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Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Feb 1967, p. 11

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== ' EMO Helping She Oshawa Times OSHAWA, ONTARIO, ee FEBRUARY 27, 1967 Police, Picketers Jostle At Plant A mother of three children|Sept. 7 demanding their first,held a hearing into the matter was taken to hospital today junion-contract with improved/Feb. 14 and last Friday informe after being knocked to the|wages and better working con-led Mr. Taylor the company Shc Police Prepare For Disaster ~ The long arm of the law is] Methods of protection against having a preliminary._brush|radiation, such as improvisa- with a potential danger of the|tion of clothing, distance, time ture. and decay, are also taught cf e learning|the course -- held once a weel Row to eesge mr aainiain -- and practical instruction is 'civic obedience, or conduct|given with instruments similar emergency duties, in the event|to the ones which would be of a dropped nuclear bomb used operationally if required. , 7 course, 'affecting Oshawa with radia- Pc gsc Say ae ground and trampled on dur-|ditions. |had failed in the "termination'® tion fallout. - : _. ltor of the local EMO, says for ing a 15-minute shoving match! This morning's demonstration' jbid. Awéfe that certain munici- security reasons he would not between 35 union picketers andjwas called by Albert Taylor,| Mr. Taylor said he expects pal services would have to con- like the date, time and place nine policemen outside a strike-|president of the local, who said lthe company will try again for tinue regardless. of fallouf, the : bound city plant. : jhe plans to continue bolstered | Fei bined ed said the of lessons to be public knowl- ergency Measures Orga heh a ounty ge woman down there," a ralckel Ithe rest of "ihe week. |to instigat S talk: teh f Ap oh. ere About 40 members of the gate bargaining talks. oven iving police a course that sets| lice department have taken er yelled as Mrs. Bonita} Police Chief Walter Johnston} Among those who have tried guidelines on how to:oper-jtne course. Heickert fell to the sidewalk in|said in an interview following|to bring about a settlement the midst of the pushing in) the shoving match he antici-jare George Burt, Canadian ate in hazardous times. Within the framework of the ver wi . os 'About 80 policemen are learn- radiological defence plan for front of Oshawa Engineering}pated no charges would arise|director of the UAW, former i to handle radiation coun-|Oshawa and Ontario County, and Welding Co. Ltd. lout of the demonstration today.|Mayor Lyman Gifford, Mr. VARY 4 that would take readings|provision is made for the allo- . Mrs. Heickert, of 885 Oxford} The union claims_that Mr.|Taylor and other union meme in fallout in a given area andjcation of equipment consisting a 2 St., was reported in "'undeter-|Marshall, the copeSany owner,|bers. Government concillation LIFE Tecord the dosages to whichlof radiation counters to police, Joseph Reid (left), deputy Terry Delves and Stanley for policemen, The police to do so would have to know |mined" condition at Oshawa/a superintendent and the office}has failed, too. ividuals might be exposedifire, engineering, public utili-| co-ordinator of EMO, in- Hodgson on how to use force would have to con- the intensity of the radio- |General Hospital late this|manager, were tle only people | CHARGES } performance of emergency|ties commission and other mu-| structs police officers Con- meters at a special course tinue operating in the active material. morning. hi ee oe picket hoa Three women; including Mrs e y iati 7 0 7 ¢ 6 '@aties. nicipal services. stables Carman Whyte, Gamma_ radiation survey event of nuclear fallout and CROSS LINE fe ge 2 ler workers wére turn- |Hefckert, 'said before today's 23-1731 Trouble erupted shortly be- | demonstration they intend to AR i Acti