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Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Feb 1967, p. 51

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ARK Jrged sist Rreas "HEARN The department starting a pro- age veterinar- the rural areas 1eeded. | a year will be in their four- course. they spend in ctice following ) of their total rgiven. ike on a city - budgie birds Liberal Elmer expressed it), pay back the = vets, prob- y, now are in field in the can't blame is easier, and tter. tive, in fact, ubt as to how gram, will be. elopment was embers asked rogram could 0 doctors and needed out in 1 more than LE ven to this by but the main has not been npaign to in- actise in less- with the On- ciation. is any inter- nent at all in and prefers is problem on airs Minis- er has been ough time in mmittee this ets local leg- s before the WHITBY -- AJAX Councillors Consider Change-In-Pay Plan WHITBY (Staff)--Town coun- cil, meeting in committee Mon- day night, deferred a decision on a possible change in the amount of remuneration paid members of council to a budget meeting Thursday night, Council adopted the recom- mendation of the finance com- mittee that elected and all em- ployees be paid actual expenses in accordance with the Munici- pal Act. It also agreed to rec- ommend to the personnel com- mittee that it consider payment of a mileage allowance of 13 cents per mile. : The request of the figure skat- ing club for a grant was de- cash on hand as of Dec. 31, 1966. The installation of a telephone in the fire department for pri- vate calls, with no long dis- tance calls permitted, was also recommended. The personnel committee rec- ommended that instead of the present annual sum of $1,000, councillors be paid at rate of °20 per day for attendance at regular and special meetings of eouncil, regular meetings of council in committee and other committee meetings authorized by council. ferred pending a statement of The committee also recom- mended that for attendance as, council's representatives at con-/| ventions or board meetings, | actual expenses, including mile- age at the rate of 10 cents per (mile be paid. | As regards staff members, the committee recommended that those authorized to attend conventions or out-of-town meet- ings be paid actual expenses plus 10 cents per mile and that they be paid 10 cents per mile per car allowance for duties which fall within their regular occupation, or for -- special duties authorized by. council. New Pay Method Studied For Volunteer Fire Dept. WHITBY (Staff) of the town council finance committee, said the town audi- tor will confer with Fire Chief Bruce Corner and Deputy Chief Warren Mowat this afternoon to consider the revamping of the method remuneration is paid to members of the volunteer fire department. When council met in commit- tee, Monday night, the two de- partment officials spoke to a report presented at the last council meeting. This report recommended that pay cheques be issued by --Members|the town treasurer on a point from the town it was distributed system and that the question of one year's deferred payment be brought up to date through one payment this year and another next year. This would mean that the men were being paid for the current year. Deputy Chief Mowat said payment had always been received in late January or early February. It had been understood this pay- ment was for the previous year's work. He said this had been the practice since the de- partment was formed in 1852. When the money was received WHITBY TOWN MILL RATE TO BE STRUCK MONDAY Consultants 'o the men. When Deputy Chief Mowat said the books of the depart- ment had never been audited, it was the opinion of the major- ity of council that the town audi- tor should do this. It was also the opinion of council that the town should pay the volunteers, and issue T4 slips to individuals. Ajax Hires | On Labor ing pal in AJAX (Staff) -- Ajax Council |the HOSPITAL The Women's Auxiliary of the Whitby General Hospital sponsored a poster contest among the art students of Anderson Street High School Cleary. The completed