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Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Feb 1967, p. 3

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D THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, Februery 27, 1967 > A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE RC Church Ends Ban On Orthodox Marriages _) System Attacked VATICAN CITY (AP) --The Roman Catholic Church will in future recognize any marriage between a Catholic and a per- son of the Orthodox faith that is performed by an Orthodox "priest, it was announced Satur- day. A decree issued by the Con- gregation.for the Eastern Chirch, and approved by Pope Paul, will go into effect March 25. Such recognition already had been extended for the last two years to cases of marriage be- tween an Orthodox believer and an eastern - rite Roman Catholic. The new decree ex- tends it to cases involving Cath- , Olics of the Latin rite, to which most Catholics in the Western Hemisphere and Western Eu- rope belong. The decree stipulates, ever, that the Catholic partner in the marriage must have al dispensation from his bishop,| because church law normally} requires a Catholic to be mar- ried by a Catholic priest. Hellyer. Rapped TORONTO (CP) -- Rear'Ad-|Chairman Mao Tse - : | HAMILTON (CP) --A New Democratic Party member of the legislature Saturday at- tacked the provincial education system and predicted a provin- cial election within the first 10 FROM PSYCHIATRIST ' ACCUSED MAN ONLY TESTING BRISBANE, Australia (Reuters) -- A student who patted a uniformed police- woman on her behind said today in court he only wanted to .test her reac- tion. He was promptly arrested by a policeman. Leonard Baitz, 21, a stu- dent from Melbourne, pleaded guilty to a charge of having committed an ag- gravated assault on the po- licewoman, and was fined | $25. | days of May. Stephen Lewis, member for | Scarborough West, told the) newly-formed Hamilton Centre| NDP Riding Association that Premier John Robarts will probably announce the election date in late March or early April. Grants Defended | WASHINGTON (AP) --| Twelve former presidents of the) National Student Association as-| Principles _ Outlined ' IN HOSPITAL | DeSalvo Asks Special Care WALPOLE, Mass. (AP) Albert DeSalvo, the self - pro- claimed Boston Strangler, origi- nally hoped that by escaping from a- mental hospital he would be 'shot to death, his lawyer says. But now is content to remain in state prison if he receives proper psychiatric care, F. Lee Bailey said Sunday night. DeSalvo hopes the massive $2-hour manhunt for him has forced state officlals to recog: nize that he needs psychiatric care and is the man who killed 13 women in theBoston area during an 18-month period, Bai- ley said. : 4 WEATHER REPORT By JAMES NELSON OTTAWA (CP) -- The Carter} In Tax Fogg ~The-lawyer_said DeSalvo told him during a meeting at the state prison that after escaping from Bridgewater state hospital Friday morning he did "not intend to hurt anyone, especi- ally women." "He told me his purpose was to run around until somebody shot him, but he changed his mind in response to appeals from our office that were broad- cast over the radio,' Bailey said at a press conference. OFFER REWARD Bailey said a $10,000 reward that his office offered for any- one who captured DeSalvo alive "apparently frustrated his pur- pose--it was worth too much money to hold your fire." The 35-year-old former handy- man surrendered meekly to two *+employees of a store in the Boston suburb of Lynn Satur- day afternoon. Bailey said he doubts that anyone can show that DeSalvo was "'captured."" "He finds that his quarters are:10 times better than the dungeon he had at Bridgewater and is content to wait and see what they'll do for him." DeSalvo was being held in a hospital cell at the prison under 24-hour guard and apart from other prisoners. 