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Oshawa Times (1958-), 4 May 1967, p. 5

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PARK High ys Lost tikes O'HEARN --This is labor th the estimates Bales before the to say that much talk about 'labor members won't answers to the lems labor pre- is the damage through strikes. nd is the further h extreme wage ncreases, question, in Can- 81 man days per vere lost through *s with a range ries from seven veden to 1,020 in tes. ss through dis- bor itself, for it in wastage, The however, often d share of their zh extra work to they get back in potentially seri- ce in the addi- lds to ollr goods, ven these goods for export and e with the prod- countries. which or records, *t from our com- 1, of course, not e loss of personal 'ough the added lants, unreliable other 'factors } Obviously a bad ntry for the wage id for the work- ally for the econ- pattern was for t precise figures educated guesses the country the increase was r cent. contrasted to the ide-lines for in- ore than 3.5 per d for and pretty the inflationary sattern continues WHITBY DAY BY DAY Kinsmen Carnival Aids Cystic Fibrosis Fund WHITBY (Staff)--Whitby and area residents this week can lend a helping hand to the drive against Cystic Fibrosis by patronizing the carnival being held by the Whitby Kinsmen Club. The chairman of the car- nival, Raymond Hottot, is hope- ful that between $800 and $1,000 will be raised. The carnival is part of the drive launched by the 55 Kins- men and Kinette Clubs in District 8 of the Association of Kinsmen Clubs to finance the Highway Death An inquest into the death of Mrs. Mario Sonsa, 37, of 220 Gliddon Ave., Oshawa, will be held here at 9 a.m., May 16. The hearing will be conducted by coroner Dr. W. W. Tomlin-J son at the OPP building. Mrs. Sousa, mother of three, died when the station wagon in which she was a passenger was involved in a collision with @ gasoline tanker on Highway CWL Members Welcome Parish Priest St. John the Evangelist CWL members welcomed back to his parish Father Leo J. Austin who has been absent, for more than seven months due to sickness. Father Austin spoke of his convalescence and how, while he had more time to think, saw the need for more understanding of his fellowmen and will strive to. bring parishioners even closer. He was delighted with a group of Cuban school children now in Florida who have pen pals in Whitby. He had their voices taped and played it back for the members. He said how happy he is to be back home after his exile and' asked the support of all his parishioners to assist him. The newly elected president Mrs. James McCarroll chaired the meeting and asked for con- veners' reports. WHITBY -- AJAX Whitby Duplicate 50 Cases THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, Mey 4, 1967 5 Bridge Winners development of a Cystic Fibro- sis Research Centre to be located at the Toronto Hospital for Sick Children. Clare Hewson, Cystic Fibro- sis chairman of the Whitby Kins- men Club, said the appeal for funds was adopted as a district project and that in the past three years approximately $2,000 was raised by the Whitby Club. The carnival, being held on Brock Street South, across from the Whitby Shopping Plaza, commenced Monday and will continue throughout this week. Inquest Date Set 401 driven by Joseph Surette of Toronto. The accident occurred half a mile east of Ajax Feb. 23. The station wagon was driven by Mrs. Beatrice Subo- tich, of Drew St., Oshawa. Mrs. Borrego, another passen- ger in the station wagon, was seri.ously injured. Crown Attorney Bruce W. Affleck will assist at the hear- ing. Royal York Hotel, Toronto, May 23 and 24 are Mrs. James Mc- Carroll and Mrs. Robert Mac- key. Mrs. Joseph Corrigan. re- minded members of the com- LODGE MEMBER INITIATES HER MOTHER One of the highlights of the meeting, Wednesday night, when Benevolent Rebekah Lodge, No. 132, celebrated its 54th birthday, was the initiation by Noble Grand Sister Sheila Gordon of her mother, Mrs. Ade- lina White. Sister Gordon, left, is seen pinning a cor- sage on her mother at the conclusion of the cere- mony. Two other new On Docket WHITBY -- The winners and|found 85 per cent in need of BUSES NEED FIXING MEXICO CITY (AP) -- The annual check of city buses repair and several unfit to be on the streets. About half the taxis in Mexico City needed repair. high scores in the games play- ed by the Whitby Duplicate Bridge Club were: s For Assizes East and West -- Mrs., J. Mc- WHITBY (Staff) -- Fifty|coll and Mrs. G. Beaton, 7914; cases are listed for hearing|Mrs. W. Chubb and Mrs. D. before the non jury sittings of sg Re Mrs. = ay . E. Barron, 70; Mrs. the Ontario Supreme Court be- C. A. Bovay and Miss B. Wil. ginning May 8. son, 67% The Supreme Court will be North and