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Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Feb 1967, p. 19

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CCER Brighton 2 1 3 Watford 6 sfield 1 eens PR 3 4 Peterborough 0 ision IV otts C 1 chdale 1 Crewe Alex 3 hesterfield 0 row 2 'oln. 0 York 2 port 0 ckport 1 'adford 0 hester 1 H LEAGUE ision I narnock 4 «pet ick 0 Dundee U 8 berdeen 0 Mirren 0 2 Falkirk 1 leen's Pk 1 wick 1 [ranraer 0 Montrose 0 ast Fife 0 a0 1 ace 3 Fy Cowdenbeath 1 Forfar 2 LEAGUE y Cup ers 3 3angor 0 rlentoran 2 lenavon 1 Jerry City 1 Linfield ppd. STARS NADIAN PRESS who scored with 0 go to give Bos- 3 tie with the De- gs Sunday. i, for his brilliant New York Rang- ontreal Canadiens whose 39th and the season con- 0 Chicago Black tory over Boston uk, who recorded it of his NHL ca- onto Maple Leafs 'oit Red Wings rd, whose third- gave Montreal 2-2 tie with the Sunday night. 'r, who made 39 nto Maple Leafs ctory over New Sunday night. ILL SCORES IADIAN PRESS 'DAY altimore 124 Louis 119 41 Cincinnati 127 IRDAY New \York 116 4 St. Louis 139 San Francisco TERTS 4759 SIZES Vo--26%4 KIMMER ; ADAMS nt to slip into lfortable, easy, 1 find this zip- fills the bill. on, terry. ern 4759: Half %, 16%, 18%, 261%. Size 1614 ; 85-inch. TS. (50c.) in ps, please) for ntario residents x. Print plainly E, ADDRESS, ANNE ADAMS, Oshawa Times, 0 Front St. W., ions are a JOY ZES! See 115 > hat patterns, ories in new r Pattern Cata- n for free pat- , Send a # Man Jailed For Stealing $12 From Club Manager nyt > Casting a sour look on proceedings at Lincoln State Cat Club's annual GAYBLADE HAS A SOUR LOOK | BOWMANVILLE COURT Anatasia Case fore the tsar's family that without a car he would he would have to go on welfare. cutting brush that he could not afford insurance for his car. car and buy gas," said Crown Attorney G. F. Bonnycastle, "then he will have to buy in- home." Magistrate Baxter fined the| accused $50 and costs, day spent in court. He stayed! for the day and was free to 0 | -- still with the same problem. 20-DAY TERM Violation of probation brought! a 20-day stay in jail for a Bow-| manville man. Ralph Raymond| Fortune, 21, of Temperance) Street, was convicted on sev- eral charges last August and was placed on probation for two years. His conviction in a Belle-| ville Court for illegal possession} of liquor meant he must face! Cat is owned by Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Jutkins of Chi- cago. championship show in Chi- cago is Premier Gaylands Gayblade, a cream Persian. BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE AJAX COURT Robert Bruce, 18, 29 Brock t. E., was jailed for three onths definite and six months definite after being convicted Of stealing $12 from the mana- er of a boys' club where he elped out on occasion. Magistrate D. B. Dodds, in Dshawa Magistrate's Court Fri- lay told Bruce that he hoped at he would benefit from the '@pportunities for self-improve- Ment he would get while in- ' @arcerated and be able to re- 'turn to society as a useful citi- wen. PROBATION Patricia Ferguson, 17, 190 Nonquon Rd., was placed on bation for 18 months. Miss rguson was convicted of "breaking into a grocery store and being involved in the theft » of $250 - $300 worth of groceries "and cigarettes, on Feb. 7. Mag- istrate Dodds, in addition to other restrictions he imposed on her, directed that the girl attend church with her mother ' regularly. THEFT A suspended sentence of one year was given to Andrew Star- tek, 17, 441 Crerar Ave. Star- tek pleaded guilty to stealing a quantity of copper wire which he sold for $23. In addition, Startek admitted the theft of a tool box from a Whitby resi- dent and a wallet. containing $16 from an employee of Mal- leable Iron Co. Limited. | DRUNK DRIVING Lawrence Henry Gay, 26, RR 3, Bowmanville, was fined $100 and costs or 30 days in jail after { pleading guilty to a charge of drunk driving. FALSE STATEMENTS Earl. Peter Robinson, 1298 Commerce St., Fairport Beach, pleaded guilty to three charges of making false statements to the Unemployment Insurance Commission, which resulted in his receiving $135 in claims: legally. Magistrate Dodds s: that it was a serious offence to deplete the funds of an organ- ization which exists to help un- fortunates without work and fined Robinson $50 or 15 days in jail on each charge. PROBATION Anthony Bovduns, 16, 380 Hol- can Ave., was placed on proba- AJAX -- A Pickering High| School student, Peter Robert-| son, 17, of Modlin Road, Bay| trate Dodds that he was just|Ridges, was placed on suspend- passing through the city on hisjed sentence when he appeared) way home to his wife and fam-|before Magistrate H. M. Jer- ily. Cooco admitted being in-|myn here Thursday, on a care- toxicated in a public place.