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Oshawa Times (1958-), 5 May 1967, p. 23

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nobiles For Sale imbler Kings le & Peterborough Y SALE Si bid hg 160 Simcoe South In the Estate of Corner Bloor and Simcoe Passed away May $1966. "hg x 728-0051 Robert E. ar Wilson. J ts 59 -- $190 'or Mm "ye8 10 gave us the best years i ar NOTICE OF STREET CLOSING " oie ene 2 ipsapaedaa } Months To Pay. PEUGOT All persons having cloims 20 Games $10 and $15 rows, or our strife 0 SELECT CARS % VOLVO and PEUGO against the estate of Robert Two extra Gomes at $25 | Who faught'us fo love, who téught us pg ip tay wade 4OOSE FROM, * MERCEDES BENZ TAKE NOTICE that the Council of The Corporation Edgar Wilson, lote of 912 Jackpot and Share the Wealth Dear mother in Heaven, God bless you RENT O SALES ' April, A.D, 1967, are hereby i | yy arn nn a to pass a by-law to close up part of Athol Street notified to send in to the MAY 19-22 fh DeauitN tramery 'er eur, meter' as| : Oshowa 728-0921 West and that part of Gliddon Avenue established undersigned Solicitor for the Hotel and tours orranged. i. a a '41 RILEY sedan, 4 cylinder, twin carbs.| by by-law number 3679 of The Corporation of the Executrix, on or before the Phone or write Rowe Travel | qaayinely remembered (by Shirley and A-speed transmission, three spares. This y. BY f Osh 15th day of May, A.D, 1967, Agency, Port Hope. |} _LASTING TRIBUTE 2OBINSON ye hag ar ee be gg ey City 0 clei ica full particulars of their claims. 885-2527 Pgs a dea anes, Sinibye dtr : Immediately after the said 39 Noti or algae ond dignity WANTED THi-AEADIAN custom sport ~convers| 1. The portion of Athol Street West which is to be closed is | 15th day of May, 1967, the |39----Notices 0 I thle, bucket seats, radio, automatic. described as follows: ossets of the deceased will be» |warcn our new station 'grow, Clements' MEM rig it prices in town. Splendid condition. Telephone 725-2004. _ : distributed amongst the par- |Superiest, corner of Simcoe and Wil- EMORIAL PARK vrecking purposes. 1958 MG CONVERTIBLE, radio and ALL AND SINGULAR thot certain parcel or tract of land ties entitled thereto, having _ |!!am. Streets. for business during! BRONZE MEMORIALS I hours. 52 Wayne St. .E CASH 300d Clean Cars, r down. Liens paid. AOTOR SALES < ROAD SOUTH 31--Compoect Cars for Sale 36--Legol 36--Legel 36--Legal THE OSHAWA TIM&S, Fridey, Mey 5, 1967 23) ZOLTAN and NICK'S Your Authorized Datsun and Fiat Dealer Specializing in Volkswagen Repair and Service General Repair and Auto-Electric Service Jake and Bill's Garage accessories, Telephone 668-2340 after 6 p.m. Wa dae ee oes %% WILLMAN Minx, one 'owner, auto- matic, radio. No down payment, $15 per week, Wellman's 728-7351. 1962 ENVOY, new brakes, new shocks, new exhaust system, radio, good run- ning condition. $490, Telephone 723-1453. 32--Trucks for Sale 941 CORVAIR panel truck, suitable for THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA of the City of Oshawa at its meeting to be held on Monday the 15th day of May 1967 at 7:30 p.m. at the Council Chambers, City Hall, Oshawa, intends and premises situate, lying ond being in the City of Osh- awa, rs the County and Province of Ontario, being composed of part of Athol Street as shown on McGregor Plan "C os registered in the Registry Office for the said County of Ontario, the boundaries of said parcel are described os