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Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Feb 1967, p. 57

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79 raits a distress m. (9 p.m. re was no m of 4 said the ere picked boats by ssel, were e exposure. TENS aid it was iman being cold waters yre than an mained at for the re- on, but re- and severe ) reach the a notorious yard" of low waters mark, was Vilis Lacis, 2 27 survi- g Register a fish pro- the ait aeigt TITTIT eeee See Se BI TODAY'S TORONTO 10:40 A.M. STOCKS Distributed by CP Toronto Steck Exchange--Feb. 28 Quotations in cents unless marked $./ z--Odd lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex-| rights, xw--Ex-warrants. Net change is/ from previous board-lot closing sale. | MINES | 10:40 Net | Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge, Accra 4000° 12/2 12) 124 + | Acme Gas 700 212 21¥2 212 +1'2| Agnico $00 112 112 «112 --3 | Am Moly 7200 31 31 31 | Ansil 15900 8 . 8 8 --'|) Area 5692 315 300 300 --I5 Argcsy Sooo 830 83 83 1 Arcadia 30 2 2 2 1 Atl C Cop 7400 91 90 90 Bankeno 1000 9 90 9 + 2 Barnet 250 39 9 3 | Belletere 1000 22 22 22 --I'a\ Bethim 500 685 675 675 : Black Bay S00 8% 6% 82-- 2) BL Hawk 7400 80 80 Brunswk 1750 790 780 790 Bunk H 10000 24 2 2 +% Camp Chib 400 740 740 740 --I10 | Cc Tung 500 140 140 140 --1 | C Dyno 400 150 150 150 +5 Cn Lnert 41000 «19 1% 9 + Candor 10000 30% 30 30 Cantre 2000 17 #+WsW Cassiar 730 $16 «616 «616 Cent Pat 185 146 146 146 Chestrvile 500. 20% 20% 20%a-- V2 Chimo 2200 94 94 94 Coin Lake 5500 20 20 2 Coniagas 500 (55 55 55 Conigo 3900 (15 1838 44 Con-Key 1000 10 10 0 +" C Bellek 6000 7 7 C Cailinan 2500 912 92 9 | C Halli 1600 4742 47 +47 --3 C Marben 200 210 210 210 --5 Cc Mogul 200 325 325 325. --10 | Cc Mrsn 33050 415 385 405 --10 Con Negus 2000 13% 13% 132+ 2 C- Rambler 100 180 180 180 C Red Pop 6500 22% 22 222 + Va Cop Fields 1000 132 130 130 --5 Cop-M 68500 35%2 34 35 Craigmt 170 3 13 Crowpat 3 #3 «3 ---t'% Daering 500 15 15 15 D"Aragon 2000 15 %15 15 Deer Horn 500 222 224 2214+ My D'Elda 26900 152 147 -147 -- Denison 485 $522 52% 52+ Ve Dome mS $45 «4! 5 +% Donaida so 23 2) 1 +% Dunraine 1000 64 64 64 --2] 140 140 40 --S East Sull 100 580 580 580 F Mer 700 20 275 275 --5 Frobex 4300 440 430 435 --5 Gnt Masct 3312 140 134 140 +5 3 1 4 Goldray 500 80 wo +3! Gortdrm 200 257 257 +1) Gradore 1500 2% 0 +4{ Grandroy 9000 45 45 45 | Granduc 200 380 375 375 --S | Green Pnt 1000 26 26 2% | Gulch 10500 21 20 2 +1) Gunner 650 138 135 138 +3) © Hastings 300 155 155 155 | Hollinger 130 $242 242 244-- Ve Huds Bay 50 $6454 64% 64% Hydra Ex 120 4% % Int Bibls T2100 82 82 8&2 Irish Cop 3000 16¥2 16% 164--2 Iso 1200 152 150 151 --1 Jelex 7200 2) 2121 | Joliet 4000 392 399 «39+ Va} Kerr Add 100 $10% 10% 10% | K Anacon 834117: -117:«+117-_s--s -- 8 || Kid Coper 2200 60 55 55 | Kirk Min 400 1 VW Tl -- Ma) Kirk Twns 500 11% 11% 114 Kopan 12 Sz SA She | Lab Min 220 $29%e 29Ve 290 L Dofauit 800 $15v%e 15 15 | 500 25 5 +! La Luz 1220 $19%e 191% 19% -- Ye) Leitch 1150 --10 LL Lee 100 165 165 165 | Lorado zri00 85 85 Louvicrt 1500 19% 19 A+ | Madsen wo 127 127 1277 +2 Mattgm! 