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Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Mar 1967, p. 17

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WA TIMES, ogee 2, 1967 ARASUUGHRORASSRORASRESRA EE SSRERRSSRRASRESRESERSRARESReReseseaeeensEaT C Powell Morgan, Two Others --------e-- h 2, 1967 17 ! - 4 ! Dundas Dentist (21 #8: MeCubbin, North IGE Bought Shares Racan Photo Co. Miisct Peaddses | mes SK te BECKER : HB was aa LL -- TORONTO (CP) -- The late|were not kept long before being] ' |Deep River, T. Stevenson, C, Powell Morgan and two Tor-|sold at $4 to $9. The shares,| TORONTO (CP)--A Dundas,|Chesley; Alex W. McAuley, onto lawyers bought shares ofjoriginally issued in 1962 at $2,|Ont., dentist, Dr. J, D. Flem-|EIlmyale; W. A, Ferguson, Ati- Racan Photo-Copy Corp. Ltd. in}became worthless in the sum-|ing, has been acclaimed presi-/kokan; G. Wilson, Port 1963 at their highest price, the|mer of 1965 when Racan went|dent of thé Ontario Municipal/arthur:.D. Glass, Aurora: E. ler in Masters' pionship Play) TODAY'S STOCKS [pusiness sporuicHt 'ORONTO 10: .M._ STOCK 10:40 Net royal commission investigating|into bankruptcy. |Electric Association, succeed-| Archdekin, Brampton; A. Ben- peahia Te | i 0A OCKs . soci | anie. Distributed by CP Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge the collapse of Atlantic Accept-- Mr, Solomon recounted his i" Dr. J. E. Wilson of Barrie.!nett, st. Catharines; A. Frame, ORTH Toronto Stock Exchange--March 2/ | pomtar 195 $1B%4 18% 18% ud ; ; cakes mon recoun ; : : ; Quotations in cents unless marked $.| D° "Textile 100. $78% 2014 2814 ance Corp, Ltd. was told Wed-|unprofitable stock-market ven-| 'The OMEA is an association Burlington; G. G. Sills, Sea- Qo x-Odd lot, _xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex-} Eggy Mich 50 $35 35 35 nesday. \ture in answer to questions by ; ie iy forth; G. R. Cook, Preston; 107 rights, xw--Ex-warrants, Net change is} Emco 25 $15' 15¥4 1514 | o 1 of municipal electrical utility R. G. Campbell, Embro; E. W. 92 from previous board-lot closing sale. | Exquisite 100 $8% 8% 84+ Ve | One of the lawyers, Carl M,| Albert M. E. Shepherd, com- Gminisaioners and. councillors: P » ; i. We 875 | Exquite pr 100 $8 8 8 | : |Soiomon, said they bought an|mission counsel, concerning six} oe : *- Curtis, London; J. T. Barnes, EAST MINES Fon fiay re Seis asia la + Ve e e e junspecified number of Racan/$1,000 cheques marked "'re-| Other officers elected Tues-/Sarnia; Edmond Cecil, ul log @AJ10756 10:40 Net | Fed Grain 100 $62 6% 62+ \% shares at $25 or $26 on the rec-|tainer" and another cheque for/day: first vice-president, J. R.|S0°;. D._G. Hugill, Sault Ste, o84 Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge| i Me set ni oie aie COI Ke} H Lic : sso 1a 10] | jommendation of a financial-|$2,500 issued by Mr. Morgan to! phillips Brockville: vice-presi-| Marie. R. Duncan, Coniston. OAS Advocate 100 340 340 340 --10 | Gen Baker 450 $64 6) 6 = Ve public relations consultant, | Mr. Solomon in late-1963 and) so yy op op liwin, Oshawa: | e564 Am Moy rao ae "Sun 'as am) SUMMA 3 sil ab abu) VANCOUVER (CP) --Can-|nomy, especially in the Western|500,000 and Alberta got $48,400,-(Morton Goldhar, one of whose|early 1964 dents, H. F Baléyin, Oshawa: LEWIS DUTH hi ae GL Power 100 $234 Jia Ba -- a ada should take the initiative| provinces ~ \000 of the Japanese market. |Clients at the time was Racan.