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Oshawa Times (1958-), 3 May 1967, p. 23

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ES A A eG i A Gs Gs at OR 3 a RP Fes A AN SD Ss yO HN A I Prices Lower BUSINESS BRIEFS | THE CSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Mey 3, 1967 93 a A - By TH ECANADIAN PRESS Light Trading CHAIN STORES BRISK 'Bank To Sp lit American Motors' TORONTO (CP) -- Prices) Canadian chain store sales | Five - For - ov Sells Subsidiary | moved generally lower in lig ht rose 6.3 per cent in January TODAY'S STOCKS ra the sme sont | BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT "Stange Tuesday)" S° the Dominion Boreas o Stati], MONTREAT (CP) Peet on Sl of fant TORONTO 10:40 A.M, STOCKS Ford of Canada fell 1 to 137\tics reported Tuesday. Largest|Royal Bank of Canada an- Distributed by CP | stock sates High Low ms, vee and GMC 1% to 9014 increases were registered by|nounced Tuesday it plans tojing subsidiary, Redisco Inc., to Quotption' In cents unless, marke &.| 3 lg RB "4 Bank 'of Nova Scotia rose %{|Variety stores, up 17.5 per cent,|sPlit its shares on a five-for -one|Chrysler Corp. was announced Z_Odd lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr --Ex-| Calgary "28 ss wn , Securities Commissi n to 7744. "Hewelry stores. up 13.7 Res. Samm, Pagal ane ---- i sharebold. \Gorp. by American Moto' jet change is) Calvrt Die 200 99 9 (@) Among other industrials, IT1,;4n¢d drug stores, up per m. ot & specie from' previous: Board-iot 'closing sale, | CD Suse 19 $23 Be Industries rose 2% to a 1967/cent. Men's chain clothing|seneral mecting June 20 for ap-' The purchase price was not MINES Sac ie e _ sink ase 4s -H la ines of 30 and Canada Packers Phe bg ee a 4.7-per-cent ge herp Mgt pe ages | 1 to 81. | Commenting on the proposal,| 10:40 Net | Can tron 125 $214 21 FI a | ' F . . . ai | tole Wek usw Oe al See tam i ' @) Ss Stronger Positio1 | | Uranium prices declined with) orm picruRE corp, V: £atle McLaughlin, chair- than $30,000,000. 1000 wha Cae C.Satway p 109 $v i mM -- | seach and Roman Corp. off| Nallonat Genacal Cebourais eee and president of Royal,,. Chrysler Credit Corp., a Nn laa ate tee 2 an ne | TORONTO (CP)--The Ontario} Insiders are described as di- Th aa each at 67% and 18%, Rio) ni rporation, | sai |wholly owned subsidiary of "the a > e com "i 3 ty 4 am | SB AL Ow as |Securities Commission is in ajrectors or senior officers of alinto our pon " -- Algom % at 31 and Stanrock|? leading entertainment com-| "The subdivision of shares|parent automaker, will take saan Step totem ge Cpe ae ae stim nim "im -- | stronger position to police the|company or any persons or com-|each with a Deane dices us pigs Me attr po ag ge vk Yet wil not alter a" shareholder's/over Redisco, which had $318. See list below, | € cue 100 ro ri is province's new securities act as|pany owning more than 10 per/from OSC ranks P| Oil stocks dropped with Tex- Tuesay lis oe. sade see gates A lg Fr igie Rr arn gees gh 250325 318, 315 Eee peer 10 tM 3 Bo \la result of a sharp increase in|cent of equity capital of a cor- eae __jaco off 1% at 27%, Dome 1 at ional General Picture Corp., ajbank. However, we