20 'THE OSHAWA Times, Seturdey, Apr 22, 1967 13--Employ "To Buy, Sell, Rent Hi | in i " roa ~ ROBEL -- y, Sell, Rent or Hire...Read and Use Times Action Want Ads i Let your chiic derful methe . ege : Register now all The Direct Cl i rent call 72. Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. Saas Sere ° S 2 voile hedges trimmed, 6--Merine Equipment 8--Articles for Sale 9A--Eggs & Poultry ee aces 7 SH" BAILY -- fj SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK CHRIS CRAFT WALLPAPER White. Feather Formas Guhows, 4iba7in Olt : - SALES and SERVICE Ba Picked up, delivered at store or home, MOVING? eve , , Vay fibreglas sail boats: 49 0 Bi I, ' Crestliner, Peterborough and ROLL ~ C 10--Farmers' Column aba, lh ee Nasioerelt runebouts. Evin- TONE-CRAFT ad ve 'tromely. Margi" Por Ferme 17--Female ou se pr Bie OSHAWA, YACHTHAVEN PAINTS LTD. Tai. Licence Thc-ay, meter 2% sais Accountants Building Trades Gardening and Supplies {Mortgages 723-6186 eld 11--Pet & Livestock Serums. sue oN Oohawe Se Sanseng Bros SPECIAL APRIL TOWER SALE |REGISTERED casiound pupoies re CL ping Centre, 725-9953. Home EXCLUSIV LAWN & MONIES AVAILABLE FOR 12 ft. eluminum eer top. TV Towers TV Sets iouacinoe Aisi se f WILLIAM C. HALL, B.comm. Cherter-| : a Welle Gaeee Se SM Rae ie at Improvements GARDEN SERVICE MORTGAGE a $159 Used Furniture lg = RI BUILDIN 'elephone Oshawa 725-6539. ry RINE STORA! : BOB CLANCY'S ACCOUNTING Service. G : 728-3755 LOANS ond SUPPLY iD. 723-9525 aaa iste ak Camplete bookkeeping service, 178 Sim- eneral Repairs 655-364] stud. NEY Wel' Wate" Teoke ae. ; Pri (coe Street North, 725-0997. Res, 723-7005. : In this field we are the big- at 378 King St. W., Oshawa ry well merked. Telephone 423 p cing end | HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO. Charter-| @ Roofing ond Eovestrough- est and best equipped in Ist. and 2nd. mortgages. Open to 9 P.M. Near Shopping Centre ausYRALTAN Ten ERE re revious exp Troy tg King Sree Eas icoee, Ieee ing wa and surrounding area, Open. No bonus. Mortgages 1 FIBERGLAS boat with horse-|REFRIGERATOR, 9 cu. fi., Regent,|ed, small non- Us tat ig cee ES Accuracy ond ee, 16 p pirest Rast, Osawa, S! © Sidewalks --~ brick end For: thote whe Weve" Haver and agreements for sale. power motor, tt trailer and eqvioment | nearly new, very good condifion. Tele-|hound, female, two years eld. Telephone 5 day Beadle, CA; t. Lukow, CA. block work heard of us, we have been Purel eae Meni Haat eld Apply in ov YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND CO. Char. . AEE CRIGDIANOER AND GP; Chy,| @ Basement and chimney | SURE fOr fom lett veers | Bece VM ia, RUBEN, Sos orc OR, Sa HS and ens gehen att, To ang comp Bankruptcy, ein 'sitncoe' street North repairs aaasinne L ruce V. ackey nder, electric blige 'blower and|CARRIAGE, beige, bathinetie, Excellent yihad repina sennier __wiaele. a beara A @ Aluminum Siding -- Ifyou would like to know more = 36% King St. E., Oshawa or further intormeion® can itDY wang ah 725-8581. tien. 24634 » excellent conch BOX eeiment, "Suite, SOSW." Oshewe shop: chore. ond windows CALL US pesca wit Deck pack, "One 'Calypao. regulator anata gg re RC Moon Sse o Painting ond decor 723-1107 tire a A i al EP. i eccoun.