follows: PREMISING thot the West limit of Centre Street has a bearing of North 18 degrees 29 minutes 40 seconds West ond relating all bearings herein thereto; NOTICE To CREDITORS Simcoe Street North, Osh- awa, deceased, who died on or about the 2nd. day of regard only to claims of which the undersigned Solici- tor for the Executrix shall then have notice. DATED at Oshawa this 19th doy of April, 1967. R. A. WALLACE, Q.C., 112 Simcoe Street North, 38--Coming Events ST. JOHN'S PARISH BINGO EVERY FRIDAY ot 7:45- P.M. DETROIT VICTORIA WEEKEND rebuilding, Telephone 728-8473, IN MEMORIAM | MEDONALD -- In loving memery of our mother, Beatrice McDonald, who loday. Your life was unselfish, for others you lived Not for what you received, but for | what you could give, For courteous advice please visit the Park Office. 723-2633 BIRTHS | DAVIDSON -- Wayne and Joan (nee Robison) wish to announce the safe ar-| rival of a baby boy, James Lawrence, 8| ibs, 2 ozg., at Oshawa General Hospi | Tributes. To Departed | j "- smnart camper. Tel ne 725-5132. eo B 471, oH 23-9421 i955 MERCURY Vion truck. Apoly COMMENCING at the South East angle of Lot 8, Block B Oshawe, Ontario, [foenke te Or. Beckatl end the an floer MBLER Sagae ter mee bie eee @s shown on soid MeGregor Plan '"C'; nan Moth 7 pill Loc : Solicitor for | others FO truck: itable for camp- HENCE South 72 d 30 minutes 20 seconds. West in 3 : | HAMILTON -- Bud and iris nee | -- SERVICE tra. All car paris. Courtice. Auio Wrack- ee dong te Soon tean-et Lou 6, 7 ond%, Block B of Fl: <li pay a lg re i Ne eager 1 PAINT he dco Noe mS EOE said Plan a distance of 374.68 feet to a point; sade A Mes a |Marie, 7 Wos., 3 ozs, on Thursday, Aer, ANG Grandmothers | nd Used Cars ATTENTION CONTRACTORS, why have '37--Auction Sale |4, 1967, at the Oshawa General Hospital | 0 Finance at ep ee Or Pa lee fare achien, THENCE South 18 degrees 29 minutes 40 seconds Eost a (9/----~Auction sale Froud orenamamter is Mrs, Maris MOTORS LTD. T" have @ combination Bulldozer and) distance of 66.00 feet to ao point in the North limit of Lot | : ph leg angel gad will be published in / =: 668-3331 loader tor 'sale or awe bn, house. of C-5, Sheet 21, Plan 335; Auction Sale JONES -- Ronnie and Betty (nee Cor The Osh Ti eo Drill and eianaien sir Given, "vor aie THENCE North 72 degrees 30. minutes 20 seconds East a SATURDAY, MAY' 6. |cean), #7 herey. to. announce ibe birt | e Usnawa limes wrerry N 1 E D Saar roee w © 9a distance of 374.68 feet to the North Eost ongle of Lot 5, Property. "of "Horast. Col" ing 7 pounds, 5 ounces, on Wednesday, | | Yon . + : uct. : eS i leeel sare. tor 33. iles "i Block E of said McGregor Plan "'C"; Will be sold et 205 John St. reat the iomewe General SAT., MAY 13th " DISC OUNT ARE YOUR MONTHL THENCE North 18 degrees 29 minutes 40 seconds West a East and Ash St., Whitby BOMBSHELL TS i int of nt following the "Bromell Sale', |, MACMILLAN -- Graham and Lynda EY STALKER CAR PAYMEN distance of 66.00 feet to the point of commencement. ' |{nee. Morrison) ere happy to announce| 7 an TOO HIGH? Same day, same time, same [the birth of ther daughter, Liga Ann, 7| 1° ensure publication in this Ahaget t Consolidate your bills. 