| D, A. Watt, Orangeville; E. J.| Aree: "aD no 20 a0 i? Grvhid ES) nae ne na ay in exploring possibilities of} He said figures prepared by| Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec} Although the shares were PAID sites Beige x f Hawthorne, Dryd y Je seus OPTICAL 'Side ae Wrmo 256 256 256 1 | Hard Carp, 100 Sieve Io I6n forming an economic asso- Japanese economists indicate|and the Maritimes divided the|bought in his name ard paid| He said they gy bhi Meen, Toronto; W. Rannie,iy .cbished for over 30 years Bethim 200 695 695 495 | fed See ae at ae 45 (clation among Pacific rim na-|trade during 1966 totalled more|remainder. for by him, Mr. Solomon said|sented Pee in ie hae, ln: G. A. Shepherd, Hig, King Street West 108 face eee SS iS +5 | Hays Dna 125 $94 94 94+ Ww tions, says the executive direc-|than $70,000,000 --$255,000,000} Mr. Houston said that of all|the understanding was that og oe erest in the ®'lora; L. W. Smith, Tillson- 728-0444 Bunker H 2000 25 24¥2 25 +1 {| Home A 50 $21% 2134 21% \tor of the Canada-Japan Trade|in imports and $450,000,000|thé provinces, B.C. can achieve |owned one - quarter of the's et i .4 ., burg: R. Warwick, Blenheim,! North East ane om oe 'inne Pit "N00 ms 28 268 -- 5 (Council. worth of exports, primarily raw|the greatest benefit by gerd ented his law partner, Irwin) Mr. Solomon. said she didn't des Se ee aaa 2NT Pass fae ie i 7} | HB Oil Gas 50 528% 28% 287% Robert L. Houston of Ottawa materials. jsion of two-way trade with|Singer, another quarter and Mr. know of Mr. Morgan's interest 49 € Jamiesn 1000 102 102 102 -- 2 | fue on cd ae o as % said in a Vancouver interview, In 1965, Canada imported |Japan. : _ |Morgan the other half. __jin the company when he pur- six of spades. Shy veto 58500 2 ob ms F1 | imp Olt $54H6 58¥e SBvs jsuch an association should ini-|$23,000,000 worth of Japanese Japan ee _Mr. Solomon said the shares che fhe shares on the advice question that Gandore 8 BO. pion ge ee pl eae ett the Uni- Pee A the Asian oop hed va cause fe ae | jof Mr. Goldhar. j j ; Athi : : 2 oe fe ted: States and Japan. 316,000, in. raw materials |imity to Vancouver, he said. a ERIE, ae uire ingenious Cariboo 2000 48 48? 48 ind Wi 1325 $6% 6% 6% + Y sere pes S toy nt nae Cossier 250 $168 16\6 16% Inland Gas 300 $10% 10% 10% | He said the group could be/and partly finished products | The much - needed: in STOCK MARKET | DIVIDENDS ». Undoubtedly ene (iy on fy yh a 4 ae. bia eines ; a, expanded later to include Aus- INC REASED 42 PER CENT en als for the -- one TORONTO (CP) -- Banks ' kl : I th 100.00. Call » few and far Conigo 000 17 7-7 14] Int Nickel 775 $94% 944 9414 + 4 tralia, New Zealand, the Phil- ate Pig oo he moar ave aan hy of ou, | paced the industrial list to one By THE CANADIAN PRESS If your weekly earnings are less than .00, Ca | 1? i "a "a 4 oP g 2 " & resi - - & 7 "US : 4 € ome hen they do con 'haw $00 % 2 41m! ie ch pr a roa 30% 302 -- 9) Ppines and other ASIAN