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Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Mar 1967, p. 24

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24 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Merch 1, 1967 It's Still The Freezin' Season But Hot "Action" Classifieds Will Thaw Things Out! Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY 8--Articles for Sale to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. SIMPSONS- SEARS Accountants Building Trades Musical Services TV--Radio Repairs BOB CLANCY'S ACCOUNTING Service. Complete bookkeeping service, 178 Sim- coe Street North, 725-0397. Res. 723-7605. WILLIAM C. HALL, B-Comm., Charter- ed Accountant, 36% King Street East. Telephone Oshawa 725-6539. HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO., Charter- ed Accountants, Financial Trade Build- ing, 167 King Street East, Oshawa, On- tario, 725-3509; $. T. Hopkins, CA; H. E. Beadie. CA; E. Lukow, CA. YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND CO., Char- tered Accountants. Licensed Trustees Bankruptcy. Oshawa, 728-7371 GORDON R. DAY, Certified General Suite 205W, Oshawa Shop- Accountant, ping Centre, 725-9953. JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chartered accoun- Street Licensed Trustee, 17 Bond Telephone 723-4833. tant, East, No Down Payment Monthly Instalments AVAILABLE for bookings, or or Latin, Telephone 728-8849. versatile union organist, own organ. (Optional duo trlo, It required.) Modern, Blues, Jazz 24 HOUR SERVICE TELEVISION -- P ADIO T.V. RENTALS 524 Simcoe Street North, Remodelling Nursery Schools So eee TODDLERS PARADISE @ Kitchens FROBEL -- MONTESSORI @ Recreation Rooms Day Nursery School In} @ Garages Let your child enjoy this won A new department of Osh- Coa oe a pected ewa's Quality Builder KASSINGER CONSTRUCTION Call today for Free Estimates 728-7583. Blueprinting ment call 723-0734. Painting and Decorating INTERIOR decorating, paper palnting, hanging, wood finishing, Free estimates. BELL DRAFTING Ltd., 52% Blueprinting and photostatic copies. and -- reproductio! Simcoe Street North, 723-4661. ig Roofing and Construction. 725-6937. Building Trades Call 942-2401 For: @ ADDITIONS @ REMODELLING Industrial and residential, free estimates, dependable quality workmanship. SANDON CONSTRUCTION CO. (A Division of Armstrong Homes) DO IT NOW! ROOFING hot tar and gravel, shingles, repairs, large and small jobs. L. and H. ALL TYPES BUILDING REPAIRS -- roofing, chimneys, eavestroughing, fire- places, masonry. Gord May, Whitby 668- 2774, Upton's Painting, 723-2977. 2%4-HOUR EXPERT painting and deco- rating, done by an expert. Guaranteed. Telephone 728-7843, Plumbing and Heating PAINTING, DECORATING, _turnitur refinishing. Reasonable rates. Free est mates, K. Horner, 668-8377, 728-6869. ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING sup- r plies. Telephone 725-3521, Harold H. Stark "ILtd., Plumbing, Heating and Engineéring, 255 Simcoe Street South. Carpentry REMODELLING, trim work, cupboards, ALL TYPES OF REPAIRS and remodel- HOLMES ELECTRONICS PHONE 668-5679 T.V. Rentals New Sets ALCAN FURNITURE and APPLIANCES 452 Simcoe South 723-0011 POOR RECEPTION Waiting for CABLE TV? RENT A ling, new and used materials. Reasonable rates, Estimates free. 723-1191, J. Foley. TV TOWER recreation rooms, and stairs. Free estl- mates. Telephone 725-7044, Rug - Upholstery Service Telephone 723-8131 CARPENTRY -- New ano repairs, block and cement work. Free estimates. 728-7680 QUALITY carpentry and general re- pairs. Serving Oshawa district for many yrs. Honest, dependable service. 