092 $15 15 15 Metal Min 230 119 119 119 Midrim 600 37 «37 «(37 Min-Ore 1500 15% 15% 15% Multi-MI 600 139 139 139 --7T Nealon 2000 7 62 bie Newconx 940 505 500 - N Harr! 1000 142 14% 14% N Hosco 100 262 262 N_ Imperal 900 320 315 320 +8§ N Mylama 500 18% 18% 18V% N Que Reg! 100 $35 535 535 -- Nick Rim 300 16 16 16 u Nor Acme 5000 11 uN Norbaska 2500 40 «40 | Norlex 1000 2 2525 a) Normetal 300 420. 415 420 +10 N Rank 500 30 30" 30 +1 Obaske 1500 9 8 8s --1 Opemska 545 $11% 114 11% Orchan 800 250 247 247 --2 | Pce Exp 17500 63 62 62 1 Pine Point 735 $52 52 52 | Placer 220 $2994 29% 29% | Preston m5 $13 13 13 Probe M 1000 12 12 12 --™ Pyramid 400 375 375 375 | Quemont 300 885 885 885 Rayrock 1100 130 130 130 Rio Algom 1283 $244 24% Ut Va! Rio 5.80 Pr 30 $992 92 Wa | Rio Alg ew - 50 $11 u u | Roman 325 $122 124 12a + Satellite 1000 24% 24% UMYa-- ve Sherritt 175 425 415 425 Sil Miller 1000 «13 13 3 +h iscoe 6600 410 400 400 Stanrck 100 195. 195 195 Steep R 3315 575 S65 575 +8 Sullivan 100 385 385 385 Texmont 1500 74 73 73 +2 Tombill 1200 110 105 «110 +4 Tormont 1000 -B 8 eo+1 Tribag 400-120 120 120 U Asbestos 900 285 265 25 +8 U Buffadn 2500 43 42% 43 Un Keno 100 375 375 375 Urban Q@ 2308 15 #15 15 West Mine 125 450 450 450 Windfall 2500 24 24 24 --1 Win-Eld 3000 27 7 7 Yk Bear 300 192 186 186 --4 Zenmac 2210 292 29 . Wat Va OILS, GAS All Rox 7k 9. 1 Wee Banff 251 $13% 13% 13% CS Pete 103 223 223 223 «+5 Cc Ex Gas 125 400 400 400 +5 C Gridoil 1200 585 575 580 --20 C Homestd 200 225 225 225 +8 Cent Del 150 $12%4 12% 12%+ Charter O 500 260 260 260 +20 Chieflan D 7225 885 885 885 Dynamic 4800 168 155 155 --18 French Pt 100 415 415 415 Gr Plains 225 $12. 12 12 Gt COilsds 125 $10% 10% 10% + int Helium 3300 340 340 Mill. City 4100 188 183 183 160 | Crush intl 265 $i2V%e Vie 12% Cygnus A 225 410 410 410 | St Paving 200 $82 8la STOCKS 10:40 Net | 0: Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge C Refract 100 $1414 144 14% Cdn Tire A 275 $1534 15% 15% C Utilities 25 $38 38 3B C Vickers 200 $16 16 16 CWN G 4opr 215 $132 13% 134 60 SI Capit Bidg 250 ee Chemcel! 1200 $135% 13% 13% Chrysler 210 $3742 3742 Ye Cominco 920 $327% 32% 32% Con Bidg 2090 150 i4> 150 Con Paper 125 $434 43% 43% Con Pap w 20 $10 W 10 Con Paprp 550 $25 25 --' Coroy B Su $252 wove Coronatn z10 160 160 Daie-Ross 40 $12 12 12 --W Debhid B p 25 $97 97 97 bLisii Seag 735 $37 37 7 D Bridge 21S $19%4 19% 19% D kieciro Sou Si5v2 15% lava+ Va --'h Dotasco 215 $21 20% Wat Ve Dosco 222 394 Ya 9M Dom Store 620 $202 20¥a 20¥a+ Domtar Wd 918Ye 18 18% + Ve Dupont 635 339 OD --Emco ZU Siole love love Faicon 2110 S8BY2 88 B84 Fam Play 14> $50 36 36 = Me Fieet Mig 300 78 78 Fre rion 205 $21 2) 21 Fraser 750 $24 24 24 GMC Zw 9/2 77 77 GL Paper 75 $25%4 25% 25%4-- Va | GL Power 22) $3 4 23 Gt W Life 212 $56%4 56 56 + Hard Carp 200 $16% 162 l62--'a Hays Dna 225 $95 958 9% Home A 714 $22 21% 22 + % Home B 200 $25%4 23% 23% -- % H pay Co 12 $l/@ Wa ia-- 2 Y --%! is ine in the per raid HB Oil Gas 124 $28% 20% 28%--\\dustry is a declin Pp lwent into