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Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 May 1967, p. 16

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ee i rt 14--Busines 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdcy, Mey 2, 1967 . "To Buy, Sell, Rent or Hire...Read and Use Times Action Want Ads" Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. MA C COM 8--Articles for Sale ' 5--Troilers ,\8--Articles for Sale for Sa a Has Fe TT 15" CABIN TRAILER FOR RENT by CHAIN SAW, r Ski Doo Pg ae SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By Ry SCOTT Nyt week, Sleeps five. Telephone 725- FOR SALE -- USED cury sedan, office chal eet shelve : ing,. filing cabinet, Na' jis- A 7 iL R HITCHES made on 1 Tnatal- TV SETS tera Bill Hemilton, meiaun a yay 4 - iso al 'ypes of welding done, Port ret Sen acre Kee abie equipment for rent, 723-6840 A-1 Condition FISHERMEN -- Complete line of fish- busiest dowr Pw t, rods, reels, lines, I tions. preg eh 5A--Camping TRIO, TELEVISION. jitt otn "nase Ean" betwee sie TASIDE, WHILE THE BV. FACES iba lle $ Fait : PR p, SWING 35. Division St. MAN'S SUIT, size 40, excellent condi- Financial assi Accountants Building Trades Gardening and Supplies -- |Mortgages Eiices semi cee EXPO tion, $40, Telephone 668-4032 after 4 vice _ station DOR GLAnCY s ACRONIS Service Be CRATER 15' Trailer FOR RENT, 8 oe _ age die \ Sim- railer i Sore ane ae es, sss Home 50 -- 50 MORTGAGE miles from Expo. Electricity, size A9c pao Bele. perience no GORDON R. DAY, Certified General : i " -- Recountent, Suite S05W: Ostewe 'seep| I! Mprovements Merion Kentucky Blue Grass. Siospr 5. $100 Weekly gee White, Feather 'Farrvs, Oshawa, 633-4752, ae ee and 200 sa. yds and up 26c del. Lea saultids TONE-CRAFT Picked up, delivered at store or home. Station will WILLIAM, HALL, ®.comm., Charter- eo No. 1 Field Sod, 200 sq. yds. ] 728-8253 ; T . J $4, Accountant, 2614 King "Street East General Repairs ghd, up, 20 del. wie? Soil fe an os \ PAINTS LTD, 10--Farmers' Column une i per cu. yd. We main- oneys available for 'first i i rs HOPKINS, BEADLE ANb CO. Charter. @ Roofing and Eavestrough- tain: complete Landscaping and second mortgages. Open 6--Marine Equipment 723-4922 ore eM ar La eS two, te eno "Stree! East, Oshawa, On ing Service. (Free estimates). mortgages. No bonus. First = APRIL TOWER SALE | |Tyrone, Telephone Collect Hampton 263 PLEASE | tarlo, 725-3509; §. T. Hopkins, CA; H. &.| @ Sidewolks -- brick 'and mortgages, second. mortgages LIN CHRIS CRAFT ara. Licence WIC, e Beadie, CA; E. Lukow, Black work BETHANY LANDSCAPING anid -apresinénty for sale pus 5 SALES and SERV:CE TV Towers TV Sets |rarm COUPLE WANTED -- 125 acres, Ta: ie - . Mi j i} i ¥ . Myrtle Station. Good house, conveni- soci ancunteite: "lowes rrpetios a @ Basement and chimney Bowmanville 623-7594 chased. eas. 4 Renita Repeorealt od Used Furniture ences. Write Box 65329, Oshawa Times. 8 ' R J ache k gle Aad Simcoe Street North, peer' es M. F. SWARTZ pantie Northcraft runabouts. Evin- |, 723-9525 11--Pet & Livestock | 2 : ® uminum Siding -- 1 ; REES 10 BEAR rude outboard motors. . GORDON R. DAY, Certified General ; 262 King St. East re . f i Reountant, Sulle 205W, Oshawa Shop- doors and windows BIRCH TREES Oshawa Onione FRurt OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN 378 King St. W., Oshawa HORSES fete sees Men one | B ping Contra, 725-7953, @ Painting ond decorating will plant 723 '4697 4 723-8186 Near Shopping Centre } 4 ooth Ce ee AME Ae aeaina'n| © Carpentry work, repoirs All Sizes, bas a ist SPECIAL RUTHERFORD'S [P05 stare "Sun 2 Set | Peterb Bankruptcy. 52s Simcoe Street North, and additions £2 (BUFFALO) ¢ 3-room groups, Living Room, | 9409, 3 eterboro OnE conan! © @ Ficor Tiling $10 and up MONIES AVAILAGLE TOR i ee oe Bedroom, Dining Room. $399, aL TYPES OF HORSES for sale, a8 | a E AND CO., Charter. ' . C ' FOPRING, BEADLE AND eae Bulld-| @ Electric and Plumbing 723 5326 MORTGAGE DAKO $159 $499, $599, $699. Easy | down. Telephone 942-1101, TELEP ing, 167 King Street East, Oshawa, On- G if MARINE STORAGE terms. ae delivery or |BEAUTIFUL BABY BUDGIES, ready tario, 725-3509. $. T. Hopkins, CA; H. &.