725-8576 |Cartage PROFESSIONAL RUG CLEANI NG 2 Day Service Free Pick-Up and Delivery REPAIRS ALTERATIONS ADDITIONS HOMES-OFFICES-FACTORIES Rec Rooms and Kitchens © Specialty, James Allen & Sons 725-6126 MOBILE SERVICES UNLIMITED Pick-up and Delivery 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. Immediate Service Dial Operator (O) and ask for Mobile J. R. 8-3908 Oshawa After 9 p.m., 728-9293 Angus-Graydon 728-6254 2 FOR 1 RUG CLEANING SPECIAL Charge on the largest rug. Pick up and delivery at same NEED HELP In @ hurry? Place a Hel Wanted ad now by dialing 723-3492. ip Drapery Service CLASSIFIED RATES WORD ADS Cash -- 1 insertion ef 24 words, 1.20; odditional words, 5¢ each; 3 consecu- tive insertions of 24 words, 3.24; addi- tional words 131%g¢ each; 6 consecu- 4 words, 5.76; addi- tive insertions of tional words 24¢ each. Chorge--10 per cent additional charge if not paid within 8 days. Method of Counting. -- Less than 24 words counts @s 24 words; each word initial, figure or abbreviation counts as one word; phone number counts two words. BIRTHS -- DEATHS -- SOCIAL NOTICES $2.25 per insertion with 25 cents addi- tional charge if not paid within 8 days IN MEMORIAMS $2.25 for the first 35 words ond Sc each thereafter plus 12c per line of/sionally. verse; 25c additional charge if not paid within 8 days. CARD OF THANKS $2.25 for the first 38 words and 6c eoch thereafter with 25¢ additional charge if not pald within 8 doys. COMING EVENTS $2.24 per inch (display); $1.75 for the first 20 words and 6¢ each thereafter (Word Ads). AUCTION SALES $2.24 PER INCH PER INSERTION, DEADLINES WORD ADS 5 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS OST AND FOUND $ o.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION BIRTHS AND DEATHS 9 a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION IN _MEMORIAMS and CARD OF THANKS 5 p.m, DAY PREVIOUS CLASSIFIED DISPLAY 1 column--4 p.m, day previous; 2 col- umns or larger -- 10 a.m. day previous. CANCELLATIONS AND CORRECTIONS 9 a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION Any advertisement cancelled before publication will be eharged one day's insertion, BOX NUMBER RENTAL $1.00 While every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box mumbers to the odvertisers as soon as possible, we ac- cept no liability in respect of loss or damaged alleged to arise through either foilure or delay in forwarding such re- plies, however caused whether@by negli- gence or otherwise, The Times will not be responsible for replies uncalled for in 20 days. REGULATIONS THE OSHAWA TIMES WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBIE FOR ERRORS IN ADVER- TISEMENTS SUBMITTED OTHERWISE THAN IN WRITING NOT FOR MORE THAN ONE INSERTION OF ANY AD- VERTISEMENT NOR BEYOND THE PRICE CHARGE FOR A SINGLE IN- SERTION IN WHICH ERROR OCCURS. The Oshawa Times reserves the right to 723 classify advertising according to its proper classification. In the cases of display. advertisements The Times will not be held responsible for more space thon that which the actual error occupies. The publishers endeavor to reproduce all adverising matter correctly, but assume no liability of advertisement it any inaccuracies in any form are contained therein, IT'S EASY TO PLACE A TIMES ACTION WANT AD Call Classified Direct Oshawa's Only Dentistry CAREFOOT, DR. JOHN M., __Denta Surgeon, 172 King Street East, Oshawa. For 728-5171. DECORATOR FOLD DRAPERY SERVICE address. OSHAWA CLEANERS 1700 SIMCOE ST. N. y 725-9961 INTERIORS by WINDOLF @ Custom Upholstery @ Re-Covering @ Antiques Restored 39 Simcoe N. MODERN DRY CLEANERS 728-4614 Dressmaking DRESSMAKING, ALTERATIONS and re-styling ladies', men's and children's wear, Fast, expert service. Mrs. Van Den Berghe, 287 Currie Ave., 728-1823. DRESSMAKING -- Expertly fitted sults, coats, dresses. Beautifully tailored slip- .|covers, drapes. Mrs. Toms, 668-2372. 