a tailspin Monday on the Toronto Stock Exchange in reaction to the report of Carter royal taxation. Trading was light. Husky Qi 220 $13 12% 12% Husky B pr 75 $50%e SOV 50¥2 Husky D w 100 580 580 580 5 | Imbrex 100 495 495 495 +10 | Imp Oil 751 $5834 58% Ind Accept 313 $244 24% Ind Wire 1000 $6% 633 6% -- Y% Inglis 320 $10% 10% 10% Inland Gas 200 $10%* 10%2 10v2 Inter-City 200 $14% 147% 147%-- Ve 107 $47¥e 47e 47% -- | ae IMC | Int Nickel 1150 $93% 93% 93% + Ye/saw Int Util 400 $27% 27% 27% Int Util pr 125 $30% 30% 30% + Ve Intpr Pipe 124 $92V2 92¥a 92Va-- Va Intpr Steet 100 490 490 inv Grp A 300 $10%e 10%e 10% ITL ind 100 $14 14% l4¥a+ James Stl 100 395 395 395 Jefferson 233 $28% 26% 28! Jockey C 420 400 35 395 $21%4 21% Lafarge 150 $1242 12% 12% Lafarge A 210 $10% 10% 10% + V2 LOnt Cem 895 485 480 480 Lambton 1000 495 495 495 +45 Laura Sec 202 $11% 11% 11% -- Lau - Fin 100 495 495 495 Leu F 1.25 500 $11% 11% 11% -- % Lau Fn 140 7250 $14 14 14 Levy $1752.47 Levy B pr 100 $20 20 Life Invest 20 s v7 20 +% 6 0 36 6 Life Inv wt 1000 175 175 175 +15 Lob Co B 125 58% 85% 8%-- % Loeb M 460 $11% 11% 11%+ % MB Ltd 5720 $2 027% 28 Magna Ei 600 $114 11% 1%--% Maner pr WO 99% % WM--Ve M Lf Mills 200 $18% 18% 18%+ % Maritime 217 $23 «233 Mass-Fer 1225 $256 25 Molson A 1060 $19% 19% Molson B m5 $20 2 2 Montex pr' 600 $10% 10 10 Montex w 75 165 165 165 254 -- Ve Wet Ve a --5 ; Mont Loco 210 $16 1% % | Moore 5 $932 93% Wat Morse A 200 $202 Dia Wat % Murphy 130 $7% 7% 7% Nt Contain 100 $5 Sve Sve Net Trust 125 $18% 18% 18% ~ Neon 730 $6% 6% 6% Noranda 644 $5654 56' 56a + Ve Nor Ctl G 700 $13% 13% 134%4-- Ve Ogilvie 110 $13% 13% 13% + % Ont Steel 50 $28 28 2 + va Oshawa A 225 $2834 28% 28% Pac Pete 5455 $10% 10% 10% Pembina 100 $92 9a 9a PC Jwi pr 211 $99 (99 Pow Corp 515 $11% 11 W4t+% Prem iron 500 170 170 1% +10 Price Com 525 $13Ve 13% 13% QN Gas 735 $10% 10%2 Wiet+ Ve QN'Gs 63w 2110 450 440 450 QN Gs 66w 270 305 305 305 +20 Rank Org 175 430 430 430 +85 Revelstk 100 $814 8% B% Robert 3 pr 100 $18% 1844 1Bu-- % R Nodwell 300 255 250 255 -- Rothman 550 $27%4 27% 274+ Ve w St Maurice 1000 33 33 33 Salada 255 $10 10% Wat vw Secur Cap 220 270 270 270 Shell inv w 3450 865 850 650 --IS Shelli Can 2740 $25% 254 25\4-- % | Shopper Ct 100 300 300 300 --10 Simpsons 100 $26% 26% 26%4-- 4% Slater Sti 575 $10% 10% 10% + Vw 8¥2-- ST Radio 215 $2544 25% 234-- % Steel Can 940 $22% 22% 227+ Ve Steinbg A 143 $17% 17% 17% -- Ve Suptest od 410 $224 22 224+ Va Texaco 100 $24 24 24 Thom N P 200 $215 21% 21%%-- %& Tor Dm Bk 120 $64%4 64 64 Traders A 350 $934 9% 934-- Traders 5p 25 $2658 26% 26%-- V2 Trader 66 w 300 295 295 295 +15 Transair 500 $6% 6% 6%-- Ve Tr Can PL 360 $27; 27 7. Tr Can Pi p 7220 $48 48% 48% Tr Can P w 710.655 655 655 Trans Mt 1025 $17% 17% Wat % Un Carbid 750 $22 21% 21% Un Gas 3100 $11% 11% 11% + % UGas B pr 25 $5) 51 SI Union Oil 100 $32'% 324 324+ U Corp B 1000 $12% 12% 124+ 2 Versafd 2000 $5%4 5 Sat Ve Versatile 240 $33 Walk GW Woburne $00 175 175 1 Westc'st 315 $28 West Ind 200 240 240 240 +10 Westeel 100 $214 21% 21a-- % W Pacifle 100 S5ve 5¥% Weston A 700 $20 20 200 +% Weston B 100 $21% 21% 21% Woodwd A 210 $26Ya 262 26% York Lam A 240 350 350 350 York Lam B 450 160 160 160 --I§ Zellers 25 401.272: BP Sales to 11 a.m.: 514,000. N Cont 3000 61 58 --2 Numac 800 226 225 226 --4 Numec wt 7200 42 42 42 Okalta 2200 15 «#415 15 Permo 1000 242 24% 24% Place G 1900 193. 