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Oshawa Times (1958-), 3 May 1967, p. 15

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A Calif. GIRLS TEACH SAFETY | WITHIN THE FAMILY ty council _EAST WEMYSS (AP)--Girlie|} LONDON (AP) -- Mrs. Susan » banning films are part of a company Blackman, 28, told a divorce taverns, it safety campaign at Scotland's|court that her husband James awing bot: Michael colliery. A jukebox in|kicked and punched her in pub- MRS. DOUGLAS COSRURN, MRS. JOHN CHMARA, MRS. ROBERT JACKSON iness and Professional mercial for safety underground the canteen presents a movie! at the push of a button, cli- maxed by a one-minute com- lic and told an outraged by- stander: "If's all right, old chap. She's my wife." She got the divorce Tt's simple how quickly one may lose pounds of unsightly fat right in your own home. Make this home recipe yourself. It's easy, no trouble at all and costs little. Just go to your drug store and ask for four ounces of Naran Concentrate, Pour fhis into a pint bottle and add enough grapefruit juice to fill the bottle. Take two tablespoons full a day as needed and follow the Naran Plan. If your first purchase does not show you a simple easy way to New Home Recipe Reducing Plan lose bulky fat and help regain slender more graceful curves; if reducible pounds and inches of excess fat don't disappear from neck, chin, arms, abdomen, hips, calves-and ankles just return the empty' bottle for your money back. Follow this easy way en- dorsed by many who have tried this plan and help bring back alluring curves and graceful slenderness. Note how quickly bloat disappears--how much bet- ter you feel. More alive, youthful appearing and active. Phone 723-1163 Members of the Oshawa Bus- | Wom- Has. Your Food Dollar Lost It's S-t-r-e-t-c-h-? Chambeus en's Club will be motoring to FOOD CLUB Ottawa this weekend to attend |the provincial convention. The Oshawa group will include Miss Mildred Price, Miss Betty Thomson, Mrs. J. A. Richard- son, Miss Evelyn Moore, Miss | nee oe, Miss Irene | + w ES. Wedn ; 3, 1967 awson, Miss Jennie Pringle, | HE OSHAWA TIMES, Bneneey, OARy we 15 | Miss Marie Shantz, Miss Gladys ore ae Hill, Reg. N., Miss Beth Ford and Mrs. Elsie Reynolds. ond Stretch Your Dollar Guaranteed To Save You $100.00 Year THE FOOD PLAN THAT MRS. BARRY HOOPER, seated left, was voted Girl of Honor and Miss Gloria Irwin, Girl-of-the-Year of Gamme Epsilon Chapter at the Founder's Day banquet of Beta Sigma Phi. Others who received the Girl-of-the Year award for outstanding service are seen standing left to right, Mrs. Ted Whiteley, Phi Omega; Mrs. John Irwin, Alpha Sigma; Mrs. Donald _ Liddiard, Delta Sigma; Mrs. Patrick Ryan, Phi Phi Chapter. --Oshawa Times Photo SOCIAL & PERSONAL HAS PROVEN ITSELF CHAMBERS FOOD LTD. . é "cn Ree apes FINES FOR SMOKING i Y who spoke on "Color, Personal-|C. G. Step, resident of th eee 933 Ritson Rd. S., Oshawe -- Girl of ee the = ear Awards Made ly Yours." Oshawa UNICEF pedicalline.| Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor PROVIDENCE (AP) -- The ae Diet one ena: Picea Neve. your, Representative She demonstraied how color|thanked the members for their| A So . Fi d ' B revealed personality by asking|C0-operation in selling UNICEF} t ronty oun ers anquet three volunteers to select five|Christmas cards and as a colors that they instinctively|token of appreciation, present- In a cosmopolitan atmos-jyear awards were announced:liked and from the choice she ed Mrs. Ball with a gavel for phere, introduced Me ine flags}as follows: XI Alpha, Mrs.| WS re to oe an ---- use at council meetings. of many nations ecorating ale <i .. personality analysis of eac each 'table, the annual Beta |onn Irwin, Delta Sigma, Mrs. volunteer. GOOD WITH HANDS noon. Invited guests | Sigma Phi Founder's Day ban-|Donald Liddiard, Gamma Epsi-| She then used their colors to. James Arness, star of Gun-|three of Mr. and Mrs. Pegg's quet was held in the Piccadillylon, Gloria Irwin; Phi Omega,/decorate rooms by fixing the smoke, worked as a salesman, |four daughters and their fami- Rhode Island Senate is consid- ering a bill to ban the use in| Mrs, J. Lloyd Pegg was} The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Public of tobacco by children| guest of honor at a reception|T, H. Wren will be sorry to|Under 16 and providing a fine! and presentation by the UCW ite: death of rie of $10 for each offence. { Telephone. 