|less driving charge. The ac- Magistrate Dodds placed him|cused was warned he might on suspended sentence for six|lose his driver's licence for two months with the condition that|years. he leave the city immediately.| The accused was involved in James Smith, 33, 9 Doncaster|a collision with another vehicle Ave., Toronto, admitted being|on Harwood Avenue, Ajax, Nov. found intoxicated in the bus|10, when a total of $250 damage terminal and was fined $50 and|was done to both vehicles. "You costs. must drive at all times in such) a manner that you don't hit; anyone," the magistrate said. ACCUSED CONVICTED tion and given an 18-month sus- pended sentence for the theft of an automobile belonging to Ter- ence Short, Maria Street, while the latter was at work. RECORDS Pleading guilty to a charge of failing to produce his Unem- ployment Insurance records when ordered to do so brought Joe Pallone, 520 Park Rd. N., a fine of $25 and costs or 5 days in jail. LIQUOR Three men were convicted of having liquor in a place other than their residences. John Wayne Gow, 1513 Dufferin St., Whitby; Charles Butts, RR 1, Burketon; and John Edward Gorin, RR 2, Oshawa, each re- ceived fines of $20 or 10 days NEED CANADA'S WHEAT MAPLE CREEK, Sask. (CP) The world may not have enuugh food by 1980, says Dr. Robert W. Lodge of the Swift Current agricultural experiment station. He told the Maple Creek Agri- in jail. cultural Society Canada's en- tire. 1966 wheat production-- SALES TAX 14,000,000 tons -- would be needed to feed underdeveloped|to yield the right of way. Court was told that T. J. No Car Insurance, Man Fined Or Has To Spend Day In Court BOWMANVILLE -- A 56-year- sentence old laborer told the court here| charges. have no job and without a job)! obstructing a execution of his duty, and 10 Louis Francis, Pontypool, told|days consecutive for assaulting Magistrate R. B. Baxter that|the police. Illegal possession of he had nine children and earn-jjiquor brought a fine of $25 and ed so little on his part-time Job! costs, or five days concurrent, and supplying liquor to minors a fine of $100 and costs, or 10) "If he can afford to buy ajdays concurrent. | $100 AND COSTS surance or leave the car ai 10 |Toronto man /Court here yesterday. possession of liquor brought a or one' fine of ditional five days. Pickering High School Student Placed On Suspended Sentence , days, "You were within the jnter-|\days was imposed on Alfred section after stopping your ve-|Kemeny, 58, 529 Park Crescent, hicle. I find you are' guilty of|Fairport Beach, who pleaded Striking a car within an inter-|guilty to failing to yield the section," said the magistrate,/right of way. Damage. esti- as he convicted John Nieuw-|mated at $392 was done to the land, 1243 Dundas Street East,|vehicle struck by the accused. Whitby, on a charge of failing);Damage to Kemeny's vehicle! 'Bank of England six years be-| THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, February 27, 1967 17 was| R li L wiped out. uling Looms -- NOW PLAYING HAMBURG (Reuters) -- A Ae prey jWest German court is sched- t b: = = juled to rule Tuesday on a case oni Hot iit inet WINNER OF 6 ACADEMY AWARDS! that is another round in Anna Tin Roof METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER pnesenrs A CARLO PONT! PRODUCTION ¢ Anderson's 34 - year - old legal = E for the previous battle to prove she is the daugh- Ta COR + NEWIAN seni DAVID LEAN'S FILM OF BORIS PASTERNAKS fo) jter of the last Russian tsar and IVES» orrscoun pt ) DOCIOR THIVAGO n- lrightful claimant to his fortune. Bee wee scene ae wea reat Magistrate R. B. Baxter se -- IN PANAVISION® AND METROCOLOR Mrs. Anderson, 65, claims she is the Grand Duchess Anasta- sia, daughter of Tsar Nicholas II. She says she escaped when Bolsheviks massacred her need Fortune to 10 days for), policeman in Mon. to Fri. Show Storts 7 father, mother, brother and three sisters on July 17, 1918. If her claim is upheld, she 'could collect some 25,000,000 ru- bles (about $28,000,000) which represents a portion of the Ro- manoff family fortune believed A fine of $100 and costs, Recommended as ADULT ENTERTAINMENT :30 BOX OFFICE OPEN 12-9 P.M, EVES AT 8:30 P.M. SAT. & SUN. at 2 P.M. & 8:30 P.M, orto