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Oshawa Times (1958-), 4 May 1967, p. 2

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@ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, Mey 4, 1967 - A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE QUEBEC (CP) -- Premier Haniel Johnson of Quebec said wWednesday night restaurant operators at Expo 67 who do not obey the law by posting their menus outside may face govern- ment sanctions. . "The premier told the legisla- tire written notices have been 'sent to all restaurant and food 'concession operators at the fair by Tourism Minister Gabriel 'Toubier, Mr. Johnson said there have 'been a number of complaints vabout the price of food and 'drinks at certain restaurants at tExpo. The government intended *to take steps to protect Expo visitors against exploitation. | Cold Spell » CHICAGO (AP) -- Freezing 'weather extended across the ;United States from the northern /Rockies to New England today. » The record May cold dropped 'temperatures into the teens in tsections of the Dakotas, with [freeze conditions prevailing as far south as Iowa and Kansas. * Snow continued to fall in Ne- tbraska, Frost was reported as Que. Premier Threatens anctions On Expo Eateries Locks Closed MONTREAL (CP) -- The St. Lambert locks of the St. Law- rence Seaway opposite Montreal were closed for four hours early today when the cargo ship George M. Carl struck a fender boom in one of the locks. Upstream and downstream aitraffic was delayed while the damaged fender boom, which was used to protect the gates of the lock, was replaced. A misinterpreted order is be- lieved to have been the cause of the accident. Youth Confab GANANOQUE, Ont. (CP) -- James Auld, provincial minister of tourism and information, Wednesday was nominated Pro- gressive Conservative candidate for Leeds riding in the next pro- vincial election. Lenin Prize far south as the mountains of} MEXICO CITY (Reuters) -- Virginia. Marble-size hail pelted|Mexican muralist David Alfaro Eldorado, Okla. Siqueiros, awarded the Lenin PREMIER JOHNSON .-. demands menu 'HERE and THERE ; a STILL IN COMA Seven-year-old Kenneth Par- ish remains in a coma at the Toronto Sick Children's hospi- tal after a car accident on Gibb Street six months ago. Mrs. R. K. Parish said she had received several calls from people with regard to her son's condition. POLICE CARS Final approval has been given for the purchase of 11 Police cars at about $14,000 (gross price) and 10 other cars and trucks for various other city departments at about $30,- 300. Expenditures of $2,183 for a police motorcycle and $2,522 Peace Prize Sunday, intends to donate the 25,000 rubles ($30,- 000) prize money to the people of North Vietnam "if Ho Chi Minh accepts it," he told re- porters Tuesday. Bus Toll 27 MOSCOW (AP) -- Twenty- church 'hall. A church service will be held at St. Hedwig's, May 14, to commemorate the Battle of Monte Casino. An hour long radio program in Oshawa Wednesday night start- ed events, sponsored by the United Council of Polish Organ- izations. WHITBY BREAK-IN WHITBY (Staff) -- About $40 in cash and a $35 radio were stolen from Robbie's Drive-in, Highway 2 and Garrard Road, Tuesday night. An OPP spokes- man said today the rear door was smashed in and a cigarette machine pried open. $20 was seven persons were drowned in Kiev April 25 when a_ bus crashed through a guard rail and plunged into. the Dnieper River, the Soviet newspaper Pravda Ukrainy reports. Only five persons were rescued. WASHINGTON (AP) -- The United States es its an- nounced troop withdrawal from Europe will encourage Russia to follow suit--but has no plans to make such a suggestion, 'of- ficials said today. The United States, Britain and West Germany announced Tuesday their agreement to withdraw 35,000 American and about 6,500 British servicemen, both ground troops and air per- sonnel, from West Germany be- ginning next January. The fighter-bombers of four Ameri- can and one British air squad- rons also are to be withdrawn. U.S. sources maintain the cut will not affect the combat po- tential of the U.S. 7th Army in Germany. American troops as- signed to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization but sta- tioned in the United States can return to West Germany within days if needed. Although the Soviets are be- lieved to lack giant troop-car- rying planes, they could comply with the U.S. move by pulling back their troops a few miles across the border. President Johnson in an Oct. 7 New York speech invited the Soviets