post- ers will be used to advertise some of the events that the auxiliary is presenting dur- ing the year. The prizes are books on Art. Appearing in AUXILIARY POSTER CONTEST WINNERS CHOSEN the picture are the winners: Left, Helen Muir, William (Bill) Nolan and Betty Kol- laard. Several excellent posters were made by other students who deserve hon- their efforts. These. are: Darlene orable mention for Crawford, Janice Shaw, Karen Misiak and Brigitte Marlinkowski. --Oshawa Times Photo ARCHITECT SUMMONED New Complex Hit s Snag Had No Approval Of Dept. PICKERING (Staff)-- Picker- The matter came up at Township Council will askregular Council complex to attend a meet-Labor advised Council new municipal building didbuilding. Clinic Locale 'Undecided Yet WHITBY (Staff) -- The de- partment of agriculture, which is to hold an anti rabies clinic in Whitby, from 1 to 7 p.m., March 16, will. be given a choice as to where the clinic | will be held. a|would have to be enclosed, self meeting Mon- the architects of their munici-day night when the Dept. of about he g of Council to explain whyseveral changes required in the|installed before they would ap-|arena for the clinic. Council, at its committee closing devices would have to|meeting Monday night, decided be placed on all doors and aj\to offer the fire hall, or police ladder and roof hatch should be|garage, or the community | prove the project. Fire Chief Bruce Corner ob- ! THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, Februery 28, 1967 5 Parking Meters WHITBY (Staff) Town Council learned at its commit- tee meeting Monday night that parking meter revenue during the past three months has pick- ed up materially. Treasurer Forbes McEwen said revenue from meters had risen from $2,200 to $2,700 and the number of infraction tickets issued had increased from 200 to 600. E Council told a delegation of Blair Vista ratepayers that $400 would be spent to eliminate a pond behind Rosedale Drivé-~ A request from the industrial commissioner for $500,000 to pro- vide services for the new in- dustrial park and $200,000 to purchase additional Industrial land was deferred for study when the capital budget is pre- pared, Council moved to extend its congratulations to the Lasco |Steelers Hockey Club on win- | Permit Allowed |For Renovation | | WHITBY (Staff) Town jconucil in committee of the whole Monday night moved to jrecommend that a permit for the renovation of 111-113 Brock Street North be issued to Alex Hogenboom. The authorization is subject to the approval of the building inspector and the \fireé marshall's department. The remodelling of the build- jing calls for the construction of |several stores on the ground |floor, offices on the second floor jane five apartments on the |third floor. The cost of the renovations is estimated at about $9,000. Revenue Picks Up ning the first round of the play- offs and wished the team con- tinued success A letter from a publishing house representative highly commending members of the police department who directed traffic when the addition to the Andrews Antenna plant was opened was read to council. The letter said the officers had acted "with charm and con- sideration" and "in fact were an advance guard of the re- ception committee,"' The question of centennial pins being secured for sale by the centennial celebration com- mittee must await the striking of the town budget. It was reported the Ontarie Water Resources Commission, following its inspection of the pumping station and sewage disposal facilities had found conditions "beyond reproach", csina ian a ee ak Sb scse ee FIVE YEAR 6%4% Accumulative GUARANTEED INVESTMENT GROW 36% | | | (Averag 7.2% a year) VICTORIA and GREY TRUST Whitby 668-5897 BROCK now Plo WHITBY THE LIQUIDATOR GOES =) One Complete Program each Eve. FROM ONE HOT-BED OF ying Starting at 7:30 oner attends WHITBY (Staff) --The the various boards and com- agreed last night to hire a firmjnot receive Department of The Department advised), Councillor John Wiliams dected alae So age eg OA) INTRIGUE TO ANOTHERI n of his de- . taxpayers of the town will mittees will be studied, of