2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, April 14, 1967 A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE Adult Education Director Criticises Jud TORONTO (CP) -- Alan Thomas, director of the Cana- dian Association for Adult Edu- cation, Thursday criticized 'a statement by Secretary of State Judy LaMarsh Wednesday saying that the federal govern- ment was relegating .educa- tional television to frequencies on the ultra - high frequency band which ordinary sets can- not pick up. At the opening of a three-day conference on ETV at Ryerson Polytechnical Institute where Mr. Thomas was speaking, a tdpe of Miss LaMarsh speaking in Sherbrooke, Que., Wednes- day was played. Inquiry OTTAWA (CP)--A board of inquiry was convened Thurs-| © day into a puzzling fire at Montreal International Airport Tuesday that extensively dam- aged an aircraft slated for VIP use in Centennial Year head-of- state visits. A spokesman for the defence production department said Thursday he could not confirm or deny a report that damage was between $1,500,000 and $2,500,000. Conspiracy TORONTO (CP) -- Hydro workers who threaten to cut off electrical, service are engaging in a conspiracy against the pub- lic, a management spokesman told the Rand commission Thursday. Jofin MacBeth of Toronto, a member of the legislation com- mittee of the Ontario Municipal Electric Association, said strikes by Hydro workers should be banned and arbitra- tion of disputes made com- pulsory. Development , NIAGARA FALLS, Ont. (CP) The Niagara Regional Develop- ment Council approved a resol- ution Thursday urging that con- trol over the preservation and development of the entire Ni- agara escarpment be put in the hands of the Niagara Parks Commission. LaMarsh Grants OTTAWA (CP)--Grants total- _ |ling $975,000 have been awarded by the Canada Council to five major cultural organizations. A $300,000 grant goes to the National Ballet of Canada for an expanded 1967-68, season in- +\cluding performances from Halifax to Vancouver. The Stratford Shakespearean Festival gets $295,000 for * itheatrical and musical produc- tions in 1967. The Canadian Opera Com- pany receives $225,000 for the sentative for the union, said the company has offered 42 cents in a three-year contract. MacNaughton Announces Civil Servant Salary Raise TORONTO (CP)--Provincial treasurer Charles MacNaugh- ton announced in the legislature Thursday that some 10,000 On- tario civil servants have been \given salary raises averaging {10 per cent. Under the new schedule, hos- pital aides will receive $2.10 to $2.28 an hour and hospital at- tendants $2.28 to $2.46. Correc- tional officers and _ training school supervisors will get $2.61 to $2.82 an hour and industrial officers $2.71 to $2.93. The new rates are retroactive to Jan. 1. Tourists spent $1,600,000,000 in Ontario, Tourism Minister James Auld said. The billion- dollar figure marks an_ in- crease of about eight per cent from 1965. In introducing the $10,527,000 spending estimates of his de- |partment for 1967-68, Mr. Auld said U.S. visitors spent an esti- mated $400,000,000 and other Ted Freeman, (NDP --Fort William), said the Ontario gov- ernment is only scratching the surface of Ontario's tourist po- tential. ASKS MORE FUNDS He said the department should mark more than 10 per cent of its total budget of $10,- 500,000 for tourist development. Donald Patterson, (L--Essex,| South), said Thursday night the provincial government should arrange with the major rail- ways to initiate a "rapido" service between Toronto, Sud- bury, and Toronto and North Bay. He suggested that a govern- ment subsidy could get the service started. Ontario health minister Ma- tthew Dymond denied that De- troit is giving him orders on the adoption of auto exhaust de- vices used to reduce air pollu- tants. Dr. Dymond was defending {foreign visitors $40,000,000. | TORONTO (CP) -- Matthew