to consider the '"'grad- ual and balanced" withdrawal of U.S. and Soviet forces from central Europe. Such a move, the president said, would 'help Gang In Buffalo On Rampage BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP) -- A gang of 200 young persons roamed through a section of the city Wednesday night breaking windows and looting a pawn shop. The persons, ranging in age US. Hopes Russia Will Follow Its Lead In Troop Withdrawal WEATHER FORECAST gradually to shape a new politi- cal environment" in Europe. There was no answer, official or otherwise, from the Soviet Union, informants said. Some sources believe that So- viet political - military policy now is under major review in the Kremlin, The same sources deny, however, recent reports alleging that the Soviets already have secretly withdrawn some forces from East Germany and Hungary. The Soviet Union has an es- timated 26 divisions outside its borders in central Europe. Twenty of them with 200,000 men are in East Germany, four with 50,000 men in Hungary and two with 25,000 in Poland. After the troop withdrawals announced Tuesday the United States will have less than 200,- 000 ground soldiers. and less than 30,000 airmen in West Ger- many. GORILLA SNUBS TWIN OFFSPRING FRANKFURT (Reuters) Female twins were born Wednesday to Makula, a 10- year-old gorilla, and offi- cials at the Frankfurt zoo said it was the first time that a gorilla twin birth oc- curred in a zoo. Professor Bernhard Grzi- mek, director of the Frank- furt zoo, said both females are lively but their mother refuses to look after them and they are being fed from the bottle. Their father, Abraham, died after a heart attack last January. from 16 to 20, carried off tele- vision sets, musical instruments and other items in the second consecutive night of looting, po- lice said. Some of the mer- chandise was recovered. Two were arrested and Money To School UNITED NATIONS (AP), -- charged with malicious mis- chief, burglary and grand lar- ceny. Deputy Police Commissioner Yohn Ovens 0. 2. OPTOMETRIST PHONE 723-4811 8 BOND ST. E., OSHAWA JOIN Light Showers Expected, |siss: :: Temperature Stays Cool TORONTO (CP) -- Official;tonight. Continuing very cool. forecasts issued at 5:30 a.m.|Winds light except westerly 15 today. this afternoon. Synopsis: A weak disturbance Forecast Temperatures will cross the lower Great Lakes} Low overnight, high Friday today giving considerable cloud-| windsor ... 35 55 iness and a.few showers across|st. Thomas 52 southern Ontario. Over the re-|Tondon ... 52 mainder of the province cloud) Kitchener 52 cover will be variable.and tem-| Mount Fore: 50 peratures cool. A few snowflur-| Wingham ... 50 ries are expected. : Hamilton ... é 50 Toronto, northern Lake Hu-|st, Catharines ..... 50 ron, southern Georgian Bay, Lake Ontario regions: Mostly cloudy and cool with chance of a few light showers today. Fri- day mainly sunny but contin- uing cool. Winds light. Hamilton, London, Windsor, Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, southern Lake Huron, Niagara regions: Mainly cloudy and cool with a few light showers today. Friday mostly sunny but contin- uing cool. Winds light. Sudbury, North Bay, Algoma, northern Georgian Bay, Tima- gami, Haliburton, Cochrane, White River, western James Bay regions: Variable cloudi- HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR. SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 /EARS ness and continuing cold today and Friday. A few light snow- flurries both days. Winds west- erly 10 to 20. Montreal and Ottawa regions: Mainly sunny but with consid- erable afternoon cloudiness both today and Friday. Some frost Subscribers To...» PRESTIGE ~ RESIDENCE given to the UN International Secretary-General U t Francis Gaughan said an inves- 7 Suane pas tigation has been launched to determine whether the young @ BLUE CROSS @ P.S.I. @ GREEN SHIELD FOUR SEASON'S TRAVEL |Excellence in apartment planning for police boots were also clear- ed by council. HEALTH NURSE obtained from the machine, $20/School the $13,230 prize money/people were being urged to van- from the main office as well{he received with the first an-|dalism and crime by profes- as the radio. The theft was re-lnual Jawaharlal Nehru award Ported by the drive-in's mana-/for international understandi sional agitators. The board of health has re-\ger, Edward Campbell, at noon|the UN reported Wednesday. ceived council approval to hire|Wednesday. OPP Constable Wil- an additional full-time public|liam Sulston is investigating. health nurse