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Oshawa Times (1958-), 5 May 1967, p. 17

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, Mey 5, 1967 177 s TTTITITT TLL N.Y. Transaction 1 Ae eo 2 a Ce ee ek |. mR SS 0 ealers ade } $684,642 loss; 1965, $384,868 loss, # Report Record | Largest Ever NET EARNINGS |" testing 'Mining' snd Develop: e Advocate Mines Lid., three|ment Co. Ltd., six months ended 4 u TORONTO (CP) -- Ford of} NEW YORK (AP)--The larg-|months ended March 31: 1967,|Feb. 28: 1967, $100,945, two cents Canada Ltd.'s sere sold ajest ee ee lg Fee $300, es Agy agg 2 1966, $1,268,088, 25 record 21,397 cars and trucksjtory o e New Yor oc! nadian Canners ., year Ss. in April, a 3.2-per-cent increase|Exchange was recorded Thurs-|ended Feb. 28:1967, $2,107,645,|Madsen Red Lake Gold Mines : \ BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT from April, 1966, when the pre-|day as a block of 585,600 shares|$1.50 a share; 1966, $2,155,886, epg ged og Presi -- vious monthly record was set,!of Sperry Rand Corp. stock/$1.54. ss 6 'sft & a. ebepess 2 treet see | TORONTO 10:40 A.M. STOCKS 0 the company said Thursday. changed hands. Canadian Hydrocarbons Ltd.,|S"™e; Peat age Fig : Toronto Stock erekbins aay i| oe ee eee $ It marked the fifth consecu-| jhe transaction pushed vol-|year ended Dec. 31: 1966, $1,- ba tee Prt eager March ° RESERVER -- OS get ge tg cae ee ea Bank O Oo nhvel ans pie Mga fapocvigel ns in ume for the day over the 12,-/985,340; 1965, $1,960,629. 31: 1967, $1,602,000, 67 cents a aon me nttonee Net 'change 1s| Con Pap w 216 890 690 890 od id company. Car sales totalle -|000,000-share mark. Canadian Petofina Ltd., three share; 1966, $1,708,000, 71 cents, shampoo into a from 'previous board-lot closing sale. Papr p 400 $26%2 26% 264+ 009, up 2.5 per cent from a year! »o,,n¢ and Co., the broker-|months ended March 31: 1967, e Plastic bottle. yo a gen ad ae ie eee 6 earlier, and truck sales a rec- : handled the rec-($2:189,923, 22.1 cents a share;| Rio Algom Mines Lid., three n't break if drop- MINES Sone ae oe BRB in ss In Fall ord 4,298, up 6.5 per cent. _|age firm that handled the rec-\i9¢¢ gy 96 293, 18.2 cents, | |months ended March 31: 1967, lasts longer. we dae) cee Be eee @) ar us In Windsor, Ont., Chrysler of|ord deal, declined to name el-| East Sullivan Mines Ltd., six|$2,986,000, 26 cents a share; >AY A CALL oe tie We en nae Oe oe i ee Canada reported a 2.2-per-cent/ther the buyer or seller. A/months ended Feb. 28: 1967,|1966, $2,590,000, 24 cents. pads of state have Rome Urea Se! ae ak a |) Dees 25 $100%4 10014 Ye 4) VANCOUVER (CP) -- The|_Its first branches will include|Toronto office will be a "prin-\decline in car sales in April to spokesman said the stock was|$1,942,805, 46 cents a share;| Sullivan Consolidated Mines t Expo 67. Acme Gas 3500 21% 21% 2%4--\s| Dome Pere 390 $504 $04 504 41%4|Bank of British Columbia will| Toronto. cipal" branch. A second prin-|10,685. 