728-3651 CHESTERFIELDS re-upholsterea and re-styled. Free estimate. See our mate- rial for re-covering. Slip covers made to order. Dalton Upholstering, 75 Charles Street, 723-7212. RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts. Estab- lished 20 years. Workmanship guaran- teed. Free estimates. Credit terms. Mat- tresses - re-bullt,, furniture _re-finished. aan Upholstering, 287 Dean Avenue, 1. Sales and Service DRESSMAKING, alterations, spring out- fits, vacation wear. Work done profes- Telephone 668-8756. Gardening and Supplies "Snow Time" ICE SALT WATER SOFT SALT CALCIUM CHLORIDE WILD BIRD FEED SUNFLOWER SEED BIRD FEEDING STATIONS POTTING SOIL PEAT POTS SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 Fast T.V. Service DOMINION TELEVISION 728-5154 9am. to9 p.m. 2%4-HOUR TV SERVICE, nae, repairs. City TV. 725. towers, anten- -0500. JOE'S COLOR TV and Radio Fast repairs. European radios a cialty. -13 Bond W., 576-1670. ED'S TV TOWER and aerial All work guaranteed. Telephone 1--Women's Column HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL PRICES OSHAWA BEAUTY SALON 15 KING ST. EAST OSHAWA APPLIANCE REPAIRS Expert repairs to all makes eof washers, dryers, ranges, ete. @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ (Next to Morks Theatre upstairs) PHONE 723-7011 PERS tes: iets wee including Shampoo and Set and Cut. TAMERS es area sec 5.95 Including Shampoo and Set STRGAKA ieee s s 5.95 Including Shampoo and Set TIPPING boas 5.95 Service. spe- service. 728-6879. ALCAN FURNITURE and APPLIANCE 452 Simcoe S. -- Oshawa Telephone 723-0011. PEAT STRIPS | PLANT BOXES GARDEN SEEDS VERNICOLITE washers Call 728-1742 or 723-001) makes, New and ranges. hoses. NEW, USED -- vacuums, polishers. Re- pairs « Jack Lees, 728-6956. GUARANTEED REPAIR to all wringer Free estimates Phone ROOTING COMPOUND PURITY DOG MEAL Surveyors PET SUPPLIES DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, tario Land Surveyor, On- Commercial blue DELIVERY SERVICE ESTABLISHED 1909 Money to Loan A LOAN up fo $9,000 to consolidate your bills by arranging first and second mort- gages. Need good credit. 725-1423. 1 WILL LOAN you up to $5,000 at a reasonable rate of interest to con- Solidate your 'bills or for any other worthwhile purpose providing you are steadily employed and have good credit. 4631. Mortgages MORTGAGE LOANS Moneys available for first and second mortgages. Open 723-3492 INDEX TO CLASSIFICATIONS 1--Women's Column 2--Personal 3--Sportsman's Columa 4--Motorcycles 5--Trailers 6--Marine Equi 7--Swap and Barter 8--Articles for Sale 9--Market Basket 10--Farmer's Column ll--Pets and Livestocs 12--articles Wanted 13--Articles for Rent 14--Business Opportunities 15--Employment wanted 16---Agents > Want 17--Female Help Wanted 18--Male Help Wanted 19--Male or Female Help Wanted 20--Real Estate For Sale 20a--Summer Properties 21--Farms for Sale 2--Lots for Sale 2%3--Real Estate Wanted ' 24--Stores Offices and Storage 25--Houses for Rent 26--Apartments for Rent? 27--Rooms for Rent 34Automobile Repair 35--tost and Found cent. Open and no bonus. Call ti 723-4631. skied a FIRST AND SECOND mortgages, sale agreements purchased 'and sold. Hennick and Hennick, Barristers, 3) King Street East, 723-7232, FIRST AND SECOND mortgages avall- able. W. Schatzmann Realtor, Street North, Whitby, 668-3338, mortgages. No bonus. First mortgages, second mortgages and agreements for sale pur- chased. M. F. SWARTZ 26% King St. East Oshawa, Ontario 723-4697 Ly SERVICE COLOR ; prints, 11 Ontarlo Street, 725-5632. 723-4641 Cooper-Smith SP se sat oy wae co. TV--Radio Repairs RAMBLER TRAILERS 16 Celina St. SALE -- RENT 723-2312 723-1139 Coen Sunny F<0 PM or BLACK and WHITE F OR THE BEST CALL TELEVISION FOR eae CLEANER, SHARPER TV RECEPTION YOUR OWN iy TOWER 728-5143 Corner Bond and Division Ist and 2nd MORTGAGES @ RESI < xy @ COMMERCIAL J @ INDUSTRIAL Immediate service and even- ing appointments. Complete details call Doug Terwillegar. BRANCH REALTY INVESTMENTS LTD. 723-8131 T.V. TOWERS "BUILT IN OSHAWA" AT OUR OWN PLANT We give you « better tower for less money. OSHAWA T.V. Gust East of Ritson) 723-8132 51 King E. 723-1157 i Teleph 9 a sis S U pp LY LTD. ater' 6 na a Port Perry 985-7028 Hite Abn LL 1966 FIBERGLAS run-about 50-horse- avaliable SESE ert money TAUNTON RD. E. Power engine and equipment. Asking DAILY NEWSPAPER READERS An average 300 dally million copies 114 Brock | 37--Auctions 3--Coming Events t--Net leas help you phrase your ad. $s are sold throughout the world on any given weekday, That's why it's smart business to ad- base in The blag Seis Section + +.» ls so popular. It's the one place FILL SPARE ROOMS with paying guests.