aHONs: AgPeane 2 ae Hic farms, our manufactured goods|of its best performances of the) cy gnus Corp. Ltd., 514-per- the number listed below to enquire about the posi- lenge is in- C Bellek 4000 8 7% 8 +1) Intpr Pipe 605 $95 94% 94% + 12 We might then have a group . Sens chin i i ; ai-|Year in light trading on the Tor-| on) rot 971 April 1 ler or not you ¢ Halli Wo 8 4] IMR ee ee ee eT le countries linked economically| Mr. Houston predicted anand other Canadian commodi-/"-- Stock Exchange Wednes.|Ce"t Pref. 27% cents, April J, : t th : lutt cere | 0 200 SD 2 NO) dames Si. 100 995. 95 OS 415 1 manner somewhat similar 270ual increase of 12 per cent ties for expanding markets can hie . g *-|record March 10. tions open a & he solution. -- C Mogul 300 330 330 330 Jefferson 452 $2914 29% 29% the E 5 Economic if Sales to Japan that should|be shipped more cheaply from |4@Y- ; ' _| General Steel Wares Lid., 5 Jook at this Ca Nes te te ek ee ee ee hd cil," said Mr. Houston, Dring Canadian exports to ap-|this port than from almost any| The bank index climbed 1.75|per-cent pref, $1.25, May 1, rec- th went dawn € Rambler 500 180 180 180 --3 | Labatt 600 $21% 21% 21% + % Council, said Mr. . Houston den Spa $600,000,000 yearly other point in the world," the to 147.75. ord April 10 rts. East won C Red Pop 8500 24 232 24 Lom Gen tee fe 5+ wl phere would be many difficul, by 1970. ie "~"""Ithe trade council official said.| j rial - Commerce gained. International Bronze Pow- ades with the pated Tho ag fas 843 44] Lambton 1000 460 460. 460 --35 (lies to overcome, but I do not|PY 1970. be ae 6 ' [eee * SOM Erce : £8 Pieler ete ef 37% cents iO. fea epercee eed - 2 bl val Laure Sec 225 $11% 11% 11% feel they would be insurmount-| British Columbia got the lion's D MORE VISITS 11% to 6834, Nova Scotia 1 to|ders, 6-per-eent pref. 3714 cents, d the jack 0 Co ito ee | en 110 $5%e 5% Sl able'? share of the Japanese export Mr. H n said he found it\2°8:. Montreal 4 to 6314 and! April 14, record March 31. er drew two Craigmt 20 $196 13S We Re Mr. Houston said trade with|Market in 1965, trading $195,-|,, Mv. Houston said he found it p45) 1 to 7814. Toronto-Do-| International Minerals and and then play- Crowpat 5000 14 14 14 "op Co ; oN Hd mf. uston sald trade with SES Ee a nae : -on' 'startling' that so few Cana- : she \,./Chemical Corp., common 25 lub D'Elda 19800 164 159 159 --4 | Loeb M 2123 $11 16 115% Japan is becoming increasingly 299,000. Saskatchewan sold $87,- dian business men visit Japan,|™inion was unchanged at 6414. | Chemica P., = another club, Denison 200 $54% $4 54 -- Ye MB Lid 20460 $2% 28% 284-- V6 i ortant to the Canadian ee." ~ ---- ~ 'an business men visit Japan. phe industrial index jumped|cents, March 30, record March d have to win Dicknsn 500 350 350 350 Magna " 200 $11% 11% i esa ponents Linde anadian eco He said only 265 Canadian bus- 1.74 to 162.17 14, d that the suit Discovry 200 138 138 138 M Lt Mills 240 $18%4 184 18% + '4 erealicas " B ll ve ] h iniessinsa visited Japon in i9ey,0 tt 217. se wa a 100 $43%4 43% 43% --1%| Moass-Fer 1535 $2614 25¥a 26'a + ical ' Jamaica es 2 ided 3:3. Bontise 1100 "aie divs a1 | Met Stores 250 Site Ta teva BUSINESS BRIEFS e ELEPNONE compared with 16.000 Ameri:) Falconbridge jumped 1% to Jamaica Tublie Service. 