2. The portion of Gliddon Avenue os established by by-law plece. | have sold the prop- [pounds | ounce, on Thursday, May 4,| Special Editi ina We 0322 We wade or down. | number 3679 of The Corporation af the Ciy of Oshawa which | ty and wil sll by Publ mt. Matin skir™ emg Special Edition BILL WHITTI is to be closed is described os follows: Auction the remaining Ware- | MacMillan, Windsor Mr. and Mrs. Stan ' Ti LTD. ' house "New Furniture' which | Morrison, Bowmanville. BROWN 1350 few © Whitby iar fe a ae hee pace ognd City Sf Ou, | i.98 follows -- Chesterfield, Telephone af lat rr ? a ; RS LIMITED e 668-5871 a awa, in the County and prenines of are mae composed rae po yi cuainarnel 723 3492 ». 3 Osh of that part of Gliddon Avenue in the City o awa, 4 ' | S ': ' g Bp a CARS WANTED | suteellahed blew 3679. of The Cexporation ot the city |: Rede woholitered chairs, 3 DEATHS Dainty lace trimmed Arnel. Lovely gift for mother. for Good Clean Buying A New Car? | el ype the boundaries of the soid parcel are described frigerators, 1 electric stove, | poid, TERMS, Sell your used cor to "Ted". : 1 deep freezer 21 cu. ft, | @oRMAN, Victor V. The Oshawa Times 1375 or 728-7376 TRANSMISSION 4 . 725-5574 ; | i Samsun Wain c0. eax) GQMMENCING ot the SouthEast engl of Block "A" Plon | LOTAL POGUE, gucioreer [taba "Fed hc oe tandard transmis- foot, parts for sale. Iron and metals. ; PRA Died Abe YS DMRS TE Mes, Peter Before bought, 89 Bloor Street East, 725-2311 45 aac Ted lee AE ol cert dll - 2 wiki fp con's Wisocinvat hea i Mrs, ea! alliny ' ne WANTED: Cars and trucks for wrecking. THENCE South BA degrees, 4) minutes A seconds nev HAM PTON George all of Oshawa: Mere, Teraita, "n NOON NTEED WORK No charge for towing. Best prices paid. 278 feet 8% 'inches more or less to a point in the West- Als sant Vibe) eating at SNe Atineitone 6-2610 _ Telephone 728-4549 anytime. Robert erly limit of Block "'A" Plan 302 (being also the eosterly UNITED CHURCH Funeral Home, Oshawa with Requiem THURS., MAY 11th s Nichols. limit of Guelph Street) distant northerly along said West- |High Mass in St. Gregory's Church, Sat- f Montclair, four - door omatic, power brakes, quipped, low mileage, loney down with good Bill Hamilton, Raglan. ffer this week. onvertible, one owner, ny extras. Trade ac- r or 728-8557, Weekends Best offer. '65 Chevro- rtible, 283 engine, auto- mv power steering and os low os $200.00 sleno vs Wetedy Abe of Farewell Street 67 feet 6% ments, fish pond. i manville, Daniel, Oakwood. |all the Doctors, nurses and staff from radio, _reverberator, _-- shoes Raa: ti OO inches from the point of commencement; Resting at the Northcutt and Smith Fu-|Toronto General, Oshawa and Ajax i kl end. 723-7829. AUTOMATIC SATURDAY, MAY 6th __nerai Home until 3 o'clock Fridpy. after. |Hosptls. | C uc es r sedan, standard, $195. TRANSMISSION THENCE Southerly along the Westerly limit of Farewell ot 1 pm. noon. then, to the Mackey Funeral Home, --Kees and Henny Dewit on. 232 Burk Street. CENTRE Street 67 feet 62 inches more or less to the point of RS RS SSR SORE ORD Bice EE io baggie ri jaa p Accor aaa | Fruits and Creams Impala, two-door hard- commencement. 38--Coming Events say. Interment East Oakwood Cemetery.| RIERSON -- | would like to express my Chocolates 327, power accessories, late model. 728-9737, 6-9. 