a re SESS SE SEES SETS SESE the second was Twila Hoffmart, the woman who lived with Mi- randa, and the third was a po- lice officer. 1967 Miranda Convicted Of Kidnap, Rape PHOENIX, Ariz. (AP) -- Er- Inesto Miranda, 27, whose orig- inal conviction was overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court in a THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, February 27, Picture Remains Cloudy In Garrison JFK Probe DO YOU JUST CARRY INSURANCE OR IS rison continued to regard it as|leans resident, was named by Both belonged to Ferrie, The Post said Ferrie was bald and| VANCOUVER (CP) -- Revort The difference is like a pile of NEW ORLEANS (AP)--Bits; A controversial figure, Jackjknew Oswald or that he was to, ,, inion, was con- of District Attorney Jim Garri-|S. Martin, a New Orleans pri-j|have been the "'getaway prog eee of kidnap and! YOUR INSURANCE son's Kennedy assassination in-|vate detective, was heard from|for the assassin. lrape for the second time. | PLANNED ? vestigation continue to pop tojagain. In Dallas, The Times Herald| "}; was Miranda's conviction| the surface but the over-all pic-| Martin pointed to Ferrie injsaid Garrison's investigators|i,, gunreme Court overruled ture remains a closely guarded|1963 as being involved in an|checked airports in and around|),.auce he had not been advised C secret. assassination "plot." He tele-|Dallas last month to see if Fer- his constitutional right to The late David W. Ferrie, 48,|phoned various news media/rie was there at about the time| .,..,<e] at the time of his ar- whose death last Wednesday re-|here Sunday to deny he ever|of the assassination. Del aeet ~ The lon; mains officially unclassified, retracted his accusations. The investigators carried| He originally gave a state- having a figures in most scraps of infor-| An official report, on file|{hree photographs, one of them) ,ont to police in connection with a po mation coming to light. in Washington, quoted agents as|0f Ferrie. The newspaper said with the kidnap and rape of an ture. Coroner Nicholas Chetta said|6aying Martin told them "'he|two persons indicated they rec-)ig year-old girl, who identified) *. City pol final toxicological tests to deter-|Suffers from telephonitis when |osnized Ferrie but couldn't say jim in a police line-up. His first| 'how to ste mine whether drugs or chemi-|drinking and that it was during|when they saw him. ___ |eonviction was based largely on civic obe cals were involved in Ferrie's|one of his drinking sprees that} In Washington, the Washing-|the confession. | emergency death would be completed Tues-|he telephoned Assistant Dis-jton Post said today in a story} Only three witnesses were} of a dro y. trict Attorney H. S. Kohlman|from New Orleans that police|called for the second trial. One affecting Meanwhile, he said, it seems|and told him this fantastic story|stopped two young men in a/was Miranda's victim, now 22,| 'tion fallou almost certain Ferrie died of ajabout Ferrie being involved|car on Aug. 30, 1961--and found/and the mother of two children; | : ' Awdte | natural brain hemorrhage, pos-|With Lee Harvey Oswald." in the auto a pistol and make-)|--------------____ JIM POTTICARY pal service sibly brought on by stress. Gar-| Oswald, a former New Or-|up kit with a wig. CARDS MOVE NORTH tinue rega lergenc} . ion 0 a_suicide. Warren commission--as--the : ' ! : GETTING RID---OF -THE-BUG The New Orleans district at-|presidential assassin. wore a wig and mascara eye- cas Agee gone a | oo cement ee wing poli ila ease - torney contends Ferrie, a free- brows. When police voiced sus-|dents A Hee a. "ated cy security, Gut cuidel The $12,000,000 weather- years ago, but problems nally been scheduled to be- October. She may make {t |lance pilot among other things, | DISPUTE idan pr picion, the youths took ea by a computer therel| Why net tok it ever with « late in haz 'ship Vancouver, shown off with defective parts have gin duties at weather station by April-7 df no further bugs |was "'involved in events cul- saihlac eeiaen "th was nojthe home of Sergio cr rc lfrom. information" supelied: byll professienel. 