at a starting sal- ary of $5,828 a year. STORM SEWER Black Guards DETROIT (AP) -- Police are CASH, TIRES STOLEN BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- Thieves broke into Bob's Super-/looking into the appearance of Council has accepted a pub-|test station, sea Highway 2, one/printed posters appearing. in Nec works committee recom-|mile west of Bowmanville, Wed-|several Detroit Negro neighbor- mendation for construction of a|nesday night, escaping with $20|hoods. The posters read: 'Unite 1,666-foot-long storm sewer on/in cash and two tires valued at|or perish," and 'Join the, Black Park Road South at an esti-|$50. Entry was gained through|Guard." mated cost of $92,700. DAMAGE A public recommendation was adopted by council to protect property the city crews might damage while doing street maintenance work, In future, work that causes damage to driveways, housewalks, boulevards and lawns, will be patched up. MAYORS CONVENTION Mayor Ernest: Marks and his wife will represent Oshawa at the Ontario'Mayors and Reeves convention on. May 15 at Niagara-on-the Lake. More than 800 delegates from across Can- ada will attend the convention. Guests include Premier John Robarts, William Davis, minis- ter of education, W. J. Spooner, minister of municipal affairs and R. §. K. Welch, provincial secretary. ONE IN 20,000 Friday evening at 7:30 p.m. the Voice of Youth 67, presents a free showing of the color film "One In 20,000." The film deals wtih the relationship of smoking _ to lung cancer. The highlight of the film is the actual surgical removal of a cancer infected lung. On Friday the film will be sponsored by the Kendal- wood Seventh - day Adventist Church (Kendalwood Road south of K-mart). POLISH EVENTS Polish National Day will be celebrated at a noon day serv- ice Sunday at St. Hedwig's The Black Guard an overhead door window, pre-|poster shows a picture of a viously broken. The theft was|black arm, with broken shack- discovered at 6 a.m. today works committee|the owner, Robert Hockney, RRjgun in its hand. Police said they byjles on its wrist and a machine- 4, Bowmanville. OPP Constable|don't know what the Black Murray Joynt is investigating. 'Guard is. S SPECIAL WEEKLY MESSAGE TO MEMBERS RE MAY BULLETIN FOOD CLUB 79--- 97 275-- 68 205 -- 24 310-- 38 21 -- 78 310 -- 4B 212-- 78 324 -- 156 213 -- 84 | 343-- 63 214-- 84 | 459-- 83 215-- 84 | s18-- 34 216-- 84 | 608 -- 65 218-- 64 | 650-- 87 220-- 34 | 652 -- 168 221-- 46 664 -- 104 242-- 68 690 -- 336 253 -- 58 ssi -- 92 235-- 44 263 -- 52 (embers: pest 273-- 68 Phone 723-1168 SECOND MORTGAGES | Terms up to 10 years © No brokerage fees No hidden charges = ¢ A// or part can be prepaid at any e No bonuses time without notice or penalty For a FREE brochure on SUPERIOR mortgages, write, phone or visit the SUPERIOR office nearest you THE REALTY DIVISION OF SUPERIOR CREDIT CORPORATION LTD. Don Rees, Manager 3% Simcoe St. South, 725-6541 Daily to 6:30 p.m.; Friday to 8.00 p.m.; Other evenings by appointment, 31 SUPERIOR offices to serve you Polish Roman Catholic Church followed by a concert in the FOR WOMEN NECK SUPPORT TRACTION 300 KING SURGICAL ~™ @ FITTED BY QUALIFIED FITTERS @ MEDICAL PHARMACY LTD. MEDICAL ARTS BUILDING 728-6277 SUPPORTS OBESITY OR ABDOMINAL BACK STREET WEST, OSHAWA, ONTARIO is for EXPO And To Celebrate It We Will Give 100 GALLONS of "FUEL OIL" FREE with every New Furnace purchased from end installed by MURPHY OIL CO. LTD. You Save When You Heat With Oil =D. MURPHY OIL 725-3571 78 Bond St. W., Oshawa NEED NOT Comfort in living on their SUNTOURS PAY CASH! Prestige in location TOUR to ' You Give Us Unequalled in space XPO '67 The Doctors EXPO '6 Prescription Adult occupancy Every Friday (7:00 p.m.), Bus leaving for 3 days. Every Mon- We do the rest. {icontAct mr. NORMAN OSTER day for 5 days (including Upper ; et 723-1712 or 728-2911 paced Meg tee FREE FOR AN APPOINTMENT tion, passes, return included. City-Wide Delivery ' r) G@ORGIAN FOUR SEASON'S TRAVEL|] MITCHELL's | GCORGIAN 57 King St. €. Phone 576-3131 DRUGS 9 Simcoe N. 723-3431 ||PARK ROAD NORTH North Bay secessses 20 45 Sudbury ..... oo ae 45 Barlton .....csecse 15 42 Sault Ste. Marie ... 20 42 Kapuskasing ...... 15 40 White River .....- 10 40 Toronto .....++00... 36 52 Peterborough ..... 30 50 Kingston ....e000+. 32 52 Trenton ..+. eos 32 52 Muskoka .......... 