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Oshawa Times (1958-), 29 Apr 1967, p. 15

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EST ustom and eady Made 2APES Shades and see. AEC ERTLY INSTALLED RAPERY TRACKS 723-7827 »ing at Our Store" latest ESS irts 'or D0 cleaning r oF each -- AVERY 961 UCTED j00mM stifully at es, A sup- tarian -- e, dainty, rry fruit late glass protective Is, JO'S BY WITH A FANFARE of trumpets, a salute of guns from the river boats, the un- furling of the flags of the par- ticipating nations and the lighting of the Centennial Flame, Expo '67, the Univer- éal and International World Fair was officially inaugur- ated by His Excelency the Governor General Roland Michener on Thursday. The sky was clear and high, a truly Canadian sky. The sun was shining brightly; there was enough breeze to carry the flags bravely and the tem- perature was a pleasant fifty-. five degrees, a perfect setting for a proud moment. Apart from a_ last-minute, backstage labor dispute that was quickly settled, every- thing was as merry as a mar- riage bell. Expo has taken years of planning and building y our country's leading ex- perts and an army of work- men in all trades to complete the undertaking, but most of all it has taken courage; cour- age on the part of so few to undertake such a colossal pro- ject for so many. YOU DON'T THINK it takes courage to spend other people's money? It does when the economy of the country is involved. There is, however, another kind of courage which, I think, predicts Can- ada's destiny and that is the bringing together of nations that have been eying each other with animosity for gen- erations and inviting royalty and heads of state of contend- ing countries to be our special guests. Let us: hope that in "our True North" they will see each other in a friendly light; that no fanatic will trigger a tragedy and that from Expo will fly forth a flight of doves, symbols of peace among men. The whole world knows about Expo. I haven't heard from China but I have had requests for picture postcards from Czechoslovakia and Bul- garia. Many cities in the United States have given great publicity in their news media and one of Miami's largest stores put on a real show complete with maple leaf and centennial flags, of what to wear, what to see and what to do at Expo in Montreal, Canada. ON THIS jubilant note, con- gratulations are in order for Leslie Cser, Grade 8 student at St. John's School, Whitby, who won the trophy in the - finals of the Catholic Women's League public speaking con- test in Toronto. Whitby is becoming the cradle of orators. Leslie is the third boy to reach the arch- diocesan finals and the first JOURNAL | JO ALDW!/NCKLE | Women's Editor of The Times to bring home the cup. Other finalists have been Scott Smith, Colborne Street School, | and Michael Porter, Anderson | High School. Marian Silic of girls in the Ontario County South contest and was a runner-up in the finals. In 1962 the Reverend Leo | Austin, pastor of St. John the Evangelist Roman Catholic Church inaugurated the CWL speaking contest and Leslie's victory has brought the trophy back to its founder. Father Leo has been on an enforced vacation for some time and the children of his parish want him to know that they are working hard in his absence and they feel Leslie's achieve- ment will make him proud Ajax won the first place for | : to come home. Leslie and his parents are grateful for all the assistance and encouragement they re- received from his school teachers and Mrs. James Munro and Mrs, Peter Otten- brite president and convener of St. John's CWL. CULTURE CALLING. The National Ballet is coming May 8, more about that later and on Tuesday the McLaughlin Library will inaugurate a pic- ture rental service. This means that for a modest rent you can have a Canadian original hanging in your living room and a new conversation piece every month or so. Included in the paintings are two by well - known local artists, Isabel McLaughlin and Alexandra Luke. Other con- tributors are York Wilson who painted the mural for O'Keefe Centre; William Winter who painted the mural over the main desk in McLaughlin Li- brary and Eric Aldwinckle who painted the memorial arch at O'Neill Collegiate. SAD NOTES. Some scurvy knave cut the rope and made off with the new flag flying at the Royal Canadian Legion building last week. The Can- adian Corps and the Oshawa Shopping Centre have suffered the same vandalism. Due to the sudden death of Frank Higginbottom, the party planned by the PMA Club for the residents at Hillsdale Manor on Monday afternoon will not take place and the These beautifully deco- rated Easter eggs, each hand-painted symbol carry- ing its own message, will be displayed in Ukrainian By ESTRELLITA FOR SUNDAY Excellent planetary influences the personal score. Stars favor romance, travel and group ac- tivities generally. If work is on your agenda, best stick to rou- tine. New ventures at this time) ise. FOR THE BIRTHDAY If Sunday is your birthday, your horoscope indicates that it vantage of all