3S) LOCATED IN OSHAWA: the club with Re ee ae ae a | ee ea cans and 1,150 Australians. 90, Inco and Interprovincial| " National*Trust Co. Ltd., com ; ; Hi ~_ ont Lo' Sees % < : Hy . inued with the Foon. Wi MO 4 A ees 150 $944 944 4' ~~ | BY THE CANADIAN PRESS Annual Re Ort |, Business trips, he "said, get) Pipe Line 1% each to 94 andjmon 18 cents, April 1, record @ WHITBY 1 then had to ort, Masct pi Ve ane +2) Morse A 210 $21% 21% a0%8 is | ee a |9414 and Bell Telephone % to/March 13 i tricks to go randro es oe Bf) Cee Ba ae ae | PLACE CONTRACT | More than $1,205,000 was| 'For instance, in 1965 U.S.| 077 » gn-| Occidental Petroleum Corp., ; Grandve 'eo rd "5 ao ; | NB Ter 5s 2% 26 241 The defence department an-'spent on company' projects 1D ee ae Me J tie 7 wreyren -- P igilthesd peasnrate 25 cents, April 18, record March © BOWMANVILLE ine ranisie 7 - Nia Wire B {250 $18% 18% 18% > i aw D , ' "hy 2,400,000,000,"" Mr. ouston n r | nave made the Gunn 00 139 19 te | Norn 90 $577% 57a S7¥6 To he Ottawa Wednesday | Oshawa last year by the Bell "When the figures are in|1966 se : ry have made the Guoner 1000 139 139 139 | Nor ct 1000 $13%% 13' 13% + % it will buy 175 command and/Telephone Company of Canada. bisa ae par aee 700. Ontario Store Fixtures Co. @ BROOKLIN rawing -trumps wee ee Ocean Cm 225 $199 199 199% zpCOn RA LAARA GS vehicles ron This fact was stated today for last year, they'll still be) scurry-Rainbow climbed 23% Ltd., common 2%4 cents, March ed the nine of i 88 6 14% U%+ | Qoilvie 300s) 1% 4 -- the FMC Corp. of San Jose,/by the company's local man-| higher. y \% 7 i -|31, record March 14. nmy and dis- Huds "Be , 440 is ie 634 @ Oshawa A 100 $27, 29 27 Calif., for more than $10,000,-\ager, J. W. pets as he com-| He said recent trips to. Japan : me . Peepers eee i | Price Co. Ltd., common 18%] Positions Open Are Due To Stylists Moving Up To clubs on it. - Hii y Ae asta ge | Bow Corp . 205 $11% 114 I1¥e-- 000, The vehicle will be called) mented on local aspects of Bell|/and discussions with Japanese |fault an ; & "| cents, May 1, record April 3. Manageress Posts. ay would have Kerr Add 175 $l 116 11%e-- ve) BIC COM 27 State a ton v the Lynx and will replace the|Canada's annual report for the|and U.S. businessmen have ledjeach to 1614 and 53% in base; RocKower Common Ltd., hopeless posi- Pee ae ow is i Rene 100 $74 7% 7%4--%/ Ferret scout car, in army uselyear ending last Dec. 31, him to the conclusion that the| metals. lcents, April 1, record March 15 ing the spade isa Te a leon Bk Me ane te since 1954. Operated by a crew} Mr. Lowry said his com-|!wo nations are much closer to} Op index, western oils were| Traders Group Ltd., class A| C il 723 7311 st would have ee ge ee el Mean te ge Sie ie Gate of three, the machine has a top|pany's growth was also reflect-|Some sort of economic union up 2.20 to 140.07, base metals|15 cents; class'B 15 cents; 5- dg = return a dia- L Osu 3000 4 14a + Ma Salada 595 $10, 10 0 speed of 44 miles an hour. First/ed locally in the facts that the|{han most Canadians think. 