187 187 --8 } Provo Gas 3956 495 490 495 --5 Ranger 200 242 242 242 Scurry Rn 221 $20% 20 20 Stanwell 3000 23 23 23 + 1 Triad Oil 100 190 199 199 +2 U_ Canso 200 275 275 275 +2 W Decalta 100 275 275 275 --5 INDUSTRIALS Abitibi 555 S$11'2 11'2 114 Acklands 100. $5% S%e Sie--" Alta Gas T 277 834.8 34% Me+ Algo Cent 2 9 9 9 Algoma Sf 7100 $244 241% 244 Alcan 1480 $3454 34% 34% -- Ve Alcen pr 225 $41 41 Met % 440K Argus B pr 25 $46" 46¥2 464 Argus C pr 1082 $1i8@ 114 112 Asbes' ° mS $23 23. O23 S9e Wve Atl Sug A 100 $21 «(21 Avco 257 $35%4 3514 35%4-- 4 eo MD 7 7 3 Bahama Bank Mtl 245 $63 = 63 Bank N & 167 $71% 71 7 --% Bathrst w 10 $10 «610)=--10 Bell Phne 941 $49%4 49 + Me Bramalea 750 $758 7% 75% Brazilian 1600 $9% 9% M+ Ve BA Oil 705 $344 344 34a-- 4 BC Forest 140 $23% 23% 23% + Ve BC Sugar 2 $32 «32 «2 BC Phone Z10 $64 64 64 BCPh 6 pr 100$104 104 104 BCPh 4% p 100 $78 78 78 BCPh 4.84 25 $2234 2234 225% Can Bread 250 $10% 10% 10% Can Cem 225 $412 Alla la +12 Can iron WO $20% 20'4 Dia Can Malt 510 $21%2 21% 22-- % Can Perm 100 $12 12 12 pr Cdn Brew 1375 $7%e 7 7% C Brew Ap 200 $38 38 38 C Brew Bp 40 $4470: 467% 44% --l'0 CB Alum A 220 $17¥2 17¥2 17'2 CB Al Bw = 100 370 370 370 +15 C Chem w 425 530 525 530 +5 c ? C_Marceni 100 $5% Sie 5v% CPR 995 Soda 64 6446 CPR pr 2000 $914 94 94+ Ve C Petron § 26 Gli% 11% 11% FOREIGN TRADING Brunswk 100 850 850 850 --75 Canser 3000 110 110 110 Deerhorn 1000 $28 28 28 E Sullivan 100 330 330 330 --45 | Un Keno 200 400 400 400 --25 | Young HG 1000 $6 6 6 +1 Yukon C 500 120 120 120 --20 | NEWS IN BRIEF NEW NIZAM INDUCTED HYDERABAD, India (AP) -- |\Prince Barkat Ali Khan Mukar- jram Jah, grandson of the late |Nizam of Hyderabad, d ,,| competitive. «t's! BUSINESS BRIEFS {here Monday for the first time, land indicated she liked them 490 +5 \but was concerned about the/hi cost and the vulnerability of ex-|sion +10 |hibits. The tractor-trailer cara- + "%lvans are the rural and highway 21% -- {version of the centennial train, 33 33 1810 $32 31' 324 + * | yointed Allied commander - in- 27% 27% + ve\chief, Channel, and command- sv + viarea. As well as taking over OCG Fb Oe le ee ae ea a i mY BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT VANCOUVER (CP)--A forest 78 + | company executive says wood/dicating that wood is not the 'products will be married to|dominant material it once was," --i9 |Plastic and metal in the next/he said. \decade to keep forest products |make wood the glamor product lof the decade. non-wood products, we will join! their properties with those of|cost, is a process using ammo- wood to create new productsinia that softens the cellulose superior to each of the parts,"|structure of wood and weakens the bond of its molecules. \he told the British Columbia Building Supply Dealers Asso- ciation