| people look for your ad.' To f Phone 723-3492 now for an ad-writer to | offer before 23,000 subscriber-readers at tow cost, just dial 723-3492. get your of 8,000 Including Shampoo and Set EXPIRY. DATE: MARCH. 30th, 1967 SPECIAL -- COLD WAVE permanents, $3.98; all dresses to be cleared at cost and less. Mrs. Hazel Storks, Towne Beauty Salon, 14% Bond St. E., 725-9356. 2--Personal Removal of superfluous hoir Marie Murduff will be .in Oshawa, Mar. 6th, 7th and 8th. Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appoint- ment. ELECTROLYSIS BUDDY TRAILERS PORT HOPE Lot at 401 and 28 CAMPING TRAILER rental reservations new being taken for Expo and Summer vacations, Book now and avoid disappoint- ment. Phone Kamping Unlimited 728-9942. GOING TO EXPO? Rent a trailer. Tent trailers and cabin trailers, Reserve now. Wilde Rental Service and Sales, Whitby 668-3226. HOLIDAY AND ROCKET cabin trall- ers; V2-ton Truck Campers; 1967 models in stock. Wilde Rental Service and Sales, Whitby, 668-3226. 5A--Camping CAMP SITES for Expo. Tents $3.50 daily. Trailers $5.00 -- eight miles from Expo. For reservations write Art. Field, RR 1, Little Britain, Ontario. 6--Marine Equipment CHRIS CRAFT SALES ond SERVICE McVay fibreglas sail boats, Crestliner, Peterborough and Northcraft runabouts. Evin- rude outboard motors. OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN 723-8186 "STARCRAFT," Grew Traveller boats. Evinrude motors. Open seven days a week. Marine Storage and Supply Ltd., Brooklin, 655-3641. FINAL CLEARANCE, 1966 Chrysler out- boards. Only a few left. Full 2 year warranty. 5 snow-mobiles, new and used. Wilde Rental Serivce and Sales, Whitby, 668-3226, FIBREGLASS BOAT, windshield and steering controls. List price $795. Selling $475. Also Chrysler motor. Six miles east of Oshawa at Solina Rd. and No. 2 Hwy. HANDYMAN'S 26' cruiser, Almost com- pleted. Telephone 728-7245. 30' HOUSEBOAT with 75 HP outboard, sleeps eight, galley, head dinette and $1,050. Telephone 728-2675. 7--Swap and Barter 6 AND '64 GMC nalf-ton pickup; '57 Chev. sedan; '60 Buick; boat and Tiit- trailers. Plumbing supplies, pumps, laun- dry tubs, three-piece bath set, $60. Chinn, corner of Hillside and Park S. RESULTS? Use Times CLEARANCE Last 3 days of operation Count Down still time to save many dollars on our aged stock. Some scratch- ed, dented or soiled but all carry Simpson's-Sears Coast to Coast Warranty. RANGES AUTO WASHERS DRYERS REFRIGERATORS FREEZERS TELEVISIONS STEREOS DRASTICALLY REDUCED A Few Samples Are Listed Below. 4 only -- 30" ELECTRIC RANGES, auto-timed oven, infinite heat on all burners, rotissiere, a $21.95 value. $169.95 2 only -- SOFT HEAT ELEC- TRIC DRYERS, 'in beautiful coppertone. Exclusive soft heat eleminates over drying and scorching of fabrics. Air- fluff for the softest, fluffiest clothes ever. Reg. $169.95 $149.95 / 2 only -- ELECTRIC DRY- ERS, soft heat reduces os your clothes become dryer, no danger of over drying, plus automatic drying cycle, shuts off machine when clothes are dry. Reg. $219.95. $189.95 2 only -- 14 cu. ft. FROST- LESS REFRIGERATOR-FREEZ- ER. Ends messy defrosting forever. Large 127 Ib. Freez- er, porcelain crispers, roll out shelf -- at this low price you cannot afford not to buy. Reg. $344.95, $269.95 1 only -- 18 cu. ft. FREEZ- ER FLASH DEFROST. Defrosts itself in 15 min. No bother- some scraping and cleaning. Fast freeze throughout for tastier, fresher foods, Porce- lain lined for a lifetime of satisfaction. Reg. $249.95, $224.95 1 only. -- 23 cu. ft. FREEZ- ER, diamond hand acrylic liner, fast freeze throughout the whole machine. 5 year warranty on. unit. Reg. $229.95, $199.95 1 only 23" CONSOLE TELEVISION, 28 tube func- tion for sharp clear pictures. Power transformer. Parallel wired tube circuitry, well de- signed . cabinet in popular contemporary style. Reg. $239.95. $214.98 3 only -- STEREOS./ Beauti- fully styled walnut cabinets, AM-FM radio. 