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Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Apr 1967, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, April 22, 1967 5 ads 24-HOUR BURNER SERVICE By Our Local Service Contractors SAWDON"S WHITBY DAY - BY - DAY Dessert Games Party Most Successful Event '-ADERS RITE... ERAN PROTESTS ditor: ding the First World erans. The first world | ee : Catholic Women's League \Installs New Officers AJAX (Staff) -- Officers for CWL is having a High Mass at| rans are dying out fast. ral rm an es tec WHITBY (Staff) -- A most|Marne Cook, Mrs. Winifred \the ensuing year were installec{8 p.m., April 28, in honor of home which was built pe stacy er ee Ea aod sae hong aor iby Rev. Father Johnson at the]Our Lady of Good Council. FUEL with mostly volunteer s : f s S . an McColl, Tee As jannual meeting of St. Berna-/Tickets for the communion Anglican Church _Afternoon|Staples, Mrs. Mildred Smith, ldette's Catholic Women's}breakfast and Day of Recollec- FURNACE Olt -- xcept for the plumb- heating, electric, and hey got contracts. uilding was built by n, he had no written blue prints to work by, tect, no inspector, he put up whatever he vould suit. I told the n I could not do such STOVE OIL AND COAL | 244 Brock St. S., Whitby 668-3524 Branch, was held in the parish|Mrs. H. Willoughby, Mrs. Myrtle hall. Mrs. Ronald Carter was|Conrad, Miss Jean Stewart, the- convener, ; Mrs. Wynn Chubb, Mrs. Peggy ; The hall was gaily decorated|Sloan, Mrs. Amy Mulligan, Miss in spring colors by Mrs. W. K.|Winnifred Boys, Mrs. Paul Ir- Roberts and her committee.|win, Mrs. Cliff Gartshore, Mrs. Mrs. Ear! Dilling was in charge|E. M. Chisholm, Mrs. R. of tea tables. Mrs. E. L. Hul-|Smith, Mrs. C. Dalby, Mrs. bert and Mrs. Margaret Dews-| Marguerite Steffler, Mrs. Beryl bury were in charge of the kit-|Cyr, Mrs. Don MacMillan, Mrs. |League. The retiring president,|tion to be held April 30 were Mrs. K. Ireland, presided andjdistributed. _------- expressed appreciation of the} Father Johnston congratulated co-operation of the members. jand presented diplomas to 11 The officers for 1967-68 are:|members who successfully com- Past president, Mrs. K. Ireland; |pleted a Leadership Course. wat woeie SAVE $ $ ON first vice president, Mrs. G. Watson; second vice-president, Mrs. John Fleury; third vice- s that for nothing, so chen serving the delicious and|A. Vallee, Mrs. Harriet Ba j s A. ; ; yes, , Eee . gto! ra ie ee colorful desserts. They were as-|Mrs. Kathleen McKelbie, Mrs. -- kay a Foun: , @ job, sisted by Mrs. George Lomax|E. Atcon and Mrs. Myrtle Lin- [recording secretary, Mrs. J.| AUTO INSURAI NCE the other men agreed. ) went and saw them said they would come. is man finished the put the roof on, laid tage and other rooms. } put in 500 hours on He never got his 25c. from that day to this. know what has hap- ut somebody sold our | who wons it is the )shawa. omebody has built a Simcoe Street. I might s the poorest looking ever built, it looks like ts architect made a g out of the job. The committee apparently ry little about build- city should have never t to have been built. an who built the old a Legion member, 37 embership. This man a Legion meeting in and never got the » get up and make a We old members 1g pushed out one by n the Centre St. Hall it was agreed, when re no more members was to be turned over y of Oshawa. An Old Vet, 8. CANFIELD, 26 Gibbons St., Apt. 1, Oshawa, Ontario. LT IN WOUND itor: ars ago a commission inted under the chair of Mr. Lancelot Smith » into the taxation and system operating in 'he report will be sub- on and it is hoped it nmend that the meth- culating the 5 per cent | Sales Tax should be 1, subsection 5 (b) etail Sales Tax Act ie cost of or charge ns and excise is part r value' on which the must be paid". As the vernment imposed an tax on the value of all . provincial govern- jer the provisions of collects not only 5 of the retail value of sold but also 5 per ie Federal Sales Tax. jority of Ontario citi- ize the necessity of ces but to make them on a tax is rather ng salt into a wound ' do goo in the long ggravates the condi- e patient unnecessar- Yours truly, DAVID B. BOAKES, Athabasca Street, Oshawa, Ont. April 20, 1967. RS AGO YEARS AGO pril 22, 1942 ill be a mammoth ilvage drive in Osh- 'row. Thirty - seven available to pick up >. 