1.32 to 88.75 and golds .18 to|per-cent pref. 50 cents; 5-per- ; "4 18% 18%a-- Ve Shell $282 2814 281 + | lcnnha sins ao Rs a a = bes " : | ; pee . g the king, or HE a oF G5, bas 55) | Shell Inv w 4000 895" 90 890 deliveries are scheduled for late number of local telephones had 152.30. Volume was 2,910,000|cent series A "i aay ve Ask For Mrs. Jenkihson ting South to LL Lae 1500 160 160 160 Shell Can 212 $25% 25% 25% -- vs this year. grown to 37,708 and that the BOND MARKET shares compared with 2,405,000|per-cent pref. $1.12%, Ap' ; d as he ruffed Madsen 300 126 126 126 Shop Save = 100 $13%4 13 13% : payroll for Bell Canada's 413 Tuesday. lrecord. March 10. visniastiaiaeil r way, declar- Manok 500 ait it we ve Silverwd A 1a Si le 1 + Ye RAISE OIL PRICE employees here amounted to! ' ade eee a ol : -- , m Ma SV 15% i 4370 $267 26% 267 | i i yees Ee a he contract. MeWat 000s) $1 Si +1 | Simpson 8 100 $16% 164 164 |. 2mperial Oil Ltd. has ralsed/¢o 199 499. ae te A ee thod of pl Metal Min 250 110 110 110 --2]| §T Radio 200 $26 «26 «©6%6 «=S-+ its price of furnace oil by eight- The manager said that, in nadian nd market was up nethod of play Min-Ore $000. 154 15 15 --1) Steel Can 414 $23% 234 23% --| tenths of a cent and stove oil by A ayig one-half point in active trading 1 equally suc- Nat Exel 1000 1) 11 11 Steinbo A 800 $17% 17% 17% | NeK's t of the light of the company's| Woanecday Llc aL Nk Re ee ety | wee ean gy a0. a ay tas [tne Cady' © BaNon for moet Olover-all tax bill of $114 million| sday. "4 N Harri 4000 15 14 15 +1 | Suptest od 995 $237 23% 23%-- %|Ontario. The company, which|, ~ | Short - term Government of nstead of two. N Hosco = 1000 260 260 260 --%| Thom N P ° 585 $224 22% 2214+ %4| Ty \for. 1966, the local taxes of| ; he spade with N Imperel 1900 330 330 330 | Tone Craft 2100 420 420 420 jmade the announcement es- | $132,802 "was indicative of Bell|Canada bonds were up 20 to 2! id presumably Neer 1000 ar af akg we] Tor. Dm Bk 3s som em cam + %/day, blamed rising costs. ot Canada's important role as a|Cents with the 4%4-per-cent Oct. ead of a spade Nick Rim 2200 16 16° 16 Trader a'p sno stan ax + y4/Canada Ltd. announced similar! () porate citizen and as a con-|1, 1967, issue closing the day at : Norbaska 500 40 40 «40 P. ys |increases one week earlier. Lenten cat _199.73 bid and 99.78 asked. | Trader 65 w 1000 125 125 125 --25 jtributing force to the commu ut this return Normetal 100 410 410 410 --8| trader 66 w 200 255 250 255 bedtisepaase 3 " Long-term Canada and pro- rove fatal to Nortngat pS * "0 as +9 Transair 500 $6%4 62 64+ Ve START INVESTIGATION __jnity's welfare. inclal bonds ended the day up eee auc comme WS Ie 8 + Hl ce ae ee em ee ime lan, Serer Stock Ee 1 with the 414-per-cent Sept. 1, tablished when Orchan oo 250 29 28 +1) Trane Mt re Sie We ime . {change Wednesday err el PRODUCE 1983, issue closing at 88% bid ' Poe Exp 95433 62 61 62 Tova 109 ee 8 investigation into oer Hist | and 88% asked " Ca 240 $: st- J ne yi _ nd Pine Point. "180 $37 Save Sa% 4 %| Un Gos 365 $11% 11% 11% phony -- aad bite ud Giata| TORONTO (CP) --Wholesale| Day-to-day money traded at a trump a Dineer 40 $29V4 2514 29% Union Ol 65 $314 31% 31'%2-- vajings on its exchange. to retail carton eggs average|4y, ner