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Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Feb 1967, p. 3

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ism 'f eed to settle lem. LETTER MOSTLY POLITICAL THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, February 20, 1967 3 JOHNSON SAID BITTER | JFK's Widow Wrote Khrushchev NEW YORK (AP)--Ten days; In the final instalment of after the assassination of Pres-|Manchester's book, he reports: ident John F, Kennedy in 1963,| Attorney-General Robert F. his widow wrote Soviet Premier|Kennedy, brother of the slain Nikita S. Khrushchev: "You and/president, arrived Jate for John-| he were adversaries, but you!son's first cabinet meeting and| were allied in a determinationjentered the room while Johnson! that the world should not be|was speaking. Several mem- blown up." bers, rose, shook hands with Mrs. Kennedy's letter to the |Kennedy or clapped him on the! Soviet leader said she was cyt-| back. jher for that." "WINDSOR UKRAINIAN YOUTHS DANCE IN OSHAWA Two Windsor members 'f the Canadian Ukrainian \ssociation take to sword fighting in a Sunday con- cert at St. John's Ukrain- ian Greek Orthodox Church parish hall. The Sunday concert was sponsored by. the Oshawa branch of the association and drew an audience of more than 150. These two ethnic dancers are, left to right, Eugene Prokopchuk and William Fedchun, who arrived here among 25 members from the Windsor "Prosvita" of the association. The same number of actors and dancers from St. John's chureh took part in the conce which started at 2 p.m --Pshawa Times Photo DA Probes Kennedy Death Keeps Silent On Details Hanoi Urged | To Tighten NEW ORLEANS (AP)--A dis- trict attorney is keeping secret the details of an investigation he says he is making of the Kennedy asSassination, contend- ing federal intervention might only slow him down. Jim Garrison, who claims his investigators can prove a con- spiracy in New Orleans led to the death of President John F. Kennedy, spurned a suggestion he give his facts to the U.S. at- torney-general who could pass it on to President Johnson. "I am running this investiga- tion, not the president, not the attorney-general,'"' said Garri- son. "I'm in charge of the oper- ation and we've made a Jot of progress working this way. So I don't propose to make any changes that might result in a slowdown and make us less ef- fective." Asked what the Federal Bu- reau of Investigation is doing about Garrison's investigation an FBI spokesman said: 'The only thing I can say regarding any questions about that is-- 'No comment."" pers broke the story. of his investigation Friday, coming. The release of details and extended now." assassination _ plot will find and arrest the con- tain convictions caused wide- spread furore. Just what does he know at \this point? "Well, I can't sum it up In terms of individuals or what might turn out to be evidence. I can say that we have been investigating the role of the city of New Orleans in the as- After New Orleans newspa- Garrison said "irresponsible release of so many details" would delay the "i arrests he said would be forth-were making progress until the|Where, Mao Tse-tung's support-| wounds, says Coroner Dr. R. D names, he said, "'has now cre- ated a problem for us in finding witnesses and getting co-oper- to £0 silo me question of ation from other witnesses .and in at. least one case has en-| dangered the life of a witness--| Noy, 22. 1963 a possible witness -- so that) °~' ! whatever timetable we mizht have had before is somewhat Garrison's statement that an was con- ceived in New Orleans, that he|in spirators and that he will ob- Peace Terms Sassination of President Ken-| nedy, and we have made| TOKYO (AP) -- Despite re. jsome progress--I think sub-|ports of new unrest in China's [stantial progress. At least we)strategic border areas and else- | jees to- |newspapers revealed a number| gay tamed to Zoreign policy 16 | day and urged Hanoi to stiffen of details. jits terms for peace talks. The district attorney refused| ist organs virtually ignored whether only Lee Harvey Os-|Vietndm and other foreign pol-| wald was involved inthe assas-|icy questions, except for Mos- sination of Kennedy in Dallas |cow Peking relations, Peking People's Daily took note jof recent moves to bring the pigurecde hed 'om | United States and North Viet- I will say this: That frominam to the negotiating table. jour inquiry into the matter,! "The whole point of the Viet- jthere is no question at all that nam poblem revolves around other individuals were involved|the withdrawal of (anti-Commu- the initial planning in