| @ Garoges and Rec rooms Se ee layaw for training, talking strain. Apply T. Beadie, CA; E. Lukow, CA. built to order SMITH'S LOANS and SUPPLY LTD. RUTHERFORD'S |Broag, 114 Elgin East. 74? JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chartered accoun-| @ Asphalt paving 655-3641 156 Simcoe St. South |COZY-5 RANCH, Reg'd. German Shep- igh tant, Licensed Trustee, 17 Bond Street Tree Farm 1 x & e Open to 9 P.M, | 2 e ou ____ |herds, pups. Show mare in foal to quar- ee East, Telephone 723-4833. Nellis a ae st. and 2nd. mortgages. (Sales and Service TV--Radio Repairs ----_----------------Icepar FOR FENCES -- 4x és aaa ter horse, Pony. Pinto. Western saddles, T Er ale i Specializing in cedars Open, No bonus. Mortgages CHRIS CRAFT lumber. Also cedar posts, any size. Tele-(ewpment,_clothing. Ashburn, 655-4662. 5--Emp loym Blueprinting Home. Improvements for hedges. and agreements for sale. APPLIANCE phone 728-3636 or 263-2561. [PROFESSIONAL DOG SERVICES -- TURK Pe Purctisced 24 HOUR SERVICE SALES and SERVICE aEMNANIE Wr aie ico |Clipping, all breeds, poodles our _ spe- TODDLERS BELL DRAFTING and _ Reproductions 728-2061 Monure for sole, jased, REPAIRS bcVay Hbeeal i ie ee Te Toone ey by deg pun nd 8180 | ciaity. Free pick-up and delivery; board- Ltd., 52% Simcoe Street North. 723-4661. . V cVay fibregias sai ats, eM hehe Mate 4 Ibbons St.ling and training. Doberman Pinchers FROBEL -- | Blueprinting and photostatic copies. Newtonville 786-2283 Bruce V Macke nit tenelha. 46 oll ences a ' RENTALS Crestliner, Peterborough and |oF_telephone 725-7649. |and German Shepherd puppies for sale, hay Nive ildi REPAIRS ; y Gh weihirs dryers a es Northcraft runabouts. Evin- |FIBERGLAS FENDERS from $29.95/Dachshund Kennels, 655-3881. Me Neat Building Trades JANSSEN'S 362 King St. E., Oshawa] . 2, fey bales a rude outboard motors. inuilt staries. and ponevatare, TIE, Meek PONY | for sale, seven years "oid. $50. pea a! ves ~ No Down P t per ees ONS GARDEN 723-1107 @ AiSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ HOLMES OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN - [s0 St. 725-2162 eee ee Reontel ne o Down Paymen ADDITIO DEN CENTRE 723-8186 VACUUM REPAIRS, all makes, hoses, |GERMAN SHEPHERD pup, while, four ment call 723- Monthly Instalments to NS Commercial 'ond Residential A EG A N ELECTRONICS "STARCRAFT," Grew Traveller boats. Fleming Vacuum Seite. Wan Biaeh eer aeert ie eieunona Geener -- Senne roils i Evinrude mot Open d ickering. ------- --- wi Ip you by Remodellin HOMES-OFFICES-FACTORIES mained NEED MONEY ? reeeae one fight pag PHONE week. 'Marine Storage and Supply Ltd.,|+yPEWRITERS, new, used, wales, serV- moe alee ink pe at i) i 728-9429 PAYMENTS TOO HIGH ? Be ae he Brooklin 665-3641. os ice all makes. Free estimates. Call your|fon reicrnm eye tasgto Will sacrk WOMAN WILL CAR Ree Rooms and Kitchens i Telephone 723-0011 668-5679 14 CEDAR STRIP with 35 horsepower |local Royal dealer. 728-3664 anytime. cos eerie 216-1058, SGA home by the week, E @ Bathrooms a Specialty ---- - Why not consolidate oll your NaN URED = GAGE GR Evinrude, complete with trailer, AM-| AQUARIUMS repalred and cusiom PUREBRED LABRADOR Retriever Telephone 576-9732 @ Kitchens Hillside Landscaping debts with one low monthly [osirs'1o all makes, New' hoses Phone | FM radio, clock and compass. . Tele-|puiit, beautiful new type and some. old|puppies, seven weeks old, | excellent Rene TamiAL woe ames Allen & Sons Ral payment with a low cost |'ack Lees, 728-6956, SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 [Phone _723-S788. for sale, Telephone 725-2647. ae y home. Will work wit @ Recreation Rooms ervice a ' SPECIAL MADE cance, one year old,/nuyyanp a ees eee cen aaron, Hed -neediee.; 72%: between 4 and 7 