'Truck sales for the) ri ree king 1966, $1,657,940, 39 cents. Ltd., six months ended Feb. 28: Aen Yer ena ae Su as Deron 38 Sans ; be launched officially next week! A statement Wednesday by|cipal branch will be in Victoria.|/month totalled 943, compared|5° , First Maritime Mining Corp.|1967, $1,237,920, 31 cents a share; - Batex ty 5000 "6 rie 4 -1 Borers poo ie ' by Prigas %|with a healthy chunk of cash,|the interim directors said the|Head office will be Vancouver.'with 1,154 a year earlier. a total of $18,007,200. Ltd., year ended Dec. 31: 1966,|1966, $503,814, 13 cents. Belcher a DS a hd Dom Glass Fr ai Pad Figg i a public campaign to raise Bethim 600 630 630 630 +5 wai Store 110 $18% 18% 18% more and a challenge to the wy BL Hawk 500 31 31, 31 --2]| Domtar 1470 $16% 16% 16% + %lestablished banks. Bralorne 500 196 196 19% +6 D _ Textile 300 $23%e 23¥e 230+ Ve The bank, the 10th federally- Colmor 18 1450 vi vi o He Ean w 100 ce ie n° chartered institution, will name Cam Mine See. list Falcon 2124 $88 66% 88 i board of direc- c Chib 5 615 615 ¢ va its permanent boa f f Sis BG GS 28) pee eet ae 2 (ee, Mendes nt novel ie 34 reunee o start business in i Gin Nis soe 38, ist elo a a The B.C. bank, subject of a } * andcre "a Godyear p 25 $45. sometimes bitter federal - pro- erne fg y ~ - Ehestrvile 2000 gH 8 % * ét Postal 100 Sane Be nun uu vincial quarrel between Ottawa ; Coon wit 1300 160 19 100 5 | SEW tie «M0 $52% Sv 52%--% and Victoria, has. the blessing Coin Lake 3000 17 17 17 ---1]| Guar Trst 450 $10 97% 9% of Premier W. A. 'C. Bennett's ¢ Hall 57900 BI pa a re Hard cere, 70 S16 is ee sg Social Credit government. | ANNUAL € Morisn 3200 $65 560 $65 +5 H ptf gy i |. Its boosters Aad 4 Pago € Remmbler' a8 us tet +2'| Home Ay ge Senet + | how large the bank will be, but if Is known e s | Tse lag 100 sas sas 0s 5 Hpron Sti 300 Sou ae cm capitalization of about $100,- | Cee Man eat below, | HUY Ol! 200 $i5y 184 ie 000,000--the maximum amount | 1 bees Cralgrt 300 3178 1% Tie + %| Husky, © w 177 | as, aao, +20 pened banks of ovontn | : row! y Deering © See iat below | ee OU ae ra ar oe major banks: 6 ,Deer Horn 1100 i, 1% 1% Imp Tob pr 100 $5% 5% 5% ontrea | jet ---- D'Eldona list below. Ind Adhes 750 $8% 84 8% | fan SS es | iGo ee eS Be ag | i eve Eeicic' i iita'tin' ita | HR ou fa time im ime | ices Advance ] ar Intr Cty wt = cus Fo, me wm | hy ae oe In Light Trading | 725- sive (me tm | ee we $9% 94 H+) TORONTO (CP)--ITL Indu. 33324 32% i 32 tries was the feature of the \ 4 fea Rick Oh 3 a 4 Intpr Pipe 195 95 $1030 102se ia. -- Ye accnte Stock Exchange Thurs- | mre tea 1000 ae 4 4 Mier Stoel 1400 fo as a day for the third consecutive . y e+ Ve 1% e i 5 ate, gg Sue BS BST") EOP A sak Bo" 8 ig ta, es epeal Ir in Cop. See list below. ren 565 $352 35 5 -- * After a delayed opening, ITL sit eo jetferen we Sao 390 300 [advanced to an all-time high of Kam Kotia 920 a0 310 Jockey 2p 100 $m 8% 8% + %/38, then slipped back to close | Kerr Add" 1000 817% 'ii tus Ye! idciy'o A amt