723-3474 for Women's Department ADDRESS DATE learn of .jand choir in- St. Andrew's com- uae _ at : " |mon room last Sunday after-|Wren's sister, Mrs. included) Major who died Elizabeth suddenly on | Sunday in Toronto. Room of the Hotel Genosha,/Mrs, N. E. Whiteley; Phi Phi squares of color to pictures laborer and car | i } ; jMrs, N. B. y; 8 , ' penter. before lies who later presented their} Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Lauri : arranged by the sorority coyn-|Mrs, Patrick Ryan. Gamma! Mrs. Brown explained that winning success as an actor. parents with new tables. After Thoentie honk: wat eres . cil. Epsilon's special award "Girljtaste in color changed with' ~ -- ---------|the last meeting, UCW Unit 8| //o'™mton hoad, were entertain- council | ed at a dinner party at the Mrs. Harold Ball, president, opened the proceed- ings with a witty message and members listened to an inter-| esting address from __ their founder, Walter Ross, read by Mrs. Kenneth Young. "A Beta Sigma Phi," Mr. Ross wrote, "is a person who studies humanity to find intro- of Honor" went to Mrs. Barry |age. For brides she gave a Hooper. ; |guide-line: 'Something dark,| A sense of satisfaction ran something light, something dull) through the members as Mrs. and something bright," as a Robert Jackson presented Mrs. basis for decorating. John Chmara, president of the) 'In homes and interior deco- Women's Welfare League, with|rating, we appear to have four a cheque to aid the Crippled|stages,"' she said, "an apart- Children's School and Treat-| ment decorated in modern ment Centre, The cheque rep-|style; a small house kept prac- honored their former Jeader as did the WCTU. Neighbors of Colborne and Church Streets jheld a surprise party and pre- sentations at the home of Mrs. Nicholas Lakas. Others enter- taining have included Miss Gla- dys Jackson, Mrs. C. A. Sad- ler, Miss Millicent Tuke and Guild Inn, Scarborough, on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary, given by Mrs. Lau- rie's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon' Reeson, Churchill avenue. | Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ed- 1. Take 2 Aspirin Tablets 2. Sit down for a few minutes the Misses Jean and Marion | wards, Whitby recently attended spect; who tries to be herself|resented the proceeds from the|tical; a dream house done in Dickey. Mr. and Mrs. Pegg|. anoror and who remembers that her|spring fashion show organized|traditional manner, then, back leave for Cardiff, Ontario 4 a pigagict od pags Seay 3. Close your eyes and rest only. right is the right to use-|by Beta Sigma Phi council. (to an apartment. WIFE PRESERVER week. lYoive Choir thom Wales ave vrconrr oF fulness." = ieee ge The members were left with, eee Fe performing After the perform P| | HEADACHE The president of each chap-|speech was given by rs.|the thought, "Of all God's gifts} If newspapers blow off the ' . i ped gave a_ resume Z. her persed tae = hag thd to the sight of man, color is the porch, install a tube-type rural Officers Elected pelt pet Seuiieas ae - AS RIN HELPS YOU FEEL BETTER IN MINUTES! eee chapter's achievements and ac-|decorator an ecturer from/most uplifting. mail box and tell the paper Aspirin ls the Registered Trade Mark of The Bayer Gompany, Limited, Aurora, Ontanio ae talk about the tragedy at Ab- For New Auxiliary ertan. + Clifford Pilkey New Democr- To Polish Veterans atic Party candidate for Oshawa 13 into|Riding, met over the weekend) a new uRUiaty me te with William Cumpsty and Ken- being officially on Saturday), e4, Cobb, party organizers, night when a group of women,|and about thirty workers to plan wives of Polish Veterans, met/a dinner and dance to be held} at the home of Jan Drygala,|@t the Carousel Inn the second | M.M., president of the General week in May. Sikorski Polish Veterans' As- : : ee ati j _|the Royal Canadian Legion; and, sociation, and elected their of io promote and: qphold come! tivities and the girl of the|the Robert Simpson Company,| A head table guest, Mrs.