p.m ep 725-6126 SPRING CLEAN-UP mortgage loan. GUARANTEE REPAIR to all wringer Fast T.V. Servi Used approximately three Times, Asking BUY AND SELL = aoe gona: Serie s1. alors fom. after 6. FOR ALL your odd rages b ; washer: id F timat lure and appliances. ni ati 'on! pee gaan ery peprwoyerng 4 Complete Landscaping, Sod- | Fer complete details call jepi"eb tit ge"seegn,©'™ timate} Fast T.V. Service sits, new si. Telephone 725950. |Breny!"Euritures as Stacos seu. 1: REOHSTERED,, Purebred pole pup ments Yards rape A new department of Osh- Roofing and ding and Grading. Rich black . TO. Fle RR eRe DOM 1" FIBERGLAS boat, Riviera and 35 3271. 2489, ied awa's Quality Builder. E h loam and fertilizer. Ever- BRANCH _ REALTY Septic Service INION Telephone. 725-0191, Good condition, $700.1 WILL take away household. discard: PEKINGESE PUPPIES. Charming oe nee raat i , patio, sidewalk slabs. | INVESTMENTS LIMITED TELEVI ; = ables, free, from garage, basement @ndinety, Also miniature poodles. Register- Wak ierer? KASSINGER CONSTRUCTION avestroughing SY Pa oan SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, Prompt serv- SION AS BOAT, andl attic. 623-7276. / vii pie oulldings, ca power Ly 5) King St. E., Oshawa ice on calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut a steering controls. List price .$795. Selling USED and damaged piumbing materials. oj Cee: LADY WOULD LiKE Sai iney for Free Estimates Caulking dnd Painting Clana. farilsina, rolling, Bus. 723-1157. Res. 725-6210 |Street West, Whitby 668-2563. 728-5154 9% a.m. to 9 p.m. $575, Also re A ad Reazonable prices. Jiro nd Piumbing,|12----Articles Wanted day. Telephone 728-6 - . brid ' " -- e Yi sito » Pasir ollege Avenue, Oshawa. ------_-------- top soil, sod. 725-0532 Surveyo TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- 40-foot tower|i¢FT, DAY CRUISER, New Canadian VACUUM CLEANER and portable tele aan hope tere > by alll . structure, all-channel antenna installed, BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap- NURSERY STOCK FOR 1ST and 2ND DONEVAN 5 RLRIGEAMANN, OR: $50. Oshawa TV Supply Limited, Taunton olorets Jia elt oh HP ead pliances. Call Elmer, 263-2294, 263-2695. po good condition. Telephone 725- estimates. Telephone CLASSIFIED RATES A. FOSKETT & Sons FENCING MORTGAGE LOANS tario. Land Surveyor, Commercial blue|R0&d East, lust east of Ritson Road. |S7gagg7, ABLE SYRUP. Take Hwy. 35 from 40! leoap~ TT mantel wie ENGLISH GIRL, gre WORD ADS ; HARDSAND Wek ' f prints, 11 Ontario Street, 725-5632. y r a a lt Con, 12, Manvers. Andrew Heaslip,|G00, USED FURNITURE wanted, etc. office experience as 1 Cosh -- | insertion ef 24 words, 1.20;| Whitby 668-5906, 668-8901 e ae paves Bat sy LIM AND TROCEOPE OV STT Welding iv ALUMINUM, BOAT, motor and trall-| on Bethany rll, Highest prices. Call anytine, MacNeil's quires lob, Anything: odditional words, 5¢ each; 3 consecu- oan as Ist an ni - . 1 Ontario er. 'urniture, 668-5481, 668-6 pal Seana tive insertions of 24 words, 3.24; addi- All_ work' guaranteed, LANDSCAPING GAGES, FREE ADVICE. Ar- Phone Sasean Let eeae Biiget Fees GENERAL WELDING Services," port-|14. | Seas Siete cata GOLF EQUIPMENT -- New ond used. |WanTED -- Boat traller for 16" Boat 17--Female & tional words 13%c each; 6 consecu- Free estimates. 725-1721 rangements may be made in abi for rent, with or without}HP Johnston electric start motor, $325. daily. Thunderbird Golf Pro Shop, 655-| Telephone 668-3647. dnacee aaeaiaia mane tive insertions of 24 words, 5.76; addi- pa T TP aaruhe! C.W.B. and he approved, |or best offer. Telephone 723-6714. 