a Sie Sut Mel the day up 1% to 35% on vol- Kick oan 35001 1 ch ag =< th bom c ie 'asi es *--wiume of 37,076 shares. Kirk Twns 1500 --1] Laura Sec 270 $14% as Magna Electronics advanced i +10 Fgh 1i00 +3 1s 1 he F100 4 oa nm, at %4\2% to 21% after reaching a 1967 | tin te 7h 7S tS | ty, HS eae ie et of LL sLac 325 182° 152 152 +11 Lop'Co A 400 37% 7 Te CPR dropped % to eK, Louviert 2500 ¥ iY A +1 Lob & B my ae -- ee Cominco ele al aN Sond = seme gee S'S SE | See ae ee Le Ue oe aa son 'Bay ieee to 68 : a - Mai a 3 Mattgmi gue, vie 12% big tis me ta aid ed et eee ai Among uraniums, Denison fi Ff sa one. =10 |fell % to 66 and Roman Corp. New Cal 850 a a Fa ravi 7 30 310 0, n mous Minit 1am dass wat 2 fa Be to i, Preston sained 9 to _ We want you to see our new line of fa Me FY "roasts Baa 18% and Rio Algom % to 30%. Q ° ! Py 005 0 ld Wick To i is 'ey Mon Food 3575 7s $4 "io "tout bs On index, industrials rose .38 EEE SD REST DRY. McClary Easy washers, we think they're lorbask: Z Pi N ae 7 9 9 8 oor," pap Dee oe) piinalin Der hard "153.80. Bane tops for value even without the FREE Norcal WOO 33 31 31 --2| Morse & 100 $20% ina n+ metals slipped .21 to 93.94. Vol- : i. eee Nach Mie Se ume was 2,548,000 shares com- BONUS. mske 800 $10 990 990 Noranda 375 $52%4 52a 52% + ¥ pared with 2,669,000 Wednes- Osisko 4500 67 66 8 Nor Ctl G 2785 $12% 12% 12%--% my Patino, 10m 8 tos 900 8 | Neo? ce see ae a Fes ose "en's ttn") Sacer, ae 2 zt] BOND MARKET | o WASTE BASKET shawa Pine Point $0 Pac Pete 925 $13% 13% 13% TORONTO (CP)--The Cana- P 74 37 Ase Preston, 1460 tis 30 30 Pow. Corp 2s tine ta 12% -- vei dian ara yarn wes ot a © CLOTHES HAMPER , rice Com ~ y\eighth of a point in quiet trade T p TRADE-IN 125 125 125 10% -- Ye e eS SS | Rae 7 ae ge BEF Sl rmaraay, ee ccament of ni cl rd 0 - term overnmen' Beoare" "Se tt "yl Slee a ain Mp! Cues nes ee aman snes ae ee Tel RO Xe sae ees eee 11968, issue Closing at 10010 bid Eureka E.-4 = us ue eh StL Com w 100 os aad 675 +25 |and 100.15 asked. sg See list below. pa Ra Br A Long-term Canada and pro- Here oe oe +s] Eke ee, ha hy (ene bende ware ott ot ed gan ee | atts ee ae Bo ll, 1988, lasue closing at 87% bid Suttiven 300 365 65 365 +5 pall Aud 1a. ors ate e and 875% asked. Territory" 100 'ta "M2 "ta --w| Shop Seve 200 81313 A il oe ae money traded at Tombill 500 116 116 116 std po eo oe ae per cent. UO BoHadn 3100 30 impson $275 $174 W417 Treasury bills were higher 4 6a ith the 91-day bills closi t in Keno 200 a0 410 410 ~--10 a Ey gan ao a 108 ie ja raf 4 She apt he ba 0 0 400 3 100 $13¥6 13% 136 -- Wel on ads rg an e ay Wilco 500 38% 32% 3%e-- Vs| St Paving St th te--% Wingfay-- 2100 T Radio 120 $294 29/4 294 -- He eng oe ee Sielnbg A 230 21% 214 21% PRODUCE st OILS, GAS Texaco") a + %! TORONTO (CP) -- Wholesale Rue ee we oe a en oo Oe giv 7 A™ 4 wito retail carton eggs average Sent » a a Pu iol Traders A - oS 8 a 4 weighted prices quoted by the Satan's "Sl Rov tu toed 4 treecee* eS (eee eee Ae Gan Tele 3 MMs