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Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Mar 1967, p. 3

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| e R B il] | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, March 1, 1967 3 ommons Recommends a ao. | m™ n 1 jhold supplies are bought at \ ee | . ew 0-0 | wholesale prices by the co-op = | and resold at the same price to ccuse anity in ourt : members. Overhead, costs. of wages, rent, insurance and the OTTAWA (CP)--A Commons| 'Detention for an indetermi-) If the judge deemed it in the For Family ie ae ie nee eee committee has. recommended nate time, perhaps for life, fol-| interest of the accused, he could eee ce ; $1 75. te nee immediate adoption of a private lows as a matter of law." i wi bak tmbait OTTAWA (CP)--A new kind *°:"' : A pill that would give the question| 'The committee recommended ca witnesses about identifica- of co-operative for family, The co-op said in its brief, of guilt or innocence precedence that the question of mental con-| {on of the accused as the party purchases of groceries an dj filed with the committee while jin court cases over whether or|dition of the accused should not|TesPonsible for the crime and on household supplies says in alt ci Ned that\ after paying not an accused person is sane.|be settled as a preliminary one.|whether the accused could have cn o alge Parmer iary ee oe pk Sar 550 The justice committee in a re-|{t should at least be postponed|been present when the crime etree ge aaving its food cides. Seid just Sis at _ pcgped = ane, juntil the Crown had presented|was committed without this be- conan ed ieee cent of" heh ' jan practice is to resolve the/its case against the accused and|ing regarded as opening the de- : j question of an accused's mental] in some cases should be put off| fence case. is : The Co-operative Supplies De- NEED FUEL OIL ? ' fitness to stand trial "as soon/yntil evidence for both the fa jury, judge or magistrate Po! of Ottawa, formed-in 1961 , as the court is satisfied that the | Crown and the accused is heard,|returned a verdict of acquittal | With eight families and now has_ CALL |matter is placed in doubt." This |the committee said. for the accused before the ques- 370, is moving early next month PERRY means it is determined as a tion of fitness to stand trial was |'° "EW, quatters large enough to | prelimi sect DRAFTED BY LAWYER erie ral Was 'corve 1,000 b i |preliminary issue at the outset D erve 1, ecause of its suc- : a taint John Munro (i. = Harniiton brought up, the fitness question 7). 723-3443 "Where the accused is found East), a lawyer, drafted the| Would be dropped. GroceHee and "elev. house: DAY OR NIGHT junfit to stand trial under such/ private bill which was referred The committee called as wit- _--_ : decide a jcircumstances not only is there to the committee for study last/nesses Mr. Munro, J. C. Mec-| no opportunity to present de-|summer. Ruer, retired chief justice of fence but the prosecution has| It would 'allow a judge to the Supreme Court of Ontario, : not had to test its case. The postpone any consideration of Barry Swadron, director of a main issue at the trial--inno-|the accused's mental fitness up|Study project on mental health cence or guilt -- is left com-|to the opening of the defence legislation, Dr. M. Boyd, super-| pletely untouched. lease. visor of the Ontario Hospital at Renee - ------ --------- ------ | Penetanguishene, and Gowan T. | '. . a Guest and Dr. J. D. Griffin of| | Three Parties Lavish Praise jthe Canadian Mental Health As- M 0 N EY EA t N § | sociation. | . d E ] ' ) . It said it was "much im- ressed" with a suggest | READING - KEY TO LEARNING, CITY HOME, SCHOOL TOPIC On Retired Employees' Pension presse". 