Dymond, Ontario health. minis- ter, denied Thursday that his department is taking instruc- tions from Detroit's auto indus- try on the adoption of devices to reduce auto exhaust pollu- jtants. He said he has told U.S. auto makers his department cannot wait for the results of tests they have made and that Ontario plans to start iis own testing program. Dr. Dymond made the re- marks in the legislature in de- fence of his Air Pollution Con- trol Act that received second ding--approval in principle HERE and THERE GM_ INSTITUTE Douglas L. Anderson of Rit- son Road, Oshawa, was initi- ated earlier this week, into ac- tive membership of the General Motors Institute's Honor So- clety's exclusive Alpha Tau Tota. To be considered for membership into this exclu- sive organization Mr. Ander- gon met with the qualifications which include an average of 90 or above for five semesters and be placed in the top 10 per cent of his class scholasti- cally. Membership into the Alpha Tau Iota recognizes scholarship, character, leader- ship and engineering ability. BAND CONCERT Under the direction of R. 0. Hursti, the Lisgar Collegiate Concert Band of Ottawa, pre- sented a concert Friday morn- ing in the auditorium of the O'Neill Collegiate and Voca- tional School. Selections includ- ed Profiles in Courage, a trib- ute to the late President Ken- nedy, and highlights from The Sound of Music and The Music Man. The O'Neill Collegiate/ations involving ears, eyes,| | Band will visit Ottawa next/nose and throat; there were] |] Are exclusive agents for CANA- week. 197 general treatment andj | deter cAntr te EXPO' Orn, examinations recorded; -- the; | LEBANON LODGE Frank Verral and _ several members of the High Park Lodge, AF and AM, Toronto, together with a group of offi- 5 |1967-68 season, which will in- clude a tour of Quebec and the United States. Walk Off Job SIMCOE (CP) -- Sixty work- ae ~/ers at the Morse Chain of Can- J Beswatt ~""lada Ltd. plant walked off the ; job Thursday to back up de- JUDY LaMARSH mands for a new contract. + - » State Secretary | The workers, members of Lodge 1547, International Asso- . jciation of Machinists and Aero- Tells Cashier space Workers, are asking for {a 60-cents-an-hour increase in a et es (CP) Poe A |two-year contract. Cashier in a Dutton restauran . - told the Ontario Supreme Court| Alex Walker, special repre Thursday that Thomas Stone- fish told her he had just killed a man minutes after Dennis Dodge, 48, of Wallacetown, was) . shot and killed Feb. 23. Best TV Reporting Stonefish, 28, of Dutton, is On| NeW YORK (CP)-- Toronto trial for non - capital murder. native Morley Safer of Colum- jbia Broadcasting System News Party Appeal jis this year's recipient of the __,. [Overseas Press Club of Amer- BONN (AP)--Foreign Minis-|ica's award for best television ter Willy Brandt's West German reporting from abroad, it was -- i peaginge patty nay |announced Thursday. eale lay to Eas ; Domenniete th consider 16 pro- Safer, 35, was recognized for posals for better relations with|his Reports from Vietnam. West Germany. Hugh Mulligan, Associated i state-|Press special correspondent, is Bag eh an Geran Bun.|the recipient of the club's scroll destag Wednesday by Chancel-|for the best daily newspaper re- lor Kurt Georg Kiesinger. They|Porting from abroad. did not mention political recog- . . nition of the East German gov- McAlpine Dies ernment, acceptance of its east- ; ern borders or abandonment of|_ Broadstairs, England -- Sir West German government)|Malcolm McAlpine, 89, chair- claims to be the exclusive|/man of one of Britain's biggest spokesman for the German peo-/engineering firms, who was told ple, which the Communists|in 1898 he had only two hours want. to live following a rock-blasting accident. | Paris -- Suzette O'Neill, 72, | well - known French operetta singer. between the world wars. St. Louis--Charles