'Canadian Manufacturers Cool Little Colder Tuesday --_To Capital Gains Tax Idea how- & % POPE PAUL ... Ends Ban Gets Support jserted Saturday that the ib: Sweeps PrOpOR: sidy the organization received|#!S for integrated personal and secretly from the U.S, Centraj|Conporate income taxes on a) {Intelligence Agency did not im- jpair its independence in mat-'* lters of principle. The 12 said in a joint state- ment that each of them was fundamental statements. Communist party tung have Chinese overseas programs. miral William Landymore Sun-|renewed their attacks on four|the names of the men who|_.0 ; day blamed the armed forces|early targets of Mao's purge,|headed NSA 'in 1952 and the|This can be done, for instance, unification controversy .on De-|possibly indicating a narrowing/years 1954-64. fence Minister Hellyer and said he is optimistic that unification! legislation will not go through. | He said in an interview he thought the issue was dead after he made his first objections to} the unification plan about two} years ago. "T thought it was going to die right there, but it didn't die and|;¢° there was no one more aston-| ished than me,"' he said. "If Hellyer had said nothing he might have brought it off." New Parks Asked CALGARY (CP) -- New na- tional parks should be ,estab- lished at the rate of two-a year between now and 1985 to meet population gains and increased use, Northern Development Minister Laing said Sunday. It is commonly accepted that extensive parkland is needed within 50 during miles of every major city, he told the Western Canadian Young Liberal policy convention. If parks and recreation areas were to be developed, the fed- eral and provincial govern- ments would have to work to- gether, along with the cities, he said. Text of his speech was re- leased to the press befole deliv- ery. Plays Selected LONDON, Ont. (CP) --Five plays were selected Sunday for the Western Ontario drama festival here April 4-8. The London Little Theatre will open the festival with Three Desks. It will be followed on successive nights by The Crime of Louis Reil by the Sir Thomas More Players of Ham- ilton; Ottawa Man by the Wel- land Little Theatre; Listen to the Wind by the Woodstock Lit- tle Theatre and Broken Jug by Guelph Little Theatre. The winner will compete in The Canadian Drama Festivaljing from an abdominal opera-| in St. John's, Nfld. | Adjudicator of the Western} Ontario festival will be Esse Ljungh, drama director of CBC Radio. The plays were chosen by Dr. Berners Jackson of Hamilton. of the so-called cultural revolu- tion because of setbacks. Japanese correspondents in Peking reported ousted Peking mayor, Peng Chen, former vice- premier Lu Ting-yi, former chief of staff Lo Jui-ching, and former party official Yang Shang-kun had been officially termed counter - revolutionar- ies 'All four had been accused in a year ago. \ e | MAO TSE-TUNG . « « Gets Support Duke, 60, Dies CHESTER, England (Reut- ers)--The Duke of Westminster, one of Britain's highest-ranking noblemen and largest land own- Parley Opens WELLINGTON (Reuters) -- The New Zealand government| has started consultations with} Britain, Australia and Malaysia} on possible increases of New| |Zealand's military aid to Viet- nam, Prime Minister Keith Holyoake said tonight. | But he refused to comment |national defence forces, or the| jearlier wall bulletins of prepar-/when reporters asked whether|policeman walking his beat at! ling a coup d'etat against Mao the consultations included a} \reference to the possible rede-| jployment of infantry from the ent serving with the strategic re-'developed further by the Carter jserve in Malaysia. Northerly Winds On Way TORONTO (CP) -- Forecast comprehensive base takes more at 5.30 a.m. EST. than 800,000 words to describe; Synopsis: Early morning tem-|w: The report of the royal com-jerly winds brought milder air fully informed, after bein g| mission headed by Kenneth Car-|and considerable cloudiness to light snow this evening and to- elected to office, that the CIA|ter, Toronto accountant and tax|the province. Northerly winds |night. TOKYO (AP) -- Supporters|was supplying funds for NSA's|¢xPert, starts out by saying that/will bring colder temperatures|Turning colder tonight. : any system of taxation is based|to The statement appeared over 0M one of two general principles. | Tuesday with the snowflurries One is payment for benefits.|continuing in the north country. | London, Windsor, Lake Huron.) Low overnight, high the province tonight TORONTO (CP) nadian Manufacturers' likes some fecommenda-) |tion The Ca- proach of penalizing non-resi- Associa-|dent owners by taxation." However, Mr, Joly said it BEASTS CAN'T SWIM HALIFAX (CP)--The Gut of Canso between mainland Nova © Scotia and Cape Breton Island still appears to be a barrier for some species of animal. Rac- coon, skunk and porcupine in- habit most mainland counties but are rare on the island and marten are common in Cape Breton but seldom found else- where in the province. PLANNING A.