cent. Ca d loser on the Preston 2150 813% 13% 13% u con . it tae "a rd |ment issued by exchange Pres- weighted prices quoted by the Treasury bills closed at 4.55 is in a Versafd 955 $54 5% Sia+ylident Jack van Luven stated:| department of agriculture as of per cent for both 91-day and or Rio Al 966 325% 254 2544+ %| Versatile | 705 $12 3 3 "The exchange has been 8U-/ Wednesday: A large 48.1; Aligo-day bills ' | Rik Atha £300 204 26 30h | Walnoce @ 1100 #5 9995 vised that fictitious telephone| medium 40.0; A, email 313° |/82-483 $an Antoni 1000 19% 19% 194+ | Weldwod 100 $10.10 10 orders to purchase shares Of/ fggs: Wholesale prices to ball re ae 4 <1 Wourne $9 170 170 170 Bata Resources Ltd. .. . have/country stations fibre cases ' ! 3 28 | i : d Slivrfids 100 299 299 299 West Ind A 30 Sao" 380 390 --s | been placed with m se bol quoted by the Toronto Board of @ 'ook Saco, ae" ag at in| Vorarig ot g® g* (houses." Mr. van Taven did nol/trade trom wholesale egg deal : ie he aah name the member houses, but/ors: Extra large 40-41; large 38- 100 siete om we eT | UR ee A BUM UM 14+ 'sl observers. belleved the ordersians- caeciuty 32-33; 'small 25- wae, = ey " tg --10 | York Lam B 1550 160 155 160 came from Eastern Canada. 26: B 34: C 30-31 | Lcasadl ec! orp oz . ; ; ae et aaa ' ; t 3 t Tribe" Woo 12k Taha 1 | Bales fo 11 am: 700,060, CHECK STOCK PLUNGE |_,Buller prices: Agricultural in Bea See 1 un oe The Canadian Stock Ex-|Stabilization board tenderable U' Butfadn 2000 43. AD 24 -- ta cei. eee , d |carlots: Buying 40 score 59; : OMe Me ou ha S| FOREIGN TRADING change members have been ad: ying 49 score 88; selling 61 & AP)--The dis- Urban Q 1000.15 «1515 | Mosce Corp Me we te ak |Vined to cease accepting and to)": : Pond ' c \ Vv os 8 0c - a Kennedy fam White Ster 4000 34 33 34 41¥%4| Cop Corp 00 155. 5 \s§ --3 [cancel present stop-loss orders i 4 and Row pub- i 11000 47 4% +1+| Dickensn 100 385 385 385 +15 in shares of Carbec Mines Ltd. » Wilco 46 + e book, The Windia 770 3 2 2 Upp Can lade WS WS Ban on Carbec stop loss orders re) ns anvl e ee "pete Setar Zenmac 775 2's IA 2% Suirieinida Ms Siuaaicy theres [resulted ine i. aver - eee va 16¥4 16! alt publication oe 'phage The Toronto Stock Exchange has been/ Anco, OF SUC aot mental ef. Record Sales ning. the Sen OILS, GAS Stee cared te euseurtug' set's lrect'on the price ef the stock." in s ig ave enter: lo underwr! an - e price es , . : cae it was { tion' agreements. which, may result in| een a an said, A stop|. Canadian Johns-Manville Co. e 5, Am Leduc 3500 19% 184 194+ 2) treasury shares of these companies be-|& CSE spokesm pera \Ltd. of West Hill established Banff 1350 $14 1378 14 + %4| Ing under distribution currently through|loss order is a notice to sell) *'¢. ' f "ai nt of publica- CS Pete 3900 223 218 2+ 4 the facilities of the Exchange: | which becomes a market order|record sales of | $512,500,000) in , - ' a | A A s . | y - r's book, New C Ex Gas 4125 345 350 355 --5| mines Ltd. Candore Explorations, can-/as soon as the price of the stock arn wee aanarnee € Proposals, ap- C Gridoil .. 