iti Set fore 9 a.m. when a delega-|/NO INJUNCTION press charges against two men tion of five non-union company; Mr. Marshall said in a tele-|following an incident at the een egimen 1Vl 1es men, along with William Mar-|phone interview from his plant | plant last Friday. shall, owner of the auto partsjoffice he has given no.thought} The women said they intend plant, attempted to cross a|to seeking a cour! injunction to|to file charges with a justice picket line set up by members | limit picketing, jof the peace today but Police of Local 222, United Auto| "I'm thinking about going|Chief Johnston says -charges caio Workers union. south for about a month," he| will first have to be cleared by am ee eee Gree ae er the injured woman ts among ae te Crown tome awa h "Ai sates 36, the Ontario Raciment: the Pibss about 24 Oshawa Engineering} The company applied for de-| The union claims there are at the Oshawa Airport, Ret eeland Dri bene and a4 hie employees -- 21 of them fe-|certification Jan. 30, The On |17 non-union employees in the in conjunction with a visit byjand Drum band and a tank dis male -- who went on strike last/tario Labor Relations _ = plant. Some workers get only a hour. The union says the gh hourly-rate of pay is $1.50, Burt, Mazey Will Attend cae wl UAW Anniversary Dinner the Golden Centennaires, the/play will also take part in the RCAF's acrobatic team. parade. Showing the latest in Can-| The Regiment will participate adian armored vehicles, the dis-|in the Aug. 5 Whitby centennial play will include a ferret scout|parade and has planned a troop- car, a 50-ton Centurion tank, ajing of the Guidon at General M113 armored personnel carrier|Motor's south plant, Sunday, and an Entac SSil guided|Sept. 24. missle. The vehitles will be} The ceremony for the troop- "During Centennial Year aan fon ve. Sanne Daas ag only a | Several United Auto Work- the international labor move-|! and about 20 militia men will|Pipes and Drums and Regimen- Ibe on tas March 4 Sey ati mee. Mazey will be guest be on hand at interval times to|tal band and 300 marchers from a dance in Oshag tol eaker. Five. ved foe caslet ta the Aataieitention. hia regiment, The ceremony will ner an ance in Ss. HaWe fy bl et ch : ive 2 = ernationa : he Atanead oy Intantey ahd tee celebrate the 30th anniversary|union representatives are also A 100-man guard of honor and ' ess of the inception of Local 222. jexpected to be at the affair, to a guard inspection by a "VIP etyete Pehtce ens The event, jointly planned as|start at 6 p.m. at the union has been planned for the Oe, eget a a eal et ie. a a leadership banquet and anni-|hall of Local 222 on Bond St. ario Regiment will officiate at versary, will be attended by} Lloyd Clarke, chairman of George Burt, Canadian direc-\the recreation committee, tor of the UAW, and Emil|Local has been working Mazey, 5 secretary - - - treasurer of|in conjunction with the Local's ae ---------- |secretary - treasurer, Russel |McNei 1, in organizing the cele- | Money Order \Charge Laid Church Helps the opening of Oshawa's centen- . nial project -- a swimming pool 1 7 oman and recreation complex at Civie Auditorium. Recovering Request Rinwred | Mrs, Beatriz botich, Py et, Oshawa, was repored| For Free Permit £™ | good condition and progres- City policemen practice given them by the Emer- Police constables Mervin kins and Const. Robert sing satisfactorily in Toronto} Board of control today rec-| taking radiation readings gency Measures Organiza- Buckwald and Allen Mc- Hraynyk are shown. General Hospital this morning.jommended to council that a free} at a special course being tion Ob Ontario _ County. Laren, Sergeant John _SJen- --Oshawa _Times _Photos City police early Sunday ar-| Y Chi ld if Mrs. Subotich was involved|building permit be given to the| ------ sar mena EERE ---- ------|rested a man at a Grandview oung 1 fn the Feb. 23 accident on|Oshawa and Di<trict Builders Avenue home and charged him HERBERT HYMAN with possession of stolen money} Grace Lutheran Church in -«» City Lawyer j the Macdonald - Cartier Free-| Association fo: a sodel home. ' way near Ajax which claimed] The home is to be built as ASS@SSI i 1e!1 it Forecast: EARLY LINE me UP orders, |Oshawa has financially 'adopt- } the lives of two Oshawa women.