4 speed re- cord changer, all transistor chassis, under warranty for 5 full years. 6 speakers. A truly wonderful buy. Reg. $389.98. $299.98 1 only -- HI-FI STEREO. 4 speakers for crisp clear sound. 4 speed stereo record changer. Hi-Fi, AM-FM_ radio. Reg. $279.95. $219.95 2 only -- 19" PORTABLE TELEVISION, slim and sleek with up front controls, exclu- sive with Silvertone. 20,000 volts of picture brightness. Solid state power supply. Complete hearing-aid type earphones. Reg. $229.98. $204.00 2 only -- BICYCLES. Reg. $44.95. $35.00 2 only -- DINETTE SETS, Reg. $99.88. $84.88 3 only -- SOCKET SETS. Reg. $59.99. $49.95 1 only -- VACUUM CLEAN- ER. 1 H.P. Reg. $44.88. $34.88 3 only -- 9" POWER SAWS. Reg. $59.88. $49.88 Due to the low. price and the high quality of the advertised merchandise, response has been high. Shop early and SCOTT'S SCRAP BOO! WHAT 15 REQUIRED By LAW' BE ADDED 4o WHYTE BREAD FLOUR IN 27 SIATES B-COmPLEX VISAMINS an IROX, | DRE HOME. HEANEY STAKES COARIEBEAN GROUP) ing Femere Brediewmn be Wel ge cama By R J. SCOTT y K ENGLISHMAN, SIR VOHN PRESTWILH, DESIGHED HE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNYIED STATESe 8--Arrticles for Sale 8--Articles for Sale NOW SIX SERVICE BAYS FOR FASTER SERVICE WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL Chev., Dodge, Ford, Ply- mouth, Pontiac. We correct wheel alignment, inspect and correct castor and camber, align toe-in and toe-out to correct condition... $6.88. @ Parts extra if required @ Torsion bar adjustment extra. e BRAKE SPECIAL Most popular cars. First Quality Royaline. 4 wheels. $14.88 Plus $2.00 per wheel (labor cost) e WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL Including weights per wheel each $1.95 SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, FRONT-END WORK AT COMPARABLE PRICES UNIROYAL CENTRES The New Name of DOMINION TIRE STORES 17 Park Rd. S. Phone 725-6511 FOR SALE -- USED TV A-1 Condition TRIO TELEVISION 728-5143 35 Division St. CITY TV televisions, radios, service and repairs. Service dept. open 7 days a week. Also T.V. towers, color and black and white T.V. Anten- nas, rotors installed. Sales and Service 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 248 Quebec St. Call 725- 0500. All work guaranteed. VACUUM REPAIRS, all makes, hoses, Fleming Vacuum Service, Main Street, Pickering, MATTRESS BARGAINS. All types of mat- tresses, all reduced. Smooth-top mat- tresses, $29.3 crib mattresses, $9.88; mat- tresses for bunk beds, $16.88; roll-away cots complete, $19.88 Wilson's Furni- fure, 20 Church Street. brushes, etc. Pick-up, delivery, 942-0213, | Pe 10--Farmers' Column 17--Female Help Wanted DEAD AND CRIPPLED farm stock pick- ed up promptly. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. Telephone Collect Hampton 263- 2721. Licence 4-C-66. 1956 TERNATIONAL FARM tractor BABYSITTER to mind two children while mother works, live-in. Telephone Oshawa 576-3824, BE A BEAUTY CONSULTANT. Show- case Cosmetics offers top profits and 11--Pets and Livestock for sale, equipped with snow plow anditraining, Telephone 725. ters front-end loader. Telephone 726-2757. |yiewn" Tele?' nn ee FREE RENT for reliable couple or widow in exchange for babysitting, five. FILLY and quiet pony mare broken and trained. Will sell separately or as pair. Telephone Hampton 263-2790. COZY-J RANCH, Reg'd. German herds, pups. horse. Pony. Pinto. Western saddles, equipment, clothes. Ashburn, 655-4662. DOG CLIPPING -- Superior Shep- for training, talking strein. Appl Broad, 114 Elgin East. PROFESSIONAL DOG SERVICES Clipping, all breeds, poodles our spe- cialty. Free pick-up and delivery; board- Ing and training. Doberman Pinschers and German Shepherd puppies for sale. Dachurst Kennels, 655-3881. Telephone 942-1507. . Show mare in foal to quarter work at lowest prices, Call and compare. 728- 9609. BEAUTIFUL BABY . BUDGIES, ey y 1 Chestnut with white blaze and stock- ings. Telephone 728-4872. WANTED -- good home for registered West Highland Terrier, $75. Call 728-3812, evenings. FEMALE, RED AND WHITE Cocker Spaniel. Pedigree papers. Best offer. day week. For further information apply 1555 Evangeline Drive after 6. 