W. DeWitt, 66, former co-owner of the old cers and members of Pental-|st' Louis Browns baseball team; pha Chapter RAM attended Blof a heart attack. banquet at a regular meeting of the Lebanon Lodge in Osh- awa this week. Also in atten- dance at the Banquet were offi- cers of the Knights of Colum- bus, Oshawa. "The visit of these officers indicates the de- velopment of good relations as a result of exchange visits made during the past few years, between the Knights of/coiumbia Thursday reached its Columbus and various Masonic bodies in Oshawa, in efforts to develop goodwill and better understanding," said a lodge spokesman. HOSPITAL REPORT There were 321 admissions to the Oshawa General Hospital during week ending April 8. Other statistics show that there were 310 discharges; births to- talled 31 males and 17 females; newborn discharges were 22 males and 17 females, a total of 298 operations were pe* formed, of this number 115 operations were classified as major, 105 minor and 78 oper- physoitherapy department re- corded 1,744 treatments and visits and the occupational therapy dep*rtment recorded 193 treatments and visits. Paris--Ngo Dinh le Thui, 22, daughter of Mme. Ngo Dinh Nhu, former first-lady of South Vietnam; in hospital after a traffic collision. Bennett's Bank VANCOUVER (CP) -- Pre- mier Bennett's Bank of British goal of $2,500,000 in initial cap- ital from founder subscribers. A meeting of these $25,000 per head shareholders has been called for May 8 at the Hotel Vancouver, a bank spokesman said. Purpose is to elect the bank's first permanent board of directors, expected to total be- tween 15 and 20. Canada Trust Co. has been ap- pointed trustee for the bank and is holding the subscribed cap- ital. €xP067 Four Seasons Travel (250 yards). $6.25 per soren besed on perty of 4, ] Also Inquire about our Bus Tours. Phone 576-3131 TAXPAYERS IN DARLINGTON TOWNSHIP NOTE: More fires in 1966 resulted in a 35% higher fire rate for 1967. Dymond Denies Auto Deal In Auto Exhaust Pollution delayed '"'until this loss in ef- ficiency has been rectified." Dr. Dymond also rejected Mr. Bryden's suggestion that the government attack air pollution problems in areas where muni- cipalities have taken no action under the old act, leaving Met- ropolitan Toronto, Hamilton, London and Peel County until the last. Those four areas now em- ploy full-time air pollution con- trol staffs and will be the first to come under provincial con- trol. Under the old act, the pro- vince controlled industrial pol- lution and the municipalities al- most all other sources. Dr. Dymond said the bill al- r --after two days of debate. Ken Bryden (NDP -- Wood- bine) said Wednesday Dr. Dy- mond would take no action on jthe problem of automobile ex- haust 'until the auto industry gives him permission to do something." | Dr, that pollution control devices tested in California have failed to meet specifications legis- lated in that state. | In introducing the bill that gives the government the power| to police all sources of air pol- to install the devices would be Dymond said Thursday/|crops or livestock. lution, Dr. Dymond said oe | peg ete lations forcing manufacturers rest better. De- lows him to investigate com- plaints and if necessary close immediately any factory sus- pected of causing damage to health or property. The bill also sets up a nego- tiations procedure to be used when air pollution has damaged How to relieve Use Dodd's Kidney Pills for prompt relief from the systemic condi- tion causing the Soon WEATHER FORECAST Peterborough ..... 50 65 Kingston ...+++00+. 