labor consultants to nego-|Labor approval prior to con-Council that a wall would have|wanted to know why they ware ene . ote ied work $ rectly, of the know by next Monday night Mayor Desmond Newman |tiate with the town's public em- The matter came up at ato be constructed around the getting the Labor Dept. report | WOU pee the ak Siriont the various the mill rate they will be said Monday night that while |ployees on behalf of the coun-|struction. boiler, a main open stairwell | now, ipe me men a Pe were vee s guidance to called upon to pay this year. it was possible the mill rate |cil; The firm will be paid an oa Clerk D. J. Plitz said the a fy Shite aisineet miei Ae Council has scheduled a _ might be struck by Friday, he jestimated one per cent of $200,- s Department inspector visited |damaged quip: his year has number of committee meet- felt the final decision would |900 in wages to be received by even 1 western tatés the ite last November and\°" si nae linary reluc- ings for the remainder of be made at next Monday |Ajax employees. jasked for a copy of the plans. |. I thoug ' e = . sige dance, how- this week when the budgets of night's council meeting. After bemoaning the fact that jump at the chance to sho council could not negotiate on jits own behalf, various council members cited the lack of time and inability to deal with highly' | prefessional union Reeve Cliff Layxox said the|their building and equipment to building should not have been|the people of the town. Only Protest Higher Toll Charge win sri 'sasre es tpn he ate al TOLEDO, Ohio (AP) -- Rep-|only waterway with a charge\added that the changes re- [Said Councillor T, Edwards. r-ridden the everal times. larly evident bills before Auto Licence Agency Request LIQUIDATOR' \> - « ing 08 leaders as i i . : : roperty tax rt resentatives of seven Midwest-|for use. ired were large and e i wha patedny v Be D ided Att S pod eens ad cae ahd ern states registered a formal) Tolls were set up originally pie The veave eee earl INTER Recommended as ADULT ENTERTAINMENT etherall said, "in all prob-| protest Monday against pro-|to repay the cost to Canada and|S!ve. The Dives a cieclars W ite. ed with this 0 eCl er urvey ability, professional negotiators foued. higher tolls ve the e the United States for construc-|the architect be invited to attend) Also ""RASPUTIN THE MAD MONK" Begins 7:30 r, and vari- CLEARING : ill arrive at a more fair agree-|T Seaway and voted to\tion of the locks and canals|a meeting to comment. | Starring -- Christopher Lee, Barbara Shelley ities are try- Staff) -- In a letterja day to keep each female|™! vawrence Seaway a n 2 : | @s Adult f dutthe too j sa heer = the orovinciallOreonar incarserated" in the ment than we can. study the economics of Wat which converted the St. Law-| We don't want comments we) @ VIYELLA SHIRTS ALL COLOR PROGRAM ee orn St scsl taal ootraty, A fire truck purchased by the| waterway. rence River into a deepwater|want an explanation, said | 20% OFF strong feel- f saat a auivay had been inst f Fadies' Auxiliary, Ajax Fire! no committee was named im-|shipping channel. \Councillor Williams, } ° ect of these tuted to dstarinine the advis-|, AJa% consulting engineers|department, and to be present-| mediately to conduct the study| Some authorities have pro-| -- le COATS -- JACKETS -- Sonoie "the i + Aee baving 4 misinh have concluded their report forjed May 24, is to he maintained | 4. 5 report to the Midwest|Posed a 10-per-cent increase in \ PARKAS "NOTICE TO RESIDENTS rebathe. 46 ab : iy ri jax . The 1966 and have these projects in|by the town, it was decided Governors Associdtion, which is|tolls. Governor James A.