| @ Carpentry work, repairs LAWN § 4 . mons pollen felons BL ER, sixteen monthe, sired SALES son Licensed Trustees iT Bond sires! and , additions er VERGAEES pret ROCK FORMATIONS big -g Telephone Tasessr, matte bee Rt age an " nad eptige lag registered, A | waa "Tp ar co oS we Re lg MOR? AGE ons sunray sd ap anid YALE AND DARIKOUT SA a a with ears. jlent E Telephone 7250954. [aang Cove? "Mildren,, $100. Telephone Full or part-tir YALE, FRIEDL R AND CO., ' ; A ¢ elephone TRIC 7 ladies' res Accountant plane rie od heii elie SRA ERT Zine | CMAMAL WAR WORD. 1941 : hag 0h v Bg ALUMINUM heavy 4 boat, dy A a tae Se ee pot ree par Persian, white, peg nl i * ! ie =, if ne e re Sanewar 8737, oe . care ne = | 728-4849 LOANS ---- (9 Nee Meee Dens low 16. Voll ade eh = capacity "pallets asain seins Seounie so phone 15-672 otter rls cha He pleasing perso | ind girl's coat, size 8, GERMAN ~SHEPHER D puss, resister. peorance ar HOPKINS, BEADLE AND €O., Charter- i | Licensed by The TEE WEE BOAT TRAILER, used tne both In new condition. 'Telephone 7 D ups, register. ; eth AG tine treet west, slg ing 2 ton | Ontario Department of Health Moneys available for first Sen Gen eacbables Apply 790 King King | Sie? ee eenensaant mil lan or sabes Tenohons aaa pret " tarlo, 725-3509. $. T. Hopkins, CA; H. E. Nellis 7 and second mortgages. Open |Tailors 2--Personal EVINRUDE 5) -- horsepower autboar HEAVY DUTY, 4 horsepower, four-/PONIES FOR SALE -- Three-yearsld a a a he Beadle, CA; E. Lukow, CA. Home Improvements | J ANSSEN'S mortgages. No bonus. First motor, iow, running Mora Al ndition, imere $100. "Telephone Y28 a0. plage | lbect depple, white mene ond. tlle wore " ~ | mortgages, second mortgages Telephone 786-2203. e-year-old mare, chestnut With white = Blueprinting 728-2061 GARDEN CENTRE ahd Garesinente tor asin - a. Custom Made ia CUPID iv CEDAR STRIP" wit tarsaponer Soro TiCLaR, 4 HE, two _yaara oe, |™mane and tall, 6559088, ; BELL DRAFTING end Reproductions | é chased. i; omputer Dating Service Evinrude, complete with trailer, -FM|three months old, ten-year guarantee, PROFESSIONAL DOG SERVICES -- SEIGN Commercial and Residential ' THE ULTRA Modern Scienti- |radlo, clock and pping, ail breeds, poodies our spe Lid., 52¥2 Simone Street North. 723-4661. No Down P | compass. Telephone|complete with taps and hose, $150. 728- clalty. Free pick-up and dell SPORTS V Blucprinting 'and' photestatic copies. lo n Payment | Landscaping. M. F. SWARTZ 1ece fe ere , Prseene using on ar cape . 6030. ing and tratning. Doberman Binschure Oshowa Sho ih i A STRIP boat, with con'|PRERZER, 23 cubic Hy Beally, In very Ba Nb ried sold hrs Building Trades Monthly Instalments | 728-9429 264 sie St, East que confidentiol. method' ot ech, te ans 70 WP iheraary ok our. gong cond Bo citie fs Beatty, in Very Pnurst Kernels assaere ne on t . finding mony more dates or |723-1796. ee ere Ao HARES HERSOe oie ie SRC SRE en Teteadeh FOR SALE -- Mare and colt. Good with REPAIRS Remodelling Hillside Landscaping 723- 4697 from 6 9 95 your True Love. If you wont |i MAHOGANY "Lapsireher casa "aps| Ci nnn rabalred and cittom iam ceepnene SSESIR for Sppcin PART © Bethroome Service RIRST AND SECOND erfect Love, Companionship |$¢@s0N, Includes cover, for sale. Telephone 725-2647. HORSES BOUGHT, 'sold, and boarded, ALTERATIONS @ Kitchens jee tee Street North Whitey, mettre Sreck| . Atvorotiera, \entulble Mending | ' formation ered Apotention «nt Tome afer $30 pi [LA tee aie Tslwphone Tsar aner GI ADDITIONS @ Recreation Rooms pri nd Gann ak block FIRST AND SECOND 'mort 100% All English Wool Cloth -- 25c¢ for Postage ond evisroas menech. Conk Coen" bate wine a6, 056. ib Superior work at tl aed © © Goroges ry ag Kk | agreements. purchased and ola' Henn andling