495 a tional words 24¢ each. your own home. Fast courte- ailors Guaranteed work. 723-68. er ce mon. 13--Articles for Rent j Charge--10 per cent additional cherge| HOME IMPROVEMENTS ond Starting Shortly ous service. ARC AND ACHTYLENE"waldng, 7e|iee sor Temione Manian THO" | ONERTOR BIKE OAOP Shee ice Experi IF net oe ole eave AA TENCE Bae i Evenings 728-5623 Custom Made pairs, Industrial and commercial, 173|CaNOE, iéft. cedar strip, brand new,|E. 726Ml Fix 6 step, 0 door, ia flop Cultivated 9 Albert Street, 723-5731 Used once, excellent condition, S100 rv BEWRITERS,S@-No money "down, RENTALS Pres Method ef Counting -- Less than 24 words counts es 24 words; each word initial, figure or abbreviation counts as one ae ; phone number counts two words. BIRTHS ---- DEATHS -- FIRST AND SECOND mortgates avall- able. W. Schatzmann Realtor, 114 Brock Street North, Whitby, 668-3338. FIRST AND SECOND mortgages, sale 'agreements purchased and sold. Hennick land Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street East, 723-7232. firm, 'Telephone 668-8206. 19-FT, CRUISER with | Pekin motor and trailer to be sold for less than half price. Telephone 725-9674. 7--Swap and Barter $2. weekly. Adders, cashiers, files, new, used, rentals, service, trades. Bill Hamilton, Raglan. FURNITURE, new. Direct from factory '0 you -- save, Danish, Modern, Provin- cial .Also_ re-upholstery and custom up- Fix a walk, fix a hall Nothing too large, nothing too small | Field Sod Excellent Quality. Low Prices. Orders Being Taken Now. 725-9674 OF ALL KINDS REDUCING EQUIPMENT -- { massaging belts, rowing mae | chines, bikes exercises--each 1--Women's Column PAGE 2 Piece SUITS ftom 9.95 Silk Fi Wan Minimum charge as low os $6 a call. SOCIAL NOTICES $2.50 per insertion with 28 cents addl- Terms All trades a ---- holstery. Before you buy, try 668-6909. tional heres if not pald within 8 days. Ge Starting Shortly FIRST AND SECOND _ mortgages. . 5 SUMP AND PRESSURE pumps, Flush- es es Tecra | $6 month. ' neral Fra Properti MATTRESS BARGAINS. All types of mat- per month. : IN MEMORIAMS ' ee Cue on Merion-Kentucky Blue Grass Sod |{,;ore" Pleats rattan ag nai ed Haird ressing ete oes ee A loa gd ote tresses, all reduced. Smooth: top _mat-| PLUMBER'S TOOLS -- Pipe rs for a Fag is -- < All- Green Nurse confidential inquires. George Nymeyer, Alterations, Invisible Mendi ; fittings, trailers, boats, motors, half-fon|{resses: $29.1 crib mattresses, $9.88; mat- cleaning rods, pipe vise Scugo C oe prenpie arial advan reve oll 723- 8714 ry Guide Realty Ltd. ing 396 Pine Ave. pick-up, '60 Buick. H. Chinn, 288 Hill-|'resses for bunk beds, $16.88; follaway tripods, pipe wrenches, pipe 534 Vere; 28,90 oe oo Sod Growers 100% All English Wool Cloth side, oe Sch se | cuiters,: plow: threading. dle | LANTIC PAVING and concrete. Get Nursery Schools RETIRING SPECIALS oe era ee cE dM deere ter a ners; Pps ig dies, Telephone CARD OF THANKS reve Seven ved by experts, 20 cents 725-9674 8--Articles for Sale CONTINENTAL BEDS rom $29.95, mat- toilet auger, a te e firs! word Ic oot. work guaranteed. 3. F is tresses half price, all sizes. Headboards, TER' aa 96 toch 'thereatter, 'with, 25¢ edditionall02. : M.North LINE N, TODDLERS PARADISE LEN PULLAN tect be i Mea» SSE SOC Y oetg P ae Le teadan vaio jashs 723-7388 charge if not pald within 8 days. TERRANO PAVING. ii veers tn bus. __Y%2 M. North Taunton Village _ FROBEL -- MONTESSORI or $12.50 TV TOWER SPECIAL -- 1 40 fi structure, btual scatididing, comprensore eet ness. $q. cs A I ant ¥ A , yy bo BEN aisptey)) $2.00 for the 17 Bond ie, 23-5041 ratet, ns (PLouE small. 728-3046, or 728- Day Nursery School 10 Prince St. -- 728-5311 REG. $12.50 Son es waa Wha asel spray guns, wallpaper steam- ; KEYPL fist 29, words 'and 6¢ each thereafter eaverePnan, © eslimates, Let your child enjoy the won. |TV--Radio Repairs for $10 SUNWORTHY WALLPAPERS bering ers, tarpaulins, blow torches, | iki dade urray Fotildey, 7 ane BIRCH, $3 up; cedar hedging.