50 55 Cloudy, Few Sunny Periods Early Morning Fog Patches his Air Pollution Control Act) approval in principle--after a two-day debate. | He said the bill would allow him to investigate complaints and close any factory suspected of causing damage to health or property. A bill to expand public health services in Ontario received second reading. The bill requires all munici- palities to provide full - time an existing health unit, and per- mits Indian bands to use local health units. ' : the legislature he will make pointment of a commissioner to that received second reading--|forecasts issued at 5:30 a.m. to- in clouds and rain due to a weather disturbance over the U.S. mid-west. southerly flow due to the storm tures in the 50s to the north country today and to near 70 in public health services or join(the southern sections Premier John Robarts told|Erie, a statement today about the ap-|Cloudy with a few sunny peri- TORONTO (CP) -- Official] Synopsis: Most of Ontario is Saturday rain will move into the north, chang- ing to showers and possibly a few thundershowers. The strong will give afternoon tempera- of the province. Toronto, Hamilton, London, Windsor, Lake St. Clair, Lake Lake Huron, Niagara, western Lake Ontario regions: Trenton .+seee 55 Killaloe .... 60 Muskoka . 65 North Bay 55 Sudbury .. showers. Light winds increasing to southerly 15 today. Ottawa region: Mainly sunny becoming cloudy later this morning, A few periods of rain this evening and on Saturday. Mild. Winds light today and southerly 15 on Saturday. High today and low tonight at Ottawa 50 and 40. Forecast Temperatures Low overnight, high Thursday 4 bhaee : CANCER 65 SOCIETY London .... Kitchener Mount Fores Wingham .. Hamilton .......++. 5 St. Catharines ..... 50 65 Toronto ........+.. 50 65 S$Ssssss q ods and warmer today. Some investigate charges by Dr. Mor-\€arly morning fog patches. A ton Shulman, fired last week as|few s and the ch of chief coroner for Metropolitan|@ thundershower today and to- Toronto, ne hoping mostly Piss on The legislature approved the|2%¢ mi with a few showers. $35,152,000 spending estimates|Winds southerly 15 to 25. for 1967-68 of the economics} Sudbury, North Bay, northern and development department|Georgian Bay, Haliburton, Al- Give Generously When a Canvasser Calls LOWEST EXCURSION FARES To Britain and Europe HOWARD | TRAVEL BUREAU LTD. Ajex Shopping Plaza 942-6690 Cancer Campaign April 10th to 24th Thursday after criticisms of A % he department's public housing|S°™@ White River, Timag- ami, Cochrane regions: Over- t program. cast with occasional rain today. London lawyer A. E. Shepard received $104,832 as counsel for|Saturday cloudy with showers and not much change in tem- the royal commission inquiry perature. Winds easterly 20 to- into the collapse of Atlantic Ac- ceptance Corp., the legisla- ture's public accounts commit-|day. and southerly 15 Saturday. tee was told Thursday. general told the committee Mr. Shepherd was paid $30 an hour for the 3,144.6 hours he worked A. R. Dick, deputy attorney-|ern Georgian Bay: Occasional Eastern Lake Ontario, south rain and extensive fog this morning. Mostly cloudy and warm with a few showers this as commission counsel between|sfternoon. Saturday mainly Aug. 12, 1965 and Jan. 31, 1967. cloudy and mild with a few DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME r In with @ lution of the Oshawa City Council, Daylight Saving Time will be in effect in the City of Oshawa from 12:01 @.m. Sunday, April 30th, until 12:01 a.m. Sunday, October 29th, 1967. SUNDAY, APRIL 30th, WILL BE ON DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME L. R. BARRAND, City Clerk. Now you can hop the Pacific with BOAC yp Se ee Starting April 1, BOAC has a brand new hop... we can fly you right across the Pacific, all the way to Australia. At the same time we're introducing new low fares--from only $817* return. That's $274* less than the current lowest South Pacific fare. We'll jet you direct from New York or San Francisco to Sydney. And, if you wish, you can stop over in Honolulu, Fiji and New Zealand at no extra fare. On our flights Down Under you'll find all the famous BOAC features . . . gourmet