convention recently. | Mr. Specht said the major |problem facing the forest in- jcapita use of wood. TOURS CARAVANS | CENTRALIA, Ont. the centennial \depicting Canadian history in |three dimensions. |Marsh said most of the exhibits) are open and thus available to the crowds. EDUCATION COSTS MORE Minister William Davis tures are necessary to keep students in their classrooms. He told nearly 200 Progressive Con- jservatives at a nomination imeeting here that five or 10 years ago, little thought was given to the needs of non-aca- school because they can find |specialized courses to interest |them. BRITAIN WARNS ALLIES | LONDON (AP) -- Britain lwarned her West German and| |American allies Monday the |Rhine army will be cut unless |Chancellor Kurt Georg Kiesing- ler's coalition helps cover the cost of keeping it in West Germany.. West German reac- tion to the warning was warily non-committal, leaving the Brit- jish convinced Bonn wants to disengage from a past offer of even a partial contribution. BOMB ATTACK KILLS 6 ADEN (Reuters) -- Six pers- jons were killed Monday in a bomb attack on the home in this British colony of Abdul Qawee Mackawee, secretary- general of the Egyptian-backed Front for the Liberation uf Oc- cupied South Yemen, an anti- British group. The dead in- cluded Mackawee's three sons, who were blown out of the house by the blast and were |found lying in pools of blood on |the road; two policemen and a night watchman. | NAMED ALLIED CHIEF LONDON (Reuters)--The de- fence ministry announced Mon- |\day that. British Vice-Admiral Sir John Bush, 52, has been ap- er-in-chief, Eastern Atlantic these two North Atlantic Treaty Organization posts, Admiral Bush will become commander- in-chief of the British Home Fleet, He succeeds Admiral Sir John Frewen in all three ap- pointments. PAY TRIBUTE TO CANADA BUENOS AIRES (Reuters)-- |Foreign ministers of Latin |American countries and the United States paid homage to Canada Monday on the 100th anniversary of Confederation being celebrated this year. The ministers declared their "'ad- miration for the Canadian peo- jple" in the final document of an Organization of American States conference which ended Monday. ithe family title of Asaf Jah in a ceremony in a massive mosque Monday. The inducting official, Fair Pashua, announced the prince, who inherits one of the world's biggest fortunes, will be known as Asaf Jah VIII. HERE'S ONE PLAN SALISBURY (AP) --R. H. James, a member of the rul- Parliament the government side the city--since it is unable Law and Order Desmond Lard- but said he would consult with , |the minister of social welfare. SANTA KEPT WAITING habitants of the island of Foula in the Shetlands, off the north|ended Dec. 31: 1966, $1,525,963; of Scotland, celebrated Christ-|1965, $420,678. mas two months late this win- ter. All's well on the island, the 4|\postmaster reported by radio|783,013; no comparative figures. in February, seas had kept the mailboat injyear ended Dec. 31: 1966, $13,- |port since Dec. 14. Foula was ae fe a share; although rough isolated for 77 days in 1961, ing