| derful method of teaching, REG. $8 - $10 Decor. Contre, 34 King Aiolly West, Oah. Bronte tore ee. OPERA AUCTION SALES Pp to S's cedar posts, Lombardy poplar) Regict F ; , SIX SERVICE BAYS Sak Phone Gaal se BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT ----- $238 PER INCH PER INSERTION, ioorins; hot tar land 'gravely shingles, privet arivet hedging. Free delivery, 728-9530. pte SW rcs OPpyiite TV SERVICE for $7.50 --| cement mixers, _ finishing repairs, fargo ahd smell lobs. L. and H./FOP SOIL, four yards and up, $2.25 per|__ ment call 723-0734. Limited Supply FOR FASTER SERVICE GUARANTEED, USED wring wringer wah Srevale. wheal' arrows lees Experienced, rec DEADLINES 9 2 onstruction, 725-6937. yard. Manure, two yards and up, $5. fee = COLOR a aievision: sartlonrator, i Se + it t , : og chi WORD ADS ALL TYPES building and repay, ees per yard, 725-0697 Painting and Decorating . or h WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL | 2s Made "gl By ppliances, tric vibrator, air compressor, 'na part-time basis ' 5 pm, DAY PREVIOUS Ing, roofing. Free estimates. 7232413." |GENERAL LANDSCAPING.~Gardens| | SC BLACK and WHITE phone 725-5363 He ee uae -isa| lock hammers, hand trowels, 7 4:30 p.m, on Lost AND FOUND D GRAVEL, good say, plowed, roto-tilled or cultivated. Tele- : . for an appointment now Chev., Dodge, Ford, Ply- firniture 'or anything you have. The city; Water pumps, portable heat- Friday ef each » a.m. DAY OF -- ene to ~ the sad delivered at 2 per |Phone 655-4936 or 655-3054. Painting and FOR THE BEST CALL rn mouth, Pontiac. We correct |Trading Post Sores 446 Simcoe Street] ers, steel scaffolding, electric ; sari pengsyes: yard. 725-06 CULTIVATING Rototilling end fawn HAIRDRESSING SHOP for wheel alignment, inspect and |South, 723-1671. generator, ramset power rol- epply to: ALL WE building repairs. Roofing, | mowing done. Telephone 668 . lease. For full information apply Page LJ ------- | | teh 9 am, DAY OF PUBLICATION eavestr fir laanomae aper anging . ote . Hairdressing, r8 nie Ave, Oshawa,| correct castor and comber, TYPEWRITER, || Royal ele 00d ers, electric hommers, mas- I A MEMORIANS ard CM TELEVISION |temommn Bs sign toetn ond toeaut to [amet perteeige gen 4 Br ony "sow, Bulg jocks, © SKLAR-ST CHIMNEY REPAIRS, brick and block fowak LAWN ROLLING -- Bowman.| Free estimates and low prices. correct condition .... 7.79. | Ween tires, a ae BEES rtar mixers, mortar boxes, : ' 5 p.m, DAY PREVIOUS work, basement, etc. Deal direct, savelvilie, Oshawa, ROLL Hale Pe galet pri FOR gees Sey eat 2--Personal ics Gewrichs se thee as ies, 8 F-| chain hoist, miter saw, elec- 617 Victori CLASSIFIED DISPLAY middlemen. Telgphone 722-0616, Prompt service. Telephone 725-3422. Telephone 728-2834 YOUR OWN R 1 of i ; @ Parts extra if required. 4543. tric plane, tarpaulins, sand ' WHIT | Solari' Dill PRY Steyn 2 nant GARDENS "ROTO-TILLED or povated| --<--____---_ emoval of superfluous hair @ Torsion bor adjustment FREE! Furnace cleaned, adjusted free.| blaster, power post hole i eee CANCELLATIONS a lay previous. pentry and lawn mowing. Telephone 668-2326 or|Piano Tuning TV TOWER -- ge a ind "7 extra. Guaranteed trouble: free winter: it you; uger, oscillating sanders, ; CAI LING, trim work, 668-809! shawa, May Ist, 2nd ani e purchase from Western ompany.) disc sanders, acetylene weld { CORRECTIO! i F 3 |EXPERT PIANO TUNING and ell re- 3rd. Ph 725-1212. ; ree te vine is = 9 am. DAY OF PUBLICATION recreation rooms and stairs. Free eat/GARDEN MANURE, $4 $0 Per ¥8°d:[oairs, completely guaranteed. "Telephone 728-5143 Page licagl > ik a BRAKE SPECIAL TYPEWRITER, atonderd, ai; eleciric,| 170 outfits, 200 omp electric *< Ary, Soeartnrieny comeallee Oats QUALITY carpbciry mad geneeal fe,|@U2-0 C107. penta Corner Bond and Division nt ig Most popular cars, sali like new, $100; portable typewriter;| Welders. * Full or part-time insertion. pairs. Serving Oshawa district for many|NURSERY and field sod, Free esti- Plumbin and Heati ELECTROLYSIS Quality: Royaline. 