South -- Mrs. G. held at the County Building ,|Pearie and Mrs. G. McUtcheon, Rossland Road East, com-|/3; Mr. and Mrs. J. Wil- mencing at 11 a.m. Mr. Jus- i aad A e ae Mrs. P. N. ratt an rs. D. Wilson, tice Thompson will preside. r ° The list 67%; Mr. and Mrs. J. Desro- issued by the/siers, 61%. Supreme Court Clerk's office 32 uncont di- vorces, five contested divorces, @ LAWN MOWER five personal injury cases, five oe a automobile accident cases, one breach of contract action, one WILDE RENTAL action involving an account SERVICE & SALES owing and one claim for al Whitby, Onterio 668-3226 Evening Programs Start At 7 P.M. BROC K Saturday Matinee Starts 1:30 BEAU GESTE my 7 €\° = bi TECHNICOLO! e "BEAU GESTE" mom GUY STOCKWELL - DOUG McCLURE LESLIE NIELSEN mTELLY SAVALAS -Semur elbow grease to support their club. They raised $72 by washing 96 cars at 75 cents each at the Plaza. The adult representa- tive, Dave Brodhagen, has an- other souvenir from the went wash -- a vivid sunburn. Teenagers extend their| thanks to Joe McQuade, Frank Teddy and Max Therauld, mer- defective vehicle. SPRIN members, Mrs. Lillian Sherlock and Mrs. Clara Casselman, were also initi- ated. Representatives | of a number of district lodges DID YOU KNOW SAWDON'S CH THAT G HAS SPRUNG we attended the ceremony. --Oshawa Times Photo FREE Estimates, Reasonable INTERIOR & EXTERIOR Retes, Repair Speciolist. munion Sunday, May 7. It was announced that the Girl Guide banquet will be May 7 at St. John the Evangelist parish ball at 6 p.m. The travelling bridge. and euchre finals will be May 29 with Mrs. Ed Finan in charge. The membership convener, Mrs. J. Chasczewski, asked for volunteers to assist her. follow- teenage and young adults work- shop fund raising campaign. be sent to India to help support a family. Tea hostesses were ing Township Library Board, ing each Sunday Mass when|Which was set up last Decem- prospective members will he|ber, has been active in recent approached, Mrs. Fred Parrott;months making a ) requested canvassers for the|existing facilities and planning expansion of the existing libra- ry service. The board serves A sum of money was voted to|the 27,610 residents of the township. Pickering Library Board PICKERING -- The Picker- survey of The board's policy is to con- Mrs. S. Bronishewski and Mrs. Delegates attending the an- nual CWL convention at the Youth Groups Take Part In Service The youth groups of St. Mark's United Church partici- pated in a Service of Dedica- Church School. Dr. Davies, chairman of the local Missi C, Polito. Law, Hi-C; and Denise McKim, J. B. y and Maint 'Y PC Group Plans Meet WHITBY (Staff) -- The On- To Expand Facilities tinue to operate the present small libraries at Claremont, Greenwood,, Brougham and Whitevale. The board also has plans for a large library in the future which will be centrally located in the large built-up area, possibly on Highway 2. A librarian is being sought to take charge. The board will be assisted by the Central Regional Libra- ty, which has its headquarters at Richmond Hill. It is expect- ed residents of Pickering Town- ship will, before long, have a uniform and much needed library service. LATEX PAINT Teen Car Wash een Gee Raises $72 ALUMINUM WHITBY (Staff) -- Who says teen-agers are lazy? There ae ; aoiead | COMBINATION were almost 100 gleaming cars|f '*"* P*?gndable Redlo Dispatched in Whitby on Sunday to prove sivien abe Ot us, DOORS that Blair Park Vista Teen-A Call 723-1191 Club is not afraid to extend 26.75 SHINGLES ATTENTION ALL BOYS 210 Ib. 5.49 so. PREFINISHED COMATION 26 x 96 PANELS Fiberglas Panels : 3.49 AMBER ELM Rolled Arborite dx8a% Counter Tops 10-FT. REG. 13.41 37.50 oe | le is 6.99 | Yuhe rs GRAVEL, ETC. Now is the time to register for... WHITBY MINOR LACROSSE At Whitby Community Arena SAWDON'S BUILDING SUPPLIES FREE ESTIMATE ON MATERIALS AND HOME IMPROVEMENT CENTRE tion to Mission on Sunday morn-|Committee responded. «-|tario South Young Progressive Mrs. L. T. Johnston has been @ Saturday, April 30, 1967 9 A.M. to 12 there is labor- ; ing. The deaconess, Miss Ia|, Last year the United Church|Conservative Association will|*!ected chairman of the board. ' ' ' lations based on i Newton, conducted the service|of Canada shipped a half mil-|hold a general meeting this cdg ge pares nh N. @ Saturday, May 6, 1967, 9 a.m. to 12 244 BROCK 51, 8, WENTEY PHONE 668-6612 arent, there will and representatives of the/lion pounds of good used cloth-|coming Sunday night at the and F. Coie tie) Me ectine s to these two groups presented their gifts. _|ing to overseas areas for relief/Balsam home of William New-|}\.. ae Other died tes g national welfare, The following represented|purposes. For a number of|man, the riding PC candidate. : members are their respective groups: Bobby|years the people