believe it|the end of 1966 and was re- = 2 2, 2 awl € me Bk 98 Gin Th File its staff powition The administration section|53, Imperial Oil 1% at 59 and|"¢¥ international wholly owned] will be of advantage to the bank/ported. to have earned a profit Beltre Pes Sean) 220 8226 20 7+ u| Harold S. Bray, OSC director, ' antes jnaaer trading, finan-| Pacific Petroleum % at 13%. pls pase A The company said it)and its shareholders in that it|of $3,000,000 to $4,000,000 that ae. Name ES ee ae ee me a : |says the commission now can|MORE EFFECT ON TSE Cadi yg Rangeela Speculative action was light ped eng gene By pr and) should facilitate "aa apa Matas Bounty Ex $0 17 17 17 --\al Cpr 1395 $71% 7% 7\4-- %/take quick action against delin-| The commission will also I ilings and applica-/as Granduc rose 10 cents to} ribu:jtion of the shares," ? or. Bralorne 1002 185 185 185 CPB pon fon stat he M4 _ .|quent companies, The staff, now| more iufhieata coer the Te tke tions for registration. 14.45 and. Leitch 15 cents to $7,|00 organization in Canada will) at alice tes = MILES OF FILM Broul Reef 2053 0 30 | , " r the Toronto . See ot be ee We 2 aES sien we on oD | Can, Tire | 100 $21% 21% 21% -- 9/76 compared with 50 a year ag0,|Stock Exchange, not only be- The prospectus division has) On index, industrials slid .41| athe P-agge hes or ihe NEED FARMER'S WIFE The state film archives of oe Tange tal ain, ie Gon Tire A 1000 $18 IW Ie lig soon expected to reach 85. |cause the new 'TSE. president been made fully professional in|to 167.90, base metals .13 to ne i the' RAUB. (AP)--Health authori-|Communist East Germany con- SERG'S ae ie 0 184 SA Use +4 | cw Prop oa ee A The act, which became effec-|John Kimber, is. the dormer character by appointment of/94.98 and western oils 2.35 to} eon circui ties. io Malaysia proclaimed |tain as ote taneies, y \UNT Cendore 0000 24 2419 204+ Cloien = am Noe ne |tive May '1, has been described chairman of the OSC. ee accounting and analysts|152.58. Golds rose .45-to vad LAKE SHIPPING DOWN "Get Rid of Rats" week in this|-- 4 CE Enptain soo St iia tie -- | Solumble | 2s 85g as far-reaching in overhauling) Henry m, Langford, former| so ; : _ {Volume at the close was 2,501.-/ Take shipping through the St.|&4st coast town and offered to| Cassiar G10 $16% 1658 16m + Ve) EoUMB! P zis S194 Ie 19% | the province's securities laws. : . The registration section will/90 shares compared with! ary, River locks is d 99|Pay 10 cents each for rat tails LEWI Chestrvile. 3000 26 252 25'a-- Va " $312 31% 31% | wie ao ' stand| President of Eastern and Char-|deal with i 2, 584, ,000 Monday. y ove Contaaas Ros ROO Computr 150° $10% 10% 104+ %| The act takes a tougher stan i eal with the variety of classes per cent from the same date | turned in at the office. Gs. 25° Conigo See list below. ps4 pe. ~~ a. 130 130 {on such things as proxy solicita- rege ga Hail =" took over|of registrants entitled to trade) Se "\last year, John Bouchard, sup- : OPTICAL : CaN aso te a as + v4) Eons Gas, 5690 Slee Teas "epee takeover methods, prospecs|;. oonrid gegen Se securities or give advice and NEED PLATES lerintendent of the Canadian|through the American side of|f}_ Established for over 30 years ce ee ee 8 RB con Gee | osie e e tuses and fuller financial disclo-| ent the commission will/the investigation section be-| Ice-fishing h § rio} i ' 1§ Phere i 1 ' i 1 cee eee ee be able to handle atest , 0 fishing huts on six Onta io locks, said in Sault Ste., Marie,|the canal system. There is alf] 10% King Street West z. Tin" ts wes eo §.