aus a6s--10'| rican PL leap sine 20% WM -- \ldium 387; A small 30.4, re i ie i tt] Gren jim ca iat ie | Regs Wholeanle, price t be! In Gas -- %\country stations fibre cases Pree" "400 S05 368-390 E10 | Coty gat Sze S28 Sa el coted by the Toronto Board of French pt 1 a. ee = eg ' U Sections mm ¥ 4 'i, Trade from wholesale egg deal- Geek aie vi ii] Mem, ied deem" [pes cae eae os, Ss 2 r Se" Se Sse | tn, SU ee eI oe co lumac al --" 77 y 165 $28 27% 27% -- } Butter: Canadian Dairy Com: Prove Gas 2221 iy) % 9 +5 Westee! 25 $2104 21a ane Ma mission tenderable carlots buy- Sauey Rn es atta 2 2 Westar ee se ote ave + ie (ing 39 score 62; buying 40 score Spooner 3100 58 57 57 Weston B 300 $214 21% 21 63; selling 63. UConn nase ISS 38 Sed 418 | write "Pas 100 situ tone tees 270 «(270 «270 2 70 $S9E 2% B%+% W Bech "S00 5 as 15 | Yore'om'B 2170 2a8, 290 208 DIVIDENDS Distribution of Treasury Sales to 11:00 a.m, 783,000 Canada Steamship Lines Lid., gg etomte Sic, Eacnnnge Bee been TRADING pref. 15% cents, July 4 record ' tion. vrei verona an result in In Kenic ive it in in =h yee Weston Ltd., first se- NEW SPIRLATOR [rewury, mares: ct these comennieh. be Conner tend tans tae. 1ad ries pref. $1.12% cents; second WITH LINT FILTER ing bution curre' throug! me ocilties of the onan: LL Lae 1000 170 170 170 --% |series pref. $.50, June 1, Tecord | Mine 2000" 274 27% 274+ %h May 1). ; : : én mM thd fo tin tno ASKING FOR GREEN Hayes Dana Lid., 11 cents,| McClary-Easy's good looks start with a good looking wringer, but the most efficlent wash sez, an 06060 ie 70 ty4|, SAINT JOHN, NB. (CP) -- |May 31, record May 19. ing action is developed by the exclusive spiralatot you will find under the lid. The new Ebony- Brine 'Stop 13 142 us 1 |Letters have been sent to' all] International Utilities Corp., ' ALL th - Irish Cop 3300 13° 13,13 |major cities in ecg . on pref. 33-cents U.S. po com- Smooth Spiralator formed from a special high-impact phenolic resin keeps e clothes , Kid Cper them to participate in a local}mon 30 cents Canadian funds, , : ' Re iclein th 2 . . i in the t mes out Eiwmg 4000 284 46 Jwatia|centennial project by paying|June 1, record May 15. | moving ALL the time with even less friction than before. Every article in t ub cor oe . $50 for a red maple tree to be| Magna Electronics, common| sparkling clean, yet the spiralator is so gentle clothes last far, far longer. New spira-jet filter INDUSTRIALS planted here in the centennial 2% cents, June 1, record May : ith f d fds acticin ' ALL he Hak with 4 Abit uss s10% 10% 194 ee pte 8 Pap Ge city eonetas ye ae Sheahan Comb, iéhe gulps up lint with every forward surge o' spiralator -- a > a no fet + Ackl ' é : ; Ae Ges 5 1 7 lit, cents, June 10, record May 19. for continuous ree operation . . . no danger of clogging the pump. Come in, let us show Alcan 6: Oo A t Me : you a "live water' demonstration. Alumin 2p 405 $44. 43% 4354 -- Anthes A 210 $23% 23% 23% Argus © pr 200 $11% 11% 11M+ % Asbestos 525 $222 22% 22% -- Ve Atl Sugar 210 $10% 10% 10% : inn cans si " ir tm = |! 