75,2 suzzesn » "Reading--Key to Learn- _-- speakers discuss thej =-~Oshawa Home and School ices, Mrs. N. V. Roe, vices | OTTAWA (CP) -- Represent-|There are 458 retired employ. SPeciat Soong es ge ing" was the topic of a ject. Front row, from left, Council, and Mrs. A. M. president of Oshawa Home Jatives of three political parties|ees and 1,698 widows receiving fat cht aa sa satel ing the 9 symposium organized by are Miss Frances McLeod, Foy, children's librarian at and School Council, and |were lavish in their praise less than $20 a month; 1,201 interests of the accused. the Oshawa Council of Oshawa board of education McLaughlin Library. In the Donald Garrison, Eastdale |Tyesday of a comprehensive|pensioners and 1,903 widows The committee recommended Home and School Associa- Supervisor of Primary back row are Kennedy Collegiate Librarian. (Story |prief urging sweeping improve-|with less than $30; and all told, | 28ainst adoption of another bill "a tions at E. A. Lovell School Services, Mrs. Fay Wand- Skuce, city education board on page 13.) ments in the pensions paid re-/some 25,000 getting less than|Py Andrew Brewin (NDP--Tor- ON TERM DEPOSITS = Tuesday, and here the less, library chairman for Supervisor of Library Serv- --Oshawa Times Photo |tjred federal employees. $100 monthly. Heid iain gees pe hap 5 . Onan Some The 30-page brief by the 115,-| Employees who retired since) 26. "nange Poeun non 0 @ | PARLIAMENT |p00-member Public Service Al-\1953 have received no. in./@Samnity in the Criminal Code.| (1 OR 2 YEARS) Two Men Are cqulite ' anes. ss Canada _ not only |creases. Mr. Edwards said par-| |soug rastic improvementsiticular hardships have bzen ' AT * A " GLANCE \for -- 45,000 pee employ-!caused some pensioners by HEAT WITH OIL GUARANTY TRUST | . lees and widows of retired em-\sharp increases in municipal By THE CANADIAN PRESS | jiovees but went after gains forltaxes i FEDERALLY INCORPORATED AND SUPERVISED i : Ltd. Tax Evasion Charge TORONTO (CP) Samuel Ciglen and Morris Black, bdth of Toronto, were acquitted Tuesday of conspiring to evade the payment of income taxes on $8,000,000 in profits from the} sale of shares in Great Sweet Grass Oil Ltd. and Kroy Oil Ciglen, a 61-year-old lawyer, and Black, a 54-year-old mining promoter, were principals in the longest tax trial in Canada's) history. It took 115 days to hear evidence and_ involved) 1,632 exhibits and more than 11,000 pages of testimony. The Crown alleged Ciglen and Black, with 46 co - conspirators, conspired to evade tax on the profits of sale of the companies, TUESDAY, Feb. 28, 1967 Defence Minister yer withdrew before the Com- | mons defence committee his but in a 117-page judgment| Judge Rogers said a tax-| Judge W. F. B. Rogers found|payer is entitled to order his| those concerned had no inten-|affairs in such a way as to at- tion to defraud the depart- ment of national revenue. Judge Rogers said not only had the government not as- sessed or reassessed either Ciglen or Black, but the Crown in presenting its case hadn't at- tempted to determine what tax should be payable. He said evidence should have been presented by the Crown to show Ciglen and Black were li- lable to pay taxes. He said it is| the duty of the government to examine each return of income tax and assess the tax for the year and the interest and penal- ties payable, if any. Consumers Protest Group raid following the trial. Tells Of Meat Substitution TORONTO: (CP) A con- sumers' my group told the Pp parliamenffry committee on consumer/ prices Tuesday of a supermarket that tied 18 pieces of stew meat together and sold it as a pot roast. Women Against Soaring Prices, a Toronto-based orga- nization which says it is in con- tact with 25,000 consumers, cited the pot roast example in calling for government scrutiny A brief from Edible Oil Foods Institute of Toronto said house- wives could save $15,000,000 a year if the margarine industry was free to produce margarine in any color and if the federal 12-per-cent sales tax was lifted. T. P. Snowden, director of the association of 15 companies pro- ducing edible oils for manufac- turing margarine, said color re- strictions, imposed originally to protect dairy farmers, are no jtract as little liability for tax as possible. "The courts appear to recog-| nize and encourage devices and) strategems by taxpayers which} are designed to reduce their tax load," Judge Rogers said. The case involved a sum of $8,195,128, which Ciglen and Black were supposed to have} made in 1955, 1956 and 1957 by| trading in the two companies. Ciglen and Black claimed the| money they made was a non- taxable capital gain and the government claimed it was in- come earned in the course of} their work. | "It's been a long struggle; it's good to be over," Ciglen| DELISTED STOCKS The case broke in 1957 when the United States Securities and/| roy and Sweet