615-600 590 590, --10 | ada Southern Petroleum, Cdn Nisto|reaches or sells below the price 3, ' xr and Row's C LI Pete 3000 27% 27% 27¥a--- 14) Mines, Con-Shawkey Gold Mines, Cén- ai hy the seller today sane Cdn Sup O 274 $3012 30% 30% + %| solidated Red Poplar Minerals, Copper-/Specified by the § ' | ; ix ti which came Cdn Tricnt 2180 325. 320 325 Man Mines Ltd., Daering Explorers oe | It was the sixth consecutive r. eu. te ee Corp, Ltd., Gradore Mines, Irish Cop-/ PENALIZE COMPANIES year sales have risen, a finan- & Evan Thomas, Dynamic 2100 165165165 Mines: Lake-Osu Mines: MicOre Mine |. Five-month suspension of the/cial statement showed. ; Net of Harper and French Pt 590 420 415 415 Meunt Wright Iron Mines, Norlex Mines|licences of three finance comp-/earnings after income taxes Adobe Int Helium 1820 370 360 370 +10) Ltd., Norpax Nickel Mines, Northernlanies convicted of bribery and| was $38,000,000. Wages, salar- year-old 'p Mill City 300 175 175175 Exploration Ltd., PCE Explorations | A dered" Wed:lt 1 benefits to- cided to drop Nit Pee oe oe oS} '4|. Lids, Sllvermequs Mining Lid., Texore|conspiracy was ordered Wed-lies and employee benefits to-| , winter sched- rss an 2" ieee +4) Mines Ltd., United Macfie. Mines, nesday by Massachusetts Bank-|talled $189,600,000. Place @ 200 187 185 185 +2 Le ee ME IR en Mines ie Comsnissianer Joh it = ndication that in 'Helium 1820 370 360 370. +10 Hunes. The suspensions, elfect-| i Y the delay came Mill. Cit $00 175 175 175 jive May 1, were imposed on ren the Sen- N cont' 99536 6 4850 --10 Canadian Women Household Finance Corp., Bene- A DAY OF PRAYER AND 'gat the intro- bald log OR \ficial Finance Co. and Liberty R REVIVAL s ermo / | . ide 0° Place G 200 187 185 185 +2 {Loan Co. The prosecution con- ome inuries CU ae a a a Fight Bulge Battle (oie attempts were made to FASTING FO ' Hla Rh ad , \ FF Il-loan legislation ut received no Scurry Rn 2495 $24 234 294 +1%! KITCHENER, Ont. (CP) --|influence sma ' Spooner, too 193 193-193 --2 {Canadian women fighting the|>y the Legislature. Friday, March 3rd o W Decalta 200 280 280 280 + 2 |battle of the bulge now are bat-| hy : : : fi dithe eteot LLIES , tling to keep the fight Canad- Because of the critical times in which we Mae Ag habeans INDUSTRIALS ian, | GM APPOINTMENT need for a spiritual awakening we are inviting ol bed | Hold a glass Abitibi 1365 $11% 11% 11%+%) Forty - seven -branches of of Jesus Christ to. this day of prayer and fasting for revival. Alta Gas T 725 $35Va 35¥2 354 + 2) moOpe __ for 'Take Off Pounds| Meetings will be held the first Firday of every month for one f Ad G 30 $91¥2 91¥2 91¥a + Va} tre : 'i - t the following times: Ais Net" 100 $1/% W778 6 vs Sensibly -- in Ontario have hour duration ot the LAL Oo ams Igo C 204 $9% 9% e+ % . i i ; ? * gee eet, a $24% 2458 2404 + vg|DrOKken away from the U.S. par: 8 a.m. 12:00 noon 5:00 p.m Private Stock : Alcan 3241 $355 35% 352+ %|ent organization, which has its Smith of th ' Alcan pr 50 $41%4 41% 4 y,/headquarters in Milwaukee, Speaker ~ eS ioe of the a on ne +s and are going to form their own lontacostel "nu to the light. He Bank Mil 260 $63 63M 63% + | group, LOCATION é Bank N § 100 $72% 72% 724+ % i ; Bathurst 50.