the nist) aggressive forces from New Orleans area which cul-| Vietnamese territory, not on the minated in the death of Presi-|question of the cessation of U.S. dent Kennedy. bombing," the People's Daily In Miami, Cuban exile Bern-|said. ard Torres, 32, who helped the| This implied a rebuke to secret service guard President|Hanoi, which last week said it Kennedy in Miami four days} was prepared to talk peace with before the assassination, said|the United States if the Ameri- Garrison had engaged him to|cans "put an immediate end" look into the background of|to their bombing of North Viet- some Cubans reported to have|nam. Hanoi did not mention a been with Oswald shortly be-|troop withdrawal as a condition }fore the shooting in Dallas. of negotiations. Torres said he believes the| The People's Daily said the |OTHERS SUSPECTED s : | MP Claims Diefenbaker sre cemtion ints onte 'sits anf Nutt ste |Said its exhaustive investigation|ttying to blackmail Hanoi. The jshowed there was no credible|newspaper added that Soviet Premier Kosygin's talks in Lon- After weeks in which the Mao-| jtain that President Lyndon The book reports that John- Johnson would continue this pol- son said he had heard Kennedy icy. deliberately interrupted the The letter, dated Dec. 1, 1963,|meeting. Kennedy denied this. appears in the fourth and fina | Nonetheless, Johnson felt that instalment of Look magazine's|Kennedy '"'destroyed" the effect |serialization of the book Thejof what he was Saying. Man- 'Death of a President, by Wil-jchester quotes one of those liam Manchester, Writing the/present as saying: "There was letter, Manchester said, was\real bitterness in Lyndon's jone of Mrs. Kennedy's last ac- voice on this one." Itions in the White House. Mrs. Kennedy placed two of | She began it by thank- her Christmas gifts to her hus- ing Khrushchey for sending his and in the coffin before it was jdeputy, Anastas fT. Mikoyan, to Sealed, along with letters from} lrepresent him at Kennedy's fu-jherself and her daughter Caro- neral, She said she had read|{/ine and an illegible scrawl pen- jthat Mrs. Khrushchev "had|cilled by her son John. The| tears in her eyes'? when she/Sifts were an $800 pair of cuff- read the book of mourning at|links and a scrimshaw, a dec- |the American Embassy in Mos-|oration carved from_ whale cow, and added: 'Please thank bone. It bore the presidential s@al. But the burden of her letter At frst, Johnson asked virtu- was political. ally all the Kennedy aides to "I know that President John-|remain in office. But later, json will continue the policy in|Manchester wrote: "The very which my husband so deeply be-|mention of their names would lieved--a policy of control and| annoy him." restraint--and he will need your) 'The possibility that Kennedy | |help," Mrs. Kennedy wrote. . {might have been the victim of Referring to the relationship|a conspiracy continued to haunt | |between Kennedy and Khru-|Washington during the first shchev, she said: What troubled 'days of Johnson's regime. Lec| her husband, was the danger|Harvey Oswald, the suspected| that war might be set off "not assassin, |so much by the big men as by was shot to death by |tion. the late Jack Ruby two days! Schlesinger suggested that ei-|She thought. this robbed Ken- after Kennedy was killed, |ther Governor Nelson A, Rocke-| nedy's death of any meaning heightening the suspicion of a/feller of New York or former and said: "He didn't even have plot. ,vice-president Richard M. Nixon the Satisfaction of being killed Therefore, James Rowley,|would win anyway, by carrying | +, civil rights--it had to be chief of the secret service, did|the big industrial states Schles-| ., a ality little Communist." 5 not want Johnson to walk be-jinger added: "But I -suppose!> sshd ee hind the gun carriage bearing | Johnson is astute enough to ree: Kennedy's body during the fu-jognize this, too, which means neral. At first, the president | that he may be driven to an good names to remember agreed. aggressive liberal program." "But he said later: Look's final instalment of the "Lady Bird told me I should)Manchester book carries the do it, so I changed my mind." story from. the night of the Johnson showed Theodore |atitopsy in Bethesda Naval Hos- Sorensen, special counsel to pital in' Maryland through Ken- Kennedy, an FBI memo ad- nedy's interment in the Arling- vising him that the heads of "aniton Nation al Cemetery in unfriendly power" had been Virginia. ; hoping for Kennedy's death. At the Ken The book says the memo con- nedy was told that a man sus tained no names nor hard facts! necied of shooting her husband and a code word had been