+. © BANQUET - © CONVENTION | White River, Cochrane, ac ern James Bay: Mainly cloudy|canital gains tax, ith occasional light snow Tues-|""> ® in detail, but is based on a few peratures over most of Ontario|day. Winds becoming northwest were in the twenties as south- tonight. tions of the Carter royal com-|was to be "regretted" the com- missiofi on taxation, but takes] mission a dim view of the idea of alof the 2i-per-cent tax on the President Henri Joly of Que-|come, and tax instead all comp- © MEETING First Class Facilities For 20 to 400 Guests recommends abolition first $35,000 of corporate in- and'shifting to northwest 15 tonight, Forecast temperatureg |with toll bridges and roads, orjLake Erie, Lake St. Clair; | Windsor .. .. ...., ' 30 postage stamps if they did pay|Mostly cloudy tonight and Tues-|5': Thomas .. ...... 25 30 the full cost of postal service.|day. A little colder Tuesday, London .. ..... 30 One taxpayer who uses the| Hamilton, Toronto, Southern|Kitchener .. ....... 20 30 \highways or mail service more|Georgian Bay, Haliburton, Lake | Mount Forest ...... 20 25 than another; pays more. Ontario, in gaie Mostly cloudy | Tamilton 'et : if z ; 4 mm iniand a little colder Tuesday.|"@™" oe wide range of government -ac- tonight. FOPONID +s. +008 ged 7 tivities. Does one taxpayer bene-| North Bay, Sudbury, Algoma, |Feterborough ee fe fit more than another, for in-|timagami, Northern Georgian eilnee ote . 2 30 stance, in the protection of|B@Y: Mostly cloudy with a few Mi nations oe : : : 4 snowflurries Tuesday. Turning Muskoka see cee cone 20 25 colder tonight. Winds becoming | North Bay «+. «ise. 15 20 night? northwest 20 tonight. Femende ass . 7 7 | The other basic principle on [Sault Ste. Marie .... 15 20 jwhich taxes can be pens oni . . | Kapuskasing 5 10 oo Zealand regiment at pres-|one now generally in effect, and Lead. Shrinking wii River . 5 10 Moosonee ... ... «+ 5 jcommission--is taxation, accord- | Timmins aes 5 10 Amalgamation Due |Belleville Presbytery of tions, Rev. H. G. Lester, area home missions superintendent, said Saturday. They will be amalgamated into the remain- jing congregations. A shortage of ministerial can- didates, and a shifting popula- tion were given as reasons for the move. Dr. Morrison Dies WINDSOR, Ont. (CP) -- Dr. Neil Morrison, a former colum- nist for both the Windsor Star) and the London Free Press, died here Saturday. He was 70. Born in Sarnia, Dr. Morrison was head of the social studies department of Guppy High School of Commerce here until his retirement in 1960. He was the author of a num- ber of books on the history of Essex County and between 1945 and 1950 wrote a weekly column | ers, died at his home Saturday at the age of 60, his household announced. The duke, descendant of a family which shared its name with a central part- of London and which still owns large areas of the city, had been convalesc- tion for the last two months. Gerald Hugh Grosvenor be- of Albert H. DeSalvo, 35, self- be clubs from the United States, | came the fourth Duke of West-|styled Boston strangler, were Japan, Manila, Mexico City and) for The Star, Early Days Along \the St. Clair River. He later wrote for The Free Press. ; lexpected to be in the fold by Police Arrest |July 15 when a new major base- | De Salvo Brothers | BOSTON (AP)--Two brothers) minister on the death of his|arrested today on charges of childless 1963. cousin, HERE an AJAX JAYCEES | Hardy Merker, president of District 5, was the speaker when the Ajax Junior Chamber of Commerce held its inaugural dinner. Jaycees from Peterbor- ough, Whitby and Richmond Hill attended. The Ajax group has launched a membership drive. HEIFERS ABANDONED -- One of four Jersey heifers, abandoned three miles north of Dunbarton has survived. The animals were spotted by Will- jam Stonabaugh who was hunt- ing rabbits. Ontario Humane Inspector William McDonald, said three animals which died! were worth about $150 each. | ENGINEERS Officers elected recently at the annual meeting of the Lake Ontario Chapter of the Associa- tion of Professional Engineers were: R. L. Hatter, chairman; | J. D. Moorhouse, vice - chair- man; W. P. Zeller, secretary; W. T. Dempsey, treasurer: G. L. Totten, past chairman: di- rectors are