|a centennial project with pro- iggy ihe ap "Ha gi 4 te Pi ed" a Vietnamese girl through}: Mrs. Subotich was taken tojfits from the sale donated to manded without bail until Fri-/the Foster Parents' Plan which' H I R the Toronto hospital last Thurs-|the Retarded Childrens' Assoc- e e FOR 67 PLATES day when he appeared in Osh-|works with more than 8,000 yman n ace day and at the last report wasjiation. Wit! 1 ad awa Magistrate's court this|children in eight underdeveloped! only in fair condition and semi-| Included in the board recom- ] 10] i i icrease ; H cn sha aha nore aed morning. jcountries of the world. F conscious at the time. She is|mendation is a request that the ' hee catiapie he leadline on 1967 | Police say 66 money orders} "Sponsoring means new Bes or ity now fully conscious and recover-|association submit a report on| . Mn pre motorists are |were stolen from a Windsor{and a chance in life for P ing rapidly, according to a hos-|the profits realized from the! An annual taxable assess-|Broken into age groups the re-|family dwellings total 16,881; | nati ors the ape depart- |nostal sub-station and three/Thi Nhong, who pet es ap: City Laywer Herbert Hyman, pital spokesman. sale. jment increase of $16 million|port shows: 6,950 age three and/559 more than 1965, 243 semi- ment of transport. offices. have been found in the city and/peared doomed to a life of|former unsuccessful New Deme A spokesman said that at Jone outside the city. The three|helpless poverty in one of theocratic Party candidate in Bele over the next five years is fore-junder; 1,796 age four; 1,955 age|/detached units, 51 duplexes, 52 q ' +a cast by the city's assessmentifive; 3,441' age six-seven; 3,292|triplexes, 223 multi family] 9 @-M., today, there was |in the city were each passed for|world's depressed countries," |Iwood Riding, Toronto, and vices president of the Oshawa New s Breakf t I Cit P ik department. age eight-nine; 6,127 age 10-13; |dwellings, 216 apartment build-| #!"eady a line-up and-it was |$100. said Jack K. Mitchell, infor- as n y ar Gerry Meredith, assessment|1,296 aged 14; 1,269 age 15;/ings and 37 summer cottages. | €XPected to be busy all day | The-money orders are in the/mation director of the Foster|Democratic Party Association commissioner, says the addi-|»,101 age 16-19; 39,039 age 20-59;| The assessment commission-| 'day and tomorrow. names of J. R. McClymont and/Parents' Plan orginization. said today he will seek the NDP 'illior 2,354 age 60-64: 1,900 age 65-69: ler says there are 3,378 apart-| He said there are about |J- D. Little. Foster parents contribute $16|Oshawa riding provincial nome = ; tional $80 illi in taxable . ; i papal beanie 4 Hel Ss Wind-u Scout Week penn ll aud aioe 'about{and 3,036 age 70 and over. {ment house suites, 632 commer-| 3,000 plates left of the ap- | Police are asking city mer-|monthly, $8 of which the child|ination at a meeting Sunday, an extra $4 million in taxes if|, The report also shows hous- [cial property suites and 740) proximately 30,000 expected brat' bag aggro Ken- phan in Sa ee bai Mr. Hyman has been presi- mill|ing trénds in Oshawa. Single!multi family suites. to be sold in the area. ne' oung ey have any/clothing, medicine and school calculated on the 1966 mill/ID& &' knowledge of the money orders. |fees dent and vice - president of the . Three officials of the Oshawa|ward Murdoch, chairman of the E - . Central Scouting Zone played|Oshawa centennial committee; se bl arnent in 4086 - " anh iegpeney ote : __ A full-time director and soc- ela