Rhodesia Front party, told|¢ should establish brothels--out-|Sept. 30: 1966, $8,974; 1965, $44,- to curb prostitution. Minister of ner-Burke made no comment}31- THURSO (AP)-- The 200 in-|$2,281,745. NET EARNINGS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Canadian Marconi Co., year ended Dec, 31: 1966, $1.631,000, 30 cents a share; 1965, $2.236,- |000, 41 cents. | Canadian Vickers Ltd., year ended Nov. 30: 1966, $929,219, $1.70 a share; 1965, $1,093,660, 2. Craig Bit Co. Ltd., year ended 174. Dominion - Scottish Invest- ments Ltd., year ended Dec. 1966, $484,353; 1965, $434,- y23. Goodyear Tire and Rubber | Co. of Canada Ltd., year ended) Dec. 31: 1966, $4,533,743; 1965, John Inglis Co. Ltd., year Northgate Exploration Lid., year ended Dec. 31: 1966; $3,- Union Carbide Canada Litd., 1965, velop economical fireproof lum Charles A. Specht, MacMil-|ber, sound-proof panels, jumber \lan Bloedel Ltd. President, said|that will never rot and siding ithe advanced technology re-|that can be guaranteed a cen- quired for the marriage would|tury, he said. |now embarked on research to- "Rather than fighting with|ward these ends," he said. (CP) --\expected to snap back since it State Secretary Judy LaMarsh}Will take a long time before any caravans|of the proposals could be passed by Parliament. special granted to those industries. 136.68. Dome paced the de- Miss La-|Cline, tumbling 2% to 4614. | 1.11 to 160.13. Great West Life | TORONTO (CP) -- Education |slid 6% to 5514 after the com- said|mission suggested that special Monday night massive expendi-|tax concession given insurance demic students. Now, he szid;|000 shares compared with 3,- young people are staying in|282,000 Friday. ivincial bonds ended the day up Bell Telephone "Every day I get reports in- "T can tell you that we are STOCK MARKET TORONTO (CP) -- Prices the Brokers said the market is | |hardest hit after the commis-| ofr | suggested withdrawal of years." tax concessions now Wood Products Marry Plastic, Metal, Soon 25 Cons Gas 490 915% 92 15% + Ve | Corby vt 455 $28 26 | then becomes as mal- at Geneva, known as the Ken- leable as modelling clay and it/nedy round, are facing joint can be moukled into an infinite|teams from the European Com- : : variety of shapes," he said.|mon Market instead of dealing Research will ultimately de-}"'When the ammonia is evapo-| with rated off, the strength, appear-| said. | vo gp Tiga cle yuh pauaimmaing Some other trade blocs were) USE RADIATION He said another process in-| volves soaking the wood with a|seems to me to be inescapable. t chemical compound and bom-|It means that, regardless of the Available now, but at great) barding the mixture with radia- oytcome of the Kennedy round tion. "The result is a wood-plastic negotiations still combination with all the desira-/\Canada and the U.S. ble characteristics of wood plus|be able to expand their trade the strength, hardness and/outside North America as rap- moisture resistance of the/idly in the future as they have toughest plastic and steel.' He said the process is proven) and that research is under way! to