50 applications for have been refused 1. There are now & ,825 telephone sub- Oshawa. EARS AGO pril 22, 1927 orge McTaggart has the Commercial g St: W., from Mr. druff, for an undis- nents are near comi- the erection of the ce rink by Hambly shawa. . SIBLE of his disciples said Lord, teach us to Luke 11:1 seem that the closer » the Lord the more s need of prayer. a personal inventory ritual needs, and a dience with Him, eth closer than a NS & SELLS rged RS & CO. ints Hamilton Calgary e. Vancouver ica, Great' Britain | World 728-7527 and Mrs. Thomas Henstock at!ton. the dessert table, Tickets were drawn by the The dessert table was center-|president, Mrs. Donna Martin, ed by a beautiful floral arrange-|assisted by. Mrs. Ronald Carter ment, which was later won as|and recorded by Mrs. T. E.|: a door prize by Mrs. F. O'Con-|Henstock. The ticket convener,| # Mrs, Edith Watts, was at the Mrs. door. nor. Other winners were: Lois Pogue, Mrs. Grace Lomax,| Mrs. Muriel Carroll, Mrs. Vie; / Crofton, Mrs. Mrs. J, Rycroft, Barnes, Mrs, F. Jones, The May 8 meeting of the Afternoon Group will be at the Francis Whale,|home of Mrs. R. S. Cassels and Miss Edith|Miss Edith Barnes, 301 Gilbert Mrs.!Street East. Rebekah Lodge Plans Birthday Party The Noble Grand, Sister Sister Isabelle Saunders acting Sheila Gordon, presided at the|as degree captain. Benevolent Rebekah Lodge meeting. She was assisted by the Vice Grand, Sister Joan Mace, who gave the sick com- mittee report. Invitations were sent to dis- trict lodges to attend the "'Birth- day Party" of the lodge, May 4. The. installation of officers will also be held presided by WHITBY - AJA The leader of St. Mark's United Church Women Unit 8, Mrs. Jack Bowes, conducted the April meeting at the home of Mrs. William Winter, 14 Valley Court. Mrs. Craig Murkar was in charge of the worship service the theme was "The World Best Seller Still has a Message" Members were reminded of the buffet dinner of May 4 heft the guest speaker will be control- ler June Marks, Toronto. Her topic will be 'The Growing City. Mrs. Neil Murkar showed a film, entitled "By the King a Proclamation". This is a study on the growth of the church in Canada. The hostess served tea assisted by Mrs. C. Godwin. The next meeting will be held, May. 15, at the home of Mrs. Jack Bowes, Fairview Drive. The Whitby Women's Insti- tute "Euchre Evening" will be held April 24 at the home of Mrs. Kathlecn McKelvie, 112 Colborne Street East. Prizes will be. awarded to winners. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, will hold a congrega- tional meeting following the morning Service, April. 23. The meeting will be followed by a luncheon in the Sunay School Hall. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Whitehurst, 300 Brock treet North' were Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Paget, Clark- son, who are leaving, April 28, to return to Nottingham, Eng- land, after living in Canada for 47 years. Mrs. Rona!d Wiersma and her son, Douglas, are leaving this weekend for Sorel, Quebec where they will spend a week visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Baard. On the occasion of the sixth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Robin Sullivan with their friends Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Wiggins they dined in Toronto followed by an