oe ee host to Mayor Erest Marks|William Murray, head of the fotlied $300 388,380 which rep- I d M F d end of February and com- ial workers look after the wel- riding since his return to Osh- and other dignitaries Saturday|Oshawa Council of Boy Scouts; resented an increase of $19,112,- n 1ans oving orwal mercial and trailers, March Conference Held fare of the children in each awa in 1964. Born in Oshawa at a breakfast served in Memo-|Stanley Richardson, executive|qqs over the previous year. 31. of 'the' eight. countries Pig 3s in 1934 and educated at Oshe sai r.J}awa Central Collegiate, Mr. Hy- MH On| * rial Park. director of the Oshawa Dis- i "hi y 1 se Elan operates The Central Oshawa Zone,|trict; Ronald Pine, aide-de. A percentnas basis the increase! 'Home - School Grou Told Btacs pi Mg on At City Church Mitchell man graduated from Queen's incorporating seven downtown|camp and James Hare, scout- they souldcbe Mmen te ht a cial Foster Parents' Plan operates|University with a Bachelor of scout troops, put on a display|master, 13th Oshawa troop, Since 1961 re-assessment the | ey : caug The United Presbyterlanjin Korea, Hong Kong, Viet|Arts defree in 1955. He attended , driving without new plates |Church will regret closure of sf * "3 r annual taxable assessment in-| Keith Johnson, an Indian,Home and School Association ure! 4 Nam, Greece, Columbia, Ec-|Osgoode Hall and was called in Memorial Par i " izi t Years ng ee ait iy voli ig een crease has averaged about $15| teacher in Scarboro, said in| meeting, Mr. Johnson said aj Tuesday. Sunday schools, said Rev. Don|yador, Peru and the Philippines.|to the bar in 1960. To finish off Boy Scout| District Scoutmaster (Central|™illion, or five per cent. It is|Oshawa recently that the ¢an-|furniture manufacturing course Joy, at a centennial Christian Week activities, three officials}Z6ne) Kevin McInnis described|¢xPccted that the trend will con- ladian Indian chief wields power,|has been set up in Cape Croker Education Conference at the camped out at the park. Kevin|the event as the finishing touch tinue. jin some areas like Walepole,|by the area's Indian chief, Nad- Oshawa Free Methodist Church McInnis, Oshawa Districtlof "a very good week for Mr. Meredith reports that the|Ont., equal to that of a town|jewan, for the Cape Croker Fur- rreste Sega cjg ee ye 7 ev. Joy, executive e niture Factory. Scoutmaster, Central Zone; |scouting in Oshawa. It was a|taxable assessment increase, |Council. Sunday school literature of the Munro Smith, assistant Scout-|lot of work, but a lot of fun! "The term chief is now a very}. "The important thing is that , Ae 5 master, 14th Oshawa troop and|too." bog gk ee pa soiled limportant one," said Mr. John-|it was self organized and spear- D h Free Methodist demoninations James Sine, Scoutmaster, 13th] «yeryone else must Havel pron BvOUE: SN, ™ son. "Their gain in self-govern-|headed by the Indian chief him- rug arges which have headquarters in Oshawa troop, stayed out in the . Aleadhabet el! jment is a great move forward/self and others," said Mr. John- Winona Lake, Indiana, said all freezing temperatures for the|'tousht so too," commented an-| popuy ation \which has been achieved solely |son. LONDON (AP) -- Narcotics|Teligious organizations must night and prepared breakfast|9ther participant. "I noticed) tq his year-end submission|by the individual Indian com-| He told parents at the meet-|squads dropped down on hun-|giVe "continual attention" to the . for several local citizens. that nobody left anything on|Mr. Meredith indicates a popu-|Munities," he said. ing "northern Indians carry on|dreds of teen-agers at clubs and|°ducation of its rising genera- Mayor Ernest Marks; Hay-|their plates." lation increase of 3,362 to 77,558. Speaking at a Coronation|with the traditions of long ago|house 'parties in five British|"" "in order to survive. ee ----jand take pride in their work as/|cities during the weekend. Laymen and pastors from Bracebridge in the north and Madoc from the east attended the one-day conference. eee ' eee ese. carvers or hunters." | Aided b j i : : . Pee, y dogs trained to sniff : : : q Duke rig be a_ worker injoyt marijuana detectives ar- ark Po ll won| "- rested more than 30 young men Indian Friendship "centre to 5 5 ig CABESCE OF DORRENE: C nada Zi C de make Indians feel at home in er pe | va 1 0 downtown Toronto, The club has lags gill ie guile vow P ceased to operate says Mr.