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Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Feb 1967, p. 61

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ese teys ow is the to handle 15 no toys guidance, then in tot 2 or 3 bites her igster ex- r has hit ty to the angerous. ay be too hack the e leg or to follow ely with him back to him a e parent, daughter, at home, What can ) do what e will not ven com. ou have jawing to |. Be too ith her. obrics 1827 i AT K! eae ey! er, | PREPARE 10 BE , FLOORED with the exciting choice of color and texture neutral colors have in modern carpets. The safe van- ished from the scene. The vibrant look has taken over --rich golds, vivid greens, hot red, royal blue. And the economy of fibres such as nylon man - made pocketbook. and acrylic fibre means there's a carpet style to suit every 'Grin Test' Helps Carpet Buyer; Decide Quality Of New Carpeting > ants anaes de tbres| At Hillsdale Manor' Hillsdale Manor echoed to the strains of "'Some Enchant-| led Evening," "Smiling| Through," "Mister Banjo,"| "Bois Epais" (Sombre Woods), |; "Oklahoma," "With a Song in| My Heart," "Brahms Lullaby,"'| If you're shopping for a new carpet, the "grin test" will help you decide the best buy. "It's a simple test," says Lissa Taylor, fashion bureau director of Du Pont of Canada's textile fibres department. "Just take a corner of the carpet, bend it back on itself -- back to back -- so the tufts are exposed right down to the backing. "If tufting is noticeably thin and widely spaced, the carpet has failed the test. The sur- face pile lacks enough fullness to give adequate wear." DENSITY AND BACKING There's a simple slogan that reminds shoppers of quality points to watch for. "The deep- the denser, the better." Depth and density of pile are vital ingredients of carpet qual- says Mrs. Taylor. velopment of man-made fibres such as nylon and orlon has) helped bring the price of} carpeting within the reach of the average family." Not only that, but carpeting of these man-made fibres offers particularly easy maintenance and high durability. "They're wise investments for families with growing children," says Mrs. Taylor. Color should be considered carefully for areas that will get heavy wear. 'For instance, tweeds in medium colors are particularly good for conceal- ing soil." At one time, most home- makers chose carpets in "'safe" neuiral colors -- gray, brown, beige. Now colors run _ riot. Popular are rich golds, vibrant Reginald Geen, the Royal Conservatory "Czechoslovakian Folk Song,"| Caen ; é : "Brother. Man,' and Teachers' Associations, held re-| Mr. Geen "you' | Peachers r m Never Walk Alone," last. Wed- oe. eecait home of Mrs.|playing compositions as nesday evening as the Senior) Choir of the Church of St. musical program at the re-|a% outstanding teacher quest of the Kinsmen Club of|Piano, organ and voice, Oshawa. |Geen is also well known across Solo numbers presented' were |C@nada_as an adjudicator and "My Ain Folk" by Mrs. Walter the newly _or- is president of Kzanoski; "Sunshine of Your|%@mized Canadian Adjudicator Smile" by Roy Haber; "Climb Association. Every Mountain," by Mrs,/| Having presided at the mid- Mr.|g00d performance. y Mrs. Marie Taylor. ity, explains Mrs. Taylor. greens, hot red and _ royal/Elmer Gibson; "Mother Ma-|Winter examination, in centers ses mt 43 held -- 29, Something else to watch forlblue. New textures include|chree," by Robert Mills;|of Western Canada, Mr. Geen|( iim. neq a), Ba sia in tufted carpets is a double/shags, deep plushes, scrolled|"Somewhere a Voice is Call-|Spoke of the response of the Hus Thee iid be th pied jute backing. This secondary/and sculptured effects. ing," by Mrs. William Bois-|Student to the new require-|"WUaior on March 09 at une backing helps the carpet hold soin; 'Musica Proibita," Larry|ments of the syllabus, and is f Mi ge 22 at the its shape. It alleviates stretch-|CARPET CARE Sacchett; and "Christo-|stressed the need for study of hae sGner rs. Jan Drygala, | ing and buckling. What's more, | When it comes to carpetinher Robin," by Mrs. William|the rhythm (clapping) tests,|~ oie ae the latex used to join the two|care, Mrs. Taylor has one|Kinsman. jand its importance in relation! lock the|cardinal rule: prompt attention so itito spills and stains. This can doesn't pill or shed. jeliminate major cleaning prob- The choice of fibre