evening of en- tertainment. With their Brown Owls, Mrs. T. Wilcox and Mrs. T. Qozak, the 2nd and Sth Brownie Packs enjoyed an afternoon of bow!l- ing. Players were divided in teams of six, taking over the eight bowling lanes. Cheryl Seltzer of the 2nd Pack had a high score of 120 and Nancy English of the 8th Pack a score of 108, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Godfrey and two children, Lynne and Tracey, of Ottawa, were week- end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Wilder, 308 James Street. Mrs. Forrest Wilder, Boston, Mass., is visiting for a month with her son, Nelson Wilder, 305 Dunias Street West. The April meeting of the An- A euchre evening is planned for April 29 at the IOOF Hall. Each member was asked to make up a table. Members were sorry to learn of the passing of a long-term member, Sister Tena Roberts. Sympathy was extended to mem- bers of the family. Refreshments were served by the committee in charge. X PERSONALS Samples of the patterns the ladies are trying to match were on display in the hope that members could assist them in locating matching china. A lively question and answer period followed. A games night, sponsored by Whitby Chapter No. 248, Order of the Eastein Star, as held at the Masonic all was successful. The general convener was Mrs. Stafford Cosway. Prize winners were: Mrs. Margaret Mustard, Emil Gen- ereux, Elmer Powell, Stafford Cosway, Ed Davis, Leonard Waltham, Edwin Breen, Mrs. Jean Falconer, Mrs. Mary Akey, Mrs. Terry Allard, Frank Train, Mrs. Lois Pogue, Mrs. T. Vick, Mrs. Marg Holley, Marion Blair, Gertrude Luke, Mrs. Pearl Roper, Marilyn Wiggans, Mrs. Laura McCarl, Mrs. Mary Jewell, W. Guthrie, Mrs. Vern Wilson, Mrs. E. Héod, Mrs. Doreen Mowat, Marion Smith, Joan Collison, Mrs. Edwina Smith, Dorothy Caverly, Mrs, Isabel Farndale, Mrs. Davis, Toronto won the floral arrangement for the old- est person attending. SHE WANTS RECORDS SEATTLE (AP)--Andrea Gail Lematta, 17, with one record set, has her eyes on another. "I |Talmey; corresponding secre- tary, Mrs. M. Coffin. Councillors; Mrs. J. Vosen- berg, Mrs. Kassen, Mrs. W. J. Gray, Mrs. R. Johnston, Mrs. T. | \Carr, Mrs. M. Mahoney, Mrs. |D. Fox, Mrs. J. Hunter, Mrs. M. Docherty, Mrs. E. E. Houle. | Father Johnson congratulated | the new executive. He thanked he: esi. Members of the Ajax and Pickering General Hospital Women's' Auxiliary are | | | HOSPITAL AUXILIARY PREPARES CENTENNIAL BALL Mrs. Ireland, and her executive | for the co-operation given him | DECORATIONS even though he had been with | Karry, Mrs. W. Parish. | them for such a short time. He) busy cutting out centennial Centennial Ball and dinner. Honor Couple At Social PICKERING (Staff) -- The) congregation of St. Andrew's| Presbyterian Church, Pickering was out in strength, April 19, to) honor Jim and Kate Palmer at a social evening. Howard Mc- Clement was chairman. Miss J. Wilson, Guelph; Mrs.) H. Spratt, Whitby; Mrs. M. Mc- Clement, Mrs. P. Kerr and Mrs: H. Brisbin contributed to a de- lightful musical program, Led by Mrs. Kerr on her harp, the congregation enjoyed singing Negro Spirituals. | Rev. F. Conkey, Mrs. F.) Boyes, Mrs, H. Spratt and B. Summers paid tribute to the faithful work of the Palmers in every department of the congre- gations life through many years. Greetings and good wishes were received from Rev. K. C. and Mrs. MacLennan, Rev. K. A. and Mrs. Heron and Rev. E. H. and Mrs. Hunter. An inscribed silver tray and a scroll were presented to the guests of honor. In addition Mrs. Palmer received a bouguet of roses from the ladies and Mr. Palmer was given a gift by the board of managers. A number of old and cherish- ed friends of the Palmers from Whitby were present. The Ladies Aid served refreshments. J. Bax- ter and G. Brown served with |H. McClement as the committee making the arrangements. Mr. and