| Corby vt a5 $3) ) oo). Sure On an interim basis. pet 'hed apie administration/comes the OSC's policing|lakes carry number plates like|Ont., Tuesday. Between 45 and|single lock on the Canadian 725-0444 7 £9 PLR ae, Corby B 22 $28% 28/4 28% It also requires that insider|2"@ Policing of the new act. (agency. 'automobiles. 50 ships a day are passing!side. .. s Conwest 100 590 590 590 +5 rl ae ae ee we ae trading be disclosed. This part} err , a ee : cA eceteana, Meae Coe co ttee te 1 1m 1 2 | Crow Nest 100 Sié%e 6 16m + wa /Of the act goes into effect June r sad ag pe AL below. ieagly an Ny pe os 110. ad wu 4 ee seen ; 43° owich meus Sikes one 'raigm 300 $12, 1212 Disti § 1 4 -- Yo! ot a DIVIDENDS o if ler below. ofasco $24%-- 24% --M% »: ee ee ul Be ce stain tM gue | By TH ECANADIAN PRESS | : 25¢ Discovry Wo 7 17 1 1) Domtar © aes fie eit i2%-- i) Consumer's Gas, common 14) ight Be ee ee D Textile "x50 $234 234 2014 ons 5%-per-cent pref. series | Clee Te Fe Se Se me | Em gg HR Tae TE re yuly 3. record | Emp Life 100 $12%@ 12% 1 aloes B $1.37%, July 3, record | Glenn Exp t : 27 at Mis below. Exquisite 25° $6¥a 6a 6a |June 10, FOR PRICE SAKE ! Gradore 80 2-2! Fal Granduc 1 as AAS {eames AS Se MT | All P Fam Play 150 $37 37 «(37 Canadian Breweries, common urpose Ld bd Granisle 100 590 590 990 --S| Fleet Mig 280 81 81 a1 | 4 ae ' Pp NATURE'S OWN SOIL CONDITIONER alinor $00 270 270 270 ] Ford Cnda 150$137 137.137 10 cents; $2.20 pref. 55 cents; | bh ea a aed e 278 $2334 23% 2334 |$2.65 pref. 66% cents, July 1, | New iy ain Heclarioralinn Gore ieee trees, De a A oh SMC ey it? 88% 89 894-1 | record May 31. sos en Pefferlaw Peat Moss 500 $10%* 10% 10% -- % 4 | e ra . FOR PRICE \- Ht . A Wu--'A) GU Paper 75 $20%4 28% 20% | ~Distillers Corp. Seagrams| wn * Bee Oa @ Schools @ Clubs & | nstitutions It's Composted 39° 150 $25%4 25% 25% 185 $64%4 6404 64M St we wer 100 $23% 23% 26 -- % Ltd. common 25 cents, June 15, e 25: 8. FOR PRICE @ 25 tb 2 cv. ft 4 "200. Wa 174 Wa Grevind 7h ams. 35-28 wirecord May 38: PARE yes sese se) 1.8 PATIO DISPLAY FOR PRICE SAKE... ' Oe MP sin'bdot"™ | Suet He BB te SN General 'Motors Corp., com MM A ae a me ec ccorox tease rfid ne Hard Crp A 475 $i4a 14% 14a -- |mon 85 cents, June 10, record| @ 50 Ib... . opprox. 4 cu, ft. 2000 sl. 1 | fore fk mA ot ve a -6- eo on Home "Ai 16) $194 184 Wa -- 4 May 1, FOR PRICE SAKE...... as 100 325 385 5 HB Ol Gas 395 $3833 a International Nickel Co. of G ; r 1370 $123 124 12% + %! Husky 10905 315% 15 ate ae aera one ickel Co. olden Vi oro Lawn Food @ 80 Ib... . approx. 6 cu, ft. ¢ See list below. | Husky ¢ 1 e 57Va 57) Canada Ltd., common 70 cents KK Twn. 000 15.15 1S 0 I yuan Boe gee pe ane ake Vast es s Pateated: barn ts (i ! FOR PRICE SAKE... ° HL Dufauit 365 $12% 12% 12% Hosky Ow 46s si: to 623 89 U.S. funds, June 20, record May | weignt, the an jusive prerene long lasting light ' PATIO DISPLAY. ere ea a ese imp Tob 100 14% tae 14% 23. 