have been deposited } in |_the days, was levied against aj; in Magistrate's Illegal $25 and costs, or an ad- Kennard Arthur Baker, Rowland Street, lost his er for three months and the liquor | was confiscated. Police evidence was that Mr. | Baker was observed driving on | Highway 115 in an impaired} 'condition with a part bottle of | rum in the vehicle. A breath- alizer test one and one-half) hours later showed 2.9 parts per thousand of alcohol, Magis- trate R. B. Baxter was told, MARIANNEKO 1:30 - 3:20 - 5:10 - 7:30 - 9:40 "Liquor seems to be quite a) factor in your downfall. It is| time you got into the groove," said the magistrate as he con- victed Scott Robert Miller, 25, on a charge of having liquor in a place other than his resi-| dence. Mr, Miller, of West Hill, was fined $25 and -costs or 10 282-8369 942-1250 NOW PLAYING! WALT DISNEY ALL COLOR SHOW On Novy. 19, 1966, Ajax Police had an occasion to investigate) the car in which Mr. Miller! was a passenger. They found a six-pack case of beer with only five bottles in it in the car. Mr. oe claimed ownership of the MAURICE CHEVALIER and YUETTE MIMIEUX Plus ! Don Jones On The Same Program "GOLDEN HORSESHOE REVIEW" 7 'le of $20 and costs or four} BOX OFFICE OPENS 7:00 P.M. IN CAR HEATERS @ NO EXTRA CHARGE was estimated at $350. | " Spruce 2 Villa. wore CLINT ~A FISTEDL OF DOLLARS Print Released thru UNITED FEATURE TIMES:-- "MONKIES GO HOME" Presents The TINY = 3 HARRIS 3 SHOW Back By Popular Demand I i Country-Western Musie, Variety and Comedy Entertainment Nightly Saturday Matinee 4 to 6 P.M. French Buffet Daily 12 - 2:30 and 5 - 9-p.m. SUNDAY DINNERS 5 to 8:30 P.M. Now Licensed Under L.C.B.0. for Sunday Dinners Banquets -- Weddings -- Parties -- For Information Phone Whitby 668-3386 OIL OE OLE OE Harry's ideaway THE PLAGUE © Rock and AAA OOK Backstrom, operating as Crys-)countries. tal Manufacturing, failed to pay i' the provincial sales tax due for the month of November, PROFESSIONAL 1966. After pleading guilty to the charge involving $78.80, Backstrom was fined $103.80, which included the tax owing. TAX RETURN BOXING March fst, 8:30 p.m. } FIVE BOUTS S 'Statement of of Condition Failing to file his 1965 income | tax return brought George Bar- striata | ter, 561 Rossland Rd. E., a fine ve } hag and costs or 10 days in BOB SLAUGHTER ail. UNDER AGE John Frederick Higgins, 20, 146 Athol St. E., and Miss Pat- ricla Lee, 16, 434 Paxton St., Port Perry, both pleaded guilty to charges of drinking while under 21 years of age. Both persons were fined $50 and costs or 20 days. INTOXICATED John Carr, 64, no fixed ad- dress, was fined $50 or 26 days in jail after a conviction for being intoxicated in a public place. Gordon Patrick Cooco, no per- Nuanent address, told Magis- TUESDAY FAMILY | SPECIAL!} with @ Indoor a IZZA Phone 723-0241 or 728-0192 EPI'S @ FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE Poccree degre essere reoeceoe Qreeeoee@ Oe O000rr20Gr e008 90998 29900 0000 ROCCO R008 000008: je 8 NO SEATS RESERVED: EVENINGS eh P.M, (Sun, thru Thurs.) EVENINGS (Fri, and Sat.) MATINEES 2:00 P.M, (Sat. and Sun.) Matinees (Wednesday) 2 RODGERS = HAMMERSTEINS The Texas Stars D with a varied act estern Favorites. HOTEL LANCASTER | with every Bucket or Barrel of | Kentucky Fried Chicken It's finger-lickin' good! (1 @ 23 Additional Hotel Units @ New Dining Facilities a From The Flying Dutchman | MOTOR HOTEL Construction. Progress Report The construction of our new expanded facilities is rapidly being completed. When finished we will be able to serve the public @ Self Serving Buffeteria @ Gasoline Cor Service @ Increased Parking ind Outdoor Pools At Present We Are Pleased to Announce -- THE OPENING OF OUR RESTAURANT This Wednesday, March 1st. Licensed Under the L.C.B.O. The BA Service Centre Facilities will be Available on March Ist. Watch for Our Official Opening. Foster's and Scott's | Chicken Villa} Take out Stores of Country & HWY. NO. 401 Drop by and Meet Bill Slaght or Bob Cook The Flying Dutchman MOTOR HOTEL Bowmanville 623-3373 & Roll ¢ ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY & SAT. AFTERNOON THE GENOSHA HOTEL FORO IO IORI OOO IO IOI IOI Ko FFI FIA Pe PIII IIIA AI AFA SIA SA SISASISP AADC AG OE The Fabulous LEADING LADIES Entertainment Nightly--Saturday Matinee DUNDAS ST. WHITBY Crowd at THE GOLD RUSH LOUNGE Ol, SMyRNAS _ LORRIE Canada's Country Sweetheart Entertainment Uy Matinee Saturday aa? om ean N\A RS

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