to -- CUPID, 62 [week Marine Storage end Supply LW. | gimomn--VAGUUM --dleanarn reduce tae el cach Compan HOMES-OFFICES-FACTORIES Sreenk pais phiend a ie, sores Barristers, 31" 'King Street Richmond St. W., Toronto 1, | Brookline S5:364t. from te $8, Seert to 'Cerra ae hare : A new department of Osh- 724-9020 8 723-7232. LEN PULLAN Ont. FIBERGLAS BOAT, windshield and|16 Simcoe Street North. Tele! TE fae Meee oe HORSES for cele, G2 17% Si Rec aye Os Kitchens ewo's Quality Builder. maivave FUNDS avaliable for' residen- $595. Also ch sche gts pric Selle eel hasbeen BEAUTIFUL BABY BUDGIES read sel in 'ia 4 S KASSINGER CONSTRUCTION PETUNIAS. ' PETUNIAS Tate reese cae Lu" meret| 10 Prince St. -- 728-5311 | [emovel of superfiucus hole o atest Fe ft ait "gnger'Sewing "machines, Serie heat rae, amg, sein. Ansty 7. Osh S en ns Gall today ton F age NIAS 73. Osh e sum by ing and Sunbeam liances this week only. Seana FIRST AND SECOND ~motlowoe. awa, Mi 1 epartment. Phone 723-3492 and COZY-J R. 4 195.6126 Call todey for Free Estimates | soy4yy BROUWER ~ Your |RIRST,,, AND, SECOND -'morigeaes. TV--Radio Repairs 3rd. tag Roy oo. tor rent ed in the Times a py herds, pups "show, mare fale our: Avon ( one-st 'di isi t imooe St. N. Telephone. 725-5443. jorse, Pony. festern seddi Serre ames eae) | Sa nt Var mie] TV SERVICE | mr ns Sree (Seep aed peer lean aia anicer Wend ! ase, Gd har Witty. Gas % 00 ing an Hwy. No. 2 wide Rea Pa SUMP AND PRESSURE pumps, Flush-|¢°™ $29 and up. Guaranteed. ne 12--Articles Ww ted {tf you nee 4 OLOR ELECTROLYSIS O-Matic toilets, septic tanks, tubs, van-|Sewing Centre, MY Simcoe Street North.| "<--~-Articlies wante: don't delay -- Eavestroughin | Between ae. Pd Whitby |Nursery Schools pe 723-4641 ity basins and sinks In cabinets, pipe Telephone _ 725-5443. WANTED -- electric train, old or new Avon represer CLASSIFIED RATES g g Ings, trailers, boats, motors, half-ten|LBICA camera, 35 im with collepaible fin plate or scale, In good condition. Call tories evallebl WORD ADS : re TODDLERS PARADISE BLACK and WHITE = [a widows, encineer requires « fer. pick-ups "40 Buick. "H. Chinn, "M6 HIlk-|lens. case and' accessories, New ca in Obewe, Wi Cosh -- 1 insertion of 24 words, 1.20;| Caulking and Painting WHITE BIRCH TREES F FOR THE BEST CALL bedroom house "To, rent wilh option Se. Tohenem eat WISH TO FURCHASE goed used frees nator 1s gdditional words, Sc each; 3 consecu- ROBEL --- MONTESSORI feu lv Waite, ue Bay (tig lee 8--Articles for Sale BUY AND SELL -- Good used furni-|/er: referably upright model. Telephone lington Twp. | tive insertions of 24 words, 3.24; addl- by All sizes -- Free planting Day Nursery Schoo! 7 R | @) bs vagy by Phone 839-3858 fure and appliances, One location 'only, | 723-16. required. For 5 tlone! words 1314c each; 6 consecu- TT Delivery service ater tive Eretty Furniture, 444 Simcoe South. 720-14 " WS HP citboard motor, longahah. view phone or nai A. FOSKE & Sons Compare prices th Let your child enjoy the won- TELEVISION 4--Moforbikes VACUUM REPAIRS, almoies poses |e". Tessa. Sa Sent Walk Oe one) Cparge--10 per cent sdéitionel eheroe Whitby 668-5906, 668-8901 | as ol alee tegen bath posses FOR CLEANER, SHARPER brushes, etc Pickup, del delivery, 9420213.