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Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Feb 1967, p. 43

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CO a BE speemenes site of the north reneral Motors. In ree Ltd. joined the % ilthy industrial-com- - asf by 1907 Col. Sam had formed a sub- his original Mc- arriage Co. calling saughlin Motor Car | : THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, February 28, 1967 43A| Waverly Street to Park Road,| o, ge rim' Steet Se] OSL AV/A RUG. , 1 ul in |borough Avenue and from Wil-| ' ' , ' son Road to King Street at \ Riverside Drive. L ELANERS The southbound streets of the. : 2 north-south one-way street sys- ' o S e@cor tem, consisting of Brock Street, . Church Street, Centre Street,' }and Fairbanks Street have been| EP PEACE to keep peace with By FRED CROME Department of Highways, 2.8 reconstructed and widened. powth of industry in ' Commissioner of Public Works) million dollars; Other Sources,) Many other arterial streets : GES During the last three years/1.1 million dollars; Total 11.2;have also been paved, such as 2 CNR -- the "| (1964 to 1966) building permits| million dollars. sary Street, Olive Avenne Wha ices of the Oshawa ;;were issued for construction] The largest part of this pro-/ Harmony Road South, This has 2 * * vay in 1964, and the } |with a value of $77,000,000 dol-/gram was the construction of|resulted in greatly improved a 6 % engine tan in Osh: ; jlars. This represents as much pavements and bridges at aldriving conditions in the City. | "7 % 1964. ' : } ' : j construction as took place in the|cost of 7.3 million dollars. In the| Five major bridges and cul-| a A * a ] e , : TA, : [Preyinne 54% years from mid/three year period our mileage of | verts have been constructed in "7 6 % WH, ; . , : _ 11958 ty the end of 1963. | streets increased by 16 miles sO/the last three years, namely: a @ CS Y : ; . ' ee '| In this three year period build-|that we now have 191 miles of|}armony Road South at Can- "7 6 ¢ ] : : : i jing permits were issued for! streets in the City. ladian Pacific Railway, Simcoe! = 4 ¢ Wy 4 ; ; F 4,202 dwelling units and the| - We have constructed 19 miles|ctreet South at Oshawa Creek. | 6 % di Z 4 : ; ee : m jvalue of industrial and com-|of new pavement and have com-|Rond Street at Harmony Creek. B @ ¢ eZ ' 4 : mercial building permitsipletely reconstructed and/ojjye Avenue at Harmony Creek a s. @ p te amounted to 23 million dollars.|widened 6 miles of existing) and John Street over Oshawa i % g) Gy This rapid growth has resulted|pavement. In addition, 34 miles] Creek and Centennial Parkway. 8 % GA jina greatly increased work loadjof gravel road have _ been} Almost 3 milli doll oct a C C} EZ jfor the Public Works Depart-!covered with a hot-mix asphalt} '™0 AE OURS ee a eer ZB jment and in this period a con-|surface treatment. been spent in sewer construc- e oct on ee jstruction program on roads,| The major projects have in-|tion and an additional trickling | = peclalinte in = lsewers, and other services| volved the new one-way street/ filter a er iat at the a = nstall a new -- amounting to -1.2 million dol-|system. King Street has been Sewage treatment plant. -- "" st lake than > jlars has been completed. lreconstructed and widened from) Much has been done but the eS At Our Plant S The funds for this public) the west city limit to Stevenson, growth predictions for Oshawa | Or In Your Home" es S peng Lat ete hess provided! Road, from Park Road to Mc-| would indicate that a high rate = on the following basis: Millan Drive and from. Wilson|of public works construction } ' S | Municipal Taxes, 4.2 million' Road to the east city limit. still be required in the future to! OSHAWA'S COMPLETE VICE dollars; Service Charges to De-| Bond Street has been con-|keep pace with the needs of a CLEANING COMPANY velopers, 3.1 million dollars,:structed. from King Street at: progressive community. , MEN RUG, BROADLOOM Mi NAME RN ROBT. McLAUGHLIN (Sixth From Right) AT WEST PLANT OFFICE G.M. Photo ! = UPH mrarkky LA ..- Some Of His McLaughlin Carriage Co. Employees Are Shown Also | = CLEANING ---- 'amay unewse! COULTER MANUFACTURING (CO. LID. || © lands sufficiently large to pro- ' a a | y : vide some surface parking. : med Stressed In City a ight the appeal of the civic Serving The Automotive Industry area could be enhanced by a theatre suitable for both stage Since 1930 f or r an enewda u V 'and screen presentations. 