Grass stocks from the American Stock Ex- |change. The RCMP and the Canadian income tax department spent four years investigating the deals of Ciglen and Black and warrants were issued for their arrest May 9, 1961 on charges of conspiring to evade taxes on the $8,000,000 profit made in the 1956 stock sale. | next day and the preliminary| Exchange Commission delisted| Ki accusation that Rear-Admiral William Landymore had been disloyal. The dismissed admiral told the committee in an emo- tional statement that he had never been disloyal. Committee Chairman Grant Deachman said no evidence of disloyalty had been pro- duced and thé admiral should leave without any stigma on his record. The Commons. approved in principle a bill revising oper- ation of industrial profit-shar- ing plans. Mr. Justice Leo Landreville dropped his refusal to testify before a parliamentary com- mittee . investigating his al- leged misconduct. India signed an agreement with. Canada to purchase a second Canadian - designed | CANDU - type nuclear power plant. WEDNESDAY, March 1 | The Commons meets at 2:30 | p.m. EST to give third read- | ing to Immigration Act amendments and rescue de- bate on amendments to the Income Tax Act. The Senate meets at 3 p.m. Hell-. | \future pensioners. The key recommendations: 1. Present pensions be in- creased by. the percentage in-| crease in the consumer price in-| dex since an employee went on| |pension, provided the index has increased at least three per cent and this increase has. per- sisted for at least three months. 2. In future, pensions be in- creased automatically on the same basis. 3. The committee sion increases government salaries." Tax Act of pension benefits. The finance department re consider | the feasibility of additional pen- "commensurate | with productivity increases as) reflected in the index of federal) 4, Exclusion from the Estate | cently supplied figures on the amounts pensioners receive. | taxes, making it almost impos- sible for them to avoid selling |their homes. Stanley Knowles (NDP--Win- |jnipeg North Centre) suggested pension amounts be tied to! wage levels within the public service. Thus a wage index |would be the criteria, rather than the consumer price index as suggested by the alliance. The committee plans further | MeShngs on the topic. | DIXON'S OIL 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS Capital and Reserve $26,000,000 Deposits in excess of $410,000,000 89% of our mortgages, Government Guaranteed Rein Harmatare, Manager Tel. 728-1653 32 King St. E., Oshawa ----- Sluggish Kidneys May Bring Restless Nights turn all through the night and don' really tow why --- perhaps news ang help for you! One cause o sluggish kidney action. Urinary irri tation: and | DRUG FROM THE AIR with The two men surrendered the! copter. The modern way of catching elephants is by shooting them 70 years. New large size saves money, If you "Aght the pillow', toss and here's such restlessness may be traced to bladder discomfort may follow. The result can be backache and restless nights. This is when Dodd's Kidney Pills can help bring relief. Dodd's stimulate kidney action, helps | relieve the irritated condition that causes the backache. Take Dodd's, and see if you don't feel better, rest better. sedatives from a_ heli-| Used successfully by millions for over | ra | f | LEADS AGAIN FREE HOME TRIAL! gimmick marketing. "Dairy farmers today do not jas! panels, a organization appeared) lasting from December, 1961, to} . Sa She "eoinmiittee vith the|Produce enough butter for Ca-|March, 1962. During the hear- TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON e roast, purchased at a Loblaw|nadian needs, forcing the gov-jing, Magistrate Hayes held in- supermarket, along with other ernment to import foreign but-|quiries in Texas, Colorado and : / retail goods that filled two shop-|er. oF New Jersey. 