$30% 30% 32+ %| It may be called Canadian i ? Bamnrst'w zm $1013 i 10 - |Coast - to = Coast Calorie Count. THE SALVATION ARMY CITADEL The colour is a rich am- Was there any bite Be Se en Om et wlers, Mrs. J. Russell Flatt. of b r The colour of flavour <- thi tas Be foiy sts san i preg | Dumas, Ont. sald Wednenday 133 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa | ete ; nything not a ores! 10 "a "a wat} interview ' id 9 B 5 $33. 33 +1 in a telephone inte . | . : Be sate,» up am ik ihe "Our organization will be - 29 rich, aged whiskies smooth as a beagle's ear? 4. " ire 222 eager eters id thot Se ead eu AE Ind x i we're cthariyr, 3s aa ame 22+" leStablished to handle. the. des id that. 29 rich, aged whiskies algy 540 p z5$) é D Sugar 400 $22Va 22% 222 mands of women in other prov- . an Gem 113 S41 41 41+ | ines," she said. Now, have a sip. did that. Can Perm 825 $11% 11% 11% ; 50 $334 33%2 33% +1% as Sea ary as",s| NET EARNINGS Feel how the flavour The 29 great whiskies, but since they C Chem w= 1100 565 i 1 ' " Ve 20% 20Y ead from hus- E Ima"Sox fis Sant dnt St | By THE CANADIAN PRESS For all your stays after the sip is gone. of Adams Private Stock. Ma y niet ST iguteaaee gi eet Haat ay md hag Telephone te a Coes ] es drapery needs see i : = H er e's l ookin at C Marconi 100 $5% 5\4 5% ., year . Sl: , .D. Elli ¢ CPR" 1554 ssi 65 6S + 96] go 968,000, $2.98 a share; 1065, ere 29 rich, aged whiskies CPR pr 3150 $94 99h 86,525,000, $2.92 r | whose appointment as factory B ; Seer me eee $86,525,000, $2.92. manager, vehicle assembly, at did that. you. Cdn Tire A 265 $162 164 16' Dickenson Mines Ltd., year 2 ital CWN G4 pr 250 $134 13% 13% Oshawa, has been announced by INTERIOR DECORATOR CWN $4 p 100 $19%4 19% 19§% + %lended Dec. 31: 1966, $808,677, F, E. Conlin, vice president. and Bath erent pind PAs Bed jou 14/28 cents a share; 1965, $744,440, director of manufacturing, 15 King Street East Claires 285 $914 912 94+ %/21 cents. General Motors of Canada. A CUSTOM MADE DRAPES e Columbia 200 $5% 5% Si-- Ve ia Mi Lid., year|native of Comber, Ontario /HIRLPOOL Cominco 575 sa 38 33M + bys pe na cine $1,984 000| Mr. Elliott graduated in 1932 Phone 725-2686 Tl V a e oc 7 ' rae , $1,984, _ : ; = reall Pap w 3525 $108 10% 1a + wjcuded De hare: 1965, $765,-| {fom General Motors Institute in a ee Con Papr p '375 $25% 25'2 25% + %4|46.7 cents a share; : " | industrial engineering. Since 1951 e (DAY) Cons Gas 1000 $15%m 15% 157 + %/052, 18 cents. he has been general superintend- 1S t e to 1 p.m. corey ye ee | MacMillan, Bloedel Ltd., year | ent of the passenger car body plant : : . -2460 Cosmos No si%@ 1% 11% ~~ lended Dec. 31: 1966, $42,460,618; | at Oshawa. During World War IT, Crain RL 50 $372 37% 3% 94,282. Mr. Elliott was manager of GM's -W 1S W 18 e ¢ 00 $124 12 124+ | 1965, $40,594, ; 4 rush Intl _ a 4 M | : -, ing | Regina plant which produced gun ARIO Cygnus A 20 410 410 410 rs 1 Concrete Forming . v9 i ,|. Tru- Wal Dist! Sea §20 $37% 372 374+ M% q . | mounts, gun carriages and shells. T D'Electre' 225 $16 Isls lea |LAd., six months ended Nov. 30: THOMAS. ADAMS DISTILLERS LTD, TORONTO : Dofasco 260 $21% 21% 24--%li9g6 $168,499, 45.6 cents a ~ tere ce Nh wl dbiaxey 1565, $139,089, 37.4 conte, ,

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