18--Male Help Wanted _ SET-UP MAN For production with proven machine shop practice, Day shift 8 a.m. - 4:30. Good opportunity for right man. For appointment call FOR SALE -- British Bulldog, male. ea col AD aa lM cht CENTRALAB CANADA LTD, REGISTERED AMERICAN saddle-bred mare, four-year-old, broken to show. 942-1540 Mrs. Axhorn--Personne! Dept. SHIPPER- RECEIVER FOR SALE -- Two brown and five black trimmed with white, beagle pups, five weeks old, $2. each. Telephone 668-6645. 12--Articles Wanted WANTED -- Small size office safe. Telephone 723-7566. TRUNK OF ANY SIZE and filing cabj- net, good condition. Telephone 728-2774. GOOD USED FURNITURE wanted, etc. Highest prices. Call anytime. Mac- Neil's Furniture, 668-5481, 668-6526. 13--Articles for Rent Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal Wear, Men's Formals, White Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. SARGEANT'S RENTALS 463 Ritson Rd, $. 725-3338 Mature mon required by ex- Panding company, Must have ing experience, grade 11 ed- Previous shiping and receiv- ucation ,be wiling to accept responsibility and own a chauffeur's licence. In return we offer a good starting rate and opportunity for the future. Reply giving full particulars to BOX M49329 OSHAWA TIMES MACHINIST and TOOL MAKER Full or Part-Time Steady job, top wages and ENTERTAINING? Fifty to one hundred ple? Oshawa Tennis Club for ban- quets, parties, weddings, Bar, kitchen, parking. 723-7726. WHEEL CHAIRS, hosplitel beds, walk- ers, reducing machine: ick room sup- plies. Ald Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644. benefits. Telephone LINDSAY 324-5212 14--Business Opportunities el nd TWO-PIECE CHESTERFIELD, two end tables, one coffee table, two table lamps. All in good condition. Box 57293, Osh- awa Times. CLOSED FOR HOLIDAYS -- Feb. 15 March 15. Bill Hamilton, Raglan. © refrigerator, Westinghouse range, top condition. Apply 153 Taunton Road East. BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap- pliances. Call Elmer, 263-2294, 263-2695. FURNITURE -- three rooms of new fur- niture, Pay only $15 monthly. Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe S$. FREE! Furnace cleaned, adjusted tree. Guaranteed trouble-free winter if you aces from Wesetrn Oll Company. TYPEWRITER, electric, $75; standard, $30; adding machine, $20; cash register, $35. Electric Multiplier, 723-4434, COFFEE TABLE and end table, good Stretch your food dollar, SAVE 15-20% ON YOUR FOOD BILL. Stock your freezer ready for lay-off etc. If you already own a freezer you can still join our famous food club and get all 15 valuable privileges. Savings and quality guaranteed. Freezer = and_ shopping privileges for as little as $198. For more information or appointment phone Oper- ator B, 723-1163. Chambers Food Ltd. 933 Ritson South HEINTZMAN PIANO & ORGAN SPECIALS Slightly used Estey chord or- gan $365. Used Lowrey or- gon $365. New Gerhard, Heintzman and bench, wal- nut $629. reg. $729 -- you save $100, full 10 year worranty. Also see our fine selection of Hammond and Electrohome organs, 79 SIMCOE ST. N. 728-2921 Bargains for baby --: going out of the baby business to make much needed room for furniture -- all stock slashed for quick sale. Spring filled crib mattress with vinyl cover $8.88; High chairs from $7.88; Large size cribs from $19.88; Baby carriages 1966 models from $29.95; Play- pens from $9.88; Strollers -- Lloyd from $12.88; Walkers, Rockers, Jumpers, Commode choirs. WILSON'S FURNI- TURE, 20 Church St. Condition, Telephone 668-4289. THREE-PIECE sectional chesterfleld, In $125. Ti 723- 7675 after 5 p.m. ELECTRIC SEAL % coat, size 14, In Gai Reasonable. Telephone SKATES! A large selection of new and used. Also hockey equipment, bargain priced hockey sticks. Circle Centre, 204 Bond Street East, 725-6344, LIVE MINNOWS, Shiner, Chub, salt, dew worms, Oshawa Live Bait, 859 Nel- son Street at Wolfe East. en evel