'i TREASU RER A ping bags. | The institute estimates that a}. The trial began almost a year) { The committee heard lijrescinding of the federal tax|later under Judge H. M. Don- \ ' briefs during its crowded ne save the consumer some nie but high be Pang re day sitting. $5,000,000. Another $10,000,000;f0ur months later when Judge : oe ; '; : f Women green Soaring)would be saved "if the discrep-|Donley suffered a heart attack This municipality (population 10,300) requires 24 { Prices, which also has male|ancy between consumption and|and died. a person capable of assuming responsibility for ! : J members and is led by Marg-| domestic production of butter is) In December, 1964, prosecu- the financial records. Experience in municipal aret Rouble, a Toronto house-| met by Canadian margarine in-|tion resumed with the Crown a per as Avie ' wife, called on the federal gov-|stead of imported butter.'? \trying to prove Ciglen and accounting and training in the Municipal Clerks ernment to treat the food in-) Mrs. Bevis Miles of the Ham-|Black, through a series of deals and Treasurer's Course would be preferred. pong! - . poreent ages ilton branch of the Consumers nee bp dormant ---- in whic ie public good, |Association of Canada called|@nd Oil lease owners, made the : sais ; not profits, would come first. for elimination of the 11-per-|$8,000,000 profit. -- on Stith wee tlie dene Come in tomorrow! Make arrangements to watch Westinghouse color television in the comfort of your = SEEK LEGAL CHECKS Piste nies tee od pond wine fe eae peel rll Me " Cc . che Psat Bee eas own. home. Watch Saturday nights' N.H.L. hockey game in living color... Enjoy the best, the networks Py An ee ee ce which "contribute most effect-|profit was made by various OPE IDG SEED CONE Sa offer all day Sunday. THERE'S NO OBLIGATION! We believe that once you have watched color tele- trols or recommendations as pio Be pce oh nag present oe and not by the two vision you will agree "there's nothing like it." Unless you are the person who Would plant @ garden full { ie ~, o stot ee eyed iu phic of black and white flowers. YOU WILL ENJOY COLOR. Do it tomorrow! Take advantage of Cherney's tising firms would like us to be- : ey a lieve," the brief said. : free home trial, 'Sell yourself' on celor. Women's groups representing : = Consumer Association of Can- \ ada branches in bahia on ville and St. Catharines calle @ INSTANT COLOR FIDELITY for introduction of the metric system in the food and packag- m a" Instant color fidelity is achieved through an automatic gs mh i A degaousser. What does it mean to you? Fewer service They also called for grading | ianangn ao : , ie and curbing of promotional calls and eliminations of annoying interference. gimmicks such as games of 4 . Seek Anne Carrier, presi- | i @ CUSTOM DESIGNED CONTROL PANEL } dent of the etapa! Toma Quick, easy identification of channel numbers . . . Humber branch, urged forma- a 'agg ae | tion of a federal department of 54 SIM E R a Keghoesilieasens ~~ Laniips -: | consumer affairs a _ citi- e aig a ae so you to adjust in se | i © true-to-life colors. zens better informed and more aware of manufacturers' gim- HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS g { 7. ther brief Alan F. B. j @ INSTANT-ON COLOR TELEVISION \ uF ugesied 'of Brama-| LEAN, SWEET PEAMEALED U.S. NO. 1 { Taylor, president 0 ram : SUNKIST Instont-on means that your favorite program appears 'c we Crmsoliates hag in in vibrant color only 6-8 seconds ofter the set is turned Central Ltd., suggested that Cen : le Mortgage and Housing Corp. 1) ORANGES : mortgages peg! af a, ic to 50 years so that down pay- \ TUNIN nf ments on houses can be reduced aan al D ¢ @ MEMORY FINE TU G to a point where they are bbe eons BEEF C FRESH PORK : C 0 Now you can avoid fine tuning every time you change iesoar Segatlicchgarmyae ote P R Ib Sh ld ib z channels, Westinghouse MEMORY FINE TUNING pre- ' heusing Aevelopmect in 'Brama- ol oast ou er sets each channel for the best picture and sound only lea, 18 miles west of Toronto. jf ssp bes You ye isi idea channel i BONELESS LEAN ak c CAMPFIRE automatically gives a sharp, clear pic : Action { uaiee SALES! SHOULDER 4 Butt Roast ib MARSHMALLOWS =. * | ee | Add A Bit Of Color To Your Life With Westingh Call a Member of the | LEAN-- C 114%-0Z. I 0 or 0 our I e 1 es in ouse |} 6 & 7 RIBS OSHAWA and DISTRICT ester we Arevalo ; C PKG. i REAL ESTATE BOARD =| Prime Rib ib | CENTRE CHOPS lb | and List Photo | le a | -- » «3 ce ; Freezer special = | BUTTER Bl d R i 1) FRONT sin 453 With hi f2 GE lb ' > cuTe i purchase 0' 3. | " | MOLTIPLE LISTING SERVICE ade moas QUARTER = wrarren Ib | Licht Buibs at regular price. | ) )

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