4 wheels. adding, machine, $20; twototal cash reg- : iedies' sportewee BOX NUMBER RENTAL $1.00 vrs. Honest, dependable service, 725-8576) mates and prompt delivery. T g Lc poll lene ais ed S ak A N t] S ae Manance dn sell While every endeavor will be made to Cartage : al desi PLUMBING D TRADE-IN 723-4641 Plus $2.00 per wheel $175, under warranty. "eteone "Bw h ' 3 pleasing personal forward replies to box numbers to the instruction U G DISCOUNT A --Moterbik (labor cost) manville, 623-5589. Sharpening & Rentals Ltd. pearance ond advertisers as soon as possible, he SC] MOVING? Move with Hub's Cartage. YOUR PRESENT 4--Motorbikes e WILTON Electric Cord | ke 223 King St. W., Oshawa % essential. Good cept no liability in respect of loss orlpig or small, reasonable rates insured. 149 Brock St. North new, Very reasonable. Phone 728- sss 5 ae i damaged alleged to arise through either | 759 9892 r) SPRENTH 1966 Harley-Davidson, fully) WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL basaaedh vs Phone 723-3224 accordonce with failure or delay in forwarding such re- WHITBY -- 668-6601 AERIAL equipped, $800- Apply 237 Nassau St) Inciidin eight: i ial ACCORDION, 120 bass, "Titano," $ and ability to se plies, however caused whether@by negli- Denti U er or S$ Oshawa. uding weights pei e Also flat box fender guitar, .$300. Apply Pasig gence or otherwise. The Times will not| Wen istry enema Direct to you, plumbing sup- 16S HONDA, one cycle, driven one| COCN +--+ sree eee 1.95, |237_ Nassau Street, Oshawa, Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- Pere be responsible for' replies uncalled for| CAREFOOT, DR. JOHN M. Dental * plies. Everything in the year. Apply 305 Maple Street, Whitby. FURNITURE -- three rooms of new fur-| es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee in 20 doys. Surgeon, 172 King Street East, Oshawa. rivin C 00 luribh li 20% off al HONDA 300, like new, 1.200 mile 7 SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, niture, Pay only $15 monthly. Barons') Urns Punch Bowls, Bridal REGULATIONS For appointment, 728-5171. Sicnlles. me oy shield and all necessary oat ee FRONT-END WORK AT Ome CUD ADIS S08 NE Sil, Want, Mahle Sache White THE OSHAWA TIMES WILL NOT BE Dressmaking (Licensed by Police Commission) a : oe IN. Tee Te COMPARABLE PRICES SOEs Taree Malai, ose. sim'X| Fox Furs, Mink Stoles, OORT We RESPON S REGSEMAKING Ll GSAT Wicd ae p.m. -- 9 p.m. OSHAWA F ; ? bed. Platform rocker. After 5 p.m. 728- showo Shoppi EI HERWISE|DRESSMAKING -- expertly fitted sults, 5--Trail a aaeneeuenaeniaeterrne TISEMENTS | SUBMIZTED. OTeUiuclcmi, reser beoiiieny tonnes aa| @ Courteous Instructors | SATURDAY. 9: om. - 5'pm. CABLE TV rere UNIROYAL Bb Nt SARGEANT'S RENTALS HAN ONE INSERTION OF ANY AD-|covers, drapes. Mrs. Toms, 688-2372. | @ Dual Control Cars CLOSED WEDNESDAY LENNOX -- (alr flow, heater, ood for] 463 Ritson Rd. S. 725-3338 a eas Won NGLE ING/ALTERATIONS 'on coats, dresses and LTD. BUDDY TRAILERS CENTRES material. 'Telephone. 6238417, "WHEEL CHAIRS, fh S - @ - R - PRICE CHARGE FOR SINGLE suits done professionally. Telephone 728-| @ Fully Insured = : ; { deaf nts ors; feducin eeital beds, tg yoal EERTION IN WHICH ERROR OCCURS.| Sop ALL TYPES OF REPAIRS and remodel. 723-5278 The New Name of COMPLETE SET of encyclopedias andipiicg "aig Rentalss 10s Benirice Tei The Oshawa Times reserves the right to lings new and used mater! Port Hope, 401 at 28 DOMINION TIRE STORES --|Povkcase. Telephone 376-3354, : pee oer eae E A dati rates, Estimates free. 723-1191, J. Foley. ENTERTAINING? Fifiy to one hundred Just anyone wor classify advertising according to its|EXpo Accommodations oe Phil atet tll Bnd dB ik the cal thorized RAM 17 Park Rd. S. WEDDING DRESS, size 10," $25. Als0/ people? Oshawa Tennis Gib for. Bor will, if you are ec proper classification, RESERVATIONS feken now for args ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING sup- s only aut rize \- Phone 725-6511 fridge, two years, Id. Whitby 668-6549. quets, parties, weddings. Bar, kitchens ' 4 : ; plies. Telephone 725-3521, Harold H. BLER DEALER for Oshawa- FORD TRACTOR; two bicycles; '22'parki i energetic, aggress n the cases of abe ley Soverinernrts double room In modern private home In 14 ALBERT STREET \Stark Ltd, Plumbing, Heating and