day. 728-3222. oP if | DISTRIBUTORSHIP VALUABLE AVAILABLE For NEW "DYNAMOTE" POWER CONVERTER Moderate investment required for inventory Vost market and TOOL MAKER To work on Jigs and fixtures, $3.25 per hour. Apply Box 49497 OSHAWA TIMES TRUCK DRIVER To drive stake truck, during spring rush. Needed 6 hours per day. Cooper-Smith Co. 16 CELINA ST. exciting OPERATES POWER TOOLS and MOTORS DIRECTLY FROM YOUR MOTOR VEHICLE WRITE BOX M48063 OSHAWA TIMES ce, USED TIRES, most all sizes, B. aad 88 King Street West. 725- F.115-----Employment Wanted RELIABLE LADY would Iike to do k. Te 723-7237. FIBERGLAS FENDERS from $19.95 and up. New and used auto parts. Re- built starters and generators, 1175 Nel- son St. 725-2162. 2 CU. FT. WESTINGHOUSE freezer, also aluminum doors and windows. Telephone 725-1608. TYPEWRITERS, new, used, sales, serv- jice, ali makes. Free estimates. Call your local Roya! dealer, 728-3664 anytime. Peseta ih edie A brit solace AL, TV TOWER SPECIAL -- 40 ff. structure, EXPERIENCED bookkeeper - typist -- Will keep statements neatly typed. Work accurate, tial, P. confiden' able rates. Write Box 49228, Oshawa Times. HOUSEWORK AND CLEANING ed by the day. Telephone 728-4859. WILL CARE FOR CHILD in my home, east Oshawa. Telephone 725-4356, books at home. Financial ick-up service, Reason- want- all channel antenna, $50. TRIO Television, 728-5143, 17--Female Help Wanted |SUARANTEED, USED wringer washers, |television, refrigerator, etc., $34.50 and up. Alcan Furniture and Appliances, 452 Simcoe South, 723-0011. BRUNSWICK English billiards, table and balls, $200. Telephone 728-3275. SIX USED HAIR DRYERS and chairs, in good condition, Telephone 728-4542. BEDROOM SUITE, like new, $89.; rec- ord player, $15.; amplifiers, $35.; gul- tar, $31.3 high chair, $7.; antique fiddle, $40.; radio, $10.; lamps, $9.; diningroom suite, $40.; washer, $25.; oll space heater, $30. movie camera, $29.; TV $30.; two tires, $5.; coffee, two tables, $22. Before 6 p. 728-4401, VACUUM REPAIRS, all makes, hoses, brushes, etc. MAITRE D'HOTEL For new dining room, must be thoroughly experienced, able to train stoff and or- gonize service. Write Box 49369, Oshawa Times. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY. Larae company has opening for a local resident with business or sale background. In ree questing @ personal Interview, please suty mit a resume stating personal history education and experience to Box 48756 Oshawa Times. SALESMAN OPENING with» larga Canadian Company, age 25 to 35, salary plus commissions and latest training techniques, minimum grade 12 educa- tion, Write Box 47257, Oshawa Time YOUNG MEN between ages 20-23 who are Presently employed and are anxious to have extra $$$. Apply in own handwriting stating present employment, income and age. All replies in strict confidence. Box 49386, Oshawa Times. MEAT CUTTER, part time, by day or after hours. Telephone 668-8251. EXPERIENCED AUTOMOTIVE uphol- sterer for work on aircraft interior re finishing. Full time employment. Box 4100, Station E., Ottawa, Ontario. Avon Calling Ladies living in apartment blocks --- turn your spare 9--Male and Female Help Wanted time into $$$ -- Become an Avon Representative in ro own vicinity -- Don't de- joy PHONE MRS. HILL 725-9696 For Personal Interview Pick-up, delivery, 942-0213, Fleming Vacuum Service, Main Street, Pickering. "4 CUB OUTFIT, size 10; Scout ouifit, size 14; man's black suit, size 40; all good condition. Call 623-5337 after 2 p.m. FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES at Cost price, invoices shown, balance of Honest Cal's stock. Open Saturday only. WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE used furniture or anything you have. The City Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street South, 723-1671. GUARANTEED, USED wringer washers, television, refrigerator, ete., $34.50 and up. Alcan Furniture and 452 TYPIST- RECEPTIONIST Varied duties. Dictaphone and or shorthand a must, Some knowledge of bookkeeping an asset. Experienced girl pre- ferred. Hours 9 - 5, 5-day week, TELEPHONE 728-9406 THREE required, male or femal, time, for Oshawa, Whitby, Bowmanville. Knowledge of hairdressing an asset but BOOKKEEPER Required by fast growing construction company in Osh- awa, Ajax, Whitby area. Highest wages paid to quali- fied person. 