2 veacgees ceo a | Pla Luz 450 $142 1444 14 --~% | 5 , | 60-Ib. tb. . > Leitch 500 720 700 700 [ap Tob oe. 0 ee sk | Kelsey Wheel Co, Td, 12/6) © Fer Price Sexe iO ° Fer" hrice sone 4010 a ¢ Macdon | 1000 2 2 2 ri is Rae oe ae ie cents, June 1, record May 12. SHEEP MANURE Mattgm! 400 $13% Wh 134 = M4 ae pte Fed Be o. a Ronalds Federated Ltd., com- PATIO DISPLAY ic jam 500 42 42 He chr, atu Su Yon | Ing co "es fm Hom font imam M4 cents Tune 18. resort GARDEN | ° 2itaron nas 25-Ib. bag 2.09 7 cWal 500 +1 "City SVa-- Ve | » 2. re 300 50 st 520 Et 5| IMC 262 $39% 39% 39% + %| @ GARDEN FORKS 2.77 F 24t ¢ 20 IT S| inhi va ame an wee ot TOOLS 8 aia on 7" or ay and July iSt Vanada Va BONE MEAL 2000 239 233236 4 1-| Int Util 31% 31% 31% -- NET ER cs GxRDEN HOE 137 1700 335 330 335. + 5S ier Cie 1g sg va a 2 20-tooth 6 Line Handel Seues Bi 5-lb bag 1.11 B. 3000 4) 4) a) |Intpr. Steel 225 480. 48040 | By THE CANADIAN PRESS on mouth SHOVELS . 1.55 Di Ww ane . . ¢ 2500 15 14% 14a+ | Inv Grp A 54 S11% 11% 11% A ' po vit' e ree Meuth 1ggesi and Best isplay Any here . 2000, 8% 82 da | ATL Ind" oreo $33 a2 ata) Harvey's Foods Ltd. year Ret eehec AME so ; LIMESTONE See list below. james 390 «+10 . juxe : mstgtegs" | Rael BR a 2H aed aren ae hah I EERE gto ey tnt AT THE LOWEST PRICES 25-Ib.beq 66 a e list below. w --% 4 i f 75¢ mir 3 3) gh renee 4 2s seve te ie ag 5/39 cents. : he TRIMMER-EDGER 1.39 ee ee ee "pATIO py ° 700° 515 "500300 Labatt 375 $257 25% 25% Huron and Erie Mortgage LOnt Cem 1150 $542 5% 5% Corp, and Canada Trust Co., 1000 28-288 100 $10% 10% 10%+ ve; Laura Sec 1000 $14 14 14 --- '4lthree months ended March 31: 100 18) 181 181 Lau Fin $00 475 470 «47S + 5 RECH 9}: Ho ste ten wot! | bau las: ae a1 12 14 1967, $611,000, 15 cents a share; See list bel _ 1000 8a Bla ava + va) Levy 220 $184 182 18¥e ae tee Noun [Ga Corp 1000 2) 2) 21 + | Life Invest 225 85% 5% 5% resist mere at 1967. r] vm 0, 5] ER ESS tap tw ne okt ler ote.s06. 20 cents a sh a +l 0 se She set cents a share; 1066 10%a 102 104 Lob Co pr 715 - BR ef Ke * 5500 52 $0 51 +1] Lob Mm 110 Hr a 4 1% 11966, $2,531,412, 57 cents. 1.89 = 5 é 7" ° 2 3 vo 18M 18 iH --M% Maclern A 200 $24 uu es Westates Petroleum Co., year : s ended Dec. 31: 1966, $730,268; ° : * * ; : 43° To a uu "| aot, tn aie Sk, ap, a, + 5] 1985, $502,040 jay 31-Plece. Corning sn ieee gens -- rece Private Label * 0 ubber Inside CAR WAXES ' 600 129 128 129 Mass-Fer 1070 $23% 23% 23% + WwW y q 674 $30% 30% 30% -- %e| Met Stors p 150 $2) 2 21 < " are Style Rix Athab 1000 24 24 24 +1) MPG Inv 225 425 425 425 PRODUCE 100 Two-Cu "7 Roman 2612 $18Y2 18¥a 18¥e Milt Brick 100 380 380 380 +8 Sili : P | ~ Sherritt 2380 400 395 395 +5] Molson A 225 $23% 23% 23% TORONTO (CP) --Wholesale haware none Siscoe 400 $10 510 510 Montex 1000 210 210 210 to retail carton eggs average y tire, 1a SE ym | Mean or TF me ah meaited prices quoted 'by the BOXES | TRIMMER aeavl® POLISR TEA jeep | rr a -- Ve Sullivan 360 355 360 +10| Morse A 100 $23 23 23 + w|department of agriculture as of