robert Nixon told Mahon, 27 signed by both parties and the|his party Saturday to be ready week he would marry despite picture is already in America," |for a spring election and set out the gutohiatia axcumivunicaton licy platform for the cam- ot which he would face. "Tt is my feeling that we will r be going to the polls in early at St. Michael's Church here, BRANTFORD (CP) -- South-|spring," the new leader told the A ern Ontario's 1966 flue - cured|Eastern Ontario Liberal Associ-|!eave the priesthood by the tobaco crop is estimated at ajation. o "It would be smart politics to up 9,000,000 pounds from the/dissolve the legislature in the estimate used since the start of|next few weeks before Centen- nial Year activities get into full More than 70 per cent of the|swing." crop -- 151,010,881 pounds -- pound. But he said the recent illness|sponsored by the Oshawa and had been sold by Saturday atlof Premier Robarts mi ght District Labor Council, will be an average price 73.2 cents per|"'cause some reassessment"|cin April 1 and be judged at a among the Conservatives. Souebes (day claimed the life of the sec- _ |crack Blue Angels flying team | |facility here. HERE and THERE KIDNEY TRANSPLANT | A Toronto Western Hospital spokesman said today surgeons|aurant owner, IN HOSPITAL Frank Lem, an Oshawa rest- uncon- is "still jond fledgling member of the in two weeks, the U.S. Navy| announced. Marine Capt. Ronald Folk Thompson, 28, of Beeville, Tex., died when his navy F-11A Grumman Tiger jet crashed 18 miles northwest of the naval air Thomson, recently returned from duty in Vietnam, had joined the Blue Angels this week. Cause of the crash was unde- termined. Another rookie member of the team, navy Lieut. Frank Gal- lagher, 29, of Flushing, N.Y., was killed Feb. 1 when he |crashed into a mountain during ja practice flight. Celibacy Opposed WOLVERHAMPTON, Eng- land (AP)--Another British Ro- man. Catholic priest has given up holy orders in protest against the rule of celibacy for the priesthood--but he has no plans to marry. | The decision by Rev. Mal- \colm Tudor, 30, was disclosed Sunday after Rev. Arnold Mc- announced last Tudor, former assistant priest was granted permission to Archbishop of Birmingham. The former priest declined to see reporters. BEARD CONTEST A beard-growing _ contest, gala ball Sept. 8 at the civic ditorium, it was d at a centennial meeting lately. cessfully sponsored similar leg-| jislation since 1961, as | Smith says that while the), TORONTO (CP) -- | Official icase of Adam Clayton Powell|forecast issued at 5:30 a.m. | |is the most widely known, there| EST: are other relatives "who per-| Synopsis: A weak storm moy- form little service for the sal-jing estward from Lake Huron ory pal..." |this morning has brought wide- jspread but generally light snow- \falls to much of the province. |The snow, however, has stopped a an ry [through parts of southern On- itario and temperatures are ex- |pected to reach or go below the Medal Won |freezing point for the first time jin several days. The snow con- tinues around the upper lakes LONDON (CP) -- A British}and in eastern Ontario but Empire medal is on its way to}should end by evening as sa Canada for presentation to a/storm moves into Quebec. Var-| emigrated to Ingersoll, Ont.,|expected around the lower lakes | before his award for gallantry|Tuesday with some snowflurries jwas announced. jlikely near Lake Huron. Sunny | Raymond John Brown, 31,|C00l weather is predicted around |has been cited by the Queen for|the upper lakes. "initiative and the highest sense of duty" in disarming a|midnight Tuesday: criminal] who had broken into} folk village of Stody. ! I ieee Brown, who was village con-jilton: Cloudy and milder today. |North Bae .;. a stable of the nearby commu-|Variable cloudiness and a little Sudbury << 4 ay nity of Guist at the time, re-|cooler Tuesday. Winds light to-lmariton ........ eer |) 5 signed from the Norfolk County|day. Northerly 15 Tuesday. constabulary after almost 10) Southern Lake Huron region, years service and moved to/London: Cloudy and milder to- Canada last October with his|day. Variable cloudiness with a wife, sons Terence, 9, and|few snowflurries and a little Variable Cloudiness Due former Norfolk policeman whiy iable cloudiness and sunshine is|London Mount Forest . Wingham . Hamilton .......0. 18 25 |St. Catharines ..... 20 25 4 ; |Toronto Regional forecasts valid until Peterborough Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, [Kingston i a shop last July 16 in the Nor-|Niagara, western Lake Ontario|xijlaioe regions, Windsor, Toronto, Ham- Muskoka .. Sault Ste. Marie... 