lower the product cost. Research was the industry's} commission 0n| answer to the gaining popularity|told the Kremlin Monday night of other products. ; He said Canadians used lum-jices to help bring about negoti- ber at the rate of 240 boardjations on an end to the Viet- feet per person in 1952 and last;nam war. Speaking at a Soviet aed ol board feet. He pre-|government banquet, he said he : Ae A icted by 1970 it would be about/deeply regrets that "numerous Oil and mining issues were)9q7 "when we expect it to leveljefforts made by several states . . for the following five|have been ignored by those act- TORONTO (CP) -- Canada and the United States should establish their own free-trade area, David Rockefeller, presi- dent of the Chase Manhattan Bank of New York, said Mon- day. He told a meeting of the Ca- nadian Club that the two count- ries more and more are finding themselves odd men out as many other nations either have formed or are forming trade blocs. Canadian and U.S. negotiat- ors at the current trade talks Trade Centre, Rockefeller Says i.c:.cszz'y % re aze|aus." separate countries, he presenting a common front in} negotiations as well. | "The significance of this) --and the prognosis for those is unclear-- will not in the past. OFFERS SERVICES MOSCOW (Reuters) -- Emp- eror Haile Selassie of Ethiopia he is ready to offer his serv- lively engaged in the struggle." nh oe eee "Those who deny the feasibil-|border do so without paying | A free-trade agreement would "Or, more precisely, they wil] Overlook, the degree to which|need careful planning and not be able to do so if they |'tade bétween the two countries|would cause some economic continue to rely exclusively on|#!teady is free. the multilateral tariff reduction." hao dislocation in both countries, approach to| "In dollar value, more than/but European countries. had 'half the' goods which cross the proved it could be worked out, 'BIG SAVINGS cewuine (H))) peacock PLate atass MIRRORS 10 YEAR GUARANTEE Brighten your home with this special offer! PLATE GLASS SIZE PRICE MIRRORS 20 x 30 ..., 12.69 4% Bevelled Edge 24x 36 .... 17.69 (Complete with Clips for Hanging) 36 x 48 .... 35.69 PLATE GLASS 24x 30 .... 15.69 24" x 36"... 16.69 MIRRORS 26 x 42 ..+. 22.69 With Polished Edges 20 x 46555 29.69 (Complete with Clips for Hanging) 36 x 60 .... 44.69 PLATE GLASS 16 x 48 .... 19.69 MIRRORS 16 x 60 .,.. 25.69 Full Length Door 18 x 54 .... 23.69 e@ FREE DELIVERY @ GLASS \ 273 Simcoe St. S. PAINT 723-1181 CENTRE J The oil index plunged 5.25 to Among base metals, Noranda fell 15% to 56, Denison 1% to 52% and Rio Algom % to 24. The industrial index retreated companies also be withdrawn. Inco dropped 2% to 93%, Falconbridge 2% to 87% and Imperial Oil 15g to 5854. On index, golds were down 1.94 to 150.32 and base metals 1.88 to 87.12. Volume was 2,543,- PRODUCE TORONTO (CP) -- Wholesale to retail carton eggs average weighted prices quoted by the department of agriculture as of Monday: A large 46.1; A med- ium 40.0; A small 31.6. Eggs: Wholesale prices to country stations fibre cases quoted by the