opportunities to job score. Even though results may not be immediate, stars promise gratifying recognition for past efforts and openings for further progress in late July, September, early December, next January through March. Where finances are con- cerned, look for some small but pleasing (because unexpected) gains during the first two weeks PMA will hold its regular jin August, and a truly excellent meeting at Knox Presbyterian |Period in which to increase as- Church, sets between mid - September and mid-November, but do be conservative -- especially dur- ing the first two weeks of Sep- tember. No speculation then! In fact the Taurean should take no monetary risks for at least 12 months. Another uptrend on the fiscal score is indicated during the first two weeks of December To those who are celebrat- ing tomorrow, a joyous Easter. On the eve of their National Day, gladness has come to the Netherlanders in the birth of a royal baby boy, the first princeling in over a century. Holland's national day is to- morrow. Bravo for lettuce. Those who have refused to eat the "'rab- bits' food," can now smoke it. next February and March. Stimulating social 23rd Guides And Brownies Entertain Mothers At Banquet The annual Mother and Daughter Banquet of the 23rd Guide and Brownie Company was held at Guide House. The tables were attractively decorated with vases of daffo- dils and Guide and Brownie dolls. Susan Ramshaw proposed the toast to the Queen, followed by the National Anthem play- ed by Sue Graper. The Foxlease grace was led by company leader Cathy Neal. After a turkey dinner served by the women of St. Stephen's Church, the chairman for the evening, Guide Captain Miss Gail Branton welcomed the mothers and daughters, and introduced the guests at the head table as follows: Barbara Banfield and Carol Fisher, Packies; Sarah Jane Platt, Mrs. W. R. Platt, Tawny Owl; Mrs. A. J. Evans, Brown Owl; Mrs. B. D. Hitchens; Commis- sioner, Rosslyn District; Miss Gail Branton, Guide Captain; Mrs, Alex Yonson, Rosslyn Dis- trict, Badge Secretary; Mrs. A. C. Keeler, Acting Guide Lieutenant; Mrs. A. J. Neal .Kathy Neal, Company Leader; Mrs. Paul Bellinger, president, Parent Committee. Patti Wilson thanked the mothers and Mrs. R .M. Wilson replied. A toast to the World Wide Guide Movement was pro- posed by Wendy Ewart, and re- plied to by Mrs. B. OD. Hitchens. Mrs. Hitchens mentioned the Come and See Tea when eight quilts, a Centennial project of the Parent Committees would be displayed at Guide House. The tea would be held May 31 from 2.00 p.m, until 8.00 p.m. Of special interest to the group present was the quilt of the Parent Committees of Ross- THE 1967 STYLES IN SPORTSWEAR @ 'Sabre Slims' @ 'Sabre Shorts' ® 'Cole' Swim Suits Now on Display WARD'S Simcoe St. at Athol Quality Since 1919 725-1151 your life, ween now and Sept. 15, and be- tween Nov. 15 and Jan. 1 espe- cially interesting. Next good) months for sentimental inter- ests: April and May of 1968. A child born on this day will be intellectually inclined and a true humanitarian, but will have to curb strong tendencies! toward obstinacy. FOR MONDAY You may incline toward scat- lyn District which was on dis- play at the banquet. Mrs. Hitchens presented Mrs. W. R. Platt with her Tawny Owl warrant and pin. Mrs. A. J. Evans, Brown Owl, homes throughout the world | THE STARS SAY | tivities at one time, but you will accomplish nothing by so doing. Base your program on essen-| tials only, lundertaking before you start will make Sunday a fine day on|another. FOR THE BIRTHDAY not only receive gratifying rec- ognition for your efforts, but | will then be able to take further steps toward greater achieve- ber, and March. In financial mat- tomorrow as they celebrate the Ukrainian Easter Sun- day. It is Ukrainian tradi- tion that the mothers teach their children the. meaning of the symbols, the tradi- tion of Easter and how to ~ "TOMORROW IS THE UKRAINIAN EASTER SUNDA decorate the eggs, and the | traditional baking and prep- aration of the food -- the | laden _ Easter baskets, which are blessed by the |. jing a retirement town in Flor- priests. --Oshawa Times Photo and complete one! If Monday is your birthday, during the month of September, you should ment--notably in early Decem- next January, February ters, you can look forward to some small, but cheering gains within the first two weeks of July; then, for excellent oppor- ' jner, I'm reminded of novelist your horoscope indicates that, | James as a Taurean, your extraodi-| vision that you glorify in your don't seem to show much prom-/nary ability to plan well, and;mind, the ideal that you en- your shrewdness in recognizing opportunities which others would pass up, could help to further career goals consider:| agye 4 : : és f _|ably -- even though monetary|!rom the time he was an im- would be advisable to take ad-|-vards may not be immedi-/Poverished boy who had to quit ; else nednl ter jately forthcoming. Take advan-|school to go to work right up to advance now--especially on the tage of every chance to forge|the present. Today, a