oVe ; 37 iparking, 723-7726. The Times will not be h Montreal. T: 723-135 |Engineering, 255 Si > Street South. Whitby area. For the best rifle; 30-ft. 114" plastic pipe. Telephone | -- = ' young woman ot fon more apace. thar tat which tele oee - ~ HE SAGs eee Boalt sete "BUILT IN. OSHAWA" price and best service, see ALU MOEN UM 14--B Opportunities 2 able to work on cc re scope, Tre gubiaven (Gardening and Supplies |ruromiwo -- "are yoo tore icone (Rug - Upholstery Service | AT OUR'OWN PLANT | Buddy. Soles ond. Rentals dan ce Big ge ar sats "dep. |with F t pri- D i pe gp A chsh Mr tel cg : Veis ition phone Bene > OSHAWA We civa' vou & Hater tower Open Sunday afternoons. : AWNINGS TELEVISIONS, hi-f"s, radios, and rec- oe SAON, TEXACO Fad sites | any form are contained therein, G d S | . : for less mone Phone 885-4245 @ WINDOWS ord players, $47.1 20 RCA Victor, two URANT, electric heat, ier ee eel . * 3 $125; writer i) ' IT'S EASY TO PLACE A araen Up p IES (Jonitor Service RUG CLEANERS if : @ DOORS 21" Philco TV, new picture tube, price eciid ROOM HOUSE, ary. TIMES ACTION WANT AD CLL. 10-6-4 CENTENNIAL FLOOR Professional rug and uphol- ' yas s Ist LES sa.) 21 Nera nr shag ac ed fable 000 ft a Ei rnace, ; Call Classified Direct Golfgreen 12-6-6 CLEANING stery cleaning done in your Ve raller Ports Centre phone 576-367. ene 2h Ba or ee eanct? Write BOX | 723-3492 home or our office. Call for Cook's Trailer Sales E V E N | S S BABY CARRIA SREpaetnORs Coal KS * cou! repoir i Evergreen 6-9-6 ee : H ' : ; B GE, Springtime, yellow; shop, 2 spring wells, $10,- 2 OSHAWA 17 Specialists in Commercial information, SUPPLY LTD: Simcoe St. N. City Limits SALES: LTD, |£mdqtari 9908 eonanion, $2. Teleohone) O00" soy, " et ee db shel i fd end Home. Cleaning 725-996] TAUNTON RD. E Quality Products Only + 1835153. is ee | ok ode He a See toed a DESK CLE INDEX TO o-Green Premium FREE ESTIMATES ue CITATION and GLENDETTE 15 Prince St. 725-4632 DRESSES, "aulls and party dresses, 4 ; Fj : i ; jephone 723-4402. small farm as down payment. q Experienced in | So-Green High Organic Gust Eost of Ritson) New and Used Trailer Parts "bly ck M . LAS: CA = TWO CCM bicycles, one girl's, one ust sell poor health and no a bookkeeping. Ca : Pb a TIONS Milorgainte 576 0430 ESE INTERIORS by WINDOLF 723-8131 723-8132 723-9534 WILSON'S boy's, $10 each, Telephone 725-4354, help. Located 10 miles north 3 experience neces womens COMPLETE JANITOR SERVICE TENT TRAILERS 2 X 48" SWIMMING POOL, includes} Lindsay, 2 miles past - Pleasant workin a eerinaes Colume eee nee | Offices -- Stores oteu: ; or el ag al JOE"S COLOR TV Pal: SIGS... sak $349 up FURNITURE Bere he ae "oe. Telephone Railva on on ine 35, gg teetpas Write ' 4--Motorcycles Book now for the Spring he : ; Book now for rentals, $35 ; tet z : ' BOX M65. S--Trailers ot Cow Manure House Cleaning 'Sedson, @ Antiques Restored and Radio Service weekly up. Also Camping inves ye to: visit our new: ACETYLENE WELDING genes + tins, = Cameron 35R11. OSHAWA T 7--Swap and Barter C..L. 4-12-10 BOWMANVILLE 39 Simcoe N. SPECIALIZING IN Equipment. esse Apply 200 Bond eS p.m. ___ (LUNCH COUNTER and tobacco store i So Markel Basket er Wists WINDOW and FLOOR 728-3651 Regie! RADIOS AND BR HY lee Furniture Galleries DOUBLE BED, 'sorings and _tnetiress, Spartment Write Bex sais, °Osnowe = if AV ty 10--Farmer's Column LL. 10-10-1 CLEANING SERVICE SOREN LE Sy 322) APE RECORDER REPAIRS ' : Nephone' 726.2270 between 9 a.m. and)! i yeu ieee akira | ng ivestocs Peat Moss 623-3924 |RE-UPHOLSTERY vy experts. Estab| 13 Bond W 576.1670 1600 King St. East Fine quolity furniture and [3pm en Ti one A AIRORESSING BUSINESS ior sale or delay -- become 13--Articles for Rent L Se eee fe eats. Wed guaran- --_-- --|__576-1264 and 723-0851 room setting displays at low- [jy HP RIDING TRACTOR with lawnleauipment. Lccated in Bowmanville. representative. awn ed M L id. Free estimates. Credit terms. Mat- . . After 5 p.m. tele ho! @ 725-397 labl. 