1 Several good used up. Trades accepted. R. B. Motor Sales, 509 &, runs well, food body lean. Lady driven. Ask- ake older car as part LOST. Diamond engagement ring vicin- " Kitchen (Florence), Mrs. John | Shopping Center or Civic) AND TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that at the said meeting the - * McPhee (Mabel), brother of Mrs. John ORS RAR ity Oshawa ( 4 * : Re | Q . if ne gp 550. Auditorium, Friday. Reward. Telephone) Council shall hear in person or by his counsel, solicitor or agent Over $500. in Prizes) saune cont) Mes, Wien Laws, Cn | OBITUARIES upe, 341 cu. Inch buick sories, Fifteen coats of 1d condition. Newcastle wagon, excellent body motor work. No down 9 i r indn Price, wyeek. 'ngateting pears ty nia tied, see sb Street ST. GREGORY'S ' pons Beco of alt 9 Veterans' Road, Bowmanville. DISCOUNT BBILE Deluxe, "2.000 brown and white, slight limp in = OSHAWA," Ontario, AU DITOR | U M GERROW age bg ig ar Patrick BOMBSHELL FOR SPRING Nn, $1,950. 668-5625, ne, six cylinder, stand- loor, _Immacu- Vieage. $900, Telephone ET convertible Super TICE OF Bowmanville 22 years ago. Rrior ence: harer Meering ait cation BY To CREDITORS 50 CENTS LOCKE'S FLORISTS to his retirement two years ago Fee ae } Fi | he was an employee of the Good- : r automatic fod THE CORPORA OSHAWA and OTHERS Includes Tickets on 10 Hams foal cemunentn for "ai year Tire and Rubber Co. He Sizes 8-16. Colours--Loden, Teal, Black, Brown. | - 10 ' * , 5 be di March 25th. occasions. was a member of St. Joseph's niles. Not driven during TO DISPENSE WITH A IN THE ESTATE OF "ets essa Pitas pean wicbeaes Roman Catholic Church, Bow- ena OSES VOTE OF THE DONALD EDWARD All Prizes Doubled on CENTRE manville. Reguler Kmart Price 3.97 : Bp hades Mee ple ELECTORS SEWER CONTRACTORS GIBSON, deceased. Admission Ticket 728-6555 Fk Ege db hor Ng t Condition, Telephi X : tment oer eee ' : Ep ea eaten TAKE NOTICE THAT: ONTARIO HOSPITAL | All persons having claims [Children Under 16 Not Admitted. | STAFFORD kins; a daughter, Mrs. T. Yeo SPECIAL DISCOUNT PRICE 29,000 miles, standard 1, The Council of the Corpor- against the estate of Doneld (Joanna) of Whitby and a son, Pa 50. Telephone 655-4469. ation of the City of Osh- ELEN Edward Gibson, late of the. BROTHERS LTD. Patrick, of Bowmanville, Also fates, radio, six, stand- awa intends to apply to SEALED TENE will be rec- Town of Whitby, in the Coun- MAMMOTH Authorized. Dealers surviving are a sister, Mrs. een Biagio liallg The Ontario Municipal eived, until 3:00 p.m. (E.D.T.) ty of Ontario, Real Estate ROCK OF AGES Martin Byrne (Teresa) of Bol- : i . ion. 576-0206, ; Board for approval of the en Broker, tenet, sti died AUCTION FAMILY MONUMENTS ton; three brothers, Cyril and _ettiniin ' Sports deluxe, six-cyl- on or about the 30t y oO} e Jack of Bowmanville and Daniel Velalela/ clean, excellent condl- base, asphalt pavement for the renewal of the Storm March, 1967, are hereby no- SALE : " yi oe of Oakwood, Ont. and eight ee IN Odean sate and Lege ol _o oh oh and Sanitary Sewers at the tified to send particulars of oe! grandchildren. LIMITED ROMBSHE e bit ter on Rossland Road Wes Ontario _ Hospital, Whitby, same to the undérsigned on : Th i ANTITY Gs 7. Cnt a kate z and on Rossland Road East Ontario. or before the 5th day of June, Everything must go. Pie egw podhig PM Qu LADIES' : "good conditioM new 764. 105 Mary Street, istom Sport Convertible tering, power brakes, struction of 3. cconciute Parliament Buildings, Toronto ; dear dad, Willlam Henni 10 a.m., May 6, in St : vba ace eee | Ee ee CHURCH sty May Shan oe" POE Roman' Catholic Church, Lind: MISS CANADA a ae 365-1079). Dated at Whitby, Ontario this | But ants walt there Gan by "Thee. say. Interment will be in East Zipper losing, drawstring waist. "FRED STONE Talk "Cash" to the New } Car Dealer and "Save"'. TED CAMPIN MOTORS 34--Automobile Ropeir Brooklin -- 655-3653 REBUILT ENGINES 6 CYL. Exchange Price as low as $165.00 8 CYL. Exchange Price 1038 Simcoe St. N. 728-7339 Transmissions ore Qur Only Business -- Repairs, Adjust- ments, Exchanges. All Work Guaranteed, . 