| FREE 24-HOUR 25% OFF éce-swho-of vehicle taind ti 'genre wil} {07 1967: addition to the sewage/last night. To be used in the the parent body for the group|Rhodes of Ohio and some other! BURNER SERVICE r education ' minister aM th . aata 'oon |isposal plant to the Water|locality for emergency pur-|4¢ midwestern and seaway|Great Lakes governors argue By Our Lécel Specie! Prices on OF THE TOWNSHIP Silent 'oh be advised of the result as soon, ritication plant due to in-/poses, the truck will have its|states meeting here Monday. |that higher tolls would reduce Service Contractors Odd Articles as een rd that the Emer-|Te28¢ of water consumption/licences and insurance fees a 'se shipping tonnage. | e aT OF EAST WHITBY itely the re- Council hea Géeesleation during 1966 of 44 per cent; var-|paid as well as having a two-| The representatives voted] The meeting here also voted SAWDON & gency Measures ious road and curb construc-|way radio installed. unanimously to recommend|tg on an out-right es on will conduct a course for muni-|iiqn- if a new sub-division is ap- Permission was granted to|that Midwestern governors use dumping dredge materials Into F UEL Ss USS * 'he a i cipal employees and volunteers) poved during 1967 new «storm|the Ajax Minor Hockey League/all their influence to prevent|deep water in the Great Lakes. Tp abiige ne in Radio hyo groping gna newsewers and roads in the area Centennial Committee to. con-|any increase in tolls on the sea-/Much dirt and sludge hauled up FURNACE OIL EEVE"S r je course i ul -to- s whi nks e reat}; i oni a ge erty owners and women 18 and over free of mus sguates : endian gst vee Daag relug weith the Atlante: Baoan: a aiunttiing Comoe STOVE OIL AND COAL MEN'S SHOP All residents were notified early. in January tee hasn't peri gl oll eri ag oe Plana Big ho etna ee ive! ge will] They also voted te go on rec Sherrd te ee vn ~ 244 pent! i. 129 Brock St. S$. that lg -- had to be purchased by paid by L ' C dati e Sold. Funds realized from|ord as opposing tolls on any in-|stu y wou ry to find out ef- Whi 668-2091 wer: ogs. the bills Urban rebates cou un ae Fgh tenia gs this project will not go into the|land .waterway, without men-|fects on pollution or other prob- 668-35 iy: . villa 9s . duced to 25 per cent. The : Jeague's general account, but tioning that the seaway {s the|lems in the lakes. BY-LAW NO, 1958 OF THE TOWNSHIP OF EAST WHITBY rebate will be $39,000 instead of|of expenses for the year 1967 isltqwards a centennial project. PROVIDES: $28,000, because of its being/an estimated $42,215.52. The li-| 'the Ajax, Pickering and That Dog licences must be purchased by March 31st in eny spread over two years. _-- sige! bg a pipe Bing Bisa Whitby Association for Retard- year; also heard that it is probable/ quarters in and a 'led Children received permis- i AGO that Harwood eee -- ent cr nck pel oeas fre sion to solicit funds to be used be ll a Yeh pike Haein at Se eT SEO : will be taken over by the Coun-jumes at _aisposal. A' de-\for the construction of a shel- pl ty by 1968. This means that the|crease in children's readingitered workshop in. the Alay That no dog shell be allowed to run at large at any time in 194 town will regain the money|was shown, but this was ex- area. for retarded" 'cluidioe the township; and that any person convicted of contravening rian oe being spent on its construction. |plained by the improved ele- May. 14 = 9 ure 40 be Known the provisions of the by-law could be fined up to 300.00. bait sonal: Deputy - Reeve Reid esti-/mentary school Imoerias a as "Retarded Children's USE. THE CARD MAILED TO YOU IN JANU- or Leagues ee ee eT lu ed ee ARY TO THE TOWNSHIP OFFICE, WITH THE ilton. for each male prisoner an sc heed ; EXPECT MORE HOPPERS y AMOUNT OF THE LICENCE FEE REQUIRED Accountant WINNIPEG (CP) -- Grass- y ig Now. n TGs hoppers are éxpected to i | f the Osh- WHITBY PERSONALS i. cae miley" o Bit : Use the cord mailed to you in January to the Township Office, y, 3 farmland this year, twice the na with the amount of the licence fee required, now. Alex Sleightholm, -- Brock|Lavalley. There will be door!) 3 covered in 1966, predicts é w fl GO Street North left Monday for a Reon: a, leas aad andthe department of agriculture. Clark COLUMBUS ONTARIO 1932 0-day organized motor tour.|lunch will be served. C ton. mie Hekae ' " ir-year-olds oa will visit several places of Whitby, Brooklin and Area Bk yard or cee - aud va. ---- interest and spend sometime be pineworn bane Gar het Gv la no babies ip Miami, Florida, will continue to} _. 