|Pé! aN arnt : Johnson, DRE lack of leader.|'aids. Official sources said the May Be Discussed ship." crackdown was ordered by A band of Indian and Eskimo|Home Secretary Roy Jenkins,| WASHINGTON (AP) -- The leaders are tracing the prob- who has expressed alarm at a |postmasters- -general of Canada lems of their tribes in the Mac-|Considerable increase in teen-jand the United States will meet | kenzie area going into villages |4S° drug addiction. here this week and there are and reserves to "answer the| In the last six years thejindications that a zip code for story of communication" in thenumber of known addicts in|/Canada will figure in the dis- | north, Britain has risen from less than|Cussions. Mr. Johnson called the living/500 to more than 1,200, and the; Although the agenda does not! habits of the Indian "a viciousjlatter figure is considered a)jist the zip code as part of the| povelty cycle" with poor hous-|conservative estimate. it in that Post: ing and need for work, economic| The biggest single roundup|PfO8t@m, It Is Known that Pos development and education to|was at Exeter, where 13 young|master-General Jean - Pierre meet the demands of modern|girls and men were picked up|Cote of Canada has the matter} living. at a post-midnight party. under consideration. | RED CROSS. CLINIC HELPED Life Depended On Blood Victor Peacock remem" 1 |position,"' said Mr Peacock:| 'We averaged about 425 a time when his life depended |"I'd have bled to death without bottles a month last year but on Oshawa's Red, Cross viood|it, There's no question in the|we're trying hard to make this donor clinic. world that it saved my life." 500 bottles a month," says Mr. Peacock, of Peacock| Although he is not as active|Robert Stroud, clinic chairman. Lumber Yard required I6\as he once was, he still over- "We have over 5,000 who reg- ee a oc mee PSS a S/T \\\\\N TWO NEW HONORARY Captain W. R. Murray, along with the mayor, a entation came 'at the Con- |pints of blood to save his life|sees the mill and manages 'to ularly donated, but, we use "Venturers". were invested president of the Oshawa Venturer lapel pin and clusion of the camping out |after -he suffered a perforated|squeeze in one cigar a day." |more and more blood every Saturday . after eating a District Council, Boy Scouts crest and a Scout centen- breakfast as part of the |ulcer three years ago, He re-| 'The next blood clinic will be|week; every year," he said bacon and eggs breakfast of Canada, who conducted nial flash, §. A. Richard- closing ceremonies of Boy {ceived the blood and today Brtele Thursday from 1.30 p.m.| As the population continues under canvas at Memorial the investiture. Hayward son (left), district: scout Scout Week. : 77 can still put in a full day at!fo 4.30 p.m. and from 6 p.m. to|to grow, he said, we naturally Park in below zero temper- Murdoch, chairman of+ the executive and members of his place of business 19 "p.m jhave need for more bleod and VICTOR PEACOCK atures, Mayor Ernes city's centennial co-ordinat- the district staff witnessed --Oshawa Times Photo "You never appreciate it} Target for the one-day appeal|"we really appreciate those 5 Marks shakes hands with ing committee, received, the presentation. The pres- (blood) until you are in thatiwill be 500 pints of blood. lwho donate," - +» At Lumber Yard b « +6

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