35--Lost and Found 728-0117. aie sane be WES (OST -- Brown spinning tackle box, Newcastle, April 29, assorted lures, Fin- essa spool and parts. Reward. Write Cart Hahn, Box 762, Elmira Ontario. i LOST -- Black, ten-month-old, _halt- Siamese kitten, white fur marking on stomach. Answers to Tammy. Stevenson- left. Stitches on his chest. Lost patthn "in north-east Oshawa. Reward. 728-4384, rl PREMISING the bearing of Farewell Street as shown on said Plan No, 302 to be North 17 degrees 34 minutes West and relating all bearings herein thereto; erly limit 59 feet 5 inches from an iron bar found mark- ing the South West angle of Block "A"' Plan 302; THENCE North 17 degrees 35 minutes 15 seconds West al8Rg the easterly limit of Guelph Street, 67 feet 642 inches; THENCE North 84 degrees 41 minutes 45 seconds East 278 feet 734 inches more or less to a point in the Easterly limit of Block "A" Plan 302 distant Northerly in such limit Plans showing the part of Athol! Street West and the part of Gliddon Avenue os established by by-law number 3679 of The Corporation of the City of Oshawa to be closed are on file and may be examined at the office of the City Clerk, City Hall, Oshawa, Ontario. : 'ony person who claims thot his land will be prejudiciolly affected by the by-laws and who applies to be heard. DATED AT OSHAWA THIS 21st DAY OF APRIL, A.D. 1967 L. R. BARRAND, ESQ. some used appliances. SALE ot 1:30 P.M, TERMS CASH AUCTION and BAKE SALE Antique gloss and furniture. New and used household fur- nishings. Plonts, dishes and livestock. Rummage, refresh- ~ MONSTER BINGO SAT., MAY 6t AT 8 P.M. : ae | 36--Legal construction of granular including the reconstruc- tion .of certain sidewalks and the construction of turn lanes and the con- NOTICE THURSDAY, MAY 25th, 1967 1967, after which date the assets of the estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the Executors shall then have Tender Documents may be obtained. from Room 1704 (Tower), Department of Public Works, Whitney Block, SIMCOE ST. NORTH ADMISSION in the Church grounds. CHRIST MEMORIAL | Entered into rest in Toronto General Hos- | pital on Wednesday, May 3, 1967, Victor V. Gorman, beloved husband of the late Irene May Hartrick, father of Mrs. Har- old Jollow (Beverley), Mrs. Monty Neil jurday, May 6 at 10 a.m. Interment St. |Gregory's Cemetery. Prayers will be) Classified Dept. held at the funeral home Friday 7:30 |p.m. | LEODY, Leo Michael |At Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, on | Thursday, May 4, 1967, Leo Leddy of |Bowmanvilie in his 66th year. | husbar ind of Meretia Jenkins, dear father |relatives, neighbors, Whitby and |workers from lof Mrs. Patrick, T. Yeo (Joann), Bowmanvilie, brother of Mrs. M, Byrne (Teresa), Bolton, Cyril a Recitation of the Holy Rosary, Thursday sincere evening, May 4, 9 p.m, | SMITH, Frederick William CARD OF THANKS| DEWIT -- We wish te express our) Beloved sincere thanks and appreciation to our friends and fellow General Motors for the .