foods, vintage wines. Magnificent Rolls-Royce 707 jets. And a new luxurious economy class seat with loads of legroom. Sound too good to miss? Hop along to your BOAC travel agent and he'll give you all the details. ° 14/28 day economy excursion from Canadian and U.S. west coast to Sydney. Subject to government approval. pend on Dodd's. TEXACO iC) Dear Neighbour: a free Jumbo Garme! there are two reas 1. We want to than with us for the products to do This excellen As a further of your continue merchandise va hard to resist blank. garden, which, we're ce They're yours eith Texaco Credit Card with your further purchases of Texaco Oils. We'll be happy DISTRIBUTOR FUELS AND LUBRICANTS FOR HOME. FARM AND INDUSTRY You may wonder why distributors of Texaco Petroleum Products are offering you nt Storage Bag. Well, ons: k those people who deal ir valued business and to invite those who haven't tried our fine so. 2. It's Spring, an important time of the year for all of us and we wanted to provide your home with a useful, quality item associated with this season. t Garment Bag is yours FREE with the purchase of Texaco Products® and believe us it has all the features ladies look for in items of this type from double hangers to complete moth proofing. gesture of our appreciation d patronage this year, we ssembled a group of remarkable pil lues for workshop, home and rtain, you will find Farm Fuels or Heating to give you an order WHITBY-HARRISON . FUELS LTD. er for cash or on your JUMBO GARMENT BAG BONUS from your SPRING Gardeninc CENTRE Take é Drive ') VAN BELLE 'GARDENS For The . DO-IT-YOURSELF @ FERTILIZER @ SPREADERS _ @ TOOLS @ TOPSOILS ® SEEDS, ETC. @ Advice en your Garden Problems Van Belle Gardens "Your adecgy Garden Centre" 5 Minutes East of Oshawe On Highway No. 2... 623-5757 e@ Spring brings thoughs of birds and bees and flowers. But don't forget -- it is also a very good time to have your new Oil Furnace installed by our own Service Staff. Call 725- 3581 for a free estimate today. Acct Seng Veh, 43 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA 108 COLBORNE ST. £. WHITBY, ONTARIO, PHONE: 668-3610 ® Donota @ Under th .. sible for @ Protect y T. G. LYLE, Fire Chief @ Never set fires unless you are sure that you have adequate protection. CAREFUL! llow children to play with matches. e Township Bylaws, you are respon- fires you start. our Property and your Tax Dollar. H. C. MUIR, Reeve Cask for details of minime purchase requirement. And don't miss these big bargains offered in appreciation of your further purchases JUMBO GARMENT BAG OFFER EXPIRES JUNE 30 and applies to custome a SEVEN INCH POWER SAW reg. $37.95......seseeeeeeee+ ONLY $2798 + %" POWER DRILL reg. $18.95........ 4 WOODEN SALAD SET (9 Pieces) reg. $18.95. ..-seeeeeeeees-ONLY 9 12:95 te ELEGANT CENTENNIAL TRAY reg. $12.95..ccsccceeveesees.ONLY 9 7:95 sk OSCILLATING SPRINKLER PLUS 50' GARDENHOSEreg.$8.95.0NLY $ 5-95 SPECIAL MERCHANDISE av seveeseeeees ONLY $ 14-95 ted in our delivery ulable until Oct. 31, 19 $24,200 For the home purchaser who is truly desirous of fine craftsman- ship, eombined with dustless, draft tree electric heating, may we suggest your inspection of this fine 4 bedroom home, with large family room, extra washroom, ottached garage. Spacious pie shaped lot. Financing is on a low 614% N.H.A. mortgage. 728-1678 or 728-1656 H. MILLEN Real Estate Ltd. h Six Broc thous ing i R C OTT: ber of bombe: many | from 8 Desp bombe: mous | enorme this we able to OF Fo TOR the Ont they a1 they cz a livat have to Parliar The | the On day cz annual But » Powe Walter a news hesitate if nece Mr. | "We? tions t Ontario Asker organi Miller our me thousar He s: Tig Cor TOR mortga gage ai Tailors Trust a least, t Atlantic Wednes Accot tified tl Oct. 31, could } of $903, up capi Howe Leasing Atlantic the mo Mr. W: record transfe1 The t Pay Au on its : called 8% pel : (