0 15 northeast 15 becoming light to- night. Western James Bay region: Variable. cloudiness with occa- sional fine snow today. Sunny Tuesday. Little change in tem- perature. Winds light. Ottawa and region: Cloudy with snow spreading in during the morning. Snow ending to- night; Tuesday sunny and col- der. Winds easterly 15 today, northwest 15 Tuesday. Forecast temperatures Low tonight, high Tuesday Windsor ... - 25 St.Thomas ... 18 25 os 15 25 Kitchener ... 15 25 sooeee 15 20 1965 in a nationally circulated magazine, It concerned an inci- dent in 1951 when Dr. Walker was a ship's surgeon in the merchant marine. Dr. Lorne Evans Carpenter of Toronto had his name erased from the college register when the most important. He said in the West it is the cost - price Maritimes, federal - provincial Walter Dinsdale, Progressive @ MEETING Conservative MP for Brandon -_. --- Gok aban First Class Facilities relations have become a pro! rf . lem of national unity satiotted For 20 to 400 Guests in Parliament's five parties and Quality Service splinter groups. i Max Saltsman, New Demo- --- cratic Party MP for Waterloo RESERVE YOUR South, said an informal poll FUNCTION NOW! among members of Parliament showed regional problems as 723-4641 Squeeze to the farmers; in big alba cities, the cost of housing and consumer prices and in the he was found guilty of improper association with a married woman with whom he also had a professional relationship. The name of Dr. Strul Strulo- vici of Toronto was erased from the register after his conviction in court on a charge of attempt- ing to procure an abortion. Assessment of a penalty against one doctor, who was not named, found guilty of failing to attend patients, was delayed one year while he continues psychiatric treatment. GUARANTY TRUST 32 KING ST. EF. Open To Serve You Mon. - Thurs. 9 to 5 Friday 9 to 9 Saturday $ te | WAAL Aluminum Awnings _ Combination /Sereen Windows -- Doors Prime Windows C.M.H.C. Accepted Sliding Giese Patio Doors Shelters for --Bus Stops --Parking Lots --Gas Pump Islands Jalousies Aluminum Siding Kevin, 8, and his daughters|cooler Tuesday. Winds light to- Amanda, who is seven years|day northerly 15 Tuesday. old today, and Josephine, 5. | Northern Lake' Huron, south- The silver medal with its|ern Georgian Bay regions: Snow rose and grey ribbon is being/ending this afternoon. Mostly sent to Governor - General|cloudy with snowflurries Tues; Georges Vanier by the central/day. Southeast winds near 15) chancery of the orders of| becoming northerly tonight. knighthood in London. The gov-| Eastern Lake Ontario, Hali- ecnor-general will arrange the| burton regions, Killaloe: Snow presentation in Canada. ending this evening. Variable jcloudiness Tuesday. Milder to- POLICE, CALLED OUT day. Southeast winds near 15 Brown was one of several Un-|today northerly 15 Tuesday. armed policemen in north Nor-| Northern Georgian Bay Ab folk called out the night of July| oma, southern White River 16 when a couple in Stody re- Timagami, Cochrane, North ported that an intruder had/pay Sudbury, Sault Ste. Marie: made off with a 12-bore, dou- Occasional light snow today. ble-barrelled shotgun and am-/sunny and coool Tuesday. East munition from their home. to northeast winds 15 to 20 be- Brown and Sgt. Maurice|coming light tonight. Ayers--since promoted to in-| Northern White River Tegion: spector--found a local shop bro-|Occasional light snow today. ken into. A man with a shotgun|Sunny Tuesday clouding over inside threatened to shoot them|with snogflurries in the after- if they approached. noon. ™ ler tonight. Winds $$$ S$S$SSES $S$S S$ FG $ BE WISE .. . ECONOMIZE! SAVE DOLLARS! Premium Quality i ¢€ FUEL OIL o....... Phone 668-3341 DX FUEL OIL SERVING OSHAWA -- WHITBY -- AJAX & DISTRICT o > r PR p_AARAAAH Judges for the contest may be selected from Oshawa barbers. PpAnnhnrnnwnan SSSSs6 ss $$ ss =a Sa LNA TEAL DS PIT RIED You never need to buy another battery Beked Enamel Finishes Optienel ALUMINUM Showroom and Factory 93 ATHOL ST. EAST -- OSHAWA PHONE 728-1633 OSHAWA FREE PARKING Storm Window troubles FOREVER . . . Install 54 SIMCOE NORTH - Tuesday and Wednesday Specials - BACON LEAN RINDLESS 1-LB. PKG. 49° LEAN TENDER Club Steaks 99: TASTY, SKINLESS WIENERS 29: BONELESS, ROLLED are hopeful about the kidney transplants to two Toronto men from Charles Lynch, 38, of East- bourne Ave. in Oshawa. Lynch was fatally injured last Jan- uary in a one-car accident in the area and taken to hospital where, within hours, two men received his kidneys. They are reported to be in satisfactory condition today. The "situation looks good" for George Drury (28) and Norman Long (32)" said the hospital spokesman. STILL UNCONSCIOUS Seven-year-old Kenneth Par- ish, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. K. scious" today at Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital after serious in- juries suffered when he fell downstairs last