|cards, flowers, gifts, visits and babysit- ind |ting while | was in the hospital. Also to | | thanks to my relatives, friends | and neighbors for the cards, gifts and| flowers received while 8 patient at Osh-| awa General Hospital, Special thanks to) Doctor W. Baldwin and the nurses and) Entered into rest in the Oshawa General staff of Floor 2A \Hospital on Thursday, May 4, 1967, Fred-| \erick William Smith, beloved husband of | the late Florence Annie Turner, father of Mi |Roches Point, Ont., Oshawa, with funeral service in ment Oshawa Union Cemetery. FUNERAL CHAPEL | 390 KING STREET WEST | Telephone 728-6226 IN MEMORIAM in his 83rd year. | | Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home, | the chapel Saturday, May 6, at 2 p.m. Inter. i t LEO MICHAEL LEDDY | The death occurred, May 4,/ jat the Bowmanville Memorial | -|Hospital, following a month's sickness, of Leo Michael Leddy, Leddy and Johannah Bargey, the deceased was born at Lind- jsay and farmed in Mariposa |Township before moving to (Home, Bowmanville until 3 p.m. jtoday and then at the Mackey | | HENNING -- in loving memory of a) |Funeral Home, Lindsay. Requiem Mass will be sung at --Mrs, C. Reeson | Regular Kmart Price 2.77 1.97 wuenvy DISCOUN! BOMBSHEL| rw Laleelal : 4 DISCOUNT BOMBSHELL 80 ONLY Smiles 'n \r Special CAPRI TOILET 8 ROLL PACK Regulor Kmart Price 88¢ SPECIAL DISCOUNT PRICE Reguler Kmert Price 1.37 SPECIAL DISCOUNT PRICE BOYS' LAMINATED JACKETS HYBRID TEA ROSE HOODED JACKETS "Custom sedan, elght tic, power steering, ) miles, Call evenings cost of $283,713.00 of which $189,142.00 will be raised by the sale of de- bentures payoble out of the general rate over a period not exceeding 10 years. 12th day of April, 1967. MARY pod oon \actavinely remembered by 6n eill_ ana Oakwood Cemetery. a 50% Payment Bond will be : eA Pr TY GNCNE SiR | ired as specified. he A Deposit of $15.00 MONEY | GIBSON and FRANCES ELIZ- SAT., MAY 6th ORDER, OR CERTIFIED | ABETH GIBSON, Executors, Palakacin CHEQUE made payable to by their solicitors, Coath, O'- 9 A $1,000.00 Bid Bond, a 100% Performance Bond and Chosen to celebrate Cenede's Centennial. Regular Kmart Price 2.30 SPECIAL DISCOUNT PRICE 36 Only Regular Kmart Price 5.99 SPECIAL DISCOUNT PRICE CHUCK HILLER INJURED NEW YORK (AP)--Infielder Chuck Hiller suffered a frac- ture of his right hand in a freak NNING -- In loving memory of a jdear husband, William Henning, . who |Passed away May 5, 1956. Dear God, forgive a silent tear, A fervent wish our dad was here, There are others, yes, we know, two-door, radio, rear , extra snow tires | Connection, Telephone E F-85, two-door, ex- -V-6 automatic, radio : 2. Application will be made Fa | Connell end Edmondson, 306 at 10 am. But he was ours, we loved him so. accident before Wednesda lephone 723-3220. | » Appication Ww bi the Treasurer of Ontario, will ys See e ag : : A y Sate Soianafice to The Ontario Municipal be required per set of tender Dundas St. West, Whitby, te aren, a Tae = mie night s game with San Fran- eering, power brakes, Board for an order to dis- documents, which will be re- Ontario. aie tall him of our love, oe cisco Giants and will be placed inted windshield, white- pense with the assent of funded if doucments are re- - 'me ¥ wife and/on the disabled list, New York discs, finished in candy ed. vinyl interior. 