used!jaq heen capfred and that he to identify the FBI's informant. |... said to be a Communist. ! Sorensen studied the memo for) ee PERE ahests a moment and 'said: "Meaning- less." WANTED TO DROP LBJ Arthur Schlesinger Jr., a White House aide, asked John B: 0. Bailey, the Democratic party's CALL it national chairman, whether "THE MOST PLEASANT PLACE TO LIVE" would be possible to drop John- son from the 1964 presidential election ticket: The book quotes John Kenneth Galbraith, Cana- dian-born writer and economist, as saying Schlesinger dwelt on the possibility of a ticket héaded by Robert Kennedy and Senator Hubert H. Humphrey of Min- nesota in the 1964 elections. Bailey replied that it might be technically feasible to dump The Setting Johns but this vould is ' the Democrats to lose the elex | The advanced method of construction If you have a Commercial Property. To Sell or Lease REG AKER, pres. BILL McFEETERS, vice-pres. SCHOFIELD-AKER 723-2265 Over 33 years in Business hospital, Mrs. by Kassinger \ . The Location the little ones." | Kennedy and Khrushchev met met in Vienna, Austria, in June, /1961. Mrs. Kennedy's letter re- called the "kindness" extended to her husband and herself by the Soviet leader and his wife lat that conference. On Oct. 16, 1964, Moscow an- |been deposed. Death Blamed | On Stab Wounds RIDGEWAY, Ont. (CP)--Mrs. |Leonard Margaret Henry, 54, jwho was found dead in the |kitchen of her Ridgeway home Friday, died of multiple stab you get |G, Howatson, who performed an jautopsy Saturday. | He said the woman could jhave been dead 48 hours before the autopsy. | Mrs. Henry was the wife of| |Charles Henry, : 55, | | with a head wound jafter he went to police to re- port the death of his wife. | Police Chief Howard Johnson said Mr. Henry said a man came to his door and attacked convenient monthly depos * 'OU! + it. This is i Chief Johnson said Mr. Henry} your first deposit. This isin said he was knocked out and! does not know when he came |to. | | Police said they have a de-| scription of a man who is said to have attacked Mr. Henry. Mr. and Mrs. Henry were married in London, Ont., Dec. | 20 before coming to this com- munity 15 miles south of Nia- gara Falls. Whether you're saving for have a special objective in Assured Savings Plan. HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL G. B. Miles, Manager, 4 King St. When you save the Go-Ahead way. Life Insurance too! Choose a five year savings goal. It could be as little as $600, or as much as $5,000. (Your $83.33.) Whatever savings goal you set for yourself, that's the amount of Life Insurance protection you have, for five years, from the minute you make made, plus the bonus your savings have earned. ° education, for the down payment on a new home, for a retirement nest egg ... or even if you don't Toronto-Dominion Manager about the Go-Ahead way of saving . . . Toronto-Dominion's *. Great Go-Ahead idea from TORONTO-DOMINION The Bank where people make the difference. - The Quality and The Beauty of the Homes Are Unquestionable Without Comparison In Oshawa 10 different Model Homes with Delightful Styling and Breathtaking Interior are on display now. TO KEEP BEAU VALLEY HOMES SPARKLING CLEAN, THESE HOMES ARE SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. -- 723-2265 DOLLAR SALE! Men's and Boys' Brand Name 8 SWEATERS and SPORT SHIRTS The finest of fine it can range from $10 to addition to all deposits your children's mind, ask your knitweor, made of Orlon enh Lambswool, Monufeeturer forbids us to use his nome. These come in White, W. and Simcoe St. Oshawa, Ont. Ivy, Walnut, 2 levidence that anyone else was j yg Un | e 0 nter ace |implicated--will be proved in-|don with British Prime Minis- | commlete. ter Wilson constituted 'proof n San Diego, Melvin Belli that the Soviet revisionists are | W. R. Singleton, Manager, 566 King St. E. at Wilson Rd., Oshawa Ont. | EDMONTON (CP) -- Marcel Lambert, Progressive Conserv- ative member of Parliament for) Base § ; : | terview that "positive national-|said Oswald and Jack: Ruby,|'?ying to sell out the Vietna- ism" is the only suitable course for Canadians. He opposed "'re- ithe ommn eho killed Oswald|™ese evolution and are sup- flay Ken ; ara 7, porting U.S. aggression." 4 ennedy's death, were in What prompted China's sud- 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR . SERVICE |, €, Erwin, Manager, 455 Simcoe H. J. Eaton, Manager, Northway Plaza, 1128 Simcoe St. N. Edmonton West, says Johnistrictive nationalism" sug- Diefenbaker probably won't run gested by former Liberal fi- for the party's national leader- nance minister Walter Gordon.