Toronto Board of Trade from wholesale egg deal- ers: Extra large 40-41; large 38- 39; medium 32-33; small 25-26; B 34-35; C 30-31. Butter prices: Agricultural stabilization board tenderable carlots: Buying 40 score 59; buying 39 score 58; selling 61. BOND MARKET TORONTO (CP) -- The Ca- nadian bond market was up one-eighth point in extremely light trading Monday. Short - term Government of Canada bonds were unchanged with 'the 4%-per-cent Oct. 1, 1967, issue closing the day at 99.65 bid and 99.70 asked. Long-term Canada and pro- Y% with the 414-per-cent Sept. 1, 1983, issue closing at 87% bid and 87% asked. Day-to-day money traded at 4% per cent. Treasury bills closed un- changed at 4.57 per cent for 91- day bills and 182-day bills. DIVIDENDS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Bowaters Mersey Paper Co. Lid., 514 - per - cent pref. 68% cents, April 1, record March 10. Dominion Foundaries and Steel Ltd., common 15 cents, April 1, record March 9; 4%- per-cent pref. $1.19, May 1, rec- ord April 13. Hahn Brass Ltd., pref. 22% cents, April 1, record March 8. Lakeland Natural Gas, 5.4- per-cent pref. 27 cents, March 15, record March 1. New Brunswick Telephone Co. Ltd., 20 cents, April 15, record March 20. Income Report MONTREAL (CP) -- The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada reports net income of $91,963,- 000 or $2.98 a share for 1966, compared with $86,525,000 or $2.92 the previous year. Return on total capital, at 6.5 per cent, was down slightly from the 6.6 per cent reported in the preceding year. Operating revenue, at $645,- 047,000, was up 88 per cent from the previous year. Long distance revenues rose by 10.3 per cent to $233,240,000 and mis- cellaneous revenue 4.4 per cent to $34,217,000. Operating expenses rose by 9.2 per cent to $406,679,000. The company invested $25,- 000,000 to increase its equity in Northern Electric Co. Ltd., and $21,000,000 for the purchase of Northen Telephong Ltd. shares. It also acquired a major interest in both Maritime Tele- graph and Telephone Co., and \ al Gas dryer b the tim @ Onlya pea of clothes Is always ' ost laundromats use The first loac ie that's one reas washing Is Te?" 9° pba Gas clothes dryers! oer onomical fuel js the most efficient 4 50 sant ural Gas gor oot clothes drying tJaundromats | ; nes are the © ice of MOS ce \ ee ; the re ol deliver heat instantly, at ftness, and 4 @ Natural Gas dryers jothes t w fluffy $° ee ¢ and fresh aS all outdoors fragrance Inglis Sterling 6-Cycle Natural Gas Clothes Dryer Model LMO 7600 features sani-sun germicidal lamp, special permanent press and wash'n'wear cycle, automatic infinite heat selection. Consumers' Gas Price, each $249.00. (Gonsumers' ('las 29 CELINA STREET @ OSHAWA e@. Plus-Capacity Moffat Natural Gas Clothes Dryer Mode! DGH 1515 features exclusive "Stop-n-Dry" stationary drying that stops tumbling action, lets you dry almost anything in perfect safety. Consumers' Gas Price, each $215.00. 728-7363 1867 1987 New Brunswick Telephone Co., through exchanges of shares. {

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