728- Mets said Thursday. Hiller was McDONALD -- In lovii i i i ceca sar eam ae Me anes. bye geen away May 5, 1966. ack he hand © The dep' sorrow we cannot fell jstruck on the hand by a line And white ste sleeps sinc tieep|dtive off pitcher Jack Hamil- ceful Her memory we shall always keep. the electors to the under- taking of the said works. Any ratepayer may, with- in 21 days after the first publication of this notice, turned in good condition with- in thirty days of above closing dote, otherwise forfeited, The lowest or ony tender not necessarily accepted. SPECIAL BINGO 3400 . miles, yy green roof, 289 cu. Inch V-8 » power steering and 000. Telephone 725-9645, MR. EARLY AMERICAN 5, f ' i P SCOUNT Sport, V4, automatic, aorid "by fest prepaid fo T. R. HILLIARD c 8 P.M. eee, pat, Hamilton Wan. ap: » rab lerk of the C f oF u . --_ --Always remembered herry, Thel- pont oak. Veet LR ong Ma Deptuy Minister. MER HANT: erly Bird Gome--7:48 [wa Arnett, Ronald and On a "™ [posed to be hitting fly balls to & BOMBSHELL DESIGN 'ato Chief, V8, stand- given below, a notice in e&, one (lady) driver, writing stating his objec- tion to such approval and the grounds of such ob- HOLY CROSS s SIMCOE ST. S. MOUNT LAWN TOWN OF WHITBY "TENDERS FOR INDUSTRIAL lent condition, good Call 725-0196 even- PUNCH SET This Space Snowball Jackpot $130. in 56 Nos. ee perce ee ae ee Reg. Jackpot $200 in 52 Nos : E for sale, good run- 3. The Ontario Municipal Sealed tenders will be re- ' *9- W : Includes: --Bowl, Base, 12 Cups, 12 Hangers, Ladle. le Ma " en se ceived by the undersigned un- Is Available One Must Go $ ' as 9 Board may order pursuant 5 778-2829. | ig Nd tothe note thot the or. |W 430 P.M. May 19, 1967 MEMORIAL PARK | after Spm. sent of the electors shall for ig ys Type Troe- For Your B | N G @) a ot ch cba SARL be ired id t i ower. | i eng Bank te Sepriak te aad place The tector shall be on in- i] As in all like cemeteries the firm rules are simple. Regulor Kmart Price 7.95 Hie A for a public hearing when dustrial type with a diesel en- Message ORANGE TEMPLE | YEAR ROUND FLOWERS IN REGULAR VASES. SPECIAL DISCOUNT PRICE ertible, V-8 automatic, any objections will be con- gine of approximately 40 } Per month. Well- sidertll: H.P. The mower shall be SATURDAY, MAY 6th by ah aha STANDARD WIRE STANDS NOV. 15th te down payment, $10 Gari At Me Coy ae | ee Sr Oe eer ee 'a 7:30 P.M. , | one owner, Wellrman's, OSHAWA THIS 28TH DAY | TOMS. submitted on A Courtec PLANTS WiTH 'OR WITHOUT' STANDS, or PLANTING PER. ae Buner No, dawn OF-APRIL, 1967. tender forms available from OUrieOus 20 GAMES -- $8. Cee. 1 OF : . leliman': - ,- an's 728: L. R. Barrand, the office of the Town En- Ad-Writer Share The Wealth Artificial flowers should be replaced or removed when they City Clerk, City of Oshawa 50 Centre Street, OSHAWA gineer. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. linder automatic, radio. cease to look like flowers. nd mechanically, New 4--$40 Jackpots To Go st system. $350. Tele 1d Whatever --In the Times a Advertise Your Vacancy in the Times Clossified Section... watch reomers come running! Phone 723-3492 W. A. Evans, P. Eng. Town Engineer, Municipal Building, 405 Dundos Street West, Whitby, Ontario, " Will Help You. 1--$150. Jackpot To Go | | Children Under 16 Not Admitted | SIMPLE THINGS TALK: Classified Ads |saitnings don't need for cash. Te maintain the Parklike dignity for ell we osk your individuel ney Flak Yeu On Highway No. 2 Between Oshawa and Whitby PLEASE --- NO PHONE OR MAIL ORDERS " you Dial 723-3492 fof-an Ad-writer now,

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