} ship. : - Mr. Lambert told his constitu-) CALGARY (CP) -- Douglas ency association Friday night|Harkness, former Conservative that Mr. Diefenbaker will de-|defence minister, said Saturday cline to enter the contest at the|he has "no intention" of seek- Toronto convention in Septem-/!28 the Conservative party lead- ber because of certain realiza-/¢rship but will run for re-elec- tions about his position, includ- tion to the House of Commons. ing his age. e now" represents Conservative agriculture minis- North ter Alvin Hamilton said Satur-* Aer ee day he will consider running for! He said leader John Diefen- the party leadership if John|baker should declare his inten- Diefenbaker chooses not to de- tions on the leadership issue for fend his position. the sake of the party and for Sic Hamilton, hete. dor ae who might wish to head New Orleans at the same time, | 4 jbut it was just a coincidence, | Belli, who defended Ruby in| jhis trial for the slaying of Os- sa hised said he does not believe|*a critical stage." During the |= len emphasis on foreign policy was not clear. The People's Daily editorial id the Vietnam situation is at there was any plot to kill Ken-' week-end Chinese Foreign Min- |nedy. WELCOME TO ALL ister Chen Yi said that Peking will not change its foreign pol- icy because of the great cul-| WINNIPEG (CP) -- Students 'ural revolution, Mao's battle to paring to help Latin American guests, the program, outside} regular school hours, is also} testing the use of tape-record- | }ings in teaching an unfamiliar| language. meeting of the Young Progress- | ive Conservatives Association, said his decision will be based entirely upon Mr. Diefenbaker's position. | Mr. Hamilton said in an in-| Oppenheimer Dies At 62 PRINCETON, N.J. (AP) -- Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer, | who helped develop the atomic | bomb and later was denied ac-| cess to U.S. atomic secrets asl a security risk, died Saturday! nicht at the age of 62. Oppenheimer died of throat) cancer at his home here where he spent 18 years until 1966 as) director of the Institute for Ad- vanced Study. ot The tall, thin, cage tet Oppenheimer freely acknowl- wlged associations with Com: | munists in the late 1930s and | early 1940s. However, he haedarid that he himself had Communist | ties and said his left-wing con-| Two -- 2 hour classes" 7:30 P.M. -- COURT ROOM OSHAWA POLICE STATION @ Tuesday, Feb. 21 @ Tuesday, Feb, 28 To Experienced Drivers It's a challenge to improve your driving ability. To The Accident Prone An opportunity to help clear your record. To The Beginner-"A MUST" A 'course money can't buy which will help you pass your tests with ease. OSHAWA TRAFFIC CLINIC consisting of tacts ended when he started his | Gecond World War work. | Mr. Harkness told a press|in the prairie metropolis are| Purge President Liu Shao-chi's conference that he will seek/learning a smattering of Span-|SUPPorters from the government " 5 'P)--Former nomination in Calgary Centre.jish to prepare for i BANFF, Alta. (CP)--Forme Calgary | American Games, to be held jhere this summer. Besides pre- the Pan-| and the party machinery, Money To Invest! earn 6%% per annum for five years by investing in Guaranteed Investment Certificates which are Guaranteed--as to Principal and Interest. Flexible--may be used os Col- lateral for loans, Redeemable--by Executors In ' the event of death. Authorized--os Trustee Act In- vestments. *Government Insured up to $20,000 each CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION 19 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa 723-5221 23 King St. W., Bowmanville 623-2527 OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS end SATURDAYS "as _ ep liz 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS E. D. Hayden, Manager, King Pork Plaza, 243 King St. W. and Grey, Black and Blue. $-M-L-XL, St. South, .... Oshawa, Ontario and Byng Ave., Oshawa, Ont. | Pork Rd. S., Oshawa, Ont. WiNW= | VALUE__ The Opening of Our New Store The Corner of BOND and PRINCE STREET. To Help Celebrate 2 For The PANTS, PLAIN SKIRTS Price Of 1 Plus *1" and SLACKS > SHIRTS Buy One Sweater and get the Second Sweater for Only 1.00 SUITS, DRESSES and TOPCOATS Buy One Sport Shirt and get the Second Sport Shirt for only 1.00, Specials Effective at Our New Location Only | H ' MAPLE CLEANERS CASH AND CARRY 504 Simcoe Street South (Corner Prince and Bond) Speedy Service 2 Locations 36 KING ST. E. Open Fridays till 9 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE- Open Thurs, and Fri, till 9 aa Both Stores Close Wednesdays at Ky

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