Mrs. Palmer were taken by surprise. Mr. Palmer expressed their gratitude, told of their pleasure and satisfac- tion in serving the Lord and pledged their best efforts for all the work ahead. would like to fly commercially. ['d like to fly jetliners,"' she says. Andrea already has pas- sed her helicopter private pilot's licence test. A Federal Aviation Agency official says she's the youngest girl helicopter pilot in the U.S. @ LAWN MOWER TUNE UP! SALES & REPAIRS WILDE RENTAL SERVICE & SALES Whitby, Ontario 668-3226 NOTICE Consideration will be given to agencies wishing to participate in the 1967 WHITBY UNITED APPEAL Bud --and A | Audited Please submit lications -- Statements no later than April 30, 1967. WHITBY UNITED APPEAL POST OFFICE BOX 145 WHITBY, ONTARIO. ATTENTION FARMERS ! WHY PAY MORE? SAVE ON .. QUALITY Gasoline - Diesel and Motor Oils Farm Tanks and. Pumps Available Out of Oshawa, Whitby and District DX 0! CALL COLLECT | . PREMIUM | 668-3341 | tique Club was well attend Mrs. Alec Ingram introduced the guests, Mrs. Barbara Arm- strong and Mrs. M. Roe, of Scarborough, who operates a match - mate registry for china. They specilize in match- ing discontinued patterns. A film, produced by Spode of Eng- land, showed the complete pro- cess from clay to the finish Spode China. FREE Estimates, Reasoneble Rates, Repair Specialists. PLUMBING \ £HEATING J Hydro eee Tonks Installed For Fast Dependable Radio Dis- patched Plumbingi Service Call 723-1191 BROCK WHITBY EVER FILMED/; GO nisc" 3" f "STARS INCLUDING JOHNNY CASH PORTER WAGONER OSBORNE BROS. The CARTER FAMILY = °82ere -- See Canada As Never Before ALSO Ride "HELICOPTER CANADA" Begins 8:45 Only -- ALL COLOR PROGRAM Evening Programs Start at 7: Last Complete Show at 8:40 7HE BIGGEST COUNTRY MUSIC JAMBOREE @ SATURDAY MATINEE 1:30 @ ; # : : Standing, from left, are: (said that, after hearing all the oe aga hore peice she left, are: Mrs. D. I. Gove, decora- |reports, there was no doubt the the Annadale Golf an Mrs. David Jerrison, Mrs. tion convenor and Mrs. G, |past year had been most suc- Country Club dance hall, D. C. Wainman, ticket W. Curwood. jcessful. April 28, for the Hospital convener, Mrs. D._ E. --Oshawa Times Photo Mrs. V. Hickey announced the ints Vin we cua za seg a SD LOA IS Baseboard units take up little space, blend with mit room-by-room tem- perature control. "I can control the heat in every room." Mrs. William A. Heberle, Port Hope. All over Ontario you'll hear kind words about electric heating Every year electric heating wins more and more friends throughout Ontario. Small wonder. No other heating system offers so many benefits. Room-by-room or zone temperature control lets you select the most comfortable temperature for every part of your home. Electric heating is a gentle, even heat. It's clean and completely safe. And you're never both- ered by noise, fumes, or the nuisance of annual servic- ing and inspection. Yet for all its advantages, electric heating costs far less than you may think. If these are advantages you'd like for your next home, insist on quiet, convenient, comfortable electric heating. LOOK FOR THE TRIPLE SEAL OF QUALITY-- THE STRONGEST GUARANTEE A HEATING SYSTEM CAN HAVE The Triple Seal of Quality is a three-fold guarantee backed by the manufacturer of the heating equipment, the contrac- tor who installed it and the Ontario Electrical League who ensure that the system is correctly designed and the house adequately insulated. For full information about electric heating, speak to a qualified electric heating contractor, or ask your Hydro. Mi Radiant ceiling heat- ing is invisible. Each room's temperature can be individually controlled. Heat pum room decor. Per- mer. Hot water system (hydronic) circulates hot water through baseboard units from small boiler on base- ment wall. winter, cools in sum- One