Sel Easy, fast, long lasting; Sit Eureka 500 96 96 9H Mon Food 1000 39% 9% I%--V 500 T See list below, | Morse B 5 y y Va * a Texore vs x '3 "% me Morohy a4 $204 20M Me Sonny rie' -od hy? A me Compare ot 1.29, Tombill 300 119 1 at Drug 235 $love tom tom Bi Me Tribag 200 118 118 118 Net Trust 100 $19% 19% 19%-- | Eggs: Wholesale price to A ae losti re Hardened steel teeth, double Ideal for youngsters sports FOR PRICE Trin chip 1000 11 «11.s«11 4] Neon 100 $6% 6% 6% + te i Bake... . Serve... Store... ssorted sizes plastic units; Hi edge; heavy duty motor with ear or for towels, bathi ¢ Tundra 1000 36 35 36 Noranda MS 882" sim sit [country stations fibre cases fri bh ideal for fishing, jewellery, slip clutch. ape f holid aa me SAKE U Asbestos 300 345 340 340 --S§ Nor gn & 39 $124 1s 1256+ Ve Eonar bic mag kdsere Board of from fridge to stove to table. yes suits for holidays. Un Keno 300 400 400 400 lor P 225 $23% 23M 23% rade from wholesale egg deal- : West Mine 100 400 400 400 +8 Ogilvie 325 $14%4 1444 14% . '° White Star 500 129 29 «29 Ont Store 700 350 345 350 +10 TS: Extra large 36-37; large Compore at 24.95 set FOR PRICE SAKE Compare ot 29.95 Compere et 2.50 eoch § PASTE CAR WAX F Wilco Woo /@ wo 0 + M4) Oshawa A 312 Sh aan umm 34; medium* 29-30; small 23-24; FOR PRICE S ' FOR PRICE SAKE 3 will 5 10 z n one eas H le , Winela See list below. Pembina 100 S116 1196 114+ B 30; C 26. : : FOR PRICE SAKE FOR PRICE SAKE E SAKE J eg aoey 916 cleans, pol .. Wr iH 14000 6585 OBS Phillips Ch. 90 $584 mae) peeet: Canstian Dairy, Comes 0 a nO a eS Bon Sores: ee alee ti ine mission tenderable carlots: Compere et 2,25 i OILS, GAS QN Gas 605 $10% 102 10% Buying 39 score 62; buying 40 . ; « Va ae | am totoc amas ts is -- ul Regt ha" aly ah gp fscore 8: selling 3, po rgd Asamera 500 430, 4m, arn ro Reitman A 210 $7% 7% 7% * caine ; cent bids og chat '-- | Revenue 300 $7% 7% 7¥+ Ye) Un Carbld 72105 $22% 22% 2% . G ex Ges 000'3 30 3H +8 | RK NosHO Se 30 om bl Btn Be Bot oh eee rahe et ann wales pint sicsalehee ki | e --5]| Union On (150 $35 35 35 --'4 CLi Pete 2 4 14 M4 | Ronald Fd 300 $12% 12% 12% U. Secti 400 S54 5 SY car eg 25 St aM | Relhrwg Be ae a ai ul Verte" 90h Hh eet 5 y --%| Versatile 25 $374 37% 37% + Me Cent Del 610 $114 11% 11%-- Ye! Salada 265'$10%a 10% 102 + Ye ik GW " " Siro wa ae | ERwin oe | ee BRE ae a seh eotancrralictd Merry Gro WINDOW SILL iaagg nannies Swot Weed i e! an Ya 26% West Ind 200 230 230 230 French Pt 100 415 415 415 --5 | Siiverwd A Ay $16Ve ie 16Ve + Ve] Westeel 2 1 og Gini' ies Ge Bis Fe. GEE Wl SWAP n' SHOP [fj "REENHOUsE starrer | WEED KILLER ff cone & Cartridse MiG 12180 M45 132 43 413 | Slater sit 260 sien ae Worind x ae items sate aoc Cane & Cartridge We "Bie "iow ato ats att 4 5| Sater Rat en too ao goss | Wen'w zi ot an ans" "l= What is Swap 'n Shop ? pa ig Rings og gel aumee wt 70 % 3 i are uae ti a mt Ye White 7 in BA i i Me at is wap fn op complete with free planting soil. Guarenteed to kill oll broed leaf plants. _ wells yeu. walk cram Ar ny Woodwd . F berm WO +] | Shar ol 2 ae SS Me erates Um How Can you Profit from Swap 'n FOR Pageter 98c Compare at 2.89 te ' Provo Gas 1600 570 565 570 Texaco 100 $28 «272 2B +h nag nat hd oh UIE ? U A R 3 F PRICE FO! FOR iene io to | | foe A ie oe me FOREIGN TRADING mont dust Ask Us And Receive.Free Gal SAKE PRICE SAKE PRICE raders 50 $8% 8% 8% Triad Ol 800 190 190 19 --3] Tr Can PL 300 $30% 304 302--% oir "een the Se ie Participation in Swap 'N Shop | a Yoo, Wee me iy ta] Heme Mae e,8 +h) mae ge, os me me mm tie 2 ee fen nee ane nee we r Can Pw 275 940 940 940 Madis R W Decit w 100 118 «118 118 +3 Trans Mt 700 $17%4. 