January. DRESSING ROOM Magistrate R. B. Baxter de- clared angrily here last week no more provincial magistrate's court sessions will be held in Port Hope until the town pro- vides him with a proper dress- ing room. The room he usually uses was being used for another meeting. Magistrate Baxter temporarily solved the problem by changing in the town en- gineer's office. Parish of 303 Highland Ave. is "still unconscious" today at Sick Children's Hospital. Ken- neth received serious head in- juries when he ran into a tra- yelling car jast October. MAN WALKING Armindo Desousa of 92 Olive St., Oshawa is "getting along well" and "walking with a cane" a Toronto General Hospital spokesman said today. Desousa received 70 per cent burns in a Fittings Ltd., fire last Novem- ber. PICKERING BYLAW Pickering township's applica- tion for approval of its restrict- ed area Bylaw 3179 will be heard by the Ontario Municipal Board, March 6, in the township council ig Brock Road 65g, 4 City-Wide Delivery MITCHELL'S DRUGS 9 Simcoe N. 723-3431 The Oshawa & District Movers Association Was recently formed to render a greater service to the public EACH ADDITIONAL MAN -- 8 A.M, to 6 P.M. . MOVING VAN and TWO MEN WEEKDAYS:-- After 6 P.M. -- Saturday after 12 Noon and Holidays EACH ADDITIONAL MAN So's rss cadens (evck nee cous PIANOS vesaessicces iieeeks -- = MOVERS = ANNOUNCEMENT EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 27th 1967 .. 18.00 per hour . Minimum 18,00 per hour LOCAL RATES WILL APPLY UP TO A 35 MILE RADIUS Association Rates Are As Follows: MOVING VAN and TWO MEN -- 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. .... 12.00 per hour 3.00 'per hour 4.00 per hour ° @ MEMBERS @ | A. J. MOVING -- Oshewe JOHN'S MOVING & STORAGE -- Oshawe | CITY CARTAGE -- Oshawe MACKIE'S VAN .& STORAGE LTD, -- | COLEMAN'S MOVING & STORAGE LTD.-- save Oshewe PRESTON VAN & STORAGE -- Bowmanville } Pot Roast 49: if you own one of the new behind-the-ear UNITRON 'PETITE' 221 HEARING AIDS It's the first behind-the-eor hearing ald with a built-in power cell that can be recharged. For up to 15 months of peak performance on the same cell. Further, Eaton's guarantees to replace it with- out charge, whenever necessary, for the life- time of the hearing aid. Slim and elegant, the Canadian made 'Petite' is completely incon- Spicious. Only your improved hearing makes you aware of its presence! It produces sound with clarity and natural likeness previously unattainable in small hearing instruments. Discover what ad- vanced technology and the outstanding per- formance of the Unitron 'Petite' 221 can do for you! Approved by Eaton's Research Bureau. For more information, phone 725-7373, Locel 233. HEARING AID AND OPTICAL, DEPT. 421 Your Grandchildren Will Live Much Longer New di, ; 4 Ai. Li dedi 4 L | knowledge and ientists ore all united in an in- creasing effort to add more healthier years to every- one's life. Right now many people will live longer because they do not wait till they are real sick before consulting @ physician. Mothers start as soon as pregnant. Babies are taken regularly for check-ups and wise adults have their bodies examined each year to try to discover and treat any ailment before it can become serious. YOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE US when you need a medicine. Pick up your prescription if shopping nearby, or we will deliver promptly without extra charge. A great many people entrust us with their prescriptions. Mey we compound and dispense yours? EASTVIEW PHARMACY 573 King Street East Oshawa PHONE 725-3594 3 Fast -- Free -- Motorized Delivery P.B. Francis, Phm.B, -- J. R. Steffen, B.Sc, Phm. 4) 11) f- i 3 é ih 1 Peet ay oe ; Two of the ( Associati fighting cert at ian Gree DA Ker NEW OR trict attorn the details he says he Kennedy as ing federal only slow | Jim Garr investigator spiracy in the death o Kennedy, s| he give his torney-gene! it on to Pr "T am ru tion, not th attorney-ger son. "I'm in ¢ ation and v progress we I don't pr changes tha slowdown a fective." Asked wh reau of In about Garr an FBI spo only thing I any questio 'No comme! MP | Unii EDMONT¢ Lambert, P: ative membe Edmonton Diefenbaker _ for the part ship. Mr, Lamb ency associ: that Mr. Di cline to ente Toronto con ber because tions about | ing his age. BANFF, A Conservative ter Alvin Hi day he will « the party | Diefenbaker fend his pos Mr, Hami meeting of t! ive Conserv said his dec' entirely upon position. Mr. Hamil Opper Dies ! PRINCETC Dr. J: Rot who helped « bomb and la cess to U.S. a security r nicht at the Oppenheim cancer at. his he spent 18 | director of th vanced Study The tall, t Oppenheimer early 1940s. I that he hims« ties and said tacts ended v econd Worle

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