of St. Mark's|An invitation has been extend- em a a Se Just, Messengers; | Geneen|have shared in this venture. Al-|ed to the member of the On- Reeder, Explorers; Catharine|ready the clothing collection for|tario Lakefront YPC Associa- Se hin, Slban Ward, and D. a threat, for te nust export. sibility on the A FEW. OF THE VALUES the recently-an. Broughton, Brownies; _Terry|the 1967 shipment is under way,|tion. - management | 'Mollon, Wolf ; Linda Wik-land during May bundles The speaker will be Al. ally work. liams, tion; |be left at the Church -|Eagleson, MMP for 'Tororito FREE 24-HOUR Junior ai Cathy Winter, CGIT; Heather Later in the month sorting and|Lakeshore, who is' well known Holroyd, "Girl Guides; David|/packing will be done by thelin the legislature for his views Thwaites, Boy Scouts; Shannon|members of the UCW. on youth. He is also well known ,|as the spokesman for such top road to control or and manage s, and this coun- } to be effective, BURNER SERVICE By Our Local Service Contractors vay. A athletes as Carl Brewer, Eddie ' WHITBY, AJAX CALEND R Shack, Bobby Orr and Danny SAWDON Ss ' Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Yar-|TOPS Club will attend the May|0'Shea. F UE ay S J AGO off and children, Mark, Greg-|4, 5 and 6 provincial 'Recog- ory and Tammy, were Sunday nition Day" in. Windsor: Bonnie} David, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fi ol RS AGO, dinner guests of Mrs. Yaroff's|Auberton, Bleanor Cougle,|Duke Zilstra, is celebrating his Ps omy beg Forty 1952 mother, Mrs. Mary Demchy-|Rose Fudge, Florence Ed-jthird birthday today. His cous- pag gum. shyn, Toronto. 'wards, Ethel Bai Florence ins, Deis ah Meven ue 244 Brock St. S., Whitby VINE RIPENED. FIRM. RED x 2 Martin, Dorothy Martin, Clara/Gary, Arthur an ta Van- new. refrigerator St. Mark's United Church Powell, Marjorie King and/Slageren, will be attending his 668-3524 ' ' wanis Club Kar- Bassett was the thevrolet car. t visitor to Gen: s Jens 'Peterson Iceland. In order iceland he said, yet a permit and a six-year wait- RS AGO, 1, 1937 iccounts passed icil meeting last 7.85 The sum :of ) the contractors St. Bridge. pole has been orial Park, it is SLE n my soul: he the paths of ae his name's i uraged at the for He is not of regeneration restoration, For- the present is HNN ie, NS 1s WHAT ANS - Tis iS Hi-C Group will offer their/jean Jaynes. birthday party. services this Saturday at the Dairy Queen for a car wash. Proceeds will go to the Hi-C centennial project, new lights over the church doors. Jeanette, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Wynne, is celebrating her fourth birthday today. Guests attending her nparty are: Gerald, Corina, Henrietta and Jackie Van Den Wildenberg, Mark Hookamp, Janie Doble and Linda. The Girl Guides of Canada central area presentation cere- mony for Gold Cord Guides will be held at Pickering Dis- trict High School, May 5, at 8 p.m. Two Whitby Rangers, Gay Courtice and Nancy Pollard, Gold Cord Guides, will receive their certificates along with several other Guides. Whitby Girl Guides' choir will sing under the direction of Mrs. R. Hawkins. Whitby Chapter No. 248, Order of the Eastern Star, is sponsoring a homebake sale this coming Saturday at 124 Dundas Street West. Co-conveners are Sisters Lucille Robinson and May Jewell. Proceeds will go to the benevolent fund. Mrs, Albert bi gg , spent a day v' te tik of her daughter Se son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. David Brodhagen, Lupin Drive. The following members of Whithy Shrinking Violets ae WOMEN'S AUXILIARY WHITBY GENERAL HOSPITAL CENTENNIAL BLOSSOM BALL In The Regal Room at the Centennial Bldg. Sat. May 13th AT 8 P.M. TICKETS $15 COUPLE PHONE 668-2241 668-4868 The wonderful thing about Dry Rye is the fact that it makes every : Oy Va F : KO a CALVERT GRAND PRIX Diy CALVERT OF CANADA I other ordinary rye.taste unusual. That's how differen You'll suddenly realize that Grand Prix is not an old whisky with a new slogan. You'll know it is a new whisky with a new taste. A dry taste. A full t the taste of Grand Prix is. rye with every shred of sweetness removed. When you try Grand Prix it could make your favourite rye taste unusual, Or: Grand Prix could become your favourite rye, GRAND PRIX ¢ THE WORLD'S FIRST DRY RYE (CALVERT OF CANADA LTO., MONTREAL © TORONTO # VANCOUVER TOMATOE . NO. 1 SEBAGO POTATOES CONTROLLED ATMOSPHERE RE G. 49c \ REG, MacINTOSH APPLES ~~ 49° 10: Ons. 29 REGULAR 89c FRESH APPLE CIDER 100% PURE MAPLE SYRUP Just North of Rossland Rd. W. On Hwy. 12 at Whitby ALL KINDS OF FRUIT AND VEGETABLES ROSES "The Centennial and "The Miss Canada" MacMILLAN ORCHARDS SHRUBS BOX PLANTS OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 9 A.M. TO 10 P.M.

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