1784 17% Mult Min 300 10 ae tao te. Primary Distribution Nin Are a ae Sherrit 00 395 395 395 +15 a apenas Distribution reasury Shares = oy's an en's Command nder Shampoo The Toronto Stock Exchange has been 'dvised that the following companies have entered. into underwriting and op- tion agreements which may result in treasury shares of these companies be- (| ALUMINUM Centennial PUP a The April Winner ing under distribution currently through Kn Waly ato en OSHAWA Pl] it for 1.00 of the Baby il 7 Be 8 , . in ie fot at + FREE PARKING SHOES aier . 'itil canira 2100 1% orn eas iiinion : fi STOP i EN i per day onus oub e onigo v3 \ . 10000 13% 132 1344+ % Awnings Ti "Rea P zoe 20h me 24 : See ia Black canves upper with made of heavy gauge rent our Your Money 'op Man . 45 white soles, 7 + hs : ' ' , Bears, it Tt, | combingin Brown only; no polishing melmac Sine 4x 6° x ¥ high: with POLISHER. Draw was Gienn 10000 20% 20 20 pie eka OM Sins 60 10 needed. sewn in floor. SHA OOER nr Kid Coper % a be ie MP. Norlex oo 7 Pair ... Compare at 49e Compare at 4.95 each Compare ot 11.95 each Mrs. Ada M NoritExe $00 26 24 6 rie, oe Buy enough liquid for a 9! 2 ° ce. xpl M.S, 15' ru qT 1000 22 22 22 @ Sizes 7 to 5 PRICE SAK * 9. Terore™" M00 2 22 -- ¥ a FOR PRICE SAKE FOR PRICE SAKE FOR PRICE SAKE only Bn. oRice SAKE ONLY Hartshorn, CS Pete 100 196 196 196 Sliding Gloss Poir ... TRIALS Patio Doors 359 Nipigon St. INDUS | " Abitibi 300 $1014 12 10\s | @ Sizes 6 te 12 Ane et + we sm wn ih ew rn tye Mad e i Oshawa ja Gas z y 9 Y us Stops ' Leck uke | SC ee e G 150 880 880 880 + 5 : Algo Cent 50088 Th 8 ttn = Ger Rimp Island End Screen and LOWER LEVEL LOWER LEVEL LOWER LEVEL LOWER LEVEL LOWER LEVEL Algoma St 320 $25%4 25% 25% -- Va y ' feet. OS eae oe oes ee ae -- Storm Window troubles Alcan pr 400 $41¥2 41% 41% -- M4) Alumin 2p 30 $43, 43, 43 a detention || Angle-c pr 100 $20% 20% 20% | A CT 315 z10 $52%2 52¥2 52¥2 NIRRE SSS Shae Cane ee FOREVER eee Install Argus C pr + 600 $11% 11% 11 Ya -- %| Asbestos 260 $224 22% 22% + Va} ' Atl Sugar 300 $1014 10Ye 10ve-- Ye! Bahama 400 69 68 a --- 4) erence | Bank Mil 545 $68% 68% 68% + Ve . H Bank NS 254 $772 77% 77a | Bathurst 220 $30 «30 7 i is H My | : LIMITED Bathrst w z10 $1010 | Beaver L _120 $36% 36¥2 362+ %2/1 Aluminum Doers Bell Phne 1423 $502 50% 50% + Ye|f ond Windows amal w 200 275 2S = 275 +5 Showroom and Factory Br H ' y 194 $12% 1278 12% Bra Lan seve 26M Seat Ma 95 ATHOL ST. EAST -- OSHAWA pe gee] eee 1038 KING ST. WEST at GARRARD RD ir Ve 32a ishes a BC Sune p. 270 S18 18 1B es sa as a PHONE 728-1633 P . BCPh 43 p 100 $81 80% 80% -- 'a Burns Fda 1100 $18 18+ MA | a fy { ° . " ? 'e % '

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