is also|lems, she cautions. important in deciding which! carpet to buy. STATUS SYMBOL "Carpeting used to be status symbol--a luxury item, backings also helps f 'le 4 1 Midway through the program |to the reading of a musical| surface pile in place a double quartet sang "Love's|Composition. Old Sweet Song" and "Whis- |pering Hope." Other cleaning and care tips:|bers were: Mrs. Walter Ather- | Vacuuming -- A quick once-|fold, and Mrs. Michael Hickie, over each day will keep dust alto; Mrs. Boissoin, Mrs. Gib- a,and soil from becoming em-j|son, and Mrs. Kzanoski,|lunchbox when it comes »,|bedded and will lessen the need|soprano; Robert Mills and Wal-|sandwiches, and for that the} for major cleaning. A ag en be Kzanoski, bass; John Engle Ontario Food Council, Depart- . . enone Re ene ee ee se and ment of Agriculture and Food,|condiment with pork. Bring Variety | Spills -- Immediate action|conducted by Mrs. Kinsman,|SU8gests cream cheese. Whip/1 on eg lemon jelly a i jwill minimize danger of stain-|choir director, and John Dris-|the cream cheese, and if you APPETIZING SPREADS | to NeW appeal by creating li i i , i heigl + cup boiling water ing. Confine the area of spill by|coll, accompanist. : |wish, soften it to spreading|-,, °UP To Lunch Box |working from the outside to-| Members of the Kinsmenconsistency by adding some| " a : oa sla ip? |wards the centre. ;Club responsible for the eve- : (depending on jorange juice. From there on,| jthere's no end to the taste|! To | treats you can concoct for the; family lunchbox. SOCIAL NOTICE, | sistency) cup thick applesauce, sweetened Dissolve jelly Spot Cleaning. -- Never pour |ning were Lloyd Pigden, water or any other liquid|Stone and David Pars directly on the carpet. Sponge} Tey (Ne aI RP stains with clear water or mild| detergent - water solution, then| Here are some good sugges-| Arthur tions for the lunchbox _bri- gade. Prepare some of the fol- lowing menus occasionally for during the afternoon for your Mr. and Mrs. Orville Myers,|tie cream cheese to make an/desired). |applesauce. This delicious dish} jcan be served as a dessert with} | whipped cream, or as a special * powder Add orange | boiling water. Add cold water. | St Gregory's Choir Results Of New Syllabus Shown To Music Teachers' Association LTCM, ance and style, and the general ee' Sl acest FCCO (Hon. Causa), memberjfaults were in finger training.| of the Board of Examiners of/There was a great need for of|exercise of the fourth and fifth Music of Toronto, spoke on the/fingers to keep the melody 'Results of the New Syllabus"| vibrant and the pedal should be at the meeting of the Oshawalused with great care to proper- ,|and- District Registered Music|ly enhance the music," he said. demonstrated by he so joften heard them, and then in Organist and choir director)the way they should be played, Gregory the Great presented a|f Simcoe Street United Church, |Showing the technical skill and|advisors and counsellors rather ofjtone balance necessary for althan scoutmasters. Mrs. Jan Drygala and thanked Megan Drygala announced that) jthe program had _ been com-| pleted for the Young Artists'} Jellied Applesauce fie aoe "Music demands color, _bal-| Dessert Or Relish | If your family is bored with | Variety is the spice of the just plain applesauce, give it a/R jellie sauce con-| that satisfied feeling which pro- ' marmalade and chopped nuts,|Cool. When ially se "poh ok - s, ' partially set, fold motes energy and _ alertness ae dry as quickly as pos- MARRIAGE or chopped dates and nuts toljin applesauce. Chill (mold if Serve dessert garnish-| 11967 at 8.00 p.m. with the Rey- jerend Charles Catto officiating. for crunchiness, milk or cocoa,|damage cannot be completely cookies and canned or iresh |remedied except by reweaving rf fruit. superficial burn! |However, a If you want to be sure the/can be improved by clipping! chicken or turkey stay fresh/off blackened ends of tufts with) even though stored in a hot'small sharp scissors. locker or desk all morning) Area Rugs -- Turn your rugs either wrap in moisture-vapour|around once or twice a year.