2 : Also recommended: that the ' peanaaae ean Pa a ee A ah cal ide| downtown area should prohibit TO P Q U AL j TY PRO D U CTS The Gity of Oshawa is hopefuljincreasing number of vacan-)prepare a plan which will guide hevelaement: that that Central Mortgage and|cies. jit through this transition ea rythm ba building. "helght Housing Corp. will agree to its} Oshawa was turned down injsound residential and commer-| ste : ; cialists In pr that an urban renewal/1950 when it asked for an urban|cial developments. pect poping Bit poet Because of Modern Equipment a - study fs needed here. |renewal study because CMHC! Wandless says a key empha-} Bs : 2 H H | 'The City Planning Board|didn't consider any area blight-|sis in any such plan should be|mum ft oa a to acd 4) Speed and Economy of Production and Dependable Service w © Loose Rugs @ Binding completed such a brief last|ed enough. City Planning Direc-|to persuade people to return street sane bie acaba ic , ay ; a year and it is now under study|tor G. A. "Bert" Wandless is/downtown; otherwise the core ge fer' : dations @ Die Designing @ Metal Stamping and Deep @ Painting @ @ Wall te Wall Broadioom by CMHC. more optimistic this time. j will wither and die, conciide: UThe ace ond ceed © Die Costi Drawing Q 1 : | 'The area which is under con- Pa pe fly tb eck Here are some of the Ppr0-|tign of existing structures, plus| 7 Serene @ Steel Shearing, Breaking @ Assembly a @ Upholstery @ Wolls eiderai is the city's down-| i+ the a which is "estimantea| ont made in its brief: the low building assessment and @ Die Making and Rolling @ Broaching town central core -- that is the now at $45,000. The study would --The civic administration] floor area ratios make such re- @ Electro Plating Alterations @ Repairs area bounded by Bond, Mary, ani with the central business|2%@@ should be expanded into|development desirable. No at-| Athol and Church - Central! i ctrict and residential areas|# modern civic square. tempt has been made to esti-| Mothpreoting streets. wad ; ; --T date both city;mate tax revenues, -but they| i radiating from it, as well as To accommodate both city D Scot opal fe ard has| isolated pockets that are badly|and highway transportation|should be at least tripled for reg Out the following pro "| rundown. needs in the future, a bus ud gesting ' 'ai Moo many buildings have de-| The study undertaken by thej terminal should be inte Mt inkattiar the difficulties of | : , Pe City Planning Department was : 2 : saiv dertaking and| : ne Le the first step in the urban re-| --A Moltltevel parking ga. aghags og the Theney eouta an ine . It pin-pointed the/rage within the core area is z ' and thus represent an in.|"ewal plan | : : of land assembly. i roblem areas and made gen-|needed. It is imperative, the re-| 7, _ E efficient use of central land that|P 'an| port sayaycthaboperking savages It would cost at least $3 mil-| ri eral recommendations. : : lion for the land assembly in eae, 2%, Potential. jg | urban renewal study would look}be immediately adjacent to ners admit, "plus the cost of| spawning ribbon development|2¢ the city block by block. |shopping and business. disruption of existing business-| - stretching out from the busi-| Mr. Wandless expects to see. --A large department storejes, legal and real estate fees ; CLEAN ERS ness district along the two|redevelopment of the conan snowed be incorporated into theland building demolition." | major, traffic routes. Instead of|core well under way within five|core area to draw people down- | i] | | Division of Oshewe Cleaning Contractors | having various retail businesses}or 10 years. town. To give easy access to} complement each other, a de-| "This must be undertaken by|both automobile parking and a LEWIS | 725-4736 1700 SIMCOE STREET NORTH of competitiveness and iso-|the city. It takes private enter-|bus terminal, a department, | has sprung up between|prise too long to move," Mr.|store is proposed south of King) OPTICAL ° 725-9961 core and sections of this|Wandless added. He says the|and west of Simcoe streets, atcilichad chee ane ad vanes 28 Richmond St. West Oshawa n development. period of transition Oshawa There is a noticeable lack of|finds itself in will last a good new building downtown and anj many years. The problem is to oo Cat the Sa me Address ee 96 YEARS 85 SIMCOE ST. NORTH As one of Oshawa's oldest business establishments, we.take great pride in our city and are justly proud of its growth, dation should be provided close 725-0444 PICK-UP & DELIVERY to bus transportation and on --Downtown_ hotel peoemme-1 10% King Street West | t Each and every year of our 96 years have seen Oshawa chonge and. grow; some changes were more perceptible thon others; some yeors are remembered with much greater aworeness thon others. 1966 was one of those yeors when many changes occurred it was a yeor of great population increase. It wos @ year of major high-rise apartment development. It wos a year bearing the signs of vast changes and growth still difficult to imagine. We logk forward, with great anticipation, to the immediate year ahead, and many more to come. We welcome all old, and new acquaintances, to join with us in our pride of Oshawa, To keep pace with this progress theme, we reorgan- ized our operation and re-decorated our 96-year- old headquarters. We are now in a position to serve you even better than before with the very finest in decorating. . . and the most up-to-date methods in our home and commercial decorating divisions. Please feel free to call on us at any time. @ Complete Line of C-I-L Paints @ Dupont Flo-Glaze Colorizer Paints... LUCITE @ Over 500 Designs of Canadian Wallpapers @ Rez Wood Finishes @ Painting and Decorating Contractors @ Tuff Kote and Pollyfilla @ Valspar Varnishes @ Every Possible Decorating Need @ Marine Paints & Finishes t ) FREE PARKING 2s fo peved parking fot ot rear : € FREE DELIVERY On Your Street Every Day of store off William St. ) | FOR PAINTS | 85 Simcoe St. N. 725-3529

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