1 "About 80 the British Columbia coast, stretched out the length of Papa, 900 miles west of develop. minating in the assassination of|CTe one ci ato ; nage any-/former leader of a Cuban A tachere he 4 eee to ha Swas launched nearly two ' her sea trials. She had origi- Victoria in the Pacific, last (CP Photo) ty ik in ¥. pemnay" in nl gape Ba gt pee gd so he could 5 | JIM POTTICARY gars that : sass able aac puted by critics of the official) The Post said Aarachia's wife L WIS ' i on ag e,e ° Li t N SEEKS PROOF jinvestigation. told police Ferrie had been at E CROWN LIFE iniid i ritish Ru e erminates 1S arrows Garrison says he will prove| Martin's accusations in 1963|the house a short time earlier. OPTICAL : phot te an assassination conspiracy was|resulted in Ferrie being inter-|The youths were released. | j he - For Sus cts born here--and that he will con-|rogated by the FBI and the sec-| Arcachia, who now lives in Established for over 30 years CALL ; wade ° e pe vict those involved. But he has/ret service. Martin also was/Dallas, was picked up by Gar-|]|10/2 King Street: West |} 728-7601 or 723-1731 eae h aribbean Isles WASHINGTON (CP) -- Thejemphasized that arrests are|questioned. rison agents during the week-| 725-0444 | Wy L n T ree (; Washington Post says in a di-|'months away." Ferrie denied that he ever'end, it was reported. ! --=_ ll : f eg . spatch from Toronto that in- i i By HAROLD MORRISON [ated states' will cover Domin-'pendence as soon as they get|vestigations by the RCMP and i ' "LONDON (CP) -- New flagsjica and St. Lucia March 1, approval of two thirds of the|the FBI of Jan. 29 bombings of j Dur: will flutter in the balmy breeze|Grenada March 3 and St. Vin-jlegislature. British officials des- Canadian and U.S. missions of the eastern Caribbean today|cent May 29. All will havelcribe these conditions as safe-|"has narrowed the range of aé four of the islands strip away|internal independence but Bri-jguards "against hasty or ill-|Suspects to a ,Serbian emigre The Ont three centuries of British rule|tain will retain responsibility {conceived legislative action." |SToup called the Chetniks. awa will h for independence, still sheltered|for defence and foreign affairs.) There will be a regional Su-|. JS sroup, led by Gen. at the Osh by Britain's diplomatic' and mil-| While the islands will still get preme 'Court with a high court Draja Mihailovic, fought in the in conjunc itary- power. British aid, taxes will increase! - : Second World War, first against the Golde Attended by Commonwealth|because local administrations judge resident in each state.|the Germans and then with the Q RCAF's a and other represen tatives,/need more money to diversify] There also will be a council of/Germans against the Commu- Showing statehood t#remonies for An-jeconomies based largely on su-\ministers to boost regional co- nist Partisans Jed by Yagoslay adian arm tigua and the three tiny islands|gar, fruit and tourism. operation and aiministar com President Tito," the front-page play will i of St. Kitts, Nevis and Anguilla] Britain says association terms Imdn' services on which the as- story says. _ killed car, a 50-t mark the birth of what will/are liberal. She must give six}cociated states can agree. Still Two Americans venel "i ¥ M1i3 armo become known as "the West/months' notice before withdraw- iominated by Britain are the and six Yugoslav - roy sah oe and an | Iddies associated states."" ing from the association. The|-mall islands of the Caymans Pag ha ce of Vuensler aa. \ missle. Th ~The umbrella of the "associ-lislands can command full inde- fine Turks and Caicos, Montser- sions at Ottawa, "Toronto, New \ brought f - rat and the British Virgin Is- York, Chicago, Washington and t Forces' bi id A h 7 G lands. San Francisco. and a avl rener urns uns In most of the area, living] The Post says those suspected be on han é standards are low though Bri-jof complicity include some of assist in tl 0 D M 4 tu tain maintains it has been pour-|the participants in a demon- A 100-ms n rug anu ac rers ing money into development and|stration at the Toronto Yugo- ' a guard in : social aid. The Commonwealth|slav consulate Nov. 29 and that ¢ has been | "LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- Davidjufacturing industry earns "ex'joffice estimates that during the|"Canada's invitation to Tito to Afcher, president of the On-jorbitant profits" on prescriptior {1955-65 decade, Britain contrib-|attend Expo 67... has pro- s tario Federation of Labor, pro-|drugs. uted more than $300,000,000. voked a wave of protests from \\\ TH : it posed Saturday that drug prices} He said manufacturers are] Experts from Canada, U.S./immigrant groups." This is the lest week to take edvontoge of the For over sixty years, Tamblyn pharmecists hove at the manufacturer's level be|making minor modifications injand Britain