| PIANO Any Wake er aiiey-wil pay Awa. 725-9696 et Courting ee a All work guoronteed. | 728-9515 ment call 723-0734, iat mae ee hiceteaa toate ! a eeenmanelll Macrae Ochawe Times. bet AVON C aed © a Free estimates * ' ret HARMONY AMP. Your plugin, one [aor iereg ne eee warts © . eeech : b plug-in, one|HOUSE TRAILER if ed ext: words oy es 24 words; each word Cleanup, fertilizing, roling, Painting and Decoreting TV TOWER 350 +260 = 10G pete CC SIX SERVICE BAYS Weer old, Telephone 725848 or epply ix, In good condition, Telephone 666 deley -- beet ene word, phone number counts two! Chimney flashings, eaves- | top soil, sod. EXPERT PAINTING, ierior ond a. Open Evenings. FOR FASTER SERVICE lauvine om seLtine turniurs or op:|eo0 representative. tia troughing installed, cleaning NURSERY STOCK ferlor. All workmanship -- gueranteed. 728-5143 ONTARIO CYCLE pllances. Call Elmer, 263-2294, 263-2695. \Eto viignest' oricase eat oer niece available imme: pinriis WormATHs _ and repairs. Work guarante- FENCING Lowest prices In town. 728-0257. Comer. Bod end Division 140 inn We WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL |eipnrtune < three rooms cf new font Nell's "seth abgaae ck 1 enytimne. Mac awa, Waliby 2 $2.99 per inserfion with 29 cents aagi-| €d. Free estimates. No job too HARDSAND Plumbing and Heating 728-1422 Chey., Dodge, Ford, Ply- |Home: Furnishing, i Beit Fe gece Conanen ond Gerrans Were. hed Pa OR tional up He If not pald within 8 days.| small. pShstuestlestehid. LBhacodcedeh sire oan. NORD eles, Pontiec. Wa lome Furnishings, 424 Simcoe $ vision, good condition, Telephone 72% quon Rd., Osha IN, MEMORIAMS LANDSCAPING _ [Att TYPES OF RePains ena remoder- DUCATI MOTORCYCLE, 4,000 _ mil , Pontiac. We correct |i WILL fake away household "aigeard: | 2070. eCanecryPisT win the first 35 words and éc MEL MEULEMEESTER ling, new and used materials, Reasonable -IN $260 or best offer. Telephon 725-6696. e'| wheel alignment, inspect and _ |ables, Ay -- garage. ond FeeutaLinean ps I lus We th 725-1721 rates. Estimates free. 723-1191, J. Foley. sf correct castor and comber, attic, 623-7271 13--Artich f Rent fice experience Soran 38 adaltional charge If not peld 728-4797 LAWNS ROLLED, Bowmanville, Osh-lolien, Tenohene seas CATING. sup- YOUR PRESENT 1966 DUCATI, 250 cc, low mileage, many| align toe-in' and toe-out to |UsED ard or pes ager TF baal a seer One uy A elephone i cwoniaesoeSS | as ie Guges red Mgt hg eye - soar he | agp oY area, Prompt serv- Bests 4 saluting, Heating snd AERIAL motors aad 72-7351, ask for Ken, Don correct condition .... 7.95. ai alee Kvenve, Tignes ee RENTALS for boy tion mud s,s the words end ¥ , years in business, : South. @ Parts extra if required PEWRITERS, new, used, sales, serv- with hair e East, : |GARDE oan spoT Tea Porgy ieee tke your sarden works op win We tie [Rug - Upholstery Service id 5--Treilers @ Torsion bar adjustment iscel 'Royal desler: 72m: fabseee anytime, OF ALL KINDS mle, 7637 a a ll charge If not pald within 8 doy. [CHIMNEY REPAIRS, brick and block|Rototilier? Telephone 668-8609 extra, USED TIRES most ell sizes. SARN 629 WEEKLY" OMING EVENTS work, basement, etc. Baal al. direct, save : : 7 CEES NIMES ae sil lies. &. REDUCING EQUIPMENT ene ee Sper inch lop)» 200, for the|middieman. ast hel oa Pa ddd es cedar hedging, OSHAWA TV HOUSE TRAILER BRAKE SPECIAL Geert, 88 King Street West. 725- ieeiealte bala: rom py ie to! werd Ags aranteed work. M sstimnates,|privet 'hedging, Chinese 'elm. 720830, RUG CLEANERS 40' x 8 Most popular cars, First |TRACTOR, Case 3108. industrial with} chines, bikes exercises-each Wee: er Arai Auction Saou wry" Hocay, 7% |TOP SOIL, four yards end up, $2.25 per| Professional rug and uphol- OSHAWA Mebile hom: Quality Royoline. 