wealthy ahead between now and the end of August since, throne in your heart--this you will build your life by, this you will become." tunities to increase assets be- tween Sept. 15 and Nov. 15; also, during the first two weeks of December, and March. But do manage con- servatively. No speculation for the next 12 months! This new year in your life/savings in a new process called --a springboard to further gains|should be outstanding in social|tire retreading. and romantic areas, with best pitious months for travel will occur early in 1968. A child born on. this day will) be extremely shrewd in seeing business and financial oppor- tunities but, being extremely conservative, may need a more dynamic person, such as an Arien or a Leoite, to '"'push"| him into taking advantage of| them. | profitably. | man, he is financing, with sev- eral million dollars, a Florida retirement colony which is growing from his insight and vision. the son of a harness maker in Hicksville, N.Y., could see that horseless carriage was gradu- ally putting his father out of business, Make Them Count By ROBERTA ROESCH Whenever I talk to Sam Kell-| Allen's words: 'The In essence, this is Sam's story A half a century ago, Sam, Restore Favorite Toys | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, April 29, 1967 7§ TREATMENT FREE : The National Health Service, forms of medical was established in [England in 1946. GEESE GARDENERS . . With A Touch Of Paint A million geese waddle }southern United States, destroy-loffering all By ELEANOR ROSS |be careful that the coatings you fo ying: daly pcos aga - pa Does your child cherish a toy|use contain no ingredients that that has become worn, one that|would be harmful even if he refuses to part with? A new\chewed by young children. coat of paint, a few adjust-|Have your reputable paint ments, may be all that is|dealer check: the lable of the needed to brighten up this toy|Paint you are purchasing to as- and turn it into a shiny treasure/sure its safety, again, You can paint those wa-| Quality paints give the best gons, tricycles, dollhouses and|results--and always read the other playthings that have be-|labels carefully before starting gun to rust or chip. Toys that!the job. The proper brush is have keen outgrown can be} important. Round and flat sash freshened up this way too, and | brushes are often used, and passed on to local hospital/small artist brushes are helpful wards, orphanages and other)when working on small toys. | organizations that care for chil-| USE FILLER dren. If the toy has any cracks, Painting is easy. First, you wht ; decide on the paint, then you dents, or nail-head indentations, select colors which should be|¥°U'll need some type of filler ; : or spackling compound. You bright and gay. But you must| eT inet filler in_tube 5 |form will be handiest since You enter the construction business,/can squeeze out as much as {s and eventually he became a' needed. wealthy and successful builder} of homes, office buildings, fac-! tories, shopping centres and other construction. For all your drapery needs. see a INTERIOR DECORATOR 15 King Street East CUSTOM MADE DRAPES Phone 725-2686 Any wooden surfaces should be sanded before painting. Then, go right ahead with your color application. Just remem- ment living at the lowest possi- ble cost, Sam purchased 5,500 acres of Fla., set up a construction crew jto build landscaped low - cost jhomes, churches, stores, a library, rec- reation hall, other community services. develop them by using vision,| common sense, initiative, hard work and honesty. "By the time I was in my 50s, I'd made all the money I'd/into the paint more than one-| ever need," Sam said, "so Ithird of its bristle length. Al decided at that age that if God|ways start on an unpainted : i pees was good enough to give me--|area and work toward a painted a fellow from a poor home with|one when you have just refilled practically no education -- a your brush. | jchance to do what I'd done my|" When working with metal that next project would be one that)has rusted, you can use either nerg give other people some coarse sandpaper or steel wool ielp. Sam found himself envision-| lida, with especially-built low-/iting primer on the bare metal. | -------- | cost homes, designed for people|For a final coat, use a hard- jover 50. Do What You Can "In traveling Tr aaint furth Fh | : country, I'd often seen people) 2eroso! paints may further sim-| With Your Assetg--| who'd worked hard all their life|Plify your task. These can also} |struggling to get along on re- help to create different designs) tirement incomes in cold cli- mates |money, or less they could live in a warm sunny climate." around the when for the same land near Lecanto, and began to build restaurant and "When you ask me for my secrets' for finding good oppor- tunities and developing them," Sam said, 'I can only say that) 4 for teething. 