|the University of Montreal's proof' material and freeze|This helps to distribute the|law journal, in its 16 years ahead of time or pack a small|wear over their entire surface|The youngest in her class, she can of frozen tomato juice injand adds extra years tojis overseeing a special centen- GIRL TAKES CHARGE MONTREAL (CP) --Anne- Marie Trahan, 20, is the first woman 'student to edit Themis, beautiful bulkies a the lunch box. Just store the their life. \nial issue. unopened can in the freezer compartment of the refrigera- Another tor overnight. Wrap it in wax- feature of ed paper or plastic film before our Month- packing it on top of the well- end Sale. chilled but not frozen chicken. Acrylic The tomato juice will thaw and cardigans with provide a refreshing drink for Hand-knit the recess or the afternoon a hand-kni office break, that is, of course, F r look. Three providing a straw and opener » Le or all your styles available has been included with the F\ drapery needs see in white, beige, lunch. blue, pink. Devilled eggs, soft rolls 36-40 Betty Haydl INTERIOR DECORATOR 15 King Street East CUSTOM MADE DRAPES Phone 725-2686 spread with peanut butter or a nut crunch type of spread and a sweet mustard relish or chopped sweet pickle, a wedge of crisp cabbage, small toma- to, milk and a favorite tart or piece of cake. Don't forget a little shaker or package of sait and pepper. One of the season- ed salts and peppers are a ' nice addition for a little flavor lift for many lunch. box items. } A small wide-mouth 'vacuum bottle opens up many possibili- Na i Fashions since 1867 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE lunches and compliments for| Oil-Based Stains -- Remove|Qshawa, wish to announce the|appetizing spread. Another/ed with whipped cream and| yo#wiien they return home. excess material, absorbing|marriage of their daughter,|tasty filling combines crisp|gumdrops. Serve condiment | Cooked chicken leg or turkey|liquids by blotting and scrap-|Sandra Anne to Malcolm David|bacon crumbles and _pickle|with pork. Makes approximate-| wing (roasted, baked, broiled, | ing semi-solids. Apply dry-|Stewart, Oshawa, son of Mr.'relish with the cream cheese. lly six dessert servings. | simmered or fried), buttered Cleaning fluid such as solvent}and Mrs. Sydney Stewart, buns or bread sandwiches fill- SParingly. Then blot with|Peterborough. The ceremony ed with jelly or cranberry /towels and brush pile gently. |took place at Hampton United sauce, carrot and celery slicks) Cigarette Burns -- Cigarette/Church, Friday, February 24, ties for variety in the packed lunch. | | | in| o« Wemen THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, February 28, 1967 15 +708 « Guest speaker at St. tion in Schools." Introduced by Mrs. Melnychuk, the speaker gave taught in schools; the method|to sing in four parts, and jand the aims of such a pro-jit was at this stage that they |gram. realized the satisfaction of | "In a world filled with di- verse ouflets for the arts, for jexample, films, |libraries, live dramatics the jatre and opera, the need to de- jumental. Through a carefully planned and executed music |program throughout elemen- {tary school, good taste and dis- jcrimination -can be developed," she explained. Miss Durkin pointed out that music was of great value in adding interest to various sub- jects, such as geography, liter- ature, language, art; physical education and dancing. Beginning in Kindergarten, \the speaker explained that the {pupils first developed rhythm rhythm bands, musical games, simple songs, and records for John and records, Good Taste In Music Could Be Developed In Elementary School Ger- used in simple exercises, which trude's Catholic Women's|were gradually League meeting was Miss Pau-) that line Durkin, music consultant'reached grade six, they for Oshawa Separate Schools,'able to read songs, sing in two whose topic was "Music Educa-|part harmony, the Elementary appreciate good music. With the use of film strips learned the background -- of an interesting and enlightening/many great composers. In the explanation of why music was/senior grades they were able increased by the time listen they history and creating beautiful music. "Through this program, it is television, | hoped that pupils would acquire a broad interest in music, some the velop a sens> of values is mon-|reading of music, and a defi- [be appreciation of the finer skill and performance in so the pupils were} } to and things in life," Miss Durkin said. The speaker was thanked by Prints have a quiet Mrs. James Noonan. glow all their own and Prior to the meeting,| since this is the "year of speeches were given by rel the print', a