W. G. Coulby, D. A. Currie, J. C. Larmond, J. B. Lowe, W. D. McGilvary, D. B./ner is secretary and Mrs, Cher- | d THERE COTTAGE BREAK-IN Whitby (Staff)--Property val- ued at $35 has been reported stolen from a cottagé on the ninth Concession, Reach Town- ship. Entry was made into the cottage, owned by Miss Watson, Frankdale © Avenue, Toronto, through a window. Whitby OPP are investigating the theft. CANCER DETECTION Cancer detection was the topic of a city doctor's lecture at the final meeting Sunday of the Community Program fo? Better Living series at Kendal- wood Seventh-day Adventist Church, DAYLIGHT SAVING Daylight saving time in Osh- awa this year will start at 12.01 a.m, Sunday, April 30 and will continue until 12.01 .a.m., Sun- day, Oct. 29. PLANNING BOARD Rex Merritt has "been elected chairman of the Pickering Town- ship Planning Board with David Lennox as vice - chairman.! Planning Director J. H. Faulk- | Williamson. lyl Pearse recording secretary. SELLING or BUYI BEFORE... | and with no obligation call R. MARTIN Real Estate, 100 King East, Oshawa | TEL. 576-1200 @ MEMBERS TORONTO & OSHAWA REAL ESTATE BOARDS @ NG your property William, in| being accessories in their broth- er's escape Friday from Bridgewater State Hospital. |, Richard DeSalvo, $2, of Chel- jsea, and his brother, Joseph, of Everett, were arrested by state police. Police gave no details con- cerning the charges against the brothers. | Richard also was arrested \Friday night by federal agents jand was ordered held in $2,500 |bail after arriangment before a U.S. commissioner on a charge of illegal transportation of fire- arms across state lines. H | Internal revenue service offi-| cials said Richard purchased 'a .22-calibre pistol last September} in Manchester, N.H. ~ How you vantage | 21-day Economy Excursion transatlantic air fare ever offered. To obtain this remarkable new fare, you must arrange to take a tour of a minimum $76; pian to stay from 14 to 21 days; and travel in a party of no fewer than 15. No need to belong to any organization . . . your BOAC travel agent will make afl the arrangements for you. "Subject to government approval, round trip jet fare, Toronto /London, == BOAC. taxed to raise government rev- enues. Inclusive Tour Fare, This special fare of $272* represents a saving of more than 20 per cent on the cost of a regular ling to ability to pay. Taxes specifically related to goods and services are a burden) redistributing the burden. SAYS TAX ALL INCOME So the Carter commission de-| velops this to the point of say-i¢ ing that all incomes, no matter} from what source, should be} And the rate should be geared |of to the amount of a person's or family's income remaining for! spending at the discretion of the taxpayer after fundamental and unavoidable expenses are met in maintaining an appropriate standard of living. Where the commission breaks new ground in its recommenda- tions is in its concept of income. As Mr. Carter described it suc- cinctly at a press conference Friday, any kind of money or spending power coming into a person's hands is income. PLAN NEW LEAGUE DALLAS, Tex. (AP)--Six clt- ies are ready and six more are For Gaullists publicndpins| Chinese P. easants _ better than the negative ap- -| Claim Victory TOKYO (AP) -- Peasants in tional Assembly elections only|C hina's Kweichow province, | | Chairman Mao The survey, taken Feb. 23,/Tse - tung's '"'revolutionary reb-| in|els" claimed victory Feb. 14,| aullist support during the last|have swarmed into the cities] a/and attacked pro-Maoist forces, | |a radio broadcast reported to-| PARIS | KINGSTON, Ont. (CP) --Thejon those who can afford them jon poll Sunday reported shrink the/least. Taxes imposed on ability|ing support in France for Gaul United Church of Canada will|/to pay have the social benefit! jist candidates and the Commu eliminate 49 of its 111 congrega-/for the whole community Of'nists gaining ground with Na- a week away. showed a month, but it government victory. Most political observers here, | day. owever, consider the outcome! the election still in doubt. jcentage of persons interviewed who said they would vote for a Gaullist candidate declined to jit and split the profits. 