1 ots talk about education | | MeCLARY-EASY SPIRALATOR '88' | | McCLARY-EASY SPIRALATOR '78' | | MoCLARY-EASY "WATERFLO Bank N S$ 242 $79 782 78 i I lied ean 1 HARD ON DIRT . . . EASIEST ON CLOTHES UNBEATABLE VALUE . . . QUALITY FEATURES Bell Phne ey $30m 504 50% + Ve THE WORLD'S MOST BEAUTIFUL WASHER Bramalea 8% 8% + % and your Son... 5 + ete ene ar BAO 20 6 36 Canada College is 2n independent boys' school, estabtished 7 $ 7) F 225 $21'2 21% 24 in 1829, situated in Residential Toronto and having 38 acres of $ BcPh 484 240 $2794, 22% sche sents emus apay Nera 400 nm ARIO Burns Fds 710 $15 15 15 +% ses Pic Coat 9 cadet soraacdll aotiateet tn Unpu' Seman INMENT CAS eg 11s ee ae ae for boys in Grades 9 to 13. AND YOUR OLD WASHER AND YOUR OLD WASHER AND YOUR OLD WASHER : ADE Sb" Sugar 90 $25¥2 25¥2 25V2+ The Shoo is prinarlys dey schon but ImebSordng hauess. The preponderance of dey | SADE in Gem @ i io BY Be ||| lammvasomcnmaratia toromcmeionat mg 21% + Vs sheen oS ; : ee ae én Perm is sa tha aes Sco ee McClary-Easy's exclusive automatic timer gives you "Remote McClary-Easy Spiralator and new Spira-Jet Filter gives you This 'Budget Price MeGinar-Easy wosher has a standord Cdn Brew 290 7 i] % Boarders ir: the Preparatory School can go home most week: Control" washing . . . shuts machine off ATOMATICALLY the cleanest wash. Each forward stroke of the spiralator agitator -- the exclusive "Waterflo' washing action flushes of Ecoromics Goldal id ee me ie ends i they wish, and thus combine boarding school at any pre-set time . . . times the wash to your exact re- forces water ond lint into the filter where the lint is trop- cleansing water and suds through the ivition ... Doesa jelopment € imp Bnk 199 svise Tim 7id porte ain en site obtain quirements, A flick of the finger starts or stops the wringer. ped . . . and this happens 50 times a minute. Let us show family wash in @ hurry. See it tomorrow! Modern safety : eu" wt io iin yu ih +% benefit from the cuftural life of Toronto. Automatic power pump empties the giant 10 Ib. copacity you this washer! Automatic timer. Automatic power pump. wringer with instant-pressure release bar, -- fnon- C Marentc 2000 8) 8 hard . For further particulars write to either The Headmaster | tub in less than two minutes. 'Whispering Power Plant" Giant 10 Ib. capacity tub. Lovell safety wringer. Chrome clogging pump. 8-9 Ib. capacity tub. Electrically bonded cr Pe ier rec oe eh tre Properntony Steel. Te Ermeres R carries a five year warranty. drainboards, 5-year power plant warranty. enamel finish. 0 $13% 13% 13% can tire, i ta) ze) 2). || UPPER CANADA COLLEGE CUM ss ae at Toronto 7, Ontario fe sees. | ONUS AT NO EXTRA COST ghomer je ta a TRADE IN! TRADE UP AT CHERNEY'S ... GET YOUR 4-PC. B Set» a ee a | ee ee eG * rr eenaRReEeRTSRUNIORREO Codvilie A 400 $515 450. sve 462 Columbl p 125 $183 1894 18% |

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