colorful print {winners of the public speaking} blouse will certainly be jcontest from St. Francis} fashion right and will do school. Trophies were awarded| much to enhance a solid- jto Lynda Gallop and Joseph | colored tailored or pants |Simiani, and prizes went to} suit. This particular blouse {Dawn Kennelly and Gerry} with a soft cowl neck and {Kane, the runners-up. long cuffed sleeves has just | Mrs. Poltz announced that! the proper and lovely body and tonal senses, aided by the|the CWL Regional dinner for'| Seana Uanaas: | use of teacher accompaniment, |Ontario County South would be| . ine Denis Steak Sandwich }held April 18, at |O'Connor High School in }dancing, physical education. or| Whitby. |just listening. The scale and staff were in-|announced for the March mee) troduced in grade two and) A night of Recollection. was ing. Changing Program Of Scouting ' Explained To D The highlight of the Oshawa District Committee for Scout Group Auxiliaries', February meeting was.a talk by the Osh- awa District Scout Executive Mr. Richardson spoke on, "The changing program of scouting," being adopted by all branches of the scout move- jment and designed to hold the |boy by creating special interests for boys from seven or eight up| to 23 years of age. j | A choice of interests were) javailable and the boy would be jencouraged to take the initia- tive. Scouters would become the various branches of the {movement. The president, Mrs. Frank istrict Auxiliary Gravelle, reported that. a visit had been made to Hillsdale Manor, at which time on behalf of the District Committee, a Canadian Scout Pin, comprising the Maple Leaf and Scout Em- blem combined, had been pre- sented to a past - president, Mrs, William Corbett. Mrs. Cor- bett-was the charter president and served a total of nine years as president and still maintains a keen interest in scourting. Mr. Richardson announced that Oshawa would be well rep- resented at the World Jamboree by 11 scouts plus leaders; that | ' . --A Man's Dish | When the chips are down land the party dull, it's time to jserve a sophisticated open-face |steak sandwich, The home eco- jnomists of the Consumer Sec- |tion, Canada Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, offer this hearty Canadian variation of| the Danish open-face sandwich. | Saute mushrooms (about six per person) in a little butter. | For each person, fry one min-! ute steak and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Split one hamburg bun, toast and spread each half with butter, Place steak on one side of of butter and horseradish taste. Garnish with parsley. Arrange mushrooms and off colored pattern simplicity to set the multi - to great advantage. graphed by the American Printed Fabrics Council, the blouse by Gregg Draddy is fashioned of 100 per cent wool and will be more than a welcome, dramatic addi- tion to costumes for year- round wear. Try combining Photo- it, when entertaining at home or for after-six re- sort wear, with a _ long sweeping divided skirt. The effect will have terrific eye- appealing impact --By TRACY ADRIAN *| know it makes a lovely light but its 3am! yume} \ i) y\ to | BAA several scouts would be on duty|sliced pepper on other side of| (she just can't bear to turn off her at Expo 67 and that the Queen|bun, Serve hot with slices si LIGHTING UNLIMITED cout ceremony for Lakeland | The new multiple stage badge|Region would be held at Orillia, Mr. Geen was introduced by|system was explained, as were April 29. It was decided to hold the next meeting of District Com-lada's favorite, Cheddar, makes mittee in April. tomatoes and whole green onions. A cheese tray, featuring Can a perfect finale to the evening. | | CARPET GLEANIN If your rug is valuable to you. . . it deserves the very best... no more. Modern equipment, skill and only fully experienced men guarantee you the best of results when we clean your soiled rugs, whether it be wall-to- wall or loose rugs. Other services offered by Angus-Graydon are binding, Tem CARPET CLEA SS SH SOM SST TTT SST SSSos and repairing, fringing, dying, alterations and custom installations. Pp 9 ging, dying The Cost Is ONLY 10c per square foot Example 9' x 12' Only $10.80 ANGUS-[;RAYDON it costs "Carpet Clean TELEPHONE CARPET COMPANY LIMITED ing Division" 728-6254 amp) " \ 7 STORES - TORONTO ne '| HAMILTON » OSHAWA®

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