723-0701 For Appointment WATCNS has opening for men or ladies to service full or part time established Watkins custom- ers. Excellent earnings. Areas of Ajax, Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville. Write box 49357, Oshawa Times, SALES REPRESENTATIVES full or pats Simcoe South. 723-0011. BOX TRAILER, suitable for hauling. Telephone 723-2684, McCLARY 36" range, good condition. $25. Telephone 723-0046. TV TOWERS SPECIAL 40-foot tower structure, all- channel antenna __ installed, $50. Oshawa TV Supply Limited, Taunton Road East, just east of Ritson Road. BUY AND SELL -- good used furniture and appliances. One location only. Pretty Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271. 21" TV, Westinghouse, $45. Apply 449 Ritson 725-7743 after six. condition, oad =North or EXPERIENCED DINING LOUNGE WAITRESS Required for part time work on week-ends. Knowlege of liquor and beer helpful. Ap- not ie] Wholesale, .15 King St. East RETIRED COUPLE for janitors of small apartment in Whitby. . Telephone 668-8995, a ply in person to Mr. Campbell, telephone 728-4922. shawa Beauty Supply MEN OR LADIES over 2) can make $4 hourly, com part-time with fuller, Can be manager fast. For interviow Genosha Hotel. (no phone calls please). BOLEN'S HUSKI Snow Traveller, 10 HP, dual track, excellent condition. 728- 1203. 1967 SKI-DOO snowmobile by Bombar- dier, world's largest producer of soft RUTHERFORD"S 3-room groups, Living Room, Bedroom, Dining Room. $399, $499, $599, $699. Easy |9__ Market Basket Oshawa Times terms, Immediate delivery or : loyaway. RUTHERFORD' APPLES COCKTAIL WAITRESS 156 Simcoe St. South Second grade Macintosh Experience not necessary. FLOOR COVERIN BARGAINS Clearance of -- discontjhued patterns, thousands of/yards trom 29c ft. ' WILSON'S FURNITURE 20 Church St. soil vehicles and McCulloch chaln saws, now on display. United Rent-All Marine, Oshawa's only authorized Ski-Doo deal- er, 535 King St. E. at Wilson, 728-5565, DINING ROOM HOSTESS For new dining room, must be thoroughly experienced, able to train staff and organ- ize service. Write Box 49370 $1.75 per bushel, first grade Cortlands $2.75 per bushel. We also have first grade Spy's and controiled atmosphere Macintosh, Bring. own con- tainers. Algoma Orchards Ltd. Thickson Rd. N., Whitby THREE-ROOM apartment with bath In exchange for babysitting. References re- quired. p.m. Must be between the ages 21-35. Apply in person, Mr. Campbell GENOSHA HOTEL No Phone Calls Please Telephone 728-7417 after 5.30 avoid disappointment. 43-45 SIMCOE ST. N. Action Want Ads. Phone 728-9411 TIMES ACTION CLASSIFIED ADS BRING RESULTS! ONTARIO No. 1 potatoes, free delivery. Telephone 723-9439, 9A--Eggs & Poultry EGGS "DAISY FRESH" DAILY Picked up, delivered at store or home. MATURE LADY desiring a home, will- Ing to take rge of 8 home with liberal time off. only. Telephone 726-7018. EXPERIENCED bookkee; ce White Feather Farms, Oshawa, 655-4752.|lly, qualified for general office work. cha motherless Abstainer typist, ferences required. Write in own hand- You Are One. of the Thousands Who Read TIMES ACTION ADS EVERY DAY » TO PLACE AN AD TELEPHONE 723-3492 8:30 A.M. TO 5:30 BM, SATURDAY UNTIL 12:00 NOON writing, giving qualifications and for- RENT THAT VACANCY through Rentimer employment: Box 49239, al Ads -- Call 723-3492 for actlant Times. caer ba: in ee ee ee oe vill chair rise | and see | ot $4 2345 IF C IX « you « busy limits room baser ing room night to in: xi Sho: bathr trim, 6%29 tonig! xi ern bedro conie: achoo price down Call | portie Open 9 ar Steve Allan Ernes El. Ar Walte aril i f Morri: Jack Cecil Leon Leono Judi | Kathr Italo Jean 'Verne Georg Lloyd Lucas Dick ' es

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