4 wheels. loader _and_ backhoe, 725-7264 after ¢._| $6 per month Motirests tales ey er iON SALES Pun INSERTION, [oro Ward. Maton ie ae hy eS co stery cleaniig done in your ast ea sale. Com- 1 ; ' FIBEROLAS FENDERS from $7.95 PLUMBER'S TOOLS -- Pipe EXPERIENCED PRE DEADLIN' pairs. Serving Onnaee Gatch tone meny [pi af bo A LA dl home or our office, Call for CABLE T V pedi eiua with 2 bed- ' butt Farters ind penersters POs Ne NeL| ¢leoning rods, pipe vise pad of counter work Wick> Ane ES Yrs. Honest, 'dependable service, 72s4s76/GRee CHICKEN MANURE. Call 728-| information. LTD. Reasonobly priced' pala Pius $2.00 per whee! son St, 725.2162. ' tripods, pipe wrenches, pipe Palmer Cleaners, 255 6550. . ir phat dentate SRN Ne RE i 6 SOoKKEEPER = TvI Bae BAY PRRVIONS fopeire eee aan Oe Reg wane. bet onehalgea LANDSCAPING. Gardens | 725-9961 723-5278 sale. NEWCASTLE 987-4622. oe re goo Mg ig Yt aie, pin yea = smal office Avely i LOST AND FOUND 8 [Rooting and Construction. bar." Iphone 6a esas Tele | TENT TRAILERS WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL [stl Betnany tri" "| PAINTER' EQUIPMENT -- ary "commensurate i ALL T¥PES building ono repai SULTIMATING, Raletiiig and Tews ees ah 7 V AN SR ce cccs $349 up Including weights per wheel [sort EQUIPMENT -- Sezer Open stepladders, ladder jacks, oy Se uae Maes aD CR DUBLICATION ne roofing. Free estimates. 723-2413, [mowing done. Telephone 668-3229. | se Peli ge oa Vv. W R Book. now for, rentals, $55 | ON ee eee 1.95. |daliy." Thunderbird Golt Fro Shop, steel scattolding, compressors, cnlisrent in inv torn | FING, , ri we spra' uns, wa Card OF RAN Peed cement work gpd sidewalks, ot Instruction @ Workmanship Guaranteed "BUILT IN OSHAWA" Expres so Camping SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, ONE-STOP BIKE SHOP Sales, Service| ers 'crpoulina bln sandias fivedy_ wk Teo oe eons eo ieee ih a tte five full FRONT-END WORK AT -- | Repairs. Cycle Centre, 204 Bond Street : : " pe DA ee Mba 5S pm, DAY PREVIOUS ive full years) AT OUR OWN PLANT Open Weekends COMPARABLE P E., 725-6344 propane torches. ages 30-40, one who | CLASSIFIED | DISPLAY ATLANTIC PAVING and concrete, Get FINISH HIGH @ Eosy Budget Terms--Free We gi ; RUSSELL'S TEXACO RICES FYPRWRITERSS G8. No money damn,| BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT -- ating 'beauty "parlor iriv ve ' i" taht cleat column--4 p.m. day previous; 2 col. |Your driveway paved by experts. 20 eants : Estimates. Peg Fed Ng cdg better tower 1600 King St. East PA fginleda MTA ag eatery, downs} cement mixers, _ finishing SiiGa, Wat a oat ue rao Oui oy Pov o28t, » All work guaranteed. 72! SCHOOL IN '68 © Over 20 yeors experience. : 576-1264 and 723-0851 UNIROYAL ued remela, | service, trades. " Bill]. trowels, whee! barrows, elec- 20 forth. Write Bo THE FURNITURE CENTRE 0 H A soe! tric vibrator, air com a EE YOUR LOCAL CHI L , pressor, CORRECTIONS» a BLICATION Teen .-eaee onmme deoge,| Home study prepares you to 90 Simcoe St. North SHAWA T.V. Shasta - Scot CENTRES). EEG Farce, Se, sd fres,| Jock hammers, hand trowels, pone Porat caenee te Ontario Provincial or rnold Pel pub realed batore|inos_Istled, roo reptred. YRRMY7.| Sosimations for vecognized R The New Name of |purchase trom. Western' ll 'Company.| Woter pumps, portable heat- [Wee aubiiation will be charged one doys|ORIVEWAY GRAVEL" good aualy.