|boy to place newspapers in it. FINAL 4 DAYS of the NURSERY Room's Annual Bahy Week Sale ! Deluxe LLOYD PRAM. In various colors. Req. 62.95 "GENDRON" tee auxiliary has been some|radeship and_soldierly virtues | soe a 24,95 YAS: O08 | hers. MOR eon ios cab ee cate cues months in formation and is now ?™0ng_ mem : : : officially inaugurated with al Jan Drygala ge fg Adjustable Spring WALKERS. 8 95 slate of officers and a provin-|¢lections, assisted by his offic-] Reg, 11.95 ....... Hela a ee aan certawa. i" A ; Jers, Bronislaw Dubrowski, vice-| cial charter pending. pee! Edward Maczka, sec- Elected to office were: | president; Pres Deluxe CRIB AND MATTRESS. res" retary: Frank Falkowski, stan-| In white or naturol finish. Reg. 49.95 . ig lige ike | PE bearer; Stanley Lasek, Or] 4.0, pLay PENS. 19 a5 Kotynski; secretary, <a An- ter tiunding "Wambern of Complete with pod. Reg, 24.95 ......-.-5+5- 2 thony Swed; treasurer, rs. i. ; | ae = hestutes) F the auxiliary present were Mrs. Gendron" SPRING STROLLER, Rane Baty and organizer, Mr. lank Falkoweh) Mrs, Jan DYY| Rage 2898 cess ccssceenssevesecoveses 19.95 | sTROLL-R-CRIB 5 ... gala, Mrs. Stanley Lasek, Mrs. a 7 ie Sore Ot te ape Soseph Lasek, Mrs. Ben Dub-| Dr. Denton SLEEPERS. 2.10 | sax" easily from Pram te is to assist the Gen, wr ea(rowski, Mrs. M. Grzybowski,] From .........+0+046 PIC ay , REGULAR 4Q QR orski Polish Veterans' Associa- Mrs, Jan Marazalek and Mrs. 54.95 E tion in its work to promote the well - being of their members and their families in providing suitable recreation and welfare | of a national and cultural cha-| racter among Canadians of Po-| lish origin and particularly war THE NURSERY ROOM Jan Derkacz. BRUNO'S HAIR STYLING Hairstyling and shaping is eur veterans and families. |e speciality. P Also to assist former mem- #10 Kina H.W Oemnee. Featuring All Baby Needs bers of the Polish Armed For- 576-201 . 576-0550 THERE GOES |L_~ ANOTHER || TO LOOK HIS BEST | THIS SPRING ... | BOYS' SUITS Tailored just like dad's in worsted material, Shades 26 KING ST. E., OSHAWA @ FREE DELIVERY @ ; Open Thursday ond Fridoy till 9 P.M. ces to establish themselves as| Canadians; to advance Polish culture in Canada and to up- | hold the dignity of the Polish people in Canada; to partake) in civic and national observ-| ance of legal holidays; to co-| operate with other veterans as-| sociations and particularly. with) | Open All Doy Wednesday Sikorski Associa- the General W. Polish Veterans' Anthony Swed, secretary; THE FIRST executive of Mrs. Walter Wojnar, organ- the Ladies' Auxiliary ot -- ----~!| tion was elected on Satur- izer; Jan Drygala, presi- | = day night. Seated left and dent of the General W. | right are vice-president Sikorski Polish Veterans' | hite Mrs. Edward Kotynski and Association; Mrs. Frank | | Bialy, treasurer. president, Mrs. Joseph --Oshawa Times Photo Zastawa; standing are Mrs. DBs, DRESS SHIRTS "Laundered White ond Pressed" 5 FOR 1 .00 with dry cleaning order. WIFE PRESERVER Store: nails, screws, etc., out of blue grey, brown and charcoal. Plains and neat checks, single breasted style, 3 button front, centre vent or 2 side vents. Sizes 8-10-12. iT y "r of the way by nailing or screw- SALE PRICE ing a jar lid to the panagh aed Phone 6 of a shelf or joist. Then dust) | | POV eels io secst - ADMIRAL COLOR TV SET FROM CHERNEY'S It's happening ell over town! attach the jars. -- 723-0961 FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY ARNOLD Also Sizes 14-16-18 from 16.88 apayaiapesnyaye Y SEREDEESEEEEEBESEEREEEES | -- > 2 3 = Cutom Made or Ready-to-Hang DRAPERIES 5 @ HOMES More people are trading in, @ OFFICES | trading up to Color. Coll @ INDUSTRIAL Z| Cherney"s, dial 728-1641, En- -- Since 1919 -- | aus oP out their special | NTRE us offer, ; WARD'S Seema ake CH ERN FY'S Oshawa Shopping Centre Only Simcoe St, at Athol \ PLAZA EE ES we 725-1151 FURNITURE WORLD | Opnn. Thuridey ey -- ponn 3 | 80 King St. East i| Closed Wednesdays et 1 p.m. ty = Lh SSS ------ aaa | ) : \ } i \ -- b Welz,

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