setting main- tains any desired year- round temperature. "Friends are surprised at the low cost." Mr. Harvey A. Helliwell, Highland Creek. "It makes housekeeping a lot easier." Mrs. Michael C, Casier, Chath "It's quick, and really comfortable." Mr. Harold G. Ross, Listowel. FIVE EXCELLENT WAYS TO HEAT YOUR HOME ELECTRICALLY comfort. Electric furnace with air filter,combines with cooling and humidity control for year-round MH. 7-23498 MARIANNA DEVELOPMENT Harmony Road South ACRES Dwight Avenue SEE MEDALLION ALL-ELEGTRIC HOMES ON DISPLAY IN THESE COMMU NITIES CENTENNIAL CEAN INVESTMENTS Wasaga Court CP PP PPP PPP PPPP PPP PPP PPP PPP PPP If you are an Abstainer you save up to $22.00 on your auto insurance. See JOHN RIEGER INSURANCE LIMITED PRESIDENT -- CLARE A. SHANK 597 KING ST. E., OSHAWA DIAL 728-7567 it CONCLUDING SERVICES ANNUAL MISSIONARY CONFERENCE 9:15 AM.--"FAITH TIDINGS" RADIO BROADCAST -- CKLB, 1350 on Your Dial 9:45 A.M. -- 11:00 A.M. -- 7:00 P.M. GUEST SPEAKERS:-- @ REV. W. H. FREY, Verdun, Quebee @ Mr. & MRS. JULES MAILLOUX Representing Baptist Missionary Work In Qui ebec "A GREAT DAY OF MISSIONARY FELLOWSHIP AND BLESSING" FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH 419 BROCK STREET NORTH REV. DELOSS M. SCOTT, Minister "There's Always A Welcome At Faith' ST. MARK'S Centre & Colborne Sts. Rev. J. M. Smith, B.A. B.D. Miss \la Newton, Deaconess | Mr. Gordon Harle, B.A., Organi 11:00 A.M. Dr. Norman Mackenzie Leader, Loy Training Centre gar, India niors. UNITED CHURCH ist |] 9:30 P.M. Juniors, Intermediates, | Seniors. 11:00 A.M, Nursery, Kindergarten, Primary Junior Congregation, font Care. In- WHITBY BAPTIST (Colborne Street West at Centre) Minister: Rev. John McLeod Organist Mrs, W, &, Summers, A.T.C.M. 11:00 A.M.--"'Things Jesus Saw" 7:00 P.M.--'The Master's 9:45 A.M.--Bible School Bible Study and Prayer Wed. ot 7:30 P.M. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN Corner Byron at St. John whi Mr. 8. G. Devereux, Organist 9:45 AM, CHURCH SCHOOL CLASSES 11:00 AM.-- "It's Not Worth..." EVERYBODY WELCOME | itby | Rev. W. J. S. McClure, B.A. Nursery Kindergarten and Junior Congregation during Divine Worship EMMANUEL REFORMED 403 Rossland Road West Rev. Harold Hesselink 10:30 A.M: English Service and Sunday School 7 P.M. ENGLISH SERVICE EVERYONE HEARTILY WELCOMED TOWN OF WHITBY NOTICE RE PASSING OF BYLAW NUMBER 2785 2 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Council of the Town of Whitby did on/Monday, the 27th day of March, 1967, pass Bylaw Number 2785, a Bylaw to establish Polling Subdivisions. A certified copy of the said Bylaw was filed in the Office of the Clerk of the Peace for the County of Ontario, at 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby on Friday, the 31st day of March, 1967. Any five electors may at any time within two months after the day of filing, appeal in respect of any Polling Subdivision to the Judge of the County Court, who has power to amend the Bylaw in order to make it conform with the provisions of section 58 (ss 9) of the Ontario Municipal Act. A copy of the Bylaw may be examined ot the Municipal Office, 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Mondays to Fridays. Dated at Whitby, this 15th day of April 1967. JOHN R. FROST, Clerk-Administrator, Town of Whitby. PUBLIC NOTICE RE AMALGAMATION To all householders in the Town and Township of Whitby a questionnaire regarding Amalgamation has been forwarded to every householder in both Municipalities. If you have mot received a copy of the questionaire ond have questions which you would like to submit, you may obtain « copy by telephoning your municipal building. Questions must be submitted by April 26th, 1967. Wm. H. Wallace, Clerk Township of Whitby John R. Frost Clerk Administrator ¢ Town of Whitby .

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