| Certificate, Grades °6-19, | 'NTERIORS by WINDOLF SUPPLY LTD. an ambler DOMINION TIRESTORES [aera ene. ae ee HAIRDRESSERS WA ' per . -13. LERS SAUNA -- nation's leading generator, ramset power rol- good wages. Central | Wis qvryenceovr el be m ee Leadaallacdachbe bid gg and ge Low @ Custom Upholstery TAUTON RD. E. Sales and Rentals Phere tes ti) Bortable steam. bath for heme apart! ers, electric hommers, mas- fe cal ae to box numbers to the Carpentry tax pe thi For fair Ine @ Re-Covering Gust East of Ritson) Richardson"s B-A ' 2439. decaabalat onry saw, building jacks, Hy ied dl Se edvertiers ot soon cx possible, we Oc REMODELLING, Win "work Gpeeerds,| formation write © Antain Nalene 723-8131 _ 723-8132 Taunton and Simcoe S CONE ENE ee ROL| choin holst, thter saw, elec / when ina spect 0 feirestlan foot: Rs coho | : imcoe St. A L U M | N U M save. Danish, Modern, Provin-| Chain hoist, miter saw, elec- f charwoman. Phone 6.30 fellurs or delay is forwarding rush re-| ates. Telephone The Modern Canadian | 39 Simcoe N cal Aine, reapholery and 'custom up-| tric plane, tarpauling, sand ee Hen, however caused whethertoy neoll- Academy of Adult 728-3651 24 HOUR SERVICE RENTALS @ SIDING helstery. Before you buy, try 66-909. | blaster, power pest hile PART-TIME COOK Ee aoe or raniles ure eet Cartage Education Limited, |RE-UPHOLSTERY 'by "experts. ated] T \/ RENTA Cabin "Trallan ond. 7 @ AWNINGS fold da BAROAINS i yes of mat! ouger, oscillating sanders, Mr. Campbell, Genoshe ; : J rs an ent @ WINDOWS : EXPERIENCED WAIT in 2 deys. Dentistry Box 356, De pt. TO | il Lodpglet de Yoare. Werkrmenthip gueran. eV. LS Trailers, Reservations now ac- @ Doors tresses, fer burke bodes seats ay a ta ets. OS : grill work. No hight REGULATIONS EAREFOOT, BR --TONN-M--Baia|_ Hamilton, Ont. Ganawe Upholstoring, 287" Dean" Averas; HOLMES yer ire, Sthureh Grow. UY TNT] welders, : Beet Ei. OSHAWA TIMES WILL NOT se|Sur9t0". 172, King, Street Must, Osnewe, ie = he es avi Hea a Pee Avene WILDE RENTAL us ; sore srevers ae a RESPONSIBIE. FOR ERRORS IN ADVER- p with your schoolwork?" Fo oul ESTERIELOS TE ' H f hr Pm r) 18--Maele Hel THEMENTS SUBMITTED OTHERWISE Dos aking vate fuition phone s7éose, et PTT reac "Pree estimale See 'our mate: ELECTRONICS Whitby -- 668-3226 EVE als tie passa Model rlison. Tetehone S LA N 5 in THAN ONE INSERTION OF ANY AD- DRESSMAKING -- Eiperiy, fad wil rial for re-covering. Slip covers made FOR A Goo 5 |. |ONE FLOWER girl's dress, size 7, One| Sharpenini Ungistnir, MOR PVON , THE out ita saath ss ib e--ee [Breakers Cmomerim 75 entre PHONE Ga ALGCPR,QEM Steer Gr] 18 Prince Se. 725-4632 [Rey remanent oem ale dl ine ct Wanye SERTION IN WHICH ERROR Steuns, corr, Sees ee term, A CENTENNIAL FLOOR \Soles T+ 668 5 679 Mit ge yg Sales, 1010 Dundes Ts match, pink, Tel 3 od Yes Oshawa Exper le aL . g COMPLETELY BAUIFFED dram, ; BF ey ae cine reveteee ie eo dow pramite Aenaliy: 'Techene i CLEANING | . ~<e tak ch house trailer, trunk WILSON'S four, drums, two. tere rag Rg a se C ey ae dvertisement |Expo Accommodations fpecioliae in Commercial | APPLIANCE JOE'S COLOR TV Madaket Nae Mt uteat FURNITURE ae ee eth Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish REAL ES n cases of display a isements ation: and Home Cleaning | : : Bi ; ; MARCONI 21" television, 1 c je Times will not be held responsible RESERVATIONS taken now for large FREE ESTIMATES REPAIRS ond Radio Service |, TEAILEE ,wulabe to, enugpers| Invites you fo visit our new- |e), "goed canaons ah, las fnge gg med oe for more space than that which tel double room In modern. private ba APE Expert repairs to all makes SPECIALIZING IN inforced, heavy duly 'ties waterproof. ly opened skirts, new. Telephone 7aamy. Wot ul is, Bridal SALESA endeavor to reproduce all adverising|Montres!. Telephone 723-1255. 