37 per cent on Feb. 23 from 43.5 per cent on Jan, 25, | The their support to 24 from 20 per} cent in the same period and the Socialist Federation moved up- ward to 23 from 21 per cent, show -poll results. Meanwhile, President Charles| de Gaulle scheduled a last-min- | ute television appeal for Satur-| ay in a move criticism among left-wing oppo-s sition spokesmen here. || The campaigning period ends at midnight Friday. The polls open (CP)--A steady decline still forecast jwhere Party It said ar units were called) out belatedly to guard ware-| 723-4663 The survey repbits the' per-|houses holding seed for spring) planting, but the peasants al-| ready had seized the stock, sold tion that the federal sales tax now applied at the manufactur-| ing level to most consumer federal sales tax at the retail jlevel to both consumer goods jand services. | | 'This is four-square with the jassociation's proposals made in |1963,"" Mr. Joly said in a press |release. | "Of immediate benefit to in- dustry would be the implemen- tation of the commission's rec- ommendation that the tax on \production equipment be re- {moved immediately rather than jin stages as presently provided |for." "The commission's sugges-| tion to grant 100 per cent credit) lio Canadian shareholders for ltaxes paid on their behalf by |\the corporation would appear to |provide greater encouragement |to Canadian investors. It is far \ HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL 313 ALBERT ST. City issued a statement/anies at the rate of 50 per cent.) Quality Service Montreal, Ottawa: Occasional |SU"day giving CMA views on "We would be worry too to Experienced Staff ie ages i te see implementation of a ll RESERVE YOUR Tuesday mainly cloudy, e sal e & Avors) gains tax. Whatev Winds|the commission recommenda:|§ ver may be ages FUNCTION NOW! Situatjon in other countries, a capital gains tax is inappropri- ate for Canada since it would Pasa goods, should be replaced by alinevitably discourage the flow 5 of funds into risk-taking capital | investment which is necessary) for Canada's continuing devel-; opment." 723-4641 parce" Im FACTORY CLEARANCE FURS! Many ai Half Price and Less 75 KING ST, EAST @ .OUR 20th YEAR IN OSHAWA (across from Genosha Hotel) e 24-HOUR . SERVICE SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS Communists increased | pool. that aroused | critics said the legal $25, (Informatio in above area CONNAUGHT and MARY STREET Doctor desires four or five bedroom older home with~yard suitable for swi to $50)000,_all cash strictly confidential) CALL DOUGLAS CARMICHAEL 723-7463 H. KEITH LTD. Toronto-Oshawa Realtor ming ranged. ball league is formally organ- pod ized, Walter J. Dilbeck Jr.,| chairman of the board of the! proposed circuit, said Thurs-| day. He anticipated there will) possibly Puerto Rico in the cir? cuit that will be known as the Global League. It would begin | operations in 1968. GUARANTY | | TRUST 32 KING ST. E. Open To Serve You Mon. - Thurs. $ to 5 Friday 3 to 9 Saturday 9 to { can jet to" es Britain for as little as $272 return [aaa It's 'simply a matter of taking me of BOAC's new Group fare. In fact, it's the lowest > Call Now for Complete MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE: 25 KING ST. E. OSHA | Travel Arrangements | WA PHONE 723-7001 | | - Tuesday and Wednesday Specials - BACON LEAN RINDLESS 1-LB. PKG. 49° LEAN TENDER Club Steaks 99! TASTY, SKINLESS WIENERS 29 BONELESS, ROLLED Pot Roast 49 oa ther information ... MR. JOHN BELKO PHONE 725-8062 2560 Square feet by 13 feet high Heated Ware- house on Bond Street and Gibbons Street. For fur- by Kas The Lo and Breathtaking Interio APPOINTME Beau Valley "THE MOST PLEASANT PLACE TO LIVE" The Setting The advanced method of construction The Quality and The Beauty of the Homes Are Unquestionable Without Comparison In Oshawa 10 different Model Homes with Delightful Styling TO KEEP BEAU VALLEY HOMES SPARKLING CLEAN, THESE HOMES ARE SHOWN BY SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. -- 923-2265 singer cation bd r are on display now. NT ONLY ® year- law term presi tive supp Dalte won two Rif By LON Prince of Sn year 1 downs gossip Talk favorit Mayfa recent divorce wood, rumor: aret | largel; public: The of The paper, cess h don ' presen founde that | when, couple husbar ferenc "In absolu pectin; Marga temple foreset DECL A'Bi man ¢ Lord Japan a pho The S was tl cess | withou nature Actu had be Lord left th: routini App: gossip annou! aret ¥ a vac husba One went was | forme! having have |

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