22 45 BLOOD DONOR CLINIC To-Day THURSDAY, MAY 4th , ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM SIMCOE STREET NORTH Regular and New Blood Donors are urgently re- quested to attend with or without an appointment. @ NO LESS THAN 500 BOTTLES ARE REQUIRED @ GIVE A BOTTLE OF BLOOD AND SAVE A LIFE @ OUR SUPPLY OF BLOOD IS DESPERATELY LOW . It's thet time of the year when . THE PERFECT Is the time to switch . . interest is paid on savings accounts . . TIME TO SWITCH UP... 4%4% on SAVING 4% on CHEQUING 6%% eon 1 to 10 yeer G.I.C.'s 7%% yield per annum on 10 yeer ACCUMULATING G.I.C.'s Longer CONVENIENT HOURS @ 9 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. Mon. to Thurs. @ 9 A.M, to 8 P.M. Fri. @ 9 A.M. to 4 P.M. Sat, SWITCH UP...» Central Ontario Trust & Savings Corporation Heed Office: 19 Simcoe St, N. OSHAWA, 723-5221 23 King St. W. BOWMANVILLE 623-2527 For instance, if f 9 to 5:30? Fridays till 8 p.m. ? 9 to 4 Saturdays ? Fridays till Can you discuss and listed and you always SW 19 Simcoe Are YOU getting the best deal for YOUR money ? ACCOUNT, is your money earning ...... C. O. T. pays 442% on SAVINGS ACCOUNTS (they always have) If you have a CHEQUING ACCOUNT Do you get your cancelled cheques back plus a monthly state- ment and earn interest as well at the rate of... 3 Wy%? C. O. T. CHEQUING ACCOUNTS (they always have) When you want to save money or cash a cheque, at what hours can you do business? C. O. T. is Open 9 to 5:30 Daily (They Always Have Been) Wills, Investments... G. |. C.'s... Mortgages .. . Buying and selling Real Estate? You can at C. O. T. If you deal with Central Ontario Trust you get the best of every service ity Company. Centrally located, too, in both Oshawa and Bowmanville, Come in today and get the best deal for your money! 2g, CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION Oshawa you have a SAVINGS 44%? 4%? 314%? 3%? 4%? pays 4% on 3%? 0%? 10 to 3 daily ? 9:30 to 5 daily? Fridays 4 to 6 p.m. ? Fridays till 6 p.m. ? Closed Saturdays ? 10 to 2 Saturdays ? 8 p.m. -- Saturdays 9 to 4 p.m. OTHER FINANCIAL SERVICES also like always have been able to! did, plus friendly, helpful service from a Commun- ITCH UP! to Street North 23 King Street West Bowmenville COMPLETE WITH FRAMES AND BIFOCAL LENSES GS @ KRYPTOK ULTEX FLAT-TOP $19.50 $19.50 * $19.50 ALL GLASSES ONE LOW PRICE THE MOST OUTSTANDING OFFER IN OPTICAL HISTORY To and anyone who needs or weers Bifocal Glasses: here ia By The' inest "National" Branded at quality Bifocal me, comets with the frame of your choice at the ONE LOW PRICE of $19.50. 65 STYLES, SHAPES AND COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM Choose the bifocals thet int and need for YOU requirements. Select from e wide Boor Bonld oF frames, the ne deigned especially for your teste, personality and facial contour, King o! the Lowest Prices and the Highest Quelity at one low price, Won't you compere... comporison proves. SALE POSITIVELY ENDS SATURDAY, MAY 6, 1967 Sho APPOINTMENT MuCeABART eae PRY 19.95 5450 HOURS: 9 AM. to 5 P.M. Dai East Closed "All Dey Wedneeday 2nd Floor PHONE: 728-1261 WE FILL ALL PSI, OCULISTS AND OPTOMETRISTS PRESCRIPTIONS AT THE SAME LOW PRICES. 17 Bond Street, GILLIS eral manager o' adian Press, ad annual meeting PUR Prop Intro TORONTO (CP troduced in the O ture Wednesday Affairs Minister permit municipali elderly homeown free property tax up to $150 a year Mr. Spooner < legislation as a " pedient'" until 0: tion system is ad with recommendé Smith committee due to report to th thortly. 1,300 T Threat TORONTO (CP 1,300 of Metropoli 1,900 high school cated Wednesday | willing to resign back their salary About 90 per ce! teachers attendin, gave a_ standing Douglas Penny, their salary negofi tee, as he urged t the last salary Toronto board of The 1,900 high si will vote Friday a decide if they a Jury Mer Four Oui ALLISTON, Ont. of the five memb coroner's jury sai they had been pz doctor involved, b had any influence dict. Dr. Morton Sht charges of interfe: ernment officials i of inquests is the royal commission said Tuesday th loaded," Three of the { doctor was their cian, and the fourt been treated by before the inquest of Mrs. Pearl Gr Mrs, Gray died Michael's Hospita had been transfe hemorrhoid ope. formed in Steven Hospital here. Th also corrected a the rectum. The jury's ver negligence had bee the major cause failure of the won The foreman of of those who was the doctor, said | conflict of interes prweeeee TAKE NOTICE 'I, The Council curb and gt work; as f Name of Stree Hortop St. Simcoe St. No Simcoe St. No 2. The estimat 3. Application ond any ow the sald wo 4. The said Be objection to DATED at Osh: | eee

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