576-0430 | of washers, dryers, ranges, EUROPEA $160. Telephone 668-3033, ; EHESTERFIELD and several chairs, aM anveral Ga 'ear, Men's Formals, White Siatter correctly, but assume no liability| EXPO ACCOMMODATION. 15> too? etc TAPE oanen ot AND |FRAVEL TRAILER: private Furniture Galleries ladder," baby "erly, three-quarter] FOX Furs, Mink Stoles, of aavertisemen! It any inaccuracies injtralier, sleeps 6. Electricity, water, pro-| COMPLETE JANITOR SERVICE. | @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ EPAIRS dition. Sleeps five, '18 Chtetlon ay Ror For- , bee ob etn gg 2 Bie " bre. play Poeipenpeiesigge pane refrigerator and stove, Elgnt miles] -- Offices -- Stores --Homes | A L 'es A N 13 Bond W. 576-1670 |@st_Road, Alex. Telephone 942-2315, Fine quality Pen snap. an Sheela ssn pron trast secriies: SAR (sai S_RENTALS One well e - " Book naw for the Sprin TRAILER HITCHES Teen Seria Clapreye Fae | Sa saemee : Heald PRUE tel Ld TIMES ACTION WANT AD (Gardening and Supplies House 'Clatiing Stein. RN T.V. Rentals ed. Also all types of welding done. Pert est possible prices. DRUMS, compiele set, Leedy, aliver|LIET TRUCK, to rent by day or month, ee a Call Clessified Direct BOWMANVILLE © ra pelle -- Ree Bea abie equipment for rent. 723-6840 20 Church St., Oshowe sparkle, Zildjian cymbals, Aci condi S000. capacity, \16tt. lif, Telephone sant office pe, iy GOLDEN FLACON, a yj . Telephone 728- 's Van a jorage Ltd, j 723-3492 : WINDOW and FLOOR Telephone 723-0011 ALCAN I COuREN TLACOR, ee som eh --Crry TV teldvislons, rodion, |W-&U. FT COROHADO. oo Trenar WHEEL, CHAIRS hail bed, wali Outstanding o @FGEN OUPpHIES | AUS ae - NOW FURNITURE and --_|if"briesSgutat"" 138" G gige| service and repairs. Service |S aher S'pm 7a "a Resa WS beter Me offered. Applic INDEX TO | CLL. 10-644 wear sing oe SO sien, | APPLIANCES [et ictnoriaen "7 CS) ene open 7. dav week |COMTMERTAL BEBE or BEE SMTERVAINNGY Tera be known tot CLASSIFICATIONS Golfgreen 12-6-6 a: Reo outboards, all makes, air ae Lin South ft, Telephone 72ase4u 4 Y $1 black and white T.V. Anten- [all types, ett cia mae soe Gvels, parties, weddings, "Bar, "Kitchens and District R ; cee Evergreen 6-9-6 TWILL LOAN 'you up fe, $5000 at 6 <i "ee. pods be 3-0011 iv CARIN TRAILER for rect Ty, the ond Pecans et ae CARRING SY, THE MONTY week ox poate edn Board "son 7. 4 consoll- rvice, rgest service in week, ive, on rvice 9 a.m, to Street East. Simon's Shell) 14 ; Prey Cohure eee 7-7-7 Sie, Tere ate ay Mie Weer! Oehawg, SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 |g B Ouckec Se 'Call" Fas. (service, Sree 14--Business Opportunities torey reen Premium lly |grmeloved. and nave' goed credit. 74 BARRIE AVE. A--Camping 360. All work guaranteed, | TELEV! TELEVISION, $23) Cireeme chars 44: Apply in writing Marie, Eaulpmant So-Green High Organic |#48"_1 728-2791 or 725-4633 : _ Fast T.V. Service FOREST VIEW LODGE rocker $25) mr, a san end RENT or LEASE perience, age, m SAriicies tor, Sale Milorgainte Mortgages ee iedaedi makes. New i polaners. Ree DOMINION _| on Lake Battiste, the popular RUSSELL'S TEXACO 2nd cofte bi an, Taba Established restaurant, Avail- to ea Somers! Basket Sheep Manure Jack Lees, 728-69: TELEV ISION family resort. Modern house- Open 24 Hours Daily ze re aang ae $t| ble May 15, Also