89¢ today, as always, you find and by using stencils or to add a/ gay stripe by spraying over a| masking-taped area. | ; .. |more pleased and proud with To create this type of retire-|};, sinew looking" toys if you personalize them. by stenciling side. ber to avoid dipping your brush to remove the corrosion. After the rust has been removed, be sure to use a special rust-inhib-| drying durable enamel. Handy, easy-to-use cans of Your youngster will be even} his name or initials on the top Don't suffer agony. In seconds get re- Nef thet lasts with ORAJEL. Speed- release formula puts medications to work instantly to stop throbbing pain. by many denti as "first-aid" for toothaches yet so safe doctors recommend dey, "ex Sooner or later, that day comes, the day when a woman feels she's changing. It's not a good feeling either. And she could "You do what you can with what you have and make these the things that count." As he looked at the lite| around him, he could also see clearly that his family needed his help. So, with the imagina- tion that was to etch his whole future he decided that. automo- next February|pile tires could be a new and coming big business. He saved all he could from selling tires, BIRKS = recommends ¢ HAGERTY Rix 3 Silver Care ORA-JEL use a good old-fashioned medicine then. SPOMMTTSTCSSDD ISS 'Could be you feel a little edgy, or maybe yg Guten Made oF G 'cross. You might even have what we call hot flashes and gy Rasdy.teHono G feel sad and slightly off-balance:t g DRAPERIES a ; Whatever you feel, we have something for y gi the day you need a little comforting. Lydia E, Pinkham 3 @ HOMES 4 \Tablets, They're made with gentle ingredients that work e @ OFFICES A to give you a better sense of well-being. A sense of Va] @ INDUSTRIAL e well-being you might lose when you start changing. a -- Since 1919 -- 6 With an old-fashioned problem like this, 2 W ARD 1 S g | couldn't you use an old-fashioned medicine? F Simcoe St. at Athol | Lydi BE. Pi : g 725-1151 \ 'Tablets and Liquid Compound . Sosnesssennpsanasanss \ and then invested his small Beginning with a small place, activities|periods, in 1967, star-promised/he built his retreading business and happiness in romance|between now and Sept. 15 and|into a string of shops. When he should enliven this new year in|between mid - November andj/had this business going, he with the periods be-|Dec. 31. Other good months:/invested in real estate and Next April and May. Most pro-jlearned how to buy and sell Later he used his profits to OSHAWA ALUMINUM Soles & Service @ ALUMINUM SIDING @ ALUMINUM STORMS, PATIOS & RAILINGS @ ALUMINUM AWNINGS, ETC. 58 Nassau St. Oshawa Ph. 725-7922 tering your energies on Monday, | explained the Brownie Plaque, | trying to carry on a dozen ac- presented to Debbie Mellema, sixer of the winning Elves, by Mrs. R. J. Kimmerly. Each Elf received a compass as a gift. The Gnomes, runners-up for the second year and losing both years by only one point were given gifts. Cindy Lang was sixer of the Gnomes. Mrs. F. A, Eismont presented the Guide Company with a KEEP SFOR YEARS cheque for books. It was accept-| Transfusions of rare blood ed by Guide Captain, Miss Gailjcan be kept in the Canadian Branton. Kathy Neal and Jane|rare blood bank in Ottawa for Krantz were tied in the choice|five to eight years. of the All Around Guide for the HOUEHOLD HINT | Peeled - ahead potatoes will keep fresh and crisp for hours if you cover them with cold water and -put them in the re- frigerator until you're ready to cook them. o- year by their fellow Guides and| 4 were presented with gifts. uv. a | The Brownies presented a . 22 | program of singing dances > oe from other lands, which was} wt ie) | well performed and much en.- | "e oO mm 1 joyed. Bovis nmtali Four Brownies: Susan Lajoie, | 23 8 3 >. WH | Cindy Lang, Debbie Mellema, | >3 9 5° s and Patti Wilson flew up toj™ = oo 3 re) Guides. rez! GS < The Brownies and Guides| "ve o joined together for songs in/ oo sc i be «| campfire and the evening came | & 88 b- | to a close with the singing | ao i of the Brownie Taps and the | Guide Taps. IVAN International Hair Stylist Platform Artist LONDON PARIS VIENNA Now at... The Salon 6% PRINCE ST. For LF \ "TOTAL = SERVICE IN TRAVEL" MITCHELL & WAITE Travel Service PHONE 728-7395-6 Opening Thurs., April 27th Maria~ ) Formerly with Bruno ond Kean All Maria's clients are invited to call for appointments. 27 Celina Street @ Complete Beauty @ Open 6 days a week Maria louse of Beauty | 728-0662 | 369 King St. W. Phone 576-0770 | ' Care | 8 to7 p.m. OPENING SPECIALS On Perms, Color and Styling Woolworth's 5 Woolworth's Invites You To LOOK TO THE TOP FOR FASHION Bright, fresh' and carefree -- spring fashion ideas go right to. the top. The lightweight feeling of warm weather wear is captured in these 100% Stretch nylon tops. Left, a simple turtleneck shell with back zipper open- ing. Right, a tank top in popular scoop-neck design. Both are of light- weight, washable fabrics. They're yours in any of our smart, new spring each and summer fashion colours. Come in sizes: S-M-L. es FACTION, 2 tir WOOLWORTH 'S mamas! Enron MONEY RECUNC EI OPEN New Spring Fashions THURSDAY & FRIDAY NIGHTS TILL 9 P.M.

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