14--Business it oney to Loan \tresses _ re-built, furniture __re-finished. est possible prices. cutter, snow plow, set of discs, cultiva- phone 725-3971. available immedia' Patty Sgt aad Garden Tools i whe LoAw Yee eae \Oshawa ering, 287 Dean Vane, LN: SERVICE Shasta Scotty 20: 'Church St. Oshawe tor, one furrow plow, Telephone 668 a REATAURANT _ one of Oshawa's me awa, Whitby and UI " : 17--Female Help Wanted Garden Seeds reasonable rate. of Interest to, convol| ee viet ies HOUSE CALL $2.50 R bl aay ai PAUL BASS amplifier, ree Renta areas ronat ae Twp. Mrs. J. Hill, 18--Male Help Wanted Universal Spra ers date your bills or for any other worth- CHESTERIELDS re-uphoistered and TOWER. ANTENNAS ambler CITY TV televisions, radios, tion, six months old, : tlephone monthly, living quarters available. Cail quon Rd., Oshawa SoMa of Kernis Hilp Wonted 1 Spray while purpose, providing you are stead. (e-stvled. Free estimate. See our mate- NEW 1967 TRAILERS service and repairs. Service {After 5.30. 725-9100. _ Gord Charlton, H. Keith Ltd, Realtor YOUNG GIRL experi 20--Real Estate For Sale Weed Killers ily employed and have good credit.|i8! for re-covering, Slip covers made| INSTALLED dept. open 7 days a week. |KILN DRIED hardwood shavings, avall-|rep. 778-8569, : GIRL experiens 20a--Summer Properties : 723-4631, to order. Dalton Upholstering, 75 Charles A-] Talevisi Sales and Rentals lept. op y' lable all year. Write Box 66384, Oshawa sch Se ee ee tall size, for Kinsmen A\ 2h--Farms for Sale Bug Killers |Street, 729-7212. -1 Used Televisions Richard 's B.A Also T.V. towers, color and [Times VARIETY HARDWARE store, a real Call Doug Carmichael, 7; Foaming og Easing For The Garden \te marietta teh eee oe| CITY T.V. 725-0500 oe eons baal black and white T.V. Anten- |iqporTeD LEATHER jackels, one|Duilding, "ocod. 'business "ange pesiniee BLS 0! lo i ' ss feb L . y gel jiness an 23--Real Estate Wanted Per cent. Private, Any Tak 725-1423, "Sales an and Service | et Wee Taunton and Simcoe 5t. nas, rotors' installed. Sales |jady's, one oentlemen's,, excellent con-|five-room apartment, on Wilton Reed. ALTERATION ENBY) : dition, Telephone 723-7244. Calt Doug Carmichael, H. Keith Ltd. and Service 9 a.m, to 9 p.m. Simcoe Street South. 24--Stores Offices Brug Storage 25--Houses for . é--Apartments for Rent Co - NOW ne. Rentals . pores BRAND NEW bicycle, 2" | Realtor, rep. 725-4841. et aor af Board oper-Smith Co. FOR Bring me your mowers, tillers New Sets RENTALS b500, "AN tock cooeribead wheel. Telephone . 720-117. baci BEAUTY SALON -- Modern, tastefully esa coke by! poWanted tp Rent : outboards, all makes, air ALCAN Cabin Trailers and Tent ONE WHITE LLOYD baby carriage, in ptaapirige ae ae Oy hich Sells, plese 30--Automoblles for Sale 723-2312 723-1139 RESULTS cooled engines. Parts and Trailers. Reservations now ac- RUSSELL"S TEXACO [8200 canditicn: one oS relephone 728.(0nly. Call 723-4651, Jeannette. Nugent. EXPERIENCED legal ieee Delivery Service . service. Largest service in FURNITURE and cepted, £186." : [Don Stradeski Realtor, evenings 725-5639 ie ee atone ore i uperior 'i scauemasie Rope psa eins Bi igetis ty mad WILDE RENTAL GAS TOWING, REPAIRS [CUSTOM MADE arama wile ste 'cava Tint Found * 74 BARRIE AVE. imcoe Sout D nF pinch-pleat heading, triple fuliness, E se--Legel RESULTS? Use Times pel ON CLASSIFIED 728-2791 or 725-4633 723. 001 HW Whitby -- 668- 3226 Auto fg isso il gg wide, et. long. Less than one year old. TIMES ACTION Pr a ~ tes } on ninpiemcooniy _ -- scree veins Action Want Ads. 723-3492 SUCLTIM. SALESMAN. sailed" Ads PUT AWAY Day, arn, DY farting that |TRAILER HITCHES made and_instaliea Cars Bought and Sold j PAIR OE MLN, Leaess: teas 6 CLASSIFIED ADS . -, lo i | rtmen ne 4" ft 1 15. ed, i 3 S| i. - _ 3492 today, ["oh. for 'rent' ad. Inthe Thnes, "phone Whitby seas, on™ TE! © 1600 King St. E, 723-0851 [3s Seely ed Tetemnene BRING RESULTS! t % t ; t

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