have examined the poset rib ptchardhthoge a por pheal prin with pagretehap ate ae pp reduced "even if the govern-|drug formulas, marketing the\leconomic side of the Caribbean -- --_ fiotlhar gaia 4 * 4 ident has. to go°into the bus-|products under brand namesland have-concluded the region's A. E. JOHNSON, 0.D. SPECIAL! Hf you'se net fully with your p filled, ject coll Tomblyn's for vedio iy ect 3 4 Temblyn will cheerfully replace ft or refund your despatched pick-up end delivery service. Your iness to do it. and selling them for higherjgreat need is to diversify. A OPTOMETRIST enoney, Family's Health ts Our First Concern ! "In an address to a meeting of|prices than similar drugs un-|mission has recommended tha' SS Boyer Gj Mrs, Be the London and district labor|der non-brand names. la regional development agency|! 141/ King St. East Ss ose ca LF; , Os council, Mr. Archer said investi-| A text of Mr. Archer's re-\\be set up, under official Anglo- 72 RS ee BZ good cx gations in the United States|marks was released before de-/Canadian - American sponsor- 3-2721 S ASPIRIN ZEEE For the valief of Congestion Associated with colds \\\ieai// sing satis have shown that the drug man-!livery. ship. S$ SpIrin 2a 4 ACTIFED 4 1 4 N Yj eC = e ' = * ox, bottle Mrs. Su = ] Vest elie from pon = - COUGH SYRUP "sv OE. q NG "a SPECIAL! Z e the F = ; reeomagpoe a =} _ Formulated Specifically for growies Children S ; with Flaoriston A } way near = @ Comp. Value 99¢ - Bt. of 100 == FRI-VI-SO}L Bris. S ty C t Z \ the lives of : 6 = of 190 S res Zz Mrs, Su "er Bi ¢. & cewoevmns 4 200 5 itn. te Toot 43. Z ' SS 'Tooth Peste for Cleaning False Teeth = Fomily Size = only in fai GF SS DENTU Z ive & eonsclous ' G SS 2 Large size ¢ A ES now fully c Ve Gy SSN CREME 99¢ Value Z J ¢ S ing rapidly « t: ' ; Y \ Controls Dandruff 89c Vole / = N pital spoke A : : Hldinrmnnsss\"0W SHAMPOO cMedtam: 19¢ Pinmneans VN Brea At 3 Q SCORE T1 GooD | Free. Bow Offer f Ba: GROOMING AIDS! ! "ae Hel pS. * e Score Shaving Foam ssvac 89* SPECIAL! Three of a N CL P 4 ti Central : se 45 en. Tobe host to J Lather Shave Cream 'sri 169 NS HELENE CURTIS 3 Delsey and other : SS it BE A at a break! f After Shave Loti 244 os. Cont. g9¢ SS : EEE Bathroom Tissue rial Park. ON "55e"Velve SS pr ay é E Twin Pek The Cer : a S 4 ; ( = = 35 Value incorporati: SCORE Score Shampoo ise 1.33 = --_-- Crystal Clear-- Non Sticky Z scout fron : -- , pe S 4 = > Spray Deodorant = tasm 89 S| mmtmein" = Dan Qt g ver ex = | 18 oz. Cont. -- 1.98 Value = ein as CALL YOUR TAMBLYN | ==> . = camped ou FREE DELIVERY "oetrow"™ | Zu = Waeaen Melnnis, AZ SS Scoutmaste Desert Flower Z | SS Kotex Munro peer er Zz ae S Feuiieing Masks spesier, Oe i ef minine Napkins James Sin | D orants Yi = EB NS 48's Regular oes m reezing te Si a Cream or Yy oN Mpegs night and Roll-On YY r \\\ \ wy i for several twin Peck = lp Mf ni Mayor e vitamins \O/- __ GILLETTE SPECIALS! F e : For the whole family. \ Gy a Be KO L Vitamin & Mineral N o_o a Foamy a --Gilletie ait Sepplement Copeules S Helps keep skin healthy & young! Z ,| Shave Cream i ; => == eatte: International mur _398 > Gaus! Nivea = so = = 1.19 Value 5 Multiple Vitamin = S is "Sea Blades BEER moe Ba ome | EE gg) me Batt Bet of 180 Z 143Vewe SS 145 Velo Me Bag. 2.49 1.57 Z 4.3 on, S Nalibat on ZY SN 'The Neturat-Loaking Mot Color Refrething -- 7 /; ' WN NICE 'N EASY #2. 1.79 REEF MOUTHWASH min * TMM \\\ ee iE Oe US 104 UE aes 83 Mimi" cn vi 69¢ 3S 1.04 HF 1.29 a CURL FREE © $% 3.29 | © ctmntoeran tomas : Hong Kong: One of the 31 countries where Skol is a top seller. NEW! at TAMBLYN CHOCKS VITAMINS 23's 50s 100' INSTANT SETTING 69 | 351.43 $22.23 $253.89 CURLON -- 6 It's a refreshing world with SKOL a HAIR ROLLERS 3.00 Say SKOL...and quench your thirst refreshment of a really good beer. Say aAnray nau. A Vi a LY N with the new International Beer, now SKOL -- the International 'Beer. GREAT DAY s 3.15 brewed to the same exacting standards Brewed in Canada under licence granted vans staii tt Ce lee 2 YOUR FAMILY'S HEALTH IS OUR FIRST CONCERN all round the world... and already a to Labatt's Ontario Breweries Limited FESS, lS AE top seller in 31 countries. by SKOL International Limited. TWO N Say SKOL...and discover the satisfying Say SKOL today! At regular prices 6 KING STREET EAST OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE saturn flavour, sparkling lightness and true whereyer beer is sold. 723-3143 728-5101 aan 2 rs ! . se Park in t . atures, ** sete Marks 5s!