7 i . Js . : -q|First Port Whitby Cubs at All ete Ms Key West and will ie er a|Saints parish hall A Complete. , : Sra Mr. Dan, OBER, tt Nether werent athe} Plumbing and vid Carey, hamas. Upon his return, he will! ected in finding new pointers Heatin Service r boy, took take an intensive tour of Wash-|/) improve their own designs on g t time this ington, D.C. '" cars. @ ESSO HEATING SERIES NO. 2 ON Dr. and Mrs. H. T. Fallaise, A f th G EQUIPMENT A group of the Oshawa Derby ice ie RLleshir ae easSrorl i turn- ' ; : o pists ee a committee suaeed oe Slevin ®@ KITCHENS PREVENTIVE 1 4 ; winners: speed winners were: COMPLETE spent in --, bsg Paint "First, Chris Rossiter: second, MAINTENANCE sometime in Winter :-|David Reed; third, Don Mor-/| @ BATHROOMS and Indian Rock, Gulf of Mex-|/). COMPLE ico. They were traveling with) '" " FOR Mrs. Fallaise's sister' and| 'The excitement grew greater! Phone 668-2991 vie Daneel 4 h 4 h d d 7 d brak: bles including checking of master a ie ean aot ir pi | Pick t e rig t ay to test rive a VW an pie gat ie hael evlinders, oll lines and brake hoses DUS LY nd la de kept wae ans oe cents 1959 and adjust brakes, also inspect exhaust system. > aes j The models were: Mrs. James|were presented with their cups ll h h d to ourself . | Ross, Mr Thomas Browis both the detvent aan Tait is OLDSMOBILE you ave tt e roa y . FOR ONLY .99 REQUIRES Mrs. Richar atthews, Mrs.jchanics were congratulated on AISED W. J. S. McClure Miss Mar-|their accomplishment. 4 Door Hardto: f <6 AND j P VSET? { garet Sleep and for Junior : Rc ired, Mk MoH? model, Miss Jane Mowat. Bip Bete: Figg held Auto, Aiden Aight Pepe Wait for a nice lousy day. When it's snowing and makes the VW dig in and go. And how the engine is Plus any ss - nab -- ee rakes, Radio. i y . : F wheels, then MMekeD t Be Dee O tngen bad oe THIS WEEK'S slushing like mad. Then drop in and ask your air-cooled. So it doesn't need water. Or a water Pale required on ¢ Me EVES ' coe OMG Mother's Auallisty THE WHOLE | SPECIAL $925 Volkswagen dealer to take you out for a test drive. pump. Or anti-freeze. Or a winter thermostat. h Complete modern brake drum meee brags the hese j j in | , ' it': ' i eater , to further save you on any brake drum refacing r ~ eeaaige | met at the home at ghia FAMILY ENJOYS Cae Cn Acts He'll be glad to, (As far as he's concerned, it's a And how the Volkswagen's special ' oe, urthe y' owibIED anak oe ee ring arrange- Siding Curling | TRADE ACCEPTED beautiful day.) booster keeps you warm and snug when it's freezing é ments for the "Card Party" of end te bar ot It'll give him the. chance to show you: how a utside. ONAL rpg nk ped -- svareyning, at Volkswagen works when hardly anything else does. And even if the worst happens and you do é -- gelist parish hall a p.m. 7 | : ; a id b 8 : How the weight of the engine over the rear wheels = get stuck, what could be easier to pus! NORTHS E C py R D t "A ; Assisting Mrs, O'Hagen heck D sHR SLE oD ; é Mrs. Philip Burtinsky, Mrs | soa TN a ete - and 'Mrs. Joseph Otendrih ea cleat SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD., 334 Ritson Road South, Tel. 723-3461 panera renee Me ' and Mrs, Joseph Ottenbright. Kingsway P.O. Lake of Bays itson Roa el. E ey ; Ticket conveners are: Mrs. Vin- TEL. 705-635-2221 300 Dundes st. 8. WHITBY " : cent Mallon and Mrs. William brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Pamenter, Toronto. St. . Andrew's Presbyterian) Women Groups (two and four) members were in charge of the dessert '"'Hat Fashion Show" held at the Sunday School hall. Chairman, Mrs. Warren Mowat as the race went on and the first car drew near the end of the cars and drivers were in good condition. investigate the effect At the finishing line the boys, wearing their racing helmets, were most anxious to find out if cars and drivers wer el ngood -- 2 A Volkswagen Custom costs $1,798. (Moximum Suggested Retail Price). F.O.B. Port of Entry. BRAKES and EXHAUST SYSTEMS i INCLUDING EMERGENCY BRAKES For all makes of cars and Light Duty Trucks Inspect both front and rear brake shoe linings, wheel bearings,

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