aportment ; Ti--Pets and Bonemeal NEED MONEY ? GUARANTEE REPAIR 72 wringer keeping cottages, trailers end OS ee ae Ap 154 Willi BOX A eer ee, Cow Mrure PANWENTS 100 Fic? [EIA Eahgg mae 72ESISA Pom woSem_| Sommig gnah and age | Ao fore Cami, Seed nV Tawar EATS we eG! fom ase sue" Se , eBusiness Gpoorunnn CALL. 4-12-10 Why-not consolidate oll your eg yl gh Caen ee | . Smagente Werteg C.1.L. 5-10-15 debts with one low monthly |Septic Service T.V. SERVICE water ways. Good fishi 1600 K SUNWORTHY WALLPAPER Spring 725-2173 OSHAWA Ie--Agents, Ae CIL 1010.10 payment. with a low cost |@RPTIC"TANKS downed Frome -vere sv. Ravine ng, ing St--€. 723-0851 | special_at 73¢ single roll at Gdgar's WHITE 'Tomste of Female Help wetea | Peat Moss martonge Her ia ee er a Ol eR ANTENNE nae RUTHERFORD'S laws prone "fai rasir® Steet West OM) WA RIETY STORE --_--_____ Real Estate For Sale For comple detolls call [oo ER_ANTENNAS FOREST VIEW LODGE F GUARANTEED USEO--wiiger war w _ Propertion a aed DOUG TERWILLEGAR. Surveyors INSTALLED Highland Grove, Ontario scoot bits Rook, 3008. crs Television, ergeratar et ies hous A 'oe REAL ES A oResl estate Wanted : Conteh Seeds BRANCH REALTY. BONEVAN AN FLETscnnaNR--o| A-l USED TELEVISIONS ee ner enone tees ae ene $499, $599, $699. Eosy [dsr simcoe souh, T2001 P| | Tumover over $169,000 toe Gig tw | Siverscl"Sor INVESTMENTS LIMITED fous, Atoaenthncaings' S| CITY TV. 725-0500 tai! ca" Sind a retains sale oF [ak UMAR YAN of 7 ry] year Fit ine aferad SALESW aecApartments for, Rett ge lg a 51 King St. E., Oshawa H, FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Oniarial'Y SPECIAL -- 40-foot tower| seme or RUTHERF D' value "wil sellor ashe maraieae | | Co lease. Asking $32,000 27--Rooms for Rent Weed Killers Bus. 723-1157 Res, 725-6210 |Land Surveyors, 111 Elgin "street Bast.|Stucture, all-channel antenna installed, |CAMPING TRAILER rental 'reservations ORD'S TYPEWRITER, elecriG @) plus_ stock. Write Box M- %--Room and Boare Bug Killers Phone 725-6881. Ls Parana ny Supply Limited, Taunton nag being tein for Expo, and summer 156 Simcoe St. South Sane aeons: pa stanton, 64578, Oshawa Times. eee ee : | ; s son Road, ions. now and avold dis- $25, Electric Multiplier. 723-4434 'IGROCERY AND VA : pe) ue te. for at, Everything For The Garden vee ipnicd td esti aed PER MONTH Welding ed 728-9942. e Kamping Unilmit. FOR SALE -- USED WEE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE usea| only, Fela quarters 'adlinng. "A Oat career. Mont, heen Frocks | . 'apartment building. ae Se . The City |ne ge - ' umavtomeoie Repelr Cooper-Smith Co pe 9 $ The cost of this|GENERAL WELDING Services, _ port- cn ean hee toe a by cern TV SETS Soon ner on a Sa ret mes a eau WO. Ma nyttverted na eee Lost and Found PHONE AFTER 6 P.M ad daily for one|able equipment for rent, with or without) times. In many cases the cheno Hl es hd nk RTT nol le c= Lope! 16 CELINA ST. year, Too small Reavers. C.W.B. and' Use "approved.|to 2 totally new career. eeialiod A-1 Condition LUOYD BEIGE baby carriage, siso Ber LLOYD ME oem ae. Tee | FR 16 be noticeg?| ceratnee Wor rane i gnc Chita Ra) TRIO TELEVISION fig coca py aA Ny rod galgoneoage ARC AND AC 'Whether you' in tl i I : Delivery Service : | You're reading it! pis. instil and "cormmeraiet' al un rnp oyed or leaking